Durham Region Newspapers banner

Whitby Chronicle, 31 Jul 1862, p. 2

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4- b lt. 3W >.dvertisenhts fIis ay. n. Sale oaI iousehlo iFeruiture-Mi-. V. R. Diicon. r Tsrm--Seniior Caunty Ornsntàr elopi, - - - 'eUliutgllis Raney-Noi-tirop& esyermn liIh &Lmas Mlle to l t-G, P. Dicksoni. ~rts~Insuratice Oo----Thcas.]jO*,ý Auditoi-lsRFpart and iTren.sUrer'a Staleuemîl '--Tovnshin Sf Mtre andi Rama. Pbatog-qpliss-Jose1ih Ssno. J'Fscisera s T-cin-os .'Tilly. Notice - . 1I. (ireenwirot, Solicitor. Caffl.--Dr., uîitruij. Furt-iîre 17itet ry, &o.' forSae--Wîz _.Bonton, Ranar. ' .- Qtlr.ter Sessions -anti Coutsty Court- Cat4ýt yOntario. Puair {tt al s lniuues andîtiSîorùitsca Oats; anti Corn-'-C. D)raper. andi Co. ONLY ONE D OLLAR A YEAI WhIitbyý, Ti ilîr.s'ay. Jîîty'31, 1862 Shal ttse 84i1il11Se Reeusic i We bicive titu li ai' lascime Whams tis Southerti Coli rftu'rcy aluoulti lbereco iujàCt by Ille great iocrstf Europe. A. ciii comotsion, or ici-vil,'lsto ieiucaisuol ie tacs qaiiekily t' i trmiy supressed ; but visen the Ilha1' of .a n tnation, et>uiting las popt)lahiis y triill ions -is!çrts its rigîsî f setgovsrnme ividat, ntistttriitamuies f buntif41 retî ouiciisorei'li traineti -ooeps, mntailis iliillcpeatîuîif ce for a ear anti a Siauf, inth ie face of es-cry ilnagilis- bIsl dillletuty, avid ti i atnt ofr matsy cota- ris antI not a Ïews of tiiemecssiries of isiilifme, use say tIisaipeople kcbaùlti bc ;knowictigpd itn tisa camîiuuijity of nauiofis. 'era are tisi, us t- noir, iisaare isarriieti t'te sery uhitist tsf suds a.resait as tiS, iéd iuiignantly tIf'nsstîd -Our i-e as for jPportin", tItis u -landt iroughistiien lue v.'iekfdeetiîstintuiescr carseti od's eairti." Ileitven forbidt tit me iti taise tise prrtf ickuetimets or iick- - ilituiis. 1We canni. ýsactise -mli in tise sainie iglt as d,*o msamy of aur tesaporanies, aîudit]ii aIvo>isating- tise ru- ,itilOIlleutuSoUtLI, meLioak ta tise Sof a suuigUiiiuary anti uiecesF-ary viar. Il is nsirutiispuhaisie that ai lic tîisag ofered--ia s-ie :ogtuitiwîus-10ownalit i ialases of ill. Ln-iiad lus cabinet are, iy la r tfillae asu la setu. de Itllsiu t rtt it iii lue Istue lie a sai tasenrils tiun:iiatian, but it im tras tuit thecvox mpati %vas toc; ta u ditgreti. Wi caultn ho. arget isii ecrsain nliiisutisa stos or 1'rais-uint -bIllse Wsc, andi ils- jcorse* ees in fa 1 of the tunion, andth ie ref&1iduug >yt sie-apars, - Isutlis snihi in a liii mords 'car sieveuiuis pie palihicilidea af unity, ira have patisy eas eniiptreil uwtS iriat me r entaneipaition. s wsetit a pepe -ppruag it is truc, e samne saîssk aua-elves-Sat an- upous with crýoQiet nindtissapetî berilat tnuichuom ruit, usaI- latug mtîîsy atinlo10A Profession of andi patriotieFn, u is-civecases oui. of n appolatetdIot office of trust, tu. Fata'e ai tlier Positione andtihie Istate tof thîîs eoaltty, ta auri ei 'as, i e caîtnt liai-e for tisatihe ipailuy as fuir ut iore cotuscieutieut I patriotie anti darnert people. erai la tise West, seiose lpraise iltiei frornt Lavenuartis ta Part- ra succesa3ful fara>- loto NorIas-a , bas iseais Iesyinisibaclitmail for- -à,-rarutizcmreiit on ail anti suai->-, sg al sorts of indignitiest tabha upori ise peopIe ; es-en alçuwing s-,n tô lus ravisisati ihouti lîtefar. Lieir protýctioni, or anaisliing*hib1 -;Calitbininisters, andi Sigis 01. us-c ieemu sqaanclerno~tihe publie 0priofusly for tbe-jr wCtadtutvan tage of tiseir favorites, t St t neigteu Brotiser Jonathsan bas run up a 141 tj, fusll- one-iourtils aithé nation- )f Great Britairn, wmeS tuais a cen- ttain ite pressaI proaportionis. Ve ve panry s-of isyantis aijosue e pluaittyratsof instancesof jobs is ustma are alilosti iisrttible. g Luit <eigibors, thutre arc douta. t zreat ad snnd me. Ufitii uglu Ires it uaekly5 es-ar Boi arÉny at Corintb, which bhas advaiiéed fiivo or six miles in as many monthg, la doliiù notting. Vickoburg flot yeLt tka; tand the Mississippi ag-ain in the liýàs of the Confêderatex from VicliAurg wte latoni Rouge. The gun boatî in t6s Yaaos iveý liberateti. NewsOrlertns fnot ail safé.-- Charleston secured, andi the Fedprals de- feated. '12be-SouîI better arnsed 'and equipped, and their artuies. stronger than iÉtisroillab ago. The North wcaÛklled anti disbeart ened,, surroundeti hy traitors, andi srnie of their,,(enerals evenl, 4uspctqd of a leaning towards the South -ail emptyý Trcasury, and such a rapid. depreciation of thse -currency a ass unever beaen Inown siuce thte day. 'of thse et continental", money. Ail these ihings alîpeal- against a cus-, tineance of thse war, whicli for thse salie of Our coniton humnanily. we Siluceî-cly hope ntay 5scioneti. North USlaîhIs sirnatc C omaPanY. Preuident Lincoln lias i3suoti a proclts mation to c arry out thse eptifiseatiloîs cf warniný al- persons comning uiitier ilýs pro. 'Vision 10 situriu ta tioir fihlegiaRtt,-eundtir penalty or forfituretc nd4îeizure'à. 0 course it is onfly. laimihed at by tire South- ai-neya iWho defy ail tihe power of tlisa Nanti to enforcis it. The eall of (lovernor Curtinfor rne,îl twelve montl's Mois4ofrlittlîly annoýnctd to have been Triade wilhonut the enni and drrection of thle re(sidient or War -e -partmcent. A fier leirî, maîde, howcver, il iras îhonuhî huai t tccipt s,îrh iroops Tis irére oll'ered under tise eall. The lair dots ual allow 'bonutîIr'sfor. te ie t nonths mna excepttise $25 ant the lime of7 theit enlistiocatthc misî~$15:is oniy -for suris as enlist for tht-ce yv'ars or tise iar. Tienews front tise 8ouîhîvest-is raiesr Sierions, The tucrrillis matie a raid on rilorentce, Ala., on Tucvscay at. anti hum- et al tise warelsou.9ea inithse cîry îsetifor cotamissary ati qnartermanîers' 9tores, nnd ail tise cottonh in tise' vicinity. hy ia oCzed a United States t steaiser rited for COtveyitig army supilplies over the- alinl. Tlsey took ail ths oyle lo ltotithe boat anti pasengers, andti hea lturned lier. Thse jrnperty 'destroyeti is sit1 toi bai- beels orfg 4ut va]Lue A fe o fenti Mi t'cesiel'stionire xsad u)have iseen 'Cap. turcd. Tise "clî11h1, actif dai thse Tenhiciseriver and ri mrd al the ittre- bonses e,,,staiiiuý cOtIOn. Anotiscr baud aîîacked a wsggon trîii n ieur Piitîliurg Latiduîganticapîniedl si'clY WaZ'Ils con1- vevi- eomistsartY tand ' u erînastirs Ativices front (]tn. Pope'ls armny state that his recela orticrg have canI, ren exeitetîseut ami ri- tihe citizflq, eîpciallY tisaI coaerauthtie oaîh <if alli'giiinCe. It iti saidt tisi here are oittti o iiiàtisai couittr) iliahave r oit't.slz ic itoath to rsuppor->thie Squlh-e ri, Coifoet!racy,rani they ioulti go souuls raîlier haitî reusoutice of in 15 kt e Il d Thsis aid establisisîtiCumpny-ane Ç tise hast lnaun, andtilist rttspeiableý i thes<Unitedt Kiisgtioin--luss exuttuddti business ta Canada. Wc arcagiati of it- Sfor, ai-coiding to gaucraî publie acýlîunos letigment, mua aifer. imnstitutien of tise Sus r-nEtS. Witis a reputatoA-m exuestdint; buel -more tisan SaIf sa century, duritîg ubicis uS camipaoy bas gratiualiy andt safé-ly aditi eti-iisaving, fuir beiimthîe nsaîsy compel: tors ,tIsaiSuive- sprung up fron ttine tc itinte--tisa NOuTu BRItisî has progresdi lis p.ublie fa'or amîticonsfience is an aiex aunplei degree. To tis e lilcis-ncy aul siisfsuctar-y mauagirunt misiciliasucisarne terizeti its irorlcii, of course, ibis gi-ca lirosperity, is nuaitily atîribattaisie, anstiga long as tisa Compatny caicca tise ibip niaines it duies, amougsl its disretors. uls olilcErs, tise pubilie isseas a suifepu aai - tee for tiese abiiity andt standsting of tht insîltution. Ili tisis luoesuity it is, perluape, assiy ne- cessary -ta kîsaîv isai tise nitnie of Mi-. Dose, Maniage r of tise Bankt- of N[ontreal, at Wîiuby, 'sîppearî ts tise Aèemuti uiortier ta eaîiafy publie confiditence ia tise sitnding iud solveucy of tise cota pany. Tiose mIsa know M.i ow are si-nil arie tuainoue but a Comnpanîy of thse sipsctciaace anîd ies4pcctabilîly moalti rectii'e tise sasse- tires oa bs god haute amd resansible-Pao- sitioii. lai scuniuug tiesa srvices of M. l)ow, litre, tise:Northistillis bas bison more ta uitiae- aatdetita misat ire hatve aireaiy saiti, bus lif(e-ortu cx- periaîuce litise cosînhy, ant ksaowietige or tise jcojile pve im adtitstgss ibisfeir atIst>ss passeas. A s ili be seen b> ssare. tisemnt e bsýouupaîîy esbruces botS ire. anti lifb e tearumntst. NothIluOntario Agnîicultural soclety. A meeting of tise Direciaus of tise above Society irai s etIdat Uaniitoni'a botei, ~s soin, ais Saturdaylast ; [tbeut Spears Esq., -Presidetut, ia tisa chair. Alehitien ias ofte ouih On. sans IIOf 46.1ushd been appropniatai fer e6 joint ploeng'ing miatcis, praviticît Iorth On- tarn oarprpriated ikhe sura. Tise eire-. tors presant expresedt ieir approval ai tise aller matde,. sud a rasolutiaut passeil appro- pnîating tisa naquisira rntount, anti appaint- îng, tise rident, Mesara. lioytstoui, Penhual anti lisr, a conmâitete t i. ttise cot- muttes of tise SoutS Oatario, Society- et Ashisurn, on MdntiAy,'4îh Atsgst. Tisa day for< holinug theise ual sow iras iluan flxed-Tiesday-ï >ItisOta ,at Pi-inca Albert. Fise ses-erai managieg cOumitjes emre aisa namati;; sitar ubiel tSe Meetinsg adjoumnati ta- tact et Scoit's -Victoriau uaPrince Albert, i. ten > o'clock on tise mamn ioftise shsows. ExcearsioNS ara juat usai tise'.orter o'0 tise day mesu of Tomonto -Straufard,; Lon- don), St. Mr osa t oiSonwestern loins, bave is'o or ub-ce pieaiaist'trips' durng tisa scason and wmiy cannaI WisitSy T Imua tusutwlve or fiteen car bals ai oui- gond people-gaing to Tor-onto smne ipleasuint Moining, iungtetsha aMnn tIs garilens, suaeing aserytiing ofs îniercst, or tiing 'aiy littie business ile7 Msay h ave on Sini, anti returniug eain in tise evaning. ,(Josi af trip up sud hack 5 uouid be only fifi>- cents, Mr, Webster ie-î sortîs us. -Thse westernt peaplea sk tltet Mayopr twproclaint a bolide>-ancuti ithum outron tise oldeat ta tise yaungest. Such -tigs hcepus knas'n to a chSoter, anti etir up lisose latent feelings ai kiatilineses anti goati nature iici tise crases antim aiieties ai actiu-c lue often mail nigisR quencb, 1 Wisat s>- aur friand3, g-siallmc bave an I excursion 7 ITise -BIBLE TeEuiga" la gtisa naise oi -s new paper cf -8paeis, 8s-o., prn ate ',e tis office for Eider' Js rh Mal. ithe e h e s f - 1 :11 ru'ponîtdI tui. t5rso>' fîsloi th( urtyenticing. tise. usen toi7tisarlnifurn îssiin tisent .wiîis clouis for tlist purpose A tihuttidi ftons the> Oté IhintIrsil cîttiFifil - NeuToris arc saito avanvdoerti'td. i us saýppoicti some or iheai das-rt for th( abject, of enlistimsg insotiier m iui-nIesi gcuing uSte bouuty, Souwi stsu Sait Iotabcla tuse vi-imiiy tof (îrlssii .Aticices front Vî,kclurg 'ée thtlt th( bombhardiuenut sias 8cill going on cis iai occasion respousse fron. tht batteries. Tis ramn Arkaiiu'Nçlq uuisr tise pro)teçtioisoi tise batteries endersroin -s-epaits. jý numiser of pas-sons in- St. Ijoia iïou Fritiay cros-teti tise Biis congtiPe iffc cîaitssing tise protettitai ofîthe Brnitish fiuig Io attentat tSs-ts frons ici enrollu-tin tuhe samie inilitia serviceunuier theri-scrut os-tit fi-rmGoGa( bie. Great ex-cils-mettre. vaileti, andtihie croîs-t ees'srs-Iy buatdil isesvrai persans sisho acre aits-tptiuugttî ge protection papers. Ss-veral ai-revis ivumn maie, amui tue outhîs-at- an finîîiiy eupprecas efl îy uise callirsg uCisf tîse proost. gulirti L IEST -Sir:il îiisglias bhsîci rport- mits oing an unr Ouange CoutitHuse. <len Ewelil, wmus -201or gO,000, confetie. ratas, is r-porteti nean Gord(ouisiile.. Mcm- pliisSas beau apencdt tatrade mutiste sur- rounding country. A sant of $208,000 Sas been subecribut inl Philatielpbia as bounty for volultteers. rP in4sg p4clortipyng pecie fdr Treuusury noies are refuseti, tihe partlsý s-e- fusin- tisentare to lia arrýsfed ati cst of titeir croi sa nut needt for thie ubsists'nce or tisei faiiies- %mil bu seizeti ait soitsy tise Gas-emnntî4Qaarterinsastr. specuaatrs patyiîsg specis-, la violaitiomi- of tisis ortitr, miii bu arresalei tutisent, N;ortis, anlt iepropariy ao tierpeued wsil I hae sçlcizeitfur tise bans-it of tise ît-erna. lu la rapo.iiec tise Faeraistuai-e* es-a cuateti Çèvand Jancuîii, anuit itt tse placs- -s nos' occupieti by tise Cufedarates, anti uhat tisey baI-epossemson acaf matail tisai. paniou of tise MUIltlis anti Chireg. tois itniuay betwecu Memph1ilis nul Coiiiiil. A fight i Mn1or'a Mills ile reporb-ti e- tireens 650 Fi-damaIs ,,dti90() CoI'f -erates isu aluis tise ltter ms-e riouti, eimýtlua ios f 75 to 103 d,%uud n Front Eerojîe. The -ateatntîbp EtIiuuburgli, front Li-or- pool Jitly 17, pasutet Cape Race Sahurduiy evcingr. Sism bringas littîs nemi of iri-ion. tansce. Tisa E-sgîiis pupers, for matit ai furîier stivicct fi-ornt Anerica%, bimdittîs ta sa>- about tisemai-. l'ise Loudou Titié- puibliabes -notiser latter front Mr. Speiu.iu its secassiois corrýspùniiehut, ealssgizin- tise enargy anul tise power ai tbe Coniftteu-te- States. T1t1à sate pisper continues ils anlinuitdsersions upan tis ewsuAntenleas taiil. Tise Visies also stys tisai a pris-tt telegnean front lustia reportedt iat 115,000 Sales of cotous iere shippeti from Bausbay in ans .week. Tise Viceon>- af'Egypi bail gis-en a mnaziificesit antertainmnent, in ori - ental style, on boarti bis.yucis± off'WooI. ibS, ati iei-saveral memisers of the ra>h ai faintiiyandtihetsacabinet mers }resent. Tise sanie cvening M.* Rouber. tise Fi-ench minlter af commerce, gave a grand ban- quO it London, Milner Gibsoss presitinag Tise revôcatign of Edrin Jantes' patent as Qaeen's Cousosel is officiiîlly iînnotsneed' in îsç Gaza lie. - Tise Iaternaîuoarî ni i or tâc lîs ?Ktrots z ) CAN'ADAN PIZE~S. f fi r i en isa f*1lulor andelay a hich preveiite me fro,11 witinZ rapphiing else, 11-a3e oltained 1he avanced, ýheetS of tisa Prize Li.- i suhjoin tIse Coîîadian prizes~.. 31D isixC1rA.qsON£. Ilillings j?. -of Ilse Geologi 4srv'y Fur is jiubtsàhed decties qon Oansaalos t sils andi bis valuzLî)le general cosutatioiiss to Palaintol Ã"*ey" Engliais anti Canatian !Mi ing y~n .2For tIse skill anti perîce rahcom lîl r svlieh tluey have oned lieir gt.unl, anet the dis ovcry of di'Posits eonforti2abýe wts tise stratification,.- r Foley andi Co.-Ftir p~lant s f1ines, ores, and i Iati, sn'ieltirsg in Ille eimimy. liant, JT. Sterry of OC1eleâl~v For t? îtlie svey i'snle.*ýiîct of the crygtallitie rocks of Czanadaý'aUd"ulsv- rions publîhd contrtibutions to geogical chemistry. j Larue atîti Co- For exciellent cuit iron railwai- wbs4s madie from bo>g ivon orc, %ltuish have rit 1,50,000 miles. Moîtîreal Miîîing Campaisy....For in-, tercsting wlrics of ilîpper ores, - necospa- cid lnsaiSections of' thé uork- Taylor, KFo' godof crme anti prepar-ti gypsam, -lîth plans anti sections of tisa iypsaum rmine&. Tise Office'rs of -he Geolozkal Survey of Canada-For aut admairablt' jisepareti collectioa of.seses ilittsiratitsg the mineraI resoumcea tif tise Provid eo. - .Walt.ot, B.-Fur thse tiscovery of gooti ronfing siates. w'est Canadia Miniiî' Compyr telecimuins andi plans iiiuRtrating a ircli worlueuicopper mnie. - Willianss, lte.Caîsudian Qil Compan.-v Fur itîtroducing att imporiant indu3istry siiling artuisian irelîs in the Devonlian St rata for petroleîtt. 11«N. MENTIONS 11% DIA4 s .2 Davies, W.'11. A.-Fo- isterestingj andi deposit.- .MeICair, T.-For fine aud in5tructive siiecinsen of ores, runttîîg s'il tise stratifi- cation,0 anti illutramîn 4tie Structure of the ,country-~ Leuson andi Asilen-Safupies of Indian corti starcis. Fur tise cxcelient quaiity of in taatties. Ou Wlori<-Fcr an extensive lt exiition of thete tcttîvtiveýs of petroleeun. MeNa'itgîoîl, Fi. A-l'omr and& potato starcis. For tis eceellesnt quality oif sain- Pearson Ii-oiieîs-For an ejteDsalrïvc x- ishitiaus of tisa darivatives of petrolent. s Agnicutinuiral Bloard or Uppar Cada- -For samples of ulîset front various caunlties -of e-xcellen-t qiialitv. - Agrieiîrai neiîyof Hentiagilon, Lac-sr Cantadau. (Ona matai te g romer.) - For pn,4 buâlacis per ace. roin isy JohnusPtnis. - Agricultural Society of'jWeîUn-ton- -For.uSeat of excelietttquAl;jy. AIiriculti-ah So-cietfscflentworaismi Asmihuon. (Tisree mettaIs tsi grawers.>'...s- For Siue,.stem 'is-uct, ëgi-csiý iy Joahn' ri-e Vary speio h tion, Denisan, R. L.-tridan cornt talis. For extratiionars- groc-tb. Evans W.-Fos,- colection of grains anti ses-ti, u-elsf-ni anlti initercsltiti-. Fleming, J.-For aceis ianti grains, las excellent aniîteslu- jabhnstomse,1B. -For Ramniples sif >Soues manter miseat, of excellent quaitty. Logan, J.-For sprlng useat cf excel- lent' qualiîy--- j Peel (Ounty) AgnliculturaI qnciety, p~per Canada. (MI-I% ta John Lytial, ISecretary.)-For harle7, peam, andti of f Iintis of api- Wiscat, ail- af excelienti. qa7al iiy. Shsaw, A.-Foir rys of excellent quaiity. Tise AttrieuItnraI Soeieîy afBeauisars.eis. (Fir ettlai"-rded te growers.)-Por flax seat, .grots- iy C. Burgein; for grass seeti îrown lsy C.-Tait. Wilson, J.-For oateat of excellent quaiity. - Tise A gricuiturai Society ai Iluntingujan. L. C.- For Sarley grain isy Mn. McNauigis- ton. t T'isa Agienltaral Society of Wentuorth anti 1laniton-Tba collection ai ubeats. Gootineas offqutiity-. -- - Logzas, J-For bssrfey 600tiuesaof j quality. --j Shawbt, A-PFor Indien ecorn ans mai-rom. fat peas. Excellent qaality. Wýiikins, C-Inttian cortn. Ciooilnes of qualit>-. 'Brouwn, D-Mapie sgar. Excellence of qualit>-.- lieindartit, G..4lass. Elxcellence af i quality. Ha. - e.MKNsI-o. y Rai-. F. L. Heureax-Maple sugar. OtuAsx.Satu . Birowns.J.-Exc'llc r f iytiralic e~ Sts-;îî-ueon, Répîregetitative of tise lie 1.-For Victoria Brid4m. Ibox.Mesa. Stt-lili,-anaD, W., & Soas-Coud quuluy Pliser &Siseppari --For uhe ezreeice tfr ilîs-ir. isicis. uisis, T.-For tce excellence of 15dmi -whjite liicise antd drain tils.. isiqttiDrauin Tile Ctompany - .Daiuu tus-t; ofgaoti uînal-.ti j Resta, ER s tIlti: sJ.:; Psto, Sir M ., lt-tr. ' M . 1 >- A c o lle c tiv e h iu n -. îh ît-, mntionl hir Ille Fcecceseful s-xecitiou of t0lc icîtîria BlrUz.d. nuit f lue ii î,uîg-îiiy dis-4! pîtuYidI liyMr-. jisishrc s ncoissructig tIlte ',ffértjsur tie i-titis>. Crmnisiioisrs for Cnusis--Diipsiy of %oollctu goi-t anti lsnusisîîusus Iyuruss malîu- 'acturs-tiun Ille coiorsy. Mrs.i)uily ais iextensive s2ries of plioto-rajths. [itvsslon. P. J. O0-For thse nm rit of bis collection ao duauoual jourtiais tusi reports. ,ý I -Pa&siOre, S.-W.-For Sic collection or Simili tti dfiai. , -Tliotapson, J.-For esslection oOf Sirtie. Totsgue -anti Ca., OttaÀ,...Asortneiltt ofaifjl .I.i)iatineists., Ris ÉEEa.ît.-r rY UEGisvusaxoa (lui. ztAS.lisas Sean pleasail ta mals ie f ollow. inZ uppoiaitmqtnts,.vix: JTohn MeNaisof ai tue Cii7 aiToronto . Esquire, liarrisierunt. Lais, to Se Cherk of tise Pence anti Caunty Crama Attorney la anti for the uLiteti Countitas of Yas-k ant i Peel. Ejuhainone PaSe.Esq-itire, Burrister ait La%, to Sa De1suuy Juig1e of tise Coamtty Court in anti for the Cosjnty ai Middlesex.t fiaEs ug cys ue G;ovritNoit GE\- ItiAL. bas aitiabSean ipleasedtio grant Lie- anses ta RichmnontiSentis, tif Williams, Esquire, and R. Il. Alfredt, of tise eity of t Torousto, Eiqoire, . D t., to enabie tisant ta pnustise Pisysie, Serges-y anti Midwiférya il) Upper Canîada. Tua PEaosoxaDuiamrnýE.-3efare gain;, ta ivcs, e leama tisat the coanelî a[ f t.R.R- Becher, Eq., mas déaened-îuiont six oeilochc hast cs-ening, us-ile batlsing is tise River Tisantes, inu reai- ai tiese êaetuc of tisaI genlernt. Up ta tisa latei aie- The returo gant e htus-ea Whithy and llýwuistiiille, came off t IJ.iIbs'la unîtuvihlît, on Tus-4day lis, six pins-vcrs tul ti p. Wlitby us- n hîy 7-4. Tise foiloir .T. liiubottoot ... C)ii. M. Tlitiaite....G6, E. A rnstroyn-. . . . f, -W. jl. Wooiîvard.,>o, I lu:v ~ ...61, iýV htiscy . , 375 281 sinari.. ... ...... 101i-t.je. 35 T. Shsaw ...6 28 1 M jtrî- .74, Horirible Wifa Mnien r a 151 jil Flue. particulsrs of a mos diisbolis-uii iuider have bs-en b ismoaisi.to I S isoug the Msit iicf a Soroner's loqa .51 on5_Mon- d.uy lasi.. It a1Ppea'rs that ore Cook, miso i la lSI v ils his ulfa r,4 i ttise villtage of hine i. Cook-, frnr aist of indtole-nce atidisi,ýpatioti Sas; Sean sapar-. ateti fri>r lis contnections, u-aswrosr huisÃŽ tint mife, are ihIgslvicpe 'tabla. lHo. laitstily attiscieil luintiel, or % m arried 1a aL moraan if eqaaluy isati1,b its. Tise ptL'bae sen in tise habit of subsiaitits, ntise hnes-alence of tise pusisiC, antil)n tii vauy someuisaus h ave mad excusa - ---u ses-ns oyr"macý - un - . Cook ait si sifs- Sai jut s-elained irons one tif iiise trips, anti o11atendait t wsitis rts-amnt(ýJof tise nuis of t'Juhs-a - for hier haute a ilisner-ip. Thisslre ateaeIlsi 4-'-evtitiy partiailly intoxicateti.' Cook uini tus uiifc quair led , tisen Secam ',raconcl- t'd ; lien qnarreled algent. Jls'le cf tise iieement.9, Cooks utatati S intention 1o dis.'pose -of bis uîfe. Arrncd antisae isouse, Cook mas beard ta a y, Il NOs d n you, Ps-e got yon uS%vera 1 mant You.*' Tise teânsster, froint ibose esildence Ibils is takuon , aiter Cook ant irne hait .n- -eedth ie bouse, Susied. himseif arouail the door uits bii teant anti waggon, andti ien Seari tise fisst ai tise sculle t1iat tenminat. ait so a iue. On (.. . .,--' _: sund antong a abihty-iisis bis I ance, tisan I Bible Tuacisen" toalrg lsso s athers,) Se t 0 agecnsa resaIt. The SCitOOL PIo Ni( est, agican- tisa day afîtse Sali li anti Soutis. Point. Ws trust QUI: ing, 27t tise bai> 33 year ()a, nil maguiifieent speimens, fronithtie T'iames district, andi 21 sciî;ntiflcally lnm!l Treruhisii, A. LÉ-Fom ma!trnificenî legs of white oak, rock cita andi hickory. NON. IlENTîox.- Blrouson,' K-For magnificent :sections of strobus andi white oak. flurros-For fine sections of "LandI. Citte, Jacois-For fine cherry woid and 'soft maple plants. Qoutian-For nssmnd !oleciof 7 wod' ftisacolcn"ny. i Giagra8, G.-For fineplanks'of timble. iCrooles, Mis-Fior cbllefftio f-490 rative plants, Prieur, : P; --or a ýoleeotion of 74 wooda of tise eolotiy. I r-Rose, E. 11.-For a collection 'of v e rt ,ine black auîsut veners. -- -Cu.ss '-IIL Larne & Co. Cast-iron bollow wiseelý. For excellence of worismanship and prd- vet durability. ShrS. Hamilon _?1jodcl of sleepiný, ,anti f1ighî cars. C ssVITIi-HoN. MENTION. E . %o barti, Queisce-Model of water- wheel. Cu.si ix -MFI)Iu'. Caskin, Captain P.- laor hi colle2tiop of 4'irieîîitural tbols. JctTry, J.-For bis iron plou!ris. MeSherry, J.-Fç,r bis iron plîitigh. Morley, J.-For lis iroti ploîagls. Pato.rsor, J.-For lis irais plougis. Wliig&Co.--For tiseir collection of: ag-ricultursil tbls. MION. MENT10N. .Soverign, 1. .-Conibincîl cuitivatcir andi drill. 'isea ÉrPî elev enaofflteacis ant i.-ind8-si Ciu4a met on theiseglnda of tisa fornier in Prince Alberti on Tisursday tfatefic weat'lsam wais slîowery, but îlsey finisisedth(t gýanse, Liitiïay %von tetism, anti set Reacis to aale tise %ilo. t 9'io'clü; Tise fullasvit, ise score: G5 i".i.1W , - t, ,lti ju.. i , l le has,,... N. i0 'ivei-t ,. > .cl ,thîîî. W'. ilerat-i. hfi Wéllr. i...2b ÀAtittiti....1 J". phinippa h'1a'. t> Ale.-e ihAis W ., 'îAtinsam.te'le H-""nItt1,- - - - - àe.IiWc!, . AI leg Ina tt-e-- t IAlài.l. j, LINDSAY. 1. S. itît, 1, W M ,nî, ..ý- Iivrt 4 M%.Iitigthrd. c Eilai-tonc. l>ie Ifppýw 1 lWnrli 1 * î. sue V. It'V1je i,,ttttOtp.5 us-t c t. c5 lhrç, e1bt, t giîttla, te %V. <iec, le W. ttutts 1 A. IIudp.îh ec .i is te, p Ilit- Il.tr.t, t t ------ t OOl i'tit........ .....e 3tIsa, 4i"i'us... . .'2 Siity thein- tise w*,nscrs y. ight aic, it.-Tise ptsrty Ihen retire te tahie Vice- ria ibid vt -re- tley stt own to a tirat rjsî,î diutter pot 1Itp ini W. Scotts hast style, 'iad iish ies doue ample juitiý'e toi Dùîinem Seing aover eonvcyances %aecgot teusdy andti ie Ileacîticlub ecot(til, to îla lu 0Port l'erry, iltere <aptain l ir witls li,% ne#s~ tun' iasUgrendî tua'1 t-e ise Linîtisay M"ts1uti' ,and an tbs-y partedi-al1lsliglly tielî,lsttdà ct thse titsport. 1 rîI J ittîii - è îre i nol. out ralir tisaisshorten tisestar ifor (2in,în ie lasdttî ine-î .al>wisiieiwir s3uPposet4&Nonrth tibcha lght IL V t i lv o idii i iie-.111 ii ilig, so resu ore tise -cilion te ils farmner uer. r, e -lc"ttrattegical motives"iait lAe tor-ial îgiy orsimpiy, a3 somne aii e led a geniemal 10 retire, usfter.aa ntîîek (,<fcl'r' a fr-oier, it lu certairu that its cituzeusu te: tise eem froes fi positionti#1hieii 'lie Isi caîsoot a to 0retire front tisecontka. st cetiiti in ortiorin malke an assatistit rr U etiil thsey baye ecICUSiVeIy taliie k. lià capital, are pnrely uuiîeigiue t i srupeiiority. qaile oimus tisaf a rutrograeeMovellscmit ----- Oa tliti' part of a besieging arrny -mei"S a',uns orrible 'rnit.eedv at Alîtiabasika. utitetialle Iposltionl, a conlfession of ireak- 2 nasa. a measut:ti of safcty. . pVorare itîformeti by a gentlema-n front a If tise Etgiish arnty tefore-IDIelhi iadti miabaskaville, tisai a sbockin tretiy rhiotci lhiser riglit iseyniltie SuisecMti iai occurreti in tie T9wnsliip) of Stanfold$ 2 fie, atut ilotn luiairetit d.across t iftpr u'm lit thrmniles fron thtlstastion, îore t i a lia rd fig li ts a g a i st a s oD ri i o f tii" S - te. i u lae O nms M în d a y in in g . À int a l a lx0yg. Sq tisaitiseir uiglit waà uisiiged taîned Madame Bourret, wso ihati manîfesteti djul<f ackati d'icm eriýsfselluintithe> si-nptstMSOf ilisanity yaars agoi, anti iefora 7lîft onstise Jîuuuias_ es-en - our aftectitîn. our lièr imarriagLe, and whiose husbau iis flou --Lopes. aund uirfears coulti flt decieiis u il, uh'- UmîitiStaieS, aîlsie liay-crop îberei us iiuo ihle blii-f tutu t ille rtr-ri niav- nsi-dt-eetifber ses-en chlý, a-dtise,,c m uent wi r nîsli laconnequeneaf an! pre. lier oîn uhuoat. lu uippears tisat on Sun.- meditaîtl straîegy, andti iaItishe attack was day night tuere sias a reillee et hem bouse., *as expecîcti resuit uneS mutleadt unthte ndts tigmust havés accurrm eiwtuen z treiigtboenitig oif tise new position. tise dîlparture af the guests antinimning, ' If ýfor -a montent we take tse Tisantesa as for.at fan eamly boum, Monday morflsng1, * utpreaeting tise James River, anti th'in Madame llourret's tiaugister, uio hbsdiseena inaiaa deép anti sltiggish Streant sueep. at tise teillae;, but remidet i t St. Narliert, ing mouridltise City frnthtie norts-tit, 50 calle tehr ïmotiser's ta sec ber. F-indîng na ta fsll mb tiste Tisantes beloir Pliitow. tisa door ciosoi, ase loolîd ila bsougistisa tannses, wos may bave a rougis idea of tite wmndowr, anti ias thonn sbockcd ta Seeigist 2i relationîs of lise Chickahominy wusthuleco rpses-tsnse of bai- mother, ber brais. 3 Jamtes-lRis-r anti Richmondi. To tis emcnecS'ant i.3îters, Theeldest of -the mur. 2l of uthe Cihîiclahominy, tises repm-uteti, iet deret cisiltiren, a girl fourîpeet years of ns tiurive ' a river floiii front tise nttî i-ale, Sos-un; t*i have lsad a daeaesrg 13Wst, ,ýt a distance.rir 12 miles froua it, gic for ber life, for tise bodles of motîle î djs--iscili-ti tise Pamîlitslîey, aundl aiicis anti datîghter weme Iying close jogetier, terra off caîttuarti lut ô tiesa a ssanie andtihtsamothser bati several woun i on hem paint onkt ie Coati f E-e x. - arma1 apparetiudy inlictëd by an axe tisai- Tise Unuion genemal, isiving ativiiaccil iras al-so close ta tise bollies. Tised - st 01-11i ts .amee8 andtihis latter river, ter's tisraat ani art s-cme eut, esidentiy tiuutia hitiseif sitiituehc leaîsomnilbis.wi.vtîs a m-70r, îitch -the rigiti fingers or the. froti. Ile irowa u portion of , , my motîser sâtil tilfibtly graspei riseti tise Ira. crs- ltrver, anîd havinrglii etltks.u s tgey w dicovered b _-tisesurviving tai exteuti s ui-pht by uhe righi linuk tor s-ere foutIn bnrrtti. on tie insitie, tises of th litI>tnitsuîiuev so asta ger(t to thue lorlis of, cli-Se letîdittis te concfluajôn thai.tise Rtichmiondl. Scarcelvi lile doue iowhets di 'iPadul traJî-îly hait bean contnitteti by lh ets-uesiy attai ll ie lefi icliiels bat] crOs-ls. saiune Oa iat e bec a~C/srosside. vil tise river Chi-cahotriiuy, iîilicst <tus t a (ICiui 3ruseîrf tish,>l. svre tiifs-i, taise guni ansd lrisiâtiera. tandT h ie detaîlareuietcoosrae u- onily reuire madn ieu MeClilait ibroîç a large blist iititicernett, tisat a momnanriidino stspporting force acrastise tiver. as*-ar-Statifî>i tiatuion L b t itlas uPposet A A -maIl cavnlry razzia matie, by thse tai-ile lahoring,-urider an attaek of tempo. - nptmy on Itia riglut sa'ee1a round it, dets. rary itîsanity-murlemed lier ses-en ciiltiren tro ys etîntiia-arit uvs-astIs initise l>amtuIn. ud afis-raartit'1 crnitteti -suicide. Mwa kesy, Wa1sti s'circliuig iti,;a-hl atruy, Crosses arc a ibk-iIlta iay a fetvfui-tiser tietails tie itciautmius1i' t, l-ilfi., anîd rc- fome oi-rjaders. lurs rue o t "bcleagt'rrs-d siîy." T'ule. Tie iutkup. of tise utfortunate uomaa coi eoltitsui 1îîiots of tltct anuy -gn iîau;c1d tcas eLai-culture ; anti se ua have lie-.(n maÃŽIîIY dtfic ,,ti oui the rivera isî-bsisut 33 'yeaîs of agq. fer busbaitti, 1antîflees-and Ia'iiîe tilt, Cens-ouihaîb a b ttiîen t irre or lBou .rret, Sait Ieft a short lis-su lpre.pfruu.r ftsr an tasautsiuAnstire ânelny lime liefîsme tise frigbtful occurraaice 1uis - 0tii>'corris oti 'vicislitelais m-liedrtfor tome lits c'lfî q iprovisi,- for tise pnrpose cf di.-unousi,:uvLtiotiiors bis extrl-ea it -ire iauiu oenîtîtîey a- a farrn-asrrii I eitti.-!yalai-a iyCoi-srtt utsd-r ItIse IUnited Statei. Tise deceaseti, sebo-is "Sote-ai' Jit-ou,(ýýO CalitaI frontsi it aoId tn bave buis-n a ,faithfl m ife awst an hetacio ii 'tiha 10aisolstret Oiof I 'îleuost sotier, Sait for a cousiaiterabie tista ruuir tinibis fi-ltt a itliShielsi mt jleusgtl 'of lime hack, siselva aceasiona-l Winchi,eats-r t tSpritir Anaire cluasetij cyusitostsof rientail tisordar; but neyer-af - aiss thirePtomtac. stich a mnaure ais 10 reqeire particular nu- An active offletsive moYemp't lit inma Itcfltioui, or ccci ta excfite tise 'anxiety or hîuîationtîatis Frurmout fores taou,10lier-fnintisantireaivs lSuc ier hus. fail barisettuhe Vallîey of tise Sia'isaa beaIUIî&s t iepartere asehton aacas~ tioislia aatieulytariin b lueuia. Ic1ilu n a vîîist to her-si.itar Madamne Jiff. crasses thie mo etitains nwel rutrgies strssithîJiineitu, of St. Norbert d'Ariisuiiaska, salut îit- is iliiaiusd ttle arnty '*Ilnr '(-iy taib r irouieri-lau-" My Goti, but aur rç-pnf-orct-i,,1 uvischer b-Baaear'auea scia ery i-cal; J at amtafraiti ueshaail Se- or not. iî isi îapot iie 10ilyant i-8uuui foireîoa>r andti iat Our- -cidren uilI die r fli coftiu-s- ai Iticlint'uîs. Tise Pr,,. sîf buer !" l.r dapresseti conditionwus seniue of tihi dtsilellater ani hie niaeis tse more rcntarkablc, inasseucis-asber lues. ses-e to inmîg rale tlisc 8oatisrsi leaders. bandst, tisoutisethn-abset-t was sy no tieans Oui the 261<11 ,,f J n -tiey direct ail attacla iin srauteid fcirclntatances ; ant i bisfamuty on us crigist vwing of hlsn Unioniïs abetiveen. aer q (iite safa (mont necti or isardsisip.~- theCrc.i kaluomniny anti Parnirlk-y iiiSensvy-y 'nSatiay ni-bt les3t, as wo e atsetiincaur- fa e n a m sf ils ( < >m o iL - f t ie a f a ir i lo aise a i ll nien c imisconfa.susa.Il Tse au bi,'rbousle and -appearavi qeue sasseait F daaiis ater tOf(Ths.'tC-dian n . ja oq )g-i a18is. Wisea jber guss t fiber foire rtsitiuug ;-,vers- hardti-h'islise Cuifde- _etaeoa ina hieh .ase mus a-*1 rates." Tsio daye ibard fighiwine 'd tp; the teruvartis bas-e beent. etreat of tise visole of us'te Union ex y Towa?&eiist'Jioncic nextnîorming.ube - tri tise tier adof tise Cisielahoimiay, sn eldest diiphiuer of thse de caseat, andtihen isai. liçvtsnir l ie m cdb ,ta-en l tut oly onê iriosa capedth le sieniîg bateise- river ouii tiseir iinti tlise jamejs ivel.r "'ivi-io isa4 aept i. t thse hôu cfOrla ea. on tisair left. ýýby Ilîcir i-cirenat bas Iet tive'-...cnete 5lier notber's cè5i4enc, aec.- ipea lsuî Ol of use Countr-y betucen contpaiiied* by ber aunt, bMadamte Juneae7-e tise Clsickalîomniny andtihie Plnuniliey ta 'Pisy mer .e surpi-isei antd stiirî cd to find - tise Confi,.erates. thse citions bikeçi.- On going ta tise uia. West Paint anti White rlouse hava faicn dais- toa sceriain- tise- cause,. a shccimg mbt tisa enntmy'8banint, andtirlImebad of, spectilcle preseated. ftseîf, EigIit bois'0'- ise Yorkt River is now Once mestieir diafigtareti uiti - blooti and wioasits wfima Own. IfiMcCielial ai, iio mfrsd- strete tabout. the rooni-sonte on tiai dcnly trauspomnrt i; bis umy acroasil-erveb- Qbers o ith Tn-tie -lor. - n nbta fil- Wleat iv Qats sEU b Oc. In Prene

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