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Whitby Chronicle, 16 Oct 1862, p. 1

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Sfathew Teof7 estI vsaaa, er Iting *sýiitlhhsent,, ,, treet, Wbitby. te the Ueglstry Ofice. LR PEU ÂNNUITM TISEMENTS!- stl ut tiso rateof' 9 cents per sund 2 octtsli er lUse, Cccli usoade stithi0 svertiesers isy P' MONTREAL, MXAS DOIW, Mlanagser. GLASS %WORR!C. s, Ï Yoitaii-- allrsasa, Tsrss-ito, & MAtDONEL L î At'Tt)tiX!YiS AT LAWV, mtrim l e -lsittiNg. ONT AIItIPNON . W.AM Il. T RWM A YN - UUN'T Y ('lsuXaN ATTMI5 its aa-sr-atsss t tsa tssas EILT J. Wl LNaON. .%' A-Iri, iiEYAT ILAW, ('tssama-&c. wtitis, 4W. mLes C. KE,'I.LER, as, sveýr tis t.lcasicle oitaa i tlise vllStsaýç cf lie1sa 'No >,lýia tsg, Dit'asiaaa- - 45 lIt E ENWOOD, s Pt, t i. (in',irs-s test. ont t d vitf h s- ls isk-s Z'Tt, ats tas-a SttttMiii5 Moe s ilt Des laa, 1, L -GUNIN, il. D. VIE coUNTT GciOTs, Wistit-. 4 ilTýEiït, Si. B., - SUIII 151 A'sD ACSlII- sRONESI Aia-'., to,'Vatilisttil fsrliter IF, S(1-11t1 OF FTUE Miti- t-a-se, sti . Essery Otelt- )s w. CRON, CIVIL ENG'fINEBeIt AND) -I h IANTIiTtiLVE, i &o., iGRENitSouoyiTRE Tota ipas. c. ,Etio sdWOF!Tilîs Pdg . IIIJess, bi HAN ssisrt atsitar, 5 nit hI. lia fe.r &~ Wiih calus Priiiteal wordas,.«veut tisaught% a VI. WIIITBY, Ca Dt>LPI.,N rOALOON, N EXT T i FiE Itoymt YEURn evcaing.5 lly STVAGIE IOUSE, ISAC FENTON, TEST Wisic ais!li1sors s. ll'rînpi3ç o anc sis 5is trsetlr gss s atiltîsi atiite ihsass5i- A L13I10N 1-11 T1-L. J.AME.S IBLACK, lit IProslretasr. (t'--att ;i~ sf I ' e l 1410sjss, Pipt lCs!ii/s>.î taie a sis5V e 557iitt li h iia i ais tisrs- isiton05onssi Is ii t:ie n 5 i i ss i,-istiiu I a itestiassNots, î 1 '>a'litia a-lit. is t 'ras lares or. i-'Sas. aSti L IkST IVINI>Sl(>1 lb)UtaE, lu-ru TV, Ir INC ' 1 lI. Il'rT. . il 5lig AN(el0-i 4 ailt EtiAN ib-leI.. s14 ý v as' i lle s t-- as a i'-rai Isi- d a las-r ss sl is: itsii- t 5n ls T i 55 tl . -tI ttass ia a-s' Ia'l Saa 'ar Attlz ias ias t titi. li ds t Is'iita 5aitisstasata, ii a1[ý t he '-ss elOS .111 l N Z'i rtKlE, lic-issa, is 1asatet, sa i-s-nitartes.ý TUETIRA cCLW q ~ ~ ~ ~ ~'r I i iaiE'att i i TIi l it 'aX'Eli iltae ý'aisi 'T Vis 1UL-sAS. Kitis ,ttet, rasassasa 5 (arisc kepisia"'IvtasMI.sties- 'rise îpromaisess lttasdIta',iia te ttrst style- F%uta lsrsaa-raI GLOBE UOTIE.L, nBROOKLINý. i.lata. 5 aiiaie, shas- tlassaltaisreliaséait tIslas slils--'iIis r. sas! île iaies-a. sa lw5itnaai aisst 4' ils-s-iiel a -la4 ýi-a-irltati!55attenpesi5r sseijAsst- tIsa- Svtltýttai lis tii-esas, fi ed l" aisI l w tit'sstt stili ite s ýpasad ctlita' )it -ats' îsrp.sst sas-is-r tss rasaseritise GSIlbe .aaiSsiaaaaarass'tt5a--tais' 's<ttsfs-lssisg. a-tisa-fatiesue 1ilt îi'aca ,ý fol 1d uutrlil- til, st assas-gs'slantee-a :ist Qut' jtia-samu tss5 I salt tac itar, aisioid sairtujI. Msssstu'a!a atta h-ier sasperien 'a'iatske'v-: ('is! Taat,. luolitaiet i lj"t5hi-iimattatsot Cogriais ai atiser Bratuati-s, lPort, iliacry, ais!Cape Wittas, &e., &ea. - (luisittaliltis",andy- ttjOstir. A LEX. -ALEXANý"DER. Broukîtas, -lut 20. 111. b29 CANTON IMOTEL,- D tIFFINS (-alEEK, PICt.ERiNO. 0GOS>D sectsaînodtioator rtiel'mîsttrs-. W. tJTJfIIRT. 4o-liti ropa-ietclr. F ltNT ST.rhF5T, sear taise uarisot'. Iltelilsa, (at. 15t , a.42-1>' MA NILLAUOII>3E, T lr iI ta!rsirna-4 hagm cItvs'taSu nt'ormlMAs friesidas, aitIs tasailtpsulsblics, tisat lac isa - tsa eistt aaaa cIl Isassaivat Isoai, saisI tria 'ks, iat strict sttteltAlltt'a bisines nadîs b> esuragtas41 alal itsii viser for tiseessi. fotrt asic1e! 555'iiiTie ca'f 4giaisss, ta- isasit 1t iare o!' blilcs PItrisaus-. iLoauiqstomesaîtal t igars. Couioertaible om isansaioai anstm analntsaansc. An s-tasttaae an urtarfulI otlasr îlvt>s 'suait- tusidaiep.aar. manilles, (lis. 2Q. 1961!. ' jto.49 T,~ ~ ~ - USELSIOTEL, T a-I IIEj tanilerelutiteal Prmritor o!' tise aisoce 17-e nailliYtt,1EL, lasoreaipestfullin teaîtrize tliseinfriendas alla'itatroitas. tisat aur> hava tto- tise nialser, visi-ti ~theiisslnov tao utfst S LE tise Missaersi o!' t L.es-iature, aise!tise Frai ber, I.ry have nw uralt'ris- n!Iedro ua hrlac hIsasertacet- tAItel, viticis, for-eomfort -MI. R SSELL &-SON. il Qices, March i l, 1861,. CSP1MOON, LATE OFF TIlE NON- quo Jçle!, si tfornavOriy o' hitisy- su-- anmme ta litefrisotte asai tîte public,-ilthat lho - sa rentes!ftise aitvu wQll-krovn hoief, -whicha la noiv tasl ia-at rate os-dem tom tise reouption of c- f4m W5~in" i, iu Lans d aiga>aa - Geôd ,t Sabinz ndanattentive - - l 5-Y WILLIAM STRAUIIAN, & Co,- W kItîLEsiÀATE ANI) EE'fAIL dealera in VGroorios, Wsnus sud Liquaras. Naý.,2%, SWoeî Mat-ket Sqals-e, Fôonte. i£-"Mariner,% rrmdues istatgisia' smi-ei -WtILLlAý>' BARýBERZ, itfTravelling A.ent 19 TUB ONTAIO JOTEL, Northoru Ho tel (Jannington. Tise lserouiug I)tisinesas sttheiiacrîose f4or sisy ktiniasv,î te!, 'tinsrendered it secemsar>- tor ttscsueseto entangthetIts romisei%. uloisft (luisO uSue aasssitiL.rasle extetit, and made atiaar aaierstiatts ad itaprtttt-mtnts,rte'assainis stiii fsarbliiar titp il atfort an%,,csmtdrssaî! tis gassto. Tihe ttài salasasisprisided witht tise ha-st lu sessaas,aatd nons biasiù te s-aaltasstt ofa!' iaies andsaiLlqttors kelit os i te aens 'l'axaras kteepits sssappliedod5sltissle. Csissisa issu tas yoltlims. iBis)tliisretaawatod mter, alivyat ëi stteassi- unu, as4sistes! b>' ick, ta takec ciaisgo oftesî. Csaiiiiata,. Oct. bIrl, lt-l.41 I6TOREY'S IMOTEL, tts5,t iTtEsT, T55taoYýT0, (Osis JJls,ýLa sVrlls qFt7 f tt iMui-ef q05-t 'T ITE itiadsr.sts.osliss sitiirc dtise tisaseWut-1il iasan i-ati-ap.sSmo-ntise lite îsrsspis-i-r. NMm. hss s-.ieasursasnAmo tîn tai iba fi-se sal ls t a hepisioa, tisat theusae-,sis w Iiaeisl-s 'salei-r ficStetsa-s or~sisi t Vi0 ale iof' t s tnl i:sivits. .1- ýititn t ita as-tas sset %e.11lps. - eSsais T th e Trve l ac.ln Public. keeii ataaciir isala'is-sas-litelrtsi TIFIC lBEST 0F 111QU011S k CIGARS sao! li. 'sisnie salt) issa friss-sl wiilidl1tht oas-Iltta -- 5555i st il ittsii t-- JMtIN N t\Ii/îN, WOO.N'S 1-OTELj, a wo ON &JIROTUIER. IVI IlLIA 11KAULIFFMI IA -NN ARC HITEOT. IzJ- 144, BlayEtrcçet Toronto. FARM FORSALE, lJ-rtE lt7NuIIIEV A(;'IiE-at naI tarisais- I a- 5a' f55 ai - - f Lut Nas. (, e tis a, rtas l o! asb.-n , 7 iia Isl s't'osa.1. al tise ' ýl'a a- att' lattf- Otwlta. S loiaii4ss sf cita-sas foi lassa, thast i. in s -sys --Sixslaulein sla iaat- tOtal- ia taia at' Y'tei fasr fit las itaae. F-as hisriltas Istrt;ssalýartlaitrtaithe proitrietor, ,OJtiLvRiCIIA-IIDSsOX", Tassa ilts 'Iitl>y W'sî ,Ms'isatis 1661. MýNALT VINEGAR. L FIl AR aIt osa asîrholied jisa large XVh1itbv Brewer V. p! . W. 1l'OOollW'stv. u'l tsiatiiisila 'lt tt, o;l Wb' G. ' ý lorii-it; 'tW .TtOttsi t oimks ias E s,. ri- of.a-' itas (isae, utaslbP Aas-c5,mk on-o trissai, Iaittttmi Messao. Maitsati y!-o A aO». tNba. utreail; M>sasse. W. Piie & cSust,i-e 1(0W 15 TIE TIME. G ET Y TI IKENESS AT J. A. Clarkas lis Prise Pfotere Gallery Fp yosdeaire seoorrane! iit'e-lilic '4ae's I typet, Cl(tit-attt, ietterurraiîsit. or T-s-stiser 'raaa;mfiùr, aPr a [liciteainls aLi-eket, lîroacior Iastar-.A. C. a-tua(in lst i s e hst style, i-t iILKliNtON'itt BLSCE, llaak .ts-aelWhithy~. T fePP'RANC'P- lI>tJmig,,IRAY $1TiMEET, IF arsatas,sîatiedoua-s Northiof i ng Stress, ai N P FtS ?aATIEWS, ,,5 Lite tf !Internationaail1tela, Pmsprietoar, Sherift's Sale- of Lands. Coil ats' o ta 1rio, l"' -Nastilsliy thae bOta Tas wit. » 111y1 !'1V leeuM. r A. T).156-si, as 1-1e'eioc:k, tîtînti, ialîl i-as ols! b> istie Asîsilse I, sttlaay ailes, intise Cetar issn the w f ,evu ot WithN' u inte ceunit safu ati-i,, is rgittitis, Aniilim-cet wviic t-4ss in tue aidierilwettiil laia]11 ud lnouee-; nttis tissistn, sAoizodtim a mlaier asis! isy ir- taie otterteita rits OltF ien Fuciata, tasa Its tue Ceos-t cf QuIcee's iencise. !tenrs' WI!Iiamns, Willionillmaoks ans! Fa-caer- ici, W'iitiaoris Asirt of o!'tIemtatu ai' Abrialitan i ttridge, waikrispt George Suber, lu tIsa Cessai>'couart. orît'Goprgo 1ITem, 1 Im lilntif, 1 D)auut1il vr, Ail tbimti ota Canada Âgency Assm pais! loto suy ast tise Agenaies (tftloue A.lin. noc îl, Ifl CMERON & MACDO» &RItlSTl.lUV-astnt Attaseiant sa-T B tors CoIasasat'aiataiiltatertu 5 1 Costilion."e. tltlty. M. C. CAMsEltON. 1 H. J. MAt7I Mr. -it. C. Camaseaon iii eaudsaet the iaag cosurts of Assis-, taÂ%., dtt. DWE LLING TO LEI 4.5 A freaaseeemipied blat 1 J u iy 8, liS V N<STIIEIZ TWtt STtalY Brick s t hcals. lok WIitliv, J-liait8. tS:. R. E. V. j at -it,," e et sa t s as a is- o ls euta-ss-s GOLD & SILVER WATCHES À ME, RiUCIN CLUUKg, fs!'Viins sa tatta rwq. Ladies & Gants Gold Chainss Rings, Brooches, Ear-rings, LatemtSvt ' ,J eia'i'(is osk 'eqlsl a a Butta-r K saisisil s-.. aSsai -J.il-Eti .OIENSTO'N, Fai11.it( 8 tre k .treuî,Wity. WAKZ ER C F1IRST PRIZE' WHEELER & %WILSON îAltP - Presaîcin Sewtasg Machines 2 h, 2bl iittjui'tw, '-701 lutasto, 1 bMo t2un asaWO aisvos ieste. cd .Tsnzeos- L 'os'eWîteslear &Wi lseui, ifil Wa'nzer & g io.2e tiiiacr's tstuu a ven sdi ttilams, tas'tIalis 't' sfArts asud Mautalfile- tures, st tlt ecîtauiffeslîssîitîîe, Tourtot. Tise>'alsa aok Ftri.t Fatras l'r7- ut taicSt staverst Cousait A4,rittaiid air-ait Iiiil.. teaPari GsuCitit.'ltars, Mausviue, Wuht- isy, bastg Bat'aas-llc ;tac iit, e.:ery lâce iwotaetu>'mve taetenoisibted 'Aaazcr A&Cat'is WissaauaÏ Ilotiansa W.atze t (O aii-or, lIxe n'Mattac tisat ss-r s-Se ,antscemdin ise Unitea ý;tates or( Iianiada. Sonate parties frer lite State have it i- ponting seue lnuoakiteorsiaiuy, Wss &- it'iteoat Maictaties, sassl ai itiato'issrct-eis'es soeaprazes on tus-an, -ayiatrh a-îwll exishîsog for, by tiasîn rast Ias dise » sas, d.lfiss-,,a tiassa'n-luuaer oftaf iiiiaîsrted ilafa-a tis eaiîsysaos saî' -ie fa.- tintslty awOi- ita ti i aucituesthetusaiaes fn osr a~ Tisa set s olt-s r o( Sa tewilig Ntaehîtis sre - oisag iada-siiho la -a, by R. M. WA-NZER & Co ue evor mue nnaafused th dlinetUa . S. bias-Site stinrip 'sf R. )LImWzcr & Iiî. il. Won anmt phame, i; se.avctaPence, Progresq, Xnowledge, Brotherhood. DAY, OCTqBIýR 169 1862. StuinssesAtdresettto Canadlis. Ai.d tites wr-zn.i sthetitsLkieis Wis;lsî ttte lunttsIktr)- je tbaIlidin0 Anal saisis litcrobravsaty dies.- Cernes4 a qt"sion te yen, drcoitiling lIem bhossiesatiaas fiag tlitiat ca,#- Oas.t 01 ail tise ward' sild Isening- OwI tIlie btuotliseriols(ofj >1niai And thsat qis-tou-alhi! so sianplc-- Yet t tîtstst bc anIIwcrasd, fric-ssds4; Grsv-hisired ihan s ud csilu d'saitple Toit h. tirriuir sigssr ln Monythrt!rustia It iJsestaîîn olses- ll Y- et -the aie ry si- Yaa i o Te4-ual mie sdi goblot,. >ktt utziare, szaadeu sattecu Matita trt-hset fritsn'ns aqure Ailt a Atg5ç-~~aiaise.stî nctisi- Ussai O as t lier vriisII is. th'stassi in iii kpride IS 'islitidvil faftir Freo-ditm's iiridc CA!iralsý tht ainas,, tut atataicitters Fçr ilsis'vi.sarsa tuh- \vesteru vasrld Frasthio si.app' t stee Tf) tht sa-iltiti, bliak iniohttr!ed thavii ii"mgi tit ti fr airy w hite aii ss1ek t um as tsitii4llsiors3 Froitii M itrtiîe. s,,rstiv it îs&a.ry, Mtii t ~t thtc uttitpouir. At! ttiiexlt id ss tho. itrsttger 5h'aasa t is ii wtivlti fit,,sfret-, Brig4Ibotise riinýpscf tsus' anatzer- !rea!4ses titi aisse cfLtsrv. Tisat vis isi-tyfsr soi!. tisteeiising ilt: iisstusaat'ivssssasrwtse.st, Frliatisises faîstttî Vits ssIsLsitg's retrisat. (' as! -asst (isisi !-tiihesait fsi prever NtLsIV ski ie tsirii-a r iz- (rIiîthiis UsjI(It-.jIik anittire 'St s th >Is.sssi ails Af!..5 a-tae ! Gltsi tsas T ilae, sisand ite lier iver; M tv hast eiiisis buc isrletl Frasit; it tir iegiaassl Ist fsaraver t- 'i.t i st L.i-tiiu W'stteru stitria Thse Jewelted Walch, Amn.. tise nias>'ofilcors visa, at tise close o!' tise Penfinsular ver, retired on baf-pny, vas CaiPtain Dauon, af-tse regiment. He isad Intell>' married tise pretty, poruiouless daugister o!' a deceaassed brotisér olicer ; aud filles! sitistise roman- tic visions of' rural blisesud 's love ini a eottage,» ltae pair, wisaiwere equi&lly un-; O 5I5IJT a],supoart etfincise tîbhy- viqitoms, fCriaesl Ea serlous item i hi erye- pencliture. -ierytti x For a visibi tise>'struggîet! an wvhsut falting ia odubi ; butt ilunagîb listit gial!> feet elippesi intoa tivantex vbiciî biusen- golfeds Sa ssy, sud tiseir ull'uirs began te assume a Wçry glooni> aspect. About ihis lime aunalveturer sainedSm iuths, vIl svloasas aptain Daon asbecame osasaîl> se-. qesiautet!, ans! viss plausible mauners sut! appearance completel>' inppaut an tise frank, uusecting scîdier, proposes!ta bim asinisisfer insualng, os bu represenlet! it, à large andi apis fatune. Thsis vos ta b. effcted b1»'etnbarkiug considenable capital in tise manufactuesof soa ne nvkins! e! apirit-lamps, visicis Smiths sssuret tise cap- tainw vauli iseo nce kuovw, oupercede tise use cf candIes.aud ail-lampe Ibrougisant tise ci>igdamn Ta seat- bitsdeqeantoitontise mat-velIons virtees aut! mouey-mnking qualities of tise lamp, oe u ons!bo inclinet! la take blus for tise unes! descendant. c!'Alaslain, sut! iniseitor o!'usai scanipisis inaividual's pre.. cloua beirloani. Our modem ma2ician, Soveer; -,csoidl yccufessod iat . sîil Dout -strngtb la often fotînal lutise deptbs of alvorsit>', courage lu despair1l'and bath odr- bora and bis vife set' resolutel>' ta work' ta support tisetselvea ansi their ciils!. mon. nappil>' the> oves! no debt.- Ou selliug out, Captais Dettan 1usd bon- omis!>' pais!ester>' !'nthing bo oves! in tise vorlalhefare ontmueting tise neniaiader cf bis capital ta tise uupmiacipled Bmiith; and nase ibis' uprigbt conduot vas lis ovu mc. lias!strate a beautifasl hans!, ansi viile seoking sanie permanent eoîynt, samuoti a trille accasianally b>' copying mn- Itoscripts, ans! ograssing ln an attnmne>"s office, Euis vife varkcd diligent>' vush betr ueale ; but tise cure of' n yossag tanil>, ans! ste nccessty o!' diaposasios; sitis a sor- tant, hinulemeal er'fromaniadingè r iocis ta. their- resaurces. 'Nnteitbstandiug tiseir oxtrenie pavent>', tise>' uanated ta proses-vo as deceut appeamuencut, sud ta pr-ruetovn tiseirociglîbors fraîn lcuaving the atrais' ta sebicla tIse>' oeoften seducoal. Their uitile cottage wvanlvn>-o orquieitely dean anal nt;ansaltise ciilairen, alespite cf çrrty fciathing, ans! ofseu insitlm ttfans!, issokealns tht>' vore, tise suais and al ugis- ri vus Mrs. Duîîau'e priais ta preserve, is- respectable appearance of!beheieband's waasdr<,be pand often dids! ie vork tiltriaI- ni Ihit nuraing bis con: ans! dtranug hs litss-, tisat ho migbt appear as unaa asag, id former âequaintances, vise bat! poster il iin i, sud sautait dieir intiarest lin a btaîninz sanie permoanrtenplayrnt; bsut tise saldier, visa vas us brave us n lion s-iot afciug theise n>, shrnnk vitb tise istidity cf a girl frottaexpasingisi aso!t ai- s-huimiliatinfa!'nrefusa!, snd coulnet ai-er> ta confuse bis ur'gent neai. lHe bad t'Ia'a mach delicue>' ta pres abis 'dcaimns; bo sm-ast tna prend ta ho isepartunate ; and 8a attiseras ucceoedalv'leme ise failet!. histappiancalhtis tise gessorasi nndor vison ho bas! serves!, asd -viabas!]est sigisi a!' bu since bis retirernurfrou as service, came ta spesîs! fow s nnib ai tise saterlug place noar visici tise Dut- tans reaideansd biret! for tisessesna hanalsorno furnislred hause. ,Walkioaa onu mrnoning ou the sundo, in n discousioîbe, mn os!, ur isero sav, vus -surprise, bis former commndter apmnéaching; anal vitis a siadchn feelinig o!' faltio shanie. lo trIes!i ta aioid a nconition. But tbe quick1 oye o!' General Vernan vas net tc bu clu. des!. ans! intercsoptin, bu sitis an out-1 stretchesi baud, bu excaimed - ta'Wisnt,i DonttCn le tisat yon ? [t soutis an age 'sissos vs met. Living, in't tiis neigh!bor. ,NO. 40 i"isight quarter us on aur host for an inde. funite tume. I propose a mauch more spee. dy and. satisfactory expedient: lot us5 ait bo secarcied."1 This suggestion was recoived with langli- ter end acclamuations ; and thse yousg man, presenting bimsistf as the- first victii vas searcsed by thse vaLlet, vis, for thé nonce, enacted the part of customsbos-officey. The-6eneral,. iso at first opposedl this piece of pracical pleasantry, o nded: by laughing< at ilt; and each sosc inspection of' Pockots P'toduscedfresh bçrsts of muirti.- Captain Duttol, nione took no sisare in i at'vas gaing ýon; lii haundtrembled, bis, brow dar<ened, and lie stood a us cnh aýpait as possible. At length his turu camet; tise other gucots bu! ail dispnycal tise contents of tiseir pockc 1is, go with one accord, and amid rpnewod 1laungiter, tisev surrounidcd 1m, eca th iat ho moan ho thse guiltY ana0, 0as le7vas tise lsst. Thse esptain, Pale and azitafed, MuttoŽred sanie excusia, neurd amnithtie upr'oar..->1 14 NOw for it, .Johnson !', cried onec te tise val4t. "Johnson, ve're vntcing yau VI said anoth&~, uproduco the culprit.11 Thse servant advanced ; but T)utton cross. ing bis arans on bis bresoet, declitrcd lun an agiýated volce, tisat, exceptî by viulence, noe 'ehould la"-a ad on' hlm. A ver awkward silence ensued, visic tise general braoke by seying: ",Cîtajai Dutton bi rigist; this elsildi's Pinay bas uated long ýeaiogh. 1I daim exemnption for bir and r tastyseif.", 'Dutton, tremhuiug and onable ta) speakc, thaniked isis kinti host by a gralefùl- look, and tison tank aint]>'l opportnnity o!' vithi. draving. Gonoeral Ver-non did otnMakte tise stlgisteet reninrk on bis deparTù're, aud tise rrraiing gusesîs, tltrough politeneos, isuitated bis res;erve ; but tise mirts e'tise eveniug vos g"ne, ever>' face seemed ni- as, and the hast ii!sl!'soenied graveand' Ceptain Dasttou spent san i te lu wanderiug restlessiy on tise silnâs beforo hoe retsarned homne. It vas late îwhen bu entered tisie cottage, aud bis vifsccoutl not ropressoanexclamation of. affrightvison, sho env bis Pale &nd treubled caunte- nance. "Wisat bas§ hrppeued 7"cried se. - Netbîng, " replied ber isusbnnd, tisrow.- ing bus!!' a achair, and lsying a sini packet on the-table. -'You bave cat neý tory deair," ile sais!, nsdressing it. Iu ,î;iu dids! i ie try te oasiseb,_sdý obtainan auexpintiGou* sNot nov Jane,>' be aifi "taurrov v e sait sc. To- I e? ,M Y (tourtehî1 P U e ctsey Jane. Tar as nan>' affectiona tics vlisils made me iaker ater letsy Jane. ler atbr'e farn jind ur ; thrce cave and urn al squect tiser tisrt attie game spriug; aur OId mares bath bëd stan ian tiere forreds tie meseNb boke ouI in b ott a !srm ilies t e rly t ise sa ie p o r i d ; ur parents (Betys aud mise> lept e- au arly v ry S u ud sy i u t Ih e sa ne ueé t iag boue, ans!tie nabots used ta obsarve- ttfI0w t ic k t ie: W a rd s a n d t ie P e el y a r P " It vag a sublim e s g a in tips priassa o !' t is e a ou , a sce u r s e e r at [ m th e r s- (Betsy' s ad mise) witis their gows pia'd ip so tîat tlie>'wouilda't silo 'em, efftes.c3 hainitefl>' hum Sape together &aosntise nabots. Altîa1I ianýred ltesel>' arter tie ob. jeck o !' i >' afia.-ls isans. 1 darsent te i[ ber o f tie fires tht as ragîin lutu> manly Bu- zuni. N'dtries! taeda 4, but eay tuag vouîil kirwullap up agio tise - roof corse>' niutis and stick tiar, like dethis a ndaceest Arri- kan , or a Counitry postmaster ta bis cfiï, sibile m ni>'isartvtged uain ny nibs ait ldfashioed wiset FMale ag-aiu a bar fler. Twas a carnisill ite lu Jon. AUl natutsar vs asist, sud uer>' z'afTerdistturbed tie seren suoens. I sot with lose>' Jatte au tho fnce of' ber fster's iLsltisar. W'd] bin roam in throw tie soods, kailen fl ew oasrs & drivera the oodebaclr froun is Native Lair (so tse -e-t-) ida, long ticks. Wall ve . sot t iar on 1 t is- efnce, a sw ifigiaa aOur foot tva A& fro, ublsiin as ted as isho Balslifasvilîo skoal ish ose vison it vas fîtrsi paiued, ud iaaokig ry simple 1 nisuls na daasbt. ý1ty. left atrm vas ekepied - in ballunsiri myef ou the fnce, seile MY rit as wvouiaded luvingly round her aste. 1 cluarta! i ' hraaiansd trcmnholingly ' s i - J d y y o ei 'r e n g a z e lle .' I t h i t 'siat air %was putty fine. I viteal ta sou viat firpt it would haste poas ber. kt evidenl> ditn't feteis lier, for sie sp as!d saîd, iYour'r a sîscep !' Box T, 'liersy, 1 tbiik very nichl>' a!' yoej If dol's.blievo n W o r d > 'o > t g a ys , 8 s e u s r e n o v, c e r n , t' W h viiclit bsrvasissn sh ie iîled ava>' frotta nie. 41iols tiese vas vwiasaers in my Sa)Ie,' sais 1, 'so tisat on tould sec sinme cf tu> felins. Tisrls ie enil' linere' set! 1, strikin i>'YItiz7iiim vithiny i t, 'ta bila ait tie crn be! and., trnipa, in tie nabsr- boas. Vr,30 5s ai d as i ls -C reator ai ni't a circûsrnstaue!P se ,bowes edr lrlon dansd comineust cheing tie tringo. cof ber sun bonnet. 'Ar, coald you ko tie sieeplesDites 1 vorry Ilaraugis an youratsaut-isov vittle.s bas seized ta bis attractive ta ne, sd aw usn y1mbî bas sirunla p-yau vud&ct doubt nie. Gaze on tiis easîlu foransd tise. sunken ehooka- 1 siould have catitinued n this strate proably for sum imte, but nfortunately. I ot niy hallnce andi féli ovr itu tie pstur ker mash, tarig us> close ad se- verell da mlu nysef ge erally. Bos>' Jne sprng ta ini>' asistzce in double qtsîcsk sume anti drsagged ne fuisrti. Tisn, dravu iersel1t up ta bier !'ll bite s so god -I W a't isten t a y ur n ttents ro c lnger. Jes su>' rite strate ou naît iity're drivin t. If yen mena gettig itebes, bars, xatber fsurprises! tise veteraasbut true canse.didt! ia ocue te bm.Ia.le s gragat regard for Dutiara, conside-r bim cns o!' tiseisessut!dbrassest offils under bis commiand!, anal vos siucssn pleases! at meeting bise aaie;,se, sfteo Sen-miutes' celloqss>, -derieg thse progr a!' viicistlbex-solt!ier, 111<. the var-ho visa pioka'ap hie s eat tis mns!oft tmumpet,becme gay' sud anitusteal as( associsîfûas of tise camep sut!field cal back ou bisa, the genersial ools isînsSei tiI>' by thebaud, -andsi sid.-asYcnlls di seuls me. to-manrov, Duttcu, sud îmeet fev o!' tise alu frieu!s ? Came, V'il ta noaexcuse; yon must oct tur-u hersaiti cuir banda." At first Dutto iau sgaisi>tae >'fs but au scandi ihcaghisho acceptes! I' invitation, naet baving, isashes, an;y- 90 contre ta bis vife. ""- immediateltoon- t h à , THEII --7- 11 qk mil Ili ei

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