Katbew Teefyr 1JNS ýrtlsrrev'n t unIItrtttil' I4enpar- ehsrgtîdA ntte rte cf S celnts pur rtloîu, and 2 "olsperElleo, mmcli limertictt. tract. madie 'ith mdrtisors liv discolitieienadvertlttfloutm meot lin~ MTIEI LASS IV3 OUKI.' &il.Wb0!uELL, BAREISlTEII, ATTIIlOýN L'S OYc NVEYAN *5,&e.&.ooltio tier OI'. hoso' T)A.'itt1IlTFRAT-LAW. OFFICE-BROlI( N. (.HI! J3 AEtIT$fTEI, AN'I) ATTO1tNltY AT-LAW. MQRflIOfON & tAMPMfON h cb trty Toror . W -y 4 - N . L It NEL %1n 0: NTY CÇ1tuWN ATTOIU B mx..d7..&r o enm,%ct-ad1 tirroti "'soti Bniei i oo, ro'- . YJiltry, Aîîg,. O, -b.40 RtOBERT J. wiV4ON. 13 )IR1TE J A UIIRYAT LAW. B tr Ft o &.W;Iritl)', C. W. ()tfeu- W rluee' Wort BrlirStret, Withyv CULAULES C. RELLER, T TORS FA AT LO\, SOLICITOR 1 ' (;iarrrv (2îivyarr'r.&c. (fle-jin litt liliMlle~, o11rwir Ukroir oliree, iirooe iitrtr't, 'Wlllbi. tonTowoiriip of Thori d 'otnty t n tario. 40 14. Il. COCI .t-N f', L. L. 13. Bîroet. 1V II 4 1 T CA', lAN'Ftl',& 12XXCN '%V. Il. BILLINGst. y)ÂR1~TF' ATtrt.EYAT 1W B r u(iro.'vWliirC'W. Offle.-'Wal'r'M I tidi11o, ' -kt, itly JW. CALU)WeLL B1ROWN, C O~VEAT'El0 (OMMISSIt)NRiI OR sontCourt, ~o.r leri( îorlAgei., Uxbnge <-$'r-Jio6 t reot, il anl>' oPPoitp the rhr ii N. 1B- 11 oti,rtr"oiv rrtd rbiseno v iili yem. n'îblo tLrti. o uli îr, 'îpt lrcmittnîiiet Bos-ertaut, Sert. 10, 1461. l S'TR'FtNTO TIIE COtJNTY GAOL, - b .7. DOLAND Al, M. B. OiIti.Vron-rmsumto. iierpSt pidt t luio of s'omoe111cirrm aliilu. 16 R. W.CLARK, M. D. At Seillîtro'. iote], WIiîty, ,uuitbmfurion - _____31-Y TILMRT 'STRIZU 50h1h11 ROF TIIE ME- -'ai s' 1 i,ptituite, Wlilby. Ruer>' tian aseorritohe r norîtsacîllu fi; ARCITEOT, C13,711, EXNEEII. AND 11.1.1 Aefont Whiitl '11-11V N C I A T, 1,AND SURV EYOUS. .ILJlmuolieio1,41ouid Aqt.. t, COL uy umiOrs &C. VlsîiÇstil d'onîriilrwn inp. Wjhht suri thlmt 4.10 v!Olti1e4 ,'limbItlanis ot'on *Witbt caino Prluted -words, greûtthals u VOL.V »OLPUmN SALOON. ElTXT TO TRE ROYALÃ~YE5,Xv i~lttoToronto, îO'rc )CIiiibvery ST AG E UE ISAAC PFENTON, lropritoo. I Q' ) 1 "T W ott% l ]!'flîl' m."ronlT B) i l lIll Of0r tritv Pl Irli " tblîlog Nmd otIriliv looir.10 Grau-d Trunik UnilwnY liotel. ( R*7,4I i'f ilra r po0el , port l.U. fiowrl I IlOIN cii ry toi on iis oit uvoiorio. ( L.' iquorsWot nlrdis tit ore. W'lrhi ,Jrani.194 MtO. ut i. oli .îl r iot. iiesic. Il ýjFiuo irot ottîl is ittîntoî l ilipiiî~î mi r ir'uierl prri t Ir on rt 5rcl'rontt rotai. totrô ir' odriî,nrr ots tr tt'uv11rhlr. - stoil u nd rî t r trtîrruiomtrOl'.'2 ICOIA ITurJI.1 jANGLýO.AlI-IJR1UAX IIQTeL. Il'tliSOt tLItEUli. rI h E hhi~rlisai' , ul optî J lr"0' o- %,. iiîrtii tr' til o ia'tli'1thii J(llk11 iNlir< Ilih-. icAtl (ûeiteolY o cil it' Thn u llEohc-iindchu o osim nrU ilsiini table id ire mrtl l îg lîtîhî IOr tnl~iît l Ot->(. é stnol îr0îî- il Od trî-î' riîL tn'. lt' rlus hriml li'tî'hhî u i trrirî ItIi r1 trUv c -Ir(nh1îl utrvcyilt u o r 1O N 1I O J'11 L th 1 ýN1 n1CoteIrnlio ottnird urr h o ','! subnfrt i îý tî i-en urii'ly CA LE& Y '110 TIA 11LN.I 11,' pli t ilîr'e oi urom id eiotihi orîi u Orrt r' ocî0fin t t l te1ite l t ttn hi trtl ieit .r ,u ,îîr ii'trlrri i rtiP r tri nohûjryt ia Olîtwr Tlînrtîtrtb~l iwtiîntlis f n t îd Iiî,t 'tll euhX Allor vtntiaietiiîOLEXANDER T21o 'ihto- lrnr .tui 21q it flq. oL hoCrArti ulNrhTrN~i IO.î ti. Docrtrttt'oo,îu'it BellotellOetiîti , Por, $rn 4, a -Cly T uIE-hp IttO tein'îrt h B h e t ly liS, 185 1. 29 otl al D ýea(nco temdo iiiou i s pror fr teeu. for Iudccnvtii.ie .(i' Ue tlIhp miEt.bI ofpifipil r 1 PraI iotnigr RAJ ,,tililROAI) JOTEO Ao',uînic n :î.a--uI tural wRtsinaÇ tell eIllo . 2 Q, 1861. - 4Av l, WIIITBY, O. M Northeru Holel OanningtOn- Tue inuroautue bustessmntsItho ubtmve f1vor aly Ictnown irotl, lins rendormi1 it îîocomsary for dloue sulaa nsdonal xoiand unado Sotlqr llteratiouts eid imiponcseufts, lîo-seuvr. mmOlIurthr titi, crînfot unue mcommocdtion ni' lis guo.sts. Tier toir ix 8 aîym'osidotd litit tht Gcot inoasni,auid noce hit îe bot brands; cf Wieant Liquons kop on tie re rmimos. 13.11 tut ronole' todQlo. alomu-ruin attend- umuco )UI, a.istt yD ek, ici ch-ui'rgs .tfuteeiiu. Ci'riirtrton ii.Oct. 2grd, l1r6i. 41 8TOIIEY'S JIOTEL* OM IL .' Meo'î f 11rrkel 'paire.) H'"lE tuiersigned tîavii pureliieod t ~L tOtVO Oti KîOWtiploîreo '- tlt' li1 r prt r'NI r. Ito )a w o b antuuulito14ri fiands îard tira ipu bueo, tiri mitmiottet 15000 inu :Il!înu orn inni Ct îîr-oît'oeratio f caol!uho frti t Ire otil Lm'y. Ex ellotleî îiîî anut-itlo outor. - J(t1IIIOSTtOil , To the Trtvellinom Public. rThIF 10 orieu r itîg i o-cdtbo Ilreti-, toc -i rly riccuiori i)'yT.'r, ,14iloti tic Vtllo'e o Epîta.uni rviîrg lit tul tioitrip in sttr tyle, biu otprepareri to e-oruodaie im tiose W110gin'o tlîn n acou. île< iriteitili- koeîlgit,otîiir irbut TTitE ST 0F LiqUJORS Jr CIGAUS Avre! Iis 0110wil ho fiiruiîtlerlt I) l tire' dr-oiir'd tua ertot Art viîtnt'-(01cr îrtotyiou rrîtrl ~ 1h~rtio fwir Iiut oili i euh IIý 1.re't' n11>'11ihîrni Irt ýI aîîfotsirly acu-rib utîoda1,tét il i l 11 ttcri irl t'm, W\0-0N'S HO0T E, %YJLLIAM KAIFFMANN AROIIITEOT. t:~ 144, Bay Etreet Toronto.ý FARM FOR SA LE. t h-u'- eriinrr.t of lrr'c .td ir imn in 't ' 0 7 rumo l' 'ci.oh tr P')î rir O 'ti .à irIr. erudnritofrlh .li MJALT VIN EGxAL. ý [I i, ii tbReauoi ho mbd ,ýLIi l largo tir onuil aotti.rs, nttIl C WTIlitbv Brew-%eiv. c'i, YOPB T XKNE1S Ar J. A. Clarký'x lut rrize Pictue o «aIlery a 'o em cQrî-cet andlikll, Ambra- tvloj"îo.p, 1b(tte rrroipliu , rt LOer rotà st r r o Liboreotin na. Lcekt, lrroaclu or Pli', pur J. A. C. moi CIOit ii inoLI , ILtt tyl, and nL short netiioo, 3810UF Breoïk STPE KTWA3,. T 'riiiu, tfuw loors Noît11 cf Kine Slre0t. 'fno On olhr pr r' Je1AM ÈS 'M AT 11 PWS , 25 Lato oef 1 l îit iolui l )1, l'roprieter. Northi Brilfih and Ilurcaiill Pire & Life Insu-rance Oom'y. TIiOMAS 1)I61W, W7th',Sp. 7, 182. OAMEROIN & MilACD ONE LL Mr. M. C. Cmn'ou oUil onuiît t1n seConelt huti'it s ci ienolt'cfi rrn t thie fértlîoo)m- ingCouîrts cf Asire, or. &.25 Tisaï 1ttîbvi il s i OthIigircut blidoer TONYN _01i'IÀINot>lSAY ON Weduesday, l2th Nov., 16 anu adi. TÃ"W*ISIItP OP S071ME1RVILLE. Lrîo rt 2d VIlîr, (tiiltber sed3 1200ac'es- 1.ntil raindtN1-eIi, (tIi Coti. (îhrsl 18nt.I, 14, aiti l1, 5il liu., (iîor th, rits. -St 'ý4 & N E ý4 lot 11, 6tir COn, (t1imbior moiti) 100 tterti4 Lorts 14, 10, titae. tnuirsoIt) 115 aft ltr s 3, 4, 11h cen.. (uuii tbsbor îhoroi) N ~ftri loo 1,2, 1101tticou. (aînd tire imeo Lo(tý 4 iT.1Itlis ccir. (suid- tire ticitoor huiroeotl 4(ffl s0-e5.- l".! , ,4, h , illtir eou. ([tinO lr t1(uioî) "50 rt crs. .(nt 1ueîS TOWI,'N1TIP 0P IM1OVK. S0part Uot9, 4thuCOU. (oc(lt ue Ilibir hleci>12 ourrr. SI ý loi 1Q, rd cu. (aut t tituber Iliereti iCou-n 11 on- , »UrO A A 10 slo1,tîl ea. (tor intihe h TOISUII1' 0F UXtlUIDGE- Lot 80, 11h colt. (and ti ite trmloor blurecu)1 'rOwNSIItP 0F TIBACIL N lint loi t.1, ltucc at îhoie .1 pllt lot '21. Ull cI)., îmotiy leretiai on.r !tr t 'uiet, ititur iutiocItîdei) u 1, pat ,t UrLi, 1 tii crut., painly elcansti, (ti TOWNSIIIP Of'hIARIPOSA. Y 4103, uc on). tnrtîy cl-anuti, (tick itiiittl> I h tu TI:MReIS ritn otul! V t i '1Iil dmntRtauutc rtheI unit (ua c'viot, A. FAIE -JluWtba.tit 82 BROOK STRE ET, ien (1crtrW'm~, iet d où -te .A. Loýgu, Tlcsiîuiti. W1hiFAlo. ti, iSO t- EN F ORlisncilm o. I It a-cutra aIlssIte naereeil Os-et Ilpoui, b eIirgt1ire 'KE )U'nor lot Nu. 21, i le iioi nr1 (14 ' tu>1 l0 t lRtîr, 15 acres of v'ouuteit urc! cieimren-2 ui fk>mIcot, tiho td1,cf tir. liet, lyit qutty, Ilionl'm ietn g hopisecaloi100o l l t1w uapmmiu~Tu un>' per.at i wiliiii aL ur.iail ftîntct. tirai preîimeaaeted apportaticy. ru i Appis .(if by lii renpuridjto thmîe wnen ou opri MARTIN TÂANA-Y, - glati to0ta stit Canatda .gency &usocia~tion. thei. litet. XTO ioon Li n ni uize4 ta renuiver nv tua- ~,O~it cn trattrth*6 Amoitlue0eiOP4n rire li1aýmtlituAi te o woiri it ay be s$w.it yWh i'osit 1itlco i1rrirr » i llnttlit l iy lbe- paid i1 ti t îothe gutoiethe' ocomatmen- îug1 A.ii Il. ROI' -- 'li - ma t' - -r ima 85-Su. - -Wolluiîgtuuu St, Tonouto. - P Il 0T0 CRA PA S. andi 71'SUS<trh.rlreloeetlollv ih he it-iol. ris all the influencoOf SeI Ioeep thora from desert sion. Poor Toni Bro% voire of the. spect4PI s 1y cirooted, loft off w tobusea, and dwixldled ILgo bocame veryserict all his leigure tirce in the bible or 8ingiag -now orderod a aiglit btwec decics,1 dVôouito Pece, Prog-remm, JiowluIegc, froilbonboo;l. - h intrudor; buit all i ___ __ ___ __ __wusiarda bôti ~Y NOVYBMliBE'îR 6, 1862. NO.- 43 jasI pai hm a vis -a- ____W_____thonght very singular, - 6nu 1uùù'"f'" qbe UjjJJ~fCP7, * iu~ooble ta maie auy efforts te gave 'oitboard' tire frigate, and pjmucdi is cold E tMbrgn ; and it oas onsidlorod a matter'of wetbha d over ther tace -of 'loie Brown, to t * c0turso that hie hwirudpislitd icntto uccaru. wbeu I rgacuaà iet U1 owatcuu and chetoul rhe (irystal Gem.Tio days after, une ofo!the other vossels of of clotitoi. The puer 'fellov;'biawled octi r . ~<.îto equadroe came u oîgidotire figato, luritly ; but beo'iiti'y PtiNucit coclbe1 - cut sont a bout un hUaril withli llIy or- made, îhe'-gutlIddi9appeaied ici the. ktioe 11 ici io "îSt. to lil- ga. Tws4Ivo bnrî safter lisi lau coser. forwa-d jpart toftb" hip ai ttsuis. *'Afteor' t, î"ize 1it1; cuil dot, board ha hafl bveorifounil switemilug away tht. 131ly aea'lu'pared bu or t.hrae times igertsouîry out'ofuîddr atu l.laeîly wido tha pou: nbii bhoud. Wlie alüraatuly ta iwMa"ane of Liîtowc mess- aalrced Why ho tid n t Ilot it >h oîlolMaýCeî; MmotImule tin t1e waIotherB *ot bigitet t it 10 iuou. thut b.eloopt lt-to hot lp iimïmci! lustilî wrtlor onhourd tire tigfite, but aivayi lu thre imîtltirîr'd o'Cr Uwu sOne, ie o ag d ry. Thî moralveetuiro liset ýiilçof 'niht, "fle acoînidiesinous lu sumy îQ etji ii wontrlo gotoi. je tire mindi of tint situons ne pbsîtmate onthiu~lunparticular, but cocid neeer noils rai.abaiti- opinion, iiîint, 4 a iher a& cd euil cc edinlagotting aiuy of lte salIor tu lils- briglt al Ii laril 1,4Iinî r ll('ono;c'a tinecorne ltu lifc agnîteor tio i at iwas 'llntuielly tolte acoemunication, Tiie U tnio l ,i t t 000110 îît vso nesy toaibe killed, - t t ime h-3 medo Ih tippearanco lnt Alge. hrocnughitcrug 'cîîiterily. ALt th tri, Morgan, comui.iuel llii mys- i-m on buaruVthue frigato. 'lie waa hourd.' Ociloc! fdsohoPo lîlh, eus ;n ti so ailIen tal id tioo- y une outhlie saion, teacter, in a low ,e hleont il ibroki v ; II'h i giU- tnu'ttiiol'sgir'; IlirUldenoti, tnd.- cîptain f -Il nihed bis, ohot'whisipen, '0Yuc -a Ilseo me at sîii-nî1l a, t0 ot'-10 1 ' u1 irèhe quadroa wqx 0 iolin u îwo or tirree mmltaftec' Ibho !anislied &ai bo' h ;cJJ I;ýh-à tilyti Giludfiaitont aaieiîie tre oleul fu-ap. n R-uwa ciuoveyporpler- '[Pbei vuo t.y pun:illl rc' pu-ty eoerenlythut mornîegi cd ut thoe straiù,u a naceountable , lu-gazin; raad fallli iiiîloo a swvoonu isN lurand iitistiteteil cvony roostla-i rliulo ~ flO'u' 10, i ts iwatch the nigiro bc!co, ailA I lem-quiry lo t e lire rumstlaceî in ithe liope of tri ~ ~ I thh .Jiuiiiribow .surcdl ei mciuatîIo, thut ho lotendi 1fin4lng moreue h a to plaiu tho, mystery. etni ie zief Iîîi dtit 1t1. i jump.oveiboaril an t re 'îî iim3L-If tihe HIe a'à ic caunsucl tie siip teaibc exaruinet > ______ ___ ieOopporlurîity. lHe madee lus Wit, d 3 vt iI 1iJliucovery outhtentplace SI hiiotitaf in 1dms best, and sotiloi ailtiris wlhero Morgan secncled himeseif, or thre Sh is.Ile aIse noleLiîishurl bus lobaccu- eîoauis by 'wiiahoescapoil an the 'vas- htput luis_ allotuanceofo biscuit in hLi sol. lHe qceatlocedevery sestociboard, antke idurlfilîcd i a t etimîteu ln ihdtiro i lreatueoîltheR(. sovinot punilimout, Thec «bost. j rmir ho cir iresn, u~about hus eieckc; ioulilhlie eter diâcovor tirat Uiey doccived - I '{ngthuat pofhabpq ho migfittliteit inlk hlm lu tbi o lry, or werei accomplicee jr B- «.Ir. IoÂuLDuqro.hi'ic t telivtto u, iayor be lu inte wnter, tir ecanpeofutMorgami. UIl-o vtireonved5 - ."i-e ho fiîuaily s'eut te tlic bottin- îr hogl j.f -mr a th iesLutp, me inte ioyan180'J un 1801, 1 eLteen tucIvelei adnti ti.vczi io itqoand reidored it ilnpoaiblo for alm>" iuman .tain wiricb, a rInnoc! Ile na r - ,'Il-tuleti, thir iht a cdean st,-lighit, uamdl riog to ho iher %withouetbei gdeýtecti iMognIdon't muan t!,,- l;,scootiiîuiu cî~tmrt opl;Morgue Thme liolo res;ulte in lu caviug tho aYlr in lum 'abdectionu' 1usd mcdo o'.9 1 i tiictcly acu Ou ern umil îhrouegh the voîrd cilu ailotu reyittony,uiir e sue. tiinl theo worid-enîiiîticdio"rmtlîway, oiifontearti, limib jtire bulvirk, dru 'proeéeiedil p tiraMeuitrranican,ta UuiiçltcSifotos tiute- f î o d Ilehisel! tiiup jttirte scu. A. teiil-cruise aloeg tire Africon comts4 and rau ara cruize min th Mcotitrranao. mac anti twoseutmec tuCtifleti tothe çlêzoa tM at talp. alvfml lookiog puni-Iit, six fuL u a5;tnd Morn oin b in iushtiir e cext t w"ss*umnoweeloe kafone the. frigaîr s bijir; nalong paie visauge dcep' Iutirnin, ,thiar wOui in dotîlnof' iis hvu carne ta tire luter place, muid in îteeam A ith oltir ntues itliiOti YOt commnititi sicde ryilrwîii inltf.- tires, os eothuo~ira ha been seen of tir an !3 i rioe-aud; black exub- he'liis afalTin'y ceInna ucliihîlanti ver1- io st, Il 'eus coriiludu-d thu~tirhe siradeo -o 'iunrllug un endii f khooui coaisa ectire opiniion i iu thesiip's crew ou IillY M r"à u"vuaaPpaseil, 0'rîiu i tltîîiu oîtiî;asaplr uj.sooesyocre i it. soue Davry. whole utlmln had beacgradnally'tor-oton- krugIr proportioiemdta lhiis lirilit, joues Wo i iruil i tiyillughiisprank- Tise eiglrtà ater lior arrivai, a party i1 ýe bat very irregelan; andti heo hers tirut il wcs no miii bot a gIiroît or a sailorns1 bout- asbore at LoaValtte, acci- hit qycu 'hat the 'orltron ou S- dçvilliraI bAilguI îonuomg tlîue-alnd otir lentlly enoîil a sinilil avure lun a reteul iaffiain citllveny alugular' and ens wero ini daily orpietiton c! aein- hics parI of the. suûirurbs, vheretiéy comsmeîice . l3esiileg tula, ut voice oas cor n bo hard ètgfoliu, -nà mcinuh live as a frolie, ufter tihe maimuOr oftbose ampi ci sepuichral ; onu hs igit rt mi oerlire %vas. *biou3 bipeds. Amoeliu hm s'as'te bi[ av'ot certain myseoioes doýVicos, Iu tir. moue lime, tire sqmodro rroceeti o! 1iysiurgan, wiro about thee or foui il ojtli the tonrs E. M.: andîtisiicd but' slowly, iîcin ,g ilecidsosý-oral Jr.ys iii tire moninc omit ta eh oet _qut Ei ix ujsc!ficen. liii ee-n>day by 4catins uan~d 'lad winds, it of ! 'imuiet ean>hieatict ahoII ighut have beec. il a cais-ias lt ir a black ribroi wverc u le se way oru_- oth 1 er 'lid Lt u lyt>'boeld ,t tll 'irô n krlire lud'b en asleo )lue jackel0 owhite Iowsors, andl iMorgan b'y tire giluet tars' wontfour auli'- heuho si- aacdeud'by a vôlc' whil bons. On Suiduys ho wore a iîmg, but Fniduyh snil3aee 'witlioeî cod.-- pérng ini hlm ear, "uTom, 'Tom, osiio tapI s'e, w4ci, aoegsalons - ou-lia faLo hueeen gritliiiy cased tu ire a 'aiopouiug fris eyos, ho . behelti,.by 4.1 ne'li tmgnf e<êraQrdlury, cnd u'sebject o lesof , altiaite ou1der ws'aple,,,XtjIxtof tir mnuglte gitas;tI VRalonÂe1tý o .Im..., a m...uî. k v w i ne utý, hi fl'ire'cuBiÙll rr lealilux over iais uibleTlb overy body bi In adldition lutoh tiis peraovonieg andl of Billy's giiost, van( ,Umacuourrtable lhingu ry, day ou boardl th bores were emptie i i mauner ant inutho de ors would momatimes day, alid rotera a U"Lir to give aSy arc uet nul a tew of thein w( 'quor, wlitet tiarre1 for it, for, tiiy aill dreuk a deop boyuît limnitoti lte, tire Bail os tir.y seeuly" a3 soa in ueîcttutatle oct 01 the way plua Ige lot L ig e. or won- raitar, MNon axe thei.,. im il 1 ù-ly