saind an. -sd aquarter 1 feinees, nur is lina lu a race Shut ncb a Pece si cati, sait, Plan;ter a,,t aster L.inu fm fas e-Ç, »Dnaper &-,Co. -phl sle o(Ernriî -,Tubnîlioi. *Chsney-b)' Morpi . .ouihionsof utase-A. N--BUtl. To tel-J. 'i - n Corintv out Minlnlle4e.x MNutnal rirensar fnOce Comipany A. MecDonaltI.. * Pntiic Ntice-Tlos. Ihuaýtan. civsI nrinta z . Buamohttn. - * pcnlNoice-D)r. Armgtrun)tg. Cougrcgaional Ciurc- Riev. J. T. flyrue. * Kelley's Thestrical Trounpe. MTICTION SALES- [qtil thow n of WhIittui' on i5ni1,rrlnr, NouverI r) 1, 1(1.a bsn-ne tock offloots inm $nus SnPtFrrnnsins, & -li MNytri, Amintimnveu. On Lot Nu. ,7, filin Cou.Picerinsg, un Tburaday, Nov. 6, 1862.-Tromu Myers, Ou Lot No. 24j 4tlî Con. WhitIry, en Sslun-day, N,"ov. 1, 1862.-Tbomas ýMyersr- Ont Lut No. 8, 401u Con. Picering, on Tuesday, Nov. 18, 182.-Thoina Mycrs, * Auctioneer. SOunTLot Nu.. 13)1,8th Con. Wblîby, ou * Tuesday, Nov. 11, 1862. -Thoinas M lycrs, Auctionuer. -Ou Lot No. 2. fibh Con. Scott, ou Fmi- nay, Nov. 18, 1862-J, Patteraun, Auc- Greut Sale ot Lumben in tIre illsg- uf M1ailla onu Wedniesmlty, Nov. 12> 116it2.- J.,. MBain, Aucioueer. -On Lot No. 10, 1ý%t Cud-Rcol, un Tuestiay, Nov. 11, 16t-Levi Fairbankns, Auctioneer. Onu Lob fo. f5, th Coin.,Wliithy, on *WediiesdqNov iv. 12, 1862.-J. 1Juint, by, Tîîurlat, November G, r62 L.Y ONE DOLLA.R A YEAR glts Citîcîsua un Irishln steeple*- )e sovera accideints wlucb ccumreti at, coîebraed Limerick Steeple-Chase, brou It ni vutIre tnedrs ut tIre ýo Tinte., tpon tris fsmona ant i -u sin sport. Theu Limonick Clîrcuide, Dther Iviis papera, neply vith great ;; a ud percaive byounr <te Eug rylsa that tic cotraversy sexes van-m een thes Turf mets ut Trelanni, sud Une nu Englisi Jurunnal. As many Turf ansereesaloutthinsJournal, %au uItu eesary to enrter into s tew partienlIars nung tenapteni Iberte, sîso, tram tIre -tht the ground over vbiub Ibue muet- was )ield, lu vithin a ei stone's t1rove' un vriter's bmmli pace. hu principal teture ofthtIe Liuriek aà vas Itbt Tradmsmam'8 labtc ut 200 ,vith aS8weepstakies otf 5 uv. eni i; les; Steeple-chase Course ; four.year- 118t., 6v. lât. 13b., six andatia'd 31b. For tis race tveuty-five hon-. lauted. Thre race was -won, aller a se- comtsbt sîeen four, hy s ver)' cievur calluti Kate Filîher, andtihen distancre lonin lu10 in. l sec. In tIre course s usces csualie5 ut s more trig'mnfuIa esia lu have Iappeneti than usnahly ýo unr lot tu recoird. Siven borsca -une ut vhich brra is back, sud ar %vas pimeri hora de coembat; t, of thse ridera, une vas încapsuiteteri as day, andt tan ara very aeriîuuIy A),uanlass the cas4e ha. been voutuli)' erated. TInus tan-tho resuite are tbsu unaalîy nntuvarti. But on bthe wlngy day tIre saine iaru-Kalu Firer icin ià d von the proviens race, braite backinl tire Limon-rik Steeple-chase of 100 soy. ; sud Bas otirur homses rf eua came lu grief, thougla vthno -reannl iban lhal ut putting thena out lat boringiotn, ta ivBn- miles beir ule 1 mamebeti day ai . 1 andi on the vay 'pie des irï ave doues lu inprovethie clama j nd quai1)ty ftbe, breeti. When tino rer-i(s uondt scennls to comment tipun spurliimg intelligence in Irelsuri, il a5honuld b. beter iiforumeri. AndI, ils tIne iumane abhornenco must finri scope, sureiy, bIne accidentseut theo Goodtwood n-secs, (six jec sine lu grass theme by a collision at tire ast ineetig)-tbe Eugllsb pti-le ring_ -sud cougeinal Englisb sports-togethcon aiIith ugfish coiliery, and nailwayac cidents -urinttelubiresefficient lu sepply il vitb abninni subjacte, vithout lamenntýlrg ovur su Irish steeple-cirase.'s DSÂMÂTIC Cunal'Ây have bei-lu pirryirrg lu Wliitby fince Fniday, h5t sndi alh un ll auîcnsddesrvtisece a viug Kelley Iimnelf, (whoi otan fraters know tai bo a brrick) ot of t6a question, ws hAve a word mc> say'on tIe ehaactur ot thu puri fouinant-ni, aud theo cha racters, as vo sa tinein snstnined by Mr. Xeiley's cômpan)'. Iu the "Lady' ut Lyous" on Monday evenmng, M. andr Mrs. Stetsu appeameri -Mrs. Stelson1 decidedly improver inl loiks andti a1rpenrancèý, as velt as iu ail tiret go lu maku up tlne- complote lady ufthtIn stage. Mn itets ,on,0, - btersu îlsys witb mach btter came ince bis former appe-aroce ira Wlatby. As "Chaude Moli uc-o-e" ho[niglit bu a giast seccus-witla :j lttle came. TIre part doua nut requiro ai thse vebemency sud. just 'uru vIricIho throivs into il. Thene is a tinne aben bis spleiîddburst s ut passion como lu veil.- Bot 4)-î Hamiel adrisedi re ,ougit lu bu urure carefrîl --r- suit 01n, word riîlhe action. Atid thre ation teune wt)d1 s eaeunt, Mn. W olte eau take the Part ou1 any stage. Mn. Forrest la dusorvod- IY s ver)'9great favorite; but is scarcely suited iu the ciractun uf Col. Dumas.- Tainng iis plnysical dîsability mbo aceount, penînapa nu inuliving vitb tIns saie dis- advaunages, conîri sustaîn tne part btter. Mn. Foirment l quite ut home lu "Gregory an/irn.lwc"sd kindned cira-ctera ini il tlmt go (o malte up al goori Isogbablu farce, and lu anch, cannot tfailtaebc al- ways Ébppr ciateni. -ne Ie lo knows uficieut ulthlIe Draina bu taIre (la band il,"t in al- nost amy part. 'But bu also knovs that t-veyhingusnt bu vîtiînu uming, andI t'i itwould bhontut fail proportion lu maIre arn Ajax uf Neator. Tbings muai bu aubin keeping. Mn. Young sud M._ .Caiemunu d lvury wuil as Glavisansd Morts. l)echnnppellcs, aud Mn-.'Young vas n-ex- celîtneint Madame Dechappulles, sud Misaâ Degnas s pedid Wiiow Mlirtte.- On ithe vIrhle, tire Ltdy utLyous, vu tuai assrudr gave eieny satisfaction ; atar aitino' lVhlîhy- is but a countr-y town, the audience ii juil-as critical, purbfap, suri as apprecia- Fîe li ma play-goens ina)'_find in itslati- Olufl"one ut Sbaicespear's vcry bot, purlaspg vas pradluced ou Tuesday eve.niig-Mr. aud Mra. Stetst>n sustaiuiug tIre, prinicipail parts. We bave, reluctautly, tIe sanime lu make again of Mn. Stuîsrn ut 1' uver doiug the tiin; *r Mr. Sweit a cled an admirable Descloina, ati a btter lag-o could iscarcely be pro- duojd, aI lest a-e vwre neyer IuIt) enuugh tu -sua it, mthnM. Wolfe. The latter geunleînan's playing iu ibis ubanacter vas s4rnirable, sud tIrat subjee t fganurai praise amongat tire citical portiun ut the audience. Tonight <Wednesday> Mr. sud Mns. Stetson appear imuthIral"Strnager"- Mr. Wolfr> takiug l"olti Soluman." aud NIr. Fan-nest thns part ut I"Peter." Theo chanactens are wsîl selecteri, and <o the true loyera outhUe Draina, a rare trust is A Said fSue4ay in Wtittby. Lat Sunday th(, funerais or iwo estimna bIs young nmen, Mr. Nourse and Nfr. Logan, whose deraiha appear in our re- gular obitusry, one in bii thirtieth, and the otber inulbis twenty-fourth 70cr, taoh- place in Whitby. Tite reomains of buth we re accoxupanled to the grave by the largest concourse of muoning-ý friends whieli we rememnber since ilietleth ef the laie lainenited Jt)hn Duw, andI whicla others say sin ce the greiat firneral of Peter Perry. - They were weill' .9eeemd by ail wbo knew. tbem, and th ý have departed froua amilst tbe regret., of th lit m- re ouaunity., Pur- sonally iitimate wil:b thema as we were, we ean only say wiîh an oltI fienfi whoju wc forget, îhat- "Thloeeov- lripen curlY, like fruit dr"j' eary." To-dýay we-lare on tha a ram, Ofr unie to-morroavw e arc fluattd forth tipon the -oeean of etertlity. nik 1~n lw "Deastii l1nce à & sbilÀnm A iblow, taldh, 1% le Ioxeualarlg.» And starflex thowloi- sUit n #ingle radi.' Another poet, we îik it la Dr. Watts, Who ssys- "'Dcath, li!ke ro )-rfkowine tT an, "1SWeùupslw.v ý; -,nr Ifa drtiin, ":Ait eirptY ta 1, nrn'l lower, "~tdown. anq wi, riii uë hour. rt "$tuop dnvu nyi,.% ti;i ute Ç tii n li, wth ,t ath; "lAnd pnr ra'li r~t "T1 il u s1ei-, wittr ileftIgrvan 'îILebi ,at1e40 It d. Like Icaves îbhey Ihave sunlclir no -the dampe of auumnndll likue themi, inseni. biy as jears close crLand us, wu toc>, will b. laid lu the dusit. bath evening, the 11«v. J. T. Byrne will, for thre Ipesent, close bi$ preseut course ol lectures with a discourae on es the Soul and its artoi Ena-oMe A FATl'rc BOTs eaU ut theU1rl dlore. Mr. isin fis acIhing Lis l1rgestock ai low prices (o Lalest Froua Europe. 'The steamship Editihurgh, wbicb lefi. hiverpool on the i&th uit, via Queunstun on tire 16dm a'trived at, ibis poi"tday betors yesterday. TIhe Araia, wbieb arrived at iloston yesterday, brings intlligeuce up te the 19î1-tbrée dntys later. The Spuzzia correspondance of thme Loudon Dailyî WVews reports that Ivo rebt priateers were ini theo lediterraneau and hâd des- troyud a dozen Americs.n vessuis. Douut.- les, it is a second udition ut a report ut the 4estruction of ilhe whalers off theo West- ern Naes hy the Alabanua Theo British press are loud in their cries for interven- tion> but the afrir seenus to have been chucked by cabinet cinclea bothin l Eng- land and France. Lord Palmserston lwl delivered speeches during, a rural tour, but did not allude to American affairs. M. Thouvul, the F.euch Foruigo Kiniâter, bas resiguYen and 1Baron De L'Huys bad beau appoiuted lais successar. There were rmnora ut furtber changes ou acconut of the Italian questoin, but nothing dilinite vas knovu on the subjeet. The resigina- lion of M. cruated iminen se excitemnt at Turien, and ut was rinor- eri tat Ratazzi hari resigneri. Vague ru- moama stated that Cardinal Antoneili sud M. Merode bad tendered tbeir sreig- u*tious. Tho Japaniese enabassy vers lu Lisboa. in China (lau. Ward's force are said ta bave beau ressoed frein its periloug Position. L&test War News. esftime atateofuS dcsîttution, beiug vithuel aimoes, bas, sud gammeuta ut suy kind.. There vas a rumor in Cuiteoun Sattd. day, based ujpun tins reports brougbî in b7 prisoners, thnnt-Mobile Iras been captuea' by unr furets.: No torthur particulars ain Irnown. - 1y the arrival ofthtIn Uniteri Stat Steainu transport Unitedi States, on Srt4e dhy, vu have invices froua lon-rt ya. tînu 2Sîb uit. Two steamiers, theo lngÈhia u ni Scotia, werue csplured un the 27th by onr cruisera. *TIre pnizese, virichiw4 titkein to Port Royal, arcvon-y vtabe tIre later is estimamur ist $600,0.00 andt tlm onirer at $300,000j TIre rebul teunmerr Minratti, bconnnl te. Charleston vith î , asq bmsn-d autlthe sanenim e m, munddriveni ;inaiorc. C-en-nil liitehlhi ein-; cicit vinIn a mahiwà :ins fucn-ut Beufor, Grnenal limanttna rn m-n-ii n mmmannd. Thene mess a umur lu Port Royal oben mire stcà r W, îham îlîn-rn-bel ram Saivanniaîn wm com. mlg duil neminern-n. Tre Irig Ià aotide Castine, CaIstain Bîudrtoulaugor IPtIr uIt.,,fur Car-. duindas, vas naîrlurenl b)'tIne rebelat senige. AlIr%à ami. Capinini &Mmes agrecni tu lit> enate lien-où. condition oftbr-gving a bond fur $6,000, 1rsyaht.muolime lresideub -,î tIe C-oufedemate .$nntee thirlrtyInys niter pnace is ducti-td. 'Vine folltrwin(r i-3naliai or the vessels taeunu hy tIse Alabatus; Bark Lanipligînten. sIip Lafaytcte,- scbimnîr Crensha, hnirk Lnuritîa. CapI. Semunos lînfoned tIe reînruahat on Octoben 10 bu captorer tIre hp Tunawea, tr fom P+inhtban îd nuluisntnd lber for a bond uf $1kz0000. TInhrp !LjManchester nand tlir bni; Dukirk wt-e oath bonI, sndt tiri crew-s puton huardi tIno taraada;- Since cloiî Ounr articles on zchouls, vu Irave met mi ith ithe tllc>wing -rearks, vîricîn lný u ~g>diectly on tire chi4e toi)e, l of discussion. wanr an-ialaI 0apprçppri- atey %bat au cannom forbear trnastening bm t lu ur colunau, abo tIho anîer ila-AL k-nome nom,-wgs in-I thre article irn thme U. C. Journal of L'dacation vîthun uyce4t butl, wu vi-i enrly maiitten as a review of~ tire report of' Mn. Keyes, tIhe New Yank Sopeintendent ut achools. .Mn. Royes badré .commenderi thu samu -mode ut un- gauizati in as îbat vo bave urger,,suad tire subjoinuri remai-rs von-y forcibly stain the Supernuteudent's vieva. Thetiarticle spenins for itsent, aild ve ilîcrutore give il vinout s*ny turbiner comment:- 14Thre consolidation otf s uîs l tinob langer villages-ip tond tîu vrk vcny salis- tseîtony ibutt aunkh remains tu bu dune lu ibis nespeci. "It netis littie .amgumlit, Wimb intelligent minds, lu astablish tIra PýopiositioutIr ht ini a aegmub e- iniuing truin thnu rendreà t i e e nuied chilcrun, or mure, as sebol organizsat - ilai shaU cI t'i t lese ,. - MM bu tarmonure efiuieiot tirn une tbat sufes t-rom lu bu gmthenrcd, beller sIrehier, balf a dosent or more schools; in a esin-, whicb aIl grades ut attainmnt are fouii.' Accord'ingly tire sîpuintanent neuom- mends Ire enka(:tmennt ut anme measuserab brn,,g ab)ut this duýsiratnie cousummnation. Beyuud a do utthure la muchn tu bucr nu -Mucuh tiue, labor, andi moue)' lu be (ceonloumzed-in pnomotinig sncb sopeiori organization. Thre snperiutenden's plan1 lias refui-suce to ont)' a portionsofuthte1 rural districts; but-we believe, attear long conink,ýratia n-rt the matter, tisaiqumbo as much mqylie a acmpliabed for our City sebools. Trins can b. doue by a mura perfect division ut lator-tbat great modern dueL ina vbiein lies et te- foundationa of excellence in every sphere of duity.- Strange thit ai tbis day it abund hardty have tount- adumission into lb. ýscioul- 44 A YnM.ia. (.erP...fa ro .ko .IL iniu graInitons Co ntributionsa in aid ufthtie furids ut this Society.4 The procecdinga of the meeting, were enlivcued sitih everai Anthemaq, whiehi vere executer!in uau' admirable mannier,1 snd for theo s,,rvices of the choir a votaet tbsnks ,iwas teudercd on motion of Mr. Agnew, iveconderi by Rey. 1M. Kennedy. Thre dismission hymn vus theu sinng hy the chaoir, andth Ie Benediction penounceri by lkey. Dr. Thoruton. 7b the Edilor of the Witlby Cinronicle. Pickering Trowvaliue .'bbatb .Schoot *A. Pic-nic of tiho sebolars stteudiug ibis Saibath Sebool took place on S.à tunday the 18td ueh. Tbe meeting was beld ini .the achoouthouse, ina consequnce of the advanced sucason of the year. The day was fine, a goodly number of the ocholans, vitir s 1ev ut _thein parents, was preseut. The belnaviotir of the child. reu under the watcbful, but aff'ectionate. oversiAlt or thieir respacted Teachers, Mr. Andrew Jkrnlay, Claramont, sud Mrs.- Montgotuery, ien, was mua-ecel lent;ý andI thuir carnust attention to the subjeets trented on-umigbt put oldur, sud profuà s- cdly wisur onesm to shamu. The levri. Thomas Sharp, Ashirumu, Lloyd. Archibald Le,;é M. îA., Mr. MCrinumori, Teacher, Itica, and thre wothy Superintendent, acre thre speakers on the occasion. Yours siucerely, THOMAS SHARP. Aslburv, Nov. 3md, 1862. 7b thce ditor of thse liby Chiroaile. Ss-ruitniv, Novr. lat, 1862. The Conil ofthtie Corporation of Pick- ering mt in tins Town Hall, tioresut lu Membersa al preseut. Minutes cflhat meeting resd sui ap- proveri. TIne lieeve resd a communication trom Messns. Wilson, Patterson, & Beatty, So- liciton@, asmo frouatIns Secretary ufthten Lancashire relief tend. Petitions presented ut Chus.IH. Clarke, and others, îraiug for aid ta PIilip Don- day, an indigent persun, ut Wm. bMcKayi prayitng ton remuneration for msiutaiuiug Miss lcDitaisid, by Mn. Chapmasu. Mr. à McCreight movea Ibat the Council do nov rusolve itsalt into committe ot the wholu to conà 1der tIns several pelitionsansid applications presîeutedrndur maris ibis day for tIns retiet )f indigent persoùs sud otiers.-Carnied. Th Tiecouneil inu comuitee ou the c holo Wn Hlaîgbt lu thé cirsir. The commutte rose aud reportud as tol- Thre commitîre ufthtin vIole upon the muveraI petiions sud applications for chani- table reliaf bug leave lu report, sud me- eummud thre adoption utftIne tollowin" ru- -solutions Ti t. That tthe smnu of une dollar pur bvçuk buexpcnded troni the tonds oft ibis -towniliip for lIre support ut Magnes S4rsu. soni, arn indigent purson, sud that thu 'l-rca- surer lie snd -is hurcby sntboriîud sud iru- quin ed- te psy the said amfiount to the urder -df George Strachan, said payments te com- meure frein iis date sud continue for one yuar. 2,id. That thsesum ut twcnty dollars bu apîtroprii at ad i o support out PIhip Dnu. des,, ufthue finis Cou, uft itI ownîship, sud fliat CbarlesH1. Clerku sud John Hlortmup be zippoiutud romnmisipuara te supernteuri lte uxpeuditure of that anmount, 3id. TIrai tie steu ofu thirty dollars bu pdid lu William NMcKay, provided lie fur- nisbette Janet MeDoniald vith Sulaicient l7viKi-ý5d lodonlggfon six mount roua ibis -4t01. Aud the. committee vouiri alto vo- c nimeud that the Treasurer bce sothorizeri tu puy tbeseveral sumns a -olc -tIre sem of 11.'.00 te tIno order or John [flinilght, ton gocnds tumished bu Mr&. Ellis sud Mra. Nicholson, tie sunu ut $10.50 to eorder ut John Parker fur gouda tumniaberi tu Wm. Younkr.-4ime sunu of $10 00 to the onder of Xelson Chapinan torn îecesssies tumnisheri Janet MeDunaîi, thre suiniut $11,77 luamIne Me~dr of Nelmion Chapinan, tor provisions crlwood &o..- funimibed butho latte Wm. 5thI. Andi 'ine Commiittee aiso u trer recc>mmeuded thaï;teInsCounneillora ut thre second ward have power sud authority te) ondur sucla relief as ho uay thiuk proper, tu bu- supplied to Mrs. Youait, sud that the Councillýsor f thlie flnst van-c, have a li kepowem andI antb ority luon-rdur relief lu Mm. Niebolson suri Ellis, saiti Councillors lu report aitirhe next meeting uorthie Court- Report receiveri sud adopteri. Mr. Chapuran mirevs thnit John Haight du pay uto Robent Bamnurn sud Johin Macutobh the soin ut $255, being amnout due theun for areeing s bninlge acruas Duffins' Cresk in tIre flnst con., andI that the 4evo do-grn un order on mIre Tues- -4r"t John Haigbt tom tbo amout.- a Ii 1 . apman movea that the Reeve do -t" aon-dem on lthe Treusurer in tavun cdcair nits othUe suin uf $ 10, bi'ing rneither H1elen Mac-pregor, non the Duchuss ot Sutherland. 1 sa uot surprlsud ut trose lthse innocent affectations u ofPmposiiY sud importauce, for -1 bappen to kuow somewmzt of the auteeedeuts uf bis lord- ship. 1 have beau! of thee frcts ot bis aristocratie hiallucinations iunLime pnetty lit- tle towunul sîa hosmmd miles troin Hamil- ton- suri also outhlie gaulie cougrgation ber airn'el once lorder itil ver lu a 1' wes- ten cuunty." A minu itir no self esteuin bus little reason to expeet. respect frein othîrs ; a inu with too mnuch bias still luas, in the unie case he 15 hlm owni vorst caluni- ni ator ; lu the otiner ha invites thne tmin nies of onîrs. Mn-. Maciennsir msy have thouugbî bis uministurial eslling sbuuld bave helri hlm sacred gjst ttâack. 1[hink < s too îbut vhen à Linsu allows hies cons- duet te i-rnore and talisîfy, hls position, bu bas nu ight lu expet the protection it would o ihërvise have atorded hlm- Oue'a- position should regulittu bis conîduct, Mn. -Maclennan'asbsould tuscb bien meekes- mine aboular teach me respect. Hlad lhe former takien tho 1usd, tbe latter nIud have been a certain cousequeuce. <luI conclusion 1 have only to say, that I am, extremely e5Dm)' ibis euntrovenmy should hasve beeni chanactenizeri vitb so uyri'pur- sooznities. It vas neimber my purpuse nom MY Wigh, tînat il shotrîd uxceed my firs1 anonyubnus' communication.lIfovever,>I suah sonry for'uumiug I1 bave mairi, T ouly Sduplone the cirenutanmes viclî - provoked ht. DO-NALD J. BEATON. At mieoiSon-cl FaIt Assises, Irelain l Woods,ýtock un Thurasda)' hast, Tlmoimas (Cook vas founri guil:y outh tirffnidur ut is aite, under circumntanutala utgruat brtitlity. TIre principal wîtiesawus Nelsoni Culver,* whomre evidneo votake troua the Wood stock eounel.- 1Nelson Culver swon.-I ants ucquinteri- vith tIre prisnur for t-be hast six on sevumi years. a m 21 yeurs ut aiguo my Dext bmnîbdaýy. I vas alsu suqua.,interi with bis vite. Bnrigý,et. I1sa hem botb ilu- Won- stock ni)ModAy, tIse 2Ist of Juty las. - 1 took the-i botb lu my wvagon to go le inuerkip. Wheu vu' rualiieri iauunkil mire, Ironise vas s5pt t r sud mai b-en for sevenal mouti. Before leaving- Wood- atock, tIre prisoner suI Ir is vite qoarrelledr sudl ho stan-ted îu travel, but vas adriscil to geliiio my vingon, sud 1 starteri ton tnnsýrkiýs about baif.p ast cigiliinn the murn ing. Ou tIre vay they bulLh quarrelhod about alinrte venytiug-Y; aben mIne pokn bu told ber lu shut up, and whnon Irtse belc bon- longue ho vonîni pron-oke lier to speak lun thoquarreS ashecalled ri3ionur a liar, and- prisoner gutiilu a rage,and muid, 1111 tire living (lad, Ire vult murtler ber tIrs ulgirI1', TPey quan-nellunll th Ie vay, anc be frequently got up inn tire vagon tn stniki bis vile. Il vus about- noon wie ugot to Cook's mianty. Both got ount of the vgan sd aonlinto the buina. I veuF. bu tued muy borge. Attenvardï Mn. Eserot, ramne, sud 1 toînihimi Cook ncns bacit; hi vent intu mIne bouse lu sue Cook, anti or coming ont, vIrile in coniversstiun- viti me CookuIt ttthe dour. 1 veuit afterarvnncito tbe viniduwan sd heard Cook andiis vite quanrelling ; aftermvards sire wenit 10 hed aud 1 Ieft lu gesoune grass for my horse, sud ou n inr back te10the ounse. and look- Miracles. The evideneas of g'oss imposture andt aîolid credlulity whll nduaflgune te nnl of imedicinu bhave, no parailel u inte blutorl of any oiher art- or science. Logs thau tbreac cuiturie-4 ago the erudite Fathur Sur- rento proclaiimer tbat the foot or au elk WUs a certain cure for epilUPsy.! "'Knoel the beust dowu," ays thes leareed Spaul. ard, "suad cul of -the foot be liftt up tu scratch bus eur, for lu t.hat the virtue lies L" r iTuw difrèent from this is the 5>stenn adopted by that illustrions înupvator upon thes dogmus cf the Profession -Tansus bis jnstly ruuowned rilis aud Qinimnt are combined aill.the grcat rOediat eleumeîrls. WO have il fromn the F est authority, tibat tino Pilîs nul only re- Hoeve the internai organs from I al obstrue. tionesud impuies, sud check ever-y te. brile symtonm, buet at the sains time streugutin. en the 8tuiom, m mprove the apponiteandur inipant- ueswstaruina te the enfeebled inlu*. lid. Thre Oiuîmtent meurus to possa the propurties ot subduing inflammation snd arnestinu;the progresa ut decomepo3itjou ila a wonderfnl degree. We 8hould hesitate to beliuve ini 10me ufthte cures of serotfuls sud cancer attributed to ils agency, Inar vu nul Inad proof positive uf tis tmart'ellonns ufieacy in a variuty ut dangerous sud pain. fnl extonnal disordurs. It apypears to Us that tlIse wo Ild bas Ieen orer dotored long- enà ougîr1, btetweenu-tbu physîchnnn anrithe apothecary, wbiossn inieres1s are 1_"oue sud iii:epaLrable,, the sick are pretty srerute be over.drnuclied watb dcf;letin,,-medicies- Tu avoid sncb a cuutingencysu stne speedf restoration tuo benltb annd vigor, let tht sick place thuir trust iunlIolloway's Qininent and PiIL-Lu'sdan " lruing Ch oicle2' '1 LP'rwvr au HECUP AsND TE irer -'l'bcLonrdon Prolutype ut Frid-ay relates the fullowing z-"lA rumarkable inc-ident, ahoa)ing;, ths3 fir.kleneasut ferniale character, antid thu love ut the fair sus for tIere md coul, over ihat ufthie ordîuary color, ou- eturred iii tii city yesteiday. A yonng aud wuell-îodcs fanmer in the to nship ot Bld-. dulph, virose naine for thaprosent ve snali not divulge, Inad for sm itnie pairihis iýInduses t0 one of Eve's' fair dsughtars, a niidernt uf London. Arrnugaeuiunta bcd su) fair porsrthat s matrimnonial an-.- gage ment wam eutured in by both, snd dru bhappy pair were te bu marie one flush i1 at a cburch yesturday morniug. The in- r t v-d-ed trirle-oom mande bis preparationis -acýordlingly, unturer tire cil)' sirh a flourish t withîout ieIay, pruceucluî oS i Iri ldylove. Wliat muent, bovever, and tIrat ou Iris arrivaI, lu ind tIi flovu, baning beau nmissu direnv-unng, At l,îi lrar4rnirie,5 vers set un tuot mad>tIenaitIrhe faim urne Inîe3e; lu fazt. hâd lett. vil me imgThe Butnck noad is, anduSinrer Yeans. L' Tire baluinea uttan do>llara nu ire pairi by va tIre coufcilban- olîhu fourth vard.-Carried. MY Mn. Wixon nnovm, mIai tire Revu be, pragg anti is hereby auîirisud sud requin-ad to 0n grant bis ondur on tIre Treasuren for lIns ctnvI sevumal aunes recoinieucla n tu he repor t funrÉ the committeufthtInscomniitme ofutthe itye9 aboie ou applications ut indilgent punsous. Or wa -Cari led. boni Ou motion ot Mm. McCreight s coin[ vas pataud establishing s roar ou t-bs rear ed it ut Lot No. 14, 2nd Con. - neN Mn. Wixon mnoves, shat tise ton-ms ofl'en-- M cd b)' Johe A. Haigbt fon the panchasut VerY a roari ailovauce seroa tIns rer out ot vi DtABSti,-T bave s fev vr o a u my- in reply ta M.%Ir Mauîennan's lutI, antI thlin,1 ike hum, 1 Irmve donc.> V IlieIrassigYnifluti bis intention ut ceasinu (hlm ereprd c-aprudent nusolutrumi, ta froinutIse posinion be Birsa saum-I, Iney hira everyt-biug to loso, sud uotlning tma gain hy prutnacting it. But it vonulti have buen airactory tu otisens, sud jnnet tu e binsult, bhari Ire snccesstnilly estahlisliesl,3 vhnereii i bave Il grnnslny ignoruri aclunal1 tact," beforelire eau-rient bii resolutin-lu lu uIlk-ct. A Simple declaration that T1Irmve2 dune sn, wvil noçt do). Ire shoulîd baye madie gonîribisIlsoftiimpeacîinment" amnd thon retineri to enjo) tire lanreha vitb viricir iis aucessa1ud*cowvnedlîâni. But 1the tact lu, tIre creriit ut Ilgnossily ignoiug angcteal tacts" la4due Mr. Maulennusu; and, moes saaily tan'ing ina mnakiwag unit his Case, 1inn concumîtrames ailhIis emrrg-ies prore tIrat I ha ve as bat headr snmd vonseheurt ; nt thi sanme limn aisîiu a eluonf tdiata ndem1 the protection ()tfv.limh Ire noped tu escape fronn tire ndelicala position inn wbicil bu a-pse i.lIe lIrasaihud n ubutIn t- iampts. I atrn Content in ire jurigerihy tlnoe vbo Irnua me Irest, antI [ flatter my- self îhey vilI material.iy mullify tire scoutl in- coudemnlablon ut My Rom'. slag-oiet, sud the 44 public" viii nul fail lu appredi- ste lime situatio n mb abich tIse arrogance Fanti inaliseretiuaootnu)'Lord lCuueth have nnvîttnugtly plaeed i hm. Mr. alenn'8upposet II"misappre- heuisio)n" eouceruaiug the Ileonflicnîug ver- sions" of tbe Brouklilu meeting, is soon) cleared up. TIre conjvemmationu sihududt n was grîeral.-evuny une l ine ronu at the tirne taIrng part ilu h. lbItnay ,bu proper lu sate that il %vas belon-e thin cntiu.;vas, calletI to order. TIse identity of the bau Isacirers ratre-ri to by Mn. IMaclenu is incapable dt doubt. Anti8me thoy bave