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Whitby Chronicle, 6 Nov 1862, p. 3

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-g-__________________________________________________I ..----,--------.-.--.-I __________ __________1__il__liq_ IMA RRIED. new at COOK- MURItAY.-At Whitby, Nov. g lttier l8t, by the Rev. James T. Byrue, Johnt the euh. j 'olc to Joue.Murray, both of Darlington. ïg tranulformed iu1îW a y thme at of a vte a- wnd of oe of aur re. -under uiy balcony, a .roma the houieo f the ke 'nder your pret.ec- le Mniucimns, atid, had 4d hy -hi. instrument, lity bave killed himt. I Marquard of uuch a mi savage sct ; but it a houe, and I hold t. If 1 iad flot reu- Piation of my anîmieras use wouid have boeu i stono leit upon an- Wl tmy troopa iu necea- m) Mytroopu o te mult 1 wfil ne: release M. conditions ibat a Qmi aid te the Itegiment cf )uted- aîno<ug the b'snd attack wau madie. mad M. Marqutird set hotu. from India, a d a youn- lady of re- :lractins. This Yeoug :enesely by fite oYoung s, Wiîit utrt) aie was Il vary ardunnly, but ar prefèrence fer eilie. s. meilkee mqs er dermi- o1ý , he Cotmultej, the ti bein a mon 1f an d, uayu to the Young o d, atidni mrry the matn u. " The youngr lady and bing, natunlly wuially lu wrat5 weath- Ook the ailvice of thme boat ready mnannoil in ccordirgl>1. uext morn beimag on dock, sund il7 ut the yOuutg lady, soca heail foremiit,- iimediately jompedin se youtig lady sud ber L ugaini, aho says ta-the l 1 te do with tim et Y" Says the Cap nieIP' Ausm thea Young ork Times sayu unn ameet tl clipper rsiip Dresadnoughmt, aterçluy arriveel safely frotu r makimîg a long detoier in fi oider te avoid the atten- in Seos -uandl tbe rebe Ma. It is semeawbat humîl. i clirenîcle uucim usfact as mit that wihereis we have g Chuarleisutsn atd Savau. t thse very mouthes of their i tteen mulntbu, with thse lta of 8endiusg into thos 'e l'rinsteamers than ttmbelote, the Confede- iL-d isse0u.berougimly wY.)11, by usa couple of A"zouiju, mï Ie compel aur i[l tltieu itt(rc eeoCost >f' Greenîloud for safeîy."1 <su8 ji, on go0d iauîlsrity, paesie hipa are lu smo ,sfdeteprivitleersu ouau la t1hsî eilect w- as Is b- ers mad ithe CUýlti toftIse i leurmm fr010 auothet'source thse Alabama are -diitinct '11F'u. FKIu aMJh i lcilimod.IlIe ha îwe miulu iii the rabel army, 'oue iiditod. Thse Richmond En.t Gin to see John aIt the heami 1it s., meet Cercora or Jabama, ileu Jefi'. ýcontrucl. e John a Tribue. lad agemi ýrge Look, evou, vwu sut, Jane gounlte ca@&i h. 1girl sper- Wfthiout rone, lIse ie girl, the th vas iu. u.uu DI BD. Ad. n off Mll. J. W. N0ULI1,;;F-At WhitbY, On Ithe 8th iiut., Ma. J. W. Nourse, aed 80 years. MIL. ADAM LOGAN-AL ýWhitby on nri1ciý the Sth fat, lr '.daiLgn ed2 rdibyears. *' Lgaed2 Ie JOSEPH LEWER-At Wbitby on >tbe the 3rdd met., Mr. Joseph Lcwcr. uni&l NEW ADVERTISEMENS. SMAI jL PROFITS N0 CR EDI 1T! LIST -0F PRICES AT* JAMW BROOM's £~'S~lîoilîVs < tand. 12lbs. sugar for $1 AtJAMES IIKOO.M'S*. G URRIANTS, 15 11). for $1; new V-do.-very flne-12 llus. lor $1.25 ut JAMES IUROOM'5S. R ICE, 22 lbs. foi- $1, t l>UGVIIWDEr4t TEA at JAMES îiROOM'. B E~ST WURE ofoevery kinid JAMES RROOlicI'S. YO ARDtS FAST COL 3000 l1-'lED eiNIs, ut FJ'ANCY D ('9001)S,.fili great Jvariety, i-oti$1.75 thwe. , t -W IXCEY'S at lfO&T mper yard at JA1MES liIOOMe'S. MANTLES--will lie Éiliovn ili a few (f tys-I :,is ilîletmandes, very elhmup, t JAMl!ES BROOM«esa JAMES BIZOO-N begs tec informn «tho Ludits ant rltrgcncrally, tîmt lietyîl .sltrsw, etelIy,.'t argLc sto%.k of .7IIL L I.VER Y, Anid hiui 'u.mçdnfirst-clas Mil- lmer, ullj oi-'lers wmill ineet wilh quick dlesp)atcl, antd licexecîîtoiT iiithe most fasliou:mTI stlouil on the rsost rea- goiîuble 'rîums. SELiLING OFF! IP VOU WtAN r TO GET Hfoxta'- Maarýicttured'BOQTS, Coa ttflAI'", lLS t iti e IïlgMApr(.U stoulk t ý0iss-'llte lii, reenti OLD RLED STORE, US'T tecreise-1, im i iaitrcîfand Fly At BA-IN'S OLD RIED STORE. - WVllitl 'y, Nor. 5, 1005. 48, T'O LE T. T Pl F, f0 thi<- t i ti ly N.it.G. ltuu, And by f J. V. Ptit. '-scssiou LIs otiomber. / A pjllyto SWhiitli-, Nov. 6, 1862. 48-tf' (Joal, Sait, Pla.ster and Waer Lime. JIST reoncivi.4l, andl for mâlie by the aubecri- elbere, a largo quaitîtity of BLOSBURG.H GOAL, sait, n'aster aad Water Lime. -. C. DRAPER A 00. Whitby, Nov. 6, 186t. 45-i' DIVISIONCOURTS. No. 1. Wiihy. ........... Dec. 1, 1562. 3,.l'leksriiog ............. 4 < 3. Reacl, ............Yov. 17, 5. Jlrok,.............. ..,De. 16, 6. IIssmyrtim.,.. .............17, Z. BURNI[AM, 26 3udge, C.1). NEW DTIEMÈNT&. EXTENSIVE 0F Younig I lyson, EJ'Vh Breakfast, Souuchong arnd Japaniese AT CRIDIT SALEILoIV]Es. POWELL'NS. oR>CiIfeSC~CEY COM. O*L i.A PS llAR3'WeiR~# &~, A fresh supply, and cheapest iii Town. To be aod by P'ublie Auction, ou Tuesday, November- 18, 1862 an olliowlng <aye, untilthie entire stock la tiol1, Ilit te VOIageof UNION VILLE, The tltloit e, lit ,hiopropnrty helouglng to .LJA"ES KELLER, Conutingofafl îX.t(,n4ivo ami4ttrtnietit of.DrY Glodis, Orcmalitrdwsr', crockery', psteitl Mnuieiute, (ourg ,Drlt-sus, Atiloees ,Wiu- ter Pliads, lrinte, Fiewtory Cottoîte, ttriped Rltirrimoee. W uta Cautbrie, Tieklngs Lltens, ltjriiaptilts ketti, Ninur tîi $aunmtr îale Rtibboîe-, iaeceu md Tritorringt<. in great '.arie- l,' and a a teit at.wolil el tadutnck if Win-, t Ur andi Ctîtm led oît lttiug. Aiea tefollowiig sttc' f id peneteiili Itm ot he imn titdsy Cof mati; I MIiels <ow, 1 'lien iit1gev, i1 aso a W luti5uew llinwm, a lot of Feinîka, Itakpas, Scytîies aund Stitiits, i Coùkiniz Stote, i1 trir tove, 1 large Box ltove', 1i ir ight St-ve, 8Ilk ldteads, 1 sufuu, i Inui na-q11tcoeof îr. Keler trvlLg up but- sie5V10 iwahnvwili îîoa'tiviy lie «nid iwitht. ont reserive.- Sale go conmmc eac day ai ilice heur of 10 odoc a. m. predaeiy. TEIIMS 0F SALE: AI! snane t aîud er $10, ocash; 1 ver that tminut6 t îiîh e melt wtilWgiven bly-fur- IIàqîiotg sîîirumed Jintlot * . THIOMAS WILSON, Ohaneery Sl IN CHANCERY. BETWEN TITE CITY BANK Plainîtf, lratthewte nnan and William Len- Lnon, Del'endants. TO BE SOLD- BY Masars.Fairbanks & Macdonell At timir Aiietion Itonusi, lina TOWN 0F WILTBYI [il liem otye t)ttsllrsulent Ina duere. of lie Cort utIjlmtàory mn tleln lt1wa a >5 caut'e., tl dt4ut r.dam ot Maei, 562, anuna ordeir iiut 'la nstcCanuri, (de10titoitititday of Ont, 6, witts ii'priteu of Atidtnw Norton lituelli,r1 rMtrlu Ciiuesay et thou sitid Court, on Wednesdayt 26th Nov., 1862t AT TWF.LVE <YCLOCKX, NOON. Ai! an! esitittulitr blat ccrti aiiece or tract of lass em, prettiee, ittuate, iyiig Csuîtd beittg in lte VILLAGE 0F BEAVERTON,ý fl the Coutty oft rînuarlo, ?ieing comgposoilof pArt put ttb unatIuiti 7f flot touiter Four teen, lu tIssu Cli concession of the TOWNSHIPOF THORÂH, nedcoeilaiulig tsy adu surerreut Be tlise mauuimore or ecg, aui whicb ta1' b. oeIsrwime kisoiimeselecri4mel in aeeort',lu sed et amsCtve e.fr, esu letuu7 Whtil, tWtIse eid Mattbee' eetamd Williatmn Leian, re gisewred. Oui tIse saLd lot tîtere la ercetomi a largo Iwo htory FRAME -BUILDIN;G, ldsksuiitu împ citutwo fergee susd ciim- meysuel kibe e pper partum a dwuliiisg bouse. Thse property vii habuot!ered for «ailu n. lot e albue stelateCL. A dzmait lus thaspropturtionoftev-ind tarishi iiie.-fr ivrv £ 00 f tei ,u,,i3i. LOWES & POWELL I3ROAD CLOTIIS, DOE SKINS, GASSIMEItES, BE AVERS, Pilots, English ana Canadian Tweedi, Satir,ýetts, Mandie Cloths and YestingB, in variety, and at price s to suit the tiincs.', LOWS & POWELL. Clothing made to ordor and Warranted O. K. LOWES & POWELL. Novcml)er, 1862. Nos. l'and 2, MoPherion's Bflok, Brook-St., Whitby. '1 .11 FI~ tWo NEW ADWERTISEN, ENTS., D)AVID J13IlfflO1, Au(CTIONFER, begse to iiforinfioe f nbabi- Atant4 of Oîîttrio-.ind Du.ri4uni Coquie, tw.lt ho l prepured to attend SA LMSiiienyj part~ ~ ~~AI otis 'îî'. ilordcrg 1<41 st bis reskIden, on lot N. 14, inthie 511< counrsioui of Darlinttn, will bo ponctnuliy atnded to. l>rlingtoîî, I'ovenîhcr, 1862. 481 First-class Farin for Sale or te Rent. ON'rÂINN<.100O acres, inoreor logg, osar 300 corda of good Hardwood, AVili b, ms-Ml 'eparatcly or in 0110 lut to finit Fur fur,!,,,, partieular4 apply tb tho Proprio- tor, if by letiar (prepaîd.) Noveiniser ,62 Lot 8,4ti Cuit. Wbitby. PUB LIC SALE. On Friday, 28th day of Wov. Instant, 1 w 111 ofer for male lu th e TOWN 0F LINDSAY.ý ut two P. In.: the following I:d.via :-Al that ceriulti jmena or p.(nnt of land being coin'i poivitinu' lut Dninobur Elctveilu n-theSevenfb oducessioni anid lïr-tninber Teinl "thse Mgith -c0IieO1411 of tIi. The abovo lu soU unîder a pOWer Of male COU- talood in -MrggQag Lde by .Laucater ILt S chofild joint.à JOHN MBOWLES. THE (GREAT ÂMJ3ASSBDOR 0 ILEALTÀI TO ALL MÂNKIND. 1A i A&-W -A1TION SALE - 01? 1>' BOOTS-& SIIOES LEaîtribncr bavini determiopd onivn J.Tp 1,,iemaue.a wil iltick wimtmîeof hIe prestwut tok cff lrU an d Shoos by Public Anction ou Saturday, Novembor .15, 1862.. ltier iu iha Shop Purnilbfngrç, Leste, CSn r iarinîg Machinc-, &4,. A. 5n4t- elau tingecr olg Machine, nearly new, a q tîtty of HOU&ftOLD FURNITURE, To an-Yme dexirons of enter4inlto the bu uloose8 ti àei prescntiiea vary flivouruble opportu- 1'l'y, te buglueee beig afready weIli estabIlàil- crThe ~red. less Otfte promisëe au muet> b. zý- 1. G OUfsSULOIAT U08<I Till dsy of sale. Sale là comnmce al Ten dcloclc a. in. JOHIN SMITH. Coemmercial Baiidimgm Brook et, Wbitby. 1 1862. IMPORTATION. 1862. O FOR A FASHIONABLE GO TO MeMJLLAN'S FOR A PASIIIONABLE SUIT F OLOTJES- GO TO FOR OHIEAP GOODS IN 3JRY GOO3ISYfLOTYfINTG C: Go TO FOR 011010E ENGLISI BLACK & GREEN TEA.S, GO TO- FOR CHOICE OLD lIA URG CIEESIE, GO TO MeM1LLAIS- ~FOR CHOICE- LIQIJORS, WJNES, &Cil) GO TO Mç1MILLAN'S.' Robert post, C-harles Post, Johin Poat, Walter Plost, Ardelia Post, Emmia Post, Ilatty Post,, Alberi Asa PosI, Eilnund G. Bumrke. W IXEREiAS the mîtid PitiUiner, haj;ve fliedl a pitition li ttis lootiîeCourt fer thse Partition ni thse lamd if ilute cDiaî l Kitowlee tof Iho Tüwusiîîof[t ur nt' .< Yeoiuan, wbe fiuuhie iflueand i <t Cettita of bim doath, lis li ailezed i0 esnLi 1'etimlei' wta uSiZe4 u!fifoosimople cflte 14ande4foiîewtttg, lihaI tb Say: 1. Lot 'No.&, in ths Ietegnoeeu!iof ti i 1Townhhtip ml Scarb rotsgbi, iitrfile Co<utty of~ York, 120 tacre,,utoreor fe,. - 2. The Stutlreriy1blVes eft14-I.oOH o. 1 Und< 2, in the7tii oeteo n ti i Tw-i(, f cbells,uinlueo Cotatty of liten, 200 muro,4 more or lust. 8. Thse Soils Esset N tI .f otN't. 7. lu tise 2nd concexeii of tlltee4t.i-Townelip ofScarbo- rouigh, 1Iboacrs, ore or loua. 4, Tlie lNorth 1,4tii Lot ';,. 4. ui% thîe 1jt con- cfeciof elte said Townidp of ti-barbogis, 100 acre, more or eeis.- essel To«uulip acre, more or1 in the salel Pet 7. 1Part ot U Townslup tof 1 talo.acre a ttin.... IIOLL( - A lao 71sP wat etai c.sireey frre ftoia DIRECT iML-ORTATONS. Re & 30 c rarB L LTO AIL W1IOMIT M!IY (0N(JERN. Beg tu announec the arrivai of their FALL STOCK, being the IN T11E QUÈEJN'K I3ENCJI. lagot asrtmnemt tey ever lle pleasuro of off'ring, and baving-been (ucbmedbfre the rcont grcut sdvanco ogods, hey wllbebl oeru the Natter of Partition. unuuaul inducomuents for Cash ila IDress Goods, Shawls lIant1es, nwls FLANNELM BLAKET, FATORYCOTTNSJameu Knowies, Daniel ilnwles, FLANELI, BANICTSFACORY OTTNSJonathan Layre Kîîowlcu, Airasa LADIES' FI LS, CA RPES, &c., &c. Conrad Knowles, JainecuAlbert They would direct the s pecWa attention of Gentlemxen to their extensive William Edlward Knowlcu, Robert auartmnent of - nowlcs, Anna Loufsa Tower, for- Clotha, Cassimeres, Canadian Tweeds &Satinetm, Under-Cloth- merly Anna Louisa Knowies, Wil- inShirts, Cllari Rats, Caps, Tics, Wool r1aiêlisa Tower, Mary Eliza Knowlés, ing, rs, 'Sarah Caroline Knuwies, George EL~A IV WA IL! rI O HT G Post, liram Posý oi, iXiwe ~ --Post. Noah Naah, Sarah P. Crosse, In-Men'o and lBoy~s Top and Body Coats,-Vests sand' Pants of every style and fomcîy Saraha P. Post, A. AN. quali ty, beisg imade up on thes preutises, the fit aud worktnsnshil) may be de- Crosse, gybil Bâtes, formiicrly Sybil pended on. .post, Charles S. Batou, William A FRESH STCOK 0F' GR OCERIES JUST RECEl VED Knowlet Burke, David Btrke, Mary Avery, foreoerly Mory Bur'.e; Je- 500 bags LIVERPOOL SALT, which will bc sold Cheap.uehAcySraSipon.fr R. & J. CAMPBELL. > înerly Sarah B3urke, The 11onora- Perry's Brick Buildingsi, 'Ille John Sîtupson and Elizabeth Whitbye Oct., 2.fpost. .1, ýý ýl ý 1 Z. 1 = 1

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