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Whitby Chronicle, 13 Nov 1862, p. 1

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Wiibcalta Priahéd, words, gpeutt aou,-hts eedul itiring T-,WIIITBY,C.WI 'JRS] ItIad elititgadrli Cia rtoie of 8s catts per S - --OF itn"oi, btî, sd i cole per linoe acii DoLIIIIN SALOON., Northejrn Hotelý Canniiigton. TIIE GREAT ÂM13A~S R0 nI nsetbcIi.NTXTr T() rUlr OYAL IYLEUM, lCiagr cotnr=tscts o ewitb ntdvrtisemsbY _ sret, Tocant, tî F reaLunch avery Theie reffliog bnqigucaeet beaoe aILIALI OAL INID r ' vening. 6ô .11Y ably knownbhotel, bac rendered 1h necentiory 1r .tdaautn dvertisoeitlhSntttt -tiiestubmeriber ho enlarga tha preetimes. th ba - .(3E IIOU ate doe tt a etoidqIcabhe exutt, and mialer ________________9AîL. otîter elatititia nd imiproveiiients, ht ectore sitili tairtler tae cetiforl ana amomaodatlib0ut >1~ W LISAAC YENTONI )'l#s gtestn. -The tllbleta alvay ro vhded vith, ~tn<~ ,rrTPIlft'1YPropicttor. tue beselo sasmn,anld non. b1ut ti a be5tbladâ ý Ar -glnadoa l ae. adsilI etm hpeute. &K 0F X NTREAL ttentive hotlér. 16 Bob ha treîloeved lAitIer, alvays hn atteild- ' 1 . U i f ia mîiîcF, uîsaloitcd by D1ick, tu heke ctrcutsm.~Far A 1,13 -0 H T G- à JIINWAIID, 170N HO TE L ~ rop~etr. IOLOWA'SPILLS Ctiin.Oct. mgOnt, 1881.. 41 > n ____________________ li -'rorituir A OO.N TO THE SICK STOItjUY'PS TheEL 'nie . > cr-r.,r i amelitd c nher il là n 'AI'iEIGLAi!S. WORI<S- Gran TrnlyiRaeleaYe1011tecisreà 1~. BULOCI< ~ Rîuwa; lpoi, Port 11îlabg. iae.) ,.eiAr.i fuit luiiinal -Wiiii-OUtWçl0 ni lc ii - - bIsf'itlti% uî,03tlt! llliet Cht be nilmina T "'t , iidersilceed liavitig potreliuil the tib s h e it ico the it ,u4imLt5tl55 IT (latM. A MERON & IWAEI)ON Elas, lu posseuieti McIle uve h'eotul, tha btiiesa L itibtove li ku ,9oWBupremni-te5 tr.o tu e lute ýI& i; îeyaitac th Oe siuOr î'T or thi.e ipluibli, 'm IhêTIItOl&ATTOZINE n ATL W httwie,,i lie*111l itfiitturi srttC,ýi-ltm i i li n utn pru irtr. ltuwuou, iicguu toetiuouiu to,10is nidtiinetuby tiievtgtth ,ll.tti.illCifdissse FI> Itor-s to lie onu>Couit ilonitri.- ncuitt. liod LfmrWieuîdlrutiicIgd urid t tI, publithetthhile usl mîv îvigniateead rsOiTtoc dulrI etlu8ca5ii1nfibeY -e &t thuiieC c 1ttIite _S'(itil Wbmg. t17ztr î1o. ixct,Ilqciooîutder fur te atcioîtbiuf tiiciii5 Wr ube n'î m i.ilroOtu- - --- --~---- -- tcltil stobl -vtfttatte-ntion for insu- . tiszh Coinirt4gfil ioiitl ih t imtMoiter- A?0l'iELAit. an lîcrme. Bt il Ec.,.. El. DARTNELL, iiîet'tTr-o-s.1;tctcluru sîcntitunt lild tt, fur- DSESA .lUSTR. ATTOIZINlE, tilVhYN U' I U loTTiet, îtur. uoui Ili!ifroinlthe eoilitr. Extoelento atib- Ttcgrei asenuuge cf itht. contfinet yilkla quickly lta O &Pt, &eW 0111e xe . .Goues 'nlretr iug aid ctteniitul nebrui. a ccc?,, iiftlicru itt..leii P uiat Iltt le dg"iveOt- te treBuet hietVih. WlýiLtby, liii. 1, 101(. s e ----iWl, tiu ilt i ai ims l it ttn ydts fmigitaggsa ca liiit JI. y. EA-I E I' WVbNDSOR. IIOUOIE, WHTU.ton:rOto-5 sef.ii archiut uttuninreti Otuitt; muer il wu.g;.eer rz OV.wuITI.!ail.roprielr f sthe-rriog remceuly ittuperaci m tuîCAVtJtliy C.W. I tî tiliote il-o- .uîiîîeiiiioeîtîîd- Geral Detelltt and Wenknosi. ---------- - rureiriod part (Of hic TtlWu, tun t roitriûd. To'tho Travelling'Public. Proe-nt.eiiivt ctiite- .owiiUOFeS tilrT'-nuit ail l N. <.IA1Ifin. irîioubîout ttrtoullors. Gond -- c icagnti gt4esîediser, snult Ooier dswslYA lITRAD TOhEYA(A. tbtF t puitCtstlirs. .-22i 5of5t ý, ttii o - lhcgANDAT IA ty Z ilce IC O0A- fl #ntit-eriber ltivII12 rl.cft t 'ua renul i tiiiftivevîuri. vLuisb bcisttr ttie, i ic ictîtii- Fod c~-,uputît bu Iliée ef ti* lt gît p- rfuil nutisemti.eînd delemrgeltirein- W, tileIlegmtryOi oeBrI>k T -byeutuoceul On' T. Enolisi,. in the W ~villruze lt'f etilt1) ILIO US DISOUPES T ~(lR.I1SO & SAlIPSN o-îor~.l .ut.eT.ititO~uo u.tyc, i mlini. vreporetl te euýcuunouodittu 1 ~,tr1utituttlirigticiruthebilueut svll-iM Sc-t1r, ltuîhLOiETOIl. (luemi ioh vuigieum ct t ned-i0,aaieltùuinîxru4ll t'iculusnilut ftiiai5im Amti C. W. -- TUE IIESOr 1LIQUJOJIS à CGABR gIa«rettiutu spure subit Ccci iiiandt"aictegl JA. SltSb. ANGLOnAXbElhbCAX ITE. Anti hi-i hab(e' viii he foritbiieu levtinilthue moe viltfguici f itfie tssiy.,oý i~Mi0l.Ill-0N. I . m-.i.tuut mtT. leit "Iru1tliue te i-ii. A ittiitite 4<r siCKLY FEiALES 'rTme tIîùarv,Âmnd oxatoilte-r in CIiaiery for u11~îG1lbFîrop~ri tl1.r. t îuicutn. ' l it> utiti'l, Iroul-k-mtý.oWtitiiy. 47 - Erblipon, 9jv. 190î. 19 UNRIEFUTED F1101. of ZW1CKEýlyt'S UOTEL. IVe lituitfaloît aatmurio ~t W. Il. IlTRF."AVNqE* W O N 'S 1-1O T EIF s tt,_ L,,vuo vri-ttluiuturr-muu~,auOrr ivetu & Poweill, slrc, Ibti5rm0uC. îy1tciuered, t '-ut uî ttoriithet ibote :IV 00W BROTHlER. HtlIoiOcy's1ujillfOt7are tt1w enîAykn-n Ai ck Bluick, Brouli-St itr lîimut teriiit otr tî'itui id - tli_ ______---- e îhtwuuljiur th4 folui4g disetcea Fier - -A- . ,I19. 0 turilutit ritttittjt iîtu rot-rt 1 I II uiI- utt ILOJETIT J. WILSON. ttl attWelellilewti id InAu5iaLi uilmenmiîs,_ IhSTi d AI>IN'YAT oAW, soi. (tondsti tiiil ter, onIlIme iuufiCaiutitiiA'Tt &RÇHIT~ÇT. CI FitrciitiAtii, l CRARjLEIS C. IýLERt, çlu EL.p>144,- Day;>Etreet, Toronto. uiuae, iti7n> ivir ou-% Ltint -r.&e, uIIc-in - TL.,SLCT>hI Nit4TllE171 it .uviiLs FARN IFOR -SA ,E. - te YarkesdlùsUasISNew "e i, b i ni' eer thue CÀirenkk . het-, "l htitet 1A coittrally ,41ttiltottlIl ufi usmo4bruýËeiuoiin artitt cIit-.t in îyI (lotsmeta'a gmi L eiiure accttouittmuurorututt* the titis ma%-mi unt,,u. litj titio viIlage ciBvao- 40 ît&.KE, L. L. B. roirNI(Y AT LAW, q,;- ru, Yt ' e- ublie, e- 'Nev Blkiuliog, Bnda(is 42 itnod np!und reiu%'aled. ALBIiON IJOTEL, i.ý,lS T ) IIKT rqha1R IIY T , ofir îe il l'rt -(, Y. Irt~IElY G5liENWOO. - ler - - - - - __________tu__t___ r týzIUNDtE (r fln 4 Mel laT 1tli ntpoI f Lot N-t. u, ut i fuu reer ni.4 t 7 ii tl, i aCont. tuflie Trwt- loti, ht1l ist., 'a v: -Six iiuîet olrdout tutti i urm iufyuarifi),lite tîciunce. Fut Oj1 itiîlir uirur alisspi> to tiuiroruîrietor. tp -j UQs11LUA 'RICHIARDSON, e Tuýotf Wiutby 'A lt)ORN1YATI A.~TUEK 'FhIJtÂVIPt ViOiauîem-t-Netîtri Peulin. COnIveIý ilter, 1- Il 11rTo-, O Trf'5itf [AT VN G R t(gr% otflietultj( -.j hlb)nut. 'iIigtutrecuuli ortiuitt j i]L ut- MI uuits tCt UN- JQ I LLINGS (u.ttcrLtu 1,ei \11.i. jlurry. ' Te ri e wm-its - ~~~ia". hutui CisSt) iî'ia t t h îruoigitut, itl T ~ ~ ~ ~~~C rG AWlb 1Vh IN YAII( ituz'ltru iiIle tir, oiFl. lvurr im-eerabiiitbV.131'ewerv. ~~2'uititfl't.rlC 1 ill mb viojelit unuurbot ,tlue eu trttiNOW IS TUE TIE. B ,IL. LIlN GS 1.-MsoCi NeIititttYU1d tîumENitem-.A iUITEîuR u <l C LA;WIlO,- 4.W. LBEn -IBROOLIN. . 1.htka aiprime icharc Gstlcry - . ~23 E alinta adikonamo culti sltitFia N-et 11 iYt týi uebea eirirtot nul ifucu-ike Ainluro- J. W.i CAL)WfhIL BROWN, 1 t~h i urruieu it umeiuuyiusd tyiCnsetp, I.etttrg t.arL tie t~0PM1SCOSe ouilgsuutittut Iliit i t~ttt--uIt er Kii, fi rJ. A. C. cami do il in te 'beut st lte, c t:o~it uI l ii soM11ttuct t'. i 4Jhrdsi utuo ine lOSreetI naatyopp 'Ie rriîiit, utlcoteuitul u oue hiuY Si* Urmutir Sfreei WAU4&. te Meilîctlil II&Lui. fittudt ),. itu o it ffoirt c11 le apered mut1tue N.ILtI iisttiaiutirtiiuituto lises e vilI 114 rt rrttutuv to t>reidiur titl obc ROD[NSitN lIO oez., Thettiffletilut-yl thrt t ic el)ýfoumîtupleiitflVý ' ClslA C CUE, BAY STREET, FI. E. <>DETýL, aplied ltîti tulîest ilu utitu - r 'tomo ilifev iorNoitta of Kinug otrcec. uINVPOYANCEIO.~Tl fuilu- uObe i st ots f Iiqoiorui tei 'r%,n-i)e doltar lier (Inv. i .,&Jdit Diitsoolur.e <îttltii, u tie liah uituirvîl u le-r.tt'td rtubt. -JAMksliA hlEW8, r eas s ia e-n e aj phuftt u Iipb iUtta1Ieot M&1.oi.-Itin'S ittC. r115 otoof liuheruliuil il teC, b'ruprtihtum-. 'bv toi tp. 10, 11~. -Mitaito iteul ntluor sarerior vtilîyt North lBrit"a ud. 14ercasitile 1 Q oid-1 uu. tljult-it"iG",.butt Irranls oo zniae R,à. GUNN, M. D.s-t tttBtit 5,Prsbherry, isud-Cape g iré & Life Ins'urance Com'y. ,mjG NT HE COtTNTY (IAOL, - V &û, &C, r-THOMAS ow 't ~ l'te -, B. --AEX LXAN DER. latofltitel - -r t h1~G.O A~DACOU Bunuln,,iL 9,A81E- Ihy, bepC. 7, 18112. 8it-ly Pý q01le1wq1f'sIOuî-CANTO?4 HÃ"OTEL, Q ~O 4D WL jsýeqtitiribi toutiou pabud te di8atss t--UFNS11>E 'CKIII.G<D >tISofa~ to y-i-~i.Pe 1 îtîji<apd ç- h)deI- - - )accciuuîutuidatioa 11" Triveloel.a . t D ît Cueuiý,uty ( ciel niriui. 77 J.iW<LRK t ) - W. jJUtIIBIRT, coutetlousme, W biti>. - » 1lii rî t IIttON I, d. - D.tr rIr1reO.~ .C.IM U N H .MI )E -t Sbhlreiphhrt ôtl, Wlithv, totil ibmliter RAILROA" HOTEL, - %Ir. M; C. Camnerait ylconfluaIthe Uuis'l Ioaticç t -,51-- î*.îviit iitiig Qrs oCocaf I tii -., &Ct I. trtciu- I>~ .A. CÂRSONe F)lONT STR EET, ncarýtlaiMrrket. '- YR 1F STRET, ROUolIO TIIllME-WM. >t'WEProprieter. t ngvqle C' C flc nie dise8s, and i mn )','Y2-y abs ~ wàrrantm a cuOre orttiui . 16 ANILL H1OUJ, ;çtCii, BNIIEIh, ÂND ilziebegs lî5ve to infrm bis- - r- T 7T'IIAgent lerahgna irfriniiciuu.amdnthea ellù ublgpie til44ILaO bUI,9ýfttt&b,1<N Sitntdtiy the 2à0tb : 1 'V-NETir-r10 ltîta(ifcen tli@uibiuA. CrBRNT mtlial>'thietitét 1tA!NP gUIIVgYQIIS. uiut Outht. oajI utusdravit ttc' Wilid ()omlide ptrovnage o 4.Vluabe a IîIdutfor Colptble ECCuattOiogl iip5' An ottenh ive andh utatal toutu5and WpO&deIlta. tend",- et. P'. BuiNET, - Beave4pu.- 1,EVERELL, amln ntssi &cR1?EEN STIhEET, RUSSELLI~ Ï --CLF r r QUE~ ypîIp»VISI!UCOUlZT, _1ndfrUE j t14 their friend aidrdre ___ ___ __ ___ __ rpugIyruic'g i tl . T miEAittR t i et, Wtoili'cuas X. [liliuitu fe rk. suaIn îy sir atuclil6l ruIL aise-c. - v t'lisûit Ire a d s i lit 1 ', SIB ft Lt S iu- ~U,7i'EE~, b.g ha t-stUt al-i uir if 31tu cdtl i:ewe q 'ordq - t ah tath-tit , oo Lu 'ï, 1u.lbi WuLiî Don IuldmiiaaxemoV0dla FIour, Grain and Feed StorE BROOK STREET,, Noui t4ii-od, n ext dulaur th ALguiTnsmitl Whtbty, oclt.8tm, 8-- O uOl cdia tern i vi'ii se aLý, Y e $jr" SnaC boc lit inti ror thuei 'ttieboc n Cite-wl ,the %yu - se dcce to utu ,Imt 11telul uit bogur 1 -tito )ft hu jo) %tna t1tto i s te v(lm cd, LoIt CIe<tI, w .1 il'. Dale.. boK MLTAts. omorbe es t end tirylsn 1 bluio'd liao -viicea il 'Tutt tvbiftoi ewcods one il =omer ave <t dietaut glon, u4eIl unt' wben tii. bus ,exed le sIen Id fron tltut l'e lo1atki te tg dutys. n s oui 1 Y, étiéd here =l a- nire Id c 1 t,ýà;iera u _____________________ A Clever SwlUdJCr. ý, Witur Regiatry Offlee. 1ER ANNTKM, pE~vs L ppîv (litop Niey, oui1 Lie nupeutl S'. CONWAY, 18 IOTJi matbaw Tcfy L,1iU ÂXD ADVEI<TUIWE _0P MIge-ÀANwT DE nos. IV'~ The London Stansdard Of- a i'acent datc gives the following intereai0 s1thuEh adventures of a clever femnale swindler, wbose operations have recently beeti broogbt to li-lht ÃŽ'Sir Robert Carden, whio introdncd ug 'rogesa Kaoletge, jroberhod.the oe.er a thie young sprawling Fàfr bodabrother and sister, wowr __________________________________________r their liveliliood by gyratin- along Vii.i~ ' 1i162bn' topavement Mucb in thei. spe or the V'ABE 13 1 6àTa 4 eabwheels they often imanaged twocuirun, did us, on Tboraday, the furtiier service of My friend htid prôniised to come near tii adventàreg of Billy Morgan lhe could inakiog kno.wn to us another 61 bis ne, 1' enngi o ea sgnlaofditrsasoe-fot* sleep, thooglih h bail riddeu forty miles quaintance, qoite as remarkeble ini ber tmee, bt, as lhe tod me aitterwrda,-ié that day on borsebacir, It oiht bc abot way-'a Young slender woman, about 20 'Wsa confined ise'erl dayg fér piking a two -ours befofe day.Uighl, when ha though yeara of ae, with a de-cidedly Indian com- quarrel w ith T om B3ro nw , w ho ra ho lo ged, hê heard a sort of l o w.- w hii pering ht pl x o , wel d 0e , a d wi r v r a tn a tw flog for forgin- the ill.s whieli was on the ground-ffonr, adlike rnannera', who, by bis kindueFs, .ÉIr emained in thie state outil I wuan ad al ut once the lorieliotas 'or. isus - ber cleve ' ocils, and Our notice, ila demiiied tteàdleave* neerly sterved, whou, ont beiog able to tion came acrosa bis mind. If- ever therre -to an itnmortality wbtch, if lezis re3prct- ber c va n g t ad i n 01 II One M ntvaso ed a s co s i m a hle tian A gam em non's nay, t ail ev nt, eVeryody between dee'ko aeemed fut Billy Morga;and if evejr here was a spot compare advitntageouicly with hat of Jack aneadre- n from my Iiidiagp plac. h- eatrvlier miglit 11 despatclied with Sheppard or Dick, or een Bamrylile Oh. where I vwu eoited op lu the ishape of a impn nit , it was titis îonely -retreut in the NMoore Care#. ~ tevllw abl, ndfidin apichr 9w~er tok lmstpahiS3 £>est. The thought also "Miss Anr.ertte de Ro-thie beroîne. of a hearty drink onut ofit. Tbie -43 s 5fer. came acrosg him, that lie bied told Billy Our romance -Seema co hte ave hac< enoni a91I darcd go et tbat ticitesan I vent -back that lie vas c&ms vîth a viaw ta tha pur. of confidence ini the. btter of lnitrodricliit haro c13gn 7nas a u a hue or land iof course ha rnu4i bave o o iie:in those prolciterciS at- n g row watt, too bungry te remain quie4t, tough awong ney. At a i eveats no ma could set out iractive!ydepictcd for us evein b7 QfoneWl4 mort. the Sandwich ilaeders 1i lid been ascd 1o on a jonrnéy or sorne tbousands of miles, is evidently apeaking 'more in suri-Qv thtan res narr, tgo vitbont -esti a.- or daya et a time. The. witbout a fcw hundrteI dollars ho beur bis ii ang-er' of theai, th ave prcsented bc r- ,uh er ext niglt I crept -out gai, and was expengc. Cgptain Il - wu a man of self at Sir f.tbert Cardn' office vritb ic' th or ncky eaough lu gel a pretty goond supply ectrslto'btte.tr ie n furt.her credenitiools. Nothing eôuld bc more of, provisions, vich happened ta lis' loft situatilsi fsmlnhi~ oesmehtcll~ um by some accident iorhe ahi.g-1 tat l tst dd tp-ebiinmoroic iult a.Tvo ordanger is tee iboumad ilines More appel htv utadit-obnImr i Ir oînes ho three times 1 heard searcli malcing for me, ling thantte reelit>'. Indeefd ve are per. genius than the talce . ied nttellSb*, j and w as vry mch fr,hteed lest 1 sho ld saded, front our ow o eperience, that ri. as the niece of Sir Stford Carey, the 1>0 . h.farina outinhoMY liole." eaginetion maes -more covards than ail Governior of Guerasey. She conte bave 4d the furcl "Ifow wait possible- for the block- te aue o ogether. The captait i e:tionied ten better 1mnaie, fur Sir Itoberi hîoads ta miss you r' asked captait% -- tried io temson and then to holly îîîeLzi ap knwhlm, and knew hlm, fortunaell>, >their nioIsiy i Wloyj sir, tii.7 did corne 10 lhe cablu pýrehensions into silenca. But the wîîiin- ont>' b> repote, She hiad incurrud a toas ti4or viiere I vas, but ' li<licve lte>'vere erin'ga continued, and ah length lie c,)uhl ii ber *117 tt rejiîn ber homerne a uernty to n m c b fig ltetied ta look mbt it, or dising ish thea lo y ollo v voice of Bibi>' whieh she fe t ail- the more severel>' that 0- ne, t,uidliaoint e . me in the d irk b oie. T ity M organ, sayig, sh a lad no accqu intaiieeo in London. It dar~ îv I l n ul lifI t be canv asa iat cove red( m e " lush- you'll wko thecapta n." wvas tsrange, rno d ubt, that thi. o)*ee~a o UItltr of ttc tiies they came. V ie. ig t 1"Shah I1 shoot him noçv ?,, releuso me the Governor of Gui-rnacçy ghou'i h. with. 1loîînd lte officer ou ties atch. I gave one in thiesaine àuppreused tte. 1 n botasnot tu vothy mgin trLd Bt heèrd Oit, lf te for' gote;bot 'u' luck vould "No," replied Bih>', "'you ean .t smc as e h otymgdrt al e Indes 4)f îî;it, h.xe il, My friend vas nov _ out of limbo, hlm quile plain cnough yet. You May 'issi front.us atnd a lhondred otiier of zlir, peo- todavt oole -Care to ex amine the coil hlm.", ple's beal poâsible insitructors that truili la ltln, or table su carefull>, thet nobody titooght "lWell, if 1 do, yonuccen try uni aifter- atronger thau fiction ?-the point uf grelit. e; 0 Ijki i .fer hm. bcwer strangreness su gestiii- a inure cosapen- ily' end, ng jivi ut e b fAvsra v1to a rda," o naçaytldiou nemode 3of flwditg out wita is truce, ,f te tiia ~ poortu ity twfrigitten Tom Diront a little, "1'11 ha d-d if I do," -thaubht cap. ti. athodtrcle of thé cll. 85ofhd ir- t by viiting him lut the night andI bidding -tain IR - , cautionsly raitiag him aSelf b t te a aidm of the wiar Iu barce t- Lah î g o i : îoîg oo>d -he, a ter w bich I lipped quiev - la b a, an d pc pi ag outnt aI the . wndo wv, i e , 8 s d w t lern th Iu. y out of thc port-hoIc, a,samasahore, viiich va% juat lit 0bis bcd sida. There but diso Stattheositie r ysaîruclne u ire~ ~ ~m paaded~hl n'friend pullcd up .loe ropa and vas nu moon, and ltae w1ole expense of bau ioléy001 thegosa> itre srton& of o ut the port at-r tac" the licavens va r 4 V ied b >' light dl ccc>0 (lu Iotbly un,: "Bat bmwv did jon m3anae a h escape eloudh, vhicb eiLrely iÇd the ýstar, and station, site vas unable-titi became a pionks from tii. scarch mnade by the. police et AI- eaeused an indhstiuet obscurît>', thf<ih«fr youog lady-to reàst a deaire of Eèèing itlifal hecart, gesiras V," viicli objecta conlieW perceived je th St. Paul?. Catledral. Tbongh tiie Rzv. diitttt0t , sir If vas un board the. frigate ail outliae, but net la thair distinct festures. $Sidney Smith-hiultclf a canon-Ieft be- tetite, ii n >' old hidig place."I - crouchig ila large iîapl -an , wh s inid itna erather unftavorable impresion e' A nd vien the ii it eu rc ed di- iollow trunk o ld' have accomnmodated a f the nicety of priciplcut therplte¶ fs'o re - sloipo ofrberhodsinusedtotht revérend estoblihmeîîl, it wag nûU n- rect>' ite ?"~tro p o rob ter , h disiog isied tise the 'aung ladyhbail leitis pr eictr n d i 1 vas s hre et thnt lime." figures, covarlag ania etuopiilg as if ta m.. e d usrd a c0 fcio e r Inaby t "And oy did you maniage t Malta1" eomaobject iante distance.0 aeurdacoftieyrer i-ts "Te laudkerd vas my swurit brother, 1"There I1 thtche 1s 1" twhuspcred onet,siemscbr orcnicntila eand vould lt av eo blab bichh fr a titéu aa d '"fire " e g t0 p tt d n 1 d, v c -C)h la f pound ." T he captein suk dova on bis be, as tde a ls la'he m o1 u v n a! ý. 1 o41 "And îbficapers on the yerd-arrna ad ho ould distinush one ut the felova carried la the aide pocheet fa rloua. itîng tt>p-gÂlan, thi. t'lsi spàd ta Tom rown raising lis rifle. ~jceletwielo sue iare. Tbough .the--à -n a m a bele. I ut Syracse, ead the -vodarful sto n*es tod d " -n i i," seCd-Bily,-in bis loy deep ai !M so uaate d u s re f h bedthhn y thie sailfflsof bling roobced of their tta-thrnes, Il he's dàdgsd us tis time.» lOnk qvienl ?h eds ai e los , te mon sal -4-c ;'tandl hc- out azenainid the ver irsiat glittpse 7otu-2.i , ,~ ,..atawrh urs

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