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Whitby Chronicle, 13 Nov 1862, p. 2

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.1 * - Vh~tti~mtrts bisDay. ~LlIng Ot-J.~esBain. tiepfuhra.-J.Lmes 4Bin. eînfal ?Profia-JeBroo:ss tIrocerie- do. Diry'Goode - d o. Miliiery- do. Farta for Sale- -AIex. Ogrtoi. fJord Wood for SBle-Aiea, <¼eton. -Stolen or strayed -D)avid Greg4g. Map of Upper Caniada ý-Mr. Tremaine. staIlion foi-Sle-. igginbotow. * LIeu for Salet- (1. lliggitiboitom, Illllowg' Oitmot-ro.lloway. Cad-i)r. Clark. A Card -IDi T. Ariniroumg. Lr~ture-Mechaica nâtituto. AUCTION SALES. Inut hie , T-(4ofWhitbv, oni Saturdu>', Novvinbri , 2. a12,a lar;stqckof Boots on Ls)t No. 8, 4th Con. Piekertieog, on Tucsdsy, Nov. >18e 1$G2. -Thomas Myers, On Unt No. 2. Euh con. Scott, on Fni. day, Nov. 18, 1t862-J. I'atteratm,' Aue- On Mon _1STov. iTtit, 1862% on Lot No 17, lirkeiý Front, Wliîby, te proper. ty or Mr. W %Vin j>u:rTl . yà Ou Sitnrday, Nov. 15sh, 1862, ori Lot No. 7, r oh:) 3rd Con. Iicleriig. tise pro,,erty of Mr. liiay Ilaaaey -Jantes Woodruil', Auctiotacer. WhhyTi' d~,N'imb r13, LM62 ONLY or, eDOLLAR A. YEAR The tReln vai or (-il. M~c:la.0 - Theo rornoval or Con. bMcCiellan from thoe olrrman- or the Northurn army, at thie patrticulatr juncture, à nflothîwe et Cf the ilarny unaîis and iropolitie acte perpe. tralod bv tho FaéderaI Govern -ment. No *greater proof wns needed of the vaeilatîn, g policy ofMNr Licoln'a ca biniet. Three woelks âge, l(Clellail-Who had been ouly tise week beforc l gr.aded for hie [allre ho. fore Richmnond -wae besou;ght by the Pro. aident, in peýrs )I, 1 In iecommnd of thseà arrny, and res':u e lvcapfit-l, then meuacod1 by Crei. Lce Mid "Stonletalil" Jactison - F'or this, lit4 id ie vicîorv oen the field or Autretain, anrd for drivirtg the Corîféerate forcea acrosaih c3Paoorrrc, hc wtMi auded to the Skies as a verv h vo. To-day ho le removçd furrhie connattd,, aid retireel from what. i by courtes>, termed' active servie t The umorte asndfor takini this reeponeible trp, is ?dvClellati's alleged * disobedirorce (of ordcrs, in t f-lflowirsg up thre Caiifedcrate arot>', and mzaier eta.tdintgebetween hIlion nd thse varioum bureaus of Suppl>'lit Wasliiigtoil, as to thset causes of deli7 il) the tasiso fep plies. The tJab,,eî, ii appearu, ws divid- cd na wt Mr. MCIllnemtitoa. Ssýere.- tar>' Sewtrd anrd Mr. BLU tidvetd Lia ireten1io#ý, tile etsaoto-n, Ch"e a nd Oea.S 1! ieck, sud -oiter anoiere of thse Ad-. ininisîriauion insid ont hie diemniseal. Thsek Presidont adopied lte vietre of thre latter,j s-ht> emlbrace ithe more) radical section of thseb cabinet id t iote Mccleltnnlae eussi' peraed-f ed. MWhatfer MelClelits'B drawv-backs a w si' belh i i] ho adwiltid, thit tiis le tot the in;en îoltil uchling irt tire face of tho' e00w>', t ontre isba lnfrora lois comnmanrd. Hie uiifinetes for tise position, siaould have t been diècovered before this litne. We area as-areor f cen. MCelî'pahufrdg ging and drilliig, and dieipininr,-.ud 111tho' vo mi-ht tokelilw ith isMclq kmît l tt 4 l i-uln it ç trt R 01egoSthe !ilncks la t. Vtacvsnit, IVeit liidies%. liÂtLOLPLOT To IRS't'toY IlaesWHITE POPUtLATION, ANS> snVIora TUE WOIiIG < 5- vsTWEN mTil ..t.rsrl -Tfl 4TTEN PTLI> tasvnRRaeUTIoy i!rtPBCsKt, Doctur Ciseckîoy, fornsqniy of uns place- s-rifing ta a friand iisiWhiiis>', givos tise fallus-bs a seuuuî -outtise ncro iuurrec- tian in st. 'Viicnt, s-luh s-i are permîit- ted ta cap>'. ST. VaNeataT, W. ltts - Oct.- 16, 1862. S "My Dtcis ML T, 'u You s-iI ha- surpriseti tai isar tiai vo haro booms intiuiging ins a libie s-ar cfDur os-r.ints iis-ont-at-tire va>' place.- Tise negroos ilUaiong tise Witàisard casr, tisat la amer our.-iaîf of our-btack poprulationt rase in insurrection about tlirao reks sificé. We have put tisera d 1os-n itisout stu>' bel1, frora outoide, anal bave Siept tire reatidèr ai aur -people quiet fir slieer terror. We ta>' faîilbci> h roiad oi theire rult, as s-e tiurberet iin tise propovtio.î tf onets tirir- t>'. Tise>' i ae-ary idvaintage tsf posi bt it anti hati oilasse's tandtifÎrentsein asuui- a ice.. B:ti'saIdes a-arc toîsil>' ignorant of tise mode cf caducaing a van, (s-e hati not a militan>'nan atnong t us.)> but m ih le te fasition t0 putffujýthtie Atiglc-Saxotas, 1 raet $uppose tisai aur suponiuni.>' sas ent- timi>' loving t tanOur't-arae. h ýIalus-arsta tise negroos isrstiboon planuning itim rbsing aince Chnistinas, tast. Tise>' unie tise estots a îtretsxt fQriataikiug arisMati agora ai overàere oui relom tir4ycotmld la>'tiririsudxss-n1any ilre>' loftfo5r tiAi and a tfes- ceapu- lt i ute acateopiove, ,but ovorythimîgtise>' îosseeiscd v-istatahiy demi- trayeti . Tisein fabilies reere turieti oui or doors, in seoenses tîtu-' 'ea-o hntenci. fulI>' boutonr, and bu otfiis sînippeti nakoti ud ahinsoti. Ail tise a-hies 101o Coulti mae; isurriet nl> l'lgmon ie taill J sisops FaeugtIse road(, atid las-tise vlllea,1 s-ere, 1nînîrderedti'antid ilirloyet, arta tire blacca overyrahere hmd t15cm us-sa sa.- Their taira hody 'roaLldtiun estutg s-ishis six miles of Ilae tes-a, anal tirirscouts anti aes voe onerysi-isooansongmt us. L'aIi o! tire taon aatgroees wet-e ,reayIo, tajUvfl tirera, amidthîe rentaindor of tise isianti rat1 fearful>' excit. Mealirle s-e hi ico raieaug alittile nrm>. 1, aioncey droppoti w>' pnofesou, anti bacame a trooper ir tise caval->. Stards aid plsls uft tise raout extrsortiinery kinti anti antique pat- t utern, vere- brougitu itito requleitiomi, antiI esteenMod 'nisoif mosi, luelt>' in heing skie ,Secare a pair ü4f eld (hast duel- bing ji$IelIe, ana l -liS150w isn mt>'boIt. boit, ant i rggotioutinlasun &d gray' liantI aishrl anti tra-ers-a 14 iGaricsdi .-wits o a big swaid, titi visite turban, 1 lookedti scraetliing Sets-con a isvigsod ant ia ste 1uleti-nuore espetisli>' as ainçe ont hoeeI bave hevome s >ellos- as aitArab andi htâve' souinîd a fierio ratiratahe. We 'IL became non>' impatient ai aur aiv.ance being semes-at deiuyeti Onr cou-ps ws-a the'lnitu tget mut action ; ant itnfaci a reeplit of carges produrcedti sod a puniie amongat ise isgroes, tisaitishe resu tftise asampigui -nas tom rrauýtt:og. Tibey never-f roret, or stoti iraiafterwartis, andtihicy, MarcS of Our utile arut>' "f 200 en, Ca. ai aIr>', ifanir>',su an ta->'le, ail tolti, ws-u ates-el>'st aiLr of captug ucpriaonese. IP' uâat tell yoe of a brfave. dtisai made-by '24, a( rin cavalr>' mon. Ileadeti b>'oAtr Cap- sM ta'in, tisey wseut on ta recousohits. OP a oi narros- radtihey anexpootedi>' felilusinis a n body ti'o ne èriee, 300 li n nther. on one aide thero Woas a hiank tonty foot hbu is.nd os tise otirer, tire-, as a deep deeceat'tom tise river,'Thre uogroesl,IissIug ad sltetutg, d4mw tWjIoa reeeiveo lbi. A charge vas ertiered, anmd Ourrliitiltui bumaI lrrtugi1 he-rowsvt, uttiolei s-ords ant pielols s-lis gu-at efrect. Tise negu'oes -setormed ti heir rear, andrt a f rosis erus- ?f blaclts - pening dtitisu hie roadin l front, s-bib.e rowdS appeured eou the>beak abrrve tire rond, - vis sioned ournrst un- jsereifelly-,Lthesitunaionase.you Muayseil conceive, Iras desperate. Ts-o of os-r mon ver. dîsunounreti, anti bAeelescapeti vitis tboir luves ta> a mairacle, andthie braver>' of tireir' crades, whascbargýW again- autt &gain, antid dueti mafaJly about -tiseus, brlngiusg off tir. prlsoners,and losving sevean bodies on thse rosti. With is lrlikimihap tLbey oeapeti scathelesa. Beaities tisosa k111.4 tire. s-re frem ts-Oen.- et>' voantiet in Ibis affaii. We- brouaglitin m tros Wissds-aàu, nome 220 pnisôoff, sn- -se &WsoCWIMeda goo a eaitmore. -Th cat auswseredi 'el lunthia sort of vcrkaes e arge nupberro-f prisoaurs vonîti *ubsvraa*e oua- sunail- force. Tiie ringleaders, arceo b tio, antis-e are threateuet vistsrceu- *isghtiedring tire trials, thaicliscommne sext wso.k Butt se bave nos- a imaatof- wsr la tise hay, anti a Compatny of hisîdiersi bras Sen enat to env aid trans Barbadoes. iy urt, J'anti impebbeti ather thosnsIo voe ageirisitirir noblor impulses amnd bei- ter jutiguent--to - voe accamaiing ta tic -di4ateof titscuuragemont anti tespeit-. - We , ell tise Admnlistration Miost car.- nesil>' that tise counry cannaI endare anaihon montS'. inaction of Our eruies- tisat a Fernantio Wood dietstonasip antbe North, lu thorongi sytupatis>'if ual is opent aiine 'lisi te JolI'. Davis rebeblion et te South, sUtiusoinvitaulily esuli frota Bathl inaiir. Thres-ar for tise Union muet be 6eueglstout speêtiily' eandreolutel>', or it viii tdie ont, Dafets-oulti ie calaus. il>, but dole>' mi'n.- Tise 7Vmss aya-'i lagreei-ous al E irandtitis diesaliifurction anitiste condeot ot tises-ar Suas een aise of tise main causes uf tire eav'>'popatar verdaict» againsttise Adminitration. Liatitise cen- Vase tuvadsol nti#15 0tiretpoint,ltse -rotes ivýouli sribtaiialvbave -ana thea samaei Iteetionmen 0thé. Strates. The Nes- Yor Blute el'ction9, use tlit> bo c'xpeeiad. have tnot phsared the telluhl- cana and Âlolitionists, Thre Pernocratd obtained a inset deecided victor>', cavrying tirir candidates by large mnajor-îties. The 7'ribUae, the orgnn of the ultraýRepubli' can part>', spoaks of ta defertithtie 'nost iatthrYtnoge etain or vexationi and Impati- once, and assiigne causes for tise resaIt un- der thse followintrheadsr: 1" Nover ws a great and patriotie pavty doomoed to bear up agýaînet rucis a combi- rrjrt ion of adverseinifluenÇesý as tisose witi Wrhicir thse Republiean s and Union War Doanocrais eîrtsggied in octr contint of yes- tcrday. - Tise>' s-e coanpelled te meut- ai I.Ever>' Partizan -of' Siaver>' and eym~patiizc-r vuthohe Iaveirolderà' Rebelli- "2. The great Rtineillis itrest, or ganized s a tl)ihI.cal ptower, anîd lavisbing furtda as s-nil as effTr-îs inIehalf of tire De- soueratie ticket. I 3. Ts-o Hundr-ed Tboüsand Voler> s-ho 1 nover voted ais> ot her titau tie-Dens ocratil ticktet and noiver qill.' tlromrglrtisai ticket rrealruade up of Fernanda and Boreil ooe and urndieguigterIly favorable" zo teavoiotiossary smsrpation und deepot- "l.Thouaatde s-hnse gad l MÂmnnon, ansd sir, flsdýjthr ie s-ar opaev anid hurdeusomo5 are araxioue for pence &i an>' price. " à5. Ever>' ctward wiîo fiers hîn- tdraft. "6. FJPvouy nesk Mjn o hasbeen iold tfiat Seynreur's lection rell relieve hlm fronà ire %tvine:it cf \Var Taxersnt'i acuayfooi enouguis o hsLIIIve il.1 t7,Tise doprvi>xiir feciof thCreeferi alcî ns d their nnrxprctmdîy adversle Il8. Tiese tnce I the tiSent rof Wav of at toûsi One lîuradred Thousaird of our bravre»ti snd iot u uri- of tLem ar- lenit Rerasian d a good sha.rs of tise vernaitider Uuiun'aî Vr i)ecrati of tise nechool of Dilis, ancroft, a&îd Tre-, Maine. 119. Gcecrai i- wisicia hv tise s-, pro, reas ýor ni):-;ra of aur armi and a %vide.spread feeiiiar,,tiret, throngh thse incapacity mtfilîc, or inïnenerit>' of ouir- miliitan>' leaders, ib-i blond and treasuro of thé_loyal miiioi are btrhrg acri6ccd in lTie los to Cen. Wadswortis anad the Jtîin Wgr 1tickets froinihie ,lat source Alotte muet hoeatiateil y ten or t'non. saeds. h sn10vain tisat tise pars>' of ho couctry hore up menfuil> aatinst il and lid ail tisait mun cuId do toi mitigate iii ffet-' Wlsaî is thire fsfending aur ounrgtheroes to die cf exposue. fatigue nd foyer, ina asar s-Serein the>' are not perinitted to iht -wisereinnotiià cbiovod beesirse notiing lereali>' and re- qaietel>' attemnpted t--haeprogrosR ile nI> mraked hy deathe -iu hospitais sud ugumeutation ocf aur PubflcDebt ?--hee r montis sfter montr drags on it iodions - it..aTi emp r acnd. deserercd sue Sas atined the t9fe nte4 Compuanyr ndrte a'gei tfM.J. Q, Kelly, duving tise put fort- iýlt, tisat ihoy Isave been pteyittg la eW hlîlq. Tirea atdienîc. escis eveuiog'wtu dlgtg , ni xpes ttirirappreclatioa Ilf tise performane. hy frequent nientisu it s " t r s -aiu ; C u W il se b y th eo i m o .h u o e r -cd custoinr.lof oalllng tira favorites hefone the curtaini. Witre er> mugis ability and aitrlraC ytiu>tt eonbined ia prosenieti, iî couiti esrcOly ho otis&sîise. Tise bill of fare Cci tigis -as excellent, anti pleaeing as s-ailasel- eelectoed.- Witls ugisa CompantyasMn- atd Mia. Stmtson, Mr. Foreet, Mr. Il Î Il Mis CogoMr Wofe, Mn. Cotemain, NIii. Youn, ind iîxDeegiss, and Mite ter Younug, tlise -Most astidioue audi- once -couiti fot - feu tob e 1,eased.- To-niglitt,(Weduesday,> le5lire lait rugist for tise presett-tisat tisa compati> apposar *befure a Whiîby audience. Tise Royal. - r Mlnn's greut traget>'of Patio i thon hoie r-dueed, 10 s-hicS Mv. andti Mn, s Stetoîni rll appear. Mr. 11111 viii appeau -ase - Lirry ilooiagan," ln thse farce af t"lMore blumîdorstatiuont -"-Miiss Cookt 1-il execute amie of ber' favorîte dances.- eThere s-lit ht. s grand overturo b>'tire *orclestra,-attd herevwa muet, coupliruonu i>rofcseunKoehl anrdis assiestants upomt i'e excellonce of tiseir ntmsi isicis oantrihutod liai a fitile te the SUceeCI of "tise en tentain'ý meueri. Tuaen neas v ho!e, tire campa o>' le, tithuut exception, tise hesitishai bas yeî sppeared on Wiity hoards. Tise>' beave. s-ts mucis regret, anti qe ïshah ho rtioîceti to exied ta tisera acaed mille fatltàc s-hn tise>'aainr'eiunn, ns wu hop thp tise> vido, afier there ivtuaehoiidays. Firartri a'Nv'ss.Ts day Ws clebrateti lis Wîiitiry b>' a aupper giron b>' tise menmber of L. 0. L,, No. 130k of ibis Townm. Tiese upper s-as served b>' Mr. Daw-es$ of tise Oaia hoiel, aatd, s-e anc- infontnéd, tisaI it iusbraWei itirhe delicacios of tise sesomr vi.ici could ho procured- Tire aredsoo Iover, vas net ver>' largo, osing o doabît totise irati lte of tise roads,, andtihie iutflemeut ,voatiser, rehicir preventet tan>' frora heing present. A gond "tIie" vas, vs 5.1ev; spent b>' tho bremlisma in attendance. Mr. John Weir, Couat>' Mecten, occepiodth ie chai4r, sud Mr. Franacis Clark, tise Vice-chai.--- Tise castomaur> loyal toas eroe, cf course, propoSet snd drnmk vit thtie entisiasen s-mish the- celiebsiioa of tise day caileti ACCIDENTAL Datas-s--Mr. Alexander Balîner, art aId anal -eli-keas-n reâident of tise tawnilp of Wiby, vas acciderrtaily -ilti aon Saturia>' ylest, ,on hie va>' tram Gnaenwooaite Whiil, b>' a foit froua his -bué,gy. Il e vas fourn Ilylagat the f oot-cf Vaiemityne'a billbarvng spparenm.ly talion Officiai., AppoIntments. The Wav Newut*. General McClelian hus eenn relieved of it tise commranrd of the Atm>' of the Potomac, 1-andi Generai Ilurnaide bits heen appoint-il n ta bis place. Tise official ordler wse r. 68 ceived ai lieadiquavere on Saturda>' afier. n toalit d -ais deoivereby Amitnt Ad. -Cleluan innnsediatoly issued an addres ta hi»i oidiers, infor'mlng totiseatitherooM. Smand niow dev,)iveti ou Geneval llnrrside, and takLinr antatifTecîlonate ]cave of thora, Thi0 eienai is ordered to report at Tren- yton, Nos- Jqrsey, anal wun to ]cave yesterv Sday,.atteisdtd by hisew1toie staff. Cen. -Burnside succeede MeiIan 1»' rtttk of Sevnioriî'y,.andall iiprobahi>' reaiin the cormanti unilitisa admninistrattion decide % hownintoa&asigo tôto . Ihia repoeithed ta GenerslI Hooker le ta lin the jûcombent as 5. so0o *5as e l tcnyneg ta romurmeaactive service, Tise timttincenront tfGenoral -Mzeiain 'oirtoval bas cansoti post eo- *citeiterat throug'itot.tise Norths, shidi on-i det>, viii ntoîeasiiy ire a1ayed. r Geneval Fits John Porter lias boom or- - derot te Wuesington ta -ans-or charges Iproferqv 'd againet him b>' flareril Pope, -aincommran in r A correspondent cof tise Phijadeîphia In. quirtr, in a leiter datedtlire fith Îits.,' states tisat thet oxpedurion, under,,Ceneral Fostor md surrouunded uisree thosand Con- fetievaies ai, l' ymoautis, North Carolina, and forceot ienu to. surronder. , Later des- patches front F7o:treas Munvon do 001 con-ý rr fathtie star>', but everys-here vas report- quiet tisere andt i u nlok. Con. licynolde occiapiet Warrenitun on -Tisoraday> lasi, thse Cortfederate Gon., A. P. Hill'a commnand havin- evaccaîcd lu tise tday isefore. CoGn. Lostetîloft CuliPp per ona Saturda>' lagt -ith is eforces. Con. Le ssuaiti to have elutietile. MCCI » e- Ian S b' ie vdrents, arîto h ave succoeded - it oiaeeitgag large part or bie force aI G;ordoneilîli".. . Gene, Mil i sd Stuart, itLei sa id, f-orratire rcar of Con. Le's art>'. A great hiatile i.pnedîicd hy*tise Confoden. ritee at Wurnentomt sthi a few days.- Tise>' repreet that Siones-ali Jackseon le. oni>' ionmiles dimtnt reiti a force af ten tisoussednti mn, aîtd that Inus nt ai(Ior. donerilie vitis a large force. It la oxpeet. cd tisaitrtis batîle s-i lcotlen off at It s-as report cdi b>'antescaliet i pisonor front Lebanon, Ky., tt asivTho. Tei,, s-s atýacicoti b>' <leraraleBreckinntti.,, Polk, anti Morrgun, aitis 28,000 moan, on Frida> lest. Tise dry wax sali ta haro been assaileti on isoth eltios, -iad tisa tis Confedevates vero drivon bac nonore side, s-hile tise resuit of tise stiani madse b>' Cen Poalc senot known. lTe beatiquartere of Gen. Grant are nos- ai La Grange, Miss. Tise railroati commrunication fromo, Jackson tota ta place le nov lu operution. A report front Col,- nel Lovje, frora Fort. Henv, slaoms tisai Gon. Ramsoinasueundouirtedi>' hatia bat. tic witi tire Confedcvate caralr>' inth ie vi- ciait>' of Garvettsburg. 500 guerilîns are saidti bair ndar Coltiersvilie, .torcithtie crttscvlpiion. A great firo ilesidti Ohave ocuurred rit Augntista on tire 4this t., whticis buirneti cotton varehouses Valueti ut $500,. 000. Goorge N. Saundere hue reîtrted trot hbie Eurapoanimission, andi bringéesin- telligence of a speody recigutitiatsof tise Soath--Belgiuw ta laite lte iiriatony. A largo federal ara>' e saiti b>'tise Mempiris OulWms, îç lave pesedthrougIt that place ons itss-wa> souib, lest Tuesia>'. LATEST. - Brookîi, Nov. 10, 1862. 'ecnr Tise Titulmîr Abuxee oflanorsble.") Hie Excatn.t.tos 'rie lerVTraida (lE.ts: tiÂL iss beoir pleasedti t make tise folios-. ing appoîntmnteq, viz : Isaac Clemonï, of tise Tow-nship of Souths Waterloo, Esquive3, Vbch Ieristrur of tise Sontis Ritiing ofthte Caunt>' of Waterboo, in tise pitaeceanta steai of Wurd Hasmiltan Borelb»',E4iqttirereont -Walter D.. Diekhtueon, cf Prosaot, Esquire to ho a Notaty Public for Upper Canada. William A. flîseli, ofjarvis, Esquire, M. D., ta bar an Associat, Coroner for tise Caunt>' of HFldinand. RA L'hue aise - huron pleued to grant a Li- venis ta Donald Peirutu Caipiseli,,o! Van- kieci Hill, 1Eiq-.irn, M. J)., ho enairlo hlm 10 pracîlse Pisysie, 8Surger>'anal Mitis1ifén>' mut Upper Canada. 7b thne Eduloroffte, Wlitby Chronide, PEsA SIR -Allas- me s short space in yaur caiumns ta notice are romance in Mn. heaiotaîie tso liot raMunicatiamt.. In lise tira-t, ho gaye, nt a mcealiitg afrlise Tesceen' Association iseiti-in Brookli, a short timon Srerlous to tise appearance of t>' tfiret itther, 1e tislaja-cIoft Mn. IMlin- man net.t fililinghie dutiei s-n t-ecl>'ton- veesed stîti cerasuretd, 'and iIt setmed 10o tise prevuiliag opiniounriat attention ehould bun cadrloti t through tise prose, (I quota hiq direct ineatitug.)- Nos- an>' one wits hast a liinirod knos-iedge ufthte simuplee mies of Eniglish construction eau nl nt> tntr- stand hlm tuo a>'tiraitise ouljoci tai brongisi ,p bafore t-h asoclion. Kuais- îng ruis te b> -a mis mtrnent, I toiti Mn. Macleurusosu, amît siset i hm tu maSo ochatoyer us of thib., sas- fit. But Mr. Beston in is lent lettoersys, tiese rijasct s uni>'temtianed in pnivato courverrstiomt anti charges mai with such s-ortie ara giyo hlm a ru!)i, t&c." 1- do ro i itos- s-iai osa>' bave hken said inirconversjation, noir soaaid 1 putlieit it if 1 did; anti I tisink Mv. B-vaotn, ' at'arloe isîi, shows anyîing but theaC# goradutotf as geitentr, s-Snliae tanSes prît-siteconversationt antientis it ta the publie pross,and tison takes asociation i tt Iris uuthoit', wvison thons s-oe ebut lour Tuchers presini uindor Mr. alntr' - Spevnmeidecy; ainatis 'r anti mysoîfnver hearlaig suoh a siuggextioni, leavîng Mn. - Boaton s brother ant i iirMfnshie autho. 1rit>'. 'fise eublject of Mn. Macltn-ieul fuI- fillimsghie vjj is y ites> ar e xeam muaiutîistod, ant in m >'lieurn- is,bt 1 bâre na recuilec- lion ut ji, antdi1 ara certain I ntvern haad a sugg-,estion ru cail public attention to i, non tii I emer ans the lituguage of - s-hieh lin maltes mue tise aniSeir. An>'uiing lurtis- or tisai I migh Isi u>'couolt iln>'ho a mophi. lon -Of s-irai 1 have alreati> stated. In conclusion, f ara sonry'ta hava aucir sa di- rect contvadîvî¶zi et eaen Mr. BJ3ou sandJ m>'¶Eef, bura1mon eilber do so, or do vie- lcrrcnj to ny os-a asiid-I ebooso thse for- Mer, Mr. B's atorapleti srang is but too piaini>ly if L, ave nu desire la re- luri lu.- - - J011 J. TILLY, Newst frontFur ope. The Setia ira arrireti, bringring twa, day. later nose.Tisaineos- f tise iarsrsis of Commtodor'e Wilkiee ai Bermuda,, par- icularq of which hmd aireai> resehiet Ca- tittda tirougli Bermuda papors, isad arriv.et inEîglattt, andl oreateti a sensaction tuiera. Ortienu 'ore ut once dexpaîeised ta senti reirtforcontente to tise British Waist Ilodian sqtaron, anti it is ta b hosepd tisat Mr. WiIkiee reili ho made ta sister off. Tire tiutre"sn tGreat Britain are on tise ilacrpaso, anti it le feareti thai, hofove long, GOO,020 pensonà will ho dctecitdnnt opruru tir,, publie chant>' for sulrsistencea. -L-sriLyori as ueroýtuarusoal Wttise Jri1isil1 LeXatUiut aiWshinîgton. IHie frt - but oto*aae counsels %vil]itno doobi, lje pro- ductive of tise beet unçlerstsndtio bots-non taf Bnttiiis aud Federal cabinets, Sisuiti L1Tord Lyones ucceet in10pilaoifitg ies-a>' throu,h the breakore- a-isead, ba i sll de. strvi> the sWartn thaniks of ener>' [ltieh suijeci.- Mvr. Gladstone standse lirato M4 leopirnion tisai Jefferson Davis bas "madtintie South a 18aaior,".through ho tieciiner;e te-sponi eibility' ofite Itfereneas 0su icei>dras-i front iris reunanke. No preetutre i. brooglir taponirle home govortnrent for(tise reýcogni- lioni of >the Souths, the gaineraI opinaion cal lire ent bcbng tisaitishe belligeretrus shouiti Settle tlismir différences reitis aur ou#.4ide pros- Terrifie gales on tie raitish coahav uie prvaiied, and tise deetructionjto lui spping Tise terribto Typhoon in- chinat. A btter va-itin b>' an Eligiio'h tceha un Cantonmt tahi,; wife iii Loindon giv4,»,3tire foising grrpisie accaRnot-of tisa effiecte uof thirecn C-ityjihoîotn tise ChinireoCouet, of 'ohicis rame imrportatit reporte huve Iteen pub 1ieheti: I intintiedto 1wsrite tes you lmet gStn- tiny4but tise day s-as rer>' ditffrently spinsu. twas ane s-ieis iill lon,,ho remeumhered he rQ. lit the ésrby mîiasg itý,it s-ns 4dubi', s-iris a fras breeze bloias-itr, ani]we risouglai i -ve c oing to have ainiase -cooil ulss. AIuar breakrasîi, tisere beitgnà Bunl, s- e-nt an itiseed Fotnto -'et tise air. Alter being ihene a littie tinte --e notica-il tisai thai vinti fresisene4l ; but vaini ire-inning to a fili, ave ve obligut o1 o -bru tu e honte. Th is it stitiincreas- t'd, .rnd tire river gai quite s %h. e were wiaucùing tisehasts lyiuug beforenislu aim4 tide, s-bon te is ond hoen rita biol- s-iris fury, ïynd s-esas- ane boat pase by hottora uprearti. We liad scarcel>' lime t0 ntotice ibis, tise vintiovory momnent 'etfits i more (orlons, vison thse rattin'g lies- off tie hanses like paper shavimigs, andth tlIes seemeti to lutter about luse spançtise vain vas se-vin aung tire river ah-eoiflike dutt, andtiin erapid succes- sion dusîhet b>' junies, flos-er-hoat, cargo- boute, anti ever>' litati )af-us, but ail peLr- fect s-rocks, toast cf ihees hottona rrp, some on tneir aide, daesiaf g ngaclulvieuech or, anti eitistr sinking Or ourgnheapo> ,.'up iii one conucotid pila on sisore. " Thern camea Bastingis- ia one lin. -of Rcerring te tise recerut action' cf z. sis- ter Pravince -in saolisinsg imanmcertain cassai tise tub a f g"henouihie," tire Quebec M(,r:. Cary bau uhe follus-in)gs-aIl cosemi r.- marks- "sTite conversion af ahrjombl&0* -mbun- anti hesr D. Tacki viseu a 1 ternti. ion, n* ri 'vere I. - trobablyta On Sonds>' niglit last, aste How-ard s-ueon hber va>'fron Dt, Bull'alo, isaring in Wles ix sa nneusm Point Abie, Laite Ere, m-aie llrunçt np, breshcinz ail sco fa-cn tise prepeller, -andti talt> lisera, s-iereby seventeen persans lires. The seOws bel s-were-.Th dian, owraed b>' R.FParmtn ,q,ï andi loadet i ttisumber fanR. il Esq., af Caîctionia. Mr, Farmer3 ws on board anal s-uethe onby-01 [le s-ns tifîti ashane on tise loti n s- lies iseaCheti, anti mosI. of wv ite saved b>' tise os-ier.- Mrio of Yorkc, John Rirkwronti, -of Somme( ho>' fratn Brantforti,s-ave tiras-n bllmt. l'fie boti>' OfClifford passai ills vilaefor' Yor-k ason d Sie arahi Ann, awred t,>'11. M Raiq., of Stromnesi, badtent-itis Sanis bai. Tise Chiot, os-aeti S Collant, bostieti itis lamisor amîti ail Sands avet. Thse Entpir, a T. IL Leonard, Esq.,rvatntfond %vrith grain, Captain Ilooti tira s-cIi ns alisbandstlorge ancari. jThe Maribsi Ne>', os-nent iu and loadoti sit cortivoati att ho Tise Olive 1lrancb, os-nee l ,Mn. of Duisviile, boud-d ws-us iluneer; savoi. Tisera vere tsre - broute Lailirnore. froan Marghisnihe, on ;j lborun'9 scs-s, tva of %-hrm ta re, l'bis is unie of the onut eploraj tors s-iihhu111É 'eor iappened las tion, ati nosutan pase-o i avorreti il. Tise gale sprang up 9 Il' andI s-u sas fianrce tisat n ,oti siisrsui il After all tise scosa brol;ets as-a>' fronu tise tua,, tse agitItitcheti an ta tisa Canadian sos- tsfrtise lot, and ]tos-ot issr tone tise entire boy eut of hor, co)urse, mise dnifted OfF. in fact,s s-as t" gil, thatire 3Capiain cf issue lt laih iî3ze[f ta the . vison, -wlreel-hoae e -aWsieà overboe badthe tis Cnadiaus lidltiogeiber isour Itsniýer, ho s-otild have% EPoint Aiitnanti hen sfe. M id!ck lonitiof -tise Canadaan fia young Fariner stckbatu t, anti e carapuarips ta do tise usine, buât fenredti l- stand b>'tise horstl a quentl>' lest tiseir lires. Tise i prohaIsi>bcs a total lO3s, bot mast snober wili es8aved. IlW. trait noever be cald tapon to reutordl o:isoly' ans Occurrence in Ibis sect.i -Grand River' Sachent, [lÂMnt.TON A.IÇ rre CEaDToarr mneirer resit Of tise sale of tisece thte Corporation aes Ot tahave itr mtiral resuit upon our local1 -aaid have sltown tiseurtise fol>' cf1 praceodingase> leyhd innâutrat rPsni-t, aIs-we understani, lias beei lon. J. IL Cameron, actin% on a ninmnhir' of tire City% 2rteditans, k bltrnîolt ia cocmunication- wiîis t] for tie -puî osa 'of arn i virerels>' tiee luterosta of ail part4

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