Durham Region Newspapers banner

Whitby Chronicle, 13 Nov 1862, p. 3

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Ak.-The thiug- id Ibo man wýao rare as lte om [sve luside. W. t we admit that iTribune coolly carrespondeuce 'Ialy la moet l'bc prisons are Smuers, Miost of a why tbey are at Loneto, lu the. ho bad ta go ta oL was required."t try îsnrbitrarÎlyîi oar, saliisry little .- u example 1-- 1 tl>0 > ttis coîu. of the Stanton ne iiisista upon a opic.-N. oApreAÂy. -Mnr. Henry 'Siim. uin aid farmer who lives neair à& brotght, hy warrant, lssued bV ýP., bofore Mlesisna. Mana', Bar- for, nagstra et, ou Tuesday ýges wihh sitooting ane Isaac ,pnter, who ut te Line wuelu i. It sppeniied from.tîle esideilice e iltegîstnatee>court, thut lte id defeudat Led, on Fiun ai g0l iho aan angumieutoit alte sol.1 The dispute was coii. hour or tuore, whuiu the defen-. lumlîi-ara lnt te deccii d positioîn fLtook i llte tiattor, anti irouglit i gun ; altithouli ii acs ti il- eltiier the plninitif der deAt',.idiiî wshile crgulug, lul ithe mi-apuli, lu the banda or the derenttiet, ýrgvd am tite plauttifi' .atcîîiptcd und tae coutetsult asediltitrougli i or bis thiglu, tand tüade a gugli it ual af a serious nature. Mn. Id waua coînuitîtd ta tuke bis i Court of' Queen's Pents, Tu- SOiQO %iiv aaacccltcd'for bis up .-âMerk4aietEaMoî,tàt. Tit"lolv COA1 ('llo.iu' thIIotAN .'Rhîoinalii t atliolie Oî'iliîî eu Botdiord Avenueiic, hlrokIiii, roin ltehe e t ttwei out'cle intnin1g, andi su'eu tallly des.- Thera würe '248 chuîdren ýrly ail out wliatui score Sut ti. Ie )-etknuwi l o imdea tthoagh Fzautie aren lu le inuiinut. 2 g ta thte Fuedle Brnvls athi )i Uvitgrusaatr '-et tItis lîîurtliiuuu, oped the balancçe wiiil 4 rtscconnt- ; iauy ouit lise rsccr iro g i lud inlprlrtite latul inte û o l.Ctixothsa nîd ir tu rii'i. 111044. Io rundvir thiem sseicestut of llunicn1iî1, luit foiri. ilil-il'uns ly nutis hlair e lcuternible Nki5SïE FÀiARMF.-WO %isl ita ieiitioniof' aur reader-A 10 ibis lint, agrlooiiunal anîd litotieltu. 1.I shoulI>!bei the honda -of on icu ltaecounutry. 'ow i; a ta subecribe, &q tise îîubishen end the ncnaiing, nuîuitcus of reta aIl mia o lisenibe dunilig i matîit. Pnice atuly Sîxty Ceuia Iyots wislit 1 examine thte paiper 8çibiug, ih can blieen' nitai ur copy canl be aittaitied frue by-ý the piohilaber, Joseph HJarris, N. Y. Who g-iva hsire a,4mo os Eini arreýied et Lonidon )il'rbunsde', -e of etîdcig soldions ta dosent lSrd lic laiennt aud Oenter the -sice. ln biýs p.cso waâa I 1 rgailte cuninnon caunecil 0f! i1y, Penuaylvainia, oitoniiug a liane bouniy to voluioieers, suid gel, wihilti"kediîddle" piied îue~rt lis Il laurdeistooti au solcitors Geui>wl are engagod g aiueaaurpfor the regulailau es oft insolvenuis,.aud for titeir -it la ,cleuded ta appiy ta the vince. This annuccemneut iii satissatin tethie country, We Lê Bi1l1 will avoîd the ernar ofi ct esachiueny whacli mas ea pro. he meassons af the laie lMiui>. sitareitohders aoflte y canîpsny, lield an .iut wa c.ffred ta aus Oci Sudy.- -eocted by a majori. Ant accident, wbicit id on Tatesday mao. t of lte Petenitana' 1James J'hiliipe, a xnaged in swiieiting on toas siding, gaI uged for titat pun. lu front of tune of wbieh paeaed lu a the leg aud- iLigit. DlI BD. t'OLE-At Whitby, on ihe lOîh inult., Anna Maria, iVife of Frederick Francis Pole, and only daughter of Thos. Holiees, Esq., of Kinsale, Cou y of Cork, Ireland. IIITUY MARKETS. CURoNîCLE OFFICE, Novo(iinher 132. The seaason is rapidly dramwlug to a close, and not much grain, oflaritng, To coxnpiete c.irgw,% 49lâc iiipaid for No. 1i Pul and 75 to 78lc for No. 1 Spring, the bulk of the Sping howevor, il'astalion for milling or shipncent by rail. flarlcy la nearly playod1 out, 80é la the higlbest quotation. Peas not- inany cotning lu, 50 to 252c. Ott scarce, 85 tb 40c. Ilay $10 to $14 per ton. NEWV 'DVIERTISEXUNTS. DR. THOMAS ARMSTRLONG, SPhymaciala,- Surgeon & Accouchecur, L IUENTI&TE of the Me dioul B1?ad of Caî>. aaies.t, ai'd recccîtli -or ' ntno* os- pc.ctfiilliy iiur 1W i, n . . it 1-oe COLUMBUS. RAGLAN & Aîi,>1BlURN aiid the su,îroltiiii iîsglthoiliood1i Vint lho wiil visit iiîuen villa ' eusiii Moidnty atid Thurs- day duriîig ý1tcii wtek, 4-8 follow's Ci)LUMIIU'i -nt Mr. Wultcr h111'a liotol, 9> tta 1 oiuc» iliitic rurejiînî. tA(YL.t1i-.Lt Iliari.r.iîotc', Il tiiI lak Al l di*qaccalii lent tet ic heî1011aîn raine,1 aîîîîi ic lvt1 d soîcim"tyoVlet w aiel iîiid- ri, (whiihiîDr. A. heaeii n peiul .tîdy,) ikil t -u lîiîil t 1't' pis >l ns îd l Ia> l'.,0lirei Iii sesutdiai if u t'lg mtnll(ingi, ,vriil u i t iatliii s orieiî tatii luise iieile tîî Illetii, aîu5rilg end 1aili4ti:d iiitî ii itiivur Lîîscs, &tiaweh's DrY Ua.id' store. 44, FORlxSALE.- TI c a1îewîli lwo-ý ciiaid yomtiîg tîîliioîî, "LrO«Ur"DEN TAM," i nlii à0is tua s iliti uxeat-thoe r.iniî FOR !.ASALE, Gr1j0L1GEHIGIXBOTTOM, 14 .CLARK. M. D. leiIii-tidoor Fait (t' Yarîîo.d & Gibh STOLEN OR- STRAYED. j7ii(..uMtlii.,prem!.s sofie tiîc oriber, lot 7,1 0fýA .Y O.K E-0 F 0 XE N,-iP 01Wi brlircw ciucuthie hr %Wilio witli mroi it .ýg Itivi rciiz im-ti preirîuecy. àý la>d1 tý toir ncuvtry wlillbu li'bîdly rewarit.l N o 10so56. DAVID GliEO', G rîeiibaii , ,', h TRÈRNAINÉS MAP 0F tJPPER CANADA! tt itilis5 if, 1- si s lie. No trou- iiîu d*ii w- ici tli t Is ti i a irgcn eulci, iîti . l n iîîîr,'Ciiiiii(ttO îid acc Iliatu tli w1 iu> gr'iîsp't Vcwî iill h-llîl iikiîig,&. m1(0, eut. 811i4b,- e 43a otiieofIai lI)aive o rkg arc IpirîicumIuN. e îutioaiieii îigaillst boiîîtg fdce'd py1irt ik!m îî,tl eted jylu !, Isll ou-I L M qira- 9'c I L Ilt iiii s i,:So l. T ileplîtl i e t eII) et.> r,satcoiitt e TLIJ6mALYE>$ ?4ÂAP b-lI a lie VîI41uîcuîid t IîLior tita t hie sb. me wi& i1a' -ln,t îîera toi.gkeitin u eset.ioiull ceu uou-i-sd liî.y tîad bWtor getoiitic fein l'm,&c., Szc. Al siei repnocýizteuirean Furnishied to every Subacriber Ili iooad ti, btut tue niýtitletisru othua Maxlb cutid the deliver> ' o tîcîin tuinaugli tiua w1bo1 eoucitry lie 11cusslli a wonk 1 olthia I~'icîswasulod fiscl fieMop Ilu- vry tovilp. Ail onlers by Mail prauiptly ttiended tu. Oileet su dAtdreais, Na. 79, Front Street, Tononto. Toronto, Ns 0,16.44 TUE MIGUTY HEÂLER I WORLD KNOWN& WORID TALIEDt1 -Ou Thee. 'douck, ibrec r catiaiding ng lu King ýynalds, was U au ls!two afferrstwere- seek a cau. of Wbitby, SELLING OFF! IF YOU WANT TO GET Home Mauufactured MOOTS, Cal] at BAINIS." a s sltellitig his pre-Lont stock a uti. Blin ttitnu. OLD RED STORE, J UST iZoceiveîl, One Riîadred.aud FLfty pairs Ladiu4 atlîd itlintit At BIALNSu OLD RED STO ROI. Whitisv, Nov. 5, î86-1..43 TU -LET. T IIL SinecIloo Ccnpuil V N. G. LHamt, aud by j.J. V. IlLîît. 1o leauiîu L ii lu e r. Aýpily te, --.- Wiiitbir, Nov. 6,1662. 3. V. RAM. 48-tf. iPiret-e1ass,.Farm for Sale or to Rént. c ONTAENLNG 100 dicres, more or iea"fer- ly 40 acrals ieurcd. Alit(, for male 300 corda of good Hardwood, M7111 lie ,uld .oîirîeyor i to alot te suit, For fîilr ti îrt*,culîtr- npy ta thîe propio- tor1 if by lettonte»iilr ALEX. Of1STO'.%, li6l.38, 4tiî ýoul. Wiitby. Naveni.r ~, 162.433w DIVISION COIJt-TRTS. vu,, ,.iVitb.............D. . *86 Il. i'okîii........... ci, B. lcaveniiîîi.... ........."di17, B.iURNIIAM, B iCEV N '&;tlic Past tliaad Ottot Yu c,~~~~~~~~~$ li,1111(j $'ul lll! itWcl 7 u S. Tiîî wii iîîîîi nlic~ î'ImI ai-i.lar pices. ili il, wleht1w iew.er desirr-s taîiîand iui tluillu oi l ii,'utîiiii ti t u wluaey. A vo- w.ird '.ili u iel.A1î1îita B~ 1., Clînonicle Office. lPort iityN. ,ltl.43 Coal, Salt, Plaster and Wvater Lline. JUST niciveil, oui f >r 1.iic ty tbo aubscri- bcrs,,aiiirge qîîîîulîty cf BLOSBURGH GOAL, ALSO, Salt, Plastor aùd Water Lime. C.'-DRAPER & CO.' %Vliitiîy, Nov. 6, 1862~. .41 2w CASH FOR WHUEAT. Mf liE îîder.igiicî%l iipuy Ca!l for Wliutti Tdîlîvrcd let the C. DRAPER &CO. (3udtobc.n 29, 1862. 42-2mî COLLEUTING NOTICE. Jlu irm ion by BOOK ACCGUNtýS OR NOTES, 'i ieIawrequira SIssiediate P'clment or the Siaisi> Aîî.l tiiy wsîiltao 4, ditletly nIlllocîto lii a%1l iAc.e.>liîts ciilliflusw,,%iil liae atu be paid il itiil y wlîo, due. bcise ns xi i txictly aelîrea- la frui Wliithv. 20t1 YÂARNOLD &Co.~ -NEW ADYERV NO c -e LIST 0OF P-RIVES Jas. Droom SI (SCIIOFIELD'S OL» STAND.)- 121bs Sugar for- $1, at JAMES BROO0M's. Cu rrants, l6lbs for - $1 -1lIbs for $1.'25, at ne w do -very fi ne JAMES flROOM'S. Rice, 2211)s for -$l, at JAMES BROOM'S. Young Ilyson tilt4s, at JAMES BROOM'S. Bi-st Gr-tceu'ies of every kind equally cheap, at JAMES BROOM'S. BI{ ODS R GOS 3000 yards Fast Colored Pririts at $Id, at JAMES BWOOM'S. vFancy Dpre.ss Goods, ini great thlreess, at JAMES WVinceys, at 101, per yard, at Ma unelës -wiII be shov fashiomable Mantdes, ve WIIITBY, Nov-. 11, 1862. variety, frorn IiROOM'S., )OMIS. v days- )OMIS. 44 O F ng Ilysanl Eiilrish, Breakfaist, Soueh ong and Japa-nese AT t1 LOWES &POWELL'S. A fresh supply, and cheapest in Tot'W-. ~ &PWL J3ROAD CLOTIIS, DOESKLNS, eÀssTmÉ.ItEs, BEA VERS, PMots, English and Canadian Tweeds, Satinetts, Mantie Cloths and Vemtings, in varîety, and at prices to suit the tiriles. -LOWES & POWELL. Clothiug mado ta ordor aud Warrautod (X K. LOWES & POWELL., Novetaber, 1862. N'os. 1 andi 2, frijPuîon's Block, Broak-St., Wjiitby. DIRLECITIMPORAIIOTS "lt LCAÂ Ip é,ai i3gto announce the arrivai of theýr FALL STOCK, being the 1 u-it-nrrent, they evor lhad the pleamure of oIT'erinurg ad hnviug been îuoaedbefore tho recen1t greuit advaîîce on good>u, they wil.t bc able ta oftbr unuanual inducemnits for Cash ini Dress Go)ds, S"ihawlslYautles, FL.ANiNELS, BLA25UETS, J? WLORY COTTONS, T1ADIES' F1VRS 3E, &c., &.Fi They -would direct the. speciai attentiont of Genleiacln to tiieir exterisive l( ,- -ortineint of --uv Clothis, Cassîmares, Canadiim Twood ing, irs l1a1~ ts, Caps, REÂ!D Y-NADE luio' n Boyts Top ati Bodly Coata, VE qîiîiy, beiug matie up ait the Preaisesq, t.12 pendedoa A FRÈSH STOCK 0F G'ROCEI 500 bag LIVERPOOL SALT, wL Chance Sale N OHANGERY. THE CITY BANK Plaintiff, Meitthew Lenhtian n William Li-ïv naci, Dufe'ndi>iti. i TO BE SOLD BY Kossra.Fairbanks & Maedonell At tii ictu 'oml tie TOWN 0F WJIITBY9 In tu t nt '1Oiti,pr ez înn tIt to iidcrcis o Ie îrt uit' P ld ,, -v tnîi]eiîit b' Wednlesday, 26th Nov., 1862, AT TWBi.VE(It o%10K, O. VILLAGE OFP1BANEWCJO - lui lthe Caiuiity -?of ieibi~caph.b purt part Q m.c.ollth li lQt itm n, * Bc îo stim r une et.u ýl lot itl RIES iioh wii É',uitWbii licu1 aud tait REYNULDS. SArlf, C. 0. ýrC.-liourso 85 NiD & <ENEli- Thnsrtmialit of

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