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Whitby Chronicle, 11 Dec 1862, p. 2

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Ibis lay ton.. umai- Sciiol-Wîi<iut *esq& Powell. re & Powell. mîmeas Fusils an'! IrtusisTeas-Luts'a, e-M. 0. Donovan. Timben-,Tho, Watson. ce-jas. Il. Oasrie. m 011; G oal 011, an'! Lamps-Jas.H. ai'r As imbl ies -W. H. Beckett. icry Notice -G. & HL' B. Muorphy. V o ~l- .V Ham. ra-G. &IH. B. Merpbj. facisnis-ti. 11. Tomlinson. iou-G. L. Watt. il concerne'!- Jas. Hf._Gerrie.- y'!e Pries-Jrts. Braom. Gonds, Groceries &.-Jas. ilroom. ce-Ira Bock. itre Hoes8e"-Jin. Thompeon. ting Mach -Jua. Tisamps9n. Straye'--Jno. Fitzpatrbcir. CHANCERY SALES. isaler su. Lynde et et-Ou IfitisDes- ar. --L. Fairbanks, Jr., Antioneer. usies vs. Woo'!ward.-Oo l9tis De- ar.--Jois F. Alisoro, uctionear. ýgan esagîsLa .._Qu 2Ttb Ducembher. s. Fairbanks & Macdonaîl, Aoc- XY ONE DOLLAR A YEAR Draper hme a remnarirabs edneisant ting lon4 lattera. To maire use o! 'tasi possible number o! isords in isotlinugor uext te uothitug, appears. higis embition isiicis ie coseta - ll if tliouse lettars eppear in pi-uit e signature o! "Chester Draper.0 Iu g lutter whiici w. publsis fuir hlmu, ýr coîuiu, ishet doas Mr. Draper se ef tise facta wiicis s'.lest 'eeir Or rstise 'oes ha esabîish ln hie isutf 7 We siieli sec. Heusayn that not support tisa case efthtie Raand ty Ilthu-augis tiiciran'! tirouis iuaemuchi as "ise s'as not a M-nember' Corporation isisn tiese pteial suit Icolmmande'." But he edmits s'l tlatesagainat itu, an'! et- !xesa him8aif by saying tîsat ise 4 te do witis tisa nieW#rt.etis a'!. Di'! ie.disapp-ose et tise iaftanssards§, ile s muser et 1b.fore tise roceedinugs tairei ninea? Not abitociit. W. le te ses'tisaI hiei course in tise Issu and! as often as tishes'!n brougist ap, s'as iirectly tisane- r.Draper cisallengess-us ta tise se it la. ptil, 1859. Captain Roise laid Oottteil seseral tends'rafor i-e- ocirtret," (tisat portion cf ih Corporation.) ion cf Captain liue#ecu'mdad 'ER DRAPER, tise tan dar cf ýhoe s'as soceeptçd as b,ig tise ts'euty carde et stonie." 'Tis portion o! Droci-street isitisin -atioi tise bus-dan cf wiscsMr. Ccomplabus s'as nujusol>' cnet us'u. Di'! net Mr. Druaper, as the. motion, approse o! this on th. Rud'!Compayj? r 1859. Tise (ommittee.-on 1Improvemutçt, (et wiscisMi'. e usiber,) recommande'! an of *600. on Brocl-sîreet, !Il appropriation oh $1,350, for ,s's.suThbe report s'es adopt. tice, seotded b! CHIESTERi Wu tIbis net suppoi'Iing tise boai Coempny 7 Fustiser re- e nllqsaýa*on ou tisa'report cf ýe on Streets an'! [mprbvemenîts at thes conseittee, (cf whicii DRAPER s'as ansembur), isus laration "ltise ru'ig- f a toe y arà creLit, for an sJia< t torepatii Lf ieetrs- ilj, but t412,Oflacomnt of the rthe saton t" ai ar, the imet - ed elleîttittteon flroel sirecet $566. and!, On tsîVloln (f N11t. DRÏAPER report w115 ddt0pted." *On the . rme occasion in'ord<ei to pro- 'Vii1c for thse iext yenr'L opefutiotis. a reso- l'ition was adopte at atiiorlzing thse Pur Jct.oave cf 20 corda of stone for the. Rid Rond -3fr. Drapee8',Br&klc treet. Wuit this iut s upporting the Road company ? 1'Decesuber 19th 1859 Mr. Draper, ais cbsirinan of tihe Finiance Committee, re- consmierîd d paymient -of' $80 te J. V. [Tain, conte bintise Roaed case. Mr. Draper, as we bave ahewn, wa thse marn, above ail otiiurs who figure'! fore- most durïngtii. yeir, 1859, as tise>mouth- piece cf tii Rcad Company. Nota word ofremnetratie esc&pýed bie lips epon ai" one occasion. 9 itis .anuary, 186, Mr. Draper did a big cay's work ie tise Boa'!e.e (It was tise laut meeting- cf the' out.goiug councfl.) jat, lion motion, seconde'! bY Chsester Draper, the contracts'for stone on BrockStreetp for tbefollowing year, were accepte'!, et $3.50 per cord-tIie iigisei pr-(ce ever cMýrgcd the 7b=n for, tone& 2nd. g-On motion cf Mr. Draper, seconded hy Mr. Bigelow,"(WflO AT THE TIME WAS SECR.ETÂRY OF THIE ROAD COmpANy,) "tise Treasurar was instruot-, ail to pay tise Road Compaey $36, out ocf tisé fonds of 'tÈe Corporati on, for tise re- Pa ira on BroékStraatlu 1858." Haire arc dates, 0.ccasions,ý,turnes, an'! manner, in 1wiiic'e Mr.ý Draper took aides wtb tise Company. Àndý we bave,,w. tbîik, clearly sbewn his approval on every occasion in uhicis the matter came before tise Town Couucil ini 18ai ,oftise position taken by thse Company., Cao Mr. Draper -shew us whairei an'! wien lie ever eaut his vote on the contra aide'? Iu 1860, the question of appropriations upon Brook Street, camne. before the. Coun. cilta* uiner of turnes. TrI 1861, tise bu'! of !lroek Sti'et was altere'! at a cost cf $500, an'! a v.ry large expenditora, over an'! -bove that appropriation, wus made upou tise road. Mr. Draper wus a mein ber of tho,,Council <lar.rng bth jears. W. canssow thaithtei.whola s: ubject in cee shape or another, muti4hve been before ise Couucil.some twenty- 1 - tiosas, '!ering botis ycars, and thti uponyic singe ceca. sien di'! Mr. Diraper rais. uis voice against a sixpauce of expendhture sipon the ILca'! Wu'a ibis oct apprcving cf thse tics' Coin- pany's case? More tiss this -&t the. very lust meetiing at wiich Mr. Draper bïéld a seat at t.eCouncil Board lust jear, he approve'! of the parchas. cf One han- dre'! corda of atone for repairing Brook2 Street in 1862, shewing that ne matter wisaî tcok place, he was determina'! upon îaking carecf tise Road Conipauy's inter- Mr. Draper says tint 0îisere are savreral buncomise ciarýca usewihicis hé doas net tisink rou'rtis isisle te rply te." Our ansiser t taiu, thet il la hies'!tj ta dis- p:'twe tisein, and ws'afeel quit. sati8fle'! tatI if b. coul'! do salise Would. Mi'. Draper& littie piece of "lbucominb abootisasisg thse ear of Myerssmeupt ed', &-c., measures would'ise taire. te "rid t/ne twis of tise road elfogaler"-is e little too neis. We eaesplj amî4e atthe s1y iiuinuation. AÀs'n'! f etsrions comment isoul'! spoil se good a joike. Ileuicipal EleetIoa. Tisa Municipal Elactieus tise coring >'eas- promis. te bus cf More tisan usuel iu- tes-est.. Tise past tais ears, but little ex- citement presee.'!ibutisa aiape cf alection cd-ntesto,, for Municipal isonors ; but tise alectiona tor 1863, indicate a change in tbia respevt. Tise follcs'ing are tise naines ai tise candidates ishicli ie liav-e ieard mention.'! as lirai7 to come fou-iard fer tise several isards r- NORTH isAtD. Mcss .H. Pari'>, R. E. Campbiell, - Yeomnan Gibson, Gea. Rolîscu, Jool Big- lois, an'! Chestaer Draper. Mu. Drapes-, il is sai'!, iilinoct centealtishe Mayeralty, but isilI, whisn tine cornes round, bc a- candi- date for tise Norths Werd.1 cI£xNrag isaR. 1 Dr. Guoin, Me8rs H. J. >[acdonall, W, ' H. illinga, N. WV. Brown, J. B. Powell,1 au'! Thocins Devenaitl. 80015EisÂO It u sieau i timate'!tisaItisa menuiera for tbis Ward in tisee '! Cnucili, bave ex- liési.' mugis relectace te couse ionr'!r egain. We are aorrj for it, for tise>' £t- tende'!tate bir dtts faitisfully, ass ithi great negulas-it>', and were alway s Most suxiosin b lopiink tf heinterpst 4tthe Weu!. Tisenamnes misutione'! as likel>' ta camne fôrwardinletheir'asead are -s-Captain Iteie, Mmas. B. Gib&Ca> G. B.-Halh, an'! Wn> Tises' W. e r ba~es' isue'!his proclamtiton for tb. glection of Mayosr, lb. nodlinboloi taires place aitishe Towns Hall, on Moudey, the' , 2nd ist. CONwrsaNoscsG' Tue SCjýQoi.Boàeis.- A&dmtiistration of thse Toise Affaires. Tise s7aall organi of the. utile clique praes about the. geversinent of tise toisa iseretofore asu' accusecs former corporaà- tions isu 4inaltdiniistt-tios" I Tise literad isba unit. in turnlag tihe ndie of tise organ, produce loed,but empty saunds. Tisey seui use bi4 wards,--no inalter bois ridbcoilous liseir application.- To this day, tisera is nso 7bwn in Cauada. assessed for a le5a rata in tise poun'! tissu Wiitby? Tise rata tuis jear is ereven cents -lest >ear nine cents-iu tise dollar, an'! thèse rates. have nèrcr beau exceede'!. Au'! ths, net- wihistanding an animaI expenditure ef uearly $2000 ou str.eets, idewalirs, an'! bridies, an'! soe $3000 anually for scisool purpbses, W. have some eigbt miles cf sidawilk wîtisin tise Corpojalien. Does this Jeok li!ii. "mala'!ministration VI ing of tiseOlktors cf %Yard No L. isas iseld st Utic.%u lest week, for tise purpose of noiouuîatîisg a cxudidate te represeut lisat isard the ensuing ycar. Tise atten- dance isas quite numerous. Mr. J. B- Campbell, tise.reprer.antaiveocf tisa Iard, an'! R-ave of tise towshstip, s'as preseut an'! gave a most satisfnctory eccount of bis stewardsip. Mr. Campbal's. exposi- tion of tise state cf tise finances oethtie town- sl>îip isanlistened !te witîs much istaci on, *11e niswed that frein the c rampe'! condition in 60dc eh e oints'!the townsip attirs when hou entere' tise cauineil, twÃ"O or.liîrea years a';<, tisere werc n use'fnds; to tise anieunt cf $2000. on han', over an'! atiove ali l ddtsand dem si nds. Tîsat lu addi- tion te tube,, tlisre b-s!teen'a usir cf $8000 expende'! on tiseroals during ti,' prescnt jear. Aise thait tise bilt lep. Vizing al tisa ronds b.dl been pamcse'!ieusone, au'!b.- corn a wà%, andi thsat the survey ($300), an'! aven tise stoniteouements bus'!beau peu'! for. Mr. Camupbell %vas tsnaîimougly appro- vu'! of bty LI-,e meeting as , b. candidate for tise iVrd these n.siffing yezr. This cartainly is an agrethie picture of the state cf tisings in Reachin oewlsat tbey were represeist- e' net i very long tirua age. No doubt, m.ijh cf it lis owsng te tise energy an'! aii- lity, a wvt un u.the careful imanner bu wlsich tise present Reeve han; watoise' over tise interests cfthue tonsbii, A word te tisa orge cf the ltte"cl- B3y iwiat rigist or netisority is Mr. Par. ry's naine introduced inusconnection isitis tise quaries put to lir. Draper lest iseair? If Mr'. Parry neyer sai tisera until tisay isere iu priuît is net bis naine most impre. perly introduca'!? Wbari Mr, Pers'y doas write it la over bis own signature, an'! te tise point-an'! ie are really plieasa'! te fln'! ourselveâ mistakeri for him on titis LrTraâ.usirLuicuia.-?4r. May of Toronto, a gentleman aifiigis litai-ar>' et- talunaents, an'! a favorite pupulan lecterer, isilI daiver a lecture et tise«meclsanica isll in tbstatoaeTisda> next lise l7th malt. Tise subjet, s'a usiderarsd, s'il! bu Astranomy n>'an!Natnial llatorj, iinutae by tise magie lanter-t. te form a nueclus for a fu'! te procure a libres-> for tise Granusar scheal. Tise Commlittea cf tise Mechenica Insltitut, lias kbn'!ly given tie se ocf tise bal! tre-for oocasioa. Thse. lecture I l hadalivere'! undar tisa auslpices of tise Beau-'!of Gran- mai' sciseol Trustees. 19 I)key cordhaI," or Drapersscilsp. A coraspodeut dealues te mes' wisvi s'il! prose tise most suovenfal la the elcc- tien for Mayor. W.enitser, irsisx. Noea A DE55ttvEr, Couu'Lfiùc.-The trans- tist oa fer et Mu. MeNeimu, SWicr Master et King p Wiitby, freintise station ber. te Port blowisa Hope, iras made the occasion for enter conl'!n taioing that gentleman et a comîplimsentaand pai supper on Fri'!ay es'auiis leut, prevbena 10 to fight is departue, for hie nes' spisere of 4uties. man to About 8 S cock, betiseen 40 and! 50 gais- Âts tlemsen, embraaiunm tb.eumercauntile proIes otisar ;iouitl, mecisauic, an'! other interesta isithin isucem. St. Andrcw9m 6;ocuery.- OIcrs. Tise annuel meeting er tie' 99 Society of Whisby "d ieriung la, et Croclcer's isotel, gos Tues'ay ca- Tise Report cf tiie Treasur e past'jear wu srend, andL on ns r. JoisM Sher,fs(econide'! by e. ex aden, s'as adepte'!. Tise fullowing office beaftorga et e'! fon tise auuing yeur: 4 -M ra. u. Grin, 1'resisfant. Mr. George McGîlvray, Vice-lP' t Bas, K. Maclaunan, Cbaplaini,. Mr. R. J. Goîsîs, M. D. PlsysiO Mr'. Rebtr. JJ., Ltsder, Secrel Mr. Cisarles Roibertag, Treasut-è Tise commtittees isarea aso a e eue for tise purpose of osecng rau subscrlptions, an'!oua. for carryl benasolant purposas cf tise Se e latter to ceusist et tise Preai'ce- présidant, Secret arj an'! Pijsician- ar wihursMsr. Joisn MoGili, Do c- K.aj an'! Alex. Alexander. A~ vote of tisanirs to tise office b of tisa Society fuir tise presions jeer )as- se'!, on tise motion cf Mr'. H. J. ell seconde'! hy Mu-. Tisomas Deow. Iu cenoaction isitis tis aaises ut rigist tisaI s'asupplj an omission",bu or repert.cf-tise proeeedinga 'St. Au'!res"s festival lest seek. Te s'- der, tise Sccretarj, au'! Mr. l bch Treesurer, tise sces aftise' s tise edat iiiw iii ise - in in melnly owing. Thel wiera in&'!ga~ble lu tsei' exertiaus througisout. 4&CJtque>y or Factice? Tise ds'ecentented wiili is aas aIlte-Eu ara. It in tiseir, normal condition, and tlsej can no more iselp baiusg eppositioniats tisai they van depert frei; nauj tiser fixa'! las', Tisa nas cf persos la iuvariably envices as isel as discontenta'!. Tlsey begruilge- onedit to tise goo'! acta ef theirnonigisiors -tbajy prefer saing wsiat -la il], te isisat in gcod au'! rigbt-thej deligltin casting slura on their neiglibora' rapotations. Thiey are aIse miseisief-inekers, an'! dalight in dataiiinig gossipieg scandai. -0f tuis char- acter are tise persona comprisiog tise ittie clique, of whiicis Chester Draper le nos'tha centre. I. le not for lova or likbng o! Chan- ter tisey taire sides isitis iim. . ar frein it. It in from anvy o! othera, isiose goe'! acte thaj are uneile te cinolate. Thislentisa littie coterie, whio, in the spite cf tiseir ouu isearta, 00W rabis tise ai-joflitqoe," au'! applj it to. otisers, isiea it only be- looga 1to tisciselves. Te talir about tisa Townuof Whisby being rsle4, byea "clique"? It woucel.!lie, if tisey ceul'! have tisi' way They ara tise little "clique", and tise somel faction. WVar Newt'. Tise report freintise Fétierai arusy of tise Potomac reprasent that thse men are snffering ccnsiderably froin tise c01ldseu- tiser that prevalu. It la tthe opiniout of tisa ganerals tiasny ujmemant inv@l<ýing a battie la impossible et present. Tise, re-. port la coutradicte'!, tisaisemaeofthtie F.'!. eral troops base croate'! tise Iappabanock et Port Rejet. Net a man bas yeLt uans ilitian, ishicis left Nais Yorkr on Salai-day, hma laude'!, bot t a.wiat point is uot staue'!. Anotiser battie in reporte'! iiAransas, in wisch.thtie Faderai losa la statedat 600. an'! the Confedératas Bt 1500. -,, > Lateat Eeropene. Tise Arabie, frein Liverpool, tise 29tb, an'! Qneensite 30 Stis at'ived et Halifax on thse 9th ist.', Tisa nais is mneagra. Tise peat priza figist fou-tise champion. sisip cf Englan'!, butiseen JausiMusce aund Tom King, t9ol place on thse 26tb cf tie varions degreas ai tisa crime. Mny of tise Grand Jurors, tise Court observe'!, isaviugr serve'! ou previcus Grand Jurien ware suffciently acquinlte'! isitis tiir aluties, to require no explaneulons frein theý ~Court. Tise parties ebarga'! iere commit-. ta' by Magistrates, iscis ias luintself prime facia evidenca tisat tise cases isere carefully investigate'!; but- navertiselesa il s'as for tise Grand Jury to satisÈy tsein- eisss, au'! hear tise usidence te be given. T'be Court alsa explained hios' the. ult, mnnsý migit conitaiu counits for emniezzle- ment, an'! felsê pretances, au'd thetlit s'as tompetent for thse Grand Jury ta llnd on oua Or botis cf sncb countsi, or te ignore altier, or boti. Tisai. sas also eue case cf esseut oit 0iteistiacisairman reférred. NOTICE RIhXIt ADi-t$TEE, Chau. Arthsur, au'! Jane Mary Joues, buy C. E. Joneo, tisar Attorny, gave ýnotice bn opencot of their right te, a patent cf certain lande in Scott, as isairs of Chue. Jenëï, daeewd, and! of au applicaisoo te tise lair au'! Deviisea Court, coder Cen. Sol., Seat. Cap. 80, Sec. 14. *Joie Brook an'! -Joiso Angel of Picicer-' irig iere celle'! bu open Court, ans' anewee-ý ed te tiseir racognýrizanees te give évidente in tisecase of tise Queen'vst. Jane Contes. Th isaClrk oftisa Pence retorua' tise lista cf Jurors certifie'!, under oatis, in ec. cordauce witi tisasMatute. Court edjourned until ba!f-past -nune o icioek to-morrois mernin. COUNTY, COURT. 'I4per tg. <Jasmiclurel. -- Action au premiss-ery note for $108.55 an'!iîtereat. &ý HL Gre.iuseo'!, Attorney,, an'!R.J Wilson, Ceuneel for piaintilt. W. H. El!. linge for defendent. Tise dafenanst ad!- msitta' tis anig of tise note, but dlaim.'! a verdict on tbclecommori cournîs, as beiug- uneessary iu tise declaration. Verdict for tise pleintili' for $127.36. Verdict for defauîdatton tise comunon ceunts. T/semnas v3. JVitsn.-Acuion cri pro- missory note. -Verdirt-Ior ptaiusîiff $159.- 54. IL. J. Meedonal itëlaintioe-Wrigist for deleàan.. Ladeil, exacutor Ladell, vs. àMartia> and David Haystaed.-Acuiou on two- several promissory noues for $100, and £25. J. FI. Greenwood, Attorney. an'! R., J. Wilsn, Counsai 1er pisîintitl', W. H. Billigea for defendeuit., Defuuidenî' admit- ted tisa making of tise $100 note, but de- nie'! having mnade thit for £25. Mr. T. -Downing, an'! Mr. N. Za~y isera examine'! as to tise signatures, and! cool'! net swear te tise genuinutsa cf tise signature te tise second nuote. Tise Cort n ismitte' tise case te the Jury isho founsd a verdict for tisa pleintiff againat Martin Hayotead. for *231,au'!against David! Haystead for Kennedy vs.. Tiscrvie-Action on'pro. lnîssory nota. Verdict for piaintWf for $123.35.- C. C. Keller for piaintili; H.L J. Meodoucil, for defendaus!. JVesley vs. Gieoe.-Aetiouu on promieso- ry nota. Verdict for plaintif1 $133.20.- C., C. KelIer, for plaintift, J. Laya, for defendant. Court adjourue'! te balfpat nine o'clook to'mdrrow moruing. Town Concîl. WaioTsv, Morsday Ev'g., Dec. 8tis.< Cocricil met et balf-past 7 oiclooir. Ail tise memnbers present. COMitUttuCAtTIONS. Tise Mayor rea'!tise foloawiisg commet- nications :- Ladies' l3enevoient Society, annotcina tisatjrom tise ltle interest taken is tise Society bj thisîniabitants cf tise teisu, tise W'iole work being perf'ormned by a commait. tee ef six ladies, tisey lia'! couciedeil te dissolve tise association, an'! tisa a fiean-. ciel statemaunt.wuuld ha ferelabe'! before tise close of tise juer. Tise Major expresse'! hie regret et fie annooncament cf tise Ladies, and! pal'! a isgscompliment te tisa benavolent an'! siatiafactcry manuar in isiicis the ladies bad iserformo'! tise eritaous duties impose'! on ii. position ini whicb thse secratary -nf thea patriotie bail wss placed, and'!tise mannt. ie whicis tlit gentleman (Mr. Law'!er) vas unjustly maligne'! b> persans isba did oct taire the trouble tu maire tteseslves ne- quairite'! witb thse facts. Mr. Billinga and! Mr. Laing aise con- damne'! tise snjust treatinent recels.'! ly Mr. Lawder in relation te Ibis matter, an'! on bis account as maoch as anythiug else advccate' tise appoinaiment cf tisa commit tee, an'! tii elearing up cftise sifair. .Mi. McDermnott, aluo n ' tiier members of tise conneil, exonerate'! Mr. Là-wder an'! conldetn.' tisa unjustifiable mannar in *ihie h d beau ansail,!.. >C'nuseil adjouruie' te- Mond'ay eveuin, Dec. iStis, t tise usualt isor. 11fr. Draper and tise Roat Company. 7b, thse Editor cf tk eW7hitby Uisronicle. Iu your lest isue, 700 maire sareral stateints desîgne'! te iaire me a party te these aaings cf thse Port Wbîtby, Lekles Sugg, Simcoe, an'! Huron Road >Con. pany wiub tthe Town cf Wistby; an'! tu tisese stalements 1I daim tise privilege of unakiug a reply, tisrougi S.,our columnas, tisat my corrections misreancithse public tbrouis tise saine médinum n, sour ln- peachinants. Your firat assertion la a mont ektraor- '!inary onea, jon sy- "Ilutise,road inatter, eut of wiehsiciss friands audeavor to maire so inucis capital Mr. Draper, whiile, in the Town Council, wira the, very mn. above ali chers, wl)o, -througls- tisicir sudtisiongisthin, took- aides witli the Comspaniy.", Now I deny tise tratifoînans of tuis statamertt .in toto, an'! challenge yen te ,prodoce tise proof. I isiai jon to stata tisa timu and maîsuer iu whieii I di'! 50 tbittg of thse ki'! impute'! tu me. Wbhat motion did I ever movel What report did I over- present lwlble, intise Town Council" wbiph -ever implie'! my approval of tisa trasfer to tise Town, cf tiiat pur. tien cf tise Comapaiuy's road, iyîug isithin tise limite cf thse Corporation?7 or endicete'! in tiese ligistest meneer, tisat 'il toir idas itis tie Co>mpany." If tisera are any,doc- umients, or records o' tbis description, 1 sisal! axpect yen te produce tisain, or feil. iui- te do e, toretracltishe enjoat charge jeu bave publisised ageinst mie. Witii this chsallenge I uiigbt be contant te rest may casaeuti! an %tleipt at proef was mn'!.,bot prescmiug tisatishe questions an'! auawers wiiici follois the ass3ertion w. bave just re ferre'! tc, cootain ail11tise proof you cau preduce, I may as weil prove.'! et once te rcview tsein. lu oue uf jour interrogations, y00 charge me witis iaving recoimen'ed an'! approv. A of the.sait 'ahicli resultèd i tise.trans. fer ailu'!.'!te, an'! in anctiser y00 aay ý&ens., pisatbcally" tisat I sanctioné'! an'! appruv- e'! by my vote in Council, tihe isiola action taken on tise Road mattetr."l Now, I empisatically deoy tise impeachsment, an'! deman' tise proof. If I di'! so, produce, tise motion, ýreport, vote, or speech, by bbci Isa jproval or sanction wasgien and I will b content. Evary persen con- versant with thse all'airs cf tise Town, at the pet bcd referre'! to, kuews, au'! yoot certaill> ougist te bave iruown, tiiet ihen tise "spacial suit" was "'recommande'! an'! approve'! cf," 1 was net a member of thse Courncil t 'cdl, Tise discussion between the. lies' Coinpany and tise Conocil coin meuve'! ie 1857, tise "special suit" was re- commets'!.' an'! approve'! of "in 1858, an'! tisa judgmetot of tise Court isas communi- caet.'thie Coucil by ites olicitor (Nir, auj tisisg te do witis tise special suit.", furtiser tisan te listen ta tise rea'!ingcof tise 'jedgment by th -e.Mayor (Mr~. J. E. Pan-y). A fais estracts froi tise minutas of tise Counoui ili serve ý te -siew muy inn ocence- of the. charge jon made agabust me, an'! aieo iere'tise parties tiset'"recin e.' tise approvai of tisaI ipecial suit." On tise 22nd Jauuary, 1858, i"Mi, Hanm, seconde'! by Mr. Tremayne, maoves tiat Messrs. Elodgscd', Macdonell, aud tise movar, bie a Committee to confer isitis thse cirectors' cf tisa Port Wbitbv. LairesScugcg. SiMcea I _____________________ whatavér itthe lieretltsoetise "speelel suit," an'! ne oppenout of tise Companyet, einmuecool'! have îairau auj dill'qs'ent course frein tisa I teck. Yen furtiser charge me witis bovin- 4"a Cisairinan cf the Finance Cemmittee lu 1859, i-acommne!d pajinant out of Townu fonnda,cf $326 to tise Rea'! Company, for repai ra on Brock Street tise previotis jear." 1 di'! thistee, bot tise circtimgntances under whiichit iwsas uione, clearlj, show tisat tise imiutaoi tise Company's lara, isas not a consideration et ail. ' Tisa $326 s' a liabiiity cf tise Corporation'contracte'! iy tisa Cunucil in 1858, by, tise foîiowiug rein- lotion - On ttht.318s Maj, 1868, l'Mr'. fodgseu, secenda'! by Mr. Tramayue,mcves, that tuis Concil deaire tise Part, Wsitby, La4ke'Sesi' Mgg, Simice u'!Husron Roa'!Company ta put that part o! tha sai'! road lying wiisin tbis inunicipaliiy, into a reusonablea stae of repair, sitis tise cn'erstaîs'ing tiat if tise couretsdecide lith tise sai'! proportion cf rod'! sial balong 10ti tis mouicipaîity, t/te ceai of tieseaeid repaira, as ehos'u iy proper vouchers, be s-paid toe is (Jopa. riy byrtitis Mssnicipellty; an'! tnt isis ra- solution b. communieate'! ttesaSecretarj cf tisa sai'! Company by tisa clark of tbis Muuiciplty; fluet tis AMayor do-siga fia Saeme, an'! attaci tise cerperate seeltere- te. -Carrie'!unauiinou sly" Preset- Mgesars. Iea, Hcdgscn, Maed~nel, Me Pberaou, Peri-y, Roe, Tremeyue, au'! Wâtisous. Absent-MReBrien. Thase tbeni are tisa man wisialone iscre regpqensible for tuis item cf axpaus'iture an'! tise Ceu- cil of 1859, coul'!- do no)ising aise tiseu to provide tise isaend meane for its par. meut, juet as tisay iout'! isa oblig-e'! 10do for tise pusyment cf a <lebenura, or of any otser Iiusbility contracta'! isy a, previoca, Conoil. Ha'!jInet,_ "9as chairesan cf thse F'tnau'ce Comnmijtie," mades provisions fer tise paymuîut cf tuis $.326, tise Cempan y coul'! have collecte'! h.inlu-acourt 'o! las' on tise streugt eof tise rasoletion w. bave jas! ueited. This, like tise Pajment of'tlhe $80, cents bcd aotiig eviatever to do witis -ise mante eof tise xpenditure. Tisat s'as dacide'! by tise Council of 1858e in wieili Iisa'! no sea.t. Anotisar 'accusation la, tisat issis'etuon tise streats 'and'!improvaments Oommitte for 1959, 1 expensded $600 on tisa saine portion cf lie roarL" I1 have not examnin- a'! tise correctuass cf tiseafigures; but isisila tise ueapiug of tisat i-ca'! irepais belon-'e te tise Townu, an'! utl ca'n be legaîly gel n'! cf 1it l ise he ay of tise Couneil te keep su i repaîr. This ilaa Siit,-Wisat 'it lte' lete controversy' lietieen Mr'. BSaab and! tise ReV. Mr. islaclennan, an'! the Meyoatj oýontest bé- tisean tise friandis ot Mesura. Leùsng an4 Draper, a poor fallos' of my calibre wili have. lh e ne chance ef epace su tise couions o et is ooti ol'! RNCuasî., te COie ca afew thbougisathat certain events ,ive rîse tg.. 1 desire te itîforin yen, an'!tise readers of tisa Cissosicla iiigeneral, tisattise né. turn match et tise noble aud! i ii ne lactuai gaine' et drauigbt, betmseen tise Asislurn au'! Claremant clubs, s'as plaje' ai Wilson'a isotel, on Frîday, tise 28th ni. Aftara spirite'! au'! seu conteste&aL mlci, - tise Asisiurniens isere declaea!tise victos-s. "4To tisa victors beloug tise-speila '" i. gen-' eraliy an adinitta'! fact, but in ttiis casmi prove'! 'ifferant'ly, for victers andl van- quisiseul, sl unite!, ie tise- greusteut usmify an'! god iili, te demoibis. te"$poils" ia tise shape ef aun.axcellent supper provide'! for tise occasian*sj Mr. Wilson. 'Ganrtain- ly il reflecte'! great credit on thse utiss Wilson, isio spare'! neitiser pains uer ex- pense te maka it ail thet tise daiutiest epi. coreau coul'! dasir@. After al isa'! doue ample justice Iotehie somptueus nqpesl, varions toasts isere proposed an'! respon. de.'! te by tise compny, tise principal cf w hich s'eu-e tisa rivai clebs, semae excellent- sangs isare also git'en toenalivan tise occa- sion. Tise companj brok' ' p et a ras pectuible -heur, au'! aI! retune'! home lhorougbly satieilie'! iitis theinalve8andu' tise s'orl'!ingeneral. Yonrs &c., DRAGHTS NO. 2. Deccmiser Sti, 1862. Tn Grar coi nomI opes cers Hanr dutj tise Concil canuotasiîk. Onu- rilny t duty la te taire seasore s ta ru'!tise Townu I'r K et tise roaé! altogetisar. I1eam prepare!, 0G. wbestisar elactea ta tise office cf NMavor or I net, te co-operase isitimy talles' citizena ['et.i te accompliîsh tuis ebjeoti an'! as tisose Juni isba ventral ieh&alY.irs of tise reus'!cvmpa- nj, no longer have tise eau- of tisu Govern-lit meut of 6.he Province,-I entertusin ne doubit: tisat redrae may b. ba'! if proparly socgist an ii It 'iwoul'!cuqoaticneblj fecilitate tise ac.- tei, cousplishmaunt-of thid purpose, if a Council Ball bc alacte'! by tise people favorable te ibis mesî usovement, railler tisuaone faverable ta facto tise company's initerests. It j eaIt kueio 15155 ta soreaofttise ea'!ing mambera oftisalotier lina'!Company, au'! ta mac> et my feîiow issvu tows'renu itis isleus1Ibava be.o iu tisean'! babil o! convarsing, tisat Ibavealawajs echas been opffosed te tise prasent arrangement, gain. an'! hase tibreatene'! te getu-p a petition for il to the. Legiaietuna. prajing that tise Tousu isos migist b. reliava'! frein tise eurpense cf it ma keapinZ neari>' tiree miles nilise ctsmpany's l-$et ruadin 1repair ;an'! I have beéul detera'! introt frein doiug se, only isaçaoe I bave fait make tisai tise ffort isol'!bu useles s'iie tise traële eei- of tise Gaverument. Thia' inflence E!~ in tisai direction is at length ist a end!, campj an'! nos' is tise lime for tisa people te bois, strihe for tsir rigs- .blel 'Yomur accusations toeeing y1 couver.. font,' 'satiu;n s'ith risidents otai'!. of tise Carpe- celled ration," are aisa groundiesa. Tise con. non,i duel of seue oft tisse isio cjeim ta b. or creet_ leadin- men, an'! ier isant cf faitl te- cUps, 'wai'de thse people of tise Count>', I have net inace! 'NE GaAtYo DI>nvîs ros il5 o'EutÂNcE. -Ts aanual sel s'! Division o! tisa Sou of b el'! in the Temperance IL -frein;alsun'!rednd!flfty. &rdpu-esentatives prasant, bg bar tissu ha! user beforei ion. The iod-ge basing sud by tise G. W. P., Ai ., ater tise appointinent of tetnâ proceede te tise elact sfor tise eusuing yearss-ith resaî:-R. D. Wadis'ort Msilton, G. %V. P. , Mr.1 Awa, G. W. A.; 1H; Stacee igeten, G.S.; Mi'. Sisasi v, !4n. Roise, G. Cisaplain ; Kbigston? G. C. ; S. Pada Thse &eiibsnnaal sesbs'i te'rboroogýb, ou tise firat W al. IIZEIASD AT i'uiE IsrT£FtiiaTIe? ý.-Irad bu isr po plia imense sala ; iits tbe de ller linen trade la test extA Irlggan hosieiy lais econsiný t important brancses oft ture; an'! isr tise saine ra e isued msade . i sugge 0ets

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