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Whitby Chronicle, 25 Dec 1862, p. 1

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3faLlhw Toc(y mw tnseorecl le!ionpar- aittte rate cf s centi peir nd! 2cents pen lina, eseli ýsde witit cdvsrtlsocs by tue edveetlemttsmugit XONTREAL9 3.WA!4DOW# laeagur. GLA.NS IORK.. SATT IRJ iEY AT LAW, 0 Ceeîtty etliinli Ontai. Et. SARTNELL, Ofict er G. C.o lle, Y, C'. , _ ,'D ATTO)INEV-AT-1,A W. e the llegietry fRIttce, iroech ON & SAMPSON1 Atnreey«, Solicititta, &C. tenu Agtiticee elit mto, C. %%. . N. 1 JA. SAMIPSOMNi. 1881.23 -TRAIt, MASTER EXTRA- cxciietc ti ltntoy fot TREMAV NE UNTY CRItWN AT'fOt tac rector(a t t ti' ittin 1ll'w Store, tctMPu- rocek-St. % 1850o. 40) T J. WILSON.- ATF OINE'.î'AT LAW, mutry . tte. Wltlthy. C. W. ieek, tireci Street, Wlithy .5 C. SKELLER, T' LW W, SOLICITO1RtI'N Muvevaîneer. &. ffeic-le ever tuee Aréie anleea, 'y-. utin l itep vilage ofliettrer- Tlàencli, uîud Ceenty tif Ot- 4<0 KTOlINIY AT IM.AW.SI- ietv. l"rv lPubliet. e T-.LAýW. 'S0i.I<'ITOR IN q BILLINGS Aiet, t de us vwemt ef 'e. 1-2 AT'POUSE%,y AT LAW, D)WELL BROWN, n, (IM iiIXtlFOI ta. Act('iun icI, Lanu. Pini Pitklie eut] <Jaerat Aueni. Khiag SIrèet, uegtIy epposite Pe'anirenttlîtiCa e ciii çd te. - R, ati <o<ri'.ct uQ DeItta cull. -tod on lie <caIt icd pronmpt rlittatîtr,ý 10, IR41. ton BEnt cf TarnoitiduGli street, Wvlithy. 44 GIJNN, INe.D. TuE COUNTY GAIîL, wtitne . -41 t1 , D W. B. j n. Offi.e-Oppoàite paid te diAeace týAo UTII OF Tif E ME- lii by. Ecery allen caues, and i nuy CRON, ENGINEIfIt. AND> IURNET, AND > aUtVEYORS. igutits, (Ienvovancoet n dtreven p. Wid VaLcabie lande* for With c&IfI Pritd words, greau thoughts aid uutiring indu.try,. we adv2"te e4ce' Progretis, TnowIedge, DvotbewliodL VOL.>-VLe WIIITBY, C. W.,, TllUIRSDAY9 DECEMI3ER 25, 1862.. A UCT~IONEFR, bogn te leferte the lebabi- tant* of Ontario and Duramn Conneft, thct ho l8 prepcred te attend SJILES luenBy par ftheaoe cntues. Al orderi' loft Kt hils reudt-e on Lot, Ne. 34, in the 5th coueesxien of Darli1egton1 clli be puntuallv sttended te. Darlingten, N1evemWe, 1862. 431 FELUX UROUILLARD, tiBACC>NIST MP<IItF-P. ltaele T. Ueta'l dealer te Tehae, , ' ,seitf, &,!.. %erehaaî Pipî- esad k« G.i loka, Ne. 74 Kltttieet Bea4t, Teronte. 27 flOLrIN& ALOOT<. XTEXT Tii TIE ROYAL LYLEUM, Kingr Ittcet, Tuorett, r*' Frea Lunch merry cetitle. ri ly STAGE bUSE, ISAAC FENTON, Proprietor. &E;T Wlitec ant i iiîtr%'î stuenier ccot B maditiofo1r trave'; geetitablingiani attiitiýve 16cîe. i ALIeION 1-0TEL,. Atttin TeiT, ViliTtT. .iAltES ILACK, Grstnn.lTrunk RîtilwAY Motel. (&icu.ii-le qf ReutîP P ori-îtrb. T . E N'd iIS<IN F) IE.S TO IX F0)13 Ini pccceîi-iiue tf ticher in etet4,, thte iuilies tif wviilie cviii iii itiniitry mit onitls own arccitîtt. it] dLiquiien, Wiacc and Brand;e, E-c'ileul ltuiltig-etiefit ettut ofr niai 1<roprietot'. EAST IWINDSOR IO i8,WI[ITUY, r l Eiloiive Hté- -iauîtto leuti a tîlcaccttnd relintd jpart %ci te 'fîîwî.. nit litfroit riait. ,;î' i ccîtnîochtolîntravellert;. (ttet StiulBitc uni ilttiive i tier . VICTORIA HÃ"TEL. 1) NCtE îLIFitT. - ANÃŽq(.'L0-.AilaERICAN IIOTIEL. lll'Nt*e Al.uuiitt't. T i~~a .etîcritac ite p 1tit1 «bore n"l tti'y tctmiiutitittitte ut tri'elintipule. Qive iiin i eý0. ooo tittii i>giiE.1 ZWIKEYS HTEL. T 'I E ctheaviîng pbite, tfiait liititît giy picrid, piit!ti anid turii.tiecthet 'boni' ttonne]i'rtceniiipieti liv tir. Atk'in'.ci und ct thut t ij' triiveiitl2izemiiiiitiv viilfit] tct - lotafît ctuiae jîteau inole u tte«. TVie tali el %el ii pjhuieît titll evecrytttiîuin enc <cii. mohl dlii ii iati carefat ,teec oithte apel.-.10N 1.1ZtKEY. UNION HOTEL. MANCHIESTER,It ('L(tt'. tALc. Iltat wcieu, liqtr ,an ccfcittrc. -~- - - CHAS. McCLU, A-LIII IOTEL, E ÃŽS T MuARIKET SQUtARtE,.Tu IIItîNTO,- .SM<IlTHl, Propniattîr- Exceiletieirn tIcodtitiii. Eecry attetîtion paii tît tiiccottifprt TRE TERRAPIN. l I I 'iit'RItiToROtS(F TtlfS WelL] iittun saloonetiare îuewilu ceceratioti of- thîe oid ST. NICIIOLAS. Kieg attet, Tronto (fitnetiy kelt h lri.lHenicyt. Tia -prernîse liite bectu caste reuevated ttîtoighoiit, cite fittcdut une istctstyle. Eror,' preerable dliteaey il ensaoi. A elgier divaen'fittoti np -e- pcrcto-l-v ilte c-hieiî lieue but the hast breaîde arce pentîitteti tueneter,' G~LOBE MOTEL., BROOKLIN. Jlîctlatipremifle, Lave eice paclicceid hy th lte stftneibiutî, ccndhe o ditaroctintittt, tiîuîte hoillai cayc liaon liandt iatIttdpet aoually ho the c'uiîtq et bis gnests. ' at Tie prettutaesa hve beeuî nec'ly lacteeand tciicrati.t, «ut] conocieittly iii eernfortchty- ittail op. atndeoeffort viilic aspcrad outii<e part oftue proelut ev-cenr to eie te i.Globe hotel a inine duiniztg tcar (iflis frienuls. Tie taile v-ii.aic-ayc hIb foneti plectfaiiy mcepieti itlu tue hictin cuicoti 'fi ftitoc-iig eniuraceA ac itelf iqoor% le tue Ilitt the bhan, v-iealanid rehil. MitNatiuItut'e . Oluitth. -Mortei'c Faittiy Pteiif. Mtioiitotela'-.ted otiet cuperien whiukevct Otd Tom. il>totacdGiii, hast brandg et Cegniie îî.t ettier Brandi -, Pont, Sherry, and Capc wicen. d&e.. &e. Choice.Cigaita GoIt Stetling nitb Raedy tht Otier. 11A14EX. ALEXA NDER. Brolii, .tniy 29, 1861. - 29 CANiTON'IHOTEL, DT'V FFINS CIEEIC, P'ICKRIiNG. GOOD Jaccrnrnedstieu for Traveliers. W. CU'rHBERT. 4e-3atPropiter. RAJLR &0 MOTEL, IIONT STREEIT, cour tit Maket. Wt. -POWER, Prepriet. IMOOKL11Ç MEDICAI HALL, - JOHN DAWES, 'FeTUGIST & A itthe6any, &o. &e.4 Brook- "L.Pite C. W. , rerptono% seeuttoy cern- poundeti. Dnugs, Olcacd Medices-efoev da.eiotne.48- y RUSSEljl'dS HOT EL T ml E uersigned ?roprietorc of the choc. Inamed 11TOEL, hogrestpectfelly te apprizc titeir frictidrancd ptmronl%, thut tbhaveis"thn ronlihy rcicritedi their, estalillAhnîeîît d11rittg the winler, whlcli etîchîca ihet now te effertût the Mblr.t l eof the 1eRimiature, cd the Trýtt- vclling Pl'ic caîlrior accoemmodation. lit adiditionei te te aptirtmeti thev md t)ct wie- ter, th-ev have n",w t'rlura anil'Bed-rtcn% in a lunrtn; i.,eietrtiee fltel, whill, for couîfort ocidi cou plenotlire iinAtitp".t<ýd lethp City. WN. RUSSELL & SO'N. NôýhînHotel Cannint.on. T it iiierikisin ilîeaîeoiicnt tiihe bvc fsvrr th,ii. oei buer toentlait. the premiseai. lebbi& doteeite a onciciahie extetît. aud matie <tuer iteratîii titand improvemente s. erete grill fltilter 't c )tmfort nctptCCtnincittioii nt hilt guestc&. Tie titi la1cwaic re i iwit thei es int"tle nctati nolei bt it le beel hi-andgl otf Witliem and liqîterg kept oniilite preintis.. T,,e ern ikeper's appiieti wholëiiale. fivet a call an y3.0 pas. Boib the rrenfla ced t>.tler, lw!qyg in attendi- atlen, saaisteii by ick, te rake chntrgc ifteoixis. Jropietor. t8TOREY'S JIOTEL, NItOONaact. Tttt'NTe, <Orie ik-ct ai qf rtc the al'ei Squcee.) T IliE nn'-ee'-tle hctviît percllceid the ilove 1ccil kn&wn pretejies frein thec lcte F Mnr-ý-,Nr. DPana ts In ic i nenctîcet- t Lc rien i c <otIlle \nîtîle. that tlie 1111-igtanow in ext:elietit orler for the m'cottt'olatiori cf gn,tuata. <'îtotrtchllcîetto î m'itNModer- ire Pairte lttieitîr tittentiton ppid te fur-1 tIM-ea tllinir froici tliecoutitry. Exeellent etah-1 luiii: ud att1itlivcte-, .lIUf STORE,, proprictor. 'Prcunlto, .Tti. î, 184u. 5 REVERE IIOUSE, fjrilE c'iaeihcr herK te ainnecrite te -L Pîlîie,tntl lîeiîlarlv tq the travellinîg ï-noîiatîttt, thttlie iui epeiitIle abnre ex- tai-ire t11eniun anc cîpcriîîr Bottl. Th -heit 1,f unnaîntili.cd eery aittiiti npiid tn titi eî!tiu itits 4. Exeet ti bllic tt id auceitve <oi-.The Bar eup;ttied wtli mat 45-vPro)priet't. Washington- n& Taken Yet, Baut thetiien4rber bas parclîcce t ti CENTRAL1 bOUSE,) .evey'a Old stantl,) <On fliC (entre rouid hetween Manclîciter cnd Peî.ikilu. Tho îttîi ipreei'iee liera heeui tiite'd sp i tl- t order, itîi viii '<pen ont 'iiic.tli, the IPila t.Noltiiiii e vit- itot t' taet the e tqtitrctiettfl (cfthc u-ielifim e iiittttî:itv. flic stîlline lacf'tiiebIeAt dc soerltitiîi, ii aun attentive (>41er yl lihoa- way i ba, hît.Titisc titIttendi mveil kiei tc l'eth~ eai 4tWattniittçplaC3 o n titheitre To the Travelling 'Publie T l anhf~vr~lcated tlii Prenai- THe- tatIaiy oconniecihy T. Eili, le i Viliiecf Epete, ind haviîîg ftttedhtlteup ia - Ze't tlei', i- nc prepai'eti to aneciîtltntet ai doc wî givo hlm etid] eointetîda T H E 0 EÇTO0F LIQUORS à ClÂAR 9 Ait,' bis rthiunwill ho funett.%bed Vit' al1 the ielieii'ejofthtne cei.An attentive Outier tdiaoaeihanti. Tiie-ic wlîefiivor lîlîti vith a îeedati ud Weil sIteeI1tic e Joli i HMi LTiI)N, OSH<AWA, WO001 & BROTHER:. ARCHITEOT. q>' 144,,Bay Etreet Toronto. MAILT' VINEGAR. ý,iALT VINEGARee cuiov lie baiii large Witbv '.Brewerv. J. A.9 Itig, rt audâtf as fîp.Beleville.Ot. 29, 1861. -42-ly ,Terp tn. and WOe)dvillo. P. BtJSNET, SINI LA 101E, -Beuceton. MANELL. IBVERUL, -- rlE ur.deionsned toe ave te nfon tic GItÈN STEETLnaaanduthe boatravelling puiblic, that he &a., GRZEN STEET, haf; ta eilte h(v l kiec-e htol, and - -trus§tg )Y tiit atecntion te beiceRa, anti by - ontenoeent t>docclila ic ispower fer thetom.en-Bettki ETÇÂAIF, fort and i ttvetience cf guta, to meril abana MI1 DIVItSION COLflIT9 !pbi acug.Ge t~osadiaa ' T'owLiiaitp ]reek. Ad- Conj-oî table accommodation for man 4and lionne. - 14 An PeLtectiveandcccl 'rt Ostierluscýys ine-i- -- - Lndaicea. -AiÂY 13PEARS. . -ON - Pa - Ftee Mllila,nt. 29, I TO-SEPII MaO NOW 18; TUE TIME« GET YUltiPLI<ENESS AT Ctarleis let-Prime Piciore Gallery en deaire acorraecad life-like Ambre- ow, CaMootype, ]LetW rplb. onrLathýen fet-, ors Likçegsm fit é fket, Broacli or rorf. . C.cAn do'Wittn tba tlae tYl, t btort notice. WIKUINIOWS IBLIOCK, ROBlINSON HOUSE. NIPF11ANCK HIOIS?, ,BAY STREE.T. eorteu, ait'eus doona North of ing Street. ,IAM lis.MATI*EWS, Lnte cf Intùnnatiotialiel,;Propriator. >Iortlt BrtUsianasd 3[erogn'tile img tae R&PPaauofl. ~ Yd5 1fo~e. The bettie gteuud, Ibougit vary m <arsby corne placca,.presetateut a fine field for mili- tany evoflieuos. WTe turepike leedinigte, Famine, Fever sud Front. Fredanilcsburg rues about, one.a-bl!cf a - mile frein ced necrly perce! ei tte rivet. Who wili epen Engiaed'i% penqs,, Beoeut it e raitrocut, and sti funthen le- Tillitheirgolden atteste FlevA viers amekele%4ch iiney'sa aiadow yond, the voodV range o! bills in wViiCi tltginea lsekinit steai, the enemy were stnengly intrenceut. About Wiiena frein million e3em if; gicring c'mile ced a balf front Fredanlcleabun,, Bnngr~a -ellaiîglein1 - uerlyelinthe river edge, h s ituatedl A. N. Whoo entor en iteai -hIgher Barnerd's atleemansion. Ail tllp. . io5t bcIJinit Stirrint tewivard hetpfulacation iledcheant and mimd, Iinti thern by iun ited ptîrpecce, (live them eonurce defined 1 «1," etitiFantine, aniti cite Wet.lier Starnly ttritet ; Sinelkeli lit zlrtnm.îes i*fc-hlond frein hln, 1raisee th te utcttr'reat-t, Stri cd the ronittiieil cieittitI the cupheai (1, fý%ùe-l'ù dote nybit St<ui tlie Ptrs', woîîld rnet lpet, Notie grild itreatiglew; Still b)liet tintin, ceratlîblilig efforts, Wcvered Ii titindfro - Feitiic, witiî hon force$ batilitel, ."saîmod Faer, aiidi aie ist(red !r040 cl ir ti t ilttinw-' tiit llîciit-Fever Witt the vietîtry gai V' S'ill th u1trses awralti int itpeni, Nor titi' goldticremîes fltow, Wm ire-tteanti-i'rci l'ever. witli lier fortes e ifeti, Must th i tnk leoe. IL" eîîlt]Frtoit. tnttI e t teir 'cnct, ChilI'. tht ni1'. nîaîî'c lifecud natuîrels Ltid bt londi «id bltitî, Fainei, Furer, tiiîiie haficet, Fr(it vas ueigîi.at. StilI ti' pince" diltot open, SItiltil ingittioîtti, eritiibliiîg efr iitreollt, titI fro AretlnoicFa tiici>e, FroindiiFoyer, ti'onlincltind in licnel, tfhaply 'I'lett'reim îîpeiî wldu Eîtit<îti'e utirne, «tlla d lier riclîti Ilit Iîygtiien tilc Ver ithe w;t<tes-ivire toi! cita îiiieg. Ai a collîcartie'se ide. Thec Battie of' Frederaicsbur. FACTS AND li;CIDEI.TS 0F TRE The Naw Yerk papens of Wednesday are filhed wi'h detaileci accounitaef the great battie cf Saturdcy lest, by some called "'rhe-baftie ot Fredericlccherg," and by> etitera "The battie cf Masaepoeax.1i Fremn thte very velumineus correspondence we select the foliewieg, frome the New York Tintes.>* The letter ia deîed et mîdeniglit oflthe l3th:- FAILI.tittOF Tac O5JE(tTOr THE lIATTLE.' Thé battle cf Fredeticksbiang. wbich bas1 bacc ragieg sdace 10 o'clock tItis moruiug, witbeut caeiomenes poace, c-as éloïied by danecato-rigbt. le itsdrto.i 4itniyýi D lo in eil6Ï1Wït, aS mcccl unedy it ms-f be climex cf thaec-bob- sanies of the baolles o! te c8mpige&. The nation viii stand sgbd tt tce terrible prile chbas becc pait] for its.lifewc-bn te reatities o!fte battlfie ld o!f rederickaturg are apreaut beiote il, Unbcppiiy. litre mcny O! our engage- mente, ubeugh senvieg te ilicatrate tha u plendid valor o! eout treops, istbas failed te accemplish t titobjet isougbs,. Ttc saui cln cell cbtter th e rie o! to-day îs o 50 heltaprehuda te a glorlous victony or an ignomirtons defeci., But the result-tius, far leaves us vititea Iàss O! from tente fifircan tiousiteu men, cnd absoiuteiy notbing gainel. -Along ltaec-boealina lte Confederates tolut their oc-n. Again anut agein c-a have Jtut-ed forverd eut'-ntam<es on lItit- poaition. ,At eaccitîmtinahie hem-, tuLer c-as broken ou the ccvii t 1 hava no eureat, in ithe ond chathlie avents of to-day bhava inspîrout, te wtite Qîlier tItan a beid retond of facta. Wbal- aven bthr- as in te bat île scena cf pic- turosque of sublime-ced veved mereiy as a spectacle a great batte dispicys thesa quatitios luncac-cy titat no manifestation o! coutnai forces or cf humce enengy aven cen-muEl chrnehe cd sitivel hofore the cc-fuieruestcess orfthe issue. Of course et.tiis mnoment it is impassibla to gîTa met-e than thé mosit generai impressions- tic phenomeca o! c battle atre too multi- fanions ced comphiccat for te resources of any one observer, cn&thedi tman does not live c-ho cee roproduce c'itbh ifeancd trutlnlte reclity o! aveu taesteallaut en- gagement. TiH E IDOF TUE tI'HT DIaTISIOIi. lmetdiately behicd tite toc-a of P'red- enîclcaburg, lte]aind forme a plateau, or amocth i eldt, runuieg beck foi'sbotta third -o!a. mita. '- itan -ies fer forty or fflty yards, fcrmingcaidga of grouutd, wiiciruas atong te the left for about 'a uarer of 0<a mile, where il ,abl ts szHae - r TU LNE 0OS 5ATTLR ON TUB LES?. The lineoef balt.e sas Ilappeared lente mcreieg, c-as as ellows: 1 The Sixtit, Aneîy Corps, under- Gen.- Smith, (Frank.- In's olut fore,) -cn the igit, composeut o! ttree divsins'Pnc<y: Oea. New-ton, on the extrome rigl*.ndrear- Gan. Bunkoe," on tbe centra,-ca Geu. Howe, *on te ieft.. Tite Firsi At exteeding e,14Aç up. te the feI40M bons' Division on il c-it Gen. Uoctee. and] Gen. Doublida>y souttvarancd rost Titis ceustituted tita fonces c-are drave ti disýinet ines of tatt TUtE P Oppoceut tea omrýit mer, vas the rabat Gea. Longsîreet. nedi ene. Fracnklin under Gen. Jacksonü isimo cf the soutit son lenuommanut P9 dureinýte vitele d The plan a! Çen~ in couceof a! -ur- the reel centfo. et Saituntlay tite ondeÃŽ uer a befî, composeut under contmand o! lie extendeut until right-s bus formin- battie alecglte >rivei left-restieg on tte ni the lover peetoanqc Fredetickaburg. - Tt iag te c-bote cf (flfty Iboaumo n,) round, as on c pivot extrerno îgits, rctin If suecesa utilutItis c-euld divide thte rai siett e!fte rialread, ced corei ne attti vot-ka teck if Ft titis moveiont c-as i sien c-as te ho sent t commiand, by tae pl ridge. If thora slto tbit, it c-ce bepeu Franlin iveulutprose tain. HIran'. cor cpiF, Gan. Rey-eld's,ý te te left, drcc-n endort Gen. Gib- tigitt, comtueeting e.-Meade's contre, left, fnonting te the early on ibdriveé. L ter lunc-bich nt thora beicg threa under Gon. Suni' ft, undor cammand-o.f pî<osed te eut lefu,, si«the rebel rigit, en. Lee, Generel- 1*1, v-a ia pet. Li'redarate fonces as- 4agreout upc 'avertue Pierce tit uennieg an tîtat Somx-- la arny conpse ilcoz, stould id Franklinis luus uine o! ro miles, the ie pointtc-tare d tte niglis on ring, compris- is* commtandt tben h. aven", by St.meer's redericksburg, a -ekie ,taepoeses cf retnutat, fthea rebat g. White tmile viticit the storng parti vil! bava to cross. Indoîeg se tbey uil ho exposeut te thte fine, irs,' of lte enetuy's Sharp. ebootets, poateut bahit auta tone c-ahi rne nieg eieng the base o! tite ridre-aed of a double t-oc-of rifleajilIs on ut-krieofcite croit -o! te boavy hslterias tohind t sroeg ieldt c-rics tiat studthlitatop o!fte ilI-.- o! a povierful in!cetry forcaeccc- tyimtg con- cec.ed h.hiund - ubse-ef e pluegiug fiee f rom tite batteries on te towet range-o! c doubleeniladiîag ine front icceflon ta lte right otf titent sud c4nuoe ta the left lTF ,[LSOF S TsOcsettecPAitir. iThe lineofe!bettie c-as formeut by Conch'c cerMa (thea second,) ceamposeut o! the dlvi- sieuos o! Fronch, liancocit ccd Howard, the ]af'î o! the linea bassieg on Stgis's divi- sien c! Wilcex'o eorps (lte uin) Tha fitst advcnce vas French',, compoeou o! te bigedea e! Cimbeli, Morris cedý Weber, supported by fHanoock's dMvsion, cnistieg etflte brlgades o! Caldwellt, Zook andtMeagiter. Fonauleg bis menunudon covencf a etait knoll l inte reoi'cf taetoc-c, akirmisîters usera deptoyed letlsW iaft 1ev-crutHazel Dell ; Sturtgis, u mppNating et lte smnelime, ntoved op, and resteut-on e polit cente railroact ii ieg this daunger, Gan. lit, cbie! cf artil-, tory, instent; dispatched endors te ceua llring. ,il vas c-ail ho did se, for immedi-, caty efterwards au aid cama gcalloping frot mGen. Coaudhfront tha othor aide cf tia river, -beaging thel eout batteriexs sitelu cesse, as tbey Vota actuelty fiine3 luto bis THE ttOVEXEINT ON TMEtLEP?. At dcyligbt, lte forces comprisicg tite left grand dielsion cf lte. rmy, cppeaed drava up le battIs army on >tae breaut plaie. baby Fredaicksburg. and chirtiug te lappabeenocit. . At eacly ýmore the 13th, Massachusetts, Peensylvaula.euektails, aed tvo or. thre lter - regimee ta, c-ara depleyed as skin mîsteas. belveen vbom andi tbe robai sitir- mishers considerabla firing look place.- ,Ne sroner,:itowver, bcd the heavy miel cleaeticvc, tea ~ .b; Hll'$ battery (2tid Maine) planet 1-tt Tgt o f Gili bon's division, cpened lire opo= the rebats. Artiloery firing nov tocante generel, aloa thc c-bote;lin, vitich c-cc netunned .ty the r ,ias.Heavy alego gîtes in aur rear, thie iît Muytaed, lItMuscachusatts batteries, 411ud battery D, 51b atilory, onlte.igit ; 4 'ipian Rcusoms, cnd Capu. Wctker le icielanut Coc-în's Nov York, and Lieut. 1il ie's.Ilrd Nev York Independent ou tte 1i--,1,and other btatteries, kept up a torrile liii- on thte rebels. Tilt ADVANCL (irders nov came te aulvance, aed about tti.i o'cieck Gibbon's ced Meade's dlvi- qi'itcu coautenci meving slosriy forvend. ti-ýi.mecde's commecaut conciatid-cf tbs 'lie edvence reîniteutin la cosî crcight îg cnt nes, iviich veto tbefonoet fb -t o! a croscent. Cousidenabla resicstence' vas mat c-it vin-theb fones coctinned te, move forverd, îîîtî ilet mid day thte lineofatea as thre qi trsr o! e mile 'dvcnce cf c-bers il bcd been et tite-oulsel. TIIE SuitE. But nec- camne te reset-vo ira ofthe eneny c-ît terrifie force. Stot, shl cet caniatet- voepoured lie e ut mon froc vîucpoints, c-bile the rebel infantry ap peanlng, fired c-t apidÃŽty. StilI shel contifiteul tepresa on. Saveri batterie movet fervard at the samne timê. As ent troope sav- the enemy giving c-ay, -heite alet tabceer tant lte air. A BAVOnET ceACIent About oee o'clock, Gen. Meade et-dore> a change, c-bicb' v-as c-elt!executaut -tti mou prez.singaunte very eciga o! the drest, -ccd skil!fuIlf peett-ctitmg by a naovemeu, enuthenûân, enopeeîng viticithappec terCemonts, tanMfe'e mac obligeu to te il luack asquarter o! a -mile, c-tare ttey rtndîîied-hree-quearters o! a mite bayonut the gtoudfirst eccupied. V'ety. beatty musketry firleg ceusinueut aiong ithe hie, neitlier aide Eained aey matorLia dvants-ge. -Abtou>t I& o'*ccki the finit Ilice of battle ie Ggneral <ibbon'as division vas-relievel :ty thte seond, c-han Toc-ar's brigade, iuiow 9ntîsded bY Got1-r Rtoos, oherget] ove an open fieldt bayonut- tbe raitroaui, ced dcvnii- 1o0thae e4ge o! theboc-ode, occupyuutg ltaebreastvoentt w-tkh the enermy bail congta'cted baro, and- captitnIlg200 prisoniees beloegin- otee 361b Nortlh Çerliic autnda fSoutCarolina t rogtqil.' {Gen. -Gibbons c-as saveraly i wominded-in tae right baud. Tbey helut ubein oc-o foi' aptuatinta, bai ware-eveate' aliv contpelled to 1feu 1bau. Theé 2.d -. ýo a 1 1 1 1 1 1 Pioj 61. thae flarco paienata cliaxcor the battis. Frotboth aides two miles or batterie§ ba. cbed forththem flery niqikilos thwenl tthe dark background of thé nigbt. Volleys of' mnaaetry wera penred forth sucli as va bava ne parcll iof je al oxporience cf the war. atnd Wihtieb seomned as thangh ait the deetenn of eartb cand air were. eolâfending togetitet.,Rushing up tho crost, cet trocps omplyeddurig to nmeluer f tc de. mdîaely oce anof ce mufat7 cease their rnar, and ini a moment the silence cf AcCHaoGS "D RCIcu ENOAGMNNT. deatit aueceeded tie ti'srmy fury cf ton About four o'clock-lb. 4db INew Jersey hou,, itattie.- As Gen. Burecside, turning, wére ordored te charge uapon a force cf the vaikoul off' thretagh lte gardci, and muluit- eemy neat the. railroad, wbich, thoy djd, ing bis berce gaiieped beck te bishead- driving tem back for 100 jar~ds more. A qnartimr, whct thîtugis ced feelings psou. supenior force thon cppeariug againsitbohm, thronzhi hi@ mnd? Ne illusions ccuid malte lbey were forced te .tetire. The, robots tim -bnlieve fa Ievcobcb csased tfieir artitlery Oreine c Iis portion cf acitieved. the arnmy about ton o'clock lentthe morning.. In apite cf al te glesses! of officiailelé- Towsrd evening, boweyer, tbey "eat a fult grama whiclt YOD mcy receive, il ceema *brigade iu ibedirection cf Mcrtiu's Bat- boee to-eiaht wbat vo ýbave suffered a tery vho-came on witha :&yall, expecting defeèat.eyC te captura it. Tho enin mréeaption which CaRrîcuS S. tbey received frotn the battery and thte 2nd 1fynar ipoe-einug l t- ccd th Vermont régiments, whlch were diat on lte plan cf the batiea cf Fred- >actinîg as akirmishers, cempelled them tat erlic'mîurgi vi ii net be diffieult ta lie fait back. At he camedlime tito tbaed peint eut ils great endradical -defeats. Ta lins f efnîycePOse f nu, e aeve'hutrried forward macses of mou against Vinion'a brigades, atood tu arma, and ad- tbe fortitnde c-otit cf thise torrades vas -acd with fixed bayonets. N'irbt put an cranycnaîettc fdreu end te furuher opérations on,,iVîer aide, temperait by the usligbt-tiprudence. Ws. witb. the exception ef occasienal diacharges it net, aise a fatal errer to bave risked ahe fnom ct beu7 ges. viole suceesa! thie plan ce the accent- TUE ttrLI' ON TUE tEStF. piisbmcnl er a cartaie manoeuvre (nameiy The nequli of the day's fighting on t he Frnlcti's ability 10 saiug- round on tbe left, no diversifled on its ciaceacten, vas -to robeli Ocd.) w-lereaclitte-eieîents of the give the lef'î possession cf a spitte-cf five problette vere eemptutely viantiner? Wbat buedred yards in exteut. se fer as tbateerfail fataiiîy, teo tb.cî aur aecuuiiatiou bernny holding its ove cnd even gainieg Of artil1et'w&va al bu t eutirely usetais ta aotuewbîaton toey te e iat las ed i- U , ita te cdistacce of the range aed vision decerves credit. Tt bcd howeven,- the expeaure cf orr eîýn lreepL' And c-bat 'i'boliy failed te penfonm tbé tactical ma- a aiafortune, equclly laentable,# ltat the noeuvrec asscged te it. appr-onc tat lteé robot position back of 1 t Lsuitî.Fredericksburg, c-as an erea, se roi rictled 1- ltai our Iid'batteries c-are aiment oquaiiy Retunning ta thé aigbt, I foucd ;Gen. useless, otiing tse tbaimpossibility cf e Semner seetet] on the front seat of a n un- mauoe.avrieg 1 yoked ambulance aet the. Lcý liuse, di. - tiltPOSITIOeN. -rectly epposite Fredicksbung, nt the Point Rgre sapsto fdfee u c-haro the fiet pentoon bridge spausthe Rbgc-hdite nebi; a pmeir obave tenpce ta strea-..The vétéren coidier bail been ex- bhthe rapebelnolead bvieli e bava tremoly désirous of crosieg ovor cend di. tboapphnok n hc ehv rectie gin tepersoot the movements cf the e ae easil hjaeridct grandi ision, but thea uncommanding go- e and>>witit the recuit keoc-e, noua couid ecri wuldflo ciow l. colulnetpoasibiy ho meamaLnificeet r or e he -rl feel nret alo th. Itelbould e eanly inipregnable. Witb fifîy titouurid c-ar eelog asgnet tlo te e ahed oldmon tbey abotululessily beld it againat titres war og u ne le looe e theeney.limes titt nu-cher of Sscailantr And Mccc-il' s n1 er1kbeg bcd become indeed they alpi,-ar navertat have employed ientircly tee but ta visit witit a decent re.-More tin abouit titut numbor. Every apers for oeoC safety, 1 nemeiaed witb the time c-e poureut fonward freuli men, tbey geneafnale u o mbulance, te foe tcc- ébebcdreedy neinforceweenilemth Frn tidaef bouile, as repenîad by couatantiy -pnîsonerq a tiiin, t loutre that on the riglit, y arriving eids ced courions., commaaded by Jackson, hal! cf tha force cr Tit otd titne okad atelonits d eafu. ouîy (and citielly ttc division cf A. P. Hill, Pr ahnacaefotgigvl -ktbsCu' d Eantly'js brigade) waseigaged.- I taes m eand., Fn br rea boues bis mee bcd beauiliia be Cd 0 0t ln o h fighti"g et fearful odds. Tbcty vote much Rappaicnecit abouit ona bundred îtousand exbausted, Ibeir tocs vas excessive, adced ,adtu it huad oeo e d notiting hud taon accomptisheut. lndeod, wmoeneed ia lty :ae -i themortsto li c ta tbe tect of teeaoc, et the point c-lera C-arcTaiY .ÇeeggdlE"The conact. t> c-a w~elocatedy t, a eameutas ibougit they CetEEÂ' LISU it c-are being, badty pressud. Thte batteries Thte cenfaenato leaders bava actel vîîh ,l bchd been breught dec-c aed pieutsd at the Iboir usuel iliiessi. titis c-bel.- malter,, li.ails of the a .,....,. Th,. *.i'.incu ,ra Tbei did c-al ta lel i us 80easly loto

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