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Whitby Chronicle, 25 Dec 1862, p. 2

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m li t't i i 1i-tint uit stililaes. tees wilitlmit çIg'e ac tit - ii oroul(It re ili i e -~.. .... .-- o-f-color ite mcd c cevais neyer braugl:t fîîrwrard, Seon . isl te for a ya<r anîd a hall aithout fruits, 15 ratepayerS te,-diaird from nitnd ail that 100 stel knotniltela gise a sltadl 4ûtTG ane,,~a temitlnkt hecase, ws udIlen tdhoa«idaotthe Corporation and ta the îruth (if ]!i<b ýaI)'s -no pos. utu tfie election for Mayor ? WattIL nnt On theColle1, iï iortiient, a Wis and relationsai bbenwaid î tiIr.sutirs ieth u spCCt fitcse rval %igt~vali-Y aup- inalself; hut it mut be cerricd ot, Dot the Rond Compainy in reforence ta tiùte rous stateinintq nta a è bis relartionstîatdîrngcl tc 'dera ledesb-ed ila 1 ilîy 1h cntetîs, but by mon wbn beliave la election, Tt <as ite mereat clap.trap, lie with te presetit Administratito. litcon- upan, utîr-tlîe final settl <tîtittof the rmat- "Jl3yand by, ii t iLtGr rtl, httris. Mir.,Lintlt, «aid, and lied nothing stiatever ta do w11h clesion lie «id it L <vas ta imptle malter a eof tiî cith scl tîtee hpc nifi-e- au<Ilo ttic- f'nîthtbgi aini l ae theistiaae te meritsai l[ aig rMm.Draper as choice.for thn elconss tîwe oM.iaitiuttu and reports. lit whih MI. tDra- id lc aile t,)livei, fîî,mtnitting thte eecuti.bof «i itîplans candidates. Mr. Ltaing and AMr. Draper Lainer and %r,-raper. Tby«et-e Ibohe pr, ias a mietitheraifite Ttwtî Coinil, ,,iivè en4lier wasta la iufrenîuor tu ito ftîinds, and honte Stood npnn an erlual iootieg l respect 1e candidates., lr.Lig's, position ta-.<vas a principal, actar, titet thît gentlemnit il Jie should die bas fîttittbut weîî, vacil niag, ineffetivefint tmatter, only iL ctuld lbe shewn that <ards tte Town wuAsWI euv. neye-èr said e word,-ne-vte-raiseli bis Voie liS~~~~: C va vrs-aairtut tue iniquity aif<viici ha now Co m- Wit [ ticlee alucit «cuitagents wortby af Mr. Drap-e's position smach the w s.On ftitcquestion aifte llitilwuv lir. Laing lilulLasrouît mater ?: Mr. Drapert- itvS d' by amputaii- liii tulu, bath int t Cbietand in fit. Ir il could hie hewn that any membet- af stood alone la opnosing ýil, hile àMcr-knevr al the filcts thoni, jîlttsu well as hoe but Illo deitist put inueoatmand ai oct armiesitthe corporation hâad donc aîty ana act-Draper was a stronng adifocate of tema osnW n flebleýItee sM bdfot tue tea t itt ie jt<to bisConneils, men wba are las th as u rong, a udisbaeorahle or sradthe rosuit nw -ia, hathe a oentadi i eiv- Iea<a lieîlely sonsible, erttcit, as enthusiatit, as deternîiîîed< lis utjuat, ln refereltea tatitis w ate t<armest friandsiof thLiýt ntathie lime lie c Jtdhis attn conscience- tu spak aut br ete f as euiti enitoi a hetooprîincit)lestif the Union, any lime, ithere nichlilieadmttd obu owege ie idonor M.bîtg anti cocslehts thcrrtl-? lReports and Ci rized itii u at(tlie aù suriment as Lac %ftad Jackison arc ta some ,grauîtdi for complala-Btsc ous nsvlliIe ru norigerult'lis<ee pusdipthpititt« tt bd îuse for whiic i lcy ftht. Sîci'ua nndlot bu bewî;,o lie ftbe case- dabtfihat wonl tseivlcdtt anet P ittv<te, M. "Drapter reccîitîiied -etd fnatte ohrs-tere capable ai ca--If, onte coal<ary , it oul « atialactolr- thc rein ai tvery Onein l-( rD aiï sad <'aCcu for tein, ant, nei<r- sked for W a relte-îritiîg or r>contider itni wlrhad <d st ivi, vi. peliitg victory ta perch -an aur bîtener, ily praved, Liaýt hroùgutat, thu Couac11 hem tlq-nicd being a raiiway man, and Nir. areayu e-niat. anlie Itti very pa6pot i-,s u leéd-ad tai rîînail there." - ,tted ila a iter îha* as oun listil Macdoneli requestel i hat a no ta be talkeaopportuiity for ditgs un. Mr. Draper Pl iw, deaitit ifront and honoralie, wuasit- cal di4grac fui, tt by te re)orter.ci ttce îlal ai a fact a atlyacqnti-isceJ b in-ev tigthat %vu-sta ï [al eppeared int t,. 'irlsun51îjlîs1;v setwo deiêning demnagaguesq, sucit asMr..et3rius)-reseitlg ,,,lie aüied il thetelec- donc. Mr. Dr-t jer mtoduc.t a-au remaria- qu IlglwadMr. Draper go ,firtiî and mis- toms wert etaL 1tt-lared Luaceco abnc lihe in soiriftiMc this oppotrrtune <ti-t ati iedltepeni-le by raising ae liseCmY o n aMr. Litul,, tir woîîld îhey rjc iinfor i;i-:gthe, nattiic, tn le. t tj filt; t'tit<i ;itliit:Ittiii ilictu-lbui W.itnnt &o. thi« kind, la ordpr ta necure La îiaemsevl<t5 antdl ive their confidentce instee.i ta Ir.iit. Lt i-te-e(ir tîactttht t a peubv tn-iunîph? Wes «cet raperMm. Draper aaid that 1as itOheua I iIri ,liaLii(,ati L e tt- ti- -r-irî-, ritittiti '-îlî-ElourdFiîigeraîi. sled, wortby aiant seekint, a111ta<eti inth ie pasi, liaettulti s-t aet îttfuture 0irîtz Lieojie itiiinaiîevrifg- cc ~n~tc vîu <ui- e.; toa < ciIla ine chair ai the Copulaltai nVo hltby ? M. Lain,, tion a uteeti a i,' dg y itis fi Mm.ritrlIjir <imute bon1eut.tratght- in r epuuîunc. lui i 'îasît5-.Il. Gerrie.. '<V ite o(M..Miaraneil) itîformed 'themi coadumt ti tefaut, tatdi «heu people e- fîml itlai, w'i;Clie tC citini-itliIchét v -tyirîttt.Sn-- <î-tns-.I roiemie. ti:ttth'î saine Mr. Biýrelow H.<vrias the pait i mmbered wh iteha bd doué for ltae towiî, «'iild i-iore tlis tint, Weli tititt1his [Mil <lntic carniet, jiui llttttg< IL. h. errie. servnit oraiiîlu vemy compauyi et. the time and ite c<utily soit, sitb Itis naa eatt-Ji---,lid lic Lite M îi-,) nanit1thent-r ct-sui7 Citet lii liL iantîi Wteit-"'l. Lo;en. the transaetion bcr.een thLitelod Cons- credit, «itîtout fîte or.rentd, lha beiieved ltie -çt-(lît -eiît for acimreucil- ede.A euLa ulîît- iisFrre.peny tad the' Corporation tdtk -place, and there nvuuld biltte difficti1sty lan:teciiuice< tilittl y IBut th-,oljeiL watt tiw tuaN tins L uit aîder : itic -Tltaîtau ylalleav als membr of îte ToisaCouaceil, 'ar ia judgitîg ueftit e mits 'ioitecandi-lmîsi-n cai'ti-tctlliaibe oiit stiilrSial ziic btinsHoa, <as aoi<mn t own, luit-itiï cti-wtt axetlitetMayor saii1 Nulle-'4.Fairbanks «bat «aed peaple hinit oflthe genlemantetdates. On bitti wttpart - e especbfilly tLIe r i-ltclhd xcl xlltt i Vit aat itt <b t ;1i-. '4 R w <huhall jast addri'ssed tora? Mr. Mac-. deeîiod ttheittga cauîdidàteLtin condition. Thteiîxiruilittary ex- eeu.uîi]< ilt orSae .E ka. irieli n,îxt entered mb a lfuit hlatory M.Itig<-sî~x cillo i iepen-st-, ni i<te tlintscisooIýjlitc agrictîtur- y urato ite Rnad business, res.ding the fit lek Returmtn u ficr in. saEqie < rn.tt îet u a mittt etî 'UINIDR flîrteler an the sàbject «itich «w rtteahy lte, tn <'lent, aholeresW Mr i'.Iiuitî oitt-itiiilre nle,,y-t c l>îtsttttittii sis.ý Croato, atttnîtw1 Wi DAr ý yteconit forIic-uegreat bulk i tie i xation<. t®ratliConiti-Igae S.îl-Mcsr. M.Birelnw hiinseli -ta theCmprLatsilliîli<tu d1n b>Lte acitrtttrttndcmeraninru trN oTîttadn Ititini Crie. tiated GUI Apiil, 1857, demand,<,, thllg lite enectars tlîarlfititi-me <t-arc on <vo eiun<We c ru li:rtet. î<~Liîiin ofLa Citanceîy Sale-John dts h ivudg aapo1liltlSfmtI htatteuit le in ilirs ar-ntIfur îc - Corporation saboula assume the t-asti anddat <ia<olto al u-wtiui i lul-ri ta- nitirs ai 5Clail Luiuiîe tu'àvit. p>.- 1tlartttas Mr i. Draper, and litILt iL t aer gentletut îie .tiunt.Tn tlnst'dh cei te ltuig eîui-jCiu t tiu nws&?wL. taitorhti a do t'tai îmi.as iwas proposeti <vire îiotiitated fur a ptrîtose. tcllîil 11)îilîîîî,îe niatre if Litailt boundta doace 1le rerOtk-il thasthi-, ownonn tmtînttithitl oictrilthdulp ýrtti reaie. l -lent acôrdîng t d«.tatb ale rgrtn -Lt I-s lttitnl.ienofaitite Cemmnilteo un Street$ and<'m- lecn <ecie iithesmaniner - t batl]ieen.- ttttc soi, flinuut ail coula uL tt c pleaseti, Il tcl gratiyiogig îo*id tii: latc -îd.pravmetas taken upOn ibet letter *,the e- NMrFergion, w<via olîtntered bIset suc- ati sonie %anuilil.oofttru, iit ibrag; ilaratidc Itlh e îr ---pata ieCmialte ee ean, sec ond vice, iL w-tus weil knowîî wa a strong rop- btt ett t l- -I littiti l;il iiSatt t ltce- att ttii ide thea part<ofathienCo t tc sba i ttîeffby Mr. pantent tii Iis, aid .1 sia9git lieing un ha 1- tc ti)vil1Iai tiitwatvl r coitbiscntr- a~jlhIfl iît~O pt~r, lielo tolit Cîmprataîtan ite9thai ltonuteuthecîlMm.Fenofunio lts on-j pIîîlii trs a t Mur. gi-i uîîivilîtis itt u tt iri <tli>. .Junin, 1857, anti ta a second reripiitte itnceîla ing a nittnte <turite i iit.ntt l uirinla bi itiî ttc>' ay -ho.-Cointsnttee on treets . anti impruvenienta oignan uhcoaruai<.tt u b ise tir tpc-rfrîu21)u'tr. Wi<,Vs iii si- _____ __ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1t1.nt ngond fattbîin Ibi ottter. , iîîtr -- ii1j7he1<cr. iee tsb '11id ctutilf<gt 'Iiîa1vDriît ~u ittt,1,reont, aithc date tif 3rd Octoier, 1857. TI1i t ni uis secondler '<tdrua l ,:)1e teres nerî ci nWr.'il. pidtithiere telihnpil d the % ït, 1 oiead Ml y, Lasl' -- etil ', ut t8at2epate init thtiecomaintte« o ca ca mttctotiaî l. :eytuilir <tiIil i c. utc le Matr ni'xL ellilded te tihu-reatltâ iof -- -2r- .-- - - Iati oblaincdthe ttcliopinion ai Mr- <1 M- ca oîne w tile late lâbteidMrIý-. folu i-i Ir nlal qtttiuc v<itît .'Mr. eaitg, l 01c rivh-s.<e 9Ta N O L UA E. .Cmrn.t h ffEet that. the Campa- Phtruttn «-wtidregre<j a oru itatItise lh~i:tîrii' tLtelnc- n«hs public L77 ONE iu ______________A_______rato C nliteulgtit aot Uat par. Young mtn <ispi<rsuu it ag i îstt ty îctiiltti-n<-aniturpoisn «tint b lienonfa te ruilda ithitu the M iîcpality aît1y micZtn tu ereuitahle f anti pe-chupu 50 ttiiltllilitiînY v ti.t i oi, ext<cit as e pace accoisied b ienîtlîned - l~ ~~p~ nite' tlunt < oulît-ie t regret iL, ici eaist titIv <Lt' tnt - 0111 il itm te R adHarbar Cm 'ny n îîuîwitîg tiau-îî fta b la cVite inttrît- 'Vilaavnis(une Letbbi ts i,ltt <oolu lsa agrelit gaiîlttt i i fte battîi ie fFotericksburg,tastt to keep ttce atme in repair. eur m tt a airningnuI aits ai uultn- <î. suit otir tu ltaiont, tî~ asit 5~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~dvt ile ieturtjli <til Viti te Lattc proçeediîigui nnetilintg that Mtr. Camrna ýadvice lhe ci1letî patie-i. No oatt nging o tutitiniîltt:;ititl f elas-utlysau ta entaIt fie e- t thte noinaitttion for tuavar, excleil ii ite ipn Subseqaentiy, salî Mm. Mec- (Mr. hLaing.)ior h-ifr' (uli h nîilyis W;IIiaV l-<'ii-. ta stmiutioaithtce-riiittteis, oit imiicli <va itncdcd La han-e dotteli, Mr. Secretary Iligelaw.negalti urgeaiofni sciadupliicity asiu or secnt Mc11;1riMr. salil t1ii t ttc interst i nit- clin et-m < e nutîtaîlcu uireîntrku-. thc maîner an ite Tanvu Council, and the. Mc. Draper; but,lite let ftitAli s-est(aI i tIl<ir- cionupoli en-l ftrtIse1 prot'edill t lt eis -a 'esut «uts, thta a speelal case wits agreeti In rafert'ncette , 1 - îoill »u eît u ikiiî ofîîur ziunilÏpil bnstitutioans, util î net -a uicli- ImnestigatLion its he ifi irs oi thte to, ta bu sulîmjtietil-for thete ni lifthe (1!r.Lainig>)ti<ce 1e tait« stinctIV tthaLte i rcîil%-totri 04,t i:r Ic-î aif Dr. {G tnn salît haiiin td nat anc dollar uv-- t;. ata«'>'or -tiîat i liaiîîn itg il) V.- tlitfticItail la fiît ensuluti a uaitUottteuy.Court. Ia dcliveing the' opintai iofte tnîtther in ttc Comny. asl- iekne<cJas. intnsîer îîîîttllc a 'ta Li-: cîuîîuli, thiat iubin, t îcarye b returof tleîtUsilgituiti bis i lt ieugJ.B. Raoinson, spake as fallos5 - bIc int ; lie tiili aiti thetnatiiowlîiatlit airiticu, leturlit 5<. l-incoincidi-t 4tc batt lite lîîtiitc i' i ntltc atsa ise tn msata ; me plain that thte oblig- pottîlu lunlîlu iîa lseaagt <itis tuit, ï i-ii iiti îtl i Vr. (i ,li nefvreneceto ýt tit a illo ivrirer ita keep thia roatitla rfpairaofvtheelle 0il smtd peritepu iL nsîuld lbc La tieir aicteuhi i-ctetustacuný, titi t tatlie<i-itet silit îiiiî, ittit 'liilit- Itontatu ttlIliarbor Un. Tue lu- passes tlsoagis îemttory conpriacti wittîin if 0tluer peutit>i IldthetIsaeO. No ane pro. 'ta dsandtiitLttri pt-lt-tccliracLer hsdl thuSitu rý ceini g i<t qtiiiîtni tn-aS enoimenceulon Tuesdila>' nd tbc limitao t ai lsuo ioVsntiîoit a-a~ NIr. lic Jgelw- nothingta u <ititajpublic i chrncter, flei .ipo ie isodi-L,,ijiicîteil froni ciis <ai-(edeîly ta nicluaotteCm > Te3that ftue Ruai Conpaniý bcd aclet ivarang- entlarmît li tittq a aIt'M- tg-ou eïn is kuçlIlad14 Vie. Cap. 1.4 impase% as a gea- perbapsuf< te po , Wlîicb ieln hiiac ilcIi tnpa.stt tant. ~ ~ ne 'Unostttiuit~fl< i the part ai tht'tornety Gen- - ertil ule apon tht' parchesers af 5"iY gave thetaci,setîl nuhô naiaor seLtnil badi iLfroîntîNIr. Wilson itini-eli Li latter ai maveos Att. <mkie orali. rndtimatie hLte gavernmeis Lite duîy men tact <viti dvol. 'y deprime tet-is inineil pîilttrî'ivate opinion rei- qualities iti nei tt- j----.---of leepist- seat raad l repair., Biglt tesalves aifteh tis goai position? peccci!ltiet on nîîd Lt the adCanul)tay, ttcehiusL i w daysjima uwuî)tit:t.3 o r0 lanterrer statute ai 13 anti 14 Vie. C p.1,paseta- lit. remaineti for N- aw vhoncacer ta and knenv muîre about ILtiihan Mr. Mac- renntti îutldcue tugiriig cirdtthîtiain ta tise îjltay part. les- tiys arters-aids* caatcs a priue ~ find hial it1eila 'thet su longeas doletidP- - It ont> apîlleu t Lan er anad .atrtitit l ite o e tc i ilgp n>y s i55y lit'e . c d n i-W ai 'S li-m p iu lic apint- tite immene - t-îthit l ple e)LwrCnd. ception t bsgenerucl provision. I Tefatufino safiîtf. %Vlèz.tthacea-elctn-ln!mnc sb- Ctissuiih eaia aa niîta vs naî aihi ctpty.losMi.Dacccutnut.eprsis tsds - Ti e ayoelt'. itefime cluseai iteiSts m elcamle ilttat oitar or fvoNy-cars ai)Mr. iîCp ir ttLie sslisfati:ury uinner of thflit tiis ntelI- - alts-ed i lie a provisioe ta qualiiY lte Bigelauv did a4ni a the pîie 'Uiarngtet, tlterepin i 1 i aetilunît- Ttc nomination aicandiae o ia eca enaof tite 141h. 9<T 'lre s-oaîd gardurst1$i-arond tu Ix- [ l -e uaen li tisa Gfnnr (Jeterai, tliîtîl )ineti Mn. a îltoiiî aost'a IIyesis erîa e orpgaeitikavepi 0ffbqtin bouti iLt bée. B- ils-auc)t5ace5 4alter Ililliigi mfor rlectutg l 0.1îCtifflie Pi-t- ]luîty111cases.' fIiq l c iqa aancIiilaLe fur Jnmta. l'rattibitl onutet Litflte Po.st taucia lte r-I iit s-es pt-hpsanmte Ton2l00s p bensa ld . iul 1V1O"etise M btanu 44 ,le neu iii g o uskeiiït t ta<tn sel Qihit-erîa a i1q1ic14uoniontu -a<uit e C isat -lurses.hr-ftIl)*my laen1allve thbe and tat -- - - - il ier cliqîue or tus lotationt, itat lise Lt,-lPer lie <a tiltiuLtfl-- ~ ,, ~ecETh 2~te-*1<esILaso ts îltt- -- s ic 1ujoe-tutly rulie L-te tei~în.iV tt nitm'tMctt, Puble <fuitttua ail t ing g nof en- - 'e i-ir05aitadlt-t.5 iriiviibrternu 1 i -AIvr'Xtnsccsvl 4 fettt u sin mise u lse cue 1 g n f i n. t uddnteut.inl G tea. Ua i fîîti Ii < s iuse riprtly Lie- , naIseen, L<u epotiLîngfcIit àse inti sult<p i iTinurms o~~~ ~~ e)wlnslti,~ i.C,',nee re ith ou) >ssi îgltl anfti theesia; ai itat, lis lu i p o ias iti tuse. , tîat yvitt ptt sliitaacjtLt fu u iest c apleitti WrOuf', ln t uri, aJne utaton cr'ecin ht olîetae, s-as kncl el aLrpstatttiîu~ti, htnrnsli tn bistulit , t e -id Matertc l1 usîi. t ise iO. <iti t lascnieàexcnptin tof M rjageasimna.o o b panifs"nt:i JasîusIbo tWe ;joa irot1selie s foraI a int Gre Pal c.M: tiOcrali,, ntoll îwieoke -ive l'iv ~~~ ~ dcTa rjedica.site tas-e, «seb>' opema. t tm ble ti a lflit [oiens tllil'o -i lst0fradttt i ýeoipr t cariiiIiaNI OLBGL relaifune jetInIais-bl s it la- l it latiae i iCarein mono ta tepetlîîn tu ,o, tapnieul Lit poîst-hec <c-rota oretonamale ecî I-tLe <an tgfile>' ii.(tinntus .Mcor nor ni (Ion. ititt- scetntwotnittiilfc h pr cs usli rt r-tel ,,lhuçrouipeaa er hm titicytib>thve'mnt linil e-riolnyaIde outhe.Lan' lt <castieemnîlmt-d nl bt tu s-il tiep«yin tie mennes a Tio wnii Cvnat a iiIa reaikale thte bm vti lfil l' e pobtau a lc osi he esue 'Go rils dttt~tiihaiis- tr. isîtitluouîGIfla ttlee,(i etrt,-Myr)M tilitt' lne titis;mte - adtas c ii al t - -ýititnutleurion traiitfli t fluan- usîti.;ruaijtitnihy uisceviath laaroctrtb licoul i a bnî e tter le, htiatha <55 lCitlf it 1 accc'sbuste-.i~ i den il theisiat s-bits.% e c ou B ,oupu<ao er t r ather un ail Cas --n evr n iiï wi ot le cd ,n extr c .>, andeaacrie h-U e-t. chie aýVi reAc artnd M R..11. Tu<g niliia pOe h&orpoatos-. Ai tas glems1 tht' usiesai t pi la-utofù ar-i tau loi m t eter th < .Lean L r.iuigsoki t vililii tLiai lu taîi<vr iutt i pl o Mm. aers 1prectaeeudiontitoati Wmalter -anl. as-.Bti v <ials oeLo shyr.btta.ioWt-pope cen uthel uo-bLIsA sat iatiinheru ntibises 1< dn fVOt s h L, 1 Umbc tounaaLl ierith aîin e nuc, 1tu Mm iLn vih"t'qpfi( h poiît asbJlit prpua I eccin M .1Daer1 sel fckt-y oil lo 'telandriiandî>o.coistteo u a muelumiton bie te r.cnagi'ut,,aru cxs i 's s ii' uptumail-J n tc t'ul seeh,<vtiitil<l aLseîcse Tte' eee l -a tsela-,ta-nsîlî -e a tbflreî n~tia- rtlîul4 iseidc, ti4iietlislossaiby I a < -om leatu- - na len.r se l staetît c r e t nee1 a eta tas.ro e san l n ac a d its u - ds sia u eetctl <v r' a tie h a i f a i ltti i a n 1 i i l r- e a i c -s o itabtntal s- pontr .~ ..aOîitt - pe p uct a onas prodesierasigmsaIan bi pi bxelomi aaeat et<v i t v Fa «e it~ nits t- pe~ 'Ur li .liil'zw;r-vae odH las. ltsp ctli&,ti a or- 'n t o li ifitas-itt enslhc - 1 - o ei ngtkn y te ae ri. ru ie i gh e--g nal th -reaiosofl fe, p u Iliesof «laîwt iaW Ç , fts acti Litalser wl , I lM ^ s1n vnoabssit n- iic vitys sehasareti' noouceec< is it a tse s'biaYat li- Ltig exch «utTahai at iaurohi hasi 1*M s le utI le«a tiuch-_ in a al'ecs- for itt ie csai chula. it biis s iseoat a le-asa t.a rforitl a udthrimaeitiptuc smlOn bi ml i - - t- i lmts' -Ult i~~ ~tl ,ws ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a ainc tt m cttuu shii crtingsl aess-r mpa, iLabaoneet i>'inp aluj3g'Iw.,friley li; hrai<t.14gt '..tt -il.j ltat i .r1re )ni t! al cituti <voi em it bt e «rs. id ute wa1 an i ng Mrlite ow'..*.. t st b y 1fr frapes' i iiaotrn t n at v v s-mm i upti l <pnu Ioi ti-i e ( u.Bieç- aMb e a i a ea "u - a d e i- a vth - iC lird n ,iatl w ni gt e tal n e e gi nU.t i U o 9 e 1fr. Mdireuoisrll next - releteredotaretent uel, and shatîtu M,, Wi,8,,, toulite,, ad utue argue aril ietialtili ire~~~~ ~~ t0iPs"eanc lita tuaieht' cuneti1)esalveeliuseli b anaeb uuetiq bcitelata Tqne C>er -intidilaae,, votetîike a1&taiepIbti. ral~ ys- s<a lt « p and lth t te a s otîducîo l b allth e po cdili taI is b c î sdali adesim nue L d t - a s i1y ot e ars. 1 Mi; i-, a n e t Ya-tro e len ;41" rco ipa ie.: ' t the ue r bit e a gstin,? ani e e e a r '1" ThBati t the of cits . so otive la e ter as ie Ta -c frd o t eu'iI a% n ybl ur eltlaO t, i4 - Ir D ap r a<(,'çcç4 M t yW lehe mat mny o ur' apas',s001isi iis ls-lCanli it ov inueemi is -îeif1>d%4îc 'ie -- rtaiigetlmenwee ept d to bo risd b D apàrthe iý-th iI îràY g)ç at 1i iho s< I inflié-ncotéiiîiiul ntt;6' -'o ýe i. seq tt«tuiiii iîr m te s < o it, ad nti-, lti er. usi t n ae op«v s)a s a ele fi-ne r ing tik, o1 wid't o ntist tce-i iýs i 1 eiirtutlOf g ta nldwuldnii nee o it thet l<ts .Tuo 1a liend foroi th e p se fe-ct -b tihe raté-,> 4 ~atlç-t titthl, to'- ofol cratio i hpî (Mr.a i g ionnse hall n eiecg ta isayeth r menus' e losl xt rici irr 4ta .y $ -- tv1fli t-e iér aI admi ouriaîcam ii a tt e onBrtcit re&olvedielaf io on embe- uti liwn thenati on e le rk aTeaat s urr, t taxl eteL a r nisiaen,- r- butY - - ei Sohool Ezamuuatuon~. the subj~tct ai upecial renîark by moat the .~ M A. I~I~1 E ~'t.' - During thte puwt week, .gaveraI aOflthe .wu Scisools bave held their accistomed aia eýmiation., The. classes in lte Grammar Scitool were Xamined* by differetit excaminers on thte Lth anad IStth aid 1, succeeding days of bis montit. A public oral examination as held on Tbursday 'the l8uh, in the dech'aities' Hall. The attendance was rge and af a respectable character, em- )racing many of aur prominent citizcrs. lasses, were examin'ed in Geometry, Phy. ology, Scripture History, and. the Philo-. tohyore mia Thiugs. The atioweria weegeuerally prompt, and correct.W weeespecially pleased, wiîth the lsao Physilogy. Thte subject isin itseli impor. tnt, and thte pupils seemed taeibave ae. uired a gooil gneral knowledge af thu structure of the ituman aystvtn. The pro- as$ies of dfiestÎi, cireulati(e'n atidrespira- ion were deâcribed with con!aiderable mi. nuteness, as well as tie different abrfaus coneerned iiitheir operations. The lollow. tg- embraes the prizes and fdabjects: ECJUANALYSJS. Examiner-l., Reazîn, P>rinîcipal Cen- trai bilhuol, 0,>shews. WVm., Il. Bnllard, Pickering lst pri?.e Miary jA. Nc(;;be, wVhitby, a2nd prizm. tout. Maiirdy, Picker'ing Yi nd Marshitil B. IV ilcox, Wbitby, honorable mention. OUTLI.SES OF ENUJISI RalXtlt. James 1D. 'rhotnas. l)undlas, lut prize MIary L. Fraiser, Whiith)y, 2nd priait. GNRL <trOGUIAP'Ur. Examiner-Rev. L. Werner. Gea. Bogàue.h, WVliitby, lat certifIcnte of honur; Mary A. NIcCabe, Wliitby, 2nd dua. Wtm. ILl.iliard, Pich-erin,lst ~r'zu; David W. Ilogeru, Ruat Whitby, 21 d-,. IIUMAS PllVutttLOOY., Examniner -W. Titpest, M. . Richard Il. Illipr, %Vhithjy, lut certifi. c7itc af honor ; Joseph i3etts, 2nd do.; NV1ný H. Ballard, Pickuring, honorable muntion. Rie-hard Il. harper, Whitb>-, lut prizs; Maer>' A. MCabe, 2ud prize.,i ntsOIZv Or eCtAnAD. t- Esaminet-R. J. Wilson. liarnliler, &c. I John G. ltatinsnn, ilcivîei tant, l tcernh-r fictîte nif ionor, iaobt. llrdï, Pielier- îîîg, -Iîid do. Exatisr W. t0. Fastivoat, B. A., Firtît Divisitîn. -Geai, Happe-c, Whithy. lust certilîcata aifiaocui'.; IarsisalB. "<il- euîx, 2mid do. Second Iivision-Etîenr. Pentun, Rcact, ItL cartille-ale of lianor; William Star>',t '<Viitiay. 2îtdoib. Tiiii.1 ii linî. -Josepit Bettmi, <tily,1 tu't cartilicate ai bonon; 'Vi.i.Ballard,t 2ttd de. lIRIt ettIsin. certifictîte ai tonor. Vîrgil -Wm. Wallace, iWhiia>', TsI cer- tiflit.ttofai itoîor; Ceo. IIlium,. 2nd do. SCIENCEz OF -nlns FAMIsLItt. Examiner-Geco. IL, Dartacil, Bamristet¶i Iloht. MeRBrisel, Pickeriag, lsl pt-lac San Jolits, '<Vitiay, 2nd prize. IsAutltG ANa Sn'ELLnauoG. RendtiRg-Sari B. Bronwn, WlVitby, lut lrîze; Ilamgt. L. Fra-uer, 2nd prize. Spel!ing -iRichard -Iha lampen, <bb, lut prq.c; "'i1,BI'rPickering, 2tsnl prize. Hisanorsitip teMayor s-as tisaiscal- lad La the' chair, cisen ltae prizes, andt centîfleaes <vote as-areoti thie cani- petilans inthLie different fbaantcithes oai stuly. utevra th le examsine'n iiitott eitlot-- naitti xpresseti greusl satisfactione st-lthsie mnacuethe iaclasses bail .acquittedti Litas selves. Tite Mayor la renaarkîeg ocnte pi-ospemit>' aifte sciool, relerreti - ta cer- -tain statettiOlits tat ittilbeen put lecitreu- laîlont as-ta its etllaiene>' anti standing be- i ng on te'décli6e, but-lta-t ho knews saa t rumomta ha u itiotalfocndatioc, andltait ) tae rsalt ofîteexaminttoedispersedt iena r s-iou>'. Thse exercises we-en ersivetied «iLS eileseai excellent pieces of music acduuispe- niedti sbth t'epiano, antite practediags Lcset illit tGo ati ethie Qceee,'unid L he Becedictian. We sitoulit Dot omîit LWîtaeaaintg Nir. May's intcestiag exhibition aio pbantasmasugriit hsntern,-and lte vixtp oi titanhes paseti ta hlm and ttie deparqment, s-ass-cil deierv.A. vote alsiiakas-as aiso pastd ta thse pinèipal, Mr. Cai- j ltae classeslut thuisshoal's-are exttamirted On ienMg.te., s ,t.rait. - ¶ x4nti. tismes ecan s-as s p e a 1 k e s e t t e ae L. ' I f) h a v e s o l a r g a a w f O X F l iAR O ," - Y t e O niamber of pupi's su) thoroughl,1y traiiitd, P.ev. Joi, Lea, Oft the 'Wtt, iat&, Mr- reflect(elý greal. credit on tiair touscher, IMr. %. ilcx tiMs àyD woollhoase aend lis G(rant, sev ral of U zr .-W lOf 1w t by.é ~ tr . the p:treut.s wera presont in the afwrn4on, Farquheruon)i, bath fWhty blut it lufasubj)eet of regret the ettendance DIFD . a-;a mttlarger. n I On the whole we arc plN'ted to, repart WiVHîTFllg,D.-JIn thia t.oino that te public ach;ools aiof Or îown are 2ard inl., tiliju, nfntChild 0, lir. ça eficent Attd 1rosperou1s, U the late ex- J. i, tli ~ - aminetiona have ahosto Lp ha. V<tt require Ibut one mInautre 00W ta c&mTplete 1 W1UITIX MAR.KETS. - their uefiîtlness. and thait itheli Union, - tOt<î»fE I and the cuntequent division of laborf Dow i uucrSl 1 t2 nh e<u ou g ol the ibrt Ttis we-k has' been alvely one in the urge b tc uniderUtion ai thirTrusteps v u ahrgaknGan antt 't'le pi.l. ' Wu cititin a'hipe 1i<'ltrv îrstburahrakinGin thât th t tiuîreillyet ho carricd into Ful Hiýc ea9"u; Spriîîg 80c; Pork $2 a iuflT.-An ,inquest was iteld belLýote N-EW MYVERTISEMENTS. ).V. Clu4rk. NI.D., Corotter for this Cour.- ty, on the bd cf an infant whio lied sud- THE 1-EW YORXC TRIBUNE. denly at t1hu tVi;by Staion Iekept183 4 by Mt. Rliîtottoi'o n te iri.g i TsNwYu ofete..Li Mèditt.i a causes" Fld a mýr widé iy d l 21111-à îîî«<h« ,1< inaverdict of -"(lied Iroir nttiral iseg," t<ûler publt.ltatlFIi Aiarica. itag~hssh .ua e c.il titiffitttttttwat cther ituotals, fruin le vo- lt ippenrcd titat -thti' mother wiiosc name aiddpnr, wlm flusm tl u wasliorriu, leLS. Itee iîusband in Milweukic ý li. iututtttîuwa on accottot tof te trouletchere, intend- ~ ......... 5,2 îng tojoitt ititu wvb1en he coutid convetîienti, 8EM-i lI~.......... ly gestae an; «1<. Tîtree weeks aego she . ..... .148,000 stas travc-IlÎiitg tu Mntrealti t c, a friend, .4cýgrvg.aiu. .......215,2«75 btt 3vas tkLet iii at-Iniltgulon. iand prenne- irretiierttty a jettotul cf ntw«ttf tleraîttia, Tas turely catîtii itof -iivut 7 mtet 4l ; 0nu e ltutt11191Vî ttisttgeWt,ît ÂtLXP LICA., I.j tlied usitiîrtly afLer, birtlu, attivtthe otîter, hC f yAtctt t tni il.a i (the sabject of te irtquettt>linttritl ratiter trtlir.iotltu55l f tmequai «tiiitlieîttle <iia i t <tit i it. le or, <u!ty. a i te oui<rsti i titan livei up t tflite [rcsuitl tie, wlhen iLttt tau'ltttirt .I"aaedtiurneta,k f- lt tïutttity <i o .-î uasu -roraltaiof lir taive- suAdenly ctttsed tauxlit. There buiig wý ît -< tîî,xtîcia f i tta natbintg h t ttitîculçtate the ttttlier î,n~tfuSflVvi,.< n i any lam<e or siiin'te-jtry Ili-tetttettt-ttaîtîtt.ttthelt îuita Ltiu,ît'ivttt0t1dlt lW rid, Wtt, Cnywit <t brou,-ltt t. na verdict as abovett at!ie ,ttctttti.atital hta lîî .b wÂit- l tuiréeattetttt, theh tv libow «and Tu.siî < CoiTea J. T. lChsreli) litctdome110 thîsicét, itinii <.;V epection ham- th ék monuiag ts sue, nV.)ti ec icen a La. tae tIhe eeiing taandg etiOnate Cisaracter ai Josepha, iltuîdet u-i deliver a iecttiicomi EîI<.ica-- tianit ithle Town îLII, alter a liîc:iutte laixes s-ut te presentetcu t Itepttuit5 et- iteini; tue Tuien Settîtios. 'Lecure lai it-aîlteiiscu luneeiraI>' et 7 Wî'ck. Ptclieritg'1'unniiuship Conne-il. Ttc pielacrin; Cotnncil met îlu tht -Townt HallI ail lte memnbers presenîl, minutes ai the' ias meeting reati anti appraceti. petitians preeated ai Jane Guoceti, pi-a-y. iag for remitttaince oflde.- lai b>'Mm. Cltcp. mec,. ai Wm, Gonisn titt leta it refer- ence ta eta-biisintg sida roulIs b>'T. P. White. A. esolutian s-aspasse ti auîmorizin.g tte -Reeosetla grant anîlarsoau ite Treastuer in l'avit tf tte fotîeutmnt; parties for te ae. mal ernent.4thert eit ul ortlî, ta Teusîccas ai seitaiti sectione No, 5, bar lte sumaif $125 ;ta John Gn0-îlte auna ai $12, ho. le; bis salit' aslitait keeper -,ta Iriector Bea-Lon $8, lac servie" rendaredti t he- tfoatity Tretuomri, t e tisibia; toac-reai- de-nt lands; ta JohntiPirlker S4,80, andt t JoaituLappon 125,for furiuitmiig pro- v 1 loas ta IoimigieliL peýraai)ss; L 'V.1 fiesbr lte gOtinaif$4,20y beimu; thc amaunt ai accactî rentioeeti ta ila Major $2',l'or bis services as Retaning( Olficen ; Lii JaintP i Iuli$2. fan litisservices as Itlcnnin,Oilicer in IVarti Na. 5 ; 10 DuZLiiiG;Iditriat $.5, for itis services ms se- iector oi Juror; ;mu T P,-Wtiitu $ý5, bar do ; su leeto)r Ri-eta)n $10, -toc do, 10 . .Etijaith osts-ick th tbsm ai$20, fc atteit dansce anti hurli ai fe4nan niaiuceti Wliis, , i t a d i e d t i u . u h a n e o n i tt e 7 t s N o . la-t ; ta Josephit ixisantfor lte siaoa $20, bieg annunt expade1l0on tise oit- amis tas-itlino ;ta . .wIiile for Use sus af $93.73).bimiJaaenl expiedi-tid on tue western tas-utlice. Mr. Ciatpntintredureti a B>-law wiih wagt rea t Lireu'ti imes endipasse«, appoitut- in- Retarin; Oficers andti he 'placesl'or holiiing te iexI riuicipal cIt4ios.- McNi. Ciîapmemt maveittisa-t -ttis -Dag tet 1impaseti on Buse GawgsIofth~it- t)tuuilp, '-Iis peseul yod? bc refunde-sl ta ier- 1 Mr. Wiléson teoses tiat the (daurcil do tnot tielis it expeliènit to-granst tbhe prayer ofte nettnf ail. ;Gordonandnîlthers rlru«lciiu. iitt i-irC Sf uacuiaîu-elliai-muet tii~ ~ ~ ~~~o iiarclttî hustititiaaiiea. Tand ente, tanu mi itni aicz i llt--n li aur-n a ti eSli.iait itrt teioptttn aiuituttit <ii- arutv«uC ejatéi u i u u î l t t t ' ii t i l u ct«itti in itie e e e u îtOif. n ii c- i Pat- niTte u iemp liuiuitriati lumatitea euiti. tVtelsn<faaynt-etttr uiarau aîatlu t raepse. E vtr i n g - a.î l u 5 pti -g t t g r,5c it c a i - t ing t a n e - - wi u u t u n ý -, i t u e c I î le nit ,t Itu n d l c oh n i- u sI va etlr rtt ît i t ii NVL1il atf tdt e i-lietra e . nitin tO aîan1t tia tt Iitttei tiSi int liti t tnu.«aipthecita- ci-lu ui u tobiu i tnelv , 11 P ria autez T .asm sL LiO ua lues- <te i-.arect. .Niati!LIUN (tiic 1,Cep-"i----------------------t......... uit .i- ....u.t . ....-m .t ....u 35 Vuie Cuiltuts.mliii ........---------- 12 Au< cait- L t ntupy viii tua s- t <a il" U r cif ncu l at - WEI<li'u'TIBUNE.'S. >ia Cii>. niea r.(<ils n ).... '10W Y îCpuis. «tic yer .. .... A m uy 1 tatu r go tul.u, q#imd s aiiis, > e a c 8 m 5 tieli. tncp u ... luyon t boe iîeni. 82.tand b, utiii Cupiutta sc T elr u , of e tua i 28 sit Mui 1-ettKre uttitl'y scituit N ttr 4e. "10.as Éitat ,& Lui- u-i<tctLs utv'i <-- i5ut<mii~t ciftt~t IIE a I tiT 'i'IL 3BtXB s-Ci e s aiger " * Tnitene Dlisigi, N. Y. TUI -F %iOo h, rcadysW Aýi j Inu jDee-îuînt seitans ou

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