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Whitby Chronicle, 25 Dec 1862, p. 4

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w TgUIg, fLtR$ AND JEELERY, IlT RIE LATEST STYLES JAMES JOHNSTON, Wateinakcr anti Jeweillmr, BrookStree,-'Wlltl n. Ohildrens', ---------- Premium ewing Machaines 1)ENTISTRY 1 ao tep enter hbi% o )retniecs, id C lt% HEONLY 1'RIZE fawadedfor Faniiiy ÇAIdLLNDER & CARD :s h :l e e . r iqll z e1 & 1Wik0 g R S »i , e n t ; î t !, & e. , R o o nM R o v e r BURNS, iTii y cite tceh theu itnt prieu fer Fsinily alto L ýwell'g Block, SuwinerMachine% with R. m, wacern t ieC's. Mr.,,ailt ynde's Store encmbltiiftjl,- t the Prcvitiial Fair held nt Brock Street. 'Týoreuto, sent. 22, 23, 24, 21 anid 2i, 1862, pid DUNDAS STREtET, WIIITBY. aite fint prni w cwrdcd te thoîr Singer feor- rnccufiitry. -T r EETlI ftlld lu tue iiii)ttperfect mciegIlr. ORThe VIrAt Eitt. Prim e iueW vu for Nos. 11 an noce but the beet and ineet fepprevtd 1 atid 2 g8iegzr's Maicfiietiiiiz 2Mnet:iiieii. matcrid ied. I~Q Primes nf à irnllar erCe itIîoawarded The ieog oxpenicuce of Drs. Calectier & & 1111)r' & Co lmFqnliiNvSeniic Maebne û i ird cind t ir t et' îLi) Wezra b e knewiedcc of theprie wcczcr mte ('ç. pSu ove~ttlîfevr nal ti c of DUtistry eiinbie tiieni te approcite tht BURIINS, etliire, b)g the fioar.l cf Art* and iMotnefie- gra en ufia tn 'b(lori vnd from eaeiirefiire- Street, Whitby. tere, t t le Morlnîtie Institute, Toretto. u'rvann coff tio-ipl:iilirtniiît, ccd ;henutif c Thcy lon tiok Firet Extra Prime et> t!ie 0ergniix, uthec.tî. Lpac tîeIr preeriitînn a neveriti Cocty Arnlcnltprîi Fi-ct lkicil- great dIe c f the belth, happineau, incti ifort Ston, Ponis u Gi.t.. Tliom neIccviile, Wiiit of Iii r.kCiud depecti. Their epencticluel intix bv, oborgBwiiiiu 11iiO li tut, 0e:erY pace branel i cfthe profesecinluifn nAt f4il tr i gve %s'- Uaeire they ll.ivn bilt'cexiiiiitnl. sfcicn. Ltihe ogiflictcd witiîdisecced tctitb. rirTW4uzer & Co.'% <Ccnihicctiec ccd eîiye*ititItlucin lu titne, bcferc the disecee geti Wiîczer & C.esinger. Excel aîîy McIiteils wo 1fi. n boli. that cver werc iceiîctactiltcd ln the Ucited ARtTI Fiel ALTEETI1 lnsprted ln Golti, 811- State or Cutuils. .ver, Ili ti c Pinte, adc i poui t IlAcolcbreetditd R.M. Wotizuun & Ceo, IîivcpnoeêIied ie uni- nstty rccoînc ulc nichîld bue, cflTc the tlcclîcicoevuuui~ie pepetînecf he lîel-1toe aladmuutnpprovuid Mutuî od t d chy er & Wilmon nnd !Sîilger Machines, nîîd renier- the profcé-Aec. The ripcraqluuueofDm-.Calcu I ng tliie cpoiints wliîie wcre net desiruublin n tdei & Cardci re c criftiliy pcrfurrned.catd se f Lands. Firmt <ur ariceidct cie? iii ddiig soe i p.r-fuctii iluieir.t i et uct ouly theutn Xi W ilwnillfl(fuir whiuiiîthey llive eciitet sicpretis hprervdbtteone ntî cem sATUttDAY. the. patent ini Cnitii10hâve sicectÃ"Cd in produciie fortoftllc weuerofthcircartiflelai teetijispro- (Ill, of UMtrli, a perfect 8twirir Machinie, wliîiçi i iiisîne moird it theeice ice. fil the dirabliity ci nli VrllI4 leud by Iiib nIls 10ples le ceu iulertenuiriiw the rniterIA isect. acuitellinri -ntivin luthe c, ile t ho, 1111 e st ,,.dillunc îr iticry inetof *kîll Inlu 13blcdincg of cler, the grealtAet cîtisfiltion, wilI 11 u ii iit i' 11 oe7nstiec. RuIstccetae coîîetruiticn ründerit efoui leceuw îih . t ile ille tuî gt oni cf repaît, osud it is VIAt îî,îiei tîkctioc i cive tii the canee ît ate mer:lilflý- îles- ly edjustel. Theunpubici, oie.ihilcioii, rii zunation dcf childrcc'y lee.i. IPareutsPe iuldi ija lu inf Ci tuile- lue coiiviniiiil c 0 u1 diîuits cor cil cicre treci to this is a cery iiperteîtau, f t j thie ci ielr u , ci'l -e. Eey cnffsportf ac c e~ ing. ri Facias Vie: men & e'.Couiuîuultieii l'cI11Y Muelile. lct,nce warrntdAntiefe<ty. Terni' Al Genilie Wazr & C(iLeStrîîîg Maciine ren u.CîîîitciO iii e Banch. ticur the setalitcf R. M WVnîîwr& Co., lij frue. toit, oe the piste. f iv(l ,W!art, cundJAMES Il.(FR+ PlalntflsAgent, Whby. 1 O I XORTGAGE SALE OF cfouel,~ ~wcM WILL BFEutOLD EV PUBLI1C ON Saturday, DecombDr 27, 1862, At Turc o'eiocie, p. i. At the È rnit's Office. int te Cont lice. lIn tuc Tevm cf W httby, the folluîertug Freebalul l'r,)piîrts' ;-Peremit le s npower of ae uel- tsuîîeulinaneca cr tgec e'nlzdclte the 7ilî Jacuary, 1891, emupiuluttc uetweeui Parid IFord msuul A110SEli7.4 itWS Wf., tu JOlmn llantt GIrenvood-ttte sait îrcperty bcbg jkuewit ce Piatitc, FORD'SCARRIAGE' FACIVRY, hiioef luis cîprîilug lie soctlt Ialvet ofloRts Net. 17 teliI, eceu- ran tofBokSti teni Pfnimt. TOWN O' WJJJTBY, on. cf Tiiortii, T1c earritgc ciuo. 1 need.) to e ete be-lt Eî N 01, D-, eiuop and tineiio bitweci Kluton simd Te gimunlf, C. 0. roetti--eli neIr-andhi rde020 yards oethie r . Ncusuc. eluur0cf tuehe ri-ll TERMS LIBEffAL--e d Inown at tlise 45 tiuy Pel ce. orlunI'b.o oteteeti ettthe 111W cf- ______flcaf R,.Wii ui Irrister, J. IH. Green- Wo.mrod. SeIicitcýt,,lVU or Toronto, Idertgagcc'ls Solilt0r. LEVI FAIRBANK'S, Jet, ~~W AS Acerttoneer. 4-t lmtev Bre-xcry i qeijttitieRus n e1 tnesuit pur- tdti urtele. Sherif's Sale of Lands. )fPftO'~ mmi.s.em u e of a Wit cf Cutof Oenta, »" *t ilW oct f t - ecty(c r ftei ouoiân .-a i I, et WWittuy, andu me cdirected ti meule u lau nd ttliemetetcof Arien W. suuith, do- fondancut, nt thit itof James Emcnysuîi Georgre White: plilitit-4, 1Iaymezo uatdctiatiketu lu execulmonanl thiiestute or hâtermnt cftht ei Arden el., $utile nthnt certanl tract etrpar- cci-o cfandî bteitîg ceuost itheEu Àt fiafao Lot No. 83, lniie Utci cene outto f Uxbnltite. At! whiuci; ,autsieititunemients therocu, an the sad etti fticfut's ctate or lutennt tîecin,1 §halli effet tor cala nt t'nlie Amctieu, ut mmc Office ilii'ho Court flouse, in thse Temu oe wilitLy lu tue Coutity iOs taitu, nle eSmlrdmî, time ts'etty-tencuth l-uy ot Ductuber, A-. 16clte'elv o o'lock, ceint. NELSON G. REY'NOLDS, 0&i' . 0 Per C. Nonses rLICENSED AIJOTIONEER,, C01UNTY8F BNTAIRfID rFEUtSbis services ta the îîubite cuete nvo;etnep e o y p ejrý tfir lilia prinieti. rout, P186, 10 and for1 SiLtaS pC5vlou s'-'IVI J. UIR. STOVES !! gINlEUTIIANEMIR. %%,ar, &c.. ctab.laceent tua Store ef thé nuîderalgucd.,, i'in.Theopelernuew ptteru ltot 1ais becu littoilucti sieongAt cther VarIettês TIWKINGo0F S 719VES, IRON DUKEE, GIRAND TRUNK, PRINCE ALBERT, DAVY CROCKE7'. PROTEOTONL5ST, 4t- UrCail JndN tURY&N, Oshawa Âdvertisenients. WILLIAM TEMPEÉT, 19 »- K 1IN G8T E T, OH&WVA, CÂNA FLinuEnT. TILr)R cand TDIAP E-inig St. Oshe'ý i Gan)cntut maude te miter lu the hast stiu cand fisbitiu.4 i~LRlu Facen sd Staple Dry Gout 1J tît SîaîtWarsGrücertem, Prev!8ele Crekcr-1 c.,&,-inst. Bamt, Oibawa.4 .B.FAIRBANKS. SÃ"(LICiTOR, WOTARY PUBLIC, &c. i tJOshawa, C.'W. f 111< IcGILs TICENSEDAUCTIONEUFOUÇN L 'Wet1 Oiflers lits servimies te thée mb. lnte cf tOntartio andi Duiffittn Ccuntmcettoi tend Scies by Auction lienecelil tiriitui iMerehauidize cnd cthie ffctg, tc rese nt 1 ommiitstoh. Outiava. Auvtt 1850 'INSUIRNCE & GENERIL AGEN~ T"F,t uBscRB'Rls PREPA"ED ý*PrLf n a reiJ-nsurance Ris & treseenable rates, andinhe i, ob* reap« ble ouets.E . 06ulava, àiiiy 2, 1861.- C. N. VARS. 1'> 'I!M EACTCA DetltOte Oshi ~PDental Itoomg, itrctI.>_ op siite tIse Post Otic.-Eet ance li .uiba ..ru. f the ntt 7111E undersigneti reitpectfolly infrmes the iE tDJ scTTsT TOIW P lpebicthufi T rWe1eit :--sCOTISU ROVINCAL 6DEAVEReS QIJA1RJLLE BAN(D"Y , 1 IM R E C M A Y WI h . e nrealine? t attd rl ale, P r 66m old in large n'id AsUIKgtIcs RC11t, &o., intbthe beet of juaecne! ~ie 0101 ciý,ti.B1 1825 H~NL~ IEAVE. lE eoved from bis old premises on Simeoe Street, to Incorporatea by At of ParllùMe'ut. ToctekNrlià8G aas o ~bu1 iad t 1 Tr< I f, =<W htbJe Jolin Rnrtry,Wilîltby. 4 capital One Million iterling. - CORNER OF RING ANDl STh!ObEýTREETS. LI(]ENSEI R MO Ai nTe new establiehment ha been F'ILLED to repletion, with ane IMMENSE]PUTEC inetdin-CaaaisULU 0, A LOG~AN 1tiaing reme vetito the prom STOCK OF it utndaergig iutu forecrly tcecuplutbbyvei F R. e1.1 boira te linferulthe publie=gecr8l, le t1I ~ '4I I~ ~ e CANAD 3 ULK~~.-J -Y R~ W - g,1<betics Ueny Wiuii1 iti.lie a cfy hotuic hBeltit n ara. ,le 47 DA abi ire, able 10 TO [ski sva. cpro- W. H.GIDB98 &CO., - MPRTERS and iGcueral bMerehimutec Ktllg Itild itrect frotu Giaistw, tletwepicea fon cehl. 47 LYMA.N EN(uL15fl. L L B.. A rTotRNEY AT LAW, Sollétor lnt Chan- etieuy, Couveyccr,h&C.eC Stîcce St. oppoito the Pest Office, ('slaa. 47 XXTIOLV3ALEWine cutispiril merehant, G~ 7EORGE COOMACX. Ouîr 40 cents Icer Gallin ta UMIiER 5RERVI1ÂN -, Cerpenter, andt 16 GEORGE yIJLE!s. Li JcinerGreen st. WhitIsy. A large qnan- tht>- cfu'iiikiude oflumubcrconatauitlY ouniîsid. KEROS,ýEN1B OIL! UNDERTATCING.e > ]PENSYLAMAOIL 1huitnot f'liv enppiiiuti atitteudcd i PENNYLV41A QL I F thtnotýý1ice. (Coffin', kepI cousteuly on L A t M P S - G H Uri e s F UI EC s - . W -A H e sri st esh i nc o n lib e nc te n us . At Ieitueti rîce FoiCeai. .GEORGE CARMACK. 16 GEOI EYULE.îWitby, Feb. Sbh, 1802-. 4-l7 A Work of Absorbffl nteîest Ptirm for Sale. THRILLINGAPVE60Nacres(about 5b clearcd) r hi" ls a<ot o ietieantibairn ou the preuit- T E ]E KR LY SE T T L E R S, oe s i en mu orchard seu garden. Th eo ile s lel&,tehunc., and uprinure througz'i the Dy IVARUET8 WILDWOODc X8Q., farmicfer walerieit cattle. Thli ac oexcel- lent quality, and uoder the bustte ci culi I9 cigars 47 PIMRT 1RIZE LING MACHINES SEWINC MACHINES WANZER'NCON1ATION Dcfendtm. tiui'mnrii, in Ownclip cf Pic':. lariy kuevul cutin' e cui lot, nt the :h lu g%ýj the lt] Iftl nk.; Itlei i moe or lest, lo i.j sentît ixtecul Iii. ce Northt Fie"tùuneeiil'Ul ý,nl1"" te flic nt ct 3icU the Chespest wd &o., nt 6xttar-~ he Rlt arer 47 rmý. ýl R m it! beer fT h e cJ areestpbnlaecy a n y tiietar e sFabli sh m e nt i nesth e 1Co uter. V r-.W I.E s ditos ui 1filn atle r ciiiiiiy le ral.1 - lee i h rue an ant e bà et e etb ads h ,Imo cctt. f Jjlbà snal oHN aGNEouw, -eth- (cereAs,: hObet haeaustbe rooed eX$1 er lb. J - M atn1n- ad pe y0llrenp n es u nrd t W 'o-i fy O N emxitO l' as C E *Cc. asesrcr' Offce, dirl(JROCKERYr-egtN GREAT YARIETY.li Wbltby, Pult lu te.T27,e.18a01. LL petite ctiebeti tgmc bcelto bockA fe Amore e of tre CRINA ustmit UJhei d f OW pni s. CuoceGLS aiti k nled ot wifi ut erenma cubce t . ril n oprtke necln .P Prugbniui ft etiniyetliuihuN G EA14"ET . I tb' eb 7,18 1 1i ceci yrîarcraioie Uice met cixsaie Aecreore 8ecdof /tre'FIi** t ulie:trdnf lwrpies Choc I.-AS, lucreiiaë G rm n, re n heeghe, BveCotcuiAEeA àgeStckorBOTebetS.e eftweroý%inerwer (- Sm etieiei lctitîuuise, uallbie%,for leclîg ityDcc189A IB RtISO NT T MO EL, E E SS RA C q, i te 4, a nd ai c i tidm of tcs i .1 li fc c e _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ îe elfetero p itigeagetutiîUd e nii forlieni DiliECIL aI îix tp iitaditrsi on ent. TIrE ]UFFA O - : 0 :-e Big djoulegJas T tîl e tro y le i riàl, iut ns n et y fviugl h o- W lltb u eu 2,b 1l2 public i ibtlt t toti e nil ni eu " in t heW.yatirp gs bl t, eCIelraofteli icrliiail Ohrem y.te girl o e- Ohw ,N vm e, 82 5 ac =to nfulrg incrhu a elvs ldc cinit e , thct ierarcerety cie os 441l A, s t Tîou 11 Il Wlelamt N, Jye r. ecuiiîu 'utndk ete n ÃŽ7iliue on t nouc heaFia f hi B I TO K eig t e iao-Fotef g rma fhti l nqaldfr eli e liwu Ciie i:hretuccrnel hyee t h lcîu f ftig m wn te A e nd O,.W eia u Sui-c uilcet yourcdtb ubTRNTc.w.prvuedbeoe hercetgratcls-tic ugoul ho wl b bl teof îl t elinui l. i Cuta u t i r î iti t een iuîctieltdd lp III ci n ltiie w spu li»te i nsu o Tthe , I2LEVE1862. gui , 1 Febnu ch nV. I 0 . - si o M R ANDTL O. ee ,aasil. g o clcchcno , tmattliistin gevsh edo r yofntt iteePl i brtesi14 TTTIWsuit. sO cf canes n ý1Te D eo fchciiiintiegri ar c &t eth n ou c t é P au 1-Frtuil ai tio DA praucc1, 81.toniMeticc ~,i l leeJtditi i q t.Thewoodirect the __ epecarivl oftctiui ot î TC K. btethi exte 0 X&2107Sctnbom5 fîie ig c rcy 82 ~e wi gcîleges mutonguizti uit co - ; qso t e-t *h y lv r u h l ns r ,o fti ra d l ev n e n W Aeelty cf h M RPlum -o #1! ASuR - tiiitro i cdn u n dt her foubii dtîtci ipô ahuee oneb îîettditi tr eeb eertntŽt I vear in liîtltutlii i wpoiduce e ccntClîstufou uebetpe 't a <fiore he d n Twaods & at will be ableiireardtr Feol o thiain it UiiAtterecOnkAA-i4 TOROTOwG. W iyour cleecdet , foud hetvcuoupteforNtic .r1i Z tio wl 'inu,~si,fl iidniene eurt Dusc i - * m-wAet5< a1 li toi ariioritu .TROte -Ilve E LaNeD, Pickerig, rèbrnrv. 169. Drec Goods Silaw slula185bq a6ti 1865,9.7ad l i il e ud enîietoeyet I ti ttiscoucry. iYITI¶TT A DIARStt- liý iic t yý, a adty A eook nke p i eu I a t e l heîu Bicui, oi iF ANEL - L ,N OT ,lýC Ry C T O S tin u'i c Yte tfJ and F. 1 owne cfthes V, tîctic ai it llth10e "M-o cou m re c, etf tcieiilrtniettc cci Veubc±nFl2LJon theVItI.L'Iin n- cujutycibeuiCeuaQ e u r roree th Cllr*fo A I X T - V i & . . ruei otu n fenther coi( e nil b ai e k ee t tedt prv initu1 i , te mou- Tnis Sy t r o< rieem n uM needB ysT pci]B d ct.V eeui iue feeysyea kf ieot ieIave netitntecr f ds, brui - ehipandtae gh b- o ut e ciutitÏàio xpe pat uhe eeti- beîe r A NI EIdt i4ff8 tiicr." c odrhips l e ôadi e , *40. pendAtthedrviciou.hi o l ge t ald i ng . IaI O o rtic n iu t n ip hiai Tolu 1sdntcl [reuiseshes te ir- Coil o e da cuirig ;-iie aacton-s 1>-lumute ccrcùt . _________ hall_______________for _ Fa u itthebcl lbn00bg LV rO ALr wih-wI b 'Ihcp li 1ri yO ct., 801 j2 CoIý%tîtensin 1wý néue e Ilege Rae isi o mte Ie C lohor. R. é, a 'ain lao & J. QAMPBUn er-LL. riona tove iili try ureeeb eedoi, udan oculnpe e r , en n otioctcgP ettroueti up in itesP uBrck uidiu g ly Ure.uian ralc, N. T.r; Wh1le ýeitb, Oct 1862. Ri, asTis WolPaisro.'rheo Mneoftheal O ielalnenSÏh e 001111V n Or L aw, iliu oria A to tie n d ID__ Pnto*o .F RI Ilcseienefthe Eiuvcntb Provincia Parus 1' w [1 ruGutclasow I eran V I*crê.t t mpeat.oflialcrumncti e' Rie $petie nf'doornSnutiVecf theanegtetrnt0f-ofAPITAL style and ic kow I A f ie OEIT p B- CAMPBlEslg t.e lueumin-ietei u-Biiing cdnblr -saul Marine ltisk.-l. &e nd theo on$oresti log qflrPuiW e9 11) 01fthepëclth6flly kr in ordring iît b pnin*IauvrfiS, lâd toff 10 a tcpe." etiot ieindcayalin e a nc,$0 e.don ilowtt l 1. 500A X La -LIVERPOOL[ Au<eut Bs-reii treet, W tb3 c h e e1euitb rt, 1AI 17rfrhrifrnton,')oli cle teM .JV IM hvn apply, (if 1 1 1 -- a from tl sherifi'm Offiço whitby, -Pt. 10, 1862.

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