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Whitby Chronicle, 5 Feb 1863, p. 3

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s, $9; leo, $9. ', CWIN XY IN ME LECTION OP RBtVS5ANID thIerein Mr. Camnpbell moved the adopton of a béera of iiiorial toe iLtgislature fo)r a change id. and in- the law, sù asit admit of thi.e, edcton' ber. of ves and DeputyIt,'eel<as, by.a direct an rvote of the. raiertayers. he cr. Axri'sîe t~usson the motion' was r. Clark ottfd 'cowngii sudfr. erq proposed B e 0 (f ptbstitute, tit the Reuves of Towtîahirs, d Shier, Tpwnsa andVil eb e elecîed b,' the pao- li inost lebhy a direct vote. ey were Mr. IPerry explainpcd bow easily te plan .; hier's wotld work, h,'electiiog cu a1tlî mq a ,ed; Of the lbead of iec Crp1orHti"s J",'he rate. of the payers, aIO ihi VOUpIîy 4 110%vsnowb,' al, and Mr. Whitn <ppo-ied the tetition hot b,' the 1would 111<. to see the representation ai thie egr tîed the. Couincil Board iu roveci ; but lie coulti joy anLfot sce tlt uthe plan lpropuosea od VLLd be roér feYctive, of IliS Mr. Fairbanks zýapproved of the pltan as r, Dart. l'ite -iesolution carrieti on the folliogi cise. eote ýtftie KOfeyas-Mesa.Por u, Faiblk, IleOves )MeNab, ui Marshî-1O. ipsi 11A NAYS-Messrs. sý tr Nlo Wx chaneon,11YBution, anti Wiî5 iratin-.Attt'5t, irnisted 1 Oit mli iii o? Mr. city , s hndi y )U Rot NMr, sangter, a vilulonpaiseti, iiat il %Va %ta henîtuecoulitil ujur .acddjr- il to c elesa,31 Iî t 2 tp. u Tuprt'T ienîaniine:s rmail; ilu(jpày t o the Me ssUltîgr Â) p Ier ditay ndutill) bers of? puill!ille 4s.4tunaoa 3iukell, atnd tÃ"oi,llrs ilut WcIIell 'a. utnic tdrift ILpeui. ho bLcd tort ou the seat of Goverrimeau, cavr, parti. ""j Mr. Iie eli eGoded> by,' ( u,, i nth.t lui tluV rdîi b, ë iist'uetc-d to wo UIC u 1. <ngoi L i le i$liite )thsee 6O,t Iltt 4 ay change iti acî col Ihlaaowilîg thé ti t nsi aon ut * tavtie ai huolà woud bu fTu le Mr. l"citbcntadîitrsf 0heiir hat nb., i oc jvti the mrorer lieid in bring the m<atter 1 eoe ilie Ctýnail, clituulir ha antiuipcîi-d a nv alitîgs i 1ii riuallc ansd alit - a Waeeflt auware tif italcy, rta' a,ttie$Lv 3s~. 9d. 4sý 1iiemiiers 1 in uer taafuit eaton of the, matuer1 he movec the Counetcl into committae ,of the wbolo.>1 Mr. Witue. (in a ndtrtotte>. lYou won't get i thor." Mur. Ferry te2,retied to heatr the wcrds Wiich lied fallten hot thé Reeve of Pic. ering -"1yn wu't get il thiere.1 Whau. ha asked, uer go juto vomnnitteea? Had it corne te titis thatihiis Couileil sibould lie tîsked to r(.,teple-to dep.iaarvt Comnpanty of* a pnui, ork, %itboniýexarni. nationi or ciiquir, ancd wiîhout ot. tifle of1 qviderr to ttiiitcrt the allegôationai brougbt <rward ! As lu the.Count v takîi ibth ronqd, would hIe Reeve, anda Deptt Recve of Pickeijue Latt,' uhat their Township wonld lie willînur the oucaty ahocld accep iil? Woe)ld tfe e iýý)eaenttativea of Reacli asstt te it on behait' of their Township ? The Reeof Il, owa l ?Wiuby disclaito euh it. WouM l last \Vliîby, txbrideor ScoIt rleqiem heir rptet~vst. go for ài ? No seclithing. Whiut then waas the rérasi). for tli 1 lneur-burt ozi o011thte pari of thte seeof Piclar-iing-wIioaie ar- ~mîîiaw Iyseretol'erE! bd beeti-lbat Ci muhtotould bave nethng tu do wiih uiirtktg which coithd be botter cad ratie euiitoiiçty carried Oit by pri- vite ùi.ierpria'e 1 And cas it not surprising toe-bait tia-tlho n'ost imnportunLit pro- poàitiou, rîtthe oew4ihe-ihould oitly lie broug'iv furvaald ai tii momntt, whiel the It v e aid Daapaay Musure of Btrcwk, the Rcteve to? llaucb, ati tbrrpeutte- * iud hîrid fer ihair hbr i ? fT 11, (Mr. Perry,) A-mited titiîmalter debateti, ht, ad if it l-opt tiietu fcr Icweýekluit 'eVr b(c cuit prcarîtte ratuagu atîti nd ipintu thse wlîule,maîîuer. Mr. Whiutte -atîhuil uat fie desiredtu t -Pifle discitaiotl, and chargedti tait ithe Rita-vo of Whhîby ,'hitl otit a tia 'îto pro longý the ti lite« in uexier to frighten ïmcm- Mdl catr- Iittth-Anolter mauîhd:îfur Pajpuramihat, moved for t1t outhet ctase, lana l e oinq:V mt0 ate ala tver tu î1 l i h%, aNir N asuo, wasalest, uta1,' rive Moemnbuts3 rO.votiligi for i. Ni B5Mr. ze id latliimtvew M. Faîirbaînlaa o iaii u ht it e? lie erci, uc fter i r îiiataut oîtuiai coolti ha'celilfor geoiemen Whocs git op t clltd ecaste lt e atd thtiDr. Itytartatt ittitaii- t ini lf[LUtithliouiers, fi-si tato nke catit h tite d itititar11ii, qaarxtîlealuols.-- t iat ta-y lve aut open Iti he char 'teai, et 1-a -wRelaeve cil' mec flxettete cCMuycra uncil ,te h.o- veofPirlierinz, he (1fr.hîihaia ren,' iteettî îah~~ttr.tpa tise :eltl quue regr etidtt an,'. did chat was ver,' imipru. lih ien ; tl iti tor esiaoppuacal tu ay>par iin nak,îiigtise oberatin , did, tut cut aI tuaar~,aaca cili the aumn-tuuschtautithis ai iter ahould nett u a loived tu go atiiaijsaueltîtilie blivvredtiltitit t ue&tiU in bcaanaittee. Ilie aeteidthattse liait ' as l, plac, av-ilie Couritil luttd. h1 beiate<oe o u oaliua gra- fU iI'tIMttcia irsîttuî i las uic cer i, tiile used sheuveti to plein- r -ti t l a tiar-ir Oaparticotiar btinéhîtuai.]y Isale aietus tisîictllaA d hut-ait-td Irl. M'cw cd i * thi t tai las quile tlle reverse ofa ~ia ne ha cuise, ai itt riiig upahie oite ut? entf anldnilet ?te tt' lta lutt cett .fit tg. Litt Ile achiau Xu. wiltie rose tu ta point o e? rl-at ippar tatliott ie atii, aîk aptieInatie. rg-ed thiait txenbersah buid not impute mu,- ibht'-Mr. K> lla v rgiJ- that the retcve lies,. riaeo? the Tuait1, j)(tf Wiîi:tby irou,,h up suüb Tht WnAretu îeciuled îbit. tha Reve of a tolit, tLe caîîtaiidered iu as ver,' ici I Oshawa waVainlaoidr, aliifitti bt u#lule bau benout oaur jlaue. Ilie ecu ied epa irp.Ibeilievrd lie bud au eiguItoimpue me. :lih~ siliotna is i lha itllieqaetit tivs. hé euti ne ci-use tD l uas possibte. caS < ata li'e nýai fý%-aslbe tcascui N fairba-nba iii resumnng said ltaitt one itetat c-nia ie l ue Aaait b.uuld cti te o? the cairiat ays ise Coutiiy of Otario rtîtela ~ ~ ~ ýVll îraard -taua bc reld be the diy 'it taSsumeitithe ge il u t u :- 1 publj ic nrlis cere tnisranaged in the. bands - YEast'- esrs lSangie, Vixstiiiu, Vîh-of privte eomPaies. iHe didatot tlifiuk i WortOh iai ,Gouy aI, Mati-h, Gamubie, Buttots, wa either riAnt, or Iir, or imataI' e inter-i ctsWire, eii Mctî-l)f,,e,,ibis ineter iefora the Compyar iad gîvît ara- M-essRoc., IenneyPer th îe CGovertimeat bcad settled their afFitrsor IdtX tid l'air auliiltiâ- 4. a- e t nbrd su opporluritu,'o? deuug su, ,hrc )i titsttîof' Mr. Ferry, secondeal b,'position yet, and for himstuf le atd 0 irh'chire I - Mr. ]iickell, a reaatlation paeai-dï rectti more information on the mattr.he liiid Le 6d. pUftE JAVA (JFUF'E WINE .&ND SPIRIT MEROHA&NT, WIIT13Y, Februiary 4,83--4 GIIEÂT CLEARING SALEI P IW-"IOUL.S TO TFAKING STOCK. R.IS-BON4S, DRESS GOOI>S, PLANNf FLOVERS. SALS. BLA BO:NX~S, MAMIES; {IATS,PRS BOYS' AND M-NS' ~r R~id-rnde lotliitiin gri riRE TPE A.SSÂND FkMILY G v(rtet!,- "VlWtf VI LLL I nn.LL. ~I*OSTRA ET9A - ~WIL~ ~IPAID- EN GOODS AT CA$RI PRICÏi S.- ersr JAS. MeCELUNG &Co@ .lii LXfU DONtVNo,.WA26, 186c-c ,INDMAUATERQ BRQVJ< iT]EE'r, WHITBY. 'AS on hiand, aud iiaconst.-ntly n~niCturnOttters, SIeiglhe, 1Buggies,ý t ,&c., of tie latest style, atnd ilost itpproved pittern, fromn the best inaîteril. ;;. aud choiïest %wor-kmten; and hopes by stric3t attenltion to buiniess to inriLi ire of publie !)aLrionj;goYe - j-A few goo seuoud hid Ctutters, on hiaîd. TiUoRS, WJNES &C~ AT Z"'O~ bai'reis Priue Chipp-mwa Whiskiey. 75 gai- . flne old IIeliriwsy's Cogna4*11, vilntage, 200 g,-ai Mdiu lFenn(sy"s Cognac. -300 gal. Luwe fledium ffenrieýys 4Cognac. 100 gal. fine old Port.Wiîîe. 90 ga.fille àableiciry Wine. 100 gal. filue ,oh] Jaiaica ýRutr.; 75 gal, IoIIaîids Gin. PERWiY'S BU!LINS W ANT E I A. NEW MILCH COvV.Appi,'uaI <b. 3 LHfRoOCLE OFFI( f HOJJSE AND- LOT1 JXVI1tTI-',,i i Pmvote q.r10u? iU. taii- Ili Il ilitisrtigr it tittielý iIV r(J111%t '. tiu gate cliii. a'raluceacdt ii i tsile,) lhiieo ill bu 4(jld byv Plîblo a utolit t, sîirootsot' LEVI FAIRBANKS, TOWN 0F WHITI3Y, Tuesday, l4th of April, nexrt, la oa. Village la(it. ""'. P. n file..orit ht. of ý4Lt e v' fir.l t Lui VlLLAGE O0F BEAVÈRTON eontisifitig r .v e0r-aiîetLn OoRuo,Dttai 3' bit of puiiteia l tîuaintbe t-4tii?'I-i l 1,it tis1ip.thî teael>iof? lliTaîuas 'wrîorlt . ltro la Jti e 1WwOadttltu Catai Hon,, uta slaç- lit. inaer chu tur in il Two Iliaîaîr;t iîatd ;tv » îr,£,.5 tif tia-i ptrahaaetîote3 la tat bta îti itactýil att liii, titi, 111!(ie tut.taLà alna utor bu-o? erîu i ýii.U dity' 01 May lt5xt - - 21,1. C.KLER Aregul-ar supply 01 ixlcÀ%vtn & - Celebrated FI PNNAN LIDIIE S, direc~t from Poitltzict ao. nduui 2, Till's Buildings, Feb. 1863. ment, liad moue,' on baund.Yeî tht.,' ware ZW ADVERT.tSENIE the ey Coipiit,' breught tut iuook. I- c.a an enîruthte tate tiit the Company' - N 0rj J (E liever juai aoything ibe Company' ha4 Paiti a lirat antount, and the,' cere ready ,' L 1 ,, L EM~ ci te pay the muat o? whiat the,' justi,' oceti, " -ecial 'tavui ru tre t hl the,' ob.iitted but a fair' settlement. - T latttag xla'asr tîto, yl iv ua Capîciiti ftoce x-efirred to an erder made -liai k-jt r(Ataui.n!te <se in Couneil ia '583luy lilch the Çoetpaaiy liUîlrahajlbeen- éauonired inte cere aloced Ite eapeud £3,000, and lbe 1j.a reuu~,lit dn .auhy-1sexu idlitas id rFL t. tutuAsw c) kiaulsa vstAssY. b- 01) Fiiduy v evtg51Mr.Whit.e obtaipeil be lenve lu presetit the petiî.hon o? Mr. Chetiter he Draper ani sent.oers-the petition watt i~ rinup il]iMr. Draper's haîdritimî- praiîaig tîte Cenutil to mêatorhial te Gev.. Id elttn -nu to0resume ithe work e? the %Wiiî' r- h,' Ituet and Flarbor Company', ckltise (j viec of' l:owia, the Couaiy to eçettt tr- liiaitlaes l t>?fscai works au a tijmittal price.- nt Mr. Whire tieximooied wt refer iho pei- q, tion te a special conitailîes< conaisilig tf ~uMessrs. Thoun1son, Guty, a4Lnd the movrs to report tiiereoni. - c M1r, Tiiom1stBon askcd to e e lcuseil, andi scai b. did ntuste why the malter shouli , net bit submhîîed te uthe staniding: cota lk mittee on Ro.ada andi Brhiges, the satie as ,- tuer natterai. u. Mr. Perry comildered it us oest extm'or- n ;iay course of* proceedi'ua for on man te a fulir a speii t conmiteon a watts; whici legitimatel,' belonriedto thee oqu- proceed iato te raguhar ca,'. r thei absence of other miefnuhrs o? dut,' alould bave compelled main until the busitness of the i -ette îhirongh. Ia conclusion tu eatva the seutlement o? tbisi tise Oov(ernnueot, chuobad.a1ve in band - let ti. cooneilado R cotihd le cnnsides'sdd'tabonoira tocard, the cotnpast,, or prejut inuereutîs o eiscoutt-?or*ot heati h. feu eertain shat it rk, iai Bai at tthe Ciepan,' cere ci n day te day te heur freni the Atte weràl. The. mtioin he con&tauded,t thile circunxsiaaced. -should lie Iracoi. Mr. s Il he bu ý-Ch T AL MMES Xe',' MrNG & Co

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