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Whitby Chronicle, 19 Feb 1863, p. 4

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t,' 'Ont dy, he*thtie muase uetertaiu- Idg bis gattst s ais eustomary uranuer.ihe .Wàidd an icien~t whh teok place on oue of bis heutieg excursilons. 111 Sreil at a iuci," .ai& ie, Il at a banreti yard. oditance. aud tire bail pamed thrreugh i& iseft hiriatfout and tireughis ri beat jut bmck of tire car l' Thiis evldently predecing smre litte doubt lu th ire lds oftbisraguesats, irecalied upoa Saurbo te cerroberate him. 9 &Yes, tuaa,1 ad tire airat coafound- .4 slaveo, mter a inmee euta imatin," me se de ball t 'jr, Jei' a. man& lift up de gun te de eye, de elti buck lift up 'im foot te scratch 'ira car, musmas bail tient cleair freugla 'im Iael and iread ttire same lime 1," Tble guelte were perfevtly atisfieul with Samire'u oxplanrtion, andi swaloed lire whiole wthheut eitiation ; ibut whon tire guelte were gone, Sembd venurrcd go far upon ir m rtter's god humer as te -re- m ousîrate. "For gouduesq alte, massa, viren 70u tel 'nutider snchbîbg lie, dun't put 1unm 50 far- part-ma iradt uruatien hard work te gt 'um tugetirer 1, 0ur ceadora 'villi reember thre tlrrilliag accoenla pubuisheti by Federai jDunumi, -deacrhinL, the d -peralo valur with which tire Hârief Lane was def'cuded, until, ut ber crew of 1:30 otfilers and mon, orly 20 'vere teft ailes;,andti vli ho mrprised te -learn tirat, great ai 'vas tire voler duupayed tire discretion wua greater-the total Ios ef kilieti andti unddtibp'iig oui>'20. andi tire remainder 110 prisenera, moetc f wlrom, 'vent helew con urgetnt private affaira wben tirs veml 'vas takd Tire lut Fenuticu lu Paris is a man 'vir lbu a perfect geuinmn for mmlirrg and fittiug wemerr'mrdresses, Ho la callet tire Ponîi e! the Petticoat. Se net cul>' maltes tire ladies' dr-caes, but ire puta tire dremses ou tire ladies. Sometime% as' man>'ansfifty carriagea are in front of tire deor ut tire saine tinr, tire feaininue owuera beiug up clairs iravinç tirir dresses put ou as a dres.sirerld ire put on . For outtlng a drema ire chargea $10 ; for dressing a lady Ire chargea $10; fer fitinag her for a din. uer $10 ; and $25 fer a party-at toast, me aa tire Beston 1Post. MNpouasi"rer NTPRac.-.Tire Kgstuu Wlig .aystiat en emriyre cafîf vtitwo headm wsa taten front a cew laughtored b>' tire bosirs. Audiews, ou Meuda>', andi 'vas exiribiteul in tire miamiries at Kingston, àttmeating a great deai ef attention. Tire one iread inlaperfectiy formeti anti la jùinot te tire tier by thre under jaw7anti ueck, Tire tirer head hubas oeecar, 'vitirtwCi perfect eyes. Tire caw 'vas a very flue animrtal, ant io ianluexcellent cenditiou fer LT, Raoosoi.- Thre 'ar tatisti- ;urlng up tire foiîe'viug lossea rius engageentstta urlng tire ofoderates, killeti woundedt anti 103,707. Union. kihlieti -anti, ý32,819. Total, 236,626. ona clergymanrine aiti te a Pd lad, Iviro 'vaspnsming hlm ringbi huatira (rDe yen knu'v ir, tuaIt youn pmea me un tris un- ty? Yuu are iretter fed ti taa tiuk '-.4 Wal, muybe son, mi- le boy,' fer- yuu teachea me anti sef, o mo vienver loeeuà aproti>' tti aey mccc bS mente Gr-eniatrd. enrîAth ie norti pule, un ike - ianging te his nasal orgair, puua-easor after bu 'vhistliug rell in loe o lvs srncc 1Mr, Edraardl S. Terr>' deaï tilo a re'rrking bouise A, citv, hie duatth esuiting from rate ta ue ô!ardent spirite. A ýgo ho wras alvycr cfeminence ureviug lu gooti societ>'. T. Harauu. -W. bear-n thrat Kerby, 'vir 'vu arreateul at Va.- soe mtne age as a apy, uan,,. Tir, icter coumeyiug tire -i le3 froua a gentlemtan 'vir pro- ave beau proeut at tire execu- lem. 5flbriff'8 Sale of Lands. Con e On IQ , NSATURDAY, tire 1% unf : 0 t Prat d ef Marehn, PublcA oeln, t My Office. ln tire Cou.t Hous, ln the Torwn of Whtby ln tire Contty of Ontro, tire rigiri, title smiati lutceot wvii tire inderireelioned dtioudmuta everilz pea. em, ln tireuntoranntlone l lads ndtere- mnts tiioron, sezet b~ rue under mand by virtua et cortaitn writs f et itFaias riz . lu the Court eof Queeu'm Boueli. Wililrun Goerhâm, James G. Wurtm, mund John wVlint, Audrow llaxtou mandD. MoDougli, Detendants. The Seuth Eat cerner ef Lot Num4l'er5 inl the second concestdon cf the Toiriemhlp oiRck ormec and i iry iro more particulmriy knuwna ant ieclet, an e llow*. tira i% rte amY : Commeun- ing on tire Faratern li-nit cf thre %&i lotntthre drataneut twenty-onl inc,., on acora. Northr sîxteeti dogrece mept, from tire Sotir-Emt an- oIe ufthtie said lot-,tironr North adeug tire malt Euteru Ituit twu chaîne mnd ftfty inta ; tîttr Sotir,--Igity-elgtrht andi a hait degrenat, West utte Chain turty-aev.en hanlkta, more or legs, cte Goorge Joii'r landi; tlence Southr mirtaon degreeà Eamt, abmngtire salt letretJoinmouii landtwo t chaîn1%a mmiffty oa ~ne@ Northi * gity-igli h m ada latferes oa n re ciain a",a fbrty-mevon lhaute, more or toea, l tire place eof begaiini'ig. Iu thte Couýty Court. Chartes Robiamson, 1-:. PlatuttiT, JInurMcPlattca, tiecpeseai, At tI1tiane et iis doatla lun tha hanta cf Neil tncDougaul, essec. tur of thî 0te ui01111iaî 3(llmdeat, .Deîsudunte. N. E. X of Let Nu. , ln Ird ('ona.-uof Tirrah, 30uactea, mure or l es-r. NE~L13N G. RtEYNOLDS, --luuiril, C. 0. Pur ù. Nouia. Slrarifl'e Office,, - Wiitby, Nouu. 18, 1862. 4 - Whitby Brewery. C&RRa WoeiWAU ttiSircri berm are nf riArparedteofuir- Tunir htire patronst fthto W 1.ithy Bre'very 'itir a excelenttarticle nlu ermeiinauitltia as1 aa lis raieede md utiouterme te suit pur- Ituttlem l me ogîtal luIre îitiî na-edarticle. - CLARK & %VOOIiW MR. Whttiy. Nov. 15tir 1859f. 6M.44'v. Tailors, Shoemakers, Carniage Buildera, Dress Makers, and Heads of Families -Generally. (;Il ai WANZutI & cols. *Scwiug M"Ilaine Offilco, Wluttimy.ani psectire largoeamuartmeat uof iamiaic'l ar iaufatritîg With lacuit improvaeuntsa ud at lora pricea. JAMES H.L(IERRIE, Marcli 24f, 1SO2. Agernt fer Cotuty Outario. WANER & OY7 MIRT PRIZE SEWING MACIINES ISEWINC MAGMIES WAtNZER98 COMBINATION & Prerahum Sewtng Matchrdste TmIIE ONLY PRIZE arded tor Fannlly Ieorale Macinles cy tihe jndgeea Éttire Provincial Elîlibttioun, Iteud laLouiden, Sept. 24ta, 25th, 26tn anti t7tIi, vw given te R. M. Wauzar& Colo, Tue>' ise teoittire liraIpr-ié for Paurl> u"e'ving Macines w 'vR. M, WXùnzer r&sCs> s. Cuanhinasticnu tiire Prc viunalFuir lelti at Toronmto, Sept. 122, 23, 24, 25 aindi 2, 1842, sud àao lirait pr-ie 'vas a'vmrterl te tieir Singer for The Fia-at Extri-Prin wurasaamogleen for- Nes. 1In mîti nSlger-'sMane!acturing ?daelinneo. Fr-ies urta lrnilruobacter 'ere aisemrard Wmnîzer'a & Co 'M Fanlily llewiugitagelltne anfi Waitaer ri;Co'a Sin<er's Maiclâiea oor aIl FÂartumPs-If ve malete Sun mbilieairat do e vo, sct? "T.1 t( re hail pamed smeetirai ked if ie coiti apemlt id tiraiire ceuld apeak tt bainr rauaaduimoti teput ti imue rcîiring trom ua o l I fittilpgty deigoate unr F afer." rn ,t sticksa cleer tiran a teaclier Ite acof hi&i Rco staup-by gura 1o WATgHIIS tLOCKS, JEWELERY,- lac WLATES? STYLES JAMES JOUNSTON. Wutehmaaor anud Jowcilmirc' Brookt Street, Wlatby. Ot. ltr 82 DENTISTRY!1 <URS. CÂLLENDER & CARD Surgeolla, Deutite, &c. 9 Rooma ovor Mr, Carlet1on Lynde's Store DU'NDAS STR1'EET, W RITBY. T EWT fLiilu lnth et -4perleet iftlaiiir., auid noue but thre bemt wa nt "tmProvcd material nai. The long ex eriencfe (IfDri,. Calionder cArd andtiar thýoroitgirk ,ItuVIE u0.t thre prao ice of Dentiery,tflfble 11tlnlte apprcecite tire great 1lenefit,* tobe derîvelt rwtllrcunre fixipro- *arvition u of ci4rpr4tIasd beattitulý organs-, the. toeti'. Lp.ii thoir preervati0fla mrrat des] of tbilxoaltir, happins, and comfurt of inankinti depenti. 'heir peratioris in tua% braneh otf tire prrtfemoi inot filto v t>tive se- istatutibnr. Letthe fitdwlli'detr oniy visit them u titiru, before tire dieeiceth toc itin a hold.1 XXTIWICIALTZETR *lnaerted ti Golti, Su- ver. Platina Platè. a i pon theeortdait Juatly recoîumended vulcnniiircbuea, atter flic latta nd mntïaat eîproved methelimadepttld hy the profoation. The ri)peratiolle tof Drm. Ciloit det & carda are i4o cartftilly perfornîcd, and so purfetin rheme ,ivem, tliat not 0olylthe natnr- ai !rea nl preeerv edbut tir e oieneur fort of tha wearerof tirrrrtificittîetl.igpro- mottant the parne timeé. lu Ilthe dmrll vos tlire mteri,,l mîsuti. aid lthe liarmnm in'tlima blendinc ofeolor, ftiregrcatemi .tiafaàcioil will hoc round. l'articular attenion fi ~vpT1 t e care azd regulation rtclidrum t. Iirnt*ptncld attend ti thlian»a£ very imtmrtartituli tr tireir offimpring. -AIl op~re1oR m~ lrtctd ati-fut<mry. Termit reosl.Colitation r"ft2.0 STOYE! rnl9 tkUG rST STOCg ANI) GRlEATFST TL Variety i stûrca Stor nide- Tr ware, &c., ean ire eeriatt1ipitorteofutthe stove' M evern. etyo niq1llitv artia t al t>ices. The opuplariîmiw pattern Stove hata lcou intrao e m ýi e t tier varietiem T111 KING 0 or OES MRON DUKE, GRAND TRUNI, ?PRINC> ALBER7T, -DAvycRocrr,, PROTECTION"IST, c >~ W Call su dSes. 415 lIoi-tWiitliy. DIVISIONCOURTS. Ne. , w1utr~.......... Fcy. 2 .......r.n............3 9o 5,Rni.... ..............1~1 No. 5, UBrig.t................. I .....atrtit ..............." Z. BURNHÂAM, 51 JteC. 0. Oshawa Âdvertiaements. capital One KIii Inivéâted. iniCana& HEAD OFFICE. A. Davilon aParker R ATEQÏOFIE&IdI»( 'viii bear flvorâbie ceî stioptati by cuotr coiep)auile dtillnsa mtReguflatilns Uni Amaguraireca etlteti mimid Pe sciot 'coratincteti'itrt JOHN A Whàitl'y, Airguaqt 6, 18f,2. The Celebrated G~ i mi orea, su-ad ait kintin offI It ia tire grL1ettremoti>'la ail kintiaoim ci w niaimuuote The remedy Ila tatmuihble le anti catlettffuriiig ftrotta poil SFroua Ihtnmifmuofutte0tin emeao>'of 5higilivanft le ru inhavûbe oected i iitatifti t i, aunequ eqnallyvc ip11liedt torrp Tn A.Krsow -v e . ' Ji Pte ormug, ehb. 1,t84' "te on muti as coeratt au 0l. My vrl cii omuc'rh s$,, uulttt t by tua bita QUADRILLE BAND). TIEuaderulgtied respetfully informe the. 66EÂVER98 QUADRILLE BAND" j y WiI I*he ln rendlne te attend al Ballaq, par-. ti.., 1ROUtA, &C., wlitirte b6t e of lei on all HENRY BEAVER. ~.Torouto,.4mv. 15, 1869. ~ieaoet mand L~THE, I3UJFPALO kMERCANTILE COLLEGE, i thre and uy lei 0 h attre )t itr i a.- ner-y yurr in e uTwau1re0 a "?Daie etjl juulcete vonl, O (pub yortr Oeeriioriuiiar-ombt mr-rdo 1'icketlmt2, F ii11162. Dulct 911- 1I iltice tae'yen, g eaa ncy oI 0'vto t lo P 1t tiinit it rira-ht orcoi- menti ju-tar cloted ((arinsu (il, tirte clure ofailte ruinetanti aIe sae utf long atudtin DANIEL IWUVEII. Plltrlt*l r>, 1859. - 'I ainfetc fIr-o fiadrtmnnugmsoeafor- irai yearm 'viCt iut uiatiol,. i sucei to try yeit eirrslc rt , nidaian~rl - MES P1TZQIÏI3NS- qke ore!tl O efi elein iu$lë Courtt kiud. 1 i iau'uleedritire cure cf ettes, brui- seýs, frut biicl &&e, dti4bain o cout long uimdig i n~are% fatilcdt teffeotit cure."~ Tri ire Iard uWil iv lta altire pria. lipla plaireufmmco h tira l'car. G. Montrealp Co and Cllasgow jf mers. Remeveted ou- lou tira litty Of- lice. ROBE !CA 11PIELT., Wht'tby, tpr-i 28, -i là O-niy 40 cet 16 KEROS j' iultNy,]% o MAIN & SENECA STREETS' ba mn important huith ie grmat drain ofla- trouiai>[ercantile Colmmgei, ioctodin tire fouiewirrg Cilles, via: TuRONTO, C. W. N'EW YORIK. PlillADELI>IA, BIROOKLYN, ALBA'iNY, TROY, CLEVELAND, DETROJIT, CJiilc.GO, .AND ST. mLUIS. A Sclsolarahip isinîcd f rom the Baffa. 10 Cellego, entitiem rh cîroitier to ettendth i- er nr &ailcir4Clegoat for an raumiwt ite. The Design of chose instltutioas, la te rnrpertto Yung meiland Iindice, A Liuroiagk, praet4i &;i#-mireadveatin. ' These Collegeam irp orzafflzmiandi con- duetoti npon a b"iem whieir immitgecure tr> irh peparate Iîîatitttmn the huit P4um4eitii atila for irnpirting e thcoimoutr timumercmiloulucation and rouk tiergo ma mwil tfie 1nrmt m,tiupreireii1- aive aund centpieto mymeni in t1ix contiitry. Eook-keepleiiu atmiti. departuitutÉ, f<tain Omerclal ."w, commercial Arititmetie an-idl'Pi araingeirlp,,arc mgrtluntire mon4t thurongi unti pracicul nienleür. The .Spencenian System of Penmatn. mhtj,,isangirt by eurnpctentauiid te'rittueed Scholarship, payable lu etWnnec, 8 40. (bcolle pen dily antI eeig-oviteations -Itueait Principale uit BnI.iao, J1. C. 118YAUTa For Iratirer informaition, jaiense col, ut thre College Roouis r rit ifor (aïtaiegue nti Cir- BRYA N &STRATTiON DilUis Autorisai Amalaante Cumnrpiym TKCOROIRTEp mliter an Actotella iird ISession of the\glàvetbi rovmincial Juarlia ment of [ppert4iirda. -CAPITAL .£1O,000. corrote.4E ca-y inforitei lmauipplicti ou mp- piiesticulu tothre litderaigu i. Marineil ziaSI' for-tire Seruson ir for pnrtu,. JOHN à-NW. -Traellig Agent, By-r-ontita-et, WIriti> Just Weights and Measurel IN ORDER TO COUýTEýRÂCT TIIE BAI) EFFEOTS 0FP'"POOR CROPS," IN S0ME MEASURE RELTEVE T'rIISE WEIO FEEL THE CRY 0F I'11RD TMS"THE liAS TMIS DAY RIEDUCEýD' lUS GOODl AND p~e$rateda tor.e i6ulii, large uruid 1artl&a . ailt. Ilny a eliev tite-narticle fcrmarti ehhe.,....i... Cl a to sueli low prîces .1. will enable every onre, with littie money'ý to ebtain tiroir littli iemsinries for tire 'virtar, ris weli r i îtrricrr for tire corning holidaym. Ho wili, therafore, salli mmlifartiaer notice GOOD MIISCOYADO SUTGAII, FROM 5âd. PER lb.- THE. B EST NEW. CURRANTS. 'AT 5d. PER lb. I kirudii utFrîrit, 8nch tq rist>rne5; Datca. Tomong, &c., togatlir.witl al itus of Saucce antiSpicet,' ai redimami rates. Cmt-u--ortmlgoo n ti grourrul- Ferais' celebratctldririlanÇm c oaci ru ircai mat - I i oruepîe Bel% Tall1ow Candlem, 9114%r for i$1 Go(.t ~Partent Pull',,1 iId. inast No.e'. i tnpa-12 hbrr-rl'or si. (wo{dWitxlrbomtrd,,. I.. Guuilliroiit-;, frnm 7,1Xd., ronl.Iops f roui 7ý,-4(neuamîly ImImil Meca.qiraîr, and Woodcn IWrte nit every mircriptimmn. chu-pripi-tham Toronto whoiesaio pa-ee. iet-U rf-ria 7Kul. ittue' <fof kuh.~Fu0Immumýrt mttuek muor -m ucrncmu Gimeumitrilim enenmuitu. aimutmu mtî vçmm:el uîmmuul tI ue"r"4i u-r mliii. iruuir, ui Grinite Tengt SuI1,4t i-. laru t Cim ta-u.ni i.fr mhrmu mar i., mil a eaaity out .l.riup.m, t> atatîi(, rui tu p-nua ienti m-- armr ruor mîmui The Cîroiceqt lirandlutin Wi-nea, Brandy., Itum, rn. lm Irn iiki--Murnarî Olti licuimimmn, Mui. tl-i, 1 RyItn, :tmîmrau ni-,tt-ari4tu, muidI- uu-i- "ium'i Rumme &, Comi. auîu rtitu u- Ara le, boffe tid omnI u lrtnghit, 2") tar- emuuetipuma trati.iuy utho uer t i tuil m utnîty. Tiausu muho r(reaiber the deliciou.q fiavor oet fhe Lontdon, 1Dubinuî, andi Gtaimemr Iircit ud (acoaTftia, aren rmmrw mmituluitî tma ul i lime G lt iaStàre aI t -c ru a2-i. Pi lu 4-- fiti., antilu, 4 iny e*mmtgmum iL h tptiu i r,, 1;ua -mmc zbîaua rcu. CIr mutur tmn tluo*e cr-yn ' vi a lion rtiliatiuandI u11 -umm:m 1î 64rme "mhfraa u"'iii4eatir Lenmîni t apea-rei-uuint'i' i eu-ut auly mmfi lit Tm.ax. an-,I will Iïitr tueun r -e iCf1 c4amu-e ta> v-uuir mrli- tai-c Ofîlure, u lteu raquniruu am .uîuilî,-uu, utall-.mtl u, u omîitt in lu ormntiiarre; tul ti m l itPo v(ur t lepht Ticîmtt-,io - a-m-ýI tuci i tt ru -mu:mu, i wai talce iluct nt ii!*. awli x-ltm au]rtîmlyuruuui- htm ln l'tmat r-l -l t ua- Î, i naM.ay Autuiîat ut th ,,e lrieeu. Tarv rr am-tIe iad e tueutialeml th.ut umua are gcttamg 'iiim -J u mmu eamr- f 4r 7A large lot etotf t aad simocuant ray littiui ara-cost priée. Cirilrem'uer taI frn O.rrar- -ai' i. f-aum3 r-r- li-r4-ir hudol-. fro -,min i amutLcangu Imm #2.i- g'ruslco uf affrd ý lmkeZlu ta uitulnà;matýtrlrir.t;ive uiîn a (unit mli muta 111011,Y . l11Wiîritimh Sh']il!lng andIhiueteîqîuateir taku. rjf() -OirtrDesnirr MOtM lt IAS MULCAHY,1 f s ~m Tipit-Vrnr im'A- ipne m Si., Oane. FOR OJJRSTMA & EW, YEAR'S AT -A. LARGIE STOCK 0F «ENEIAL GROCERIES, XVJNES & LIQUORS For salenat a smialI4tdrance on Wo&aeIrcs - LOWES S& POWELL. :2M OYSTERS, LOBSTERS AND SARDINES, Wholesale* and Rletail. - LOWES & POWELL. COAL 011 & COAL (IL LAMPS, Cheaper than the Cheapest - LQWES & POWELL. Deceruiber., 1S2 N0 - 1 anrd 2, McrPler. os lei e ro k .$tnWlitby. ...---MIIAFL fS4A-pAUF. 'Wiitby, Jnlly .i6.0 LJCENSED AUCTIq:EERS, Y-OR THE COUNTY 0Fr(qTARIO. I11,.1 n lrsigne(l are tire Aî't'fieerR wlIe 2.3hmailofiary Wilhte-Bru~Trri Mura andil aina. hoa' 4. ,Juie- Voa-atPck0aqjn 5.TmlFairb)anks..Jr. of tir0 fa-tiarbnlts & Moedonll ..f,)r C'nnity. t. Xlbuat Srimg-..oaciBroek. txbridga, W. PAXTONý. Cou)trty Tirare- MARINE DEPARTME~T f uit I anti Car-go ]Ot, kt thre !li thit tari utcrof prcriiaaa t ma a(_'>f maimauo Whiitty, li.25th, 1862. JOSE PIl ,F. RAIJNERP Piano-Fo)rte Ifiaufcturer, IVAREROOIIS, WIJTIJY, C. W. 11IT1P E ny iere uruatin o ffl aa-;îmnilelit cf Plano, Ferte fni 0 ,in l ain anti, (iraantail Cnee. frmyn , ti 7anti 7,1Jucavn aaiutme -' 1 1rdrftheui umttItmid prnoiuett y tIi t anu, Iatnoau4Artistte, tri ho iipnur u>amumemikmv .titandi pnryitY uToue Wit bu u ,ulJ Tir>tatutrea hetrnandti r- raitil t t iwalur>'Clirite. OurJsmufruui ay peu-t f ttts d4er5upeomptly fitUur4sd to. At tlie I'raumini l xîtiritioin hielin Luondon on -14 'ta 27 Sqplembrr. 186rý1, tire liraI priae 'via, awuuei e.mapîr F. rainer feýr tihe uperior qiral M%-ut i >ho-o huia-hief 'ere test- i-t lu l-î-rar-l t etu oc, lTmi~puEulztjsof Tomd fat Ime umupirplraoftI ieiAtrocierit. lia amt-mtileim rt priin aitire Provincial Fmirs rut d 111 59. Tire Pliaue %of',Jo... Ratiner- e pa-~ tuthH2i-t Iaanti a dipionra aare i Nfr- l1itiic-aa-~anma cl al tueraitol Caanla iliIlc-atfiaPianot-mn,-itact nrc r,natti - i a-q tirî- timr coroteuolaticn than tiret ratielu hie irrtrwrenta se imath eainoi. lu Iii eeaitg, ploase atate tire numuler 01f praru iWautesf. JO.S. F. RAINER. Wlinthy, Oct., 1:119 - Mi..1 V. iANI t irg bteeon'lmVie proprio. fna- ), the ail> r - 'vitI bave t tilu i iiIr the aur ritemimemice etMa-. Rainer rê.-iii'cen. Pr Gallon nt TUMBEII MERCIIANT, Carpester, anti .L4Jler, rcou si. Wlitby. A large qrat- )RGE YULE'S. tt ti iaso ubrcntnlonind ýE OIL! UT-NDE RTATZING. UfRA.LS feied arituFandattesadêd ati KIA OL 1 siioLutiice.cofflept censtantiy 0~11 WtNEYS &c. W Ar-lme te Uta-eon liber-aitarins. os Fi Va~h - GORGE CORIMACK. ~ORG1ULR. Whtliy, Feli. Mlr 1862. 4-4>' WILLIAM TEMPEST, M. D. Lf 1f IN aSTE ET, OSHAWA, CANADA West. 17 Y. LAMBERT.0tiremic mAItLR andI DRÂPER-ltlng St. Oshawa. )r- pprovc LG"~mete made te aniier- lu lie bent style aud fambloi. 47' . FAIRBANJ<f. cOICITORt NOTAEY PUBLIC, &c. &c. iOshawa, ad. w ausu lth lire re B. E. gecd s ervat; a oin*e master-, er- & 'a. rouir se mutoiru p helaeuli ;p impur.e r-dm.tee, ounlire ealtr, are tringe <-if we ms. he importanrce of proportion te ite MUriCal gisame. r te es yeu must keep

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