k1atilcw Teefy 4à ius thiîg babsuusnme', 3k 'Street, Whitby. t Des4s'te the Rcgtstry Office. IOLLIR PER A2NNUM DVERTISEMENTS'! in Cefrýç arii Uo the ai o enlts Pe' insertion, and 2 c- ts lier lne Lit ilisertioiî. ColitiWis 5 nine witli ndvertiîer 1, tep discontfinue o rtl'eneonts niuAt MX OF M NýTREÂL, THIOMAS DOW, Nftuugier- AINED GIASS WORKS. nie 1ý, Wsnui7rXmust rect. Totusito. l -t --- - t -j 1)RE l. LtTN LLg J. 1'. Il Al, s tsithy. 47 A 9h. 1-UTEL N ut-u1ý rb-. lrtlu-11- lm 'ulty of 47 M Iîit, 4rt-2s- y, . Ang. 5, ihti- ISTEJ & AT't)REY AT'4A. pîs ,rrosttlcsFXl AT LAýW. r u It i- s, hhI7 <.OVR lttduti' i -t ulu It U-tetl ssit J. GUNN1, M. 13. -s W .iithy. UT, IOLtiýl . AND il1O . IllONT '1', f1'ville. Bo qNa.to Al. -)MAS LAEV RVEVOit ;R.-&,. (e N E , Wltls calm Printed words,l groat thoclghts anîd untis'ifg inustr>e ývola.- Vil. GLOBE HOTEL. s-t, tise eibuscrible, %wlvterlic eul ul1wuyts ite f,;, rtd un Isidresu' do uatstend ]rsoniutly t) ttse sants cf lhi& i tetitm, &C. 'rite pneusice lias becu euss-s-ssoifly ss Con 1ftrttldtl ltetl i t ip nauts-d, 1ueel -s-lis utrt t-t t -r ttise-sind cs-ery îsutlsiulrstus-ti-sîu ktlît Tn'1'itrller -i ,htume tluusittg Iis s-t vsuad s-lî Tualt 1ri lîtutiful- la' s utie- asal tts- Notice to Farmers and Others WITBY, Ç. W., THIII CO-MMERCIAL HOTELe JAlmrI CROCXER, Propietor. c O>MNIRI JAI, 'l'IAVILLEiiS eilIl indiI t-sv, t stapîius isi tc ll, as t ley cati lettfrous lte Is-gustýùr>III oIt kept- ut the 11er, t!,t-roueq t:ikusu ty sheinreus'eue, T'fe p;roprse-on s-is-estiiisri-saiou Ios-huiusk tli lu, sueîtur-su p0sro-s--îuud r;ctisitie finrteliber- r4l1,o ý it<-uttt i'r o sitit'tths-hociun'- andltLttelltt'e. iii-,vI.if DOLPffIN SALOON, ~TEXT To TIIE ROY)U, LY(,EUMRing IN Sreet, Toroiitu, t:MFrec Lunch cnvery DAVID BEACH, ?SE F mo iilAuiJ.rL M S R esderî~-CebornStreet, rsecon dciwest W'hithy, lFiSb. 4th, IWEST N'RAII3VY! Lit1tor- 'Vi til-t-slni-- t sts--o i ) uClFt-s. i u j j4 2 S O E lusqw,-u tii li,-,- i s-lue Vett--u, ITE-i rs tli,:gts'e ttsulytpsrizt NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. utî-îio Ie-it - 1titi its-t-s-satt Ilne.1 A. ALE RDR rtti cusess hcn -stilsstulsun'gIT E <IIA1NI) TINK COlPN'la-- 'ruX L ms . ý tseelscl-heî etel4 s-th vT ilau the ti'ilitiiesiffùr(, nttt 4 h __________- -i - -- l--i-i s-f l-t - --l-st-r -, utdlhiiis-t 'uttie s-ytise snic n mt is- tvih ibe BhiOOU< N M eE v I . L HALL, ssjtt ie s--ttsnttttu. ltrs-a- ! -n>Ci'upus uMac l48d. l-M-lt uttlt tc dI le tc apuris- l'-1-ti i-v tt I c i-îea-Ieolcdi. lsîk t fsilc<itie Il ~ ~ il li-'-W Lu-- iI tI-11c -tehvr-ii- M hUSîEi'L -SON, '-tt-irstsn(nîITrtî- iissIteut- iL, * ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ & . Utilwl e iti- --s-u fss-uss- 'iits, ~. 'i " ' ' *n rst'Lîtutssarttitts' ' 'i xv r tWs U e>ml i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~t tttri-,, trt1t O- iss(tîîi-T-bttytta.n1Ii1)p (,u lt-t1-r fi-n - t t - [ re ao Rpl.r A 's i, f,ý. s,--11 i -ul > usssr ole rslu A tlxt xs-u b'. t'Il Y 110h Tuu, ut- l 14 it-sit i- rtoitIiut un'ltti --- ---uý~A siîîù -ur stt tts IWi.le' ta-td L olulont Si-ltoi)tt fi Not. ) t ua-tîtia. I - andîrptealam is- on à ilit sttt-uuut -tust Il tAC I7FN rN,___lt1-.4-r trÃ-5~5~t-t5t-ituSiuutz i -ui i t r1jut, ltttt- 1u01 A 1, 13 I1o N El () T1 , ~-t-uR-p :~s7tutI"u-ts ic - dAtIFS ItRAnE,:c tt ç,t-stî t)eil s.u Tlise Bar uîîî.Ihslus- t le -ltruîsus-ttt-. Wl -t- utt s iu-t. W'. lAis-IN. -.2 (S-itiil < ~ ILdtt p, lkutt P t-i/i o mai andl hosme.LRl-'- i 515--t-i N-s)t s- t-c î'~~--~ tiANT WZNISOR 11SF liTY ntin-itussh - p utiurt u i-,srt-niud. 1'l-'l'O li A 1 . IL-rL. W 1I-LAA l i-p P.TP, tl11,'IETfsIZ. s-L-st- t-rloeîutu i tttt-i Il(t-ts'uhls.îin, li- Z'lUNIONY'S--UTEL. te cyutti l ini- >d-atiti-t Itti ia , sttu-tii ita -j1 ý i and s-tp re-I, Iu ituut sttl î îiiss- t- -iit Btei(o-usrs ituptt ss tî.AI-tuct iu ALBION UOTEL, IAXCST EiAiý, itOil(ata . a1 uati. - IEs! n- urenlc,. -ýçIu Bsct viu-s li týi.etud Aigt. - AIhON MO1tELJ.X rilIE Phtî>5IIETORS OP. TRIS Wi.b J, l knusvts ftiîe tariuo i cecapltioti ifA (fIfcnerl.v kepii ly Mný. Ilutley. 'Tise pretisesc, itus-e lu--u iuvytcta-seti snoughcîi ss- ftýiis--su st-s u selnsttvtle E-veny proctîralie tielies- ncssenm. A elgar divan'flttes-I u se- PU."as', tiuto voanons itîthie oess- brandi- suc peç,rmisted tiis-nnl, ta CARLILlE & ts-tNC - CAYTON JIOTEL, W. CJT}I RT. RAILR0O1D IOTEL, F?1MONT STTtEET, lirthe slo arI-uc. - WML PQWILI, Prj pristo . ()Utvil. -ls. 29, 186. -- - iA-NILLA JIOUSE,"- To the Travellingý Public. i- j - r ýg LsitîtiSît à h i GA Psit ibl.J-J W 0 C)N'S 1-10 TE L, I ~ ~ ~~ J(jJ>iANN 'J- 144, BDa y trcût Toronto. MATVINIEGAR. m AL5 T NE(iAht cuIitoobe hlitssI slsuge i OL ctiill ta -Ri--- s--e Wh7itbv I3rewerv. INOW 178 TUE TIE. CET TutI'ELIU ENESS AT . A.Clark', IstPrnizce tture Ca Illery T yuduea corr-ec t-iife-WilueAmbIIre- nrssfro sLiketusn u Tites-, hi ose r R ts-n1.A. O. sau n t i n l te biI it e-tle, WILKI'NOON"S IILO4CF, B - Jfno~Rrck SÇteeei'ulht->. --ROBIINSON 110118E. - EitPldANv. lOV$. 1AY qtITIs-ET,' T a'r-tsoofcv loons Nelt- ssf Kinu2BtcS Nors-h Bitîsh-andi ercatntile Fire& Life Izisurance Com'y. FRED. TAYLOR, p3 ARTLIAMENTfARVIT,LANI) Pz-rFNFR- LstlAemnus, lrotsmsiTnCrowu Lauda oh antd Gea r l 3nginëmm -ut-li0itte Poihlitca 1 iseudtateTitise xRi 4 t-lsýjd Legs! Advn Pence, PorsJuwcgEohrod FEBRJJARY 26, 186,3. The Arabitios Violet. Ily ltiNçIFI'A55Tcu$. 1il1t a sit e lVi iyglfg rw tp' 1e iiie all non gensle rtc - Il'eu cutlived til nîy usure; pi1Jrus cd ton i;fe, tïisai iiuuglit grade 'l rst eîs- f famn-; Nuw l'o dviu ri n s-ylig hiea tisarid Anti thteostbwili 'en),,me sigiitîg, 8weepsi 1'M fad1ing ssow 1 sanouruftly, viti,11n kinuu The vc'- l,11u1eine deis un mo s vuu uoclsery JTh-!isuiints sin 'e linetelong-IL59 (Y li n lili t O is -u,ntudg angts, Who rwAiy1, 4! .ti >atoge; g,-NO WirciSeele 1Aca f) ity.g,1j O' il, ho ns uy ' >ttutQepui ltt!wec ls vhît's-es ilt f ,u u t 4 w i.iiok r Whouuss-s~ w o. si-sîset es-ui tat'tr tsu Ti, la fi-,sw o tut t catuit t- ,,i,~ - ~p.set arsi .=-.ec j thaieSC 10e . Eec:t $~~ÇY ~ferbtc ~ ~ ti~- ~ lee n Iectté d 5 epsr DRY FEBTOrds .tis tii-'ls ou Iltl lsci ahi iteslees- of Ils~s. Thsias eueialtise case'L %Viti' laiu wsho ilu siý-lu p iit rs,lP i vsw-as-bs-r, vesu!ture ont its igît- Its-,wlIN InAlitd tut ut- tis-le WsC',isu!ru sus tilt i b s>uatIse huo pnuscirisithebe ely isfe remudy. lIe lias zt as-i, siu- BOfT ANB S4,,OE Euttîislsmctý ), ite17-r-e"t acou f Boots 1enta Sbs-ces ysý-t (rPipes usulultli-o;tnaig Ladies", mens',% 'Womens', - & Ohidrezis, uts- 11lîialstsIy IAv Prtese. Tise vs-ri iier' pally umaiee p nuden lob, cccli onnutet t h esu-uirpi i Ieais- a tue "!siglI n' usimî,siilis-v e reepect. A clvli 5e ttl-nut ai îy euiroïrs- orjietht-v eu u--ttrn iItm >itiuterctit. Bnock Street. ICASJI ,F OR SIIE EI SKINS & 1IIDES, WILLIAM B1JUNS,- Brockuit tn t tsy. 1e,8, 1862. - - 'sie them il W amli ahi end I 11 t -as-t îok me ultoscus, on 'liras- tîtys cf a ho uit.îly.. My sillinulttîscouds-crI tsf a palette, 411îd -s anstuil puli-maittsau, con y el rbauugt- ns- cloîlus. One -t volumes couispîcteul My;t'héc he elusty, crovded- dity, aud Ily uptun cu-licat-d fLelulti rit-h gruen issues, sisadcd by ceer. e, I blessëul tIse deicicua cool- l over me, in contrasi %vitli 9 lies- 1 lad becti expcniencing. ered a pins forresi, vers uitile -ne glittcnlng like silver îisreeds, no-'a coeieedrocs-s cfs-bu indus. ýe mysoîf te tise peaceffuusceiiî and furgot, for a uitile svhils, popr, iusmleasartist ititic îh or pefoslh-n, tisIba her t houscf, the weaiîby Mr. anse be ibeugh t aiJ as toc. uls bornsly, red-Iained daugis-cr 3fnîy pitieul ber fer bcisg nug, nisu o mnalte np ta ber for tht IiI thu peer girl vas asivaye frous cîbers. 1 belcie thai ýpy and coeneti on tl5t- day Juins;and! baîf noken ldown the churcli, speaking te ne oee, nndl svalking up tihe reed tisat icad oui aid dcea4boume and rgstrden wisicb iu several cf My 8shetches. I mutst te-morroas'end sec if Ibis romaul piiscsss 15 alb tsanme. Mandy.-!Ieeok My drswing mia te-day, andt waudes-id off ta tiseo oi 1fausai e iisÃŽey cssil illbore. It çva8 favorite baunn af miné. Thse li bise dcseried for years, tisere beniý uflsiigneâ8 te lubabit it onannc isâ iaueiy situation. I vi8ited IL et ail fro e carly mcrung ,ta nidnigliî. ues onecf romanecare around i wilel -Ien-from %wbich itbas its nain sqparlling river on vhosis inst undt the beantifuil lis-le dcil beyend. bed i4 lrises a nmoantaso whîlcb ail its unpronauuicablhe tediaus nam.. Thle bouse itseif Icelus almoat DiJtels cottage, wilî1lhitis rude gai vid- Steep; but in snsmer ihi lasse j y luxuriant vines. ibet Ils deor i 'ail coucealeil. Wild- roses, grosv h sien about its vela, andl tise- clusters of tise baniserry bang isicl tise sterile part of>tise soil, avoic Imore culticatu'd and richer grounît. ansd equirreis lice bers uumîcIsîcd tise fine old trees, aind tise Place h geiher an air cf Saishath st ilîneas As 1 saw ne trace or ludicaii hein,- insaiied, I contînuieilte al tise bouse, and seated myseif ou atone bisnut.bh1isII le aîiys co when urran;idu imy materhe-lg for d 1 a liai u ibterc but e LenI mmein I heeard e lowy1 svoetvoie sieging Tl il'%o, t1ic-ti 1.ir<l of~t1m -- <utsithuse tNIto boluvcedifor!0- W e çisl-OusitlueY u.lruituc D Io tluiy love-do s-*bey lo.;(e ils Ilisteu .d for' more, but tiese in, t .vidently geing avay lotoý somo dist cf tise lione, for thse lagt verdi bac retressîiug 'sound. -Presentiy ith opeued , andn adMy came ont di black, and wandered devis towi river. I kuew ithi as tise sump 1 il ho -churcb. She did net oo r mise came back-, vih is ais acui soeisroses aund seet-brierhiieri l Shcetsarted on seeing n strauger. hi pose my occupation re-assnred lier, acourteouily invituel me i.te thse i the suu visa nov bot andi oppresisi " Yen cen get good vietes frots aPer sindows," se mid], "ani y not bisitate ta go al eover tise houi Swish." n I suppsqe tisai I1i1001edsurjurisi * vllingiueste admit n stranger a iste iscr bouse. Sue rcmurkeoî 14 18 Iaw Mr. Wiseetlcy'a g'reethu e i cisuroi, yesterday," ise seui, 's vas ëufficiens-ronoTi fer une ta t seolter troun tis corcshng son, s , tles for purauing >your art."i 1, t1sà u1ke4 lber, and enter-pi fl of Ma4'riaze betweien Chinles Agratha Reed ; vcd ini the ot 0cf Mr. Hamnilton, Statirg al leff n wife Io meisrn luh tc, " il"said 1, ealmly, will duis do? Tt doecs no nor-me, for we did not ueed "Wait and sec tIse goodi answered, rubbing bis bandn. see." Thse neirt morniing, thlse c opu te t he Gien ose.deip, bucame on, ispas3edl mnhour iih h il ~ '7goo paler.Befere noon, we f)und thit the whele parish had been invited ti> the -minisier's for the ncext afiernone, and I1 has,,ily on ber borne, however, and lied the pica- was about te refuse on, but Mr. ~o te un siircef heairiug msine animadversions upena ners urged me soe arnPsily Ilint 1 a-reed figure thie samne just bchind me, hy a trio of silly th go wvitb him, aI, leesi in thse eveniuiz. tgo up girls, 1euded by onae binminiable nId maid.i, went. The whole village was thiere tic old Afti-r tee to-nigisi, my deear aid friend, beLons ose, and iaftr the finit confusion of Mrz. Maine-rs calicd' me aide, and asked sncb wF crewd was over, 1 sawi a1ehi , bok. aicrials my pardon for ber interférence, teld me ing very pale, but very cîlni, seaied bn. Id G.ien that there wiss a great deal cf taik in thse twcon the miniister'îi twîs dituigterA. l'uts sever at pari3b,-rilative te M?tar. Hamilton , that thse Martba sat near, and -witîihded cery mo. use baes villaîtrs î hought it very strange tisat shu tien, while lier cars euflit -very word- ig mrn !isolld Hveuc h iud> braken down and se- When ut Ien;th, th-i mini!iter rouse snd o0unt of eludeo eid place ; and ihat Fise lid Iseard st00d in thet cehîro orf ii roern, nIlivas 1 imes, sints about wy visitiog I>er that mad-e ber bushed and silunt, cacb re n -sorit:%%,,i Ail ibis yery uiihappy, ver mib segoindeed, and he wa§ abolit te pray. F led rhw s>'muinu il; ibhs wouild rI ploete break ofF from ibhe <lIen folded paperi frein bi.,; ei, fnudremnaoiIý ne, thse 11-0ins ir-eîfy-. that bo vus about te perfora n arat- cf stnd, ]aid my biaud eoaxingly on tise aid justice tn oeue of-the cempaty ; Fhi, lid dc. wile laulls 'a n, aiid related te lier hbwou ir iic- cided te doe h in presence of thern ail, li Ilbasquaintance cmemnuced, sssured her 1ha4 erder itIsatail migbt hbave unu ppertuniby Mrs Haiuilton. teesa perfect. lady, and à iW te rjoice ut ibhe innocence cf an injured huke ngreal. deel beittor 1hin,,tbesn vis sandered pry u*rIl iemaraeesrilae le en ler;, and wisen Ir6niaued lier of ibis,' 1 aud ibi uuot cf <3haie Hmiîn mà tntl dbegge -3t hw btaIessconvile, deatis. I loelîed iowards Mi4.i Martua ,- tic.î are cd? by walking up le iec bier. vith me tbismile vas crimn w ith exditemiunt. The on profit- nez 1 afîceron, and inviting, lier te 4ake Stafford lady vas there tee, with thse grcful tea vhtîs lier. fripnda aonibis w %as vhiiîit. She tiso kyover " 1Ah'iMras. Stinten,$V ale said, "Inobody loelced irouibled and cuisfuîAd. Manv of Iinig th ecau resiotyen wben yen plead se "Pli- dicte preseîît vent lne)te Mra.Imio, Bîrds You sisoild have been a- lawyer ; und Mr. graep-iug ie l andaosmi, asked lier Iauueng Manners efiten Baya, it i.4 a pity yen id fiet Pardon fer listenin; te 01F villa;,e rss as alto-, studied 1ev. lysemne, it nover wss belieeed, aiti Quey nnd ru- Mr. Malnnem ws>vas bier oracle spcn ail bad nîigto do bui -te uaulmele points, and sqhe cousuls-ed hlm iwhetlser until îîuiabip longer te bear tise scenul, ai >on cf ils cr net aise aisuld go up-te sec Mis. Hamil- retired. Yuu may believe tIsAi she didoit ipproach ion. go alane1 s a ru de " Cel 1certaîiy 1I saliînt? i F-eOr, Anutst 15.-W. have heen very bunyî iccupied, pretty cielure 1 Wby lîaven't )on donc fitting up Pise Glein House. AilOr inew ratwing. sa hclorc ?yeS, and make bec welcomne furnituire and ceuvetisunces are tbeS~ ift of tel, iv enil tocoe eevery d4Y9 1Mr. Manness. .fI Thun yendon't helieve whet Martisa lIces yne, iheret," h? saidi wheis 1 ul roivn>says about ber neyer belng uarried, tried te ehanl hirm, &"yru would-liave isaî a- nd pasaing lierscîf coff for a widosi, de yen it wben Alice sud I vereu gene ; and ul 'ail" Mufanners?" vent. tusc yen enjey iL t forewv o el" Iel* ~' Lord bless yenc, Alicr>, if yen are geing Wü sah itilMke a Perfct, litle parsudise tuî rt te b ieve -wbat %vemen Iisy about each cf ih, I duink. Apuia locha every hsppy, I a Lai t eother, yen vil bave ennuihte dIo-esIp .and fnov ibet she lbas leof Il -sbe br ,tr ,a do cially sucb vomen as Martba Browin aud clues3, iii po;iirely lheudseeme. - -essed that sc t. Ycs, maltefier cerne desin te -.. - irds i tista, and esk Nir. Wbeatley and is daugli. Sausrs s sLoMEGcee's -X.witier îed sec terri, tee, and iben tbe guiasipn -uoutd bave ho a J3riiîlh centcrnpcarv ss --la - mse 1.uflî more te îalk ubolit." Ani the goed old Ibis variable climate, rins w!ii> umil id, %vi man laugluodand cclclud ut iithe ught serve fc, indicatiens of thse proS 1ibl euu sus. of "akiig a fuasý9" et he cailed h. peraturé cf thse seé.on muai ha gëneral!# )t 1 sup. Molndlay nighit.--4 hlavis just returnAsd nisrsstiog. Durnugthe lest, two dguimevrsi for se from geing heomA wihb Agetha. Mca. Man- viite. te ci urcozta have beeuredIs~)y [uuusey as nets veut with me, and we weikcd- desn incursions of sark, Isicà were dui e. tegetiser ta Mr. Wheetlsuy's, chie lie ansd chroniîclud lu tIe new3apeurs. Oni the th bs p- bigs aeu-'term joiued us in eur 'walk, andît sîreniiîisof tbis, 1 hai- ventutaît in bath~ -ou need ail Pus-ssed a pleesant evcning(rwiîb aOrtlies- instances te predict ilhd witrs-not in. te if yen pitale friends, They wvesai deiigbted dcsd, wbolly exempt~ frorn-,f.-etm,- but frein wiih Mrs. lHamilton, end ibis minis ter un- freata cf long. ceasinuiincs.s My îtepry, cd nt lier vitcd ber te- meet us et bis bouse' on Wed- is ibat the premenuce of wbi l sa duesiu >risadily nesday, te pas tise dayv. Poorj Misýs Mar- dicationtbat th Golf reîrcamis aettîîus in Ibis und tisse the mensure cf her diagust viii b u ll force round ths hor-es oif th je !tlald 1 iv--i t asuiset. t1 lises tl vs-li atid bas petaced tva or tbrie tbere Isêfone, Farnuesr Manuers petsgmu, and I vould ha dosu day. Mmr. Mennet-svas waitiitg afier I fisd brumben -offtheiisdoslp doun te e delicions aupper cf fre anasossscd hernies.» The JuIy moc u vs-biniisg diiuglu the openinga is tise. mepi my sindes, a deligisîrnu sound of waters was in my sar as I leyd( bed fragnant vus hrose leavs iaud and I beazi ta &ink tiet afiet Country' wa.s tise oniy place fit to 1 vent, to sls*p -ith tise delihbfu Ougm thu>tsI sas te enjoy il mntIs te came. Il- 1, t. 1 ý - 1 - - 11 1 1 1 oe r