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Whitby Chronicle, 26 Feb 1863, p. 3

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linaving beeir sacured fer vieinity, previous te the tamer, rua ited thse nalvy Yard to- i veeslng la the gueat of relV. ive cwtsrnittee on rillitary f)Itted coinpitmel tary rae. Wool. r fliawatha frein bath, fer ,hen asýihre at Nitatveket le on Suènday light. Slua ty be baivad. 1,r 4 -l'hot getat bas irrived henco e thé iiin a large teail, ateong umnben of letters tlIdrviced- persOi)Iýi'n Rîfa liehsnd, sturcd ai Leeisnrdtewn last. Swith the carrier, Wheoiii bhat place. It lis thought infermoation wili tac deriv. turc.- iof Jtsdge lMcsdelet. tra o thlie Tiree Hivers InrjlcirL>r 21, we flsad tise foliewing pan- ihu death ofJudge sMundelut: anr îaissful diaîy terevus-flthse ie 11011. Domeiiqua Meudce, iige of Thrce Rivera. TIse place auddcsiylu it Tlîunsay à bealth hlas bemu precarious for isacI, bUt Iis bcIld cet pros'en- nu Utfeîîcl;msý te Lis ucieliduties. d bis iuete ont tis e sch Ltsti but it n)s"s.4siiâ tlîst1lita i et poýSSeSsef of ils cutoaîlary mdpreciesîcu1. le o resd ta untis, but ou visitie_ Itis on Tbuî daîy inorsing ho was 011 liherl, breathiug btaviiy, e of iller tlccitiacunes.... wesusiesiaîciy calief inl, but Sfati esrouse hbu, aed et pu't taistac braatbed bis luit. aaaed geîtleesais nvu appoinilof Ige ci Thu-e ivera, duing the f, thse lit& chiera Justice Val M, 'af inIi 131. AftrtarlIe res. redge Nal]iere, ansd ha em.-a hisef Juâtiseslisip in 1842., Jufige tacpi lenesident Ju go of l aPoson ebicis bhoufled 1aiot i sfaeîijiî front that peiiofi 'Irh0delivWes on the istraci market to- day were rather lîglit, elwitlg, no doubt, te the absent of sieigbing. 9'all Ment sold ut 92 te 95ec. per babi. Sping Wbeat brou-hi 80 te 84o per bsbi. Barley remsais firm nt 95e te $1 per',bsihi. Qata rathot. duil nt 38 te 42e par babi. Peas firm nta 80 te 56e per bi, R ye ,no unl t ",Ge1 per bah!. Pont flrtu at $4 to $4 50 par 10 0 1lis, Cie latterý figure boing freely paid for largu lhep. Beef ln moderato aupply ut $5 tu $d1 pir cwt. Putatoas in iede. rate auipply 55 te .60c per babi. Apples 75e to $1 per bri.' Fresh Butter wel asup.l piiefi at 15 te tOc-per lb ; anid tub do 12J te 14o per lb. -Eggisarace at 18 tà 20é per dozan for fretta iots. Turkeys 56 te 85e eh. ,GOee40 te 50o eneta. liuec scirce ut 40 le 50e each. Chiekens 25 te 30e per pair. Hay weil aupplied ut $10 $21 per tee. Straw in ligbi ssspply at $8 te $12 per ten. IHides flrsn iut $4 te $5 per cwt. Caifskins aise firntaiDe par lb." Sheopskius $1 40 te $1 75 each. Weel eitiut a 32e par Ilb, WVJflTDV MARKETS. yuab ol. rnar, Our marfzt inbs licetu weil supplied'wih grain fer the plut week, eeuiderng the iloor i hfe Fui i aheat brings froxn 90e. te 97e. 8Spriug SOC. te 85e. Pena 500. te e O(ate 35c. te 40c. Barley 85e. taO 55. PortNk 2.7l5 te $3.50. Tsu. keys bue, tr, GSc. nisvlb Geese 40c. te5Dc. Clîîvk(tnst25C. tu40co. per pair. lIay'wLe1l supjllÎd al $10 to $14 per ton. Ilides $4 tu $15 per cwt. sXhep shinsi b0e, te $L.50 eea. DIiR T Il. B3RODiICK-At Witîty, on Tueiday tise 121hitlins, the %nife cf Mn. Wm. lîrodrili. tif c soi). 11UMI>IIEY.-On thse 251b ilest., tlîe iieof Mn. E. luilisjrey, cf a sou. MitA RlI LD Gf)UTLEE -TOX.-At i)uffiutt Crecez, JTam, 271, l htî'e . Walter iR. itss, Cit-irsli iu 4sluN.I r. George Ouîe ILs Miss ,Ita-ijcFox, bîilfth te Toiîsiltip 81tA L A E S...îtIe residcrtce oif h iî'ilttiier oîThitsduiy i>ei. itti, b the 1ie4i-. 'V-tRi. intWiiliasn Jenkilis ii:i sq.iarri.itr 'uncolus. Mîf'îtsu li ijquiiutusoLesveîns, teumîi oaiiiss f Elî iu5îv PSCI lieketiîîg. NOTICE, C'eue1tVif Ontarnie, tJ TOhereb'n gtven tilîsit e ,po0%ý,1t : -(»stC f n'A(4riza0 .1(1 Nigs Prisîsi, 0e,-uTerminer, sud <laneral ou'l 1 dliverv,,!I nu ha osldeiî s, isud ltir thée c'ilTty (JfOswl ' i .ai the (CurtI louse, l tise 20wic or lthitby, on Monday, April the 6th. 1863, ut theeLi-Ur of 12 o'eieeok, iscoi, -o1>wbfch aDU I 'oronscn.s, Jt*sîaîjes t hic l'ase, (Conmtsblen, x. -G, RBC'NOLt'S, Sisrbi~ (1'JeSlîcî8; c c. 0. M 1ttl>y, Fa . 14, 1 8U . Gromas Ccl;olTeacher Wented. w ~ ?ANTED, a4rsua r 6 Scol Teoher nt V W hitby. I)atien te oencaee e cbù- gisliitit- f the Sprsng Terin. saUsry $800, auîd a prnllorttauaîo ipart of the aurplusi*euover lte c>pis. f thie chool A pll*sîîîtst lto sstsr hyarecinarricil Or iie. A Ifoli iiittenvic-w will bu n- ql 1-iîd iîsfî)iM tîî i l g t-e eîîgligeoîeii. 150 bushols Ea.rly Kent Poas For SL 13 th u sihcribcur. CHEAP SALT. L1IViZI'OOI.L5T FOR1 SALE, ut $1.21) WX. DONALTISON, WIîIilby, Isth l'ti. 1S63. T-ENDERS FOR STONE LUMBERAND) CEDA 11 Vits (IN ruk CÂ5î.-A 11 IED- EJtEI ii el~>> e i - aud:lcicus robbery teck CLr4.'tC-At the rnaidenec cf ber tare-M na, o.t.23d 83 glst xpres tresi, ecat iser iî httîy, Tbursday February ithbe tgolis Ciai, OnUsturday CtiltoM .Cegce 6icr, at c- u els-. lea ttht, Tcuteniii lerUl onüI isnd Jtioielyauiz - * ~ ~ ~ 1- -- nwll pansage0 NEW A.DVERTISEMXENTS. FJFTY COUDSOr, STONE, s tlI s useso 1Bridge, ------.-.-.1i l i croC aitushe onîit i 4so]ad Towmn Scnkç. Ou1 tise way doris 'trCA.UALI.,, 1llWohiLî. 1litit , î~or Iefort Lt-t lipsilneat. hîati sioa-y, nid fe nas. lpnaslssiug eur _J. l'mt$ Dr ii Driîg1f.. ori ui - Lýr c Irtcs--sxtiit tht gourd I - byashr ite upoi CAT1N Satiurday, .e'b. tho 27th, 1863, ('-ls cssîh oUý t the tauiion it i plas., fur bv-it robb)Ied ofiil >-iiig -riii 1e 50,0680 rV.ô îuaeiistissg cf'$200 iils ri-t' A 1,-a. iiaîil1 t ilssiýi i1 iei-cai bils ichhd 101libe, t li inw it.,rd iic îIitlrAI.s ERCHANTABLE LUMBER etiese bui, wiîici bd siai »- 35 i> t s li sitlis -aboutFbn;,3 tht tliceaîtiligtbrcugh 1-i.1 . nstte-12ftlmr tî 5ltSii i'li LII>ST.-f li, J. t orne l i i t 'l im il o, e mlas b li l of lli i la. a t oece i-il.tnis-uT. hl0IIu- . 7 8lisorLimo 57 nI ,lsnt. lt-u Oece fA L$0s, nOI: ilCL, 101o nt Ocetô)ok 'i-1>' Eq Iu"QItmeiv,-,isuBr-;~<b r ~~ ~scle liittif ieig i 0 in- 'e iiitiileitil, OF liOil I cf tiî car, tu issevent i lrav !i, bý. 1 ct as as£eer. i i t f l.h ,i %oîsti i i lthIîtl 'ai i ùal Y, 4 ii- i1 l,la l, ose--r 1.5)fret bn ,to 1)üfi ,d ita sat with Mn.,ic~. riNpisftrl'-îtiîtîî ac waota tissuprý o tilt-ht nd liltta Vt1 sseed, asl'y rssie ttayt. s, l'&t. i'Oi duutrisr b fibisa senc il 'iti r -r I r>at iltoriQa s titcid teuILave TT( np' i'î CŽ J 1' Id we b, mus eh stni Aae-UCT~ J . IN CSAILE aiedelto it, cornes- Tihe sriîiy jr. itt, tçtley ihouglis it Wvisa OF VAI.UA1lE LOT IN piceco airounf Mr. M Ta. , 1,i nuis t ,10toiînr sîsii l veul iQt a-,cquatîy o Aid tst ilsgte tili I>itija tlu t isd v- l'liebu Mn . M e v,.l * s- isi tiictiitî, 5.iketise rîîiy luise3 ilietbu M.. TTowllN ER 110W s- sIl <F SALi enu tined itl Tiilcereclins virua oat yViilistu(1- îfitmito-yli s te tic noies. Euqt u l ujreîît'si is i se t milfst d 11,1ît c- lisid, su 'i 'aOIle prili it th ie Ésale., [are to Sa fnuud ; cîd it VAille? ,!litea vii -aofstl scsyNl' le icAutii iei msust itave îeess an Tiîtts, ipi scu o thi.)attî,istlaa iuAmciuRotu cet wIta may have pro- uýtIn à um5 11 W(0IIgo3Coatc & ., rain et -a previcua sta. ulr icîs hiAdlharemaeion Tusirgsuîsinyedi t ndatcat Laud diiuîttr. KRing Streat, Teoitto, coi as ic etrain neacedTiefi Tiii li i uiief i ie dusy on te tlsrteesiffletofriay a.3tA 83 J)eii)ebr .PiaJn 0 .D,1W urwnt'asa Ocvanelf Atte tn 4ttsvi aml aicsr of Consable Tayler of for !olif iui slte Os brave, e's let ii th )ito i %nsitl suiigier, t1isaitcertin parstet or tract of ced ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ In cfcwrsgtc , ni uantd r tnitistc,]%olylrg, sud beb iie i und aferward gîventisstewnslp O(i.X idgcbs;tisa colsttvo - )l Chef of Police. Thse I 5t ie teisi ituttica for s>Ysksasid Lee$ tarie ansd Pruv-ica eof Csatda, I)eiujz o*movstd asIc lii ise esifdet-sto60 T1INlK efpart Ai, ilioaousltlt ct-at qsnter ot let liimr .euiy i-othe Rifeeesosif. G EO R E inO B SO N ttesmin lcnttfis sali rentl fron Rihmond .G 0 RG E R0 B Toiiisflo xbriiire, couiîtiugn- by adtnea. rosat tiast vit>' under e es Mtalisaaie, Âjs e nîî- Erîtiaios uil, b clu, an AdiIC 7TUlA MPE E ES NE ROOD OF L ND LIe iii on bis wy to tUTJA M LM NS -r .A D sent, onbusiness '17k TItY Il 1 M bce omilluatt e uia 'or leis aild nd ici it sy 4e arg uelt cf ieîunayý, r'----- ----- aliru-u tlWii siiiwi tisl tu tayt-. ~~lnge < iciihîii iteisg i suil Isi llfiiii s a frus t ise t thlis maomient, must se- iseuils i5sis<tecnîser ciilot No. 31iafureliM, amnd liiu.-.-oasdat Pote-> xticiusig irtisi > ig nia ettin iialoiugtlsce7tls Outrent. 4. C. S. anl ain Agent cnd i, ha5 icfîttat ge aionit c et-oer f ni wu rc e suffS DI VISION COURTS. Nss î,I'iucviîg .............. Nie.3. h-îii.............. 1 Ni4,Esr-g..............a 7-Jt(ge, C. OJ. gret TIIÂ W Oi ITOItNfroua lot 1,, retr aga ' f lIt cuit. ati, cWiliie Spasiol Dog- unns Jwtk soiis'Wiuil'Ioiig airaivtacur wliaissu]m llii! oilsen bItte-, vIsito thp eus tise tidti sutSsi, tIse ds.-g pue, \the "liUe of'itUP sncc~ An y 1sarsisliu-avii litc eJas Vereoui'ttlot l13, L t osi fltcsaioîr StmnIiIus- s> liot, O rees- clana- -vov, avIlI neeivo thti bo e ua rnid 1asv Ig et pustssiit ;lîçizu iàe tsi'etJe(tg ftur ae, tý-li c puseiiiud e:crelnig tu Law. se,-(lseos>ws.os, FaiO).t18, -s bI]tô gincsea ititwo esliaiîntad ftylisete5 miît fur a coniStr; tîsauosenîls16 ditgra ,tu iteulîs 74 flegnasesa, mt two alilitj sucd fis lill»5$1,tet îieac sea of, iegiieeng. el icitfor. platece l'traiIV tieGo ul, Frid $2, REWARD! 100 TUBS of BUTTEIR, FOR WliICH THIE JAS. MeC LUNG & Co. INT W ADVE* * TISEM.UNTS.~ Just Received, ALARG~E LOT UIP VEITE VISE Which wiII he sold S~~0i cioih' >dStand. F P.e lavored and Cheap 3l~ 3$~) . ~. s. d. 5s. 5st 6d. Eiigisb ack Tela, 3se PURE JAVA Co FEE, WIM NE D SPIRIT MERCHANTt WJJITI3YYIPebruary 4, 1863. ý 4 .AND IAUAUR 0' 13UCKI-IEDS,SliljO c JJUOCK STREET, WHITJJY. TJAS on Iiuîis, and ii eonstautly su-tîfitctaring st- ,$: I-,Buggies, .11L &C-, of tise latent Stylo, amd nmost approved patLtes-nf fl'omitth i ates- .tis, ndý eisoicest worknsen;. and hopes by strict attention te businiess toiertt a sisite of public patromqîtg? 1î4"A few good maoadhnd Cutteri on hand. i REXQàOVA&L 0F THE TELEGRAPII OFFICE! rIIiiTL.iIt sF 4pIllE lests bascis e IIOV4 iovdt) ssj ]Oîiiits, tIroc- t. ulext &le e(ibieC Yuîiol's Tise uedersigued la le rci pt et a largo stock PS Àof.O L Every Vitrlety .1 8tatIinery. Mé4ýy jm.14-161GEORGE YULE.1 :zL uOJ, &C4 U4 c 1TAS iitEM OWl ii As Laly office te <)Iîtnrio 71i Chatrsiterx, r-()DeOua o soutil o! tise WIîitluy, Jaeu, 28,iSLs WAN7TED. A NEW M N If IIIMOAi A netitis- crs ri'iuidieg jas t-ro~ Choa Toa si :AXES McULUNG & Co., IIItTBY, Nov. 26, 1862.1Wlig 1 l'eBe4&, Waas LIOURS,5WJINESe, &Co AT- 100 bi-rreis Prime Cliippawa lVliiglkey 75 gai. fine oh]i1lennesy's Cognag, vin.tage 2 8 0 .lildtii--e.nssCfn 200 gai lTed iuýMium Renncsy s ogncon- 300 gafillw e Odiort Ienesyon~ 900 ()al- finie oh] Por W ' 100ga. ile Old Jarnaica Rurn. ALSO, CITOICE * SV'GARS, OOFFEE>S, &o. Brook-Street, Whitby 46 GREAT CIEAIJNG SALE PREVIQIJS TO T-AKIG STOCK. ~TEMIGHTY HEAL1! WOLI» INOWN & WORJD'TRIEt-f HOLLOWÂy'8 OIftTtfNT< Thse frec adnsiaesmi falZaisa swUa h ort fthiselesid lepsaie m'ci(dpwl exi lie Ncw VnliIunMttili nA'powilfaliédciiaîAgent unc the greîi *ailselisgprelaraslass e.,soer siul.> kicws ta ssièrsg sga.55*p nisve qssaiisies, fe more Tun ssi sisnvrtsss, tlsresagls lie x4iai rjfiep3a f file- cïkns.icivisjiip Iotise cked 4e,IlîreraelieaMenetr th lit irsst iixa,,e; Raii i *ili e ýisl ffeesiotgili* ais5.mitfamnt assdheajili iss lne eusssql amyttau 01"e os; record, ant i latusrelsgreAssaiiy. EUYIPFLAS & SALT RifiEUMp Aie t1wo <HI lie " cesosmors ssd Viraielnt tiisrdrç prevaIens on Iis aenfsiisseit, 10 Iliee theisatilell lx Z-1 ereslsese thsaï vessant ni Illenr, omyp cle Islece-c J3ad Legs eOIdlSnr , dsi tUlcers,. issvrssti~rnt.~asied u afewapUc k,ýs ina ibIs iE9RUTJIONS ON TIUE SKIN. Arisnfrissma loti nith e îid siJor teie ledîqe sire clRstcsl, andi acitr a ntim naonci 4tfnee ci' gisies'l ly lthe sesicraii'e a ,t- cf isi ix sjlrlsit. lt clr ig5 rtsiin f lheit)ei4niids ,Itljrtoile ipsqiq1i. 1secssss> ucr t>Il, îspel ij1%sm ise at ,r4i4iu ulelt iflirte fie. <figa P"ILES AND FISTULA. Evrr dlrcs iif tbsstire ncf lteeprsrralei iari isati!. bons ll Arer>nslsenifltiritlnally and ti cuis - llia isce uflhi eeinrileîii i tmpcass. h>ib wpef-diit ti114 itrtstl 1&4 iscsliisgqalssjns wilJ habc iud u c.h shinr.agleSait i 1iil[Cll. I)etMetiseGtment uand Pillg itaiZbe viled in tmefeleing cass. ilisis,si Rsasais S o!srsi Tlironixs fisaiisst, la, tsa"f jce"sd Ch*lolims 4i, $ksss tisss mce mTellr hi ij. si.]il J.. itsi irr Vluit4 81cili tixe nla- ksi cerniîy-seMbq- tr ir id is -gs-. 4iatlcis..- jisuf ai oiiy Iat ( b l, i t e aille Imty ciare8i- lm e ie.ilîs I liteie tptiesior feailtn tosepartsis kiow îg iess I ll e k11- sspîsrîss it s ute tGe% -Ysrk. and l1,y i rlacast5se U7litrd tettltteeiîî thsecitiizet!triO. its boutaIsu23 ceili. M cent s, ctid $1 eteýit. - !tieeaîîi,î annog lsytakinioî tbctlar N . -Dirpetion.g foir lte>é d e cpmilenlau mo cv1ry sissarder are afixeit wis miel bx. 4f ROCK 0W. AG;ENýCY. ±a,îipeicrRsckOil tsnîmfcragr, Orentry; sSoee;-n>slctd 50 BAG*S Rtscliivnt WM. I '10IE. - TLINwleioa eoui Estoe asi lu e n -Rea, -1o1 be rara 4-Sin LAD] WiT1i Ili LE~ OFFicE. Teressite, )RE l" 1 ITT A Ir icm n lpn"lr a iry Ir in li%- > f p-'l 1 i 1 Il 1 " utni fortv 1 BROOM'e

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