Durham Region Newspapers banner

Whitby Chronicle, 26 Feb 1863, p. 4

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-I 'o. ;dgnow, 11%oS l. ftr bit owu.'" ft*ieoved nm-tht who bore TMfpl or <rnm lber te'dolr; Bu8tan lpthia she'll love no mor- Tievrmcre I Tht. an anrel doth *dore."t Ah. the f a In Ilfola biht -mcm Colldvtjrn nm'in marn, 'lhîue te' line. «AIl tri lovre- AUl tho holy sit br. Eioh end aprend tii. worlu "a sby, E.lemIfiAt Mv elsrvlngtui'y. Lenvîte r, a seme todl.- \Yot 1%frienul i Int whoa e broat al - îues blond." Iclrboathe wItïyv %tortu, Voider vre'w*tl)!ik fraglieformn, Anîd owlîive to lk e nswrn- Nuit a borna 1 44V01%, a hum-, Crue wiure anguillu. cnuot leoms Andl me lijrrnenoire wiil piay A pour Lenatr chîil, I laY r'nwrî trM d 0, 4I<15Mtte' dia. Blit to aleeti, sudwiake on hîgir." OintDawrar.-T.gacys Therea Long- we'rth to Muti r Yelvertnn, "lif 1 could gct ftdiy dteety ce efvn clutlk ecu eut, dispcrse yen ln air, or by nny ,moins annihilatta - yen. hoe d ami l, l.'iuoilri gnon tmv woy rejnicing. iuuging. "'Oh ho joyfui ail ye laxuda; An q if -enturinlalbletnme ouit, rvi'y' ne doinrt roqi wneild de, the sanie; Uyu can't -anul Tcilnt for titane ut» a tronder polwar than ither iii' ts îlot rules Wlt thimpga tritîid twfining tagether> both catr threadu cof lire; a-id thotiglu tley arc kît t!. ýb and ave qahtid prefar'them uauooth ta even, ave have lint titnc te. cheesae ur stepe, but ai~e hutrrieul throngh ronugh and rocicy pths; ai thruîgh T Ïigh and rave, aund Sare ttlilbrrnandl awcu, it is cf noi ullfity-uîwav ave go. 'Phare la a lin-o cet out whilia vetnîtuat follnvw, though wc cbrink and ourie leur fate eever sn. Thave corne te thii conviction -have net you ?" pacorAucaTr A» omp0u{SESittLtO.-lfl tle Arrnv cf the Potom-ir, a chapluino utunteal a horme, aîud ee'iîhanmt mucccremonry took one belongin-g t a Vircminia ftrmer. The chaplain rode iloto the preruenceocf lut superlor officer. anad wuva unked. irn li get thot horsec? The chapir4in soys "Dcii on the rond thene." The î,fficer--eirc-nl -"teu [lad hetter truIe hlmt back airain' The Chuplin tsit uIlWhye JesuimChrist, wben ho ot n e.irb. touik un asca froua hie owvrer nu-era n te' rida inbte'Jerusiuhem." Theo otilcer reilci Yon ara net Jesu-u Christ; thit ila not an as; ,yeuî are net on yeur wite Jersauieni. and the seoearr you resenrt int honrse te hî cwner, the4 bettea .lt aiilcfre u &%ILSSLYCivi - A certain Scotch -ceuntry girl see'in' te havaîhought it puis- sible there might ho on ex ce efacrupuituit l'egra te pei e.On lier mari"g day, the vouthitte' whnm ure WaS Abuit te bee united lsaid te'lier. itd o tritîmphani. tone. "IFeil Senny, halvun'tI been unco ceevii?', 4 (hîudlugte110 tho fuct tliet during their» whele cnurtship lie,'huod ocrer giron ber a kif.) Fier quiet reply watt, "ou, ay, ina&7.I uenqelesbly ceevil." WVAR A ND MeOiALtS,-t Very slight dechiurtyauffictsto gi-e thutrunning motiv ek te ater. Three loches par mile, in a emoeîb, slraight dhannel. give a velority of about three m:les prur leur. Niw what -la tTtte fw. ti-r is equ lf tr»e of moiud. The best cf tuen ouly noea a aglit p ual of &àdver.qity ta obtuin a dunhili morneua- tumn. 13.rrreful, therciore, ,how yvýu ose, Yeîuw squililriiim. r Tu sPea-rrc.Ar. JtPr 'e-Profoqgcr Wil- son cotild lump tecnty-îhnele feet on a de.ead lreI vl, i a miin e*n a slightly.incuined plane. fliq ieight aVraut tlr lo von atone. He had a ehnt trunk. ver I on__îegg, and à font nt,. -..-.-- __ ____uuuianuie uuiluraue.-liI Irntnugea ,for i- b leapingý Slieniff's Sale of Lands, rua-of e-tltile, iN $1Sritl-ay, theoI3rei L;i- wu.; 0 .uyet.s A.D. i cajut nn'a]runk, jrcoui, Will Inaaolr'tîy ýtnic Att'- tluit t cut iriahl p (f'eh ite nu ii i e ita " d Tr2aita, et ci: 1:- - ,tll 1-l lue Cour t f Q o f e' àa a h rje Walce Bar Va. 1 1laloifft, làk cf Meti-cal, Pobtf, 'te wsillr. ie. IIl te C-t cf Cteon'ýBanair. - Warren,- Te. 'i lu the (bourt ofc outnuon pics. sot Wrrn vs.oll e Plainti1f, lui Coirt cf Cocaumnn Pieu, lia. rîncl George Andrn, te Court of Coin onts. oitcio and Chailes oirt. allece, - Duedant. Shor. Sale of Lands. t.'ounty of Ontatio, fN 8ATUPDitY, the ToWitu f0'328th dxy of Feb. A. D, 1863, nt 12 culieoomon, wiLllleal Public ution, at ny ofcec, lit the Côrt Houise, iIe Towno f Whithy, lu the Ceunt~ «fOntario, the right, tlla sud i nurest whi3 the tiidùrrnetitionedl defandita t asrrraly pos- soats, in the tiîudermentionad il'ae-nditoue- nueiîtîn theree'ný i'izeel hyiouua nider andl by In the Court cf Qucenis Beiich. William Geooriauu, Jamnes i. Wuns, sund John Wiluuct, Andnew lioxton and 1). MuDugll, The S'rmtt uvssteenr f Let Nuuuir VS, ln the %ucett orl outiaon aofthe' 'ownhippoet Pick. otrng arn a ithoiemure partlieulariy ktiewuia n uleserllndArs 5~fruIiruîi'.tirai i o gay: comment'- Itir oru Che Eiitcrti linit nf $tir ul Ilot, et te -ituii f twt-itr litik e. iuturge Northa cie if thé. cri-i lot - tirari Nrrtlii airriig th iraLuinl Esineril immîltt Ca- illainsia nd lfty liilciu tlîeî Svrutiriiil'.l irtîn a Iuuîf rIa'rceuu, Wcàt telleu i r -crt liks, mteaor lest, le' ,Georgîr i hw4loIit's n;ti. tlîea $rruth sixteeti dere ust, aîc tunr thre sciiiGe-rt'aJohiicI'S laund tavuelimciîoamui flfiy litiku';, tirautea North eizlitv-cigit nI a lirulIagrecm, E-tm,oucchaiî tiiefnrd arr fliuke, morei or Iceti, tte i piace of Leginui1rtg. 1- lit the Co;vttY Court. CharlesR'r Iiuiis, Johnltui ctliarleu, rce nt t , 'timîaof lMs deaLnthe ttiui lu-(isf NoilîteDoutgril, excu- ter fte a le Johietiu Prlhrariu, 1 N. E. onf LnteNou. S, inllrriCoui. et Thorah, 30Oacrre, uior or le'i. NEIL740IC . IEYNOLDS, limeniff, C. O. l'or t". Ne asu. SheriMOfli olu, Whitby flroery. -1Eibrsîhcril)(rm roenemi orcu:tec trifuîr nIs tlhottîpairnnaof tha whutiyllr-ery ili at i) 4le rtie ci ii anli qeaimîtiuta ir -mur ha requ:edaJînîd n teraie te a-nit pur. 'hiee«. CLAR51K &du lt.W MMuS) Pllitie, Nove lui,. ibli. 6euc Tallers, Shoemàkers, Canage Builders, flress Makers, and Heads of Families - . Ganerally. Ca]]I at LnA'it du <'înea& iewiiu utrcî-r Ofiuie, W mhic<iy iL ite nalargemee .rituleru Wnt.h JasîXinuct.naautait oipricea. JAMES IH. (ERRIE, Agenit fori Couiil.y OUluaile. WAN ER &0) S. FIRST PRIZE SEWINGMACHINES 1#VANZER.'S CO.1101NATIU.N c Pr iluicamSw 1 I lahu T 11E QNTS l'RIZEaattdi!for Fmmiy 2'l", 2th, 2'ttuî anal fie-Ch, aas gire o IL M Ttîay fltofo ti th finîst prize for Fitunlly SéLwizMachintes cilîli R. VM .iaozai-& the"u. Combntirut ai tuaPi-cviticial Fnl-lirelal at Toirai, Sp.22, '21, 24, 2.5 iaii28,18I12. ani alseili-at pnx a-ansa uiarded 50 then ir i-for TVe IA ist Extra Pri-ii was lsueictue for Nos. 1 anal 2 Singcru auiut'rn aeien Puizea e! n uuiîrerî;uce avetl.oisaw-dod Weoîzr's du ('o 's Fitnuily Sewin4 Mtîilina aint Wtnzor & 'ca -uicei'm Moeliuîa airer aIl otluers, hy ttitr on, f Arts oi! fLa-noufite- -tunes, nt tir1 ahnie s Jutitete, Toioe. , They alto tiaik Pii-af Extra Piizes 0Ctireh oaiverurt Comnty Atzricuîttuitabrs-utt iatuil. ton, Paris <4ait. St. flims, Baacqllviilc, Wirit- > bY, Cribourg Sowmiaoila; intfact, cati-y place wýheee tha-y lhave been exihiteal. W Wunr du & Le.'s 'ooiunation anal Wauzcr>duCe&.S ingzer, Exceluy Mieilut Chat tva- eeions auutstnred luntire ialn Statuts on Canada, R. M. Wuuîcmýr & Co, havaea clainlu nt- tincth tinc m alou pr5pcnt*ltitof Cire Whee1- er &u %Viisoaindnuinzen Mllebiues aal reiot- Zn thcse poInts urncli e-haenoct deslrobleiliir- Fi.st t lisa tm itieurtie, by ariil4ieoo new buivr t! ns (forn uhiela tehave iteui-Tofa pattent lu Canadîllaiverucuctjed inprodclutg a ,perfect Sewing Muahine, u efo-uing simple bté; prineipîsa is eauily understocal. requi5riuug lei hoan norinbry aoent cf skilil ii oeration. ICi accrte ottroti reuoaeut 1V littl akiala t uet onVof nepiir, and lUt iscati- Iy oul nittan. Tho publie, oiauuamnatinu, aili tee coanend cf iCi adtvaiintemcurer a&H otbuirâ neur i lie, ]ivery faiuily -illold have a-Wall aune& ('0i.'$. Cpmitn .l tnll.M,.kt.. WATPTfl"~- f!tflPT~ J SCOTTIilpROVINICK4AL ASSURtANCECOMPANY ESTÂBUBERED 1825. Incorporated by Act of PahliSmObt tIa £U.Àa lo "Àu&>jmoq - AND 1 Capital One Million Sterling. JEWELERY,. lU TUE5 S.TSTM sriâ JAMES JOI INSTOIN, Wattcllîtker and Jeweii.n, --Broiak Stre.t, Whî thy. Oct. MlIS, 1862. 40 PENTISTIRY!1 DRS. CALLENDER & CA-RD Surgeos, Dieitit4t!2, t&c. Rooms over iuveritod lu Canada $400,000 CANADA:t HJE ADOFFICE. *IlONTREALe A. Davtdsou Parker, Secretflrys RATE 0OF PlIEMIILM Cary îrijlrirtte Air will bercanfavorahl( oiîsic iwitlu ttîrt Luiopt-i byete uitputieiii cua.corn- dilour su lgtla l!m uiiuîmtalh' lîbenal.- Atrunranm elfaated amiiuer liai hincýAiea tlm- action ui airuct-ed willuuiutrîfit'u-uiiltto S- lwid. 10 l ON 1EW, Wiiitiy, Aitet 0, itar I.îl. Mur. uarietou LYMS 'kijnre The Celebrated Gorman Oil! ILIN1)At, STIFJET, WIIITBY.- -.0 - (UVES ctg, -leruuleiâ n-.srrt Ltef, rui'uugni TIFTItI lla! u' inîr it -ioN.t î'afrît- nuanilea, tJ)acres, audrl! tdi mumof fIaaîiwouuîr. T ndutuniliabLt thé-ira atttnd intîtapproced 1V l tue rata-at rcmady i fornun ie -nling nisimnriaut c. - tSIkiit iifwnuini aisrai i)matli.ntd ,u1îut Tfire lag 6xpnrrueîre f B rs. Ctllatidir & 7.1)c remndit-drit. iîi orlr nrelicuittu iiniire C2rar nti ti ir tinair)-,Ilnkrr ii' il(, w Mtu ao'iaunicattle aituriirg toncpIta. tir-r ofI>).miitr Vetrulortiieti tri eppre--ia 0 1,tint romittsi'I i- f tesqltinitIast w tuath grcat 1ielet t ) tn ir r.ni iltr-tii a areiîuIl pro- elc nef tiiinvsîtet-ie reum (dy, tire f<ow- îlruntiuul or! tiAioce utl-i-nirtn7it, ali nd eauVifu)!itihiac%ý1)!ç licualeai-eii airguuuta. tiete Ctat, V. litlirrpresnratiou ao I luavi usent youe mu the lu.ýtt ix yecralliaiu irrnuot el douiChe ireule, ý;huppmnrna iand ic-amfort aign ttmllIeetthat t it 4 nuqualie. frc iamtiarg oui inkiall laeani. ThîeOteiti in tlia <uhi, ansuriuio fro.et-bitnfk. lis u-titcaîi buianearoaithtia 1rofeqiiuiusurii r' fail tn.givoiaat- eqiiillygtaot alul)li!tii Mati or 't-nt"1 luIciu.Ilitt e nfliiu!tiS uCu1 ii hlui'tic lch. .JItEn l!Ibt unir Ysiut ltriÎi iClna, matua re he nuicuuTo A. Knauiueuasj EIlq tciaflrun 1alial.!.pîiiacriung, te 18t m tat. AItTrIti'lInTEEPtttIIrui nolS--- val. tltimîc iPlat+-, alun u ,- "iIrn -iiir-i.iur l jntatuc o oi.and il nlnty I oea .tire lumtiyrc-irnuirtn ii! rii-uîrîef hîita ate iapubi,1nSh. i h.k (ticeiît te' re-Irieiul ynrir tireprofruouuon .c r eioao r ot -rl ci~! umcri-ait l ierr-cnerr dr& du uire %si-an<e :réfiiiv parforneii, aidi! eoa leifuiu n h innyuiiinuui i puei.VlCiettrier. -4,tîlnt ît oly Cime natill- yeui-r il eii..ircw mttierre-. fort m'iu ite-otheie artîfleirilSi. i,; Pro-. l'iakeriîig, Jannany 17 19S6 1. müelntectt ttiranueune Ili fie doei-utSility#qm tire iniatH i l ni,ui til ii- th anuioiti in tre "Pautiuoînjntica tir VArI, anal tlîîî îrub hianuifeounîr, thre u-atit.utcfcl ilîl; 0 ,lzcurerrl. itiiîok il rin2l;t ut rniimer liecf<iltîd. ietri -n o1-er -1yrur c en Grti iCi, fornthuîre hao! efrii-.! ritifin ur iz h - tfieutsa ne, bu", r,ý -itter-n ,4ue , ir îii.iy eh- reculsolat l c l nire! m wêIl. Prretiîrîliiii.-al rli tuu nrîru.. unru]t i- a-a vriy itiuînrtsttdhlti tirh 'VELil triEI - offcii t s ,) c AIU o pratina iearmitull ftinufautiry. Telm-nu e '.crnuFirum.16 iiu yniuirceictitttil Or-inir l. fer Ohm etra rftI.~~~n f ne.iLbitae. r::a iniceiliriil ah of aorc D lA N IL HOOVERi. VqJV ic'rnur, alîrairy, 1i0612. ~ «1 minift re4~l, fiuu a a wi iiincern' efonr tit yean it utiitrtnîa ru. nr- iinli-nlf c7u j:; -t- yu -aarnirnbo, ati î irivc euuipiauu ly cluncet." y- - -- 1- L. Tl 1ARGllFc;TSTt)tK A'cS) OIIFATFSTý- Xrîî;aty10 iotet. hmerr ietnrc, Tutu- bcudu. . eaccu îlit tlun $torrraltire itoerac-f e-y ayle tii!nd aitrut-ual - l<riSr-. Tirhe'tnîSai nw pîttern Strivr 'TU,£ KINGIOF S7'OYES, fRON01DUKB, GRAND TRUNK, PRINCE ALBERT', DA V Y ROCKE7', PROTECTJONIST,4m ~Calaai set. JOHN BLIAN, ]DI No. i 'Ne. Q No. 3, No. 4, Ye'. il) Ne. 6, -Oshawa Âdverti3ements. WILLIAM TE1WPEST, X.,.. 'I INO GSTEET, OIAA AA~ A~Wet. 17 F. LAMIIT. T ATI /1Eand RPE-ioStOsa. Garuienta marde to urdcur in the bet strie and fasbban.47 ;S. JB. FAIRBANKS. S OLICITOR, NOTAUT PUBLIC, &oe. &c Qnah1awn, C. W.- JOHN )fCGIl, rtes, Ce at- Tur nitare, OIne 1a ir't 01uil'i1 iuii itho Couirty yoîrje1itly el1mrutd enoul ('i due-ecrveeto tue lcnrwur. St nusit. pravç tabhor.ing tri îuîi khini. 1 biave I i ythe cure rf ent. bmit- Àe1A, frosr4 iW t e u, ftiiero 1 ;nerts oî lo ng tianelinc h e it ice r faiiel tre i e-alctu îre." Te, li lird u il i rouei-s, 'Mlidthe priai- RIF' OVAL O FF}îFof the I3riish & Amonrkau Expresis Co. Noutreal Ocean Steamship Co and Glasgow Lino Steamers. Remov<rd orle do0r South cf tLe lJiegîitry Of. ROIEltT 1. ABI. whiily, Arl2, 12 15f ont-Y 40 cents per Gallon nt 16 GEORGE YULEtS. KEROSENE O1L! 1 P EN NSYLVAXMA 'OL 1I - LA'71MP1S, (-'I iNZEY S &c. At Ueduced prîcçi For Casah. A6 GÉORGE YULE. M- PIANO,,YôiSALEJ S E6VFPwAL fltitbre t BLiuuprevemert, Overuatruie Piamm. eu4oeby "Ralutc, ,'< or thepuberiluer, VOIt 8ALtI very Ilow forCah ,)r approtned pppr, at icn* cor ,hert d.%te5. J. V. HTAM. Whitby, Dto, 1862. 4S-tf. F'URNITUaE ! F1PTPX1TITP 1?, QUADRILLE BAND. ~T HE unolersigno em opectfutlly informe the Ipublic thint d'BDEA1rERe$-QUADRILLE BA" e9 WiII ho in reiudinegs te'ttendal Ballia, Par- tiesý Routa, &ce,With Ito Leut. cf'tumusic On li ocenasons. HIENRY iXEAVER. Toronito, Nov. 15, 1862. W-Applientiona cao ais' o ctadtd o Mr. JorIartry, Wliittiy. 415 THE BUFFALO MERCANTILE COLLEGE, CiAzi 0F MAIN & SENECA STREETS, f an innttli MOI, ithsto'ft eli'.!" "fl - Xl( )Y, AIINY ANDS IsT1MIS. A $cholnrqbip ,uuued trum thlit lla. la Coliega., eidntitlutie ili-r l endl enl- err i1 i'i tha î~fr uniliiitetl time. Trhe Deqààtn i>ftheie lnmtitntînn-4, 14 t6 iMpAri ta< yin' t1 emi <il a1'ladiu, iitwoih praret il bn,,ie< , "iîe. Tlbcae 4CoI1nec r' r, rinà17td nod ui . dnttel tnn alu'i. lich 'rtr "cir tlne 'erpneue ilc ut l)b b-i ri, .iiie for itipnr0ioit athor(,e-ziici'irilllCtt fend rete ri t ~îx t ri- - rrî rrlt i Mi ra .î <ii oiplui, t(cý11 inr tli ir Cr11itre. Booki.keo.pîii!î t .durrtirif. tcs raoeialiILawr, Cw.crI rîiiri uiPlen prrtieid iurIiriirrr.1 Titi Speticeriaui ty'tem or' Peunnaî. ~Abip, le tanghrt ycrptif.m hiai ud et Il. 1'. l. 1us Fr rirethr lcr noriniinî, tLeiriu Cal «t the C-iîrier rWnnrei vIr'r ellurrirfb ldne n-.a r BRfYANT & SIIIATTON Briit hAunrîare Ariturant e Comîpany* INOELORATEI) u it ahAct rîfthe laTird lsesion tof thea inve1Itîia PnuaelocitilVairliu, nient. tf tjuarCh 11wdl'. - CAPIT/IL £100,000. Iratrraiiclmnfetcd c )n îdhtaena ltirail GEORGE CORMACK. L 'UMP111,11MJlIiCIYeN\', Carpaniter, and Juinur, rran tý"*. W 'V . A.linge;qutatu- iîy cf ail kiuudolt cfIlul bcr uitantlyv on bauid. U-N D E R T A K IN G. F 4.,tintia.ce l. ij epýqt ùcajýt'itIvUntyn ýW iati-sFe te'irrao I nl -ta 5 1 Mrit i, the :t t i- - ,fI i O 3ýi 4 -- sý Farm .for Sale. -h We r[nal{te f-u 1 ocas{iui t 3 lia!) - leunt eiuitity, aUlinuider t-flueht st afte e!tul vaiti e'. -- Foi-Terniss sud fen itie~ ulIîîrappîy, ( i by lettotoipOiiltuV Just Weights andmi easures! 11 IN ODER O CUNTEÂGTT Vîigar cf the Le. INODR OCUNEAT T7E BMOD BFFICTS 0F "POUR R OPS;'A.NDor IN S0ME MEASITRE IIELIEVE TIIOSE, WHO FEEII THE icjJd mnltnrge unid emil su ii i iuy a chiî Clt IIY 0 I"--D T TUEitIc] - ,THE artie l oi l ,ýS FTHIS tuAY LCNE RE UC D S GOO; R THE COUN' to sUlCli low prices as wilI enàble eves-y orie, with littie inoney, to obtain their littiai ncesarlurs for tihe wiuter, traNvil uts luixuric' fortfic comning luoiidays. lie will, tlcrftre, soli tîntil r fjrttioutice GOODMU-SOYAD SUGLIFROtL "d,.PER lb. THKE JEST NIEW CtTRRANT.3. AT 5d. PER lb. Ail kitie of tFruit, mie-h-as I>rtiie-,, J)aîun Lcirnon-, , tgtirwitlI al- kinuls ot Suta-mu I Spaie-, rt melu-er-ta(of'--ruacugi-uni suriropuiný,- haut Titll<uw CnaldIur,, tIltua fuir *. GuolPit-atriaii Bei in t 1ruP, L uc, ur 51haI Gruoo Vî-lltutuc d Goaîat Iroti, fon7i.I riuî fJups tr#ouai 7i-,'d(iuay i fTY -OF ONTARIO,. II uiaIerciigtteatara, flic AtitiotQcarF Wl, T U!,a turk'îu icuouîth ie pnescart 'Lnl irkYr-er Lnîy 7. J-iinr-r1 oliiM. Peueî W.PAXTON, Measuirca, uend Woouakn Wiv-eoe-e r rry ii9rriJritîi n uçir au T r iîl iînîr,:tlo '. r-trrri r's ie, r i, Thae Ch'icret r i SVitir-e F1 n y 1 itwil <in, fuii -%e--M 'tuu-h lX S T ( Til)ý,e lvlo r . sembe Vi, o (I. I MAIENE DEPARTMENT. '[Smtu uue r'iinribur iîu Irii:~irrufiîtnL e Ii,< -uni l, Ditriu, ai GîI ag) 4-'e mudliueu -.r ir ur If i ' -i n tr'i- i - - -r lrnt I.ei r T tr. tl luS n!t're tek ,m u 4" ui.,nu-iI-niuk i- r ir n h1 h a min r r - ' n-n- in',ti. i, y I «me rîr c iu'Or rauîtu luaur f linen'-umn lra î - - - i r-î- - 4 ii a --i2th,.iine tle n--i mln ilnîiiiietrtt 'auauia eruîtnf ie -n -e n -n < î.lî lit' r i - i --i eu -- ra f iri- rfntaCrrlr rftrîrvTrr nritmi sr e/irna t, ireo-t t-ne-I (if ' ]lii r- *) I iu -r rru iln-r- ulLe i ii-r reii na-ro eemiunumrf ai triir ertp frri- i ir~liI i; ;i -r nr - t-I- i-f - ii.lr înq' Iirrrmu- irirruir etuu~ n utii tileilI--h.ii i- -r ur eeirn i --I irttihi e r riu-~n- iirL -î rtrrtc Ilri arCrupiny ttir.L tirreu, ulri 1i en . l- i - î-iitrtci nhilr~î C Pr T _f irftieI &Ifi- O nr . J( )SE P1I 1 Il%,AIS IN R Oidn.ut, t~e.<ît OLuli ncuL.Pîi. ton. --, 1M anufacturer, '~h (~r' ;- r ýP 1.k, ~~e WtR1PEROOMS, IWIIIT11Y, C. W. ~eZv FOR - i <~ u l-iLt ia -e 7Viiitri iutualtI '-e rT-nt P ien ir er -in. (Jduar rnau «uie rie- tru T-rrr, Tnha.11,u I -enf ii1) (ltz,f or4uîtba!iu . i '.na- ciO iaam ~ -e -~ -r ran-- <i --w-- TTrmir' ut nippîonouuinid e tnce J1.1 jK.i~ 1siJ~J3'~i ~ ' i- nlieliiein l'iatîr,.rno-nt me.~c Z.ni4Éierce t ea iitînratthe ia iri îla t Fo ~1ea- -r at dvîîeoî Zh11~a-leiui. -ia- i inrîrmnt 1, 'ajuLiy s5c, bre WhokhaI aî~ Remui.- tie ut tIc npt. 5ti. li ie ete. 1V mai-rie uînr 11EV. %Vl. 491 SEL LIUN (T --i---- . ý 1

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