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Whitby Chronicle, 12 Mar 1863, p. 4

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prgWé ne the IDRY. 'romfIravb anns! 1515 tva nime BeYS Are conime rteDixils Lad ; Andod 1pan Tilcicer's nmade na matois WiIIS Nancy ilitheS tranid. goned 7New.;ftam Tinine afia ry Bia6ise Bab RîdTfeymsOfftn csr atowu, And taken O01J Dog lrsy. Yonner Villîkînq Mt LîvNeni Anslitrumi BeiWhite MidurI ilît; Alla Nolv B161v isas asncgisilier fot In eli oap.de l)ooden do. il Vt,' LeavingTh en lu t-orrnw, houle," Slihlild innurntslly .lluiCrow; Andi Artis' Lai le part repliad. IlTieans Iisa me Qlck rad o!" Etich ansiRtre warc thea fouis ue Wore, gn lie Wantesl lier lu 'Wel1 li'ln (Ver Yaaiz ta Matry Tît; But ehiear tp Sanm," ele ammd. 'Ani Vill 'sus Lovne iena,% nsNov Î ()<ilîtifial Star.",Wald hoa; SOnlly hAt vwisaisl'i Afnat.- Thon l'nii'i Ieaniumbar mie 1 Ili sailesi cwnv hi l aintatSlip, llutTlioahfrno e lahoVow'l,9 Whon ho axcs scelîma NellYivine. Ant Evenlng wath OeConneil. 1 foaud Mr. O'Coniteli exactly thse sort1 oa maunJbail picturosi ta myself. Thora %v ot muais, perisaps, in tuis, but ihi îivays somothinig ta ansver expectations. Fle vau tell, bulky but, rab-ast, animated, Iiie bead a littie snnÉ between bs hic lîders, iitis an air of strength andsi eniadnes- treiagtb everywhere sbrevdnese lu the quicla lance, ligistly indirect, altisaugh1 ont indicting dupicity; lie was neithar M eagant non vui gar, hieman lir a littia ora- lsarrassed, yet Ërus, vitis even a tinctureofa %uppressesiarrogance. Hi4 phliltusa te. verdi EÀngiasmen of condition;, vas mingi. - d alightly vitb humanity and prima; îk was apparent îisey heil once beau his mas- 'are, andi thaï. nov ho exeraised paver aven 'hin, onslldsubimttedto t liir noIe ansi he lied acceptesi their attentions. Ha vais 'Vidantly flatterail et biag inviteu Iotataet %ne. On our inroduction, 1 said.te -hlmn, -'Yon ans Ilsir, arc liera, twa a vidonces <f tise pregreas of justice ansi go senssi l*an a Catisolia, are a menihar of tise Eag- liaisRoueseof Coumous ;.,19a Protestant. lnitise Ambassador af France." Tiss mpning reniant: pleased i hm, andi doring ,linner va conversesi togetisar like Id snc- cIuaintances.-During tise morning, Mrs Ï~tanley lied hesitatesi about ami cvening Party ;nevertiselW acshale aidad for ik,1 aIns aften disne)r ý saw arrive Lard andi tesly Palmerston. tLorc1 Normanby, Lord Carendon, t he Ilim'isop cf Norwich, Lady- IV. Rassili ands sverai othiers. On ieavino' the dinnen table, a fit of social modesty AiessiMn, O'Connal.lie Ha ishesi te take Ie departure. i"Yen have counpaty."1 faid hle ta Mn. Stanley. IlYen but pray aemain, vo expeat yoù te do so.' «INo. ne, Imât go." Stay I elitreat ye." le etavesi vith visible satisfaction net un. iningied itvuspride." "'That, timon, le '%r. Q'Conneil? " saisi Lady W. Russell ta nes, vlo lied prohahiy neyer seen liu ho lore.-" Yes," 1 repliesi, "andi I came frein Paris'te tell ynje."0.1 ilYenîmua- zinesi, perhaps, val spent Or lives îh hlm VI 1. No, I ueo evideatly yen do Dot.,, AUl appearei glas! cf the opportanity ai meeting hlm-ansi maling theinselves agnea- able te hi,ansi ba seemesi oqnally pleas. * isisi seprefit hy hi. He speke mueli -, ho etuilad tise pregrees ai tensparanca lu Ire. land-,tise dmnkards vera disappeafing by 1 losanad-the teste for reguiar liabi4seamîd mocre refined inanuors asivances inl prepor- -tiona s inebriety recedesi. No eue express- cd the sligbtest denbt 1I mkes i hm whe- liber tbis -vu a mare pufl of pepular bu. -mer, onra lmitiag referai1 lHa repiiesi gravely. Il t viile st; va are a presor. vlag race, es aU are vIte have sufrerefi inueli.i He teck pleesure ln addressing baisait -te me-in aalliag me te 'witnesa this a poves!fortune iflis cotutry, aud ie per, %osna triumph.. I retinesitevards midiglit anud vas tise first tao go, laavipg Mr. O'Cn- uell murreundesi viti four Cabinet mnieitens * -and rive or six ladies cf s-ank, andi îbey ls. lenesi ta lia i viia 'Mixture uooeshat SCcvvasct-Tlie M. Y. Haerals! insinigea e eofllog ai oeaoattise Faderai (lenos-sîs, istier tle felloielu.g tesio :-Weo eî lîsas- ual Genas-al Freaoicat ulabe ap. Dointes to a commiandi or tisai Gea. Cas- s'slu M. Clay is te lave a commana, antd nov vaC ee i siatosi tînt Stantea ansi Uàllea'k ara te glve Clan. Tons Tinmail commtand!. Tie litile General ba s sîci itiateli a Unon ma-by liii match viti Xeiàs Warren ; t and hun a. 8týnton, Gea. Halleelc, andi Cln. Taom Thumnb mcnduct the vas- togetiser Wva sis.1 laveaa tries cf tise sitaliait militas-y men lu thse wcrlcl,-Coulsint Sacraesy Welles ia- cinsie Commnsooe Nuttitna Gis!eon's band!?Vi NOTICE. T[IF1 Truts,, of thse Congregation lu con- nee,(tion wiitlite Chorals of Setlesud, ii the. Towrnship of lackerng, Ceunty oettile Csîsîm C, W 'e, vii c p ypfi> e lismnent uai il nest sision for athority ta saelI the seuth Mtsfnf lot isa)r Tvelve Iu flic sttti 00000- sien of thse Tovsnshlp of Tlsesalulun tise Couinty of Ontnie, eontninumg one husndres ares. 8 AND THS 13RITISH -REVIEWS. .- SM'TT &CGo., New York, continue ta .L.*.puli ls Il the follewing loa'fi ng Poeri odicîs 1'nr LoNnoN IA'RcT(Cnevtv> TurEDiEmNtuRGu Reî-xEw (Whig). Tuir NonITO Brrrîsu RE'rrw (Frec Church) Tut W ESiTXiNsTER Ravtcw (Liberal). Dr.ÂCsWOODs EnîNBuîîr.u MAc.tziNclc(Tory) t rlhoprescuit. citieal atate of Iooeu ffttins 'nIll ren.ar thie epublications tuhlAtialiy iter- cstinig dtirg thée fortîscrnio %-Qar. Thcy will liiN ao n id&logrosîssd betwen thIlistiy wrlltri eu s w-ic%, rade tsycculati îsl sud flîsur ranons fthil daily Ohrflfthsu'dth0 icidorons Toi 0triaon o fthc future !isetara0 rit- tell afts'r tho living lîtoeet ni) ,ctcueu c the rii ltalrtsoflise tinl IsI IsIl have pltt*tet wav is teIl le 0tie Vc Priotieials ilîfi rred rittmet look for the offly realliy îtellig- bic and rolliable limtory of cîrreii ennli, mmd am suh lî,s i(ijoit to their eiùslhe literarv, ecicittifle, and theolorlcil character, we urèretisein upon theo snids'rstion of t.t. roaslssg publie, EARLY COPIE$. The rnveipt of PîcerEsfron thn Br! tiîth i îslms'rs sdvcs îdditioinl Ville tO thsie Rleprint, iiinstiis es tlisy can now bc placed în th ise honda f sileribers aboutas seuil, as tihe oSriiil editione. TEIMS Plr. ANNUM. For ssuy elle of thefontr leniews . $ # 9n For 811Ï two or tise fotr lzcvicwî4...... 0 For uni threceoftise fnsor Itviews ...... 0 For ail i'fr of the Jteviewm .......... .. 8où For Blackewsod', Nt!sta2sî4se ............ 3 G0 Fr lllkwootiaand ooe Iltview ....... Fr Bllekwool send Iwo Ileviees, ... 70 For Iliîic-wood ssssd ssrec RItvicws. ý.. P (0 Fur iscwood and-tIsa four Rcývew ... 10 GO 3Isuemy Crrontîth fe ,;Iam ,eere imeîed Vitin k Adî.csunt of 23per cent. from the chove prier wffll tic slo wed o lubs orderiug four or inore col4sof'uy aile or torte nitishe ahove works%. TIssoA : Four copies ofe Blarksrocs, or of une 'l45ietw, wili hu seiit tuorle0 asllress for #15: folir e.ps of the font cvicws and lalck- wood fù1o 80; 111)(1s10on. IPOSTAG E. ('sssss.tmsssMiil mlosribors ssspplicd froc of N. Il-The pîrec lit Gremt lritaiu of iliIse I'frolîcls mmrm issnaia-s$81 plron iOf. ;~Rmsuttais.e~lsostlaiys bc addresed to, the Jubliastrs. LEQNAIID SCOTTI & CO., W N. 54 Gold St.,, Nqw York, Whitby Browery. T IIE 'Subac*ribere are now. proparaml te fuir iah the patrons of the WI.thy Prcwery witis an excelent article iu auch qucîstitics un mua) hc rcqicd, and an tarns te ituit pur. chgmnr*. 13otOed l ae eq1ual tothe lmported article. CLARlK & W 0011W JD. Whmlthy' Nov. lth, 159. 6844w. PIRqT PP.IZE. - Imp)roved Farm te Lot. T 0 LET for a teors ff isc or meven ycarif, that splendid fari of tuie oudergigooed, ekluats on Quaker Til]i,, near UXBRIDGE VILLAGE, cntaimmng 100 aores-ol1 aleared ausi well feue- ed. The heildioiga are of the very haitt1spm- cription for farrn pulrposbé8; 0e10 0ethtebhast npplicd gardeum ili tise Couuty la on thse pro- mimes, aaits nfcuituorehardeleuteluing upwerdm of threesacres. Andutegtîser ime farta ofForm one of tlisehest absuce te asolyonit tenant ta o 1usd filuthe Cenuîiy. One half ycaru roui yul ho rýqiresi te hacpld dovo inlu ai- veuca. Tisera atre a'res-ady V; cres ef ploughiog doua. tW'Fur Lifilur pmstieular, cpply te GEO. SMITI{, or t t0se "Clsroilee tico on the .Uxbist..q P.eýxbilc ROCK 011.4AGENCYS TIl F, uliacrîher oflars for Rela, by thme harrel, T sp srlo sige, u O mufctu uprices. WM. DONALDSON. J is el.aeiveil, and an Sale, 50 BAGS LIVERPOOL SA.LT. -WM. DOINALDSON, llrmckStrect, North Wiard. WAD Ie71821. 49s JEWELERY, IN TUGE LÂTItST STYLES JA'MES JOIINSTON, Wittesusssskar rsud Jewolier, 13rock Street, n'lsltly. Oct. h 11 2. 40 Tallera, Shoemakers, Carniage Builders, Dress Makers, aud Heaa of 'amiiies Goerally. mil e ANA & co.'a.scwliz Muline <Iace i ittynl s-stise large Is's4ortmct of Fatmlly aud !sitnuufsseturimsg '%VU it i itproveai us uini i w pricas. Agent for Ço'.uty Ustsioç. Mecs29, 1862. i ~STOVES!! SEWING MACHINESI IXRTh ER WAIZERIS CO1tIIINATION Presssiuu Sewi ug Machines Tl'IlE ONLY l>iIZE asusres-dadfus- Fssily Lseuiugssislnee 'mmý5 v tho Jyttge ntmtliii Protvinclil xîiitioni, isumiin l andonl, lie pt. 21un, sISh, 26tn &nit t7th, was givean t R. I. Wssîitcr & Co'si Tlmay alec ictoitthe frst priza fer Faînily .l(avtiug lahineR vith IR. UM W.zer u& Cosa. Cnouhiibmatic-s, et tIse lrcvincial Fais- isolsi t Torwitto, Sept. 22, 28, 24,1 2$ sud t6, 18U, sud aise firmt prsze ires waaes!teir Sisiger fer uummnnistolry. - Thie Firat Extra Prime vua icagi ven for Nos. l ansi 2 Singe'e Msiifsmtus-îug Risesnes. PrImes nfaaim1lrehe:aator vore aleoasardasi tVenyer' & Ceols Fausilv e*Se m acine asîi Wanaer & Oe.'us Siuer's mMeiineis ovar al ethrs, bylî Boardl o! Arts andI Msmnufios- tores,a tsM16rîuiem. Inîstituts, Tenanite. Tisoy aise took Yuart Extra Psizes nt te 5cm-ral Ceumty Agicuitural Fsr-a aO ton, Paltat t.hms eumvîfle, Wliit- by, Cons-rg, Ilevuvlie; in. tact,eery pisses visas- thsv -have bean exhibiteel. LisW' Waumes- A Ce.'Consioatlou andi Wamsr & Co.'% inger, Erftl aaly Machiiines htia er mare matfaetued in tise Unitei Sttaos- Causda. R. M4. Waumer & Co,, have stuaaeades inlu uîi- tiniathe usostyaliîueble propoertues of the Wls.oI- on & Wiloin adi SinzenKMchines, aussi sernov- if;s these points viii es-e not degirsihle iluEa Éirst (lise doteso ast'ele, hy addlaj saune usui inventions (for wlich tlaey have eeurcd a Isatemt i t Cdal lsavi; saeoeeased ln predustlmg a perfet Sowîugz Macihine, wiio being simiple iiis is pineiplea hanealily endep-siood, sequirsng es tissn u anesdhsary aaceunticf ekill ia ita oporation. [iiie acaurato cenetazetion edr itl tile liable te gsi eut of nopals-, ans itli eesi ly edjastotl. TIse publieCii exaniniation, miiil l'e convinecti of !L4 e avnges oves-&Ili ethere uev la ase.Evn a4msusl vaa i- zen & Ce's. Cemblatea Yansly Machine. AI](lenuinie WatnrAr & (e'Svn Machineg hesr thie etemnîofU.et lb MiWanzr & C., Ramit- tan, ca the Plate. 1$ J0U&ES H. GERMIE. i Agent, -Wh iby. liF L1tGlItrIST 'STOCK ANDI GPIEATFq'T T Vasici-lu S-e?%, Stve- îsrti~re. 'in- vana oSto. se h oa t lte StorecDi tise to;em )f avery style sud qitalitv ans!Ptai li Ps-oa.ý. sfse0poplai- 00w pattern it-ove bisa han ita lasos!amouggt ethor s-aietiem' T7IE KINGO0F 87TOFES, MRON DUKE, GRAND TRUNK, pRJNOE ALBERT, DA V YOUKE', PROTEOT1ONIST, 4 17,ui an Se. JOHN 1BRYANI 45$ l3ock(-et., Witby. Oisawa êdvertisemeutg. WILLIAM TEMPESTe M. Y7- N1G, 0S T EE T, 08IAW A, CANADA M'est. 17 F. LAMBERT. T ALOlB and! 1RAI'ER-lllng St. Oshawa. Tittcsmante inside te ondar lu tis ehat stylo and fsiob. 47 8. B. FAIRBANKS*- ýSOLICITOR, 'NOTAUT PUBLIC, &c. &c. -0 Gaua, C. W'. JOHN McGILL, L CENSED AITCTIONXF'R& FOR CANADA LWemst, effare lus, services te the lnhabi tantA of Ontariefusul Durhsam Couttes, te e tend Salas hy Auction Haielielsi Fîroitune, Maeandize aans! thar cfoois, aie ressenahie commission.Il OssImau. Aiuten'.t 1950' INSURANCE & GENERAI AGENT TIJE SUBSCRIBER IS PREI>AUED TO Pis-ea Liftland Mar-ine anusaece RiBske 1t reesonahie rates, an&! is the Most reýspousi île cempanles. - E. E.SUKÂE Oshsawa, J uly 2, 1881-. -25 C. N. VARS. ~pRACTICÂL Deutiet, 0obsaa. f*p Dental Reo0nss, dinectly e)ppo- site tise Pott Ofiiio.-Entrancaen SismooBiaisai, ilird deor nertis cf tise Ontario Blank. - -- 47 I _____________________ ESTABISEIM Incorporated by Act 0o! Capital One Milon Ixuvestod lu Canada .0A N A D 4p00 HIEAD OFFICE MONTREAL- A. Davldsoa Parka,,scoarlY. R ATE. F 1'ilsflStm'iy irte aîîd fls ilî bons- fasoralle coupteil Wiitt*hu mdteihi- othor cenie lgal adsComun- dtom cl egýisîtion' -nimiîiy tl lil>enml- As-mnrmscess etrfeeted mmi otimer blliumieeItraits- ectiomi comducted oitisout rtferisieca u o, si )sud JOHN AGNEW, Ageunt, WiItby 'i.Viitiiy, Asîgimt 6, 1111. 8- The Colobrated Gorinan 011 f (1 UltiS enta tirmi-a . fr timtiri, rusmnimig It i the itrejstlct remssdy Ilunostes for lmmm.limsg ailnd imoditr n es- atidamsret, inita> i, i icsso -fisc rce, isseil mfeitile tos- rolie.'.isic iorses andi <'mttle sIsfforiisg trou: -paiss. Fromo ttrosl-sutd4 oitesthmliil msl;1.0te s sfllessy of tlsiisslvlllami li u-4y, ftisefoliose- ina' havl en sitelectesit 611 lia'eiisemi veur oih lm tix >,casr, and mon mitipffcd thui t it l lîeqssaiiftl foinîg t-quial, i> g et iniiexlte Muis1 nlsssisst.'5 To A.lCôtii.sl 1liclseriisg, Fecb. 12i, 1861-. ,,lu justice *0 Noms, cîsml-19 a duty i1aire tIse Ismblir, 1 tlhik h àrsist to riecsînsoelmd vont cell,eusOs l es-sfttsi Ou. Mv lîie -gis-i gorittsm-- s'es-l yscalmii'l a0 uuch Ms-cm bt hler nm-amves-y ws-x îTitýii itl mmt l'y tise tiîlly c pplicatmoo of yor ail $ais l ucs nisltseil e re'I. M-tT1CE5 S¶ALLO~sJr. ickerngia.January 1, 186i. Bien ,ms.-l5i ~ tiCctnyou, nisi tlis i imsi lic is goutesml. I1lîsiiz it igiimn recousmmenim i-aur celeissated Germai (l, for tise <urss of 'culs, bis-mi-, f rnst iite#, &c, Ile ,'tquasly etihîsm- rieslis visetises- aiplidt-O sisals or bisaI. I'iolep-ing, YelR.-1100v 1562 IIit Stin.-'lun ismtice to y m nu, e-Vgsaciiily I 1mr nie i5lO tlsiîk it riclit Cii s-mm-' su sieîiyaslis-coliihrate "il t'erissm (51, fin hCiiotire o! flostte itCSm <'utiisng, IIaeissDl'cmi i ores of loup staîmdimsg- DANIEL IIOOVEri. 1 is-flmed trou in msi IArunsims eus-e for tlis yens-s iitl'snt in ternm54kissO1iW:ic,4sîmItimitsd to trv your eeielmnsted oil, and am ii oms'omlimti ij cues." J AMS E t'TSC1i ItONS. One of thea first isedicsul Imens un tise(,*oumtl W rites:ý *OUI, juittlv tsetbrateà Gis-mass (>ll demesves to a CXo5Vii: 1- îi s i ms-lsvO i Ile«qisfs- tim) ilîlii- linl. 1 I isave uses-t tini tise cuo- uls.. brul- mic, frosm.t bites, &0., amissel elaton55orcies i'sgl st0n41iag - tihec nover falied to eflsct a cure.", To ho lied st ail Drsîurs-icCa, ii e lt tise psnu- cipal plersef Ir si-ià%ivisle inoVipc. 6. O f FFCEcs I Britkill & Ameflcan Express Co. Montreai Oeean Stmaishilp Co and Glasgow Line SsIamers. Itemne'ed eoetsieur Sentis aitshi ecistry Of- fie ROBERT E-.IM'EL - e- i t. A.s-fcaet CAWcBELL'S OMNý%IBUS Whs yApi 28, *f12.15f OaIy 40 ceaie par Galioin at 16 GEORGE YULEIS. KERZOSET~E OIL! PENNSYVANIAOIL i 1 AMPS, (JHIMtN EYS &o. At Reducau Ps-tees Fer Cash. 16 GEORGE YULE. . V PIÂfiOS FOR SALE, EVItRs'L irmt-rate, latet imi)reveusent,, ; - Si venaltnong 11900gs. mad isst hîltmshsi,1"for tîselsuhie mr, F01R hL.E "vo1ev owfor Oasis, ')r approeo!Papies-, ai longrsgulort dates. J. V. HIAMS. wisitbyý Dec., 1f6.48-tf. FURNITURE! Di)VISIO-NCOuRTS.- No. 1, Wlith.... ............. mas-eh 2 No. 2,Pickeu{ug------------------" 8 NeY. 8liuch ............. --- No. 4, Uxbnsdgc---------------.... NO. 5, Brock------------------------ No. 6, Bea'ierton---------------- . UENAM, T4E: 13UFFALO MERCANTILE COLLEGE, MAIN& SENECA STREETS, leA anuismportant liîilr ils limeceticlnlunf Na- tiontai Mûeanttl e ls'gcs, luctedînimitIe,- foîloiig cilica, m-z: TOROttNTO, C. W. NEW YOR<K. i'ILADELPhIIA, IWmO KLY N, - ÀIBANY, TROY I, CLIOVEI5AND, DemTISOIT, 'CîIc'AGO, AND) ST. LOIIIIi. A Schoiaralulp asasies tramCeth usla- le College5 cîsltitlos flisc imrlmer iu ettesml tis- mn s-mn ail thse sslpmfmilsaniîslisssted limie. .Tise Design of thceci Iutttutfens, lA ta finpat nt Ci outgmîymou sîma ml is- atlsro!igk, p-raicl bimieies essufos Thesie Cciiegs l ms-ais-mir'lansci cou- -ll<f ups-tel i i h mis m w-isicisims51 ctcura to" ciels s4ephrsîte I mmattilhsssti bs-sm-C îsî iitilssihtiom f'sn msomniiicg sv tissrois ils Cmlsimrihîciuliou Andi rismîeIr it suams-ht-ile, tf is ms tcomsrcime aivet issis csssilletsî ysimit hlmis cosstr. Boeokk-epînia :lits- depamsmnmemt'sq mu msmreisl 1Lmw, tonss &csm rtitillfltie sand i'î-î lmîsîimiiii,srf' tasîghti h thisis isist tboi-istili andse lrnti'uzl smaîsmss. The Speace-en S 16755m or î'enman- Aiip, letlissîplil ty csmnctcls tcii-dtçeimem Seholar#;iip, I)nylll - imlivitlicsce. tJO. coliege opeis lssay ssst veil ;sov.ss-ioUi itesisî cot 8'imcipas a'l JiiIlss.l J. C. BitTA"eT &Il. P 1.1ittsý. Fsr firtlmerniniuiumtiumi, .issuý -o ail inl ('s'licgc wlisms'ms osr sm-msi ims siisssi îujCm BP5YANT & STRTIXTON 1imifrâii, N. Y'. British Aierlea Arsirsint e CômpauYa I 1600PORATED s)iiiîlms- n et ttlIse'ilird sessieus o!thmie Icm-csutimProvinciall'enlies nient efiippocesmil)da. CAPITAL £100,000. iraîtranec trccted onu llti!sliups-s ans-Ithe Ir caîstesu. ver>- inforsastionss sîiplied enap- plientiomi tothe smîderiired. NMarine Riîche fornthse 1;isiftnr fs-Pnt. - JOHN AGNFEW. '!ras aliusis Agenlt, livrmîs Srcet, Wlitisj GEORGE CORMAOK. L UNIETq MERCANT. Carpoter. and Joiner. Grecen St. Wlitloy. Akilarge qumia- tiiy of udl kindi4 of luubeîeon-tutly on heurt. U N IDEIR T AIC I N Gx. F UNERIJI; fulv 1sprolil dansI îtew(etl ai sihul tussilea. ('ssffiiuo kei oustauily on lianel. grA Ilears ta lire onuhi)lerti trm-. Pa.rm for Sale. T 1 ront AD acrei(hant o55 lonrel ohcen'thssalfoflot No U8in li lc Sth Ci. of the toeuslmlp cof iWLmtly. Treis a gond loanad haro o011tise prolism- ce as u.d orchard and ourtien. Thora i veil et te hotuset., ssd sin»1gs ýtlirough tthe fin for wsterung catlc. Tis sTand as 0f excel- lotît qomlity, andl undler the bc*st to jof ciili ForToertas msud forticr pmticulsirm apply,<(if by latter post pald) ts Brocoli M 0. or to JIEV. WILLUAM BENSON 49 SpAnta, markbasnmr> P Just >Weiglitsawd ýNeasures! vRATv -T Virea,.of tisa est sua1i IN ORDER TO COUNTERÂLCT THE BAD EFFEOTS O' "POOR CROPS-," AND (lt BoL IN Sç0M B M A SU RE R E LEV E T HO SE W HIO FEE L TH E o d in lsr!e usîsd on di qîsu Ilîîd nstail. sy acs ep ai CRY 0F '41I/Ri)TUIlE,"'THE -tiole,-mh artielj fenrid îsy tise bcd evc i rro em l ut îs i l r MICHIAEL lei à X Aý Vhxtllhy, .Jly 9, 1861. >IJAS TITIS IAY n'a 1. LICKNSBD AUCT R E.DU CE D nS GOODM; to~~~~~~~~~~~~ FOR owprcsTHEril îabo VC'U010 wthliteo(yt obtain tlscir litho iclieèsti"ninfor the smiiter, t las si isiriesi for tIsa consing tlsoiilaym., Hie vili; thereorc, salliiutil furtlscr notice GOOD-IIJSCOYA-DO SUTGAL, FRON 5d. FER 1b. THE BESI NEW CURItNTS. AT bd. ]PER lb.,- Ail kins o t Fruit,simcli as mPnsîs, Datca, 1< smonq, &c., tagetior with all kinds of Sausces antI Spices, i roeur râtes. Csfi-ratmgreens oiel graîsîel.-ý Ferri' calcbrmitesl Dansiclian C offemi. Ceano andI Chlnte ati tsiper tlilmssrnto pii Dest Tallows Canties, Otho ['or $1. Goomi -Paten-t Islls,1lIdi. Best No.I 1Ninmsp, 1Imrm hors sr$1. - <ssms qi Wsliisnnul-s, ti. Good Droome, froua 7,1,d. iou-Msps rsîmu 7,1-d (msiiuziily imisi) Mensures, and, Wooden Wmréolcd very dlisciîtiaîm, clsmapcr tiuaîsTaranteohlcti pitrc. lctord-4 rfni 7,14i. hies- of n' s11 imse. iTlie lscms 'mlcsof 'niekey iîsîm Gl.neissrsrc i intm e-c1 mty. -Psu'ri sîs-l immm cT'- m j"' i'- st t. so- -, 15-m,1sr 'lcm lc. f'Iits sii 'risiito Tes 1,-le, i! -lor- ims ssis 42sGi s r -' - ;i i ;;iss ' i t~si a i rricly (tsf.zisipmosii stmsissi", 5rose 2. - ;4t-s ;1ss'.s- sl te,'ini-sfs-os -il p '- r -o. Thea Chisam'st-Bransîls Wi'min truusi'm,, iisn in, flsI'm.so'.aîrgssi lissm s'and 1iTm siciIort-cr ii-i 4Aie, bpg tmîîiosmirs~s . 1mr oUsit oimeasr ttîsmmn asy '1'l7m-s ho rcnsmbm-r tue slclim:lasss flivior afil tlîs Taîdmn, Dmlin, and Glis-goi ltlnekai tir-s-mss 'fs-rsi, ulsls-'so's lsm i m i s lis' <m! : is 't-ro mt rri'm's fs-sun 20.c. Imite moii sftsP~- L'51--is- 5 ssm ls-'i lir1srs's---oi sisy mmm'Il "e-ss.nwl s II immir-r thsi-snm eree tmP imtsKilo tu olse issisue oîl os1mll 55 1Mîm tprsm o ' lsmim tie-r rsî s is l ' tise llii'-m ' ioIs mii lt e bsk fit Iis îwmmm-pss ii mlres iyOmi- 55 'sh'- i lmdlit uis-st !itor I1i-sls e srlim-s tmlstsy -m>llsosligklit mcclv slsid&bit nttlismm %,,c,.l r,ý -Alange loi, of Bomîls-amnI hSi ntos lms os-orimis,.tiprscs. (lmilrî's o-lr frmîmss 510 ' s-r iir. elo'misfrmsmss 0(01*, î 'r lsir. lt- es' ),Ssfrmm *m i d ss Mmm L nI4 ismls $2u m . r rs' l i if ssii fimidcle tah i c--) I - 0 ut Mss m-k umt ii -- - e lsj i ti ssld s ev ino55vy. Jliti, 5D Isis m iflisp ii A sssoil-sic m s:n'r i l -THMAS MTJCAII Y ,Ç~m f fi. ldq 7e p à - i s) r Kl. sm'g sPSiiesmInS t.'i, PO 4im/Oi FOR OIIRIST-IIIIAS& iNE WY EAII'S AT -A LARGE STOCK OF GENERAL GROOBýRIES, W "INES & LIQUOI3$ For sale aît a. smali advanoe on WholcssîtleI>rices. * - LOWES &POWELL. ~ OYTEfSq OBSERSANI) SARDINES, Wholeiuale anad itetail. LOWVES &POWELL. TIONEER,, OFP ONTARIO. 1-- ssji fr ?ýsmis tntie Ascfnncum ib Mem iuiccsum Jlueîp s Ie rset 4, ~ ~ ~ W -isruX--OVmotsi-lit.kcie q.1 r lj IlsCon 1. 1 fi.~~~~ ~~~ 'ltsr SmimgIsscm I lnssck. 1J1rrdv 1'. A1 N, E. Z 11 111 1- Isu m1, ' :irvslu, es f, , t l ime Wl aoî-s mm s- r1!toiil c fpisss 11-mpmls1î- . it!tiirimlslordsiii 27 t~~l'mrit Wir-il s 11, p z4il* Ill~ e 'o ilmi l uezir i l'll md.ism îests Csse Tho mm '555, i, s~ 7nm ~' iscîm e n i nc lieil mmm msts m i l ress em mrnmir t 1mr rîiimiIs nl u m iv ll ita. l d-ssi r , m Ii i 'l i s.1m--is F l imimir fi- t teim smpmrhl1 qssslty0fIsn 'iî,S-F i R A, 'îIN-iiER. et f5 il LOWFJS &POWEML. Dcolhlser, 1862 Nos. 1 sn .MclesusBloc-, Itc-twhuîbv.I ont le.u za~ - ~mu r ns is îv , i ii TO THE INHAJ - m porne oens aeked rames Foxr passage it siecîf viii r; ieclear- 1 WA N E, E S.

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