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Whitby Chronicle, 19 Mar 1863, p. 2

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Lit -~ F. Dellen. Waisd'-A Pure Devon Bult. 8owing <oleNtc-Js f er Pape! lngis-.Jas. [l. Gerrie. Coal 0Oitsud Lampa-jas.[i. Gari.. Farra for Sale by 4,uction-Samsuel H. ~Ilebimod uot Taken-S. Ilotelier Bros., GreatucWo Sal-N. loreliar. WhiLby Grammar Sebool-8. f. Coch. Xle to Lst--ThomasCaesn Hunses for Sal-A. Log au. Oats for Sale-A. Logan. PaslteWned Sheriif's Sale oraad-Nlu St- Àtdrew's 0Church Pews and Sittinýp. Atljourned Court of Quarter.. Sissins-1T. 'T. lfconell. h)ell Let-Jas. Crocker. Wity TrsrSky, Marci 19, 1863. ONY OME DOLLAR A YEAR tTish ae n -iaue nssstency ' seimus ,ipugnord b>'te Garzell e. Tis eciltor ofthtie eazelle mat-nul>' mak-t-itassetions. Lot.h7lm -descend tu fâcls aidA e -bath1 rai-el omit ut -unr va>' ta aims-en huîn, Untit ho diest ibis, a-e viliecamefal ta spara aur rewa-trs tise inflictlin ot a nea-spr coîitnovem-sy. Otie ihin tise aditor oftth ise"eaassÇCLE-" v'ii nt dc hu,la-nul roes-rt tiste Lia- of ptlt Nliia taashiag su assai' brairîs sion vi'.! begahisie a-Pis ever>' M11hgantIer. Buth is Iise, adopîtd reselutiemis ui Wetim-deyte mdjînu ru ta e9th out )pril --tsna u eple. lthe Leader ssyes* " Tbis vii t-sable nmbe-rs lu gî-t lion -duriin-Ptisa boliiatys, as-tbatk agiilwith- -ouat a>' partit-alan bum-y. Tisanew'va guod deal of opposililn asutis a ujostrn- memrit; b'n,) utreis's-, iiuiuuoi, that iL wans ha- lileditsà vote blit- be-n talem,lise motion Iu sijonre w'vnt ai-abm-tn huit. M ho iLqotul'? f - [iston>' is a pearl ut inîii'e prite.- - Even>' un10'vitIs àsoul utpueciates lils vu-hue. 1 A coche uîce fousnul-a jea- -l a sitiigili; *timim-e-iil, gaz-ch et t . antI prefertîn as grain ut corn ta t. Cuo-us r/St, but vu - r>' naturel. Nov talloving tht-se conclu.n aiong, w'vo me lu tise le-iire qustion - are tisa presusut Mfiiem-s.tise men fon the p situation ? Il trutli sgiamontd, or a iece ut brigisI, bol bittle glass. Âne varie P type-s ut mir simcare ilinaglits, or shame tu - oct-ai n'igc ovr uer rt-ah mma-m-lîn-'? uheynamsd, (a huîsp ut a rogue,) detclanoti iL laîgumaie vwas iuvemîîed 10 cooeee lr- m- sugbits. Huwa sauer theisamt, - le-y, rIT ugaîl & Co., whehaIsviug sa-ornu aar- a tieribiip lu Rap. b>' Pop, sudtoLuno auge us rejaideouer Sehools, filtfsil, eig ius pua-en), svall'sv thein suite-cedit8 tidasumue an imnncenuspect wvIilsot ds. nuinglIse ouI>' pinaciphea ihafcashl ýv entithai tht-m tu- huit the position, u 'îili, deupie ut their siena, ise>' ýv bat-n tîtrut ? W.e pausa ný on ebeir reply-Ad ifsriet, ut-bh as va once duputadtl -tie iit>'(of e pans>'.) va are, lu commun ýisaneuty, andtL admit, tht-t tis als, peseeramîce, t trutisithles, vith wviicIs Geo. Brown, ith indiviilually, ani ihino' tise meutasou s Glot-Smbattît-i for Represontation lu> iplation, aiesit ld selata Our acîatiaial anangemtutu. ultocmanil, ch. c y an encive aur entira approbation. î>,vo go furtlier, ant i naiti'irti ên- . eu-riestes, - hatifutu-ede lia, a dis pticu of tise ninin btta-ea Uppen andI twr Canada muettatsu. France ocrer 1, and nover cualtibhaut BriteLt-nor tise se oftBritais-and ta imagInle for one taîst that a conqueret race, perrutai -' cirusre eeingu, tu e.ci htf guaga sud ptlviheges, shah daminleus- un tiseirnuett1ror,, ie su mensttous a îi5i, tisaI il agendere an>' annuant -of iter. To this conclusion iL uet came latt-jtniton meaut t>. mater-on a il4ion muet ensue. Luvçr Canada anti uuu-prugneesivenese nWtevm-iýgge on.as mt t1ry aty i>-Vpper Canada yull take sti cave of tlui, snd lot alune lu aet Il spnead Lta'1tise nantIs-a-est tu Van- uvor and rapily bulit up vIsat unouter- sing Franceu ats eti. Bagleud il -hoit ahifax anti Quéec. Tise St. La-rauce, e will usake a fnec hîgh.9ey. Nu tulle, e eqnal onîha>' tor Light liones, andI coumiSsin)-tbe prfeat )mmis8iousu-WihI asil>'set- e-soaie solution Lu tthe q-e!>' T" t aeelsedificoît, but eau asake toaghs places Igt*1gtiele Û1>1Wtu Witbr. viii dwel vItprile spen tbe progrls t Saint Patrcla ywa cle-adintheir uation, and ils institutions ; viii ne 1)ayvascelaratti lhewilderueu rejoice, andi blosOan5 Wbitby th-8 year, with more than ISsua1 the rose,"-unti make every adysue edati hy the sonso o the Sbam rock. Ou lu material prosperity, and ail thinge Tue sday evening, nome 'seveul>' gentlemen that constitutfi asatîon*s h-ppines.- 'vote se ateActo dinner at the Royal flotel. Andi believe ne' gentlemen, concluded The chair w.-9ocuie y h Pbidn, h chairmali, that no inter waY to G. 1. Datuei, b Preiden, vake our children gond Canadienne US&- G. Il Dart eslq.; Rt. 3. Wilson, Esq., fui memberx of sueiely, attaehed to. nd Vice-President, filedthetu Vice-Chair.- proud uft ieir country, id to show that Amnorget the guule present, ve lnoticeti on theit- fathey-a bave ra-ison never 1ta torget, tha riiçht ufthtIe President, 1ev. Mr. Malc the dear,old land of their birth.- (Great lenran, sud on bis left, eo. McGllvray, aa-"St atic.Da. Esýq., Vice-Prasident of tia Saint Andîew's 1fr. Wil Sn va o ive s. ta repoue 8Gýiety, and John Shiar,BEaq, Presidaut outasud trm his 'velil- nowu aloquenra. the the CountyAgricultural Soeiet y of South speech uf the evening 'vas axpectet.- Ontario. Surrouading the. Vice.Chairman Thron.gh no-ne inadvertenee, bowever, tbe verea hst t einau me, adinbscompany 'vere disappointed from bhtaring Iret a astof raîeul me, Adinbishlm, the naxt toast on the lis% baving been immaediate neighbnrhond 'va observeti Capt premaînraly. proposed'outhe lb. "iatar Sa- Woodward, i-f the Vollunteer lnfantry, uon cipetis." bis rlla. andi Capt. Wallace, of dhe Whit- Mfr. McGllivrar. Vièe P residlent of the 'y 1ligbhland Rifles, on bis latt. Amongst St. An drew's Socieêtv. respondati. the gent-rai oompany, 'va oserve.1 R. J. Dr. ýGuntn 'vs called npon for a res panse, which hao.-gave in very eloquent Gunn, Rcq., nt.,Mayor, Dr. Ha9twood, Dr. terme on ba1Ulf ufthlb. St. Andraw's Se- Clarke, J. 7. Hain, Eîq., W. H. Billingg, ciely, and in an exceedingly happy manner Esq,. JoIn Agncw, Esq., &0. cuntrasted the Scotch and Irish claracter, Ta cecinence with tha dinncr itsaIt, it shawing the peculiarities of each, and the was one ut the et if net the vr et good rt-suti of an amalgamation. The ,W vr okpacest, hîb Teytabt, worthy doctor alsa madIe reference ta tbe thaeva tolrplae iWhiby Th îa4ehislory of bnîh counitries, sbening the-re-i 'vas moit bonntifully suppliad, and witb, semblanca of bathin their obysical featvres,1 everything that 'the sessnon uft he year andI concluded bycongratulaaing frishmen, aworded. TIse dining reunwS 'plandirlly on weil asl bis awn conutrytuen, upon thcir ipeoratei-03 gs, q ou o, andI any amoont 13nd"lAuîd TAnx yeg l u'bnighl dplydpoth'al. The next toast 'vas givan from, the "?E'rin go bragh," and "ica--i mille failte" Vice chair. LIt was-' 'canada the laud ut fligured eensipicoumly,. our adoptilon. Aten. the remord uof the clots, the- 1fMr. Wilson, in proposin!z the toast ra- ta somne most important business of the fre utewr.erens tIîb men, *eid ha was proud oftheb.oltI land as e'rning commenced, in dia way utfspeech- dia descendant of an. Irishman ; but ha mlkng also tho ught that Trialimen bail reason tue Thse President gave '-Thea Queca- ha proud. ofand gratetul ta the landi 'viich reinarkiîng that atter thse great affliction snpplied tians 'itis a home and a country. wldich befel HTer. Majesty, the lasî iSt. Hae called upon tIs aRevorent Mr. Maclan-f Patr-icls'g Day 'vas tnt ezjoyed with tihat oaa for a response. f zest wbich it should bave been. But tisis Rey. 1Mr. Ma-ienn <'vio labaxetI un- year saw anothar ink ut hppiness telin der inidisposition -she effl"cts utfeasevera ils place, in the mariare ut Ris Royal coltI) matIe a n>ost 'iloquenl speech-in ne.j Uibocas, tha Prince of Wales, upon viso&e ply. Wa are unabia ta produce it etA iîuptiais bc (the chainman) eîttrelated tisa lenïrth, anti unlces 'va dîd su it vould net blessing ef Goil: ha doing propar justice ta tIsa reverd Captain Woodward reiolered "Cthe na.-gentleman. It 'vas une ofthetIsa ut elo-, tional anthem"ý veiy effectively. Mue- quent perurations 'va ever hearil and elic i., "tGod Save thse Queon." e_ ted cheers froînail preuaî.t* t "Tise Priince aînd ?rincess ut Weies, Rland-" Tisa Canadian Boattnarl." a and te rest ot tihe Royal tarail>," %vas tisa 4"Tise Mayor and Corporation ut Whit- r ut-rt toast given fron tIsa chair, and 'va by'v as tIse naxt toast. ltesponded tu bya drank 'vit ail dia boneurs. Caplain Wallate, anil Mn. Councilmanen Banîd-" Flas&.à to thse Weudin." Cemupbell. g In propusing tise toast diae chairmoan The toast ufthdia ench alnd bar hrougbt hi ,gav-e expression to a- happy sentiment inont Dr. Ham, 'vho in haIt an houris really tl rrecning lu tha eventt ut tha marniage. ut excellant speech kept the compan>' ln great a( RisÎ Royal HÎghneu, sbewing that--tbo good hîsmor. niigl't oftnunnig 'as succaeded by a Thea lanking andi Commercial inter. nurtîing ut joy" t-usts"ve fre-ltting,,ly respondeti ta by ifr. ar The toast ut "tishe Xrmy antI N--Zy" 'vas Crombia, 1Mr. Beckett antI Mr. Morgan. utf next proposeil-iho - President remarking the Muintreel l3ank. Isy Mn. Robantx, Mr-. de tipun tise necessily. uft uDaty," andtI iuutunc- Ciinipbeil, Mu-r. La'vder, Mfr. MeMilla, and ta ,n thn great thing3 that hava been accora- otberh., plisised hy adherence ta iL. bMn. Shiêr, President oftheia County w, Captains 'Wallace anti Wooftivarti ras- Agriculînral ?ociety. hMn. McGillivray, andidn ponded. Tbe latter -gentlemen lu very Mr. Azne'v. replied < IolIse toaut -o ,, reic*.tous terms.e. H referred ta tue. valut. Agricultural intareuts of Canada.n ius deeds ut the Aniuy anti Ne-y, and the -TIse memor ' tta great anti gnod a harIle teVolanteers, and saidr, that ai. Captain, Arthur Wlcl -,Duca ot W,-l. fo Lhugh but s Captain Of Voluntetrs, antI linglt," 'vas pruposeti by Dr. Gun. na àr muag l ia heservice, ho trumted that tihavety bandions. speech. 'Thea coctor, ini rolutîteeru were, evary man ot tht-r, pre ppaakiag uf Waterloo, retenred ta thea an- di aned Lu du ibeir duty. To the- Volunteens lions wbich lookt possession ut bis owa be eloncgati, h aseil, Ltse hoîtor ut tôrming braastwvison he last year Standl under theR ha guard ot honor tu dia Prince ot Wales identical tr-ea vIer. *the duke cave tisa on tue day of hieinarîrlage. nsemurable uone, il14p nardsanaet a Song by Mn. Clark, "1 The Redl, White, thrn." . - 0m sd Blue." .Drankin bsolami s ilaàtce. h Besd-'the 3îish Grenadier.") 1fr. Monrgan gave "the Ladie," wieiha The Govnnor (louerai 'vas nert tusteti, ubtainail lltting tespuossfrons Meusi. sti ,h cisirman pretacing it by a remv appre. Becett, Muuily, Wm. Nonnse, Jas. Camp. b' i-nate remanku, anti raterring to the par. bel, Crombia, le. foi lonahla pride wvlach tri8hmp. eti LiS a"lhe educationai intereats -of Canada" ýxcelleucy being an Irishman. baing proposaoi, Dr. Hams regpondeti very Sugby Mr. 110le-"sveet Val. ut abl' aud eloqnenîly, reminding, the corns- )voa.1" r&ny tiat- it was <from thoso institutioiis i 'ne. day anti al0l iIonon, Îl' vas !Canada would oaliaTsar future la-wyers, gE lext propuseti trous the chair. Lu giving juiges. doctonu, clergymen, sud editunu. tis cairansai tat u iaig u po- TIs Iechnis u te Tvuut Istb Wh' ti b t- e t' ni ti p dt in th il COUNTI C( weilnes Mffat e* ai v's Fo, Verdict for plaintiff, £51 Greessacoti for phaintifl'; fuor defenlant. Bouer- 's. Con.seunj quantit>'of ut nbe,-, tIsa detonianti disputai. .ve $150. R.I J. Wilson tai TremayoneantI J. M. (mn fendants. Martnavs. l>7iie.- Who le tar collects- fai Whis.by, luit tali distrinç Isiy fon anrearu ut taxas land., Pîsintiff l' hegeil, non-resqident) bcd nul bai ai of any claim fur tar(- tnt-su, andi brouglit tIsis at in coîîserIuetsch ut tht-as the isay tietfor. Ved James Paetimson ton phsi. son, counsel ; W. El, Dii defendant. ton balance ut Il monthS tm odaut claimeil ta â tan pialiill'f$200. R.J ban ks, attorney for det .Bradley vs. Bhle1s ut covenant. Ventilct .73.- P. i. tlund, fur ste executîîori. We'lsas. Curtis. prunssor>'n-a.NI 76. W. IL Billinru r Good ,si. Mat/ors. isy tise piaintioe1 as Ih0 as andorser ofta nos-4 that tie note bad il for a perticuhlan û P not heoî'ni us tI w'ha erai to and eldy plantiti' $200. R. J. 4 John iiîmg', attorneý, A. Hlum-Jfor iefaud 1ý ' Ilayward vs. lRa Lion, wîic s sems ise a rable lntere.,mt, 'vas bragg ot tisa seizure hyde Lacinent irnprojiurly î of tisa pîlitiff. Tisa Ç rêsidcs in Califtniel i Year sine a 'ol WIitbyetoîuship. r - gaiisem-ee, tise plaintti' - île intention ta lt-ar e-, bhé bille ton a sale soum ý1 advrtied bis îtuio tave been 'veli kituen t# enre neanur ihbn and'tamily ' uoaîtably'% returu. Abut is-ca mqný defeudaiîs-procuredti t'z tok tisa fîîrnitmreî and- nf clotiing fonnd lUit thb wreoLà nany,~gràateed çýcu sn crut-mic. M. WilSdý14, rttie appeal Luetise jnry. m.uter-piee of aloquenqè. &verdict ot $200 damiages, ron plaintiif ; P. A. Hard i tune, tan detandant. Doughly vs. Bean-ACe line«s b>'déendanit as l'an- tim, inaar. R, e ed 1. J. Wilson for plaimitifi .1 stI J. Il. Greems'vuod fordt Madill vs. Ma11hew8wý- nissun>' qoe. Thle d- bat tIsa note had beamara' vas due, ausoti vint vali ibsequestly withtirawn, anc ) tise peisies. G. M. Dai or plainttiff. ltpheintiti Afi, iv.iH. d,- foer De- 1- falat , e4 notifi. m-e tisa dis- oid sale ut ileteudemt. a. J. Ivil- ,qorne-y ton - 'vhich de- -Verdict ifuor. plaie- 'S. 13. Finir ou bm-ct- utti' $132 2th. brouglit fendant if hlm %'. tp bai - lfuentl'ydohir- Verdict fus oansel, end Wl iatifi'. P. colde niut- - -, ntih about nrecidenet o e avide-,nec a-c nute-ct-et ut -Q#utlte>'buît lin les previoush>, là, àÈt bis vite ýâvîdd-imtil ile aft'nhaILt-fi, attscluiemit, and lar eqsaulitsl> faifit. Thomut -mitads t5given ,macla a meust- bis 'effmrt vas s I. J. Wilson ani S.- Hl. Ceci- ltion tonrtIlt-gril utioni-nisOintu te airhitmstiuui. mime-e Pîîtiertil oitrndant. -Action on Pro. eý set up a-u saéiveel atter it ne. Tbis a-as m-tnoil,-Soliton QUARTER SESSIONS. Josephi Gaulti, Eaq., J. P., andI Juil ligahav, Esq., J. P., aêctsuieiteeno be Banch, et initenraldin-la the session lhI the chais-ma», Juixtoe Burnain. . flse <Quten vas. Coeila.-it cprisonuers s indicteti <or stthhelng &t Mn. Whiteeiilo fPickering;'a-ho vas son ut bis employer, s tIse beeti its a neck-yok-e, tuledingr cdu buýdil>' hans. - a Ie uounti guihi>' md santesucai to tur natisinla jil aI sm-il labur. Johs Bell, derendad; sud ae Count>' Attorne-y at-td N. -G. Mlaui, -osecuteel. Eastwmsod rs8.-Da vs.1-Appaîfross1 lagîstrates Court. Verdict fun appellanit. -J. W oronappeliant ;P.-A. Murd, nr teepondmîl. )Der vi lise steaîoor Anglo-Saxon arrivti at Portland yeeît-erdat-, rin,i; une dsy hlt-r ut-as trot Ero .Tisa commenta of thue L-nontpress un our. ,diplumatiem-tla-' clone andtI ue epreis t cnsratofCmmt wse n tisa heNom-eh invrite peusal. Tisa Princees Alexanudra lett Copeîîiagaui for Englanti on tisa 26eIs ut amîd impos. smng itmonsîrationte.The oficuutWahês ht-Id bis firatlvee un bh-laithetsaQucon on the 25ih att. Tise Arnôscan maistar andI 1,700 outhdianobilin>' atientit-t. Au engagement ia relsuntadto b Iavé talk- en place hettroça the Pohoil aud- Rpémiaus njean Kutnuu, lunviici tise latter a-are pet Cb fight, îakiog refuge on Pruseisu tenniior>'. Lt vas suopouedt tIsIAustria voeutiemant iamtisation ton a violaion utflier sail- suina CusaclUbaî-ing pursueti Poliis fugi- tie vnuebonier. Th. Feras nsti- futiand endearorot lu pre va tisIfoans ot van are groantlasu,., tisa untenstauiig ha tvean Fraises., EnglIai. eutd -Anstnia, cana- eti by Pruesian intervenmtiomn, heiag ut a charecten lu gnarxriiea thse maintenance ut peace. B>' telegrarn vie Linduuidenry ii vas report-id ehat tIse Spaiis.uinsisir>' bat neuiignoti5 andti hat MNasrat-z vas ormu- iug, a nov cabinat. Tira dap hlartadvicteu fs-uns Banopa are broaght b>'lte Austnalasian, visicI loft Liverpool on tise lat andi arriveti oun iday evauing. :In, Sevart's eepîl tisahe seueit pruposi bat eliisitati consiies-able aLtten- tion it Emgland, altlsnaghhthlie Freineh -is' j--sera amoiahedt he. snbiswvt Thse astade'at Fuiday, March 13tIs. j au P. Mary sGrayden.-Pni- 1 " ' irdprasoment, witis bard labos- lu thse Cote. t>' gaul. ; 7li Queen vs., Mia Fraser.-Peter P. Gogliia, James PilfontIs, JOL Blacke, ani Peter Storan.- Thse defentiauts e eeevenal>' intiiceo -forcbsrcigtsral betsèn slots 32 anditi31, un tise road alluvance la tise lbirc range, sauti tsf -tise Rauge. Tisa Court idaterreti seritehca, 'anti gave deteadants tnsir, monts fa ramure obbtructioiia. Mn. TremayoéthetIa dunt>' Attoney->prouce.ted- lu ail1diaecases. COUNTr 'COUJIT. Satoria>' Match 14, Rlberlsoss ifi. fh-eert. -Action un tve prutu isor>' notrs Verdfict fut. plaintiflr$Iý- 425,20, S. H. Cochtane lÉur pimintifi'. _, -nIù s. 14tas.-in tbie, lb. plailitifl aungisl Lu necuvrnfor di! allegni breae-h of' varî-eîîty ut a isotè. t î.ussua-itfor tisa iî-eý,îî-e iisjsplaudlti iefhd ample epor- tUniîy mil eejing t-eisorge Lbtfore pâicisase, aud sailie a-nul-I tae IL mît al rst. Verdict ton defenaîtat. Mnr I. J. Wilson ton plaiîîtiff; Mn. . IL. Cochrane, for tdc- fendant. ladgsns vs. Ifaili -Actiois ftutL pruperl>' cultivatin, a tartu lu Danimîglon. Th1e tstimon>' 'as vol-y coiflictipg, antI eridejîce waos given h'détendant otf a pre- vinls seuîlement. Veidict ftr ilfendiatt. Mr-. R. J. Wilson ton piaitîtitl'; 1r. IV. 11. Tmeayua caunsei, and Mn.' S. B. Frair- banks attoney_ for de-teidani. Tise pnesentusent uft diean-md Jo,-> praiseil the- dean!>' andI good sida luinwîîicis tisatu premiïses 'vere kept, altiotate Court Huuue Keeper, tantishe cleanlur-ss uf tisat buildingr, andtI tieiîvditise Couni>' At- turniey' antI lffic3r5 ton tîse valuabte as8ist- ance affondai tht-m. Cour-t arijourned. Meetin t, t ho lhonni ut Sehot Trums es. iltis inst. Freî-u-Mmeîu.Bloiw, Campbet-l, Fra- st-r, NlcàihIan, Wilcor suit Tha-aitc. Commiicatios item-e recied trucs Miss MeLean, asking ta ha appointeela t-at-bt-n onoa.utfticTown St-boule; ais'ý trom D. Beach, Ijui, a report on tise sie ofth eh.ruan Se-bol, andI reeigning tise uf- fît-et utLot-ai Su1îetittoni-nt. Pusymuent ordietI of tisa toliowing az- Salarilus dît -it isti. $133 75: John Dfiihîy, for 135 t-unis -oui, $91 871; John A lîS>, cumtin-g a-ooi1 $5 25 -Edot-etio'n Deparitut, fon maps out 3i~m~is Ausnica., Re-solutiotui .,îu paacilepting tise resig. nati,)of D. Beacis, Es3q-, andi %ppointin;- tise Rt-v. K. Muîlet'neui to tise office ut Loe-aiSupdrnttessionu; aea uoîboizing sise neengagement ut R. WilIis u.eteaclien ut Anrsoi-nStreet St-boni. A rt-solution rsnthorizing cermtaln repaire aI Ht-uty andI John StreeL St-boule, a-as alsa putteCi. -Tise Boum-i adjoemndo util lIma fist Tut-s- te>' in Apnil. FrosîsEprope. ilTis Celébration et sthe 1'tlsce of * Waleas iHoliday. s- THE VOLUNTEERSDINERj Wsnt of spaCe hat t Ir, proeoetel on, ýd nuîicing et greate- langlb tthe pnaceeiingg ai u Wbiîh> on tise celebratilueoutheb.rnce îd ut Wales*s holiday. ilTraflgar CeeteIl rttise neeidence of Mn. Shenifi'eynolds,, va <bnillianthyi' lluminatet in :the eranini, and presonîci a moat mairuificent eppearance, jthse résidence ut Mn. Johin Hem Ferry, vas aies illuninatel vitIs vasy guai affect. At tIse dinner giron tu Caplain Woud- 'Rver's -Company>, aitIsae Royal Ilulel, the folloa-ing pruceedingu taok pla-e, atten tIhe rt-moral ufthtie ots. Ceptain Woodward 0 ccupiei 'tisa chair, anti Liteu!. Dartneil i- tise Vi-t chair. Ceptalu Woodu-ird, .-in proposng tise r iealth ot Hon Majet> tise Queen, observai - îpon a-lita ia>'oftjoy IL vas t t-r 1fuMa jee-tise day of tis a rriae ofutlier t-liet- -son, tise hein Apparent Luetise Britishi li Trane. Ifl It-r Miijesty's hat iebtrt-ave. mnttnlutisaus ot bt-n esteetuci anti bon- a rt-i consort wuasgreat, dia joy out tissday muet bavaeiopai tealaleviatu lier great grrief. Mihl1olis, of Iter Majcsty's loyal t ulijct rmjuicei 'vitis ber-on this day. It nedu- iou a-rdeî, lhesali1 lu express tise es'jinnttign in shichisler Mstjesiy a-as bt-Id as A q(iccnl, andI a muoiser. Sise lini a-us lier the pions prayer% ut bt-r subiject, andI aIl coulil ver> toulit-elit-vo, tisat -heu tisa Qmeen ret-*re-i îuter rtst fo-uiiihit, ber prayers a-onulaseene ton tise eternai 'vol- tare ut lier son, tise Pin of Waic-;- (Lout cisetrs.) - hLeriet 'rol lising iscen cîtiied epon, rt-rdthéis sationaïl ntisense-jn 'viie Isal tise compan>' jouteJ. 111e Roaln lii,r-e tisothePrince ul Walee, unidfier Ri-yal igihaess tht- t'incs ut Walüs, 'vas iext p; upuseil1y tise cisairman isnd dramîk 'itIs ennisusiastic applause. Lieut-naut iatlu i reepoîilue';., alîn- dvi l is appy ttrmu tu tht- ausiiiuuit výent ufth tiamarmiaga utf lus Royal Uigisncsa, usting tbat on sucis an e2aion nu rasa- sud cf t-taai>nu Io rieenan, aboutilit-be t-le. war nd lcemîng foraai. ini respunding In, tise toast ufthtîe a-oxtiy Capta-un, ha $nil iisuî Canaîîdaus bai sI-etl m-eson ti rtel gî-usiîfi%î.i on the prescrit occasion. ffaving st-en tisa 1'rince'e face amongst tisem ibi>' 'vere gratifid 'vu n uppurtunity ehlol betora acco-deu tuomn slueeing their fu- tureKiu'. H fie rmrt-i 'ith-mut-hsj,îeit1 lu tise fine asilitar>' spirit t-vin-ttVluiute1 volutieei-moeeent, eîand ii tisat it Cli i-1 e-i bho* it-uîly the soseat lritain,:altbeugli reinritcnul frein tise landfi tlieir bhind, were prepane- iotaral>' nit-r te oltill.'tsut brave-i a thouisariiye-anî, tIse batile and- tic bmre." le UColoneilIouta raluateer rezeirnentbuo, tise prinîce, etWalesa-lis t-n- it-it t tistnibote ut respect frein volmin- tee rs. Valtjteers daone. 'vuli tom-us bis 1çtîard ut bonon. (Applansa.) Son-, h>' fn. Baken-"Tise Redi White âni Ble-," TIse toast oi tise Gîmrnnr Ganaral vwas next uîrniosed, eandJat a-ri istueisis Tilt-Ceptin-It. W. Woedwari, Etl. vas nstxt pm-uped drnamk 'itis entsusi- astie chat-su. - soirz1,"Hu's a niâit good feiha-"b> tisa a-Iole Comopany>. Catptai;n Woiwari reput-din b as fk'; vry iuii:ime rt-marks. 1Lieustýp.iitBillinigu ant iisiîeiuDtrltjl ve.re nlext severally toastai. Er Diita-t- ut-ll rit-Ihiularîdif tf)oluizt- ton tise unsevol- able abssî-ncs ut Mnr, hlnu '-Tise Iiigliieiii R:LOcCompainy' wa-stise urxL tOast, anti uitt a loat bftigrtes '-TIse Proeý," respondadto tsb>' 1m-. ig- gIns, tha Ladies, ont- h*st anti bostese, re4pon&d to by Mn. -ryiand set-anal VGulteer- tusts were uCxt j~posdin lue.ut cession, ant i -kIt eusavas-y excellent!5ln-. ing, a iost agnocable lime was spauL-when thse Comupany' broke up iunaise boit uf gooti humour. -Great sati8facliou as expresseti wiîb tise excellent manne- li -biaIs Mr. Bryan suppliai tIha huard Ib. goot tbiags provid- clags- thé MissiosioIpi anti co-openatâ viti tise pïàposeti Kentuceky movemsen.- Be. bel adiaes e1baîrtisaItthe Unioniee o! Nortiser&-Aabsrna are gring Lb.herebale mach troupia. Maýn> ut h-ut are dosler- tari tram tiese otcro atm>'. Tisane is a report outhLb.captde-.att7,000 rt-balssu eigbt transports Iýn tise figbt un' the Yazuo river. TvEuasbAît, Mertis 12. Tise talu'vingare amungitt tise.proceeai -ingm outhtisaAssambl>'- flas. Mm-. Megea preseoteti a Reimîrn't an idrees an tise subjeet ofthtis transmieis sionouthtie Tran8etlantic mails. h Cl motion oftealion. Mnr. Sbeniod, lise Comsîîittee on the EBset.Dutancon- tes4tei election obtaînai lt-are ta aio u rn Until tisa 13tli o? April. rOmor~tion ut Mn. Bell of Rusuei, a 1 tiûtnnite vasappoin" ion temsbjmtto ahlie 'utcoùnmnnicatiun blitta-en Munfreel andI Lake Hm-ens. Iiimuriag tisa resolîl- 'tion, TMr. Bolf saï,Liabu etw out1nust-luise tisat 'vouhi iciiefit Canada muinra tisuhie roetawiicbha lihai aivueatei Kbt-otaeatise grener>' ut tse a-est unidise eteau._ Tiat lt-a.asehort-r t ian> 'or-roule, bai. bt-e-n [iilsb-.-le rusted that tisa sub- it-cta! bcint lecarî-futi' îretiat-,and ti ,te siattenetIfrugmiuts ot information re-îPectinxg it wum euh a coiteiciand- l18W beforus tisalieuse. On motion (tfelon. fMm-Rose, Arr fidifreuls 'as'passec, pm-iyinî for a Retenu re-speeting tisa Militits Forte outhtisaPro- Ou1 muo t fMr. Mormisoi, an aduirose a as Mtuiiu forn a Repîort oftheaIu-jet or Pcntî-Messrs. worsisington uni Buunel. Mm.M -in amurin -,for tise iudresî, neeed -ulîApe-ci;îl> tu, tise p tnt t fChIing- ao-o, Ia ishasieulth iseC verment, fon tise m-t-mual ut Mm-. MIeWatt frointishe col. leeutIonsliip eut hut Pou-i. lo.J .Maedâneh- i dinet think *il was pnopen for tlise iseonin rojiber sua vent tut- spieen un the (7Xiveri-tîtefje tht- papens heha ba aule fo,*1 rnt- ougist dovrt. Mm.iartIson te-ut on to shiurtise ins- ý;ponttia ut oftise Port oftCollingW-ood, andI teOrnllzined tisat lt shotil Ibava batstn e- unce-i lu dn cutpotunotf tirùtLto. Thea Hon. Mm-. Iowlahuîiiii tatcultisa t- gtne f4cilitic- for Irjacitiesu ex-sutcd tut tisat ~Por-t as foime-riy, tan-i iii torIer tisa ciange- a-hich bail beeîî iiitii-, te tua-lue-s virjuid lue tilîiuted murfe -eticiî-estly and tIe -e "xerjeie. Tht- geo-sdI cicis wemOrt-tom-m-ci Lu b>' tie bon. inecuier a-enalit-e gouda In Iliholiri irauei far T,>runto, a-ht-m-e thie' wera cheeketI andi eusponteul, andI that theu business ut tisepoit u Coif gw wollappt-ar in tise publie retens uauel. * 'sfttr ftere discussie), ise lion. ?i[r. * MeDongail rermark-d tisut dte 4usîvéousld1 st-a boa- dfficuit it waasfuir t!ic .&ànýrs- tiho lugraphIe 'vitis tisa ieire,minii e quinc b>' tise counry, wvIson ai st oh. je,,tloîs andi euîplaiets weý,- ýiedgeiI in b>' îismeoin-ne. Xn. Huntînglton a-as jotv ssîqdiris, len 8011ti a-lia lired lu flic neigItbc;ÎIwùboro places s a-bet baîts ero mnaclevoeui rnaie a howl. - lie a-onu; g:Ve tise dmnie-is traC ion lis caîuetlsuppuomrtin att boneu2t ne. itncismvuit,.liaea-as aivane ,thýt aIipjir.t- tuts liehd -temade p ,tLisa c.toInnein mnatl s>'istîces iiiote>tOosMakýe officeri Po. litieul ae t tisu -lUstht- azpetcationi tiset tisa>' sisuntidisebas-4a tht-lt mut-s t-ffl Tise tic wsii-aas contiîxuetit sarsoe leng,,li b>'Nir. Shîipsoni, DrOCls-k, IHon. Mn. Caer-, and lion. 3Mr. Druimiaut. -Onitiotion of Mr. Dîit-ls. sui an etidrels was paused tonrea11etern uft isse-t apa"î for -Sthîni..l8 i urn mid'i tâce - alâo !5v, euutszinlg à lisI t ftlsi sliaýhO A nunnber out paiLionis vere prnsea The £bhl.wiog aunungiii othar bih t s-astia mI9t lime, sud ut-iered fora ri re a i n g o i -M o n.a y o x t - . 'iloa 'ru anabIa tise ieir, ut tiahe at lr Jmudith Hart tu dispose of roa sI at Mr. O'Ifsllorad. ,l5A Tu incunporate the Mufntreal Protwki [fous t- hnidosîryî anird f~~s Mn. Rosa. - Tu in&èrporaîe ise Quab-c Smret si va>' Compjan>'-b>' ion10n- rAlys To fix thse sude lnes in tise Tan i ýFiîzz-oyCount>' Of Cerleton....h»' , JPove;l. T'O anihunîze tise St. Jameis' lb - Hontreal oiieita n oiîPa mu y >'tIs Ise, - Stock, ta boild a club lieuse-b>'1uam Rose. To incurpurate tise tickbam Msl Compmny- b>' nI. Krigbt. To incorporae.tise utitjin Minis cq~ a ny -- - y % f r . ltî i gh t. . a To su tb isefmicipal Corpoaiu A, tif ~ ~ ~ ~ ü 13X.->ap- .ra.fosm r iabilil>' in respec,( ftlet uaQtîeenstt(,n - k..t. Thse fol-rîihls'vz eais,) ,,d first tirne,- aiti tidered for ,a Set-uni neuqj. inýr on Tuesu,a>'- 'r0 amentiltise Actrspe th( tie Regi imton ut ypothîcs'I ho le ùn Mir. Sicutte. -0-> f~ To umeîd tise Act ni-lating tacorrupt, pr-ctîes S Eectose 1» Hon. Mn. Wi. On -Motion "ftlion, J. s. Ifat-dbUaîq. thme Insine àg-e-e ru go Isîtte- Comomfte fs -Tsche orntdehate upon Hc.i: J Camlem-oni's mei(trnctt lt te rîu-ssThs Pm. pot-e-ilu>'Mn. seejî, that thjisDIIalta { "Au -t lu nmei tishe At - nvýsCtiuge. para~te S isoot us ppen Catuina, .set tai the- sanim ae-ateo sa Ctholics;u be Feac a t imiji limea, a-as resunet a thira ielu' - mngsn -oucetupiei the lInimi tonri-c»rI>'aut ispealMig agaitit tise LUI. Ife Coeiuls rîa toHiov-, andms-id lt ai rce pCtitiGns lied bt--n laid 4tithe fLousa aiking ton a change ufthtie pne-sept aw, lie di-i nult ee tise expedicncyel mnîkuiig anit-Scange. Ha-e t vota agaiîug tIse B311 Mnr. RosautDende, aiea upoka sgaimt* tle pas"ong u Uta3h. Mu-. lb per w'vilsasrps-ised tiset t'ae Si perinraniert etf Fliicatian fo r -ssa r -buvn., huilt np sncb aglhkrcn -- edtcs hndl is oIt aeasapa i us n. dadLjîs -i. RHevu i voie for tise- smt& !n ut, but a-unît oppase tIsa Bill. . lu aInc,-ndmn(t lu H on. J. Il. C=erets arte-Aenet barugcn Tout ou aîl-i, (fie as-snei dth t isa 13M 1 li& #coa. mittl, t orthisuth, 'vuthe a rfea- ta assit- lts tlsirteatclca-sse,m-ertqireri toail -'li sýhalb h e tntut tht- bcC ont-h tofdie Iuîsrtnction t oi tipppn CasrMa, frsim 'â lu e, let uta sut-b pensons ait thé>' thiuuk fititl' tisrete tire citesandi Caee- tuesqi lu Uper Canadf a , ugrntcertietea utf quunluirimtiu- ta Te-auiers ut Separe .3eîlousnui.i tt;d-Vont- bcsemph jed si a Teachten uJaa, -ei>"te SA-boul nuIre. .ýd tlint va ana nov eelebr tinguoetben vih visue, oeeoutthe inuit pleasing aud agnee- se unemurs ofthtse indroti s9cietiee cf able St. Patrick'seaveulugs that va ramenl.s- se Redi Cross, sud thse Thiistie, are onut fbai. te laceandu uncallod tor lu thse la-id oft4 In j ustico lu Mr. - Bryau sud hibus ss 4ai afnd that Canssian itntefflteind tants veonoght t6 add sIsal thse vole cet ri ýaadiaU feeling a1onesh~ould have s place tiog Up of the affiir-diniter and . rsngge-ot Mson,, us, sud influence Ous- actions. a-bath. shoots, do tiser infinitaetardit. anti speak PaC ty uiîoe emorjuli 55 opeu, lelil 10 no for os>'adoptai lanti. ciOnt sesery- I appri seources, I respect tht ils ront-Is sud hnic'aur Grils. vIsa stç Separata 74 ta 30. d n ý[I ni pi fe

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