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Whitby Chronicle, 19 Mar 1863, p. 3

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iend act of incorporastion of ithe al Icimorarce Couepe>y of Canada Mfr. Caluero.' roue the capital stock aud further 1 the acta relatiug to the Gore &r. Street. J. S. Macdoald1 laid on dhe table rt of the Militia. raleh môveif for a reternuan the di th ata coummission for'te ýf Norfolk. 'lIndoieg so hoerbarg- ovenuiet with haviug acted'frein moives inuisstoieg thae ew -con-' leavI ~ off the ilamees cf re8pec. afor fpivolaus aud plititai rewonàe lnting ailiers for the saine catose. Be1eld Macdonald repiied je de- lie a'ion of the GoverD'ennb Dle>' deeîid thet politicai reasces hing tu dû v.th thie xidsioIiefrOUe lia foubmà that tloc naines oif men mrties had 4Iti t u'cfrein theJ t'lh ose bu reply'. befcre the papers were brougiot 't would be uifair ru the Govern- ;ive colored â aiemeîits beforo were prcsettd tte I>lioose. hua objected under the nuits cf the teake r s'aid kt wjts o cf &erencr la te rýply. weli Pnoveti that the meexher bei llsi0ussjcn folloied as toe bc m wo.s fially ciuveil the meer ta M'alb*h rose andI said ho wss pro. ta Show that mlari>' tf those omitted ie Commrisson boul heen ismistdi ýical causes.. le rend froua tho Ioed cîbained n t eoftif elocpublic on ihe ex.' -a f w10 ses wnltcn aoses cf the dismbsals. IArad iit, causes creaeotniiuch taoueteciot. f these partieýs hall biton disteisseti d bhlocvtere mtlsltîer peutiziens ;' becamaoa tht>' veere i'viole ioîtTorie," for heiugi illterate,?i andtihebcro- ýr for cîher causes. Stitudielti Mccdonald-socitibtaexm- oi s asobtîltif d bÈ >1 n W~0 h seeengood Cearnuîid tormeno, uc f tbe tpprs fcic'ùé,eie& itlathe Tht) weo'e teorely plrit-ata notes itdOd tus forte pat fthe apubil ~. &. >uacdona!d ieo f the seol- cf remeoving a man frein bhc cornx- Thto line Got-remetit neyer did ut vienne. RIl oison conidemîued thc retnooais ~iieoe cinsr-s wueropuscriptionsa anti the>' wouald net foo'în a precedenu. forn ltetiin. r futher disc-usoeatilte muotion was acil tlot tiîiuuue tottk a recess. reinuiiadîr cf tloc sitting anfil the ment wus s n udisceoiiîga of Mn. Carier for etrnLrelative Fiiomia!ial commissleionu., IVIIRTI3Y ;tLA "Il ETS. e is nory ibbctée rtnIis ct-k, op)%antca cf ilot iow bas quille illea< Inr 'al qPIc, te 95c. 75e. te53PeuSc. ibu 55e. .1 HUeY e W$:l4 pr ton. WîmceryMarch 1,9. Lt suppi>' f rniit 'ws eîrem et tcq de>',. Failwlîat broegbt ,. bhb. Sprin- wheai nemain 3 to q1c par uh]. Banle>' solti pbbhI. Peso brouglit 5ý îuh.-als 'nemmineil fimin at r hli. Pont oais momlci-iteîy ý,te $4i 0 per esit. 1Bef p, pr col. 1'otatnes 5'>C. per s$ - per barrel. Fresh butter t-,r It. Tu b d o 14 te o fcperl'.. ISe. lier di zî'n. ly ver>' $19 te *19 per 1Ion. Strao per in. 'Ilitîeslare 6'm .«t Sprre t c aolfo111&usSe ta Se. cepsls are Wol-1a1 e eaeh. 35e. per lb. 01, nt SEMENTS allti Tcinel-1ît:111ttiiil uien as4te a.d Tnilc liai! Waiy Hotel, t lt-o tics 'Wliu'isy Sttini-if te in tll fittbi i1, Il 1 its outi 0t yîo'netý. t lbla eilstuittLi nt besKieoýs ui ni :derereots- &C', ci' yte Cfie proîtictor JAMESC1OKR Comrniatl 11>-ici C1t 17, 1-03. l-tf RS FOR SALE. , Toco if jaSte'und Genermi pur- r8 FORSALE.. l'TY of ftnsit-ralc Datas ruitoble fer ýry Clemuîi, tor sale t A. LOGAN, Bueh~Sîet 144 5 inthis e sE, - - IaN. 10 PIJFFALO, NEW YORK, wiliho e ite foflowin{g pladsti le .monijo cf marh:- Dotvueiovile, Canada Hotel, Mur. iVhilbr, CrockWer'e uotel, 2 ~&e. Markham Vîiflarge, lbaytner's> as80s. %Wboro lie cin 1lelconstiltcd oair il forni cf lin- eri gdiAg ue ,j eîusittin ea Moicaî luh, l~Ut.10 WANTED rrO PURCH s à tieDevon ilul roîn, L e6yer Wîvt, dipi [ý-'enrticg ttia i tli 11 u Ii int t ed-ic -f ua ta leit. S -.- &t R. -t 6S, Atiier.co l'ot ffice statttilz ie iouti gIrtIIg a shiort deur1ptioe &C, AltîCLe roi,o lteabcee - IZ wil beatPnde w; Ateriey, Marcb luth, i-rea. M Whitby Gtammar Sôhclol. v'r~NI1,fortlIt6 ROSos cbûhol, A Firoýt- 4msMttenitoc d îil l:tonaîî ,i'renui- eir. Soulur>', t4 tO per yeMr, wtit Puolbmf, Di4t' ta ommc n 1-dîh tîmil im-.e S. Il. 0001Ctl«IN $ccrcery, 1B . s. , NOTE LOS9T.- Jos r a xNono t l1,0 t itt., iio fit vir-of lotjo ia ott-ies. igiitjl TiIONIAS CLIATER-SOi. GnoieCaoîuv~el NV'xtlnt-o. Craît' ft)it)iî i RcEIX ' IVEN ToWi iiiocILQte 00li~ti ai l iu ft Q te'rmin ' i'tao Ms'ileate ih il tu tint bi ttiitiiof ii i u e oi'W lend atou TJeJlddLQJh 25th, A. D. 1863, .t cicicii l u'n~.M. fin tue ti 'îoro toîtlliti i ii î O n h i , oit;h!A( mt&c., 'l'h tic'il s t )r itibut iiiit 40'te 1b ull ~î b oif bhu eatet,"o i v lîctrt Nfi'y wi i to ak H. L thDOeLLae, c-0 T l(- ý - -' <Io d ly iikîlîli to n A C O1 - Vi tEl u l î'ilIlî i li tucth A Satur da y',tha 401 et April, A. D., i--G , ai i1"12 -uc na-to, by- TI-OS. U179 YDQONOVÂN, WALKEY & CO. AND MAN'UFÂQTURER OF IUSH U1MOYED TO PORV& OLD STAND,éjý I3ROCK STREET, WlHrT3Y. ~AS on band, and i:3 cohstantJy lmanithcturing drutter8, Sleighir, Buggies, e.&W., of the latesil style, and most approvoti patter-flfor hebID mtei ai:, andi choielest workcmen& and hopes by aticet attention to business t menit a share of publie patronage. 04-A few good second hand ,Cutterls on band. 1 U-Approaohing Close of LiÉts for the 24th 'Tear, on 4th April, next, when an Allocation of Profit will be made. ENTRANTS W1LL- BE EN-'TITLED- TO SHARE TN THIE PROFIT9 One 37cm-r Earlke? I/cn lofer Afisurers. SLIFE ASSOCIATION, 0F ýSCOT1LAN). W (LIFE ASSURANCE~ AND NUTE. ANNUAL REVENUE - £193,0007 Sterling.' C11AUIMAN-Sois Anruitoiliorc, (le0AALIiîe. &PîNue lBART. M.ON rIEAL-PLAOE WiArMs-(II1JAD OFFICE.) DIRBC7'OR9 GEORGH NIOFFAT, Ho,%,oq,~mcr1~îî. . . l.e.AThI b ' ' .SoeU -W-RS. lt Fit 110 W ARMIN lI..D &t~mn -lAESGRANT. The Mpcns'c ol Lile Axmurasc hhto bce'l reditceidto Cie lower-st iiby Ci (oegonot tifCLAIIS A (,f the otuoi'vît. Eaclo Pîirmhoidee 's hutee ,ftre profit or Surpus (iltteeo of telor re.oerved for bis lîel1r-, 11:s letlr'omth) hni c loonl l tO lîlît1cf :'a z ,o ,,or îpliie'l in paveyitîttf titn cxt Contri- hitttion Por rotittii. lit-, ttton.4, elijsi loý"S the hoi'b o Î onuo ii nd in ae conter. tttdeib'm tolott-in't -rivo o'Office lii'ît ttt ojbrîflto hy Adtitoits te tho mt mtotrrlv-eo thoogio thetc AddiL;ins bc cbaoaftiaiiefor pro-vt feyioetittn. P The ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~i uo~<rPlc-.oodîsetlm aosîehr h fo en ias. heionqoro £-e0 f h, or £lio.t'to, fEoi); nt crîtît til et h0 dpUi~lou ilders lietlm yretc-iei 2)pcr citt. mtiýi ci' lllltol " ei t Iti o g rt>qiM.ilto p"y - làS. pe~r £1. (S(g Pro", tteito-ôrfuî1i detamoj If, tfi TUEPtI I LE t'fiooîe i-.cl'1-trioilvl, lî7fhrist ires, a Sooni (in Ch) aotooelug tti itrareAof' £t7O,0to sterlmiug. W 111LE TifFERWEENArV 1*tof eic-',tP'liey lîoldem-s have tten pid F ami Agstîrvd ontntiitg to M5ilO,00 Sterling. The Ouhlity for a Policy titibc hi- tttcrl'ih lî ,l.ý ai-a o tl lhe fitma cf part*i-I;tticn fii (rAut$t, iv tic e tft'it -£ fr;il111, whii"t oiihlv oatef ' Ir'îitrîns for tite tir-t SIX, i car otref fî pai o tht iir lit' ruiniiiiitg llutiii j. ett !trci.t,)P apilonîg nethe Atu ci The loicies no* beina ialen 'ed ie fn-i i'î taa 9o1e mtii tc. hmiîrodiay îitb otr tttiow i l ai 1cul tia"!11:.ia;i "?- vilo.'- , TLV-y r-. liitt mîî-r-iliit-ly vrtIio:î .Ile cCu.ti- tii- tirMlii>', ~'iîtilyi'ri'iu i 1io , Ihr e r" lnietr lirp b-. SiAMESGRA le -Moitriuoi,,tI-)th XchiiqsA. PINCE tu UrT....î...... l t INtlt\Îj-* Scliingoif t eIn MYE tSActioîec-r.' '.ut îV'ii L 'le etittclîi tf the t-oitlb hitmi' ut' b t ' i' hoIf if L4i Noî.20, ;li t b e41i h TOWINSHIP OPF WHITBY i SAMUEIL 1.c0cl1RANIF, , fiuri>l-lr, &c'., VmdrsSoiei1or. W'hilt, Mai-tii 17, if)i.10 d ISEW1NG MACHINE NOTICE. ont itfe, obmcril 'r.. PAPER'HANGLINGS' 0 ' the 1'tisremt ?itb rnis, iost rýccived, aego JAS. Il. GERRIE, its tlm p antigo if us e hr. LAMNP$S, IANIPS,, Mf id tiîtcoot, 9f' É'tgliisttaitàti neni-conl i bk en tsa pr, ut Ij>OS .TM.G'0RR[R, Drng om1 Itmup Store, Sherift's Sale of Lands,. 0 \VWit: F~ih'c a linugti, lente Tes-o i d i St'-'n tlie Cnuxty tif nt robe'îf'ht4il int ncrer.t wliet sesg, 1li'tbs n'tcruisi-titct eldsnanti- laests theTOl!.s, s-dCec tty iiurs' inolor sud b>' virtat , ot4ei.i<i.write f ieFeùi»Lvis; la the Court of QîîGct's Ranceh.'- JIsn ionlmoS, 'Audeow IRaxtou aild D. louoasIl, Of Il- khîImll alt î'mtly redd pr-;Ces., JaV S. McCLUNG & ,4 LARG~E L Wlieli will1 Schi barrels Prime ('hIippa Igl fiîie o <>(1 fimlVsy'o IEUBCeIjR a rtt lesio i cilation bhm resnrnsèarioking loans on îo Wro Od L F JRO±en Il interest and ternis *111 b = iib., tond, satisfactory on appli castionto) _jO T 0 F ins,18.JOUX.N AGNEWT bt by SOLICITOR, à.., &. JAS REMOVED is 1,&w O)iq,,t, Oiitorlo WAlne, -NTeDJ, ,,hoftew 3 CIIjA. 8 12. < oFI E. at1 n Ile mie TO B E D LthENw Piokriig, eoinortoble l y at fle nndau; Ct 3dofhodw1l R~OINd ICe.: oFFtuTirty- Caes'ef:nv TO E RÈhrncE OfTice, E lath p .rn e;go aince-lti b ndbrîlory O , tfi lt 5,58. ,,:e andpflle drlfli rg-Uil offW ice 01th birty- Bote ti% )O n Br~~~~~nat doMrch.Apiaton Yinl s. t efiedt Chronîle 0 lonetnR. Tho udereine Onbt b n t i a lrgo Boni aléiiato f~n-oo ~ X7JLAPS'ANDC~YL-iL asvf ofoupero telt. aps OIF pREd '~s EvSý . emVcreyt ator. 's Uognaîx WîîiEy. A PI 4 183GOGE YUl'~~~i luisis 5.1>0 10gal. inco oW Port i-- lc-cJ g oal. file-- 'IbIe Sherry Winle: !g~*7ai. fine old Janiaica Rftum. - -g gï, î IaidsGin.t 1ÈÀNGLAýïf{ BLACK AND GR ENETEI, SUGARS, COFFEESý ,o. .P ,Ys _BUILDIN G',-, $3o~ treet, XXhîitby EATCLEARJNG SI PiNEVIOU S TO LKIG STOCK. c'O. 'iii 0eihiked cys, lur"t.aele et au f- oia dissonie; îund i*triail xiei tciacaî4 i' in=aory ati bealiugnqasuo rcorr and is NKeto r'Wgt-ea ay. VSIPELAS & S;AÉT*RùiÎjI IO CI th0e mi nncaran atuil roî J'sttc( 'meufon opm-osfP' t 1Us d Legs, OId Sanie>s roit lie. i,) tcd>1 i ) Y s tî >hoV er hycr av i tvO 1 1,1% 0oa' uemdyroeomoîî ite IUJPTION.-;ON IZlCEsKi-N. rr'ai ad at ale ai he iulýotr -rbrfid'-e iraed. and a cineand trPromitareiot muqorr-' b)fh rmecoratjre ac"ti OfIhisQttrct uouoiy cfieeioacs'ltîcnd oti i o1-t b tower Iodise C nroý7 PILES AND ITÛA ]lion, lisq iealiigqualujes n'iil tJe fuiî oie, suAd Inesetre. te OftIjotau?, Pila sTuould bé used ino the folingèàg'. S1 cii n m. "em: rit Jce.n F, ,s -tail"- tfo owy %dire reLo, kireýotl r MESSMS. CAR» & H1AWKE, - DENTISTS, *vury disrder DUNDAS -ST., WHITBY8 13EG te inforîn tae icbabauits of tiisTon aB enro ndigeiuity, tbbte îy havc. ~ntred into Co>-Irners;ià'in l he Dental Pt-- f~>'esso n, and bo beunhappycte attend tç al] or' EI Tceb lisrtclon Gold0 Pie r rValcanîzed Teeth llied ci exbract-,l th bc bestpossibe Matatonar. Oce door s50 Pioriceler attetitiouo pila to l ogiltion of 46 (lbildren's Tc-ýtii. AI Iworkiwairaoiteol. - WV. Il. CARI). G. W. It WK P. ROSS Ji JE .- ' doiitg' SsiE '1 EELING th.t itylotin-sreqll* bilts elowiîtg chas>m fl esuiie.uutofaîutbien, bbanc procurel it ii FAMILI te purocenfM.Ilete lîoîe i tho jpltteSnro discr-întîit in liibt>nudcîuag te tire exîioufricior-s wle oaeraniteî-<tc at bieu-t, ingvvame their upport . Inl1%aç-e c NF cns lIreecueioourided, al i as boul uhiet '- gr(foin m Perierucko f tirer senen yeaLr8 inth ie nofc.ssiongaiefm mnle beIty c-fTorootî, auidi cnrouuX(ir oece- Cm-outrr bmy. Witb th.ttSfoýr posi levons, ieutî-l'ubw-isheh' t-4-'"< for the contàî?joot ceof the elue in ~te ae to betutif -cotin,,i1 1ig toe reuoiru ' !our. 0 Toursobs'iî'iîit-. Pifoît0 Brato Wbohy~- 45If3, W. 1.L UDtt-IJ, ofthmo Ilarges B5ROOKLýN FIR.u toBéoQrc À LIRGE LOT 0F JJEA.VY WINtER TWEES &SATINETTE ,AT GRLEATLY REDUCED PRICES JAS. MClCLTJNG &Cc 0,4eýàC O T LOWER TITANý PRESENT WHJLESALE PRLIRS. JAS. McCLUNG &Ce GOOD TE AS, VERY 1MW, FOR 1 - 'OP? JAS. McCLUNG& -Co mDS, CALL IMIEIDIAT]ELY AT - S. Me3LIJNG ç& Co, reb,163 } AG EN-7:9 ý. Z-miffinýk ýe7 T <N Gi

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