Durham Region Newspapers banner

Whitby Chronicle, 19 Mar 1863, p. 4

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N aien Te wlpu, swày tOh. startie teiir, Nl a ertbly betnti wa% IronI: ,wIat tees t thon t1hat boiintdhod fear t (t wa ny hope of licaven. Thntal nxoov 4oforgivon; Tuai holinwbo h lenrs cMh biiotn mial Inspiropit tt hno of liecreu. Who,î honoIlino drimn 'oosîth iniati a yer, Mv lite dectes neair its een', Oh i what chou thion imuyR sirit oh cor? Wlat-btut the iope of cnoon. And vplmen ti itil mortiity Tiitg on1l ri rhm', r ivec1, Thnte-thon lulbrelit rolity Be crownod îuilliop frein hoen DlNio's PERP iEXIT.-The fiabermen oftheIi. orth of the Frith of Forth have al. wsys beon looked upon by those of the south shora au rtIo more thon savages, and very unpolisbed. At one tdme aheavy' easterly storm droeo&# J3clhavon boat to- waril the Thiebar ceiat, and during the de- tendion of several dolajoeaoe the northi aboie boys fel viiolently in-love witb a otrapping damsel of Dubar, whom ho ulti. mat.ly marricol. The young bride diol ber beat te instrotot ber husband 'ini the ptîrer- language aînd bas jaw-breaking dialeot of the aristocratioe ontb shore ; but ho' was a very slow pupil, as the sequel teili serve tei show. In precess of iime a son was born to, (ho loving pair. aud ail in due order a second yoatb, tho very image of. his monther, made bis facee lnowten lethe bouse of bis father, sbortly after whiosh the fellowng colloquy wuas Lad: Neo, Dauvid, ye're gawn te the minis- ter's te see about the baptiste: but, mind, ye'c no te speak about theo Mirn ;l-hat's a valgar wrd-just li1ke yo folol o' Pife. Eh, mon. gin 1 heol je owor et Dubar, 1 wad maie a man o' je 1lbit, Dsinvid, MY muan, ye'er te say tei the miisiters Gin ye plese, Mr. P-k, witl ye corne doue ibis e'enin' and bepteeze the infant?' Mnd, neo, Deuvid noe the- bairn, but-the Infant. Dav -id lookëei with wonoier on bis young à*fe, et ber leamniug andl good breoding, ad loveol her more than ever. But the word infant "as nacwte to im it10wes 10 sort and sweet for bis nntutorcd lips; but, trne to bis love, be tri ol it, and promiseol ber feithfully teo ry it agein, andl mutter- ing it over and ever--infant, infant infant -took bis vwty towarols the micister's bouge. But, -befre ho reached it, Davidl Lad lest te flow of thoe sylables,, and bc-i fore be heo recevered his presence of mind1 he feund hiniselin -the nsinister's bail. The worbhy wnister, baîf suspecting what - Ld broungb the fishermen alu- o early, maid- WelI David owbo are je ait doten the Brawley siT. ibanlo je, we're as wecel as eau be expocted. Ah I eaid the minister. bas there been - myting Vi be teinol.David 1 Ou? &y, ir, the wife,s beon doue. Ay, David!t it'Illho a lassie this tine? Nol siri replicol David, it's ne' a lessie. R tmen, gaid the uinister, anether laddio 1 Yell ble made up w? 'laddiesif je -gug on -ntthis ratc Weel.a wat, iioe 81Ld David$' it's ne a David, iDavoid!b skeul the minbster, ie go astotihment, tehet is it, man, if k'd eitLer a badoie or a les.gie ? Weeb, ir, replied David, as sure as deatb, 1dinna mioti, but 1I hiuk the teife catteol Sheriff's Sale of Lands. ganitr eonltarie, C N Satmrdey, the 28e-o 10 W-; j daiy of'May,A.D. 1868 tt 2 O'eIock . -no, mItltic m.tlilhy I'blic Aucý Je et nù offiee,inthle Ceci-t lousein tise Town )f WttLmty, ili tue Cotniy «et'(aio-, the i'ret, tle and inl rest 'icht ilie iiudi-mcntioncd atrendstt severAily possese, le tue unermeni- loîfaul landm ami tettemnoubitf;tereon, sec.usd by ,l anoer undl by ciitue ef certain w tstoet !eià' bisea, riz s- lu tho Court et Qucen'e Benoti. < The Outarlc liaulo, Weihîoe, Pi uttîtiflit, Defeuident. Il hi (lueCeirat'Ceiaon Plea. Tihe Baak of Montreal, _ George Walice, rIaintuls, SDefentant. [itho ourtef Qllecmsýl BenaIt. Warren, 'wallace, PleIntiS', Defendent. lu te courttOf Commuon Pleas. William Warren, .-1 -. 'Wallace, - Riaîtif,' Dofemianat. the Counrt of Cemmuon Plesa, îk of Mectreul, Wallace nt George Anderson, I(tla Conrieot Common lleus. [amition and Charles Roberte, Piaotiffs, VS. Wallac, -De(ondaut. C'q rtatnparcel ,)r tract ef land, ite- NOTICE. AIL partles intiebted te te ,nmd1(ersigneo £3.are requîee to Ounake an u uodiete set- ac tetl rentier aun oufomeemoîtI of titis ml pertinptorily ieeeeary. CLARK et WOODWARD. Whitby Brewery, Mareti 4tt,01, . , 8 geo03011 Ce., NoevYorlz, contintilt lia .publistî the folloteittgleüiîtug Perîodicîto au EDioçtcnutiîc Rtcsvw (Wltig). Tuxc NORTH BRITmSit Rirrnw (Froc Chureti) Tit WEzsnMlsoSTct Revi ew (Liberal). Bm.clwooe)s EDINIJUioci MA.tcîoî (Tory) The prement -mlticul tate eof Nuropemimiffni rm, wilîl renuier thea,, pîthlienlong iîumimlty imnter- esting olmiig the tertlouîîimîg 3'r. '1'lev wIl 1ooo-lpy a mnidtilegroici t betîroeîîtie he tly teritteti mem-iteins, ertîte s preoulatit'., tmà flyiiic rîinroef thte oiily Jouarnal, dlthte ponderous Titne cf thme fttm bîiurieîî, tvri- toni after ilie liviig ltra îtiti 'tî'isc'tdut'tit rent thme groîli- }oliticl ereinfth et'otime 'hall liai-e paseol cwîiy. uIt tîs}t ' 1ý4 4rlt'lcals tliht recolora mnue lookfor tii,, omit, ro'tltv imtlgi- bIc and reliabile liîto f vc ireiît o-tent, ictîti mi lutes tn dliiomi ti their wletltlmlot lteîîy cntiflc, cuan teolsiti ta'cctt'r, ire urge tîcîn 11)011the ousîîidorî.tioliof Lie EARLY COPI ES. The rocipi- ofÂAtq-,ii- .wmnfroni i-ho ii tisti u tihhîoers gir-s autiti-e on litle t teisoi Uauie s îit,4 iutio-ii am t1ipti- aminom lie picett i îthîle hai o f sutîsoriberts about- as socu t. Llîe nginluaIo-uititts. TERIS PER ANNUM. For cmiy eue et'ilie fourkRUorhews-.... I O1'0 l'or eîmy te'ii-f i-Oe futur Itotitos . '...5 0 Fernauv ti-eceoftîlefîtur lIevie .......7 00) For ci l'foutr cf thît IZetheo------------S00 For Blulct'îtud", thîasiiu-------------t 9<ù, Four lllneckîrîîetuctlireevie ......... .t Do For Illle-kmitttî Iantît lo t'l-tiews .....7 i-t For Itîeio il ildtiretioe ietirl .....- 900Oi F'or anekts d idtheifatuhretrw... 10c tc -Ifttet2i-rm'set a <e tin i a o- id/totoi'cetietltrll ý,e reveud iitpmtr. -A dlýoiettoet'21 per e<'dt. from the milme' prioes tl e lîtivcomolule Cîm tie rriîgfîtur or more copies et'imay one or more efthte attire werke. Tutsi'eur cofalea0of Ilae<kwtt'orJimC cf oiîe Reies', miii ho lsent toc ote 9ittro-s 'or $9; fonir copies oet ih o lor thethomsandtuBlaeck- moud for 81it; anmît . Canatiait Mmil eebocriheris mppied fret' ut' NILB-TIcs lrice l i-est lîchîsîhu ttlîe fi-o Itriulielsa îoueie umed ha $81 lier moUltutn.- bh1mn'i-tce cutlti lwcî-s te etidres4seil te itueI'utmliklict4. LEONARD SCOTI & CO., 2 No. 54 Golti St., Note brl. Whitby Brewery. ('J~ 11fSthieihrsare isuosepriar t te fîr, T chah lithe patronseoethéleW!,itlyIlIroe-s iy wtilaun excellenat article lu sncb q uanliiîe cs may be roquio-ed, cnd on i-ci-uo te cuit pur. ceers. * lttIed lte eqnel itimte imps.rtedar-ticle. CLARK & lVî>01W I.- -Whithy, Nov. litu. 1859, (te-ecteW. WAX1Z fmbR - 0~' FIRS1T PRIZE 1?ARMI FOR SALE. IjE Est l'a f o Lut l17,'n tle, IN0 seres, 45 facres oltarod, ctid fil O M a gQed ute ofonltivction. (Gond Baildiîg, el w i1cered, witlîceormi eîl ýonne O zehard, biing i tuilesfroicî.1ltg - tou, md2 iedf. iir oalerton. Teits cryJiera an eay.Apply, (if by let'er to TIOS. MtJLCAI-fl Oe1lîwa, C.'<W. Wcekly o9lo$. copy 1for six weke, and senti account t0 above adl roaq Improved Farm te Loýt@ T 0 LET fer a termni lve or isoven yeais, that splèiîdid farin of the undersigieti, iot.aîte on Quaîkr Bill, tîttar UXBRID:)E VI]L]LAGE, containitig 100 coeà-al clearcol andl well font'- edî.. The buildings cre of tha very bitot dos- fo1 infr feri pîre.t mcte of the ot spieigardons i ligth., Cuutv li n 1tho pro- mijSes, cilac'l mielatentt <retiard eûntnintng iupmards of thrce aeres. Aud citogetiier the fitrti ofet once of îhu btest eiances tea c ont tenat t be hatlinl tue Ceuni. ne liàlfyetirs rent.wtt hi- requireti te ho ictiolown ine et- ranlce. Tii- te ire c' î-rcY ±to aceres 0et)plglinýg dome. :ÀFor turtiter ptrelcrs 1îîpply te GEO. SMIT117 Qir etilie - "Clirouicls" 0111(,co. ou thue premise't, P. 0. Uxîtrhtge. C WAMIfES, CLOCKg, AND JEWELERY, L'e THE i.ATEST -STYL.ES JAMES JÇ)lNST.oN, - lircli-Stri-i-1 W 'iitty. Oct. 110hi, 1562. 4 Tailors, Shoemakers, Carrnage Builders, Dross akors, 7and Heads of Families S > Generally. (tail ntl W' ANZAE A'&(2Séw Oi-eahtîino-ime eitf5ce Vi'iittt. andtti te- lir.te i.cori-iieut SgWINg MACHJINESI, th icattiiprtmseiitisii m tt 811cm liii0. J -SAMES 11.GERRIE, Agi-it for Ccecnty tOntario. Maeli 2*1, 1862. i STOYFSil SEWING MACHINES CU1APE-R TH'IN fflR. WÂlNLER'S COMBIYmATION & Premun Sewing Machines rPII ONY PIZE warelforFamlly 24tu, 25tlî, 26tn anti i7tli, tes givecute IR. Waînzer & Ce',, Tlicy aise tclok te tirai - prix. for Foîîily Semîieg Mutinmes mitbR. Ni, Walitzei- & 'c Combinuticu, mt the î'rcvineoisl Pair hield ut Torouto, Sellt. 22, 28, 24, 25 anti 29,1882, and imse fitat prize mu aa eudeo te thoir Singer for Maeoutery. The FtretEra Prix.eesu alsoeven for Nos. 1 andl 2 si tget'ioMennifectuirbug Machilnes. Prixea cf ea uaiteroiaalsctet more elsûeumerdod Wanze'c & Co 'm Panuily'Sewncmlni-Meline anti lVanzer & 00t Siniget's Mucliines oner ail othcrs, b y the Boarti of Artsanatd Mamcufse- tures, et (la. Maihumilia Instituito Toi-ente. Tlîey alto teok Pîrot Extra Prizes et the senerel Coity AgriculitiaFuir-at Ilmn- ton, Parie Gait. At. Ituoint-Bui, Whils- by, Coor,Bomt-nenville; in foot, e bery plae to-rboe has-ebeco extibited. a. Wnzer & ('o.'e Combhnatlon andl Weezer & O.'s 8inger, E~xcelIany lMachines that ove,' eseeufetitureol in the Unitedi States or Canada. R. M. Wouzar & Ce., hure Fuceoedeti iu uni- ting (ho eraleable pro erties ofi-he %Wheel- or & Wileoe andi Singer eoblues, and refnor- ing tbse.poinuts wuch e mre ueotdeaireblo le a Firâtat o'I dornectie ait'ce by addiug somne noe inrenions (for tebicht euy hure scurod a patent-iu Canada) hu-tasuceecàd inleproolucing a perfect Sewing Machine, mbicl eliig - imnple le itm principiles ia ocbo-!lyaderatoùd, reqaiint- lest thinu rdinam-y ernount of akillin eits dprtion. -Its aocurate cnstruetion ,ondr T LIE &G VgT Ti('ht AN D OREITEST - 'Vc$oty iie Stores, Stovre- Vernidire, TIn- Weî're, &c- eau hot-, cociutitishe Store et tbe Stovaet cf very stylo mnuil nolitv cnd e ilt 1 Pi-c, Th opýepmi;tor noe p-,teri Stet c las been icitroducoe'l auntorverieties: THE 'KING 0F S27O VR$, IRON DUKE, GRAND TRUNK, PRINCE ALBERrTI DA VYC'RQCKET, PROTECTIONIST 4c W- Oelecid Soc. JOHN BRYAN', 455 Brwok-eKt., Wbitby. Oshawa Advertisemouts. VILLIAM TEMPEST, M. D). K 1 NG S TE ET, OSHAÂWA, CANADA Woct,17 F. L MET T AILOR andDR ERtigS.Qhe. Germents mende ta eroler le tuhe et style and fashioen. 47 S. B. FAIRBANKS, SOLICITOTI, NOTARY PUBLIC, &c.. &o.- sLa C. W. JOHN McGILL, [L West, off ers liii oervce 'ote ih tacte of Ontaro end Durhaem ,Couintlec, te at- tend S-ales by Auctioxi otcebold Furniturr, bMeretoandizeecd othor effets, ata retisonabie commisison. 10 Oghcwe, AcuciSt 8 INSURANtE & GENERAL AGENT HE oSUBSCRIBER 18 PREPA-TED TO Pire, LI&h and Mariue Inserance Iisks t roasonable rat", aed !il the inost rospoîlsi bIec omtales. B., E. SKÂE Oâiceta, Jeiy 2,1861. 25 C. N. VARS. svoTTIIU PROVIIs ASSURANCE tcol ESTABLISHE» l Inoorporateî by Acttof Par capital One Million SI IiivestedilunCanada $4 HIEAD OFFICE - oÏ#4L- A. Ditddsofl Fetrker,,Sec1r~ RAITE OF, iRE0I5i ve allad hil eer fai-e'rabe cupro id "'e0"c hrotîtet coîmîpauces iiJin( gadce 'rmn- diL'i ct., n fe t - lla ntt uemr l t4î esrtîi"coduted etiou tiirbîe trCt baud. JOHN AGNEW, NVhîthýy, Aitmçn't , 1862. -y The Celebratod Gor»an 011! - ("1 ,*, eJtSout,, irnlac*, fi-oct blt4At'ttiînmg 4.JsnOI-e, guilt'i îIli iola office. -d.4b itL ie eraistitromomdly 'no I ai miii kiodsof et euls cuad IDoj rosin hi-st. The remooay i% iifcltiblc for ro1ý'V i r iec antd caitîr siîfeting iromn pein. Froni tllcGlt0iiids cf teciinu1l ~the oflic f thitiiicluîhilC rom d y, C(lIele-w- beh hurebeei lotei 4«I kevees-aotI yeur otI (boia - ,alla anu 1:sgý t-ieiedtt ilneia ln entgandnfi oneîg frogt-bteg.' I# U ai la oqtually gu o-ictjliod t toInll(rbi- JAMMSAQlt10 To A. Kt-umwLF..s. £Ai- 1ei nem'gic IA, on 5, RItul .le jo-imt esomoica~0 ~h eolohratl -t il1. Tely 1B tle goZt se- verelv a'atitr-cematcl o'4t mueolohi-ilbutti to aely" V e ycttr cil Olie lti'lnetsWei-tle à1v c ~ o- Ni-mr i , cîtit 11881 ý.A "I)î~m mmtIiijîi"li- t- cci ac the 'pub lie ili gm'mi'ti. ii ititrigtit iO teouie' yomît qelet.nied G(imimcc <iI lforAyrcurA cf 'emtm, tm'i-".tt bimea, &é., le' y otll CaUC- eliite telio-lltt't cniplietai'i 0 i Or k ýt. Iiau4i..ln iitice totevoni, aies ma ditt 1 eme t<mthie p~ulict, itllitik il rizet4te reCn- -neitiytut sc-lhrcic' l-t eimîciiOit, <sOi-te tîi-ire .mfi i-m st4-ý iemie, ibruises, aati) aieof tcures et'itu .tmîtig. DANIE.L HOOVERI. Piclorriiig, VFebrtiry, 1502. tiuutt'»r'(t'ironiea1aI rur miiîg fote for twuif yecaswt,itlt-ttitcrm'.sia,i Itr it iiuetot try yo er tlerqtea Oil, iuid cli tkêov; complote )teeof i-ha iret 'tiedici mecolit!e Counti-y timto lls rtteti tormnan fdilteseDrrs te timewi. t troro a bîosiig ttm îoan- kii. 1I bar-mused ili ti-te.uripf mro-ie. hi-- Ce, frot t late, &c., and as eea.oic iemtg t4tsndliî-. IL lias ueer faiteol i-e fect actr. Tnb hahd at aîl Urgursfimià ù lepry R NI0OVAk O FICFof t.e -a British & American Express Co. Montreal Ocean Steansbip (Co and GlasgowLUne fSteamers. Removot oneoO entl o f tIseReglsti-Of- o. -ROBERT Ps- CAIIPDET.L, 5.gem1iýt. AI-SO-Ofiice ef CAMeBJELL~S OM N ItBUS LINE. Wbîtlsy-, Iprilî 28, - 88. 5f OnIy 40 cents per-Galloui t 16 GEORGB-'2YULE'S. KEROSENE ",OIL! PENNSYLVMIA OI At Rteducoo llnes Fotagat. 16 GEORIGÈ YULE. W PIANOS FOEË SALE. Oretetront- icustndejly Rîdîtiiem " for tL uatteFRS1E very lois' for Cash, or pprvcdpipr, O lng or shcrt dete. J. V. HAMO. Whbtby, Dec. 182 48-tf. FRNITURE THIE SUBSCUIIBER 1s8 SEiLTI11 DIVISION COURTS. a, -c-h............. .e ~Umbig................... i Ne. 4, .eavotegi. .C.. .. THE-Z. BURnHAM MERCANTILE COLLEG1,-, eit-. CFo MAIN & SENE CA STREETS, Tm mintImpertant 1ii tie sreîît chain ofMa; tional Mercantile cosleges, loerîtcdin te foltewiiig chlie, riz: TORONTO, C3. W. NEW YORIK. PIIIIaDTYELl'IA,' '1'ROY, C LI E LAN1), DETILOIT, o'OiICAG'(, 1AND ST. LOUIS. A scholarship ,Jsiued front thseBfefa. lo Colle e, o-ntillesthe tidor teo ttond ceuh- or or ail it eCoImlle o-ifr ancmimhitot timne. Thse Deisigitof iliese Institutionis, loto inipartto youîg nmen and ladiesý, acerovgA, These (Collège-s câro uir andicoin- olucteti i jen c ttc., llhiio emrt"ch seopcrîeistîintn"e hol,ýt toccilela cril.:lica for iinpcrting Pe Ilitrtti2tto-'îîîîîrtîeiidlýticiiioi mire anti cenpieto oetiinl lti4cointry. merciaI Law', Coiimimrt-ial Arithînîtit' ci uti e niaulip. are txii1lit in tie niost thiora ugiiiti preoticalialier. Tite t1peicersni SV*tee of Penmien. shiî1, i,- tzwg4t by coin eti-nI amui i-xperiitirl .SchoIarsIîip, 1tayabI i iv;îcp, $40. Collego optn day ctioeeieg:iz-îIe iîît Re*itleiit 'riîîcij.la t itîmLltJ. f. Rvi, For fîstiher îîîforîîmtioîi, Il cat -l< .tto Cellego ltç)teii.4oo îter &'8tl"nîdail Gir. culer, o icblettt'r etio.A(lairs BRYMNT k- STRATTON British Ametheue Ai-surni-u e Company-, INCOIFORATEI) cetier a ciAtof thie V'Bird Seotobntitif the FQievnttb rovîc':ta] J'erlia ment ef Uppercua t. CAPITAL £1-0,000. Irsuruicce lt-teioitul img mt i-he ceuteote. Rvoi-y intoî'mutieîsipltiOu- plioralli-in to i(-le iersiznoeet. TrureliittgAgent, lyron QStreet, WhiLbh3 GEORGE CORMACK. T ÜfMBSER M RUANT, Carp-enter, tenýd J.joiuet, GreoeSt.i b. A large qmîîoîî UNDEIRTA..ING. UmRLflyepîtîleol anol attedeotait F 6soitnoice. oin'. kpt conamtcntly ou biaud., W~A Te.te bire oma lilsersi i-ie. G:EOp.GRCOJIIMACEK. Wbitby, Pcb. S5tIt, 1862. ' 4-iy Farm'for Sale. Just Woights and Mi LN OIE TO COUTNTHRACT TItI' BAD EETSIîOT 0 IN S0ME MEASURE RLTFVHIOSlEWHO ,easures . 'q>poQ.RCROI's",AND mo~< 11EIr 'ttdi S - - CRY 0F î"IlÂIîDt TIMES" TIu C1t~O-i l mt vu lIS415DAY a JiyO 81 El.,f u CE RISGOOD LICENSED -A REIIJUCEORI IS GOODS; 10 such Iow priées as Nwill eîîable evei'y o110, with littkt moîîey, to obtain their littie neesseries; for (ho wiîîter, as weII mis Iixuries fer tie ceeue5- holiotaye. lc teili, (lierefere, cdll utîtil firtltor notice GOOD 'MUSCOYADO StIGAII FOM d. PERlb THàE BEST NEW CURRANTS. AT 5d. PER lb. Ait kirtdt-et lFrnit, s-nuits ~Prumnes, 1)avto, Leioîn. &o., toýostbîo( V ith ait kinds ef Samce s anmdtSpitt-es, litrecitirte foter-rtere 'cn iandîgeut Forius'colebruitia mdelion Coruet. Cwïti to <it houseI:îte ncsjiYtîrî"r>o ih-e Desit TlntwCa'nilir', 9- Tes fi r%51. UoOl pactnt 8l'îiId~li. Ite-qt No.i àt-cp, 12 liai- 'rI G.I <oue Wsi-ihbociîtrtlmc, lâ. G,,od Ilcomi, frocn t. I toil MopSrom 7%iItoiithyîI Meaîmires, an(! Woodcmi iVetrè e ery tiitiîtnm b tuli hn 'Iorniîre orlolesle pice. lehUî'~fritte7!ýM.'hIoia' iIiit ~'Ielroa ic- t rche to tbtmmîisewîî m ihe ou i ti'. 'ith 'tIi"litl it t iIT î1hClips ilil 4li ' er titi. \V i'h i d, t ciits, tîet'd. 1t- iî' -r ta .,tV ri u t r l ieu.vlt ilii, 1 TheicCheicmet Rr;tiil-o in Winttt, lBrandty, PiRin, Ctue. l VIn ~ e-e-tmgle OlIt l 'irommit aLTdy Rý, 'iîi 1k.11lSa î;iihî w iîîhi ihi, 'il >ii'd" ~le-s etlc lim sîe itu tji -t u it yio. Tliese wlao riinber tise teliciis flucoi'et tho Jnilom, Dilîhmi, sontGla.4goot lilnck aniii(toreei 'otti itir il ti-tibhîtf-ii et i ti t it htî:tî oto ii- r o m t î 2.i4I. t( 4s' Qd., aid Ie!tU, 'qmutj ,Irtît ,ol i /-Zo-ait-t i" iti' e i-t tî'r ittih-e. id itihOri-i.) iliîecet' "ti tw iijl iti- .i tt i l'e - itI ot î- yttî mî i ti "- 0 ' oiiî att Iu iv n i 'i &I'G- tnt et o, oîr eii-to ii' i-~ e n reo t11i: mmi iv l'o-e, mil %itllot-tr titto e if 'chou-g- lt, -o ii- ttt*SL r Ol lm dalltî e, oe ip iuiin ' l t, ,li- h t 81 uri ta 0, 1 u itlti.--tt m-n Oulie t o iite la mQtteitie cettitiol hi lift- ot to ti it i l .' rr «, iii t s t l tttt ftti-ît i, tire ge-ltiit "Jiclsu it p itISh-eue O t Ili aitAiti uue î'. -Itmi tt I . (u Q ltl.1 ai.l u, to-ani iîer tut.ov, - Tffl()MA[ýt1 MULICAUJY, - .Siyiî if iMe -17'j'-iic-o i . ioc- t'. imtiru FOR AT LARCE STOCK 0F GENERAL GROCERJES. W'INE S & LIQ UORS Fior sale sut a small1 advauîce onu WbIcilc PFÎCOs. - LOWES & POWELL, P7 QYSTERS, LOBSThRS AND SARDINES, WhtIesifle and Retail iLOWE-S & PO, WELL. GCOAL OIL & GOAL GIL LAMPS, Cheaper than the Choap2st1 LOW ES & POWELL.fi Doceîniser, 1862 2 ýo- 1 i <i2, ?lPuu~ îsIlk ~-ckSx h ibv IAEL S3L3uNAlq'AUF.T 9TY O U.NAn2o ;irutortim e i ttc iie utloîtqdts tetie T tiave tabou erkt l.icett' u p V)t' lite ret Mai endl RiiL 4l. (bcdii-gotmaîor'lr iL. t' Fcirbcîîls. Jr. iftutlit llrtu or' ?atrbiuîtii & M'ccutuotl-fsr Vnîy e. 'rîjma, My'îrs-Cutntr - '.PAXTON, f.o Cotinty Trearer. ~ Wî11it by, F,îbf. 27, 1 561. 1 ASSURANCE COMPALNY- MARINE DEPARTMENT. IVY 1111t;Imml.l nL fi-Sî1141e,nlîîi 11ns4r ,pii-lie tarit'fecg pmnoinf ylue-t sot fi m îmîi mler-4l, ,i tiiorejtIic, eitoiitto j (;h N I'f)W, ort lîitrny FO)>. 251h, Iit JOîSEPII F. RAINERPi Piand-Forte MYanufacture r, IVAREROOTISi- IIITI3Y, C. W. Wl[El"Eîimiy be fouet il fite coco mFiI-n )of piano Fortes in Plain ant it ruamcltaîlGse tVeimî te 01% 01%7 and 7<d s îîtfo teril f tioto-f ieomts-heeamilprwtaoiîiioîet1, 'y hielîxettiitiguiboo Atiute hale mir puste ior lysteiti nti prity of'Toue WiI heatlt)o ili ut -reIceîucternie, îcnt 'set -At 0 i' ri.ttnîc'al Ehiiio iiediLnduoi 'in 2t tii27r1.lîtoehor'8îî fii lsi p ri ze'wa siraîtutte-h-mph-~hîmirf'or lie eipe - î~uhtt cflit PimetForeswbýich moere to-t' cdii"grtt>Tmitcl, 2Ttce fijeUIIIof 7l'ita andfttomdîtt j Tme.,itu de: Lo xtra 011105 ftmr the supo irrpelieh uft thc hnîtronment. lie -% îlt ,ý titte flit t prises lit the Pruviieial Faire lît181 clsàg111. - T:I 'ieeto'î of Jos. E'. Raine-,r tere p lacet( in thi' lig p caandrl a ipememoa airdedt leic. M-i- nersianto le mcIlkuemsii totmlie rcqiiireos n frtv) cnneui t han thi ý;r l Iit rîlerlmtg, pIeu-se s tt the numbereT JOS. F. RAINER. I. J V. 1A1 havrl ghecmnethieproprie- tor i- tteahe w,.ml liver ht-ciri-li ou i udtr -TO TUE OF TL bOtetrire, fer -the ,tliodierillg nairY 1000 4 24 i-~4 17b~ ~-ii e.l - IRur -1l front 60 ceres (0 bomt 5ciec-cud) I ~ bColi.of (he owtnalp -et'Whitley. les obose cui tii- n e îapùi ti- es ; lil te I o reliarcl aîmd gai it. Thora le a ml eatth(le boiue, Iaioui srilzs tbîrOmg'i the trin for watitsig ciitîle. Tlioland ioý of excel- lent qualily, und enfler lie bc-uit ofte Tcubti rutien. Fer Tertiesmsud feirtîier paiticulortaeppi>', (il by lui-tet poet pelol) t-o - JAMES E 'O, --- IREV. WILLIAM IIENSON 49 haraMuli~airt PO tOu, on the-Puai-o. 61 eu JAMeS H. GOREIlE I Agent, Whîu.by. bc COflJNTY

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