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Whitby Chronicle, 2 Apr 1863, p. 1

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ýk Street, Whitby. Doort U thJe Bogintry Qit. )VEUTIBZMENTS 1 lvettehess ttesnodin biaupar. id chaged at th.elte cf 8 toutspet, t isertio. a4 mnt a, itoe ooamt = e itb eds'effleera by d6uittinlma averttsementa mesm, rx 0F KONTREÂLi THIOMASIDOW9 »Managor. INEII GLA.SS WORKS. W. ULU< uW ork .,75 YTouug Street, Torcumto. IIRON & MAVDNEL 71111-S & ATTOtEV TLAW, rý- to tht Conity coutleil Ottri-- (tht (Iutîrt lItlo-St-onth Wing. IRGE Il.DARTNELL, TEU, ATTOUItNF.CINVEYVAN o. (-Illoficeovoer G 2 rs' ;t<re, Brook' Street Whitby. J1. V. IIAD, TFIt-,T-1,AW. OFFICZe-BIlOK VlthC. W. X. G. HAM, TEP1 ANED ATTORtNEY-AT-LAW. .~pste. egis4try Itllet, Brook 3UIIISON & SAMPtION TElIS, .\ttnorueyg, Sullttctrs. &c. ii'-V ceste,î Asance lhul'luf .Judy '20. 1kA1.295 G. Il. DAKRTN'ELL* Y litEGISTRAR, MA&STERtXTItA- ri-, teus xaiuuor sn Clancery for lÈOttumrio, Itrooek-at., Whitby. 47 W. H. TREM.A'YNE TER. OUNTY CRt)WN ATTIlE ;e., tte., bAs reuuoveujtho thm roittuu h S tore,$. oers. MoPIlr- Au0 , 1810. .40 OBERT J. WILSON.- TER & ATI'OUNEY AT LAW, nmmin Olmaîceri'. ». Whitby, <C. W. 11eeRot, ,P- l, Brook Street,*Wlutby ARLES C. KCELLER, ?E Y ANT 14 ',S() tCtTutR 1N tory, ouiitur.&c. <tlt--in ltldluuz ener tht chronuida nthcee 11otltulVeutit 0lvillatut cf Menter- 40 -COCHIRANE~, L. L- B. TER. ArTitMNpY AT lAWPC- lui Ciaiiter,, Nu<raI'uuthilir. e ito%'s !New Ilding, Dtm#lidea NE<u0T1.W.POl ITOU E ory, Noter * uli nî'evalteer, JOHJN BILLINGS ll,1NCVEY, i COMNVEVANC90 lrmtime l'Jrt, îs'o douràes et Au'é%-tore. 1 W. IL - IILINGS. ýTER&1 ATTO)RNErY AT LA-W, ors lun Cthanuory, Wliltby, C. W.-> ilsoe'g Bnlýldiug, Brook-st, Whitby CAIODWkILL BROWN, f ANCEIt, OOIIMttISIONEIIFO Affideavits, Accotoutant aimne! Diii- Noter,' ?>illic aud Qe4nrat Àgeus, Oftuee-Kinir Street, noarly oppoAlte Ililal,- ill ttîcines attnstedùtoi Maite a m-Ii v atteuded to. 32 H. E. ODELL, V'ANCER, sud Cenmeneor lu q. 1, &t. tI&hl colec-son the ui4st tona, utd promupt reuutteueos e, Sept. 10, 1861. 85 W. CLARK, M«. D. CORzONER, &AV. -Oute door Test u4 Vsrold & 4i ,Brook Street, Whîtby. - - 44 R. J. GUNN, M. De )N TO TUE COUNTY GAi)L, Street- Whily. '4 i. BOLISTER, M. -B./ [ANI, SURGEON A-AMk-cCOtT- a1z Ilo!. i.ofie-pps 'uttr atteuntion peid to diuasuues ot AMROS W. CRON, EUTCI viL fN (;i NEEOa, A1ËD -ISN&BURNET, NCP1 Ah 1, AND SURVEYORS. ud d vuritt u <trip. WîId nd ult.Vuthiale lands for es-Btiîvortîn. andtlWoaiIvihie. s0ON, tl. iluitEET, c., "BEEN STREET, CHDIVISION COUlIT, eîtitip Bol.Atd- -14 IPEARS. ASUBER OF TRE ýg. Adturess, Uxhrldge. -UPERIOR omtyCottu- ter, Whilt dWIt~oaIm Priute~ '-t -'~-, ----t VOL. 'Vil.'- 1G, LOB]e- UOTEL. 1Ilotel sud'priomises bave boon parehised by thet4siheer,.rhore lio vll l wgXg b. (oic nd iun hans? reito 0attend proaY% the *auta oàf hi#' gusta, ai& o.n moderniluprovemeut to nuke the 1imrvel1r ' home diarng lus stay, ud.the Table boantifal- 1y uuppliod steti ures., Notice to Farmers and Others Iqtuoro Wi'hoete aud Rotal, M6ir'onl'Fat?- frl(f.y~ gallon or harrl; MeN&ugbton' il%11ý,.111;Io. dlo.; Ilseplam' Extra Rëotifled WVhlsakev, <l11. do.; bmit Port, Sberry aud (tguiack lBrandty for tht aîlck, çwth as Lt of; M - ori nn Viýrsof the I est brandit. Roteiitveo)sers, sud liorsea to Ritre. A. ALEXANDER. lirouliiluliii. 2711h, isi. -4 S 1Jt0-o-,K LI N_àMED Ic-A L jA L Lt JlOUX iD.N.XES, 1UtiT t.Atothecnry, &.e.Brook- Fpvinîde1. "Prugs, t)??0 and Medicines nlûverv dascrîtiou.4-1 DAVID BislIot', A U('TIX£Elhogs toL imforniîtht inhabi- tAntof0 11trio- and DîraiCunuties, thatliélm repredte attend Aclinl. hr fthue icottios. All rdeors lit et hÎ~ r.leuoit1 9, No. 34,un the 51h count"orn of ?tarlmugton, will ho pnncttetly attended te. l)arlington, Noveinher, 186'2. - 48 U'ALF-WAY HOUISE, piVOnt, 00 JIN W ESLEY, PIZOPhTlF.TOII,(SIJCC,"- auor t ILR. P. Clark.) Dulv $tarem te the N"ti ,ilu *Wlthy, asud ii tiaho . 24 ISAACO FENTON, ffl ltiê and Iliîorg; i; surlor ar4u, A L BION_ HO TE1L.1 ucanas emeic, mffuv. 10 - JAMEFS BLACK, Grand'Trunk Raîlway Motel. (&iefA aith *Mf Raitelw &pot, Por9t Wkigby.) T .EUNDERSIGNFI) 1tEGSTO 1'iNORM T'Ii lx frie ndi% and the piihîlie, that lit ml hu in pseioiof te abuveIstutrl, the bueinoas oft% wtuhtiulie w m i??tiflu rreenur'v pouon hia omu aectuUltt. Gý,oudLi- iot'rs, %viuesud lBrandit*, Vie:urs &c. Excelent s-hi~-sueuIatninfor misu sud honte. JOSEPII RUEBOTTOM, Proprtetor. WhithydJan. lit, t6tt. se, EAST WINVDSOR IJOUSE, WIIITB1Y, wuL. oisOcr, rsutummsTeC. fIl Eahove Ilote? l ituated luapeasautaud rotired pr fteT.own, outhe froutrad. 1o. eunltuiIl for travllr. «ood Stabling and attentive oustlera. 22- VICTORIA IMOTEL. w Win. Boi'toili.s12 -ANGLO.&NERICAN IITEL. (4'e li hlmcusl. (lod tbing and ofttlor. 16 > MJIN IiOGOEIDGE. -ZWICXEY'S ROTEL. hotol (lormnrlv eupied by Mr. Atkinmon) aud thet tht trsveÎliiug comumun .itv sil? ind comn- tab~le mu. sWeil aueppod with ovorythiug iu Boa son. Good etagng and carefunlosttera4on the * JOH*NZWICKEY. NINHiÎTEL. MANtITIPSTER, REACI. (la .te y. itnlrAiLt'sr.) 1tlIs bote) i.ceoutmlty itttstodend "poseso ovraJ ntoLln It ha. beon nowly Atted np sund rtuaveued. Ilest wtuta, liquora, sund ctgirs. CHAS. KoCLUE, [27 - - Propretor, a -. ~ I COOMMEBOCIAt OTL ýj4MES CÉOCERProprtor. (MLIERCIAL TRAVEIL'ERS -Wiflil -n it' Joouvei.at stopefg t a. Iis bot.? a.thevy eau 1earua tram the Ieglater Bookr keptaI lb, Bar the routes taeoub$ thoir protSuors.' j~!TeproprtDtr takea ttlitselon tethanli Its numerous patrouaaspefienda for tho liber- .d patronag eotos-esOn hlm ine,th. cous- moem.pent b-buela uWhlty. Coos! Stabting, «d 1Att"tave Ostleue.I WlbeJ9.,i' 1868, 14f RUSSELL'S HTELI, '1 MI uudeaknodPrctprietorg f n tabi théir friondsa nd pâtrona. ihiat thèev have tho- relie rti ruvnt,d the4tr ,Ihlilncîîî t r . the wile, hioh onablo. theut now teu ffer to the M etnhera of the Lotritlatnre, and the Tr. "cliiiz Publie Ittuorior 111nîdtou i addition te the apartutoita thev lied WisaWili- ter.t'hey linive uw ~aIotra s ud«Bod-roonn . la l oisot ie utenttetl. whkh. for eonifort .Id coi11 oroe uurpsapd lv the City'. WM. RUSSELL & SON. t4uehot, March1,18t Northern Hotel Cannington. '1711A iuertting bueto n, t thet shor f<tir. ably kîîowu .tetl, lin, rrnflored it neemtrni o tltheul),riber te olarge the prenmt.lehi doue lauto s onotsttrale crtout, suid1110&' otiier ilterstin and improvotmenta, te atnrc t4twfurtbcer thet oîmfort anna acoonmodation ot btA- giteRtm. The table la siwsyA provided with thet entn and nono but thetlien hranit of Witeand Liquora kept nit thepremies-.. Tavrr keoperx istîpplild wlulesele. Gite a rail ait Voit pass. Bokb the reowlied o041cm, slwnv@i i')eteîî,- ance, oiÀImttd by Dick, te take e tîtet feati. .1011N tVARIT, (':tntinen%,Oct. rrdp iFI tor4 REVERE ffOUSE, tinEsuberiber boas te aunouneo te the .1.pithle, aud paiticularly ta tht travllinz coinniiiitîy, thtit ho iam copetuod tleho*ve exý of accotnno4ation, snd ovory attention raid te tht oiofrt fguote.Exc*llont$Stablintenul attentie oOstke. The Bar eupplied witlîhat willes and Cigare. WM. PARKIN, 49- y Propriotor. To the Travelling Public. TM enbicrlbor hiavluir oeaed the preini, se..Latlcy oceulod hy T. EngUahti, iu the lilloqo u' Epgnîn, iud lîsving fifttd thon, uip ln sttod itylo, lamni. reparei o onetounudte ail thor-c who givo Ihint aeai. -Ho iutoiîdit koopiquç oothiug but TUE fEMT OF LIQUORS à CIGARS And hIs 'rab1a, will ho fhrnlahed wlth aitil t dolilencitaof't.ho soaso. An- sttentive-ox0<4er n is nd. Thouit mm favom Iinu with 'a rell cayri upf uigerfortably aeenm- 0 O N I l T ILr, F.e. Me , 1 i61% t 19 -à ," 144t Bay Etreet Toronto. MALT VINEGA.3 3 [LT VONEGAR can now b. ited inularge oomeuali qnutitiesa it Whitbv Brewerv. 1<0W le THKE Tm£E. J. A. ci TFraon ( Itimi, tor audla ah s ALBION HOTEL, 4 E AST )4AEKET S4UA RE, TCRoNTO,- -- JLdJ MTProjprietor. Etel1ont accom- cor o teeo ry ttntonpaldtthtacomfomt Pr TUE TERRAPIN. - Batik uf rHE PROPRIETO1IS 97 THIS WELL 1. lnos-n slou art noir ticoccopatton a -. tht ld ST. NICIIOLAS. Ring Street, Toronto (furnierly kopt by Mr. Iiolty. Tht premiata j'a-e beeu uewly reuo6vattd tlhrotghôpt, sudtS ARLI ittndt U-) iu tht ýfitrt stylo. Evory proturablo 'JIJ A doeso e san mo gria itedu s-tailn!( paely. uu ±1 nuebt th.ýt ba. radi C TAîî 0~ perm itted t e ent r, a d QO n e 28 CARISLE i MeONEY. attouded CANTON IIOTEL, 1Expas D FIsCRBIIiIIKPICKRlING. GooD bourg. W. UTHBEYM LT, Tro 41%-Sn, Prprittolr. edort . G. J. Go0 RAILROAD HOTEL, st. ("har BRI.LxiLtLE. Fort Strci F HONT STREEnoarthe Nark:t Otne Bellevileîte!. 92,18 61. 4-ly IMANILLA flOUSE, luiE ILMttLLL, onEToit mKEESS AT lesark.a lutPrize Wietetre Gallery i desire atcorrect-andt Uta-like Atmbro. ýCemeotypo, Lottergr-aph, or Loatijor etora Lkenesa lu a LmIoket Broaclj or wrJ.A. C. casdo Itln tu t-best.0sayle, WILKfIN8ON'S IBLOCK, Brosi Streed wIUby. jlOBhçSON H UE !ERANOW1!ýIOUSE BAT SFTREET. eu.,sfîdoors NoTth ef King stredt, Lte futemtemul i(l, Preui.it0r. t- British asdue! Krcsgfle &Lii. Thsuranoe Oom'y. THTOMAS 1DOW, 'tiitbu, Sept. 7,192.30-ly FRED. TAYLOR,- LIAMENITART, -%ND- & ORNEZ- ,xelut, Pi-touts for Crein LiAs oh clarnf% bhoor th~e »epartet et .adà, Putented, Piei uf netion' orltitas w mtl Mie 1iblr me d te, Titte uaauheet ud Leiçal Adtiic -et oft51harge. (;es.l n. e.S. Ileelton Co- T. R. Merltt, Eusq,,. l ilsns R~eud, - treul; Tton D. MoDan. onte; flou. G. Alexenuoer, Wooýdmuiek; ~TET. ~O RE lOAL Ly?6EUM l King iN sZTrt, ToTôroEto, Ig*' Free Lnno2 verf ID sidenSo-olboru Siwt, sowi4 doorwitt 11 fByron Street. Whltby, lob. 4t1,. 8 i SS EflitER ha mat pleanvo n mitmating Shut the Canadâ AvonovAsso. ihas' reaumod making luants on imiprovod FArro Propori , itos et- inlurext sud tirtu WMl ho fzytlliboru nd satiaffcoyo pU ention to t17o pl ONA GNEWt Jan. 27, 186,3.., ~ T-IrAsolov»himi Lewolileat t Ontario L hmhere. 2e One Poor lSouth of the Rezitry Offlic.d Whitthy, jeu. 28, 18",. -Farm for Sale or to ýLet. -rfIE ý,north PO acrcýi% of LotnNo. 28, iu the, iO rd Con, or Whithy, (adiolilur the towol) 5A< sceti clertid. There la s gond atreni tor watcr,,dwolling, hern sud orchard, (greftedj fruit.) For terme sui partictnlars, Arpy te tOHN,;MARITIN,- Contitnctr, Toronto. Il Or nt the Uhrotdtdleo ilce. MEDICAL HALL, BROOKLIN. TJ )Aw ,S. Deier l iii Pr 'nPtentMoVdi- ti eiest Palot. (tiim,, yo stilfrs, Coneet- ti<urmy1 orst udCoan Md i slwyon Ilrîiollin, C. W, lob. 2j), 1863. x1 oC., 0 E< o z w C2 , Zen £ (t oI aa r n - M &g '<.a$bêrierix 'Song Who etmers sbe1r puikin 'vines W. e eoet for bis marbie hall. Norfyeekhja heapeof gol, We '91J4119 Dn Iîst tord eart FoDr IU li "t ico ta id. 'WeIe asv.ore Iof eatb, - W, brSith pture mir esch more, Weae*-e reap the goldenugrn" W nlu inthe cormu; We t1l14a-0 live on what s-e earo, AMI nk muu til ttma hi.o- We 1tmr pf atarvîug uiihîon,, round, Aud ladl ed thom too. Tlue likWr ligls<unrntlfos yeotse il wcirv Life lie no'r k'uowa a jescofnl bou- RIs 01 ' otireitmte. Th4us, ~~nibit yar-tleko'r Cmose IhgàrdsUt ilitel- lesuet ho timan %dCuit uatluhu for- WIluy d4metha titi c ail I The te t lods< hroi iiorun and 1told, PInos at hit cutl' ii Whoen dmieud Zo gne ho ploàiq egahut To eet hi,lengtily bill. rll (blocster his noble igett.) lie rra"pshe-nlgIty esrtm, Anmd etanîipa t 4<un unr daily 1ahcet, TO (:teor lmo fuuner'e heurtb. WC ainr e, t lutr of tuie plong i, AI 1d ll(Iqnu et tle 'oa Tyo i]t ut rntuiaof toit, Wt!itî fih apus-cmlu lti. TIM b)Atf'-tUuoteri'of thli'. futg Trîuo htlu ýijofllîmîuuumu kitd- bn iI11 ee euurue-stî liue 0 tuIlatituniud. ut! youtu not-deprive those aboui owu couaci a! ali tima tnoioev b tsi Alie. ?et tne piloptie its traml whici, togh thie,' due animation in tht ighilof niptetel,' aunihilalinu! I oses? ta ho attaches? wsons, bel moat com*ý Il of the moon. I gen. ]g ef a peteliat- nainre mowre ceing au, tàt te deoscruhe. Il wu a ýe Ituomu, mustI h, ex- ýcllent wife Marta-Il 91 wh ba bs been deaci art of fart,' yeals-use? sys observes? anueneatal complexion, otherwise n* twi,,.A-.na sth, fiia cellu ptemet, the- apeaof bunger lWs hotu at all bearable -and I havebeon told$ýhat they are meeli more se Ilisla If My' umemoty Serves'te correcîl, , Iis caini state of mine! dis? sot lut long.. Réuotn foOo ea i *bpér Io Muf hhai if!1 hid emei bûrfed, -and thé,earth close&? &rgounsdlmy;cofin, 1abts ual b. able top, repire, îhide I coule! Dol Io ith , tase., I did Inot, cf course, dreana of thie -ya3lt in *iela I wu places?,-but coisidero'd aI flrt. 1 Was boss but-led ins eutl.' The fredom, otifpraýtion gave mue the ides Ibat attor aI 1 wu not terries? forth for intermnu, bet ImatI IwmasaboutIote bo brne tee the grave, andti lat thtr I' heuld el ho nibees. tes! inevitably. Sncb la tihe incousistency ef tht hnmmau mind t-bat 1, who bas? jeat nom reaigneul myseif tlu die b,' famine, imagined thia nme- mentay mode. of death a laundre ti ioes cnet fa~Ydai1'The 1ld &tàî w as net yet interiétd increasesim'y anxiety te hoe boareifreni ith o ut. 1 caties? alent, and attueletheo àaidsdtht lis? eftht coffin te neo perpese, tilt I mas bouearaàad fatigu4et but alt lian . A ailu,' silence brokl ereunsme,antistht enireken darkness4 I was nom ateepel s-ed nafl aauy. Iaeh ,ii lied with horrer. i pluged Mn ila inte n'y thighz, and woendedi thoni. - Tht _cet. fin mas soaketi in my 'bios?;,sud b, tear- ung tht me'oden asides etfni,'prisen miltii.h aime mnsin feeling, 1 Iscreateti nil'fing. Srso sud more the nmste tht' quick, asu1d seen became suotiontilas from 'exhanstien. Wben Ilmas mysout ence more, I celles? alenti n ie' îi unieé. I prayeti, ans? I fcar I blasphemeti, fer I krnes' eut abat 1 sais?; aud lies continues?, nutil ni,' treug. thi aPial lti nud nature ence meo songbi veplenisbimeuîin temporery ien. siblit,'. At Ibistilmoîb ad àavision et a most Indeoduabt charactor, if il mwu ont, and net a glance, as t sa linued ost thinïk it wus, boîmeen the portals jute the wôrîti of spirits. It wes-al saepelea ans? fornleas, imagesofsetnsansmutn, often nembe-r- leuinl a sert of saslowy outlino câme befor ans? around nie. Tht,' seemes? as if litabless front dece>'. Their ftatureltss bouda movos? uponitrunks hideoanal,'vital - in-figure lilc o bdies, îhicb I havo seau drawn forth trous buruetid dcîlinga, tacls baltag ratier a hideusn, mia-ahipcn mass than human rosembiauce. Thicli dsrkuness snct silence et a tehorrble resuit,. If, a I a'uspecteti, I aept abeet this timo tram weaknesa, la mal but te ewaken agein te a moare fearful cortliouuosa af mv dreatitel the be1loîtkmnil~ ldiah end~s e ottrest niy teadt e gy.<) mb'Waî more niy teeliig.tFur &5 lâê?,tlieSftaer Ibis I Iay steeped iMy E fsCý-ow a!least for, a long lime a.ýitseqçed -ta me. MY head wa. bruises all ov -uty tuibg moe excéalivel,' sor-tht -skin rubhed oflr lu niîny placee'with ml #&uggling-.my eyea aching uitla Palmn. Iéiut relietfb,' tut-n. iug ou n,'yrigt aido-î-I ha; noyer before tunýbtanmY left-wmen 1 teli uner meaharti substance wbich I badti neh. fort ýerelved. -I gr" lpée dit mitlssoma, diffièvllty, snd seau fons? h masa hotý from the côffln pIaule mbicb lad hotu fer- ced inwards, in-alt prohabilit,' etter I mua places? there. I aaw uise a ulin ligbî through a bele, about as largo as a hait. cromu pice, just bhoes- mere in,' cin caine 1 put ni,' bad te it, and faune! it coer- edmiihcoamso oth, wicltIoaily imagiutd was the liiDig otfMy-colin. 'I1*Bon Con- trives! to terce ni,' flger îbrostgh Ibis cletb. thidugls net mitient considerabie eiffclnt,': Faint teougis mas tht ligbî rovealedi but il mas a&non* d,' un et-jo! to nie. b,' an uneas,'aIrin etfum,'necle, I ceelt set- obliquel, through thte peuiug, bunt tvtryltbiug mas confuses? lu uy brain. My sight mas danudy, hoavy ans? lte. I at fimat touts? perceive thore mas light, -but could distiuguish nueoabject. My,' seuses hootror, seoruet saharpen s em irtpes: Broie. I closes? ml,'eea.tor a minute together, aud thon apente! tlseu, te reatere their aimeat mornoul power ef vision. At lengtb 1 coule! diatingeîah 1h51 hmmediatel,' epposite te me thero a samati indes', crosses? by,massve lt-on<bars, hhrongh wiieh t-ht lighî I saw e-areamed MalLejo' in. t e i.saul of misery'. I nom cri es? îilh delight. I hhoughî I weu among mou agate, for the pitehy dat-lues erons me me. disperms?1 Iforgot tar a moment ut,' spfl'erings. Even tht est-trut -question, iow I sbould gel free frous ut,'ddrFnce hofore tanin.e destreyed nme, mas a long' tuileaben rot midm sud dis? netoc Ouruilillcoud loktbroegb tht fissure ne loigçr tramathe. gisdiness aied se b,' e tee, e3rnest lizednuo f gaze. 1soomi concluded, from themassy stonea atreugth et tht bars, tbat I vas lu a dmurei vaut ; and!- dois mwuconfirmes! mien I coet te istinguisi - tiuen dsaoetwliaor thet coffins îhich parti,' interposes? ho. tmotn me sud the lighl. I matched tht mindoes' otil tht ligrht began to grow dim, wilb feelings noe)anguage tan decrilit. ne s? out, 4' mol Ii negeleet <ofthep foot- miti Iadieui Who i venture nt b0iî keep out thbe , bas provithleUe set h shaee yet 9ptflod lu Wbftby; etphra Xaden', at IRn=s- A cail litr thmo CASH -FOR 'SHIEEJ? SKINS & Il lier. 18,18112. B roc S- ce Y . . ............. 'saut "aruti Peace, Propos.if, eno*ié4ge, Erotlîorhood. .YIRL21863. Y NO$12 7 ýN. \1 'l 1 ý Vv Teufy A Strange Prablem solveeL. (Fr&m t 1 4e nini oe' Get.) - Ira. Patrick Lyon sud mr8. Hoidelcb reeide lu tht lame hous. art Third ,strgot, near John, liviW;g ou theunot fiesdy ternms with eaeh. ether, aeu njoyng *ith tli 'ir rrmpocliv ' husbands~, alifé o f. Vuel couinubial felieity and tappinu s se llom feuls to the lot of IOnien. For somel time past it bas beenr evideut tia Providence, go lavish iu its oxpemsituro< of blias ,on thoso twe happy couples, coteumplatod adding fnrther ta thoir u ps tf joy Iiy a preatutation of, "olive branch~es," Siuigu. lar te relate, the presentation te boUs tole É~laeaet the saine tme. on Tuesday night balt, but thé aom re ~ésoinewbat uuqùal. ly diatributd, Mrs. Lyon,' -at the cô'nedniion of the ceremny, fiuding heraelf ins the possession oftwo 8 mjliug pierubu, sud Mrs. Heideibacli of but oue. - 'f huasfar everythl l ent "1geily asa nmarrisage bell1,91 the joyona fathers vere in ecsaegite snd the h&pjIy mothers mtrve s? 'riv ,th unut- terabto joy: but as-if tht fates more doter. mined te iar the plean re rof the acen,uan unuloked.for dlfflcmlty arase, which, for ua time put a cousiderabît damper ou the aprioethbe mbole party. It atouts that tht nurse Whoe-had-been eniployedti te fflelate on the occasion had, iu cenaideratien of thteniementous dutite aba was -ienut te perfortu, itbed anch cepiens libations of spirite as t e bcrnte decidediy drunk-, in the breadest aenae of thetertom; sud when ahe brouf-ht in their babies te ahoif te the expectant pattrnals, ehe bsd fut thern mixoj np in snch inex- tricable coufusion ,hat she mas, unablo te.- tel ta whith they belouged. This mas a bleir mbicli they hmsd net expectd, aud preduced a profoend sensation lu the circlo but tht diffictlly was a't length solveti hy Patricli, whmt dernandtd two et tht babies sny way, rtmurliing that oeue et them u mt ho bis, sud ho coukl uioidomwhether or eut tht ether ma wbe t witmue rein np, by seeiuf if it ceuld apeîmk Dueh. lTle Dupb muan, whe at finit fi-,1t asbas? as 1thtresVý If>e thiuk ihat thme eltidou whorn ho mi-ht be lavishmug hbie love andi uflectien niight hotht offapring of anotetr, toi happily tu the ides ef the Irisimnu, sud ii reaelved te re- tern the otewhich hu rafuit tebis lot, shouls? he tinti il spusking Wmish, mheti i ia old eneegli te talle. How À Pol.rrwÀ% O; OTÂ wmrx S AINp Su'gn $95,000-Tht Nom Yerk correspondlent et the IBoston Journa2 tolaetht tollowing atoq :-"Quite a sharp business trsuso tien, in a martial way, lie htudont bore -if reports is tmnt-by one of ouratctess. fol aud most unscrupelous -politiciane. Hlavimtg Borne rooney, he mauteti a wiro freni a ata te iu society a littit above what ho -vas aceneteniud ta nijo lu, 1se h o ught the baud et ontetofthe -fair damaea ofs'e Gethani. As has political prospecta more qnfle hiur.ho bcwuuereferred tsu PÀ~a... 1

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