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Whitby Chronicle, 2 Apr 1863, p. 4

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,e con- hope, ason, vho0bu gotten fin. by t e ment daînollUions anxious toi msrry bis ouly the, dcughters of the Marquis e ut<d the Marquis:' 14 niy son marry one of your ertainly. Wiileh does b. 1tiaat eits in the kIitchen, kt wasiesV, ke an apple tart.-Boak It in ery-Doeu a 'transport 0fj0yiiever à ticket-qf'ieave ? ster subiit in silence to a vrong. od feilow titan try to so& hum ight. ho 'cDw.D)rop Inn," (do drop in) fa ttie of onoe of the New Orens hotalu. ocompassion is (ot for the. author vho s icep to himseof teo give fi0 it hs oneu thinks thet, iotead of giving credit boî credit ib duc, the cash huti bettar F oR SALE* Two Saddle or Buggy Hores. Aloaqumtityo CkRROTS AND TURNIPS. Apply to WILFRED 0.. BORREIBER. 1»t 26, $rd cou.-Whftby. SEWING MACHINES WANZERI'S COMBINATION& -Peoplo Who like go much tt tlk liai eibilti emomne rv to mimd an when e isl'liard up," lu mostly- tue world. in'have in tlhî!ir seuls no locoino- ng enough b drw a train of )aciilor bias te look out for réni- "-tho marricd me» for numbor y, ducriingan il. manr ' "lit ocrer amîlca but lho feala as- anerySale Lixi, J.. IIITWEEN 1FF, Plfntîft, ephi Giho4on, George Walace, I James W'Valiece, Defcndents. w'r ta Ili iecrven of'îîîîo lenmable inataie fu iî crieaî., bnating data ,L duï yOf Jaîîîuary, 9onu .tiouisid cd an. kixtuI, îi lte flulai o-rder il. llear-inur dte tho ?i1ftittday thoiisaid t t hnî.dmed etîti ixty- olie, ttue followi'iug i ESTATE, fig uiiibi ii tht Tomn Of Wlilt- oiivtyof Ontario, bciuig Ailant inai- .orti'u timceef cm trivt of lanti anti 1 ate, lyUiinîd 1eiîîg litht Tom» ,fc)reuafd,beoniz apart oh lot ieut»i- 'sbix, le t hi. rst coneesuýi0i ofthe r8HiP 0F wHiTBY, '01 nt Oitarto, bcbng parti. bcki Inrm, nooeenyed ho ont iIeury flop- Darwin Kanit y DeLmil, îtedth ie (of ,lii ry, oe e îioueand lgit Id fort.nuuîle, ied încy ha ekiomo ed as ýl1vu, hutito ava~:Om the. soitiiWve.ungieotthe, sîtit eit<y Aerea; thon North 741n, Eut d1S lIite; ;uiotiNorthi1 ri0, .West e hthuti74 0,. Weit 4 chaiiiiiaandi iorr cr les., to hronit Street; ttei t chlis in luî stiir tet to the ýinuiîg, cmiitaiuiii g by udioasume- îiuhe more c ries.., vil bqelby c of th ii uuuiregnêti Maser o!the maiti Court, by FAIRBANKS, junior, Auctioneer, ie tb. N 0F WRIIBY., ON Eleventh day i April, k.emon,vwith the approbation Deirtneil, Esquire, 'M"ter of Whltby. landi frouta on llroel<Street, onnit aseu11.11 IIWELLING IHOUSE. shahl, it tih. timce of scnie, puy t <if MAi purethiee îoney 10 e Siolcitor, and ti. esaîuce ye froi» tht day cf Sale, and entioiun'd pcyinet, the pur' itiedto'thit ceureyance, cui ts. The purebaser, ut the to silne anigreemaent for the pue ia. ýt tbe cuuuaitiitoai.of saleiare lu. thie guneral ortierscf Iis ou.. reservet i bdon fhe acit tEr.I -o0- T FIF(ONLY I'RIZE evardeul for Fiiiyl) Sewiir IMciines ov tlii. Jîidgi's ut the Provincial Exhibition, helti iia Lodon, Sept. 24tn, llth, lto »d 27th, was given b 11. M. Wiîer & Co'.., Tliey ise tcek theu firet prizo (or Fainily Se'wdeg Muchinexviii. IL.Nil, Wanzcr & C',. Conibiiaien, t ftie rcviîîeiei Fuir hcld nt Torontoi, fint. 22t l23, 24, 25 ancoul 2, anti ame finit prime wvas avariledt 10hoir Singer for nianlIfiitory. Tus Flrst Extra Primo mas ise gicun for Nos. 1 anud 2 Snger's M coufacturing tatiiics. Wanz 115 & Ce IM Fani'.y Snw,vitiMachinesui wauzo & C"o.'.. Snger'e Machinas over al ellinru, by the IGourd of Arts and Mlifiic- tare, t thie Iethainies ln..itutc, Toronto. Thay almo tooic FîrKt Extra Priscéata the %uverai C-onuty Agricultoirai FairA--at itaiîli- ton, Paens Gait. St. Therna, Bearisvile, Wiit- by, Coboor5, ]3civnanvile - in fâtI, e eery place viiere tliuv iive beau exibtett., w' lanzer & 0O.',15 0 1iol nt $anzer & Co.'%elSnger, Excel 4y Macines nlt ever mure niatnfcturet i iLlie United Stit%. or Canada. Ji.,M. Wontir & Co.,, hava gucooeaduni nl- tlng lb. Mnost reltuable proprties of tII.Wbeel- e& W ilson ana$ inger Mhinua, cuti remnov- lng tiiose points vlilth vera nottcirahie ln a Pinit Ois, tieestie art'cle by atiting some nom Inventions (for mhiý&e'ir.y bave aecucod ua paent l n ataiav ce itedluprotuieeîg a perfect Sevitig Machine, whtch being simple iu Ils principles %le oaaly nndematcod , -requIrig lesa than an ordiucary amonut of skili ln is opellâtioii. ls cocurate constructioni rendors It littic hiable te gelt tI cf repair, aud it lae, en! Iy cclàstcd- The. publie, oit examinction, vili haoincutie of ils &adantaigos ovar cSU othora nov 1»nie. Evory finliv should havee Wan zrm & Coe'. Coninetion i!enily Machinu. AU Genuie Wciir &Oc'fewgMachines boat the stanip of R. IL Wcnzer & o.,Uamii- ton, on the ple. 8 JAMES il. GERII Agent, Wbithy. LIOEN'SED, AUCTIONEER, BROOI£LIN, C. W. OFRS biRs udrracu to the lpublle; suid for Ote onveienfe of hhase desiglirihsaine, a rugister0f filseggii iy îl aIete theestore cf Mr.T J. IIolliday, Itrookuinchmîii eau ha referredtat by parties previons te having Iheir bille pri4tod. ____ Brookii, Sept. ' 1862. A to« 51 Shorif's Sale of Lande. a 12 o'clock, coo,, yl be'scid by Publile ne- lion aI my ofie,întbe Cort Honse,ie tth. Town cf Whitby, lu tii. County of Ontario, tho rlght fille andi inlureat mhieh the uudemmentionedL dfeedauta sererclly posiosm, ibte undernen-ý tioned land# and tcuamcui Iherçon, aaized by mne, untier and by. rirtue of certain wite of Flpeii Fadas, vis: -Iu tbe Court of Quce'a B3enoht. Plalulif~ George Walace, >Difndat. lu the. Court of Cemmon Pieu. TIIe Beiïko! Moutmaci, Pianti, George Wallace,i Inte Cortof Qîîeen's Bach. JIohnaWarren, Va. George Wallace, eoiat In the Court of Coenmon Plea Williaim Warren, PamIbE George WallceDf~>¶c la thte Court of Commnon Phas, ThteBanîk of Montreasi, George Wallace ana orge Audargon, Dafeuideuts. FARM FOR SALE. rog0 @ t cgteofoefltitatboil. ooti B"ildias, eli wtered, wlth an oXollifli ugOirehbardng »J iles rot» Ccnuiltg- ewnd 29inde frm B vrtoli. ~.no.very liberalitinc.eaoy. ÂApply, (If by letter, Post-peid,> tOTHO 81-UWI.ClY, Oglio**, C. W. 'Weelly GIoU "OZ ~for si% veelfU, cit Rond Improved Farm to Lot. T >LET for a terni off 2ve Or sei6 'e erg, that ?spientiltiferm off the undersigna.l, ginate on Quaekerit)î, ocam UXBRIDGE VILLAGE, containiii, 100 cmu-al lared d eil re né- e.1. T)IlilliuiiStire Of tii.. v*éry hast dos- criptioui for teri purpoiSe; oue of tii.boït sopplieil gardont lit ftie Coïnty liton the pro. milses, anti a iagnifloont boearti nqntainiiig npv adcof tliron ar And all thter tbo facrin offera. on. of the hesicluanocz"tela solvoiit tenant to be hcd itheli Conatv. in.. hlfyaai's runt wiliibchfroq.tiral ý' ioja wd dom làu#a-> rance. Thert r 'ray26 apres of Plna)liiiig cole. UrFor Ibrhher par tictieir» upply f0 OBO. SMITH$ or at the P, . c.UxbridirO._ AND JE WELERY,' lx TuiE LITEs? i TYLES JAMES JOIIMSTON, W'atcliîuaktem aed Jowelltcr, Ilmock Srmd,%Wl,.*tby. Oct. 111h, 1862. 4t Tailors, Shooniakers, Carrnage Builde, Dres akers, and Heada of Fanmiies 'Geuora1l;71y rail t WANZAR & Ce'... Sewing Màehiiue] c>le, Wbty c sctalrge ssiiôi ofFmly "a n jittliig Witb ltmt Impraremonts èî.nt et bprIcea. JAILlISH. <1ERRt% Agent forculiîty (Interlo. aru .ASO uNS STOVIES!! 1,UO 9 A tS -SA eU RAueN 9 Captal One Ilion êter1ing- i-vestd ii Can~aa $400O,000 CANADA: HEA» iOFFICE -- MONqTREIAL. -nATE Of rEIItBUvury lm..ti.and viii boar fatvorehlè cooiparlsonwltb tint edoptad hv othar cAmpaueit iCanda C'on- Aaun0ne'5 sl'ecud d ter busiinesstrucs- gotion4,Ilaîdlleted vitiiont refermne to Scot- lanid. JOHNÇ ÂO*EWl A gont" Whltby Wiilly, Aliglîst 6,1862. oy TheColobratedGerman 11 it lAtI4n4n t eii"y itoW4-i ror iitiliiig ail kintis ut1 wgbîiiîids a,îdsorcsiiiina i.fdbesat. Vie renu'dr 'le !1of.ý1l'îbl for vel'aeviug ul s 8041 nattie .afferiîic f ro. .pal". Frotuni tl.oestloof tst4liit a te l efiicacy oftliiVi»iO remui 4. the fol ow- iug hiave heen ,.elî'ctttl: 1bavenI4oeti mur (bitituh tix yeerx, andi a Il atsl ihtit l ix l tiSlled for -ioaliir eult" and cicritio fmot-IltOiO. .f flsy 0qualy 9 cZ flill'le uo l or1b."- 1 leIthulcjet riltlit to recmnetid yoiir celcbatn4lt4tr oiii . My littie girl g f-c- vernir sitideti, 1se oci PO:thaI l'nr re.uoVLery mask aotîbtfi, luitl'y lte tdînely-lapplication o Vent oiii uliîe '" mplueiv flUl'd. M.Z1TTtiEW SWALLOUl, Jr. Piektritig, Jaiuucm 17, 1861. ', rAn u.-ojiutie o yo an thti..pub- ttc Iiîgeuecral. Ithink it ihl Io er.euif' youf eaiebrAted iGemuati0<filfor ftue cure,<of 'cl.., i'ruii.', f rouf fi C', l.~is oiquzaly efira- cioti4 wliéher 'mapli'd Wbmn»rcmbea.ït. lPER R, 11 0OVER. l'il.erlig FlîraiY.1062. Bsec SuIc.T un uieto yoc, 0utuiaa tint y - -o _-tho-p-lie,1 tiil it ihiiht ta ecoin- mnit your coeibrated Germon 0111O, for tlii.cuire cf fiost bitos etts, lîreisiàmced uMmeof o! cma cf long standing. . wNIEUiXOO0VERg. -rickering, PebrolnT, 1869. I uflerudtfromt»abdM unuig soro for lvii y.crs witboltlntermlussi<t» 1 mes indued te try ycnr celebreod cilI, aud ain nom comupets One of th ii. t nodiw mnin l~tO oiuty the u S Eve"vmhcre,aU oathe moriti U utrjusîly =lahréfaŽGerèsen 0 IÃŽ&wcrra 1 holnowrn. Il mnsI prota %eblaicing te mai%- kinti. I hava e et it in thuecure of outs, brui- ses, frost bites, Ae., sudti cnimec»uras os tong standing -il lieu, nover febd te ea0eoéeacure., 1To hb ia i ui liOrtog lsA, ~anti fit the..prini- cipal plants of b'aswîieu.s îr the Proa'i'oe- 6. gllISPEU TItAN EVR FFîex o tl IfS LARGF9T STOVE AND QREA4TEST rtShýI T Variety In Stovog, Stavo- Ynrnjit are, "i n- MOl1tolJIcà bcr &c, en osen lut the Store n.th undceiigfe. o he ;Iw~ow!44 Eltovea of e an~d qninitv snd nt al Bemoved ont door 1'riceit. The poplar lnew pattern» toe. lic. Imu boen introdnOOie Ïi%' tér vrnles; Liq TIÃŽF KINGtaOP>'87VVES) Whitby, Apnil 23 MRON DUE2E, GRAND TUNK,O 4 PRINCE ALBERTt DAÂVIYCROCKFIT PROTECTIONIST, tc. Ouly 40 tei M-Call and4BO. 16 JOHN I3IYAK, 45 lrpok-zt., whltby. K E R O-0 Oshawa Advertjgmeets. LAMPISOC WILI4.R TEMPERT, IM. 1 D.ic I NG T EE T, OSHAWA, CANADA 1 F. LAJIBElRT* Tec AIOntRand DAPEm Cont. Osh oaa tnd aleby ion. . 0 Ol&Funiur, rmrn i Merhedlzaf& oho ef.e~a4t~r. thie oblu be, 0Oshwa, 0. W.W't85 it SUi)eC,ý6, INSEDANC & GNEE FRAADA tPireo Lite ;and arneuurbaCuceiefsa- tan alsby Aet,,ndHoîtuhold. Freair eDSE Mhni andpLt»cherefe. Z. as reabeFE comissieon.1,8. 10 moiCnos Oshawa,___ Chai85 FARM TOR SALE BT tb.eooficeof the undersqbd In1»the. TOWN 0F WHLTJ3Y,, -ON saturaay, the 4th of April, À.>fl, 1885, et il oclook, noon, by THOS. MYERS, Auctioneer. Ti-nt Valnaile Fart» ccnstling of the souti. liai of the so..tl,-lîlf or Lot No. i0 n the 4t oonoe"!si ocf tho TOWNS HgP'OF WH ITBTI1 FIFTY ACRES, tnieaor lesot. Tlia aboya friusituattithree miles of the. Town of Wbitby. TerrnisLiterai. Appiy ce - SAMUEL H. COCHRANE, Wliitliy, MTarch 17, 1863. 10 td BENT#ST of lre I MESSRS. CARD & HÂWKE, DENTISTS, DUNDAS ST., WHITBY. B Fm. o tf rin tbic'uiiii tctt4;f t1h.. Town aud unirrounitiiiL, c upitri', that tbey hâave entnréiui îiîo iiipurf eruf ipii iitht Dental lPro- fession, oliul vilii ho fîppy tu attend te aui or - dem.. ectrui4t.d to tiieï irr. Téchti îu'tetciilut, Si'svur or V'îticsuized Teet filled or extmacteni ithe behst posxible i'ariicîîlc Attfentionf pald tetherezulation of Oliltirci'% 'midi. Alwork mai riiifnl. W. Il. CARD. G.'W IIAWKE. F B E L I N G t l î t l y u iii r s r e q ti m e ti th e . ussiscuî:ccîof atuu'tiir, i have procomedt inl the pemniîe ii r. Itlwe. uvionil tae..pleasuro in intmodiîeing te the manv frien.lii who have hitiicrtu giveti me their iippcrt- Mm. Ilawke coets eli reeoîcuended, and bas ficd atm ex- neiece (f ever i.vcn ycî.m.inethie prof"saion in~ ~ ~ ~~u lb.Ci iToot.ct iirrounTifrg nouei try. Wiit thiîikg furpat favoru, and àe ivns for tii. eomtinnce of the saune ini tiine 10 cerne, I lng te rcu.aiîi. W. hi. CARI). Whithy, Feb. 25, 1 2 6 1,,6 DIVISIONCOURT'IS. NO. a' Beach .................. 3 No. 4, Uxbridgc......... ........ 'st Ne. r', oi.... .......... " 5 NO. 6, Beaverton.................. " e Z. BURNHAM, 7 ~Tndge, t'. >. A"- SADD lu it -W eights',uia d lN e as r S! Tt _ye*ýI 6.MFh INî O R D> R T O ,UO U N T R  C T T H I B AD EFPE O Ta4>F 'oe O CO iio A " Ion.D L -B. ' fie n' IN 6FEU ME W111K VBTQSa Wt FBBL E vo CRY OF "HARD TIMES," THE Pth.ly marohli uu, 1863. 1 The OldStand for ever TIITIS DAY - RPIEO FTE L T RLEDIJCED IBIS -GOODS;ToHosEL to such low prices us will enable every one, with littie moncy, to "Imrufimgac tepbifrtéýr obtain theïr littie noemsserle for the wintor, as Weili « luxuries for the coming hbolidys. libéral pbara of publie t bbal>t 11e viii, tberefore, oeltinti further notice b ..lf 0 o4b id t GOOD IMN JS O A O SJAi 1R M d Eûl t tefousA ldntfl table là,,ualwysPro- - 1ýý ! ý, .1 - ýý~~~ided witthe-II.beut of everytig npheiedo- TEE EST NEW CURUÂNTS. AT&M. PEU» lb. kot, and none but the beut OpplIOdet All kindo ot Fruit, snob as Prunes, Dates, Leimons,, &c., t.ogetIber -with 'tii G-1ftbn n d apl shtdroomf. kid o auces and'Spices,,àt redueed ratès%. Coffde-roasted, greoen and ground.- tteih nlx Ferrîs' celebrated Dandolion Cofeoe. Coaco an d Chocolate oeaper than Toronto prîces Salkîdy 11.1hogssOtier" alma" unOliiVd. Boit Tallow Candien, Olb~ o I ot etPto5 1 Id Fiers cacliet the otitiStand. Bout No. 1 Soap, 12 bars. or $. Go«dýWaslsboardm. O.Io.E Gooti Broomtç, (rom 'TMd. liton Iope trom 7JXd (nully im.3d) rpio. -MNeasuresand .W'ooden Waro of every diocription. cheaper than Toronto wholescl e 'fhitbyi Fnb. 17t1, 1863. pren.Bd-Cort"froc. 7!4d. opaof tîlil in.li%. rW1"»he iîîrgest stock or <roekery and liewiebthet eotinty. l'aintcd anti itponired'rei. Cii p. and Sneris, 2@ por dox. Whîite and (*raiite Tee Sets, ils. oeCiat,'2. Tuniilers (rom 3%., and e voricty of lainp', on ,.tands, from 2-). npwards. Eniye-4 antl Fborks froin A.per doz. The Choicet Brands ini Wines, Brenrly, Rtim, Gin. I WhiqkeyXnnon-,ahel,1 <f14 Bourlînu, Malt Teddy, (>11il yo, Mountait. l)ev, S'îîh, Irish, anid Dornostin. ýriW', B l 4.ç4 J C o ' , n iîd '1 c o to 1' r t r a d A ie , b o fti I a n d41 444 4 ra n #I t, - 0 pe r c it clin a p o r tii.i a îia y- 0 T C _ F otiier liocns in thmc tonitty.Nu .ui> 4%' 9id., and I'uttc<roz, im sihà s Pîoviiicto 1i,îliiea*botter articlte .ilit(iletili'. tftho, those cf)yoii who live t a distance ad on recPoip .t )î, th0IloCalifomnlaie Mi."willii cloa ii.-. cîirît cf Il per cet-aveii on thteIow pcs-ouy of lii Teuadccii l delivi'r tiîî'în jr." f Ckaf o,"u eyolitr iext Stage Office, donec p j» qnnntiti4,. f.'tesuit ailipirties4, ht t dresucîi '01tii10 outsiile t(o iii m4iue; cti shuid iiit nctl prnv o bolie c rtiiemrcucnted ut tfîitii, f ii'l wiii lakit 'lpfaek nt i)as ewîîupelo nirut iii yoilr îîîcîîcy.t.iî fiAfot Wllàt it.roi lii'i are( gctluft "l.1 stWeigfî¶i..141Meanxircs." ,M"A large lot oif Boii and Shoco et rrv littie river crist prico. Chilrrt x-wotr (roi . ,e O.4irpair. I Ini"u. froi 044 fOt* per lpair. liI, .' le. front si1; atiil Mou.. linr ut, $2.25. tifiîlne îîf itpttu tkelilu excliaîeliguti. rtuturn a « itîuî'a calli aal iio uioy.. Tue iBritish SShillinig wdAitiunctieu iîrfcr 'taken. THOMAS MULCAIIY, /qa cf M1' ,- ei id i»rKinq ig 2 Çrne SI., fuwé(~î. Fas FOR; AT AILARGE STOCK OF GENERAL -GROdERJES, WI1NE S & LIQ UO1RS For sale at a smnall advance on Wholesftle Prices, LOWES & POWELL. le OYSTERS- LOBSTERS AND SARDINES, 'Wlholesale and Rotai]. LOWFS & POWELL. GOAL OIL & COAL 011 LÂMPS, Oheaper than the Oheap-st LOWBS & POWELL. Decemiber, 186'2 Nos. 1 and. MePlîerj4on's Block, Brook-St., Whitby. f ü%%, it fi tai1 tLii Ccnrî orlieia i.. MÃ"xidaye- April the. Oth. 1863, ut tue lor c412 o'nlt>ek, ioam, of whi0hi iil i 'rqlocri., .YîIitines cf tii.. l'civee, (Inrltable4- 411d uI ail tCers ecIlcertlc Will taiko notiCeJ, Iumu. SEWING mACINE NOTICE. '44,it b 1,c slt direct t,, tlici...b.oritmr- SNu t 1.4Iing t oîn loye. rn fl1Tfit aiititr blthe sîp'cr Pter n P .'(ir'4ag JAS. . GERE JAS.iL eRRit. hibv as cehuap anti goo&oam i LAMPS, LA -1 1 cy-tuken atpar, mi oritigh Amer hà ArsAAateA ~INWïs" -HiTBGY cto te Sel in of th iolventh 'h ~rNiciial h menatof lpper Canada. CAPITAL £100#000. IV- lunj .IG Wbltby, Feh. 51h, ýf Shorifriq Offlee, WhIthy, F#ýh. 14, 1363. vill la w 8, 1 'Pece TaIner zi'lD, IMOZ. The Ontaiio Bauk,ý

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