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Whitby Chronicle, 9 Apr 1863, p. 1

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VOL. VII. GLOBE IHOTEL. fatnm nhu d a attend persaslly au the vents of hie sti. &c The prertaes a.hon onv enoutlyandtl camfôrtehbly ftteti np;' painted, ppred, &o. witý itern's of soft vater ta s ntati very mattera tnprovcntont ta ptske the TLraffler -i honte turing Mi tey,-anS the Table bountiftel- ly stippli et ail tints., Notice te Panners and Others I.iors Whelcsale anti Retnil, btareau's p4attil. ly.Proof, b gallon or barraiel Nîgheî (Ilenlivit, ('ln. td. ,lasplers E 'fxtra Roctitlcci Whîtskey, do.,.lo.; bont Part, Sherry, anti Cognîao'k Brandy fer thé cnk, vith a liiet tt Lu ie atndtCléigrs of th ic et, ui Attetive OsRtîtr, andiflort , ta fi,0. A.ALEXA'NDMR A LL Advsrtisemit~ts moazured ln Neupar. ,£$. tli], and phargrid s3tterate of 8 cents per 'Une, lest Insertion, and 2 -jouta pet lins, ouich subequt insertion. comil ntractâade w vti allvortisera '>y the yev,. , Ordtie Wdlqontinue edrertlsemants muat bc ln wrlting. BANK Or KONTREÂL TIIONAS 1)0W, Manaer.- STAINED GLASS WORKS. t:V-Toronto Works, 75 Yaunng Street, Torfrnto. CAMEItON & MACDONELL, &URISTERS vzATTORNÎrYS.AT l1,AW, SOI;citorFtto tecomt v Couneil Ontaro- 0"Offie st the coiariotse.ot i GEORGE Il. DARtTNEBLL, BAR1EITER. ATTOIcNEY, CONVEVANI cer. & c <. Offlo e <r 1G. C. (4romo'K hlardware Store. Brock Street Whitl.y- J. Y. I[AM, N. G. H À, B RITJIANDATONYTIAW oit1c- ppomito the Regif4try liflie. Brock, MORRISON & SAMPSON B ARTSTESq.Attorneys, SCbleitor«, ke. B >,?FICF,W'%eti uA;ssuranece ltldj tac Chnreh Street, To'ronto, C. W. ANGUS itOIRISON. 1 J. A. SANIPSOl). Toronto, July 20,1841. 2 -G. il. DARTNELLI D EPUr'Y lIGISTItAI, IIASTFI,'EXTRA-. ordinarv, andiexu mnr nC67tiinerry for DARRISTEII, COUNTY CR)WN ATTOR Biney, &o., ite..liam rornnved te thîi rittîis oser Lmwes c& Powtll's $torm, bikrs. MuPher- sotit rick lolck, Ilrook-$t. WtyAug. 0,1860. 40 ROBJERT J. WILSON;. DARRISTER & ATL'ORNEY AT LAW, B >Solic.itor mtiiînoeory. &o. ,Wit M,W Office- Wllea's Bnei, Brocd Streot, !h CUARtES C. KELLE'R, ATTOUNEY AT L&)V, SO)ICITOR IN ÀClîsnery, Cenveaneor. &o. OMlep,-un '1crahtlîî,io h ~esdonhi Brneok street, W lltby. Also n brâncb office in tlievillae ofBeeaver- 'oti Town.4hip of Thurtil.tand County ofOit- tarin. 40 BA'RRISTER. I TTORNEY AT TAW. SO-1 F;trect. i'hitbv. .42 . ,ILIXER GREENWOOD, A TTORNIIY-,2T-1,AW. SOI0TOR IN LAW, C1tAN(,FRY, & * NFY-ýCN LOffl1.t, Pninca Abert, tva oOrs vomi e? TP. C. Porntsn'% tare. 1 T v8 aste a li nte aboy att Civv tiinta e ai. Good .tabiing aand eîaders.16 ZWICKEY' (1OTL. T lsibol e oinsta icfart is .frieiis wttý( the tra;elltn.g public, tlittt lin s fnov- 1y pperet, pstot-d andi fthisbied theo sbovc hatl (torunerly ecmpiet by Mr. Âiulnut#nsd th»t the travàlh tuainutitev ill ind icatit- lortuible accnîatuoclattau eat moderaýto rat, m. The tabla i, vofl sippliati vith overytliug uInsme son. Gîtait tabting nti carefu etlot oan Ltit spot. JOUX ZWICEEY. -----------W----TByY. .C...W. COMMERCIAL i4OTEL;ý m5500K8=11m. WMNT, JAMEB CROCKER, Propiet-or. C ommERWAL TRAVELLERSwifl initI Vconeniont stepj ng et ibis hbtel, as they cati lexret from the tgtoster Bookpt ai the Bar, titi rattetfflen hy trieir proeoeisora. Th" propritar0 tii o is oeeesi. thilnk his nu ntran ptrouand f riands for the liber- ci ptone estoian hurt ines tho com- ma n ýuco o f bi» busie sl h t y Gond Stabllng, and Attentive Ostierg. Whitb>y, 'an. 1868.1f RUSSEI]J'tS ilO TEL, rI 21lE nnder.ignodl Proprlotorx of the alhove terfriande tutipatreonx. tVitalt tey haveo the. rutîgliy renetatedtbv llit sthlisliMait dirltg ulle winilcr, wlîich onahiostbtora îîow te olfer to the M,ýembers of the cilrtranti the Tri- vc.<llt>g r Publiue riraiqimdî Ini. sadition te the apartincots thev ha,!las.t î!jý ter, tl'ey litre tin%, ainrorm andBcd.roomg il] a IHriz brp uent' neluIlýel.-wlieh, fer confort eid conv-ience..lire nu.rpnsetd ix' the titi'. W.M. RUSSEL.L & SON. orh Rn otel Cannington. Thi. iuîenuîn ij bineis atti thnvr fatar, ehly kliciit ,t otel, hn rendereI it nefoerr c tlîenetaerib)erl,î cýtilîttht renice.lichi (loie$0 To n cttilt. télc tix u. id rmnde Ailier ttleraitoea iti improvi-mintA, t.>e) ccnrc sfili firtlietr tht. tnt'ort nueecctottof o lm-. zttttix. rThttaille i.' aitte provitied with t'î eq ei lu ecngrmiî,td imebut the bheu hrlt.le of Wýiîiis ani Liqut)rs kept nuftt t rei;feg Tavetn 1keepuri $tjplilcd wl.lcealt. Cite s RIob th ,arît. e Otlt-r, ulwnrs ,8itattend. ance. ntqtttri tv litk-, to taki clliric r. iii,. JOUX WAtT). (leuîîtot.Ot. 21ril, 1261. i REVERE IJOUSE, .Ti4Eiltbstribtr bers to innottncc ta tie tonttiiiit-, thut hliaepoetied tha abeveettc c't Dtîirtdiiitî 'il otry attf tîtioît paît te the. conîfIre tfguepts. Ecaieti tblitiL, anti ctonive Ottltrs. The Bar suppliati witlîhaset Willaed i.îs NOTICE. i 27,nthe tStit cosioti ef Whitby, wiIl 1 closodwithin thirty deys frmonthe date of th notice. wè Alaisa enotice ta the Cornncil 4 te TownüShlp of %ast Whltiy ta hnve til eewljiin.operoibetween Lots 28 sud 21 the Sth concevtLon of tsald Townshtip ot Whi by. DWtala Bleit March, 1868. ALEXANDEIR WILSON. 11-4w -1 EDWÂRD OLIVER. DOLÛPIUIq SALOON. N X OTE OYAL LY(,EUM, Kir S8treet, Toronto, L--. Fýc. Lunel fvet xmOE! MO=E! Ferm Pr«pertv. REntes of itinqt auitmnt wll bc touiliberul rnud sstimfnctory oinpsl, JOHN ÂGNFýW, antI 27 îî. VetinorWhiltby. Farm for Sale or, to Lot. T I.IE North on't) ac resfLe i. .2R, inte gËCo.of Whitby, (ndtjomnlsg the tovi anri-q cIrared. There len aI tréât 9 'Water, rlwelling, baro n nudorchard, (grafté fruit.) For term.4 and parti cttlrs, JApy .ORIN MARIN, ContitjT, Torn"I Or tthe Irîil"1o. MIEDIUAL HAkLL, BRtOOKLIN.' J ])AWF.t), J>tiiçrr SnT irngs. Pat e tienryhr and Cittl- Mc-licincs alwa~ys 0 ]>raolilini C,. W., ycb. 23, 1863. ?-. t,. '01 wyeati Srrfo o e? 2 - cf t ittit! tifîtl I nico a de- lig clck nu-ghler nreaint, Ion: tby gives Wvrs- gors t thonsentiselus "csaiffln of heinaen <Ilet Harry, "ta bave ricit aid fathers 11k. ours, to tautalize os vith the ides of wealth lu prospective, vie they gise us but the. more trifle of tva or thrce thousand s year tae peuit" l'Tt le indeet!l But wbst ta you thinàI1 My aId oman toIt me, yesterday, that he theught it bigi tf me that I vws bogiuning to do a;omtbing." 'Do somethi ng 1" 'Wbat dit hi mesu b,' that ?"1 iOpen as office for the. practice of law- t suppose. Yen lcnov tbst, ta pieu. hlm j etudiet lav for a year or tvo-got squeozcd through an exeminstian, sud ou- terod as a member of the Pitadolphia ba."l Il < es, kIremomber uov;-,ba I ha!. Anti ho wauteil yen to put - up your eblugie, 'L'lernally ai Law,' sud came luto asso- ciation vitia the fIlth andt of'sconring of this rightcone city-Picpolctii, fievas, blsclcguarda, etc." le!Yoe tint seu it.,5' elBut 700 bail no notitono sucaiaa ting 7". 1 1"11aN otI. W h y do 1 vaut ta practice law, or do auy tbiug ala, ? Husnt the old mtan pleuty oa? mouey I Aiu'î 1 born a gentleman ? Lot tht common herd vorle, gay J.,e 11 Ditto. Oaly about cvtry teutînten tiiet le bore, s same one bus seil, eau e? ford ta do uouhing. Thanle fortune!1 lent one oftedecintai nombars." 11Sa le thie child. It's no use for the. aid mto ta talet me. P n no t going ta open au office andt stick up. My uame, ta ho redocot iu public ostimation ta a. mors pcttifoggiug lawyer-", - elB o t Vonld'uî it be polio>' for Yeu ta dosa?"V FlHowiP "loy make- fait veather viti oit Mer. tin.' -"9 lois oulit my openu-ing atnoffice m aié far yweather vith hlma?"ý f'le sa merchant V?" "And by indistry aud enterprise bas qoadruploàt tii.fortue 1.11 hlm b>'bis father."' 'So I have Èelit iaid."ý "From perseverlltg linndustriong habits 1dm, ho. bas, ddebtless, came ta baves high esiatltaion of inutry lu othirtq." iter baud to roi admegt the flawer.' andU IlBut stop,,Màry," interpasedtheblight, The heartat girl, iaking boit 01 bar baud ha. ceao fore h ah a ttOUobed the ros. 4"Thatfore 'perhapa' vu asrther caldly sait. yau .9 t don't realliy biuk the Rover ta,> zncbh hidrosI -nov do you VI 'i ilNo, I do itot,or îlse I vonit havesalie brought il out more," ha i diThon I vou't )bave h fooohud, for I fava never-oppaeed my ltaste te yours, yet, that PUIS y00 were Rot in the rigbt,tt Bell replied, corr laughing. nou Il You are very particular thjs eveniug, mar sier," t'emanked Fanny. . the d'AmnI ? Well 1 have my i ason for ne dI'M going ' ýtvaeyouug Harry bis "dTes. 1I blond carrying tha citadet or obsi bis heart by atarnt. t - ing "lTake car. uhat yau do not- ]ose your and avu lu the cautest." . age( "O h,11 nei'or fear bt, liaI lil kecp fut amio boit of mine, ai loet til I sot eometbing Attt ta gain by asurrender." v ase 49 Harry ia certainly a Tory captivatiug plat yong man. Don't yon think go, -Méry?'<inui Diractly appealot to, althoogh in a stai lengbing mood, Mary repliad it -i tho conl fraukues of a aincere heart. oever 4'l havo ual bat an opportunity of oh. it w scrving hlm vory ciasely; bot the. uttle I toit have scen of hlm beasfnot preoseseoc me gani a grect deal lu his favor." Il "ffau't lu, ludoat I Miss Domora 7"'omi- ilIt bas Dot, BaIl ;bot ne douhi I cau ihat judge a floyer for a yaung lady of your po- circ] sition lu saclety, mach botter than'I cen a doli; lover." - dPonbapas s. fBt vit7 don tî 700 like iu ti HRry Ware, Marý ?17Y beec !' Did I say that I did nat liket him ?11cgt .No.. Bot yon a&id joti ver. not pro- il po.jeesed lu his favorV" . pIes, ilI am sors I don't knav. Rut I feel -boni as if 1 sbauld'nt 11k. ta Seo 700the. vife of out- Mr. Ware." d N(athew Toofy MrocQQIÇ treet TVlJtby. gr Nîext De.: tte Reffistry Odee. ONEI DOLLAR PEU ANNUK, ADVERTISEEENTS 1 Brook-il», Jan.-a2t0l, P443. 4 JJROOKLXrr EDICÂAL HALL, -JORN DAwES, Dliti ,C. li. :'nrserupuion etileiratel,- coin- lîîîiiiîl. J)rigs, 1)11e tatdt .lIcici nue oii' vent A 17(Cr'io ER, bout airt'ormit7he iilthah ta lntm of Otri cuti Dlitrlinr iîîi01ties, tl uit sprcparidtoteattend SALýES lu ejny paert of ttoe 't Aee l i rdi-re Ict .at. i) 011iieîr, uLot Ne. 84, tintt.e t oncesalton cf Ihrlingtiots, wl c i opttnewîalv att3nded ta. - larlinigt0tî, l6oraîbar, 184ý2. 43 HIALF.WAY IIOIJSE, ci or ta lé*.*1F. Car.thihv Staeitu thit STAGE FiOUSE,, ISAAC FENTON, lProprietor. B) EZT '*illes and! Il qrin; siperle r.ýorn I.> înuîtiotrralr ;gen t tiiliîg andt attentive ltatlir. 1 ALBION HO TEL. notIÇons rnXn, Wilrry. JAMES BLACId, lit Iri)prietn. Grtand Trunak Ra±Iivy matel. (.Çoiâfioefenilntg Zpbl,tat li be ?o of wliiltlie, ilîl inii luttet eary oti-oti hi$ cvii ieotit. 'Geat Licnqrs, Wiucc ant Braindies. Exolloît tublitu-iirfuattention for Mri JO)StiPi RUEBIITOM, Pro rieor. EAST WIND)SOR.HOUSE, WIIITBY, vx. unesar. reraiervtt. .rItlEabov ote id iitnatet inaliîtaasantaï'd creirèd part nf the Towvn, onuthe, front rond. vol ca~ oirtndation tan travollors. Good Stablitig eut attaittive etcu. 2 VICTORIA MOTEL. [W UNIMSCoTT,PltIR TO,(i wV W itt. linteti's.1 W. H. BILLINGS. flARRitNTEn & ATToiczy AT LAW, B atlçtes e itaetry, WibC.W- J. W. CAL.DWE~LL BROWN, rIONV-EVANCER, COMMISSIONER FOlt Jtaking Atltclaivitq, Acoountaut, lisut, Dlvi . don 1Court, NntatyFPublie sud Canerai Agent, the medical HAIL. N. J-l uies ttnttabscs e viii be promptlv atteufldott. 82 C ONVEVYANCER, andi 'tnmisiîner!nuQ. B. e,îo.D(ahtsý coliaeted an te meet 'sasonable torn, u, ti priýmpt ramiittances maie. R. W. CLARK, M. 1). Remîiqene-Otie 4oor aset of Tarnelt ib1 xoaYs Stoýre, Brook Street, Whîtby. 44 R. J. GUNN, M. D. I~URGEON TO TUFE COUNTY GÂOL, iByron Streot, W<ithy. 4 J. BOUSTER, X. B. P H)SIC1AN, SUIZGEON AîtD ACCOU- ..CILEITI, Vroomanitoni. Oica-Opposita gtr. oliver',; Rotai. , IW-Prtimnlar attention psidt ta disansas rof vanten sti elildrau. 1 AMOS W. CRON', AROUIITEOT, CIVIL ENGINBRI. AND) A Estate Agent WVIi iti, Pl ROVINCl1AI, LAD SURVEYORS. .Ufraigitnen,bud Agoiîýt,C'onveyanoers &;a. Pa3aniduriiin<raau.Wild a 1nd othor lattis rahuat. Veineble lands for salelh ti djoining townAliîps. rjW oi1cee-Boa étrou. snd Woodvilo. GLO. GIBBON, P. BURNET, 41 Woe(dville, Boavorton. 49-y Proprietor. To the Travelling Public. ~~ LIE îubonihr hving bou.i e i.Protul- T slautto>ui hy T. EogILtsin athe >.. '<illaîco o? Ejsoin, -And-havirg fStetat thera it n izooti etyl 'o, istiotproparedt ta aecomntnotetoe ail~ ~ ~ Iil àho h iett a l. lie uteids ko pin-nthingbtit TIIEREIST OF LQUORS le CIGARS -~.R AndMAitl lii %l>,vii b. forniied ti iItili1 ta delicica-ît cf tuo e&eson. Au tte(ntive O-.tir , Qla I) i i ttc. tT,#" Wh rtavýrr itint with-a JOHN HAMILTON, EpanM*, <.Proprieto 1r. 1VOON & BIIOT IIER ITYI Yy àXI# ,- a yvvvm vUrM' 'c- 144, Bay ftreet Toronto MALT VINEGAIR. A ALT VINEGAAleau, nos-be hrailarg iYt. er4tnelqnnultîe, atha Whitb-v ]rewerv. NOW IS THE TINE. GE IT OURa !IKENESS AT J7. A. clsrk's lat Prize Plcture ýGaIIur UOTEL, lt frtJ. A. UNION MTE. ud et hortno MANCHIESTER, BEACI. (late r. >usAr.'S.) 'VIII ho8e TiL evoel ,accmodtlin t be u e el fktted ap anti reovated. Rosi vines,lilqeors, anti tigarts. FPF 27 CHA.S. McCL1YE, Toronto, R 127 P~~troprietor, Tr.e-n A&LBION IIOTRL, 35 Laeaet EAST MARKET SQUA RF, TORONTO,- JLJJ. MIT, Porpictr.Excellan)ttiactan-. North, Il attltia pit tth î Pre& Li CANTON HOTEL, D 1rN~S GEEEK, PICKERING. G'JQD Batik oftMtntre J)acecmmodaLtion l'or Trevelr. W,-y W.. GUT1ERT. Wtt 4e-3ut Propriator. F RAILROAD HOTEL, pAnLIANIE ýnet.LI Azmit FlONT STREET, noar the Markoet. ani oari ilis WNM. POWER, Propriùtor. ,ttendîdtoTa, Ballevlhla Oct. 2pî, 181. 424Ly KitanrFreo Pfi 4ANILLA 11017E, bonrgj T. E. Hn. Lue afolrt hisA bias tailthe in triu-saby.smTict ouîeavortut Ic WîtII caIm Prlnted words, great thoughts anlduni ý 1 i!. WI-IITBY, C. Wi

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