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Whitby Chronicle, 9 Apr 1863, p. 2

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et-. Llpthséetnd Fidigs-J. Bain. Biétca6,%Magazine and British Recie -1eorardScott Co. Bryant &_ $tratitu'é Colage Toronto. Tremarer'b Report-Township ai Rrote -A. Card-Pétérson & Vers. l1l00 Brick for Sale-Win. Gilmonur A& Car-W. H. Trégecar. Isé Temapin -Carlisle & NMaConké>'y. Fartés for Salé--ThiomasHetigson. Whitby. Tillirs'iay, April9,1 ONLY ONE DOLLAR A YEj Thée Govérnîueint jakals tbroucrhoqt t ,oéntri avé mekîtîg incrédible exértiaus get thé cousissént Réformera vIsévol .aanttéSPAuseéSchoi bultetécha- <'hein vaSe. E er>' appliattée thet can Sboghs ai le hrougrht ha beavta 0islme memahérs. Thé sééces4, ove,ve uns, stand, iâsusnc as vili iîli.rquité thé trout takkan. Men visé profés hohavé ose - M atrad for priticiple sud éonîtisieu ~i1not tultif>' théinsalvées b>' folocii eh xamplé ai Messrs. FoIe>', Maccii gai & Ca., b>' fansvecrng sixain so1éd Pltédges ati deceiving their constittie clés. At ci avents thé>' bavé noS sI intiuaesnaus orffijce <te do su;- a' lhal wraning-, thé>- viii scevéel>' hédiai Senéatéti énougli tSu subit tpoliticet il capitation thenrssalves ini ordPr ta mare th héadg ai sucis unorthy leaiders. -Foltawimig thé exemple aifailier loaet a.3, vheré tncètinga have hein belil eppri viusg ai thé cou-se ai thé eforés Mea bers, visa votatti sinst tise Aduinisti iée an thse Seperate Schnoo bill, a meusý no oi théeItéforméers aiWhithy vas lia n Tusada>' test condémiug thé Séparat School bill, auti jsproving ai thé vêt'j iven b>' MNî. 'Mayas. ta t(bimure i riai andt témptasion perhaps tise inox- sent vas politictu as uItas flaidahi' Y'htaver thsé designi, it vas doubteésin endedte Sahavé thé effeét \C Pré-éti dv. - MayaS yiétdju tsgMiniktérial soi stitnse, andit athé semé timese nýetenti is> littlé e ck leanin;,,that miglît ti kppréhéntlet iii tise faith thet vas in huén )r, pérbeps, it vausiti héon1; Cir ta gi P bhat Il tIeiorméra" themaselvea sîaitithéy leird-"tco ssrengsisén bis bauds," fr hsU thé>'. veréon aI'prliaiyt>' iutcessfil. 'héc Iîsckcis' -vautedi a cean bilI-ora Ir Chester Draper hait it -" a (hidi- su Stime llsupport givèlts t <ha Mimi&try il thee flrst instance, ani Mv. 3favat's émris tekets mb cénsitieratio,î sitércatitd lé resisîs ai théenmeeting vas aoséai the ast dss;gracéFul uproaré va ever vitsessèti Vé give a pit anti urivsriahad repart of té pnéceetiuugs, vhich wvill speak or thens lvvs) et Iets;th mus athér calcines. Matant. Draper ani Bige-low-the '" iuî tt mag'strates," canre tIsé lecdisîg jmckala s thé Occassion, andti ie>' bcd -reamers r playing Sthir partsi.- Thé>' bath ave le -Admninistation the hionov ai being sécetin iithé cammnigséon ai the Pecé, id Drapés- iesides goS thé Pastuinsten sacrai ta - tassé bis havaifor thé Post fice building. Thé>' were thé récipients' honora anti favors bestovati, citis othérs expectant>'. Théy ti tisir iork for (!onéitiration. IL vas quise csarec teris- aio thé men., la thé choie corea sean cuin ucuet, andi, énlike thé "4jacli. hast nea.ntenéatéd motives ta impel ma too 90f*rv-thsé govérnaséns throm hk ndthun,"at thée scvficé oi prinel. sàath xPnuae~otsirconsistent>' loaeat Reférmears, Ua. M. C. césassai, -thée ssmber- for th Ontario, addresaéd aéaher ai Ofbh- titiiests at tlisé Cosseéraim t eé itby, ons Téesdayéveuhug. TIse "Asiss 'gI4 a lar-geatiabea- àf Our aàertleav Is te 4h front, aud Mr. Oases'oa téoks étaîsé of tise oénunnitem aeau ()(e Of théeSstanges moral phenomenstë 0 ai thé present dc>' la your Grit advoéateor O.n0eTbnrda>' las% "the Reforma Asseélia- -a.Sectarian Séllols. One came scircely b. 1. te ,0he eentetd y Chester Draper, tiévé bis sénseR-...tO fini men Wvichobavé ai, Abstibatu Farewell. Johnsité ltlif'. $James, (bain lites herétofore feroéiausly decognosti 0del-jn-". étés>' interférenice wfth thsé Commuais$cisooî -fit" édvidual-met t Whitb', and int 00W Omas té rardb~èl> sudthse naine af the Association, passeti thé bOlffl>', a h champians af Spaal followiug re*olatloés Scheels 1 Thé mare 'Violent and bitter thé ' Movéti b> A. Farewell, Esq., scoandcd k. vitéc plitcaldéétimé, aainî "opib b> J. RatoIili' Esq, and opnncfhi ,k. hÎIM POitiai d simr agins "Poish Il ResolvanZ-Tmatin thetpno fti encroacbenfl.....£pettitoated Pniiét"- maating, thé veslution pueseti et théelRe- ,. anti "Cathotlie dotmiatioa"l-thé réadier faoniConvention ltiun Toronto, fi1859, < d wenôwfin bi no uringjutic taintiieg.thé iaienr in wviicb thé ovils do v n~w fni u nv nring"jutic taarisiog froni aur préeti' tiitoa catholies,", preaching "do unto yoan neigh. s>'stensi cars b. béat reméedicti; 2nt i intil ban as yauvanîId ho voutitiao tita youj" snb chagés e éeffett, we havé ré- ___ aison ta éxpecét (laS thé p rasantS Admini. anti, in aaSinsisting nov -on tae ight oai tratiorî viliimaniage thée ffairéofithecana. Cathalies ta S4pcate'Scblâ vith thé gsanie tr> mare satisfiactoril>' than va cautt I ope violence wbieh hée heratoforé dénouneti fan frofnttisé Opposition, vu, théreforé, le actcord tliéni a gelleri support.", __ hem. Lot thasé vho kuov Joal Bigeiav . MOvEd by ..î'iheIsscodt 6.antiClhester Drapén ont>' imasgina thosé maen b>'IV. W. Caldlwell, Ysq., tend. caminx ~farvard as teé atvocates OirSeae l<slid-Ts1 n énanaiu lion. 0. Macat, baving qtateti that hé aras-1 &R rat(l Saools 1 Lat. thema go bicék ta -thé préparéti ta give c irientil> support tes thé é lec'tion cantst in South Ontario, bétveén prés.ent Goyénninenti, s il measurése in- trodued by théru, ini preferencé 'ta 'thé rnul Movat anti. Marnisont, anti nanimben thé Isté .ýWministratiate, vbén' stch, support No Paper>' cry thon raiséti b>' thé pensons coýstd hé accas-ýdtita theMp Nitboît thé vii have nameti. Lét thema go hack to thé violatin i bIis principiés aint bits ava thé cotisistnc%, tbf meneting ltèrcby é:prs "Commonwealth" néwrspapév, thonunudèr is fuit appravat of 'snch conloàcilothé 3ta Drapér's contrat, anti reméinher thé utre, pavt ai Mr. MNovt; anti Us fullt confidenceý ted giun'olésvoIoug hv ustib> ejudgniént ast a,guidé Sa hie future ugbuc stcrd ela~~m lei ial Thsé gentleman simpi>' repeasdtép hée 01r it it as shamélets - pièce af unhlnbbîng oued inga ai thé Teilors ai Toolé>' stréet. uceb>pocnis>'as ýWtas ever énacted? Thée n> ba ii~ eraspsis éou der. Oiytikofr esn asn eou charseter ai thé men is tua miscel in kéep. tiun nispaig n ~aine ai, anti ford blé ith thé latter-té iutisce c béiéf ithe Il Réfonni Association of Southt On- methé former inférence.t cy 11Itaria 1". Thé>' parsidetithé proceedutuga in f ng .Chamac terisics ai thée hitby 3Magie. thé Leàder.-'tbair neuvlové. DoubtleFs lots.nNo.I.thé>' ieýt astêati ta scak.ion their publica. s "~ he uar cfGriismin bity as'ion isithé Giaobd. Or, pérbaps, thé Globe2 ma Th beat ofGritsin n Whtbybasvas -sutiéutnt>' volt informméioaithé char_.r ,n- heen racentl>' enlargati ta a voodariut ex- hé (eut, 80 méch so, thatlit bas almast Moéult. ceoftem tig ta xpssuhn nd, d i a hartdisa.se Fr te usel iena ttamps ta imposé silon its réadérs. M4. ' a aver>' émail graîin a i saevd seisL itLacasbiréURelief. Acknowiadgenmrmt de bas arlmauded té the siuteotious proportions for- Whitby cud OoOshnwa Coctrtbne. th ai a fusll grava kérnel ai spring wbat.- ftis vatidenfasl chat théesagical vend oaia Thé foltoviug lutter bas beau- véceivetini ai sisstér ai thé crâsn ea do ta revalu, hère b>' Thomas Daw, Esq., Manager Mon. fl a- tiasze thé opinions of thé masS patriotic uval Bank, in actaiavla> dgmoént of thé cosu. f of a Gnits 1I Thé néve commission ai thé trilsutians of Wbitb>' anti Oshawa, Stiséetî 1a- peace, bas bati thé affect af knocting rep. Lancashire %léier Fundi. (b>' pop. cul narséctaria s shoola endvl ays. . xÂst ur&CsmifrmaaRiisrél Fév,>, TI ,Id Chester Draper, Esq., 11J. P.,", is at thée&iséi ous ,tu houa of thm. cousnm.issioti for, Ibis téo,'ant Landou, March 13't5G3." s ,e Lewis ilaack-but, tne; it veulti have "Smt! have macth pleasaré inalcnow. t or loolcet bad ta 'havé placati the chol i s,, égi 0 nhéal i héLrd Mayon antid ' n Drpe & osk o th émé Mansion Iluse Commîtéee thé récaipi airjth; -of Dr!i & Hsick o the sm co i o tr kînd faver ai lQth Feb., caveriugth Ssou, aÏ sa, b>' aven>' shrevd pieots of draït on tise Union Bik aiLauton- H Fpoliticalfieese, bis riette vas sent tfowu valisé £94 lOs 2d, feing an a'nouut con- g asifllitiueHaulrant thnefré,nostributéti b>'thé Town ai Whitb>', cutiVil- th' 'béitsg able ta qusalif>, (bat gentie eso eeanti néighhOeai i m no be ookd upn es>th t'a < 1aifthé abus-e fand. 1 arn desireti ta ex- th' nathéloaét aan s hé ît.presatheévarmss tthaks aiHis Lordship fel this liticaîl>' épéaking, there a isot set anti thé Camèmtsnfor (bis kiotidonation ctý thsdae a greaster hypocrite or time-sarvan ia aid ai omr dists-esseti cotton aperativés. ee iu thé tanskis ai ean gritism itan thisgseé< amt, Sir, i YChester Draper, anti sa ve.i la is 1isknowa or btitnovt. " Sin thils ueighborhood5that thse mnore,np- - OSPH(letaS, n<e *right mesubens ai thsépart>' Su vhich hé To THOS. DOW., EsQ, -~professes ta helang, voutti net trust bum as Manager Bamsk ai Moatréal, c délégete ta e cénvéntiosi, aven ta - Wlitb '. - bel 'Y ssammsnare 1ntawcssunilmen. S8-aise!E eaantéts S Stréck vith thé imsportace af religion .-é --anithé Mmar>eir-k jéstpraevius tOzo Âx.Wei test Jauéerjr eldetien, Mr. Draper e An examinbatioa of the chltireti tanght -c -camé au ectiusisatisa mèthodif; but ad b>' Mvo. A. Bn. a er Qergas a; saab ehi inoS been for a local question-tien bei ué p s.ce f adpies nd gTtle en va se goo %in egmsted, éen Usas ijrqld nat bave secureti Mv. flréthé,ér, one ai thé Trusatees, vas aais équ hissatvénty votes for thé- MajoraIt>'. preseut on thé occa.sion. Thé examina- vil >ButsjetleSatko a jnmp irontthé political (ion w-vaaver>' satisfactor>' one, anti uéeemsi chcretéistis a thi getlemn jst nv, ean>' ht i M. C. tharoughbl>'unticratantis ne chaactrisiesof hîsgenlemn jt nwhie business. lu ever>' branch ins vhich uta eand fané>',,ini aur int's eje, aur pions thé cildtinvte exemiuisst iS vas tily bhé wiseat-bu>'er standing je isi office daev, 1eééln thut tisééa wa.s na éeperlléitd, 'btit (mss - toking out for a lsàrgain, and soitoujuiz tisorougl work. I hopye mia: are long thsé four iu tuadivision cmog thé péoité vii b. héaleti, lia4 lis ,I man olténdét ~ ~th thé>' viiigo on hassd in haud.is ýma Oestnerso hN Th 'PI, <'sn al amil, ý -', 'ýPbIsJaIJ ogçpb Robert Gardiner, Jackson o 'Il d g on, D aniel i nX og Wm. Nicol, Alatii P;rt, CGéor James iohardâon, Aaron IR, Thumne, Wm. Taylor, G. ' Richuard Widdiriltd andi Béajî fieldi.- Aitér a brief charge ironsil! thé Granud Jury retiré1ti.d Thé follovwîsgcases s(vîe -th ed vil:-. CIVIL 'BIDE, AIfO<rd vs. Km'lcsoin, et al.- ý-promit. ou' nae- .1rtii fr S'î.t. Exécution in fourdl, Willson forn piitifi'.-- Rank of Ta-onto vsi:Joo an pvomiisory inoies. Verdic,, S700.74. Immedîsté exeantus Petièrsan for plaintif! - Watgooz vès. 1Prnsgle Ejuctil tiict for plaintif!, tiamagjes $1. euui. T.Gaît, C. Ptte- G.lman fa-r piainti; ,R. J. Wtt fendant. Hmloem.Hooey..-Acti( mussor>' sute. Verdict for pli 27. Imméediate exécution. -S. rane for ptaintiff. - Curré s-s, Lctsiig,-Acti la-uns. Verdict> fer plaintitl 1 £54 4i id., R. J. Witaon for Pl G. Heam for déeoda,ît. --- Fralie t..S'$/Law. -This va' braught b>' Mv. Frcliek, sa farna in thé townuship ai Réachi, égaieJ rendal 1, tIr. Jas ph Joli hn s' farmer rémiding itn thn- aniue loi r)Ss sastaisseti b>' thé former-,ts> iocn ai bis daégbtév, Mélissa Fri z. J. WiilsQn, vascnsel for th, Tha action vas untifeantiel., Mfeliasa Frailicic, éworn andi nteat ché výas théetiaughter-oi th, lat sué kuev Joseph -John BSpi Wd paîid him etitirésissto bor>as mat hé promiaed ber matrniage, e 1at proumise,6educqti.bhr, 5kat 1 f thtiv illicit canaéxiop wa c~ 1tub Tanuary' lest. Witnéas-al t lier fathér bad a femily of il rIandti hat aIé cas thé e eco bet ber motier vas decil, ani~t h adeant vas a farmer in aà ci us. Mv. Wilson, il a br<iré mîutes, forcill aduressd tâo aid thé casé being admaîttet iUs A déffeucé, the questson vas o aimannt aiftiamages. Thée Court, in chari,itothe Je vr. Wilhon thée crédit of--Plaséség efore sisa ti emapératet'- ansd (ait dordshi Isiàw Isver, saBWié te f LUé4ssiasv ouid vot e in db>' actions for aetiuetiess4- _T une liltét itis sation ofk'k 'é Iame"tsably prc-]u,-Iixtda-4 ip :atvs s .Iought it bis dty~ ga Jury on the triai #iý,geis-a tra them-th'at (hère -were tu-o éu>'l ta miese. - XM0ét#&idpti Ill he réaS>i' te caeédauseh ano to ii ul char hem ; sunf vIsrt cheatit>' or decésté>'isn vamfwé 3tSar cnd more moral-toad- us isi 'nets aone. , TheCo's matie thé Juryv>' tise hé4é1t 4be t(0 actions for bréatis 'ý ree, tend for rmainteneé. iéh ousid hh iten vý&ycamp- e resýstaff ti tsation, thatil ei entitiei to>s aine' detagési ani ib sh?ý.Try;-to _58,..- Thé Jur7, cités- ablan nep, retursuies d aQj Niatif! elsieitéti taesh rale 'euce ou (hé part ofthse deésm4aa WFjNoEn.'vi, April tbàh~ CIVIL BIDE, 12 ourt, opénéd ti a9Po'ctaçk.' Hart ta. Reynolds.-The. action lu ibis -case vas hrought to rècavet.vettisue cote 1 S he ta th é paintif; the dero ii$at, AI ériff bsviug seizéti anti moIti SIéee goedê 1 nde4rln exéeution vithonit satisi>'ing tisé rai. -Verdiet for défétidans. 4. Patter- 5 t rpt m i ti fr; - M. C . C a u té rsa , Q ,. C , for tieidntut <6eé,Èform" metitîgat Whftby. MR. M-3OWàkT , SUSTAIKBD. i i TITE ?eNISTftY, f2ONDEM1NED 1 TO VÂAAT RE f- s.ntc -.A. meeting a of éOirs'attendéti b> -sûeéhun dréd and ti ii>'pLréana..êmon-anti bo's -vas bétd et the' Méclar.ics' Hall aun Thurstiy e venîog lest, for thé purpase ai taking ittaconsidération thé course pursn. ed b>' lon. Mr. Mavaftturing thé présent session ai parliament. -Thélemeeting vas culleti b* Mr. w. W. Caiàtica Il, "president ri thé Whith>' Branchaif thé '5Reiormi"As. tociatinu," upon e réquisition praséntadti ta bumfo latSpurpasé. A.nunîbér- ai thé *Cathictic luiboreas about théetts avéeréin - sttendancé, havine, ve aseaSlti, beau 'or- -"enuzetib>' Musrt. Draper and t3iglov, whatclaiued ta hé thé spatial adrocatas ai sepcraté scbola ous the accasian- About 8 a'clock, thé procéatiing coin- méencet b>' calling Mvf. Catldwell ta thé chair,.anti appoinîiiug Mr. Ilobinsot4 Sacre-a The tîsairman rnatithé raquisitian, stat- tn- tta t tIsas vas aitthéolitev cant thé A. mng pause <'n.set, <uring vhich éveri a0e fait am awksaard anul fitiges>'> as posai- t .1vI. Draper caleti upon soméai thé sgerms of tlue rc'tisitian ta auidréss thé matin-MlNr. flilhert C;mui for in- Ssane. - Mn. CatstloF said that bu untiérstaod o the abject ofthé un eting tus héte strengslu.« ethé banofaiMr. Mocat in t hé course puséib'ltinth il ,Atmbl>', espéciali>'f upan tiesé shoot questiaru, and thé répré. t séotatian quf>stipu.10 Mv. 'lhcaite, socb,u)ded b>' Mv. Camp. bell, maviti thesé illng résolutioin "That shis -meiuug récagnizes thé 9t claims ai ail clamsés aI'thé carninunit>' Sa estuai cW ivilihts anti pis-iM sis of opin- ioni (bat séétniu Ssch 001.9colnatituté c spa- ciel Privileeé, vrongin prntciples--atndtitsas. an tiro>us in uts re2atiu,itiastnnic astiéY tend te ;fastér prejuidiée, in tise yottiul imd cal. Y' 'slaftedta pés-petuiatîs dulréeler s Arece.s-T 'Éle ta aur hétt iintérests as a camminît>'. Mnlf. Thwcitè ini movinog thé asolutian, landel theé cotiduttof Msr. Moit in par.-On iaisint73tatin g thet hé vas sent ta itarlia,- Y'* ,rétnt to voté againat aéparate schools, that 'a bce <fid se, anti éaasequénîitlydserved thée éosîfldencé ai his supporters. Mv. C.impticil, in aecondling thé résolu. a) tion, sta(ed chat as une oi tisé signera of the reeitiou4 tbc untevséod thé abject aif k tisa lsi4tiuq ta hé ho puesaa ve- of coni. ein~ Mu3r. Mavut, anti he.t.ojght that rhat gantiermat's course on thé reps-e- rttion n dqlsitu èitieséchool ;questionli more espoclal, ho desérved us: Mi. Dmer..waild hué e oakÏ£r..Camp- té bell e qu'stion-.Did ise -voté'for gv. -ii v Chaviiplo" ýftf A n . n -ni %gnutoi 1 v-as nt 0iti tas-> vote, (onn SI vbicm ta mark t tels1 ho saiS. Who.a et hé ehutld lias-e au thé va>' hé did -érmnentvas fos- fepaîmdef, b>- ~bua-,iîhel l, > Ons-Taesday lat-an exantin.atlen or the dona friénd, havé yon sotId yosur toad ef visest." péila émposin- the Ca nn!ngtessI3oerding The Wé ii fae id 'qmat"magistrale &is<>, yéhshMiaa Fraser tisait plaeé, b>'a forth prset.the i-eultof visicis vas igl>'cr4sllteblé, andsi ferth prset.Théré Wua alarg-e nismeer of visitosera éété .Mstrépresénaaiuons orthse "Gazette.,,4 sent visa erprealai 'their heai> im o r cp a pptovl of thé eéfliol étaté of thesgchool WSsn Thé grass miareprésentatiens in thse anti èougrtat.d MisaFrseér cnber Beotcul Gazette ai yestertiey, andti te mesenér in Om8. vbiah théermeeting aStihé <ehaaice' Hall la distarteti and ssairorted, musservre ta nauR , i eoavunéce aloatt ei edthe mein, of< The qiierléy "exeésunetion of aéttool M~ the tter usel i ih No-3j. intie owshp_'ofra Vandér thsaiReformra srefiuse (o supp9rt BdIofit plreè sie i tisé 2_, er)eéléq $he, Th nS Rach a lyng-poti4 Ir.Tiss%.é l as ýp,~ -------- ap s hdtîteti by' the taché ,' isted by Waivé-eo4o8 sies. me' Mr. Gdfii, W.,tani.î gr 8, M.i ~ thé (intéof ai ag tse ss.aaThé Gctte reédý exssafctn 5$~qaissé-j viii b. able to make -ap us sreport as&t vlpsI uie sz sIýacsîitié4 $thetalv.- rôven Ma' gemntla 4e ppe«ce i ti ýrCy question in bis m ind whetler M. Draper a perfec t storta of y l, cheors, Yise , i b ad sa L stm ad e a m ista k e . l é :bo u g h t 31r. th e m os t i b l e i n i t . Draper misapprehendeti the question befère Mr. Drcper.-1rthe réemon for théein the meeting. The original resolution ap- terraption is tbat betause thé ptties wh< prved of a prnciple. Did M r. Draper not origin atéti the meeting are réat frien ts o apprave of that prlnciple ? He cornes Mr'Mowat" bere with a spcial rsoltion on a spctil Mr. Whiffleld-Proof -gi*n ns proof of s tthjct-alto g(e therfore ign te th é riginal that "e? ( Ânoter storm ayelig and t tmP_ý rslto.It miab absurd it al his mo. ing.) cocre tbon an a mnendrnint. Tt was, in his opin *. M r. Draper-One circlnsta, e oe ne ion quite ot of ordr. H é chargeti Mr. on esterdsy. Talkin g witb a frientt of Draper, with naking insinnatins, which mifl.opposité Laing s store, w é w re Ob. werc both ungeneras andi ngntîémcanly servetiby'Lirg, and bis clerk Thwaite, agmain8t ther, and, aiti ho (M. 1D.) baid bth or whani wené no doubt on thé watc. no rigrhta impute motives ta ther. Tt Aier partiq'g Thwaite came out-of course vas Vite plain that Mr. Draper came hèere at Laings iddiuig, w nt to bis (Draper'sJ e xpéctng th t certain -things wvoud bc d ouie, friend aud ivas very anxious ta fiîind ont Mbd hé got7 ïct> iý o,_>1whe as sp.id ;andi Tjwaite vas citer- derstnd plain English, anti was anticipat. wards-calleti inSu Laiun's office ta) report ingý thé business of theé eetingthrugh thé. the information obtaincd. (Chcers, hises, w r o u g c o n s t r u c t i o n p l a c e t i b > ' h i m u p o n t i n p i ti g a n t i t r e t i t t 0 i o f s o . the Act$a ai othes&. 'Th é résolution state d A tr a gret. deal of difflulty the chair- that co ceding p éial, previle s , t a a u)jy m au pr acure t orte . class or sect *as wrong in principle.. In l1. D ngough dnouiied the coure that they ( théo l form rs > wre indo tri- ta kéen y M . D raper, as a pim p andi a naeti y Bro and M o vt, and l$y spy pon th é actions cf others, he rpudia.- ould stick ta it. (Cheers hisses and np. ted alsgether thé wro'ng motives attribn- rur.) ThPj woulti holti thein ovn pin. ted ta others y hm, anti said it vas thé ions and principls (Chepri.) Mr. Draper nresnIit a bis -own jactons> anti suspicion. bd statefl thàt the principlé vws not. to hé Hé nurô rnýht lsck the meeting ta) thé di c ss t ere. ' W ly fo t? T h is w m é pr é. ,s .lu ii nn s b fo re th é ch air, ass rtin g th a t, cis ly th e ver >' place ta d scu ss it . B ut W hit y vas et th é on i>' localit>' that w as X. Draper, no tiubt, draded. th.at it would moving in thé sane va>', n thé two-intst place certain gentlemen in a fais(- position, important political questions erure thé - to avoiti w ic b ccounted for the course T n -- t p e nt io and th é S hool taiton 'y him . Sepa nt é s hoolà w ould qucstion, an tihhé rus ed th ée actien af the not lone hé estslised,,by thé Cith-lis, ieenteswould.hé worthy a thé Ieforuers but al th é o h r d nominations would of W liitby. M . B ngo gh c n lu éi b> avait the m eselves ai tb ém . T h é>' w uld go m ain tae inin th t it vas th é p rt>' support. an andi vauld not hé stopp éti. ý Instea ti of in ev th é am énjd m eét that vas- rying t a m ak é ag e éng ýw ith M r. D raper a sit a th é sottie- division c o g t é o m ~ . H é again ri- ment ai thé qgstion- anti tht settlerent caîulated thé terns Of thé réolutions bc in,7 satisfactor>'; ho (M r. Frasr,) be- whrh weré proposcd ta hé p assat, anr! hé lievéti direct>' thé contrar>'. If thé bilh- ttgdths h ntérisred vîtb or stop. bd b éé,, th-own o t, anti the form er -one pee th ir pa saee ta be, th é en rnies ai th é w p éd ail th é tatute book- , that was légeiîinate heforu part>. (Cheer.] thé ýttemét.that vautI héc satiifctor>' Mr. fliglow, wasec~éond;,r oi théeaant. ta thé p o le f lpper Canada, lié mnt, aid t1hat th é real bject of th é aked M r,' Draýr, ta withdras- bis motion. m atra ai thé' réolution -a a censure It vent the length oai dar.siing veryct the oéuét nii i éenttéïh or M r. M owat. -and ihé <Mvr . Fras re; e i> je é& . - itw ould, t ail vents, hav é Ithat One, vas net prepcrad ta do t bat; hé vould e Ile t, Thé consideration o tte quLationis mi>y' -ive im credit vberé hé deiervéti it. in the resolution ve ,héo c i atoe th r (Cheers.) ont of place. Theé iiht ~ltaké op Mr. Draper, xcitely-l qite undor. theé liînkrupt bill or thé speech froin thé taind tlie principl é invo v ed in h ~ o [ th riuic.- H é i în- .mned th é,, motiv es a v tion. 1 sa>' it cvers thé grourid, ed thée a leg,îi,î, that that innn vh original oly a part of thé groud. W;13 énvicted. Of Latnitig chbat hé did -not [Noise, tumult, a nti onfusî0n.] know AT n'public neing, ho drèw uport Mr. Beién uh-N oa motion- [Ljoud bis i«iainationfr fats, and ahn refu. tamîn, hitlnganti confuaion.j tatio)n vas ohkIfred did not retchat Lhé M .t. D rap r- S cp r t é e o ol. - shl(, d esi rv édt eta hém et itb ail theé isp. fGrpét confsion. Pu tr~ in i-ché thé mneeting ,x'presud, t. M r. P eé ng o u gh fp o i niti ui, M r. li g lo w , va rd i NM . B n g t . N." . B g l w ve nt (0 th é p o rtio n af th é r o o0 n c é r h é n ise e v r tb h isto ry o ri th é frm a tio n -a i ,th é uti co n fu io n v as ,r j;t tsLl T h eré ,,ae ,A d min itratio n am a l iéct I " isc ib eti by Nfr, V u r f i l i d . ' r a e , a n t i b cI r g éd t h a t t ab t j c t a i -M . LligélaW éx ite dl y [P o in tin g b il c kJ g tti nig u p th é d èm a ntfa fio n xas t a b r ie 'ha> are muéie. a criaisou thé gqernmélutt, so as that A V o i c e - T h e > ' a r e c d sa c c é .. ' o n o t i h r - Ad in i t r ait i o n c o u tti a le i tl s uht ta hé néhan»ýtét ai hein. Liideus piste. Tatmi,"hé ai, 9anti that l l n , a n d i u p r o a r , d u i n g v b i ç h t h é ut . . m o - p o n i g t a e s r s 13 n go o z h a n t i o at1 e ffrs of th é ch im m n ta c am m an ti T hwa îîé) arf- but doin g thé iddin- oai heir rdr vré uavilioig. erplsyers in g"eling up thé meùting. Thé ttv, G c ilw o o d a r ase , a n ti w i sh d iutil lsît 1 R ostJ a n ti l a rb rr Oo np a nly -, (1re a t th é Isaineti a hecing. Il(, sidt tht if tht bottais, ai it, bcause if thée prsent Ad amping belngeti ta eiréers, hé ,vas muls1isýtrain enit it the aterMc t h a s u e t i a i i t . - a a p i t y t i se 1 < i t i n o t d oýr i a l d A i i i t r u t i or n w o u î ' i o e n i n , a ti ow beCae tiaS Joét Bglov bd orge. thn thé lzoatitand FHarbor Coansy wouhi li ud a c r aw d tce sta nm p ta n d bo rt tiao vn hé a s c r P o u n d 0th é d.bt d u e >v t b , r. a nu s p e e c h . H é [ M . G é n a d 0 o v r T h e fl' rif it h é r e s lu tio n v om tl l h é d is . le a, rd o r c c v én xth i m I m r e . a é u . a p p r o b a tio n ao f é e r o s L 4 1iu . - W h~ -l 8 10 l fll o isî 4 ti k e 5 s ee m n s o î uit i n ' r p a s s é ti M n . M ü a t ca sl u r, t h é c o l t q h A e s a if a i s 0xpl Ithé aiginators oi thé% diîturbane. pstinopposiag -thé id govriéent theré tg iev ét i hm ta s ec am an i <é %fn. B i0e- W *tt5 NM a %wor ai approaîst Cor hm .- w rise,- .cnd say 41h ey ire m ine,"~ in y. F a e s 'Y n < b er > f cosmtituants andi vertrtinworStsy thé support Of trié etRsierés. (Aheir, HÏM, votéti for Mr. Mou-at. bekt'd and vFQsulti do so5 sgela- bust lhe , uIsfd névé-rSà8chét ts sacrifice bis principiés te mecS tué ieve cf an>' suais potiticai démogogsea as' Dhpér teand Bigélov. (Chéers.> Tholé iseanLd -objects. u ineV Andti WantIatôi L ob;ecta they vontidtend sheir ivienda astre>'. Tisé référencé tsi thé RoadCtGompany' baei' no mure té daovusthéhebusiness ai thé meeting thats bail théSatsacrit cf thée Lms- doosý. Thas vas ail hypocria>' upon theis- narts. They had t oaséoshBiihb~ in thuit- véitt te comae ont boldfy bopetsI> anuti mnt>', but thé>' want ahbout thé bywcye andspoké %vitie thé ilunent ansd these ouard. iy whispén. [C hfer3] Rmatn Catholics. saiti Mr. Greeniwood, do yon hélievé iii sua-b b>p(icritéýs? _Thé.y-vili- ditivé70 thé fivait moment it viii sense théir ao intsoréat ta du su. Tise créatures whu niov pet ye'on a thé hack voniti oeil you for r, mn'1sýof Juttuige. (Chers. Mn. Dr-aper amidât cheers anti je., ru l1ied ta "-thfégentslemen wchad ijost sot dosinis aon thé changée-of hyjsocis>'. Ile neférredti tathféelèta4, f pnn' .t cîsargeti Gss-'ilnvaad vitis vasiug for Laing. -He aIea chairguelGréénwood -vith naetintg thié lttesrm part>' vn iehésolti tisé "Ontari-o Tiis"ta Mn. fggiiss. f Chéaraanti yent. Mr. Ursenvoati-I chargé tisastateho adelihératé fahushoat. [GrecScnfson] -Mnr- évoi Na matn batCChs- (Tramýreisdans yelliqg stanipiisg anidbauî- Mr. -ne.Mr. Mason, anti Mr, L.igafal' 'utséehvtooli thé, stand aniu-eré unabié ta 0)tuti1a lhesrtu"' Tise chîimnien dti bis beat ta préelrvé a uter listiut a 5purposé. Mn. D)raper-Mni. Chiarîan - [Chersg andi yella.] MMaoî-tPut ittoa MrDnape,-viséethét. hue silS aé cupýy thé fluor autniglit. [Criés Mmrapr, SWhsitégenitlemian bt MF. icunvad-Tuli thé tntbanti dan't Il(e. [Great upvnsav.] Captail Wa!ltace. Tisought thé djalokué bcd -'er i itsr éuougl;ani tbst ns biis nsue b-el br .0 ruentiooét iehé vantet ta kessw îl e iuet béé» siait about 1dm. -Mr- A.gnev ar&ase midat grecs eproar,- haitiey hé>bd vandeneti 'ave>' rans ý abjýct ai thé meeting, hé cottidaret i tih thé résolutiIton anti ementimenst toouarrau- in app Oviog ai thé caurse of Mr. Ihévat, anti lài patiticac éreer. fé, {M.r. .&gnevj gp-. pruivet ai sepesc shoots, -on thé grohndi tiat hée vouiti give bis isigixor thé saule as hé wusistét fut hiti EfChéers.l

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