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Whitby Chronicle, 9 Apr 1863, p. 4

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urptc tlooin adottintrg- or thé vlvt greeni. ( i bar vocal rirers, rh tlicîr nerry iscng, gznphinirstrcamtot quivr- ache music" rn11nlung , thec chorus strain I cmmlug oer tise mouitairis, , roliclcnug aud gay 1i be 'lie Biîier f tuntaiu,_ ruses strew the wsy. tlur loudi t ghary ('k-teollod, tringinir tracs; youiîifi sd the isesry Caths the golden louves. toroua- Spriug las oorung,, niov rut zephyr; milS,' onoy-boo f#iruuuring-,îl ro Isansd stary, - 1b riilug éphores i A Gocd Sulle, mnistera of the gospel voe i extemporaneous presching. mid th. old divine vaziug iruining yonrself by writing esdiug themu off. Yor cou, not bocome intercoted iu your if Yeu were celleil upon ta ctedly, onlcas yen could get- 1 sermon, Yeu vould ba conte. divine useS ail bis eloquence convince theolad gentleman n sermena cxpressed his ove feelingsa and if calteS oupon, ehi extemporeneonsly. 9 of the saure t.siîb," aid Une r "suppoe o yetry me uext ng. On asceuding the plpit me a texit ram any part et, 1 wilI ceurince.yen that I thout havin.- looked aethUe tood up. Likewtso 1 must be 'me 'privilege euh Yeu. an d nako the test of it. mcd toegigbîtihe oit! gcuîlo. ras iwueidately agieet upon. wing Sabbath, on monuting senier brother handoS hlm a on wblch vau vrillen - rAnd Sd lits mentissud spake eIr preached a glorieua sermon, attentien oetbis dlighted harming bis elS fiend îb noon, the. young b rother wba 0ow the pulpit hauded bis slip. d opening the Bible, thse, id ly around-"& i 1nettUne. g for e tew minutes, ho rau ongh hie bain, coller, blw he lat trumnpet, sud ead, ruai thine Ass ?" Anaîher h a deadly silence rignod. i hi rSdnie."lAra I net thine red over the puipit a! bis e doleful voice., aed-"I1 .HOLu!,SuÂAp8nelT 1-C R- S- is Mid, a rif opayi ,sGaptain takes theni ont o practice. Ho drzews iliem fi., and In sets a eider deen thse bill. The men oting from right te toit at ta il-cames up. Ater the. 'r the Caplain examines the he Sunds eabaht tirt dit! net -ble, the. incber vise lireS Nana bas-o beeri expellod ht years. toper, irn tue la ma taiS by tise phy. uld' Rave hlm but ce sern abjecteS te Ady, Saddy, do'î 1there nover vas is bouse tisai lesteS is naid toisbe thse idn', 's-ily Pen . acinetines vitisaut n s ai, smotimes les vithont a hoad iithout eitiser ; sud JIl situations. An. ýury," saiS a Wcs- n snet a rat trap ta fools cf youraelvee efflulu vith à kuit- van v ould net. Suer taring imioer vas r ta te twen. gentleman, v cevenings ueo me for me," replieS )te of a beau. cmne blini,' VOUt$',ch ternis u as nnsyo odoeu, asriiall X arur, situate between Greenvooci and Birougham, contati!ng about 40 acres ut god land, being part cf lot 15, Sui cenceisalon ut FIokorlng, couforteble bouse sud ont-Omilo"" posessIon oet he land uai bhnadetantloytinfi, u.dIltffdieciwel lrg sud offloeesou Ibe Thirty- firat cf Mercis. Application ina Whiti>y to IV. IL' UIGGINS, Esq.-, Clrolole Office, IIENRY HOWELL, On tne piermises. Polnriary 911, 1868. 8t IMT PRIZE SEWING MALICHI-ýNES WANrZER',s COBATON & Prnlm~Sewing Machines T 119 ONLY l'RIZE svarded fer Famlrly Sewirîe Machines oy thc Jo dges lit thc Provincial Exilbition, huiS là Lon don, Sept. 24t, 251h, 6ttu muS à7lhn, as givun te PR. M. Wuuzcr & tC',, Tliey aisea tcok the tIret prize for Faurily .Scwing Muciines vils R. IM, Wàiuzer & <2's. Combiiecuitihe Prc rincial Fair iel et a Taranto, Sept. 22, 23, 24, 25 anS 26, 1842, sud riso tiret pneu vwas awardecý te their Singer for insu i Fectr& r a ls Tise Fîrets 1" r"vsaiegi-n f rNos. rie f iilar ciaacter were.aieoavareled ,Wauzr'e & Cu~'n FnnhySowinMachine sîrrl Wanzer S& Ce.'s Singer's Macine ever mii otier, by theBoard et Ati mnS Manufec- turu,uat le Mechanies lustituteTornoi. TLoy aiea took Firet Extra I'rizes at tise saera Coünnty Agicutural 'Faire--at fli. ton, Paries(li. t.' Tinmus, Beumsville, Wiit- by, Cobourg, Bevnnanviiie ; in fuel, o.'ery place visere tiser heve beenexibited. CW Naueer S& C.', Cembination sud Wsnzer S& Co.'s Singer, ixee &Dy Machines thriever vero manufetured. in tisaUnited Stalixu or Canada. . . .Wonzer S& Co., bave sucecoddineuui- ting tue muet vahumshe properties aftie Wheei- corS& Wilson aund Singer Machines, sud rouies- iug tiss.pointa whiuis vere oct dosirable lus Firâ aIses nomestie ar'ée, hy aWluiug sanie new Inventions for vhieh tisejy have mcrod a patent lu Canada) Lave mcceudied in preduciiig a perfect Sewiug bMaeLine7Wliis being simple inlu it pinciples le cuily uudcrstod, requirrrg les. than an ardiuery amount etfmiillinluIls operation. Ita aconrato ceustruetien rentier h )ittle lialletoetuiot orepair, sud iii.emi- iy aSJ usl;e . Tire publie, oi. ex.rmiatiou, vi)] Le cauvinced etita advantages over li-otheré nov in n'e4. Every famulyshouid h ave a Wsn zer St Col». Ceurbînation Fariiy Mmhîne. Alienuue rnrzerCo.aSclm~Machines bear ties taunp oftR. K Wanzer &t., Oîf ton, on tue plate. o.Hai- JAMES tI. GERRI1E. Agent, Wiiîy. Jr. MUIRl 150 bushels ladly Kent Peag For Ostol by the Suborriber. JOHN S. M. WILLCOX 'Wbitby, February, 1868. 84 _FARm FOR SALE.- T IL3E stbalt c f Lot 17-, ln the. 14th Con. Brook, contmining 100 acres, 85 acres cearcd, aid ii -.goodeuÇte etonitivation. Good BtiJdngt, wetI watered, vfth an excellent yoýgOcacbeing 1 milefrow <Canning- Potaim a 7lid'I ad as.Apply, (if by ,1oa.-ai,)o TIIOS. MULCÂHY Oaliawa, C. if. Wcliy Gle ceop v1IDr six week A, and Bond accouift te above n dreps. Imroved.Parm to, Lot. T 0 LET forae torm of fi ve or fce v yars, that iplendid *tarin of tlie nndersalied,, Ri.uate on Quaker 1111, ne"ar UX13RIDGE VILLAGE,1 cootsining 100 re-] clearýcld ndvol feue- .5. The bnuldings are of, théa very 'but des- criptionfnr farim purpoès *,ou oitha et aupplie ans i I leéounitv lm on the pre- mises, aud a nieguifiount orohard contorfliug npwards of thrcé ocres. And ultegetirer thse farm offers ono ofilmuo hest chancirs 10 a uoiveîît teniant te bôhad ülu theCotintv. One hait reer ront wiilicreqnired tb bc jiuid d(n i i n ii vauce. IThere are a'riredy 26 aeciofIti îlchiig doue. gWFor fnrther puriiciilus supply' te GEO. SMITH, ou the preîîdaé, or at te i PO. Uxbridge. IgChrerdele" Office.6 Port Wliîtby, Mri lf5 s Go, ver i Kingi DOCTOR D continues te trust ý,lsoses 0f a Private S tUC ri seni S Ux3, vive llwir. bmmaon d"deSt -tli madevoted yOBriltodd thu runrimeut et tile vari-lus" forme eOft te Vuneroal diomec culiter P"004<-af heling, ItisU sîîbdnetl lu freur lte 6 day.. seconda 1qeyniptoei, pom lyrrrSy hk Iu&llible reie!d poeieula ai a distance triuste( Muedcine sent te any lart oftti ocipt cf a resennibe tee. ' l'ereoi wisletrrg ta rxriunt f dlo se mîh the inimO.Utat secree suarrangeS tiît it la impee-Stb' me cu rel thr. nfleiS by col troce vien ottaiued ut the omtih Dr. Davis' Femais Moi A*1pmfe Diii rellabie roredyfor E Fer-iîxi- >] iîe. t , $1. dreese'osl fr-o. NOeletticî,;s îlesomtlîy coluln a routfit Ai ihtram tb.addressýt k.DM.1t)..Toreite, C. Y apostageo ap if an ansaer t, <office o noîr irei8 a. m., 1,0 '2oreiiîoi litrcinl8i, 1863. SCOTTISI! FEOVE ESTABLISHEI ai:?. WATCIIS, GLUGK8, 1 Incorporated by Act JEWELERY, IN Tac LATEIT STYLES - JAMES JOHNSTON, Watcbnisker arid Jcweller, l3rock Street, Wliithy. Oct. 118h, 1862. 401 Tailors, Shoomakers, Carrnage Builders, Dreiss Kakons, and HeaLda of Pamilies Geunerally. ali at WÂNZAiI & C*11e. Sewing Machine Offce WhItby, anut eo tire lrge auâsortirent Oe F11anîlyd Matcurinig 8IEWINIG MACHUN1E8I W ith latieat mprovmenta .nd at low prices. JAMES il. GERRIE, Agent for Couiity Ontario. Marc 24, 1862. I LICENSED'.A U CTI10N E ER, BROOKLINy C. W. O FEES Li auricei te i e bl; sud fer al rtler oet ýlisengpedeeJalysavîl bu kept at lisestoreut M. T.J.jIolldsy, Broilin, wiic cma be reterreul ta by parties pruvieus te isaving tiseir bille pinted. - e. Brooàkltu, Sept. 9, 188! Affloti 0er Sherif's Sale of Lands. un~,f~utero, ('N Stundsy, tise lInS ndZyof MPyA.ýD. 868 4 12 o 4lck oo, ii . selS y nblie Are- tien t nyiffcei heCturt Ileuse,in lthe Tevn of Whultby ie e t M OfOn ie, tise îgI, tute sud n e!ihiurnn metioe detundaîntasesverally posas, iluthe underuicu- liOeeSlands andt toemeuls thcree-p, eed hy me, under araS b>'vu-mneocf certain vi-its et Fieri Fadias, viz in tise Court et Quecn'm Bueh. Tise Oxtarle Rank, George Wallace, Defendant. firathe court ut Cemurc Plee. The Bar-k ofet eraal, - PauIfi George Waiiace, Defondant. Iluthe Court et Qnen's Boni. John Warren, Vs. George Wallace, lI theoCourt et Can Wî1iluuWarren, George Wailec, PluIutlff, STOYES! I3IEAPER TItAN EVÎR. IME LARGEST STOCK AND GII1ATEST tVlcfty iu Steres, Stove- Furnîtmne, Ti- vae t. eai becuonntthîe store ci the Steveg o! uvury style sud queliv sud et il Prlces. Tise popular nepattern Steve bas heets tutroduicet!amengat ther varictie. TUIE KING OF S 70 V8, MRON DUKE,- GRAND TRVNK, PRINCE ALBERTI, DA VIYCROCKET, PROTECT7ONIST, e t orcalt iana SeS.. JOHN BYN Brook-t., Whltby. Oshawa .dvertisements. WILLIAM TEXPEST, M. D. 1 G8 EE , SRAWÂ, CANADA Ws. BE ~~17 P.-LAMBERT. T AILOR and OUDAPER-ICînz St. siava. Germaents inide te erdor ini tb. bei&t style aud famllion. 47 S. B. F'AIRBANKS. JOHN '*CGIIqL Capital One Invested in C CA NAD, HEAD OFFICE m A. Davidson Parker, R AT£ OF PREMIIM vrt wii) heur favorable coune adopted liv otîner crpsxnies îi dtins andi Iegulatiottu onu'. ,As,*urancea ffeced sud clii. actions couSlucted vitiseut te JOriJ HN AG The Celebratd G0 flbE eta, brulpes, fruat and susuSalikindsbf flu ti.in'eeelremedy ku al kitide o! vourlie sud ores nr The retnietiy t iufallible for1 sud cattie anffering frouai an. Frour tliesit cf teMtI)~ efBiecy et thls i rvaltuatl YO lue Lave liecu setueted: - 1 have usedyour olthe 1" am niaeid that il la uneqina culns, and! clnrg fro.9t.bitest. equaily gi ct appliud te manor Tti A. Krîevu.xýs.Eq-, Picksring, Feb. 12, 1861. ti nfquslnce te;oun, and nus a public, 1 tYa.k i r*hlte i oelehratcd GornunOil. MY 1 voety scsidod,5sermnchi se, tbIi vws àoobtful, but hy tise tirnte yonr o eh ai s w mletly Picering, Janueary 17, 1861. 1youn .4t «eý covery ion of lie iu gaeti'l. 1 tuni yonr celbed Germ culs, brainex, frost i i clouis ehether applied Piekering, Februarv Dseue Sia.-In instici 1 ove tothere ubir l' menS yur elebvaed1 ettreet bites.,oitts, hi otleng Standing. Pickerug, Februanj UJ stflered ftrem al yeera vitliont intinal try yeur clebist6td 0e1 ly oured."r 41 -One of the firsu.'nie "PI EAuSm-Eejy onr jusAthy ceebra knekvu.t mng ism kind. I have use iti ei, troît bile, St&o., 3; atsnîtng -, il hie never O PURCIJASE a Pare Deiçen Bull froiu 9 Lt ô ycsrs eld, (wlth dipleia. Parties evlng uch an animal to 2ds"e ofe. ni7 hear ,'aepirobaserbly addrenalng Wm. C. bI eMut- i., S- M. & P . A. B., Atheirlei 'wPot Office, atig piceana. ivijr abrbdescription, at1- AU lete pé W il bc attondod tee ernptly. Atborley, Marcdi 118h, 1868. LADIES HEELED JIJIT RECEIVED AN, .UORTTEMT ofttetBlack WITH HIEELS FOR DANCING. AT BAIN'S. Wiitby, Fou. ti, 1863 2in 4 40 PET ER GALLON I GYOOD ]ROCK OL - at the abovo pneu unt GEO. YULE, Jn. 10 Barrels FrClraC s Just rcwd Wliolusrte and Mctii, Chue0p nt GEO. YULE'S Whitby, Mure], 5, 1862, 8 MONEY. MoINEy te Lonut ciipu Vr cent en tIrst ,chues ftariri r0îîcrty inI l itfront Town- ships ofYoi, Oiijtenin. d iîei. Appiy te JOIIN LEYS, irrtCr, Unrelî St. !14in Toronto. MESSIRS. CARD & HAWKE, DENTISTO, DUNDAB'ST., WHITBY. BEG tO !nûtorth îLei ihaitant# et this Town B and eîîrnnig oittrv, that they have entered înto e-çtnerliin the Dentàl Pro- fessier,, and will ho hippy to attend te all or- dera entruated te their cure. Teetix 8uerted on î#eivd, Silver or Vuicmmnzed Rabser liase. 1Teethfliiled or extrneWnthdl Ie Lest possible Panticilar attention paid te the rcgtilation'of Chidre'a Teetb. Alwork warranted. W. H. CARD. 0. W. IIAWKE. F~ BELING ithat mv bu-du"r-a rquired thu »Was.e f mtanet'er, 1 have procured îk ini tihe Pee n ofMv.Hawke, viem1 i tek. pleasure ti itrudtri.g te thse msxiy frienda vlro have hthert,, giron nie their support. Mr. llawke cornes vol) rouomuxcnded, a=4 bas b.d an ex- peince of over veven yearp iu the proferision n ieCity of Toronto, sud i-rrouudi-g conu- try . With tisanica for pai lavera, and a wîsh for theoocntluincx ef the âmain uthue te cognne, Itreg te rùomain, WLitby. Foh. 25, 1863, -8 Co. S olli l SeIing o ff!or C LU0 HlJNQGi 0f ail kinds at greatly reduced prices.f JAS. McCLUNG & Co- A LARGE LOT 0F IIEAVY -WINT-ER TWEEDS & .SATINETTS AT GREATLY RU'DUCED, PRIGES JAS. McCLIJNG& rCOTTO7 LOWER* THAN PILESENT WHI )LESALE PRICES. JAS. McCLUNG & CO- GOOD TEAS, VERýY LOW,) JAS. MCCLUNG & Co. FGBRIGRIEAf ARTI 0F ALL KINDS, CALL IMNIEDIATELY AT - JAS. MeCLUNG& Co. Wilk-iriscnî's Jlock, LIOUORS, WJNES, &Ce AT 100 barrets Prime Chippawa Whiskey.. 75 gai. fine old 1Ilenîiesy's Coo-ynaY iia 1860, gvitg 200* galilMediurin Ilennesy's Cogrnac.. 300 gai. Lovve 14edium Utiennesy's (Co.gnac. 100 gai. fine oid Port Wicie. -90 gai.. fine Table Sherry Wine. 100<ai fine otd Jamaica Rumri. 75 gai, IIo1I-and's Gin. ALSO, CHOICE JOIIN CADE, PJsfntlfti ANDa - Benjamin Franklin Nevial snd Abrahamu Jaseplh Brao, (by bilUj and Anthony Waahington, anSdclii- ers mode parties l inseheKeotera' offec, dofendauts. PUROlUANT te tishe orce ft tis fonerable PCourt, iunie lun thfi cause, bearrng date the tventr-sconrd day ot Fcbrnuarl> eue thon-- saind ciglit hundrod sud eixty-two, sud liii fluai order matie theni, besriug dae.thie tveaCetis day et March, lu tise yer cf our Lord.on. thoussud eighl h undre nd id ly- tbrce, the tollowing Situmie, Iylng sud belng in thse 4 TOWNSHIP OF' REAOI4-, - IN THE COUNTY 0F ONTAIITO, AnSt liing courpoeetof tise Sentlibalt oflot numrruorixteeir, lun tire aixtln-eoucessýion of lb. maid Tovunslnp of'Jiueis, iii tLe Count>' cf On- ttrne, contai.nlng hy adrea-turumont Mure or loexecepiing unitroucrvvng tloreoni Tout Acres of tise qotieb-euet muie of ,,tAlot, lireluofore mid te- one R ulien Craudali, vil ise colt b>' At t) oMeoffic t l e unicm'rignd Mtetýr of tbj Crdourt bv LEVI 'FAIRBANKS, Juiior, AUOTIOEEI8,lu th 2 TOWN OF WIIITBY, Eleventh day cf Aprfi 1863, AT TWO OCL.OrE P. M., Wlîth tbe upeuine erule at neti, Eî.qairc, MaiL5er Extritordiuary ofthie reit court let Vitby. Tue s-nu lawdla srinrly ait elcareti, and is iu agontd suite (,t cuitivattan. Tier tn gueuX BAIRN AND DWVELLING HOUSE On tbe setet lanti. t lies close te lbhegrevel vouSd lediEeg trom i tfbs.Port l'e. rv. snd le sb alrtahuiuutile froiîn the Village eoflerelin sud is aun cxcellIvtt lum. ue purcitasr shahl, atirelime ofOinlo, paiy - do-nj tzan or centofattisepuroisasýe miny te tîruý Vendorr or Lis Seoilcilor, anI tise balance vitisin lfteeu Sla,. froni tise -lay of sale, euicl tiron sichln let rnuîntred puyiunt. ThiePu-. citii hll lic enîiied tfe bisecarwneyanle.- 'Nou pur ,aerahle lime cf suteisole te aigu an rureemeut for tise eeupletlei tino ieP-3r- tAiir e. pO!Lxa aeaof ettise suidpremirees te lie i0voîn n tiiu iSth (Ely of Uct)err ext. Iii othier respecta tise couditlong oi malo bru t'homsu coulsîned in tise gunerlutlors oet tiis Cou rt. For furtfher uarticulars ,yply te theie- tins,.bo ir.rk tooT I loe s etirr, Sotuieior, Terunt9: W. il'. lg munmt, Vt4rer el andr mette tise tilde elg1ueti Matmtxroet une Couirt lit Wiil SUGAR3, COOPIEES, &c. Wib PIERRY'S BUILDINGS, Brock Street, Wbiîhîy. 4 ~i Ci 'CAPITAL £1001000. , raüns i Tiso Boni

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