4 TITft T Tars~ II I _ wesA I advlt-e, ae; 1ce eo. a sînîla rt; Luud- FOR suerraias niayi» aw1sd o, a cnall tJ'-arie, sittet betveen ?fremnveqc anti Blroughanm, eont&ng &bout 40 tores oetoO tieti, belug part o ot1 éô ocessio of Pitkarlng, coenmrlable bouse andi ôel-offlocs, possesion oethIe landti osbchad udany tlne, ant f of b dwelllng anti offices o n the Thîri'-- iit et Match. Appliton le Whitby ta W. H.-IIGGINS, £BQ., <i- -Chi-o ileOffice, HENRY HOWELL, On tha Pucinlse. Pebruary Otli, 1863.i 4 WAXrZ. E&t 4, 9- IPIRST PFIZ SEWING M4CIIIINES. orn tinte to tinte, are rs frein a d~itinguialîed York, je whieb tihe !0 of the. gattemn' Dr. Franklin te liiim îewn friends, are un. lIed in the anisais o 'ac aimi/esetoflattera si I i aaed laîdy are given, taled that tha witnesseh WANZER'S CONDINATION & 11, but toucheoci Oes, ~ the élothes andi hair fl Il w 113 - »-4-l iva soeansoaieof the Preailuna Ncwlccg rachines Und compareti thein rs whIst intthe body, IIEOL RZ wre omm lte clitrtgrnphy î-ePrvnilExhibitionhl nLuoS ae entablsoa en2i u,2.th 2Mnacnes 7th ivJn esat R. isbepowar rO te Tey aime tk the ist priz. tor- Panily '0 anaswara te questionsSewlng NMaahnex wth R. 1M; Wataert&iColea. g i the air ; vwe hava Cenîhinaticn, at thue 'rcvineiial Fair hela ai kea by-tI~eirToronto, SRîît. s2, 23, 24, 25 and 26, 1862, anti kep titnta -hir'41ao irt prie wut awai-ded te thoir Singer fer a playing on a piano î nitnufilete-y. t îL tou o? ~ 4 Tbe Pist Extra Pi-ic was almegiveii for Nos. it thefloorof a roml 1ati 2 Siiigei's aufttrn oies )wn wIiemîtouchcdt and lPr iza ainlîiai-clîasictor wera alsoawartied ing for a torteiglit Waîtzer's & Co 's Fantly Sewing Machina anti Wanzar & 9t'. 's SiniciaMachinas over ai] recp about the. fieor otîîcrs, î> the Boar-d oe Arts andi Mannelaç- Wea bave beard bella toras, ut the Medliaijas Instiînte, Toronto. sice t hlus Tring- sc tookFit-et Extra Prizas nt the. iern.CiityAgicutural Fair--aüt ifLail. roornt; accu lowcra taon, laais Gai t. S t."rhotna, hhas ville, Whit- LA carricil te difiltrent hy, Cohen-gBewntaniville ; ilactie cety place wlîere thiýaebenehbtd visblehan i een Ur auuzei- & C.'s Combtttatlen anti lay' correct aire ep. Wanzer & Coà .'S inger, E.xcel any Machines s, anti aven ri5a up, thatever vere mauntacturat in1 the Unitedi Sttor Canada. a parsou'sadacuncd IL. M. Wonzar & cO., have etîcepoedtin uni- but net teuching it, ieu the ninat valuahie prororties ofthie Whesl- 1ie tye.- i & Wilson anci Singer atîchînum, andtiramnov- a"'irle -lun thome potnts wltIcl.werc net dasirable in a reikbapredictions Pli-et Chtie donetie artCe by atidieg sanie nS, andl wich have ruaw inventions (for wlîichlu taV hve scocuvetia patent lu Canauda) haivesîiceeeti ii in oducu a; boni-ilwoederftl a perfect Sewiîg Muachitne, which tuciîg simple 3e inte invisible warîti in ite principles 18ensaily under8tod, rcgniriug lestitan an ortiinary asntiit et ekili te iLs 1clairvoyant trance, operatien. Is accurate coiîstrnetian ientiers fie biglicat imagina- it litle labla te get eut ef repeir , and t i tlaessi - or cnîbody in WorIsM ly adijust3i. The publie, oeax4inatian, vili 1 e e, nviuuced oe tshada'ntuiges nier ail ethers le by pencila laid on 10 li n-e. Everyftnluild bnavenaWati, f tint loor, not wiihhn ac- & Cols. Contbuatioleaunly Machina. Ail Geînîne Wanzcr &Ce0.'ii$wiiîîg Machines Cà rasent, andl innuniara- buar the stitp etf1B. h i %âer & C O., Hantil- 0 tII these have been ton, onte plate. 8Ofe )ertecîl>', le huedreils JAMES IL GEIRRIE. . thri-ug a couirse Agent, Whitby.s ycare praviuusly in tie caca of Mary 1publisheil by Dr. N w te the- Duke ofet on, and othar thiga, f- ceiling iii coloraJ.M U R ýeashei os-or once ~ M UIR ame. thoiwu.t. ...and PT!,l a rmT-~. fpeople, several aem, couldil îy lia reying the plastar rejmeenttin uin an meut remai-kable' te the follov. )k place at a le poniderons of tha prair- lhe ownsr of bis fIege:ý ' nally sprerng is iook place niclinent of Ioping vwith. 'oftA e Suep. *IL'Y FIIOx MÂmmî-Â& ucat- baing day os-Sing Manaeet Aivater anti 18 shatei, lias& eabl, eyunp. lundi>'ae. ic, and with A'd utian. IjLuxJ2iLNOJbii kUUTIUNEERj COIJNTY OFDNTARID, I PFELS lIshi% oet t ubi;anti fer 0 h oneuaîc ftii; e esring thoent, ah etregiter et lis ogggi 0>'viilakapt At cau bse re-eto by parties pr-eiou tahaving tIJ. I MIjIR, Sherif'. Saloeof Landis. ui t onteria, 10Satnrday, the git-t " o tt ta fay, A.D. 1586 tIen ut my offle,in the Cont bienict the Teown et%%lIitby,, iutue -Conty oet tntai-le, the riglit titis aud intirest v-jeu the nndé;rnentioued, d^fauudÉtintm sevaralby pommsss, it the untiarn- tioneti auds anti tencteiita titereot, 8ized by mut, untirandt by virtueeet certain write et, ieni aclas, riz; In the Cenrt o? Quoae Bsnah. The Ontaio Baik, 9eorge wsjbac, Defontiant. Ihe UcoCnrt otcemnien PIC"s. The. B3ak of Menti-cal,- Va. iia.... sari,.. -- - Defentiant. Ili t heCourtef Quteen'u Banà l.ý Joi Warrenl, ru va. ~lntIef eusrgs vWalîsce,4tnai. In the Court of camion Plans. Willami Warrn, _ George Wallace, mtr, ->u le tbe Cei-t of Cominnon Pbee~, Thte Bank et Menîresi, - George Wall,%ee andi George Andertson, I Defentiants. Iiitle Court et Canmmneplea. 4tiat. 'I IFARX EQW SALE. [LE Mst hl Uo'Lt 'hg"ltb 100 acresq, 85 acres cleaed, and ln 1 9 aood scate ofceltivtlion. Gooti lIaiidindret we1r wtercd, with an excellent u unglan d , bmengl ileL front Cannig- V ,nd2 e r b tj nd erton. Tei ma vry lib caa y. Apply, (if by letter, Post-pald,y to Weckly t la. bpvi a Y Iorax yaks, antdsenti MSecnt te abovea adreps. AND JEWELERY, -IN TE£ L&Tc-STSTYLE8 WWlIt)8 l11ted4 a andi After C, MclYnmýOTT, Port Whitby, 1jiamh lar rMuter. *,,5 G .Leed# m a4~igRton h'«.asgsve 3 nsert onsi. I)OOWOU DAVIS, coiniueste treat diseues Of a Fr1vatie Nature the 1 retmxxxo ie vT cara.#l forafte e AeljdeseadyIe . caliar prgocs et heallng, its worât stages are subduin efroin t 0atys.- Secondai>sYmPtothe,. proneiinccd by go niany Phymicians as innrable, cao ha iTeetnal- ]y <tnrM c i yls infallubl1-0,1ancedles.,,, 11 *Patiets .ýai a distaneoe tresut y 1etter, anti niedicine sqnt ta any ptrtel t Ca cotiitry onra- colpt cf'a reagnnaec. l'emi-si wietîiîg te cleng1ntt the Peeter eau doose Iitihue ntuîee scîey a ls ica te se arranigeai thnt il, . lx e fot1r putienta ta sec ecal utiier. 111119" bv mectt. .'dvice res wlian ohtitlenti Ie oe-lf by mnal, $1 Dr. Davis, Faciale monahiy Pille. ýA s-Ite sid reîiaireiredy forseppression andi Pemoeia Dî.esc. Pibo, $1. send b aw1nd- tires, î'st tri-a. No leti cia wilI ha stuewcred ntles. «the>' cotîtain a reinittEanca or PoetageJ AIVltter s t he atidresact, (pv-t-pan,) J. ]>ayi, M. D., Toronte, C. W., and coau a postage ltamou) if an iîuwer îfreqtrenl. OfficecbonrS rail, 8 a. ni., te h9 p. lu. Toronto, Mardi îls1t, 1868. 12 ly L~IEASRAC SCOTTISH ]PROV*INCIALà ASSURANICE COMPANY' ESTABLISHE» 1825. Incorporated by -Act of Parlment. Capi tal One -Million. Sterling. Invested in Canad a.$400,00 CA NA DA: JAMES JOHNSTON, IllEAD OFFICE - MONTREAL. Watehniakai- anti Jceilr, A. Daiisen Par-ker, Scc-tac-Y. )gt.c Street,15h2.by. RATE OF PREMIlUM vai-> moiderato anti ______________________.__ 4t_ - wilit-car fevei-ahle enii,,ariaoîîwitilhtt ITaiors, Shoomakers, Carnage IttiAn ui lidegulatiens nniusuualY liberal.-, Assuancs etacetiand ti or businenâttrnsn- Duildersr, Dross Nakors, actions ceùnctati w*ithout rfoecaate Scot- and Headls"of ramles JOHN AGNEW,- Generally. Wity nga ,15.5-> cli ah WANZAR & Co'K. Sewtng Machine Oflie, Whitby, and ksac tlic large 1 M~ortntttm ie- A Gem n01 f Pamlly and Manufaieîuri-tg iIniTheCea6ura.u er anO ~JV~VA Ii MA dIINEg (NUleSuits, bruIlsos, fi-oit bi4p, running Wtt lcee itp-evntnts,.iuet evpries soretqanti aIt kindpsofttlesui'wOniia Wit laes imrovmettiun I t 1ow ries. It Iothe',enest retueely kue ot W ealing JAM13 H Bl ~ illaUkieda otvoýwluntisanti ses iin n ant ibea3l. JAESH.GE ' e Tihe rondic it nfalilae l- relikving herses Agenit fer Coun)ty Ontario. anti cattie snffcring troir patin. Uai-ch 20, 1862. Front thexuBanils oethsinontals as te Uhe -eiccy eft tlisinval ein-c dy, the foe,%,- v utle been setacteti: 1 bIiav(,usetiyenrA e i.lain six yeti, and SA R IA *N S arn attsSeti a euioeuitalled foi- bealing cutant ud iiug fi-est-bitas. Ita emheacy ha Sequallygu cal apulite Muo )U, $STOYES! CRlEAPEU TUAN EYFl11 TIIEE L&IGERST OCKÂAND GtRTT varCinetv e4 Sts- erntn,Te,- we, .,eebe *cuenet the.Store1et h liteu'cus "fuh cv- tyle ant i îlîî nt a ai Prîcas. ihpophi- ccv ôwptttes-n itove has hae introdc nhhotiaingat otier varîties: M71E KING 0F 87-)YES, IRON DUKE, GRAND TRUNK, . PRINCE ALBERT, DAVTY CROOKET, -- PROTECTJrONIST, «. Ica anti susec. 45 Boks. bty Oshawa Âdvertiaements. WILLIAM TEMPEST, M. D3. STEET, OSHAWA, CANADA FLAMBERT. T AILOR anti DRÂ?EI-Kinz St. Osghawa. Gai-nints madti La der in theo hast style and i tahlon. 47 8.1. FAIRBANKS* sOITRNTÂRY PUBLIC, &a. -&c. JOHN McGILL, tante cf Ontario andi Durhamn Conntue, toet- tend Sales by Anetion Uounaabold Furniturc, marchanifie andi othor efforts, ata ressonabla com ison. 10 Oxhawa. A.uznt 185 IN8JRA.NCE & GENERÂL AGENT HSUBSCRIBER 18 ?BEPÂtED TO T cff act Pire, Lite ancd Mar-ie lusurance Rislks Mt reaso(nable rates, and in the inoat respoui ble companles. EsEt1. SKAE QÀ%baw a2, 1861. 86i25 LYMAN ENGLI$H, L L B. Pickering, Meb. 12, 1861. "Inujnaiuesuo, andas nia dly 1 ave the puIhcý 1 tt.tk Uxi rght te crun nciya -e.leIsraluet Geranen 011. My littOe girl get e-ý ~~c eiso uranch mse that Imrý reecyery *asunNî, >Ut by the Iiily aplication el te ilâ u uow eeunpletctVc-ubr4' ee MITTIIEW SWVAtL9M , Jr. Pjekerbng, J anniar' 17, 18C61. *1DF&R tnt.-1u-.ýotice le y U, andelthe Pub lie in gextaral, 1 tîink it rdgbt ta raa uîntendl yen eerater arni O, fur the cuu-c cf ot*, breises4, fresît bites, &c., ite .îquaiby aflca- clous whether lepplito man .cbasL' Pickering, Peh-ci-nar. 1862. DEAaz8n.- In justice te yen, sicl:a a du ty 1 oeeco tiepublie, 1 tiinht rligt torootn- menti yoer calabi-ateil Germait011, for thea et-e et fiout bites. -eut3, breis, anti Iso ot soi-es otlong standing. DAILIOE. Piceriing, FChrnlary, 1882. I suftereti troue a lied runung &ore for tvo ysara wiftu ut nermislon, I wit Induned te trY yoalebretet i o, &a uninov complot4 ,y cureti .11.' MSFTOBOS One ofthte fret tu£ 'Dxaa tlu,-EVOeî! ylet juiltiy cebratle hkeowu. It innst p kinti. - have usaêti ses, fi-est14 bites. &C.,a standing .it lbas nover T, e hadat aitilDru elpail 1-lacce et huiea- 0PICE ofthla the Cooîîty lot, ant -thelapin- tle lProvinee. 6* T0 PUBOHÂS e ,,O n 3 Baftr-Sn 8 ývlng, npnlýa lplgma). ushics railg etiteluy ladispVoMees' lugarlleùl Ion S. M. & R. A. Sd., Atbct-Iey Post Offce, statlg pili ntigvtg a short tiexarptin, eAlletteru prepîli, will be attendati to p emptLi>. Alherbey, Mai-cii llh, 1863. 10 LADIES IIEELEI) .JUST RECEIVED AN &SSORTT'EIYT - etf LdesBlack W1TH HEELS Pull DANCINa.- AT BAIN'S. Wlutby, Feb. ti, 188 3. 2in,4 40-OENTS PER GALLON GOOD ROCK- OIL at thea aboyapInca ah GEO. YULE, Ja. 10 flac--cie First-Ciass Juiet receirîti, W luotcurlea ai tiii, Cheap at GEO. YULE'S IRONEY. OJ<NEY te Ln nt cegiîi. pr cent on fi-et elas tai-np prty in the front Trown-' ohipa 'rir, O= aIt.îîd Peel. Apply te JOHN LEYS, !1-3icToronto. MESSRS. CÂRD & HÂWKE, DUNDAS ST., WIITBV. B EG ta ini-urn the itilhalitanu.e of tiît Townt andl eurroîiuîting cuîî,that tlcy luave atutereti lute) co-pai-tîeretlip iuitheluDental bPro- fession, anduti wtthIhtatppy tei atteund tu ail or- dira btute tt tlueir Cuti!. Tacthiuertevtun on lid, Slirt r Vuuîcanized Rahber Basec. Tceatlt-illd or extracteutinb tthast possihîn Partieuular attention paiti to thue regitiation ef Cbildren'e Teutt. Aluekwutuîd W.IL. CARD. G. W. IIÂWKEý. FV EIGta uny buuiuuues requuireul the tha ersen - , fMNi-. lia-cik-c, abouti Iltaepieunte, in betruticirqgbttluîunyrictts whoe have hila ivn e*tl >spo1irt.*Mi-. llawke cerneswall recouuîueudeh, aid buea%1usd an cx- rnance afor tvavn vairs iunlte urfesson in the Cityef Tor-onto, autd eururouoeîîng coin- tri'. witlu thiiks fuor pet auiver, andt a ivilu for the contlnunauîî'ofetIhe sarnein btiun te Gona e teg ta remaiuin W. Il. CARI). Whitby. Pcb. 25,1863,S SÂDDLEHÀuANESS1 WAREHOUE WHITBX' Brciish Americna Âignc-auceCOmpacy, P OBPORATEI)tintieran feci tha Tlurd Saslsienof tte ElaycuiihProvincial lai nient of Uppa-Caýnadu. ScJing OIT! SelItng of, 1 CLOTHJNQj 0f ail kiýnds at greatly reduced prices-- JAS. McCLUNG & Co- A LARGE LOT 0F -HEAVY WINTERL TWEEDS & ,SÂTINETTS AT, GREATLY REDUCED PRICES JAS. McCLUNG& Co. -:----- LOWER THIAN PRSENT WII JLESALE PRICES. JAS. MOClUNG & Co. GOO D TEASI VERV- LOWýl JAS. McCLUNG & Co. çAOfi 1;A]à BARO8*>d 0F ALL KIiNDS, CALL 1MMEDIATELY AT JAS. MeC LUNG &Co Wilkinsoî'SaBlock, Býrook-St. Wlîitby, Mirch, 1863. LIOUJORS, WJNES, &Ce 100 barreis Primie Chipp'aSa Whiskcyv. 75 gal. fine oid f !einsy's Cognag, vintage 200 g-alilMedian Iknncsy's Uognc 300 gai. LoiveMo,'diurn tenniesy's (Cognac. 100 gai. fine ýold Port Wii 9 0gai. fine T'able Sherry Wine. 100 gai. fine oid- Jamnaic'a Riuin. 75 gal, loIiaà nd's Gin. ALSO, GIIOICE liNfqGLlS.H RIACK AND RËEiN TEASf SUGÂR3, COFFEES, &a. Brook Stcet, Wtîiîh>y.4 vamp CL(< ýýd UiK 71:1 ut tiii-iu& Ohildrena'e.'4 lie îgIly nder lbis A caI ilbueiîllicit 0 itsiv touner4 wlhern tlie>' Oaii bot srve theirewi interceit iii tue piircltauwo i Boots &nd hhoes. WILLIAM BURNS, Bmirek Street, Wltbv%, Nov. 18. 1582. CASH FOR SHEEIP SI(l1NS'& II1D ES Brck' treet, itby. J 1) A wEl; Dca r Dig., l',tnt SI"- s villeslai.01, Dya SIýtnitys, onI'ec- tionéry, Ilerse swd Cattle Medlcines alpays 011 flukIC. W., Mcl>. 2c, 1888. 7 150 U'ushe1e Early Kent Peas. For Sa!oe Lîythe usrb. JOIIN $ 'S.M. w1LL4JQX w1ikhy, Fcbrnary, ISi. 6 Whitby Brewery. T IIE/SL'bgcrlljer,, are nrw )repanre1o'fer flh the patrons or the WtitT Breve"y wîIth un texacllert -article JI nob ltqnantitiea à Ina>' lic rüeqnl'cd, arfn t'n -tt Iwpr -ha ý 1- - FORi -CAPITAL £100,000. Iruacae eiectat on Biiildings andtihlc .contants. Ever> informnationu supplicti on ap- Plîien titte tt»dersbgncti.j Marne lliaýktifor the$aascn eortorrts, JOHN AGNEW, Travellin Agent, Byro ifî,reet, Whulthy GEORGE CORMAOK. TUMBIER MERCIIANT, Carpsntcer, aind 1iJoinai-,Gi-ccn St, Wiluîhy. A lurga q,,,. Uit> D ititEui-bR coT A 1Ntl oGanl rUN"DEfll "TX"al rINGttuýAI ' A lfe bic-c one ou iharal tei-t. VA 4. LW aiet GEORGE COIACE, -Whitby, Feb. 5th, 18o2. - 4-1 an Pvri 'a.t 47 f - WEVIITEM- MMÊVIIUW - ýý, t . rit, «Dlcmý RIHARD SKOMt. BAKER~, CO2LE4TONER, &o. To Brook Strict, South of11~lal1~L Wltby, July lSthi,ît82. 20 FOR L E OR TO RINt 1 A cresq. 42 acres cleared. That excellent 5OFain cnipn g he Nrth-estcorner Isa Tra sCgod Hoeacandi Ban,andout- ëflcecs.AI$e a large anri-Naltful Orohu4rliý eIglt acres of Malt Wheat on thi e rmTihe prémksom tre well watercdl, andti atnatodln *a mAmt heitlthfnl loeality, withiù 10 milies of the Town of Whi.tby. Ternis Uberai. Possesson linmridiately. Apply te IIENRY WE7 J Whitbly FO S Or at the £7won<i4Office. -D RY FEET. W IÂT can ha more essentiel to Whcaatli, tint» the kocplng tho test 7 IDrv ani Warni1 {3nû haIt "1tii. fie tlat flcah is hoir ta(" "lemhr 11i<htntir)gh cola recivi h y naa'zlüc ftzf i et. Thim la especially the esse with Ladies who le dampl and tuoqit watl;îr, vet.iture out iii liglit siiors, wlicilîy tnsuitad ta keep ount the wat, antti retAin the hast iil'tho luis proveid tae CnIly mate r- redy. Uc bas at his etnsIve Etlihinaarg ocek of licietsand~t Siioc4 yetopcrîtdii Whitby; eiabracing 5 Ladies', Mens', Womens', MiE 1 ' 1 (4AAý. lu-11-- H1AN, - 1 1