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Whitby Chronicle, 14 May 1863, p. 1

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Or ta thre Reg[etry Office. £AR PIEU AN"tT, ERTISEMENTS! lt gr,d eat flic rte ef S cotq jer raqtA indc witl t~ceby OF M0NT1ýEAL,* TIIOllAsDOW# Manager. AINCID GLASS WOItItS. RIERON & MACDe>NELL, IStF.lS ~ATTIINYCArLAW, L(!t rtiii QCou t y o Wo i it ri.- EORGE IL. DAiZTN]rIL, &c. &e IIIe oveG. C. Grnec'm cv ",tore, Be- ek 'itrcet %Wlutt . J. V. IIAIM, STltlb-AT-1,AWV. tFIF-ht N. G. 11 AN lgSTER ZAM)TI ATTOITNTi*Y-AT-l'A. -p1otcte Rgcitry Office, Brook, 1ORRISON & SAMPIION NfM1M-lbS<N. 1 J. A. iANIPSON1. d'TR1E]G1STRA P, l'ilIXTIA- .neyani e-e ter u 'tener t f n -ti ,lirî 'k-b. ttby. 47 IV. IL. T It E MA Y E CiT .COTNTFYil'1tW AToR Bloel-T3-citb ,Aa , 1,If0 4nf ROBIERT J. ILSON. STRI %& AhtiNYAT LAW, 'It e-i Chai r1'c v&c. %Witb>-, C. W. U1ARLES C. KETLLER, TNEY AT*r i'AW, INIIORl iin'te,croiu tncr &c.o. Ofmec-lu huiltiuicg, o-c t bite Ctltenetle cibro, ntt Wl11i th. trwoh li offlotiicIli,,u-tihttt,ë ofnBeauê-e 40) 1. COCHRA.Nr, L.. L. . [STEII, ATT0I N 1-"Y Al'. SLA [AMER GllEENWOOD, îRNF'T-1,A W. 0,CrtTt w'u 1-Nî - ---~ :-r.n. itîh c Printeil words, great thoughts andin 1OL., VII. VARSe &PETERSON., Dental noms, drctly oppoý- stite -the Post tIlt.-.-Et auce on Simcoe Streot, third door ttorth of the Onturin Batik. 47 W. il. TREQEAR. T ECIIR f RECiAGA '.ittt Witbvmi Mndav ~ulTiturm(leve .for the ptroiogi viîg iiîtructioia in tebv j <icrierme epi' e t this Offlce, or nt the Royal tH tel, le CGLIOBE HOTEL.1j lip elchlt, liko wî id citaililet tue ~ ~ ~ th weiui ii he îtttrî"& ;y >tl ctiOrLt bW1ot tii i. ;te ttn it ' Notice to lFarmera and Otherfs lv 'nof. bealli) rt e hal-; Meanç 1 ' Beolliî,Jutu t'iA. ALEXANDEIT.j itIOOIIN XEDICAL HALL,1 .lt)IN l)A%'ES, DAIDI ittifý tIti t.tT tk A tit i rtru. - t'Ili, roi tttîl t lote pict t Igtiiui t nA LS totheti lor ltuîrtit St ute,1u . s T G n AY i 0u s , i B10NAtt 0 TF, L I tl tho-c-e tro ce-a; tiitliiittedtin rtitt-t-d lîti t 1ie mt - fo t ed -WIIITBY, C. V COMMERCIAL 14OTEL, JAMES CROCKER, Proprictor. COMNIrRCtAL T, MYETLERU$will etl dit cuîvnîtî nopimnot thie etol iithey eati )preufroentît ttcRL:ciate];Iokitkept ent the Bear, tCerowùeo tetz'i hy thleirprdcttr Ihie ocorO ptttiinnd fricnd, for tic Iter- i ptronage h.. on cii lm -mce the corn- meliceinclit of is hunin1esn in WLithy, Gond-stabllng, andi Attentive Os4tierg. S' -'SIVOTEL rTE 'nlo m"]c 'rpi-r of tic at!oVé ro! 11> 'ELi ?'opctfht NtcUbmîr of tho 1o oetrntlieTri tcinclih(inîticr'recctnîodaou. ll lant-i ;itricr i, r or;cî iý ttccfer WM. RUSSELL & SO.N. QetcMrtIL 5il8. t9 Nortliern Ne tel Canningto01n, Thc it et tîAiuc, et tlc thovc feu-or i e it i!ýr ,rc eaitjîrco eso . 1lihnq doe 0 Oa cîîntcrhî,etent. end mtade ittite itrotone d timrti tttmDtnh to t tbtn tî!t fi tl t 1r ho con:ifort tite c tnîottl;ton Af tt ont. The ta',le1l-4,nImw v.1 p rovpitit li tthe t 1, u îtiiî.: oitî 11e lut thh t bravdi4 il~~ ()-c tt Lttr.-; 1t t iljtihbctproui nrsn. Tvro eivjcr- etpiil wl.ololb. 1tt-ta leit os -4s C ny);ki weIe.ei'ir Bob riint.rnn lOti er. 1tîl.t ; tî1 l'tti.te tr UIiVEREfflOUSE, WlenioltT tee.e WNM. PAIN. To the Travelling Publie. nonJc~iy cca i>% buT. l:~ltin lthe 1 nî fpomn, and itivig lir1ti tont tpj ail t;hove w L ite to a c'IltlIre ittîttlt TUP BEST GI' LIQLtORÇ k CIGARtt tee;n e Iteiti Th i it fvo hni ccith fe toM.v.î ti.i tropictor \VOON'S 140T R IL, Rcottish Argument for Marriage. Jenny teIlt0e; cuti T1eut pour;, Yct WC, yul wed-,y on>'uoe Ant i tnli lite birnîe c) 111ne-'aine, AS feci toItt but do have vo No uu ui lueavpn pe c'c eue friand, And b-eusd e lb caî hltircu ecot. Su V'ires 4thealenuitti te fermera' yrd- Tu livu ali;,c cite fhii it-tiru T'u-ekwm n ,, er wctv vry cf 11W 11 Séac;Ietf cern inuog te cîtrawe, Pint. w1lon lu quoc.t nftn' fond, Stolich ck notilrjLhute-ie u roi Wit jo>' we LC tccUI ef oiItî TheRt ,irabcltctl fer oen cotlil cri oacîtfo)r teit- Tîtcç e tc lt'thmIglîlo fluI ne jwkC itua vilîug Ta t41.0t girtltuittîn a 'clug AtU for tic îcilf'sactux"mccyoîî sec, Jctiny's îti Marlîtory lite. fitcaite X1VEL L IGaTEDIt. Zi WO muet nov pays OVer the evants ef fivu yeerî, anit itroduce or ecba'acterg et the enti ai' bat pnriod. It is, unucceeser> te telilte readier, titat the merriage cf Bell MeJrtilu tee becu an ucbcppy ena. Scer- Iccl>' n vek la pseti,,before sacrnetacîor Word fren lier husbacd bcd] chilledth Ie wacurrnerunt fjoyen fe ction'that vas gsnegoint towarti bim. flowcoulti il ho otherwise ?: Ste, yenng, innocent and cooufuding, cith he- woîcan's bearî fuît ef tendernece anti trut-and i eaIl uniu fluencet b>' a feeling or a prýrCiple tuai vasq noL purcly selfiat. TÈu coldnese vith wbiob bu reepuuiv, frein ttever>' iret, liar acte of extuberant fondnces, thet vane but ttc naturel cxprcseiong cf the love site feit for tîi, acu taugitiber oeeof thha nrd. c-t leesoce a youug vile bas te learu ; andi cain>' menthe bcdnoct pesseeti cay b4fore this- Iesot, irfergotten in a moment cf warutur feelings, vas cnforccd b>' vardg. It te neot often that th1e yotug vwife, even~ ceben .-egardedI witli the deeaL tanti pureat aff'ection Macifcslýed _Wt*iattber in wbat bier Ileart recegunisie as ite truc expressiont. Non dees tite ever, or, ai leaut, but raral>' tadecti mccl lItat vari e rciproceîiec jin cre-and act, for whlciî ber becart jearna. Titis là the naturel cousequence of differ- eccs lu mental conformation, But vbeee te affection thrat Cuiste; is a genuine oea the bnshaud geaduzilly Iearns ttuxaifest more iu vote-I.anti net be lovait. feela, anti te ife a 10 eie uafpr more ' intk cavoacaoce, Pro'-,roos, Knowlcdgc, Brotherbooti. o toi) RSDA-Y, -MAY 149 18 63. b ber bauds auddtinî togelter. 'oo Bll thi o'eofi~ Tt vilii ltbe Il- '"rImeacalimpli 'T It un>'9g bardl nov, Màry : butiït vill Four refusai ta mau b. baller foer a t tt e d.' eqiedt im 'Hov e?' -young mtan in my 4'Tita>' il! be permnanntlysaparateti. rigbt te malce, I i Hae yull biva W O 0awa>'froin berd before table, wbere debt bis trial cameson, andi leav M. Merln te agala nte t ob pa>' tee bouanti dollars baile vicitte wau *ipe thea ut >no -feenlisb eaeegh le luvolve bimielf leor h. e , M ' 4fin sentence d ta ' fur r five ,years i npison - tei r d m e a nigg g meut in theil>euitentiary. 'purse Ifirst comun 4 If bo gees ave'ay e n se>', caunot ha so, marel>' took m ratinuafter ttc trial je overV bave given, 1 d< '.0 ne. The crime is one ageinest the e criminel one,' $Ltt, anti nothbng wyul do but ltae lagal Tbis mode ol penalty. liee aunonver raînr, if ha gees Ware atili more,e aae>, vititout beiug liebject te a revival air of inelence ai of ihc prosectition. -As I said heora, I son, ibet ilibee have ne do bt but it .wll h a r er ter for ici s a e A. ber caver teosce Ysfm'again.' . on bis longue, bt 1'B ut you m ust rewm e- e t ha o j e r î rniug awey qui c bushanti, ctid ITié fater of bar chlldreu4 te big owo tefleeti That ho calleil ont lte Irst ardent féeef a very pleasait' n luge ofea young sud effectionete baart; determinied, fnll, feelings Itat eveus cruel nia-lect andi evrong tien. Teo bave tit bave notheenablch a tesuhtlce. Yen mueît hie. irst movemer. remember thet abae tilI looka up te andi se doicg. But wl resti upon him as ber huabauti.' flr einla l eo i'Hov cen aba lianerest, Mary, vhei tcolnu boy ha there is net ie hie character e single healtby Ïe-in ever> resoni moral peieiple?1 1 cenfees that I do coti11% hoeexpe eted te understanti il. Site I knov te b. innocent Martin -ant ieis cati pure miedt. Hov, Ihen, cac site againet. hlm-mi dling te-ne 3o etteri>' nupeincipleti asauhmlpsti Henry Waee On the nazi 'le is ber bhuabandl ' vas Mer>,. cm- tcemad viîh vanloi phaîlu repl>'. anti vititmari>aia! 1,S ilt I do ccl undersianti il.' - both Mr. W ere aet 'T e r ayon le plain.' iteaitatet i iot e &ç i'What 15 it . oubti, of courbe,1 'Yen bava cet a vocisn,s9becet.' of bis ce-[ nee- seý ' Tru, Mary,- nti that mc>' xplan ii, fatixr-i-lav ere But 1 vill not eey ltat it doqa.' - denl>' remembere '11ev long vilitil hoe before th ea tial case , iu whist si comas on?' asletiMary' eftar a thoqgbî- iad4been lipliet. fui paua. 1 Theseticgdwere About a montaj1 ititinir. (amulies, and-Io i 'A mentIt? Until ltat lima, 1ha can,of cocueclted vit t h( conrse, ramain lu Philadelphia ?j Paihuelly mort Ycs, if bu chooses tu do vo. . mi'e the a;...v t Sud ro corrasponding dates or r8 en our checkbook. Wbat can -Martin took thc chcks frein the tif bis clerk, and, eftcr axaining t B tenhively for a moment or two, said w oit of alarmL ohse are forgreries, Mr. Lmote j; Ifeeredl" vas the clcrk'a repi>', iii a e feocuern. silence cf soute momentsensued, v Mr.-Martin asled- t. oPaor suspicions fuît-upon an>' hoey do nol. Thte discover> cf titis di pancy betveen the two accouta and tio ct 'cf Your proconncing. te cheche t& forgerie, are se receut, ltaI 1 have no l ime to Itiînlo hyocd the mere circ sotance dxcat ,forger>' bas been coin. 11 lo cot, Ihen, aOnde, in any w av te the Ït; 1 yl inforinte Bankt, *and leaveit-, oflicera b laite their ovn measurý. es, M the logo. will fait upon the institu- Ilvas about eloecnt e'cbocic on thc next. day4 thet Mr. Martin vwas sent for, iu great bastn by lte runner orflte Bpk nlluwieh bis ïccaurt vag iýpt. lRe tep aired et once te týie hacricg h4ase and wae alonu mb the private reom of the Cuebier. 1,eF r vhat p1rpose arn 1 summoued V, tc Vukcd, a feeling of aierm coming cicr hitzm*e lielookcd eteadily ie i he offcer'S faeoad eaw thet il voe a painful expre. ssiot SlýVe bave elredy dcîecied the forger of - heers 111 hc'CashicrZeeid,' Of~chelrs'lhum 2" Sorry, indced, amn T te Say, Mr* Martini titat it il 70cr ovuonin.law." 41iHery' litea1" ejaculated 111e merch. ccl, bis race hlanchgd te unan nel>'neusq. IlIt isalas I10u truc, Mr. Martin. The utihippy yeung- man je nov in te cuaîody; cf ait offleer cf lte police.", 14t tbis intelligence NMr. Martin sunk icte a cair, s4td sbading bis face wiîhb is baud, sae> omie irne before bis agitatcd teed. i n t , r t s ua a n c i n tly c a lm e d te a ilo w b is te corne int distinct formes. At 1 . l A d s e t t h e m a t t e n i s a i r c a d i n l u t h e hff4e f ltepolice 7"1 di.les, air. A check vas preaented for five;.Iiecsand dollars, whicb Uic teller ont oaài etected as' a forger>'. The ycn .m~deained, and an effilcer sunt for.'" 41 am 8rey for Ibi," repliti Mr Mar- t~ * a troubleti countenance. 'l Whv edV uketi Bell, iu a firmt toue, wbile ber face -as deadi>' pale. "t'pon.-...butltatisleof ne con9equ-ý eue, Bell."$ SBut I viaitte 1mev, fathor.1" «OI Yenkow enncni, -already, muy cbild; more 1 fear, titan 70cr poor affihittd beart "Wu It on you V" pe rseyerecl the dangli. tee-. Il Bell-. "Say', father!1 Was it upon >'ocIl' "1hIt as Mny'Cbld,"eeplied lte old mccy fteracmomenî's hesvitiee. 4"BUt that doca cot change, iu an> ' vs>,lte tcctnres cf the cee"' Thte half.'axpected, but dresdcd repl>' or ber fatbei, amome beevity upon Bell'a 'c Oh, howv cenld ho bave, doue titat 1 liow cold ha bava doue that VI ite mur- cîuIred, ini a loy, iudîutiuct toue, dropping ber hecd upon ber beoin, luna fev mno- mtet tehte cpam ee gusig forth, wie ber cehole bod>' vas convnlscd villi violent oh, lier ltieboy, %cing tbe disrese of' bis m other, rau to, ber aide- iu clarut, aud ûlimbing np jute ber Iap, îbrecp his arme arounci ber cecit, and wbile bis teare minglcd:vitit bers, buggcd.ber, in liaping accents, not te cry. "Try andl bear'it as well as, yen ccc, my dear child," aid Xr. Martin, arter tbe violence cf Bell's emotion bcd subeiclet in u, faîber, titis is bard te beir"ý' Ill knov it bell. B;ut what we are ompcled tle heur sh nld bce ' as Mliglit ats prs3ible. Your htxsband bhl reom the, iret, vtosen bimecir cet ouli>1bIteau un. priccipled nan, but bas treated yen i ith c colducas ccnd crenat> that il seems te me îîuglt long ince te have utterly eitrangec yonr afleotioue freet hlm. It ouglit, iben, net te be bard to ler a permanent supara. lion from bim. To bc te hlmi as 'if be vere col.*" "F1ater I Do cot lalk se about my btaband, andthett father of un> dear little eues 1 1 canuet bear it. If 1 arn williig, te endure ailttis colduesg nd etange- meut, yen engbt flot te cumplain. But vit> de yen t.lk cf a permanent saera. tien V" Ad the face cf a yeucg vite grav pale-r etill. "iAra yen cet avare, Bell, that te crime cf forger>' le pucishable by long yecre cf solitar>' confinement lunthepnit- ectiary 7 Titis muet be yonr huband'e lu. evitible fate, if hie case hould coma te trial, wbbch I presuma vfll neyer tke place." "Hov cah that ha nrevencted V' imprem WI. il. BILLEN"s. TF11 &AT T)INi:V AT iLAW, larce', Bu'ildingst, Brîîok-eb W1litl-y si CALDWELL U ItOWNI 'ANtTIl, ttMtrSlINIIFOR Aiiitcu-ts, Cetoli unbad, Ptu-i- Bot- ttlt itti boterci Agent, Io ilailawi ~ utttotictitoi82 I. E. ODELL, 'ANcEiI, ai l'eîîîîîîlc tner luin -, et. Dete otet luta'tc tuoe tl e-ti 1 , 8ti1tt1. t rm btue W.J. (LITN,, . D. N TO TtVIE CoUNýTY (GAOL, te-cl, Wltîby. 4 AN, S-tMGbEON AND AC'O17- thraitetitiocu 1it ) d ; ult ctl of tilT. u IVI INGINTER, ý.AINT Aigenttt-t, 1 IDIN& BD1JNET, F, Ar.1 NT1 suRIlV EYOPS. ittiilt ccp ieîoît îiî bnp. Wiht etT c;lut i.Vtluîl anfer O NM ý v rt m P. B U )INi leT, EF., c. &Q., GREEN STREET, ,C. W.t 011N METCALF, F THIE IFTIITDIVISION COURT, Amrg thd Tuwnmhlp Beock. Ad- icgtDn. 1 ýOBERT SPEARS. A'ND TREAStIRER OIF TRE [ENRY HAXNAm. ZWICKIY'SII OTEL. Ituiel 0, il oiert cc i Lipicd 1,tîyIr. Alkint ai lotnl ort tiioti l ei.imt.t ittuie aton T!ue tale i-4 velI vu ppici wit erihîglui V:1, UNION IIO'J'EL. - tuAIET ER,, E It l iaste Itc'NÂl'a fititi îpiiid ettc-aeti CHAS. McCLUF., ALBIION IlOTEL, E AST , MAK FT S UL AR1E, Ttf NTrO,. tcdott; u-ye jabtentiîonai îiiote tiouitfît CANTON IIOTEL, b-iIt'INS Ri(IEEK, ]PICKERIlNG. 00O1) -D 4iecuaiîtuodation ïilîýranituotcr4 W. CUTIIERT 4e tntPropriebur. RAILLOAI) JITEL, tutti ViLLr, .. WM. 'O WFe, Propriotorý- Belleville. Oct.lit, 1861. 42-IY Lfreuld eu ndthi tisetaolupn lzic, liae ha4 bteei lte chu-cveil hiothee, cnd te-nests l'y tîi aic eiabiont tii usin~ee, anti lu> enýevu;riiig btocI ai i tovrfo ite cont- fort ai ti-vlieiuiuno f ivuetts, te uneritt a ahane olf publie paîreitagLe. GtLiquerq etiiiCîgers. Cir4ortchble acîmostfor munanti h esç Au cli clivec and rtiiiuu'ellbice- aîv>tein eta- -Su CONWAY, 1>144, Bay ýetrcoot Toronto. \Vhitb'r H3re--wýry-. J. A. CIurse'telPrize Picture Galler-y T oaicituu orrect anL hj ife.-Ijke Ittbrej- lEi,frtJ. A. C r i t o i- tl bc )hatst e le, cuti fit itue-îtlibe OS - ctudAW ,'e MATHE ,. IToteito-.Oito cutr NeirîhB ritlait andi Mercantile l'ire& Life Insuralice Oor'y. TIIOMlAS 1)1w, FRFD. TAYLOR, ý'1-Iz!)t Prc-u-S n rCrewilLande ut-ý blue adetn' befucre the Deperelmt cf- ce-oct 'il nitue L'ed, 1c itte flavuten dut Gocrttblltl'lttttt ti be Pl bIte Offlices bîut t i , ue uxaicuintIndLegal Ad'i-je R t 'nt roct. o. S. lCelîmn, Ce- icone- TL Me,.iiit-nuit. E., t. ('aIr-rnce_ aiTrnc;IonU. Alxne 3a er, Wee lue, But3f1-t Ilon. 1R' Ma hison, Partl G. J. flo-dblte. LOnonut {u A. Rier-; St. CIlr] ie- .F IEmc-Cortien ef ua Fort Streem, Qibe. 0cluber 18, 52 COLLECTION & UOMXIS a séemiug, as it was a réal, iudiîl'ecn ce ttwaed lier. TItis catme cee-lie-, leoiethef faut, that te ruveictieus on lte trial of P-,tbe gambIen, dtiey Me-. Mer- tin's confidence in Wre-ttongl it di(T not veaken Bcill's affection for bier-husitandti. Iudeed, ste teock Henry's ovu version antil madle him au innocent victins cf cie-onine Foboving tliesc neveletioce, camnete opena anti avovuti determination cf tae youngC tuarit nt te bled hirnecîtlove to lte pIed-E ding duties cf a pcltifogging lavyer, u bcha cixpresset i i; acuompanicti b>' ueqneste forc literaI sume of moue>', vbicli vere refusaI, f Findingi, hat Heur>' bal, in a mon bhartest lens anti:cruel marneur, deceivedt Iem, antiS tai ha vas ccv disposedto lecci eut bisv real, bul, fer a tee' enche, cuncealet i icharcuter, boîh bis ova father anti the I fatitar of Bell faIt cellati upen te restriol d, him lu the use cf moue>', le the endt at w ha mi-It tel cempelledti teappiy h iliseIf I te bis profession. - - But ttis resul it i cot follev. lHe vas ;n 100 deepi>' anti thorougitl>'cerrptail, anti L iteti iii bis tnieui Thomas liceci>, tee w renati' .premptar te evil, Moea>' ha nt th cd, cuti moue>' ha muet have. T hrougl in bbc infiemce of Bel-vitIt ber moter, and; el b>' tilcingfreinlber handa, ftel>'gîven kitb is rue, neïu-ly eyer>' dollar wvItl sha re- xi caiveti for Itýr oeva supplies. These fi resort 10 lthe ouI>'%1 Ibat Ite couiti think 0f course, te vas, f, Sama loser in the r uxariuavcy- to mI2 vliere lue founultheroun, an exeminelion. The tei e- vas aceas te the tint precentadth Ie cbecke prou, andithe Mcvi,, wus 'cnt. Manillem, fi ,0f,'KSTRE] l'

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