ecesTy forflmetatell 1 went, of Coure, to M ad te you thismorn. Martin, linan excitai! îtlér, b.- la my buaband, and o, wiii cling te hlm until it is broken, edaughier9à ropiy. Theenburstîi art, she glisiod ave>', and eougbt ehi ry f fber evn ebamber. tuatod jirl ' ejacuiatid Mr'. Martin, vewrdi did nlot reach ber ear, à pite of argument, rernctrane on,and eues'> other seos re&ortei ýh purposiefluancing ber, Bell1rm rcgularly te the bouge of Mr. Ware, mtnm juof easob day vitb ber hu. Frose hlm, ab- iaarned bic plans d te future. Under teoee f Jobnson. Le veuld reptir te New iand npon a capital of two or three ýd dollars, whieh hi& father bad pro. o ive-im êt parting, leie tated tc Lho intended te acter ino sorni land iy, if possible, te referai Au sea. ai he got a litte .aheail Dupoed goiag le Cuba, au .a permanent reidence. Thora ha e. Éro' froim th. lhreatening pensi. he lav Leha bagosemaily 'violated. thousand dollia.rsfor vhieb Mr. gouid b. baH hlable, wes'a te ho w hy bisi father vhen the day of e and il vas feund that the re- ie had beau forfeite. 1 thes. piasa, cagerl>' oe -ber oar for il thore çvas nolhing snid about g sont for te joie hlm. , son do yeu ihink tiiet Yen wiii- r ito business in Nov Orlocls?' d about a vak befere te day fixed epartue fev meetha after w>' ariral tera, t 1 coeaout te yen then'- oiceo eloiremblod ai aho aeked tien, a-id thse tears filied ber elea. le yenr coînfos'îsbie home, sur- with loas'>' soi! elegance, and an eeain l a stranze cil>'. Ti c s' crowsa may mind. Ball.' t bai mine, u hundrai! time,' ra- vit... 1 Wherever yen go, 1 asm folow, and fuit>' prepered teshare be it wit il ma>' i, Ware did net repi>' for smre Thon ho aaid - ime, Bell t, Ciile eu bal! main bore. I leoow net what I me. It oea>'happen that ail s viii proçe unauesaful, and y uid unsmaîf ta, ava, frern bome y 1~ WATSON HODOSON, myrtle, P. 0. Whltey.April 8.185. 81 FIMRT P1RTZE SEWING M)ACHIINES WANZERP'g COIBIINATION& Preuvlum Sowing Machiess -o- UEONLY PRItZE avsrded for Fantly TI. Scviniz Machinai ny theé Jes et thsa P'rovincial Exibition, bell inLondon,Se p t. e24tin, 25th, IStin amd 7tls, iai givee te B. M. %Vanter I& Q'a, T'hcy aiae tck the. flrat priaa for Famnily > Séwing Mchini; i,th R. Nt, Wener & (lo'a. Cosnbinria,et e Prcviticial Fair hll at Tor'.eto-t8opt. 22, 121, 24, 25 aud 28, 1882, ccd ao init priao ir a wrded te hoIx Singor for. The Finit Extra Prite vwu ahae given far Nec. 1 aend 2 Sicger'a Manufacturing Machines. Prizex cf.. almiirchaaxcter wore alaoawgrded Waliter'a & GO M amuly 8cwiud Machine au.! Wanuer ' .1 o.s inter'. Machinai, ovor ail ethon', bu the Boardl cf Arta and Matnefue te re, ut lice Moctiauicag Institute, Toronto. The>' almo t.eok Finit' Extra Prixea at thé axevcrm îCoenty Agrieulttiral airra-at lail.u ton, Paria lit. 8t. Thomas, Bcauuvi)ll, Whit- by, Cobeur,Bo Iwmanuillo; ,In foot, eeery plae whero thev haebêeeoxlislited. t.-d Vauear &,Co.'a Conebisatien sud WPnLor .& Co.'i tilugas', Excel Bey Machines hat oves' wero maeefictuecd lu the United Stalo, or Caknade. R. M. Wonier &5 Ce., bave aucceéed in uni- tuiithe moit vainahie ps'opetieof the Wbeel. or 4k Wilion and Singer rachines, sit reoea- in thon. pointa vbict. volé uot desirable in o iiaI ($ai ome,.tic art .pIe, b>' addiug ceome novw iniretle.,. (for vhich the; ha@eu suera patent in Canada) haiu* secejd lu producing 1,, aprinciple-4 in ee.ily endcrctood, roqulrwgr e,. tha, an ordlitiry ismot c f rle nite aopéeration. k,. ciecoretoconegtruetien renderre 1itl lithabla e Wgct ont of repais', and! il lsasec- !y' aijaste. Thse publie, on exAmination, viii ho coniceol ýdet it,. aluan&oageaovés' ailothera nov le oe. ltvorytamily4bonld havé aWat "or & Cto!a. Combilucelon Tienily Machine. ,A.l Gcunlno Wauxer& Coým8wIsg Mà chlneA Ibathé ateup oflt a. e 5C.,Rm! toa,. on the plate. JAMES il, GRIE Ageut, Whihy. m3 LI )NEER, TRE "w)t' îdsyApply, (if by The WATgIIES, CLOCKSq, AND eJEWELEUY, Watcbmakor and Jewellttr, oct. llth, 1862. 40 Tallera, Shoemakors, Carrnage BuildorSc Dress Kakors, and Heads of Pammis - Generally, I~al at WANZAR &5 Cea. tlewing Machine tl-, Whitby.and aoP tise largoesacertusoul aIf Tanlly sud Ma!ufsctri ug SEWING MACfINES,ý Wlth, lastli mprovemneut sund et l6w pricea. 3AM H. GERRIE, 1 Agent forCoenty Outarlo. Mîcs2,1862. Il loge, C. W, italte. ie the xpeh~ 'E ,TOICIINTO, imsu CT, IiTRATTON -& COS5. Ohai eof Vemntnercial Colloee, O suSD li*abcc ln Y*ae York J1rooN,.IAloepla Alca 1 iiBvd, we~ , Deirct. Gai- e. Louw, Potiaw ad PrFovW-nWL. Tb.o *b octeofthea.C-llegea L% tae ipart te- Yuug Ion and Ladjlek, tbcrough and prati- callInatruction in Bnik.ltcping, Commercial Lai,, Commercial A rlelmete, tipeneelan Bu- agfl Ns Pumabilp CorreapDndenCo. &C-, and tta tÃllem for au>' departioot buuineas thoY mAîy ooso. Boholarahep mtei lunCanada,. -wIleeýètste tudent ta complote bis conrprn eny CoDlle otthaehain, and iw "a open Day aud Evouinýg. JAMES E. DAY, RBida.nt Principgal. COLLEG19 TEXT BOOKS. liryhut &Stralttonla (7onger. elul Law 550 ectvo pegea%. Biook- tcgiu 21&< cial Ar- Altix. Murrav, 1!4 Arthur Il. McMaxter, E4q., Thé,. .Xc Ke fry b. 9 Rice Le*it., E*q., John McDouahi, 'Eg â, ;4bl J. H. Cameron, Adà tn m roo, Eq., ; meIo; haustolicnan, Eaq., M.. P., da' 5rwn, Eaq., IRichard For fortlier inforneetion, p1eceaèll et the Colg.or s*nd for cetalégne and cirelAr, la- calglettir satm. ÀArb~ag BRY). N', WTRATTON &DAY. Trorotto, March, IRU. DOCTOR DAVISt- continues teutreet diueaeu 0fa Private Nature .biJrsceonu Muldl St. lie badevotied- yeara ta fh f roatimnt <if tlievarioneis forma et the Veneréal dleumesan cd b>' hie pe. enlias' ps'iorm ie lilg, its ivort etaexeaore ,onbdnod in froin zStn C8dsya. 8ioenuderv ayenptcmme.,prononned buvo ly Cnedby hli nfillitle resueties. Patienta at o diettnnetroxte.! b>'lettes',nd mpdicine -onet te sny prrt cf thc country 'on ré- p1ersona wie«ing ta conenît thé Dector eau doue vwith tuie utmomt taccue>', aa hie office le 8e arrange.! Chut iti linpoai'ile for pattients te Rec cacb o-ter.unul,,.,.bu e,.eitet. Advlce trce vicén oh.eined et the offie-if le>' mail, $1 Dr. Dais" ' emasuIg oualhyPalis. A aatb snd reliabîoewdyo Sunpremeionn d Female Dieeaeat. Price, Il. scnd te nu>' su-1 dresa tcot freti. 2Nolettel% n-lit bc auewescd unlesa the>' ceutain a remittrance or postage elsnp Ahlattera iuetthéie ddreaeel1, (po>t-pai!ý)' A. Davis, M. D.. Toronto, C. W., and! coutuin a postageeat= pif aasumves' lareqnis'ed. Officenme oireSa. m., We9 p. M. Torouto, )arch 818t,2ait8. 12 ]y SCOTTISH PROVINCIAL ASSURANCE COMPANY ESTABLISKED 1825. Whitby, April 14, 1868. 14 LADIES HEELED JUIT RECEIVED AN 4SSO0RTTENT1 of Ladiiai BhInk WITI{ 1IEELS FOR DANCING. Whlby Fb. - AT BAIN'S. ýWib'Fb t'1883., 2in 4 40 CENTS PER GALLON]I GOQD ROCK OIL. nt the ab'ooéptico t 10 Barrelia Flrat.Ciaqs Jutet réeiced, W holéarleeand l1etiiiChenp ut (IBO. YULES Whitby, lMerch .5, 1862. 1 - 8 KONEY. MONEY to Lon ast >ceizhl. per cent on finit chim afrm prcoperty lu -t e front Town- abipu of York, Ontarin, anid Peel., Apply te MIhN LEY8, 11-lin Toronto.- MESSRS, CARD & HAWXE, DENTISITS, DUNDAS ST., WHITBV. B EG teu iuform thise inuhtenta of tii Toifn andi srruindng wtiiitry>', thet they hava ciere.! loteoco-pastneraqbip lu tIse Dental Pro- feasionteand wiilho hsappy te attend! te aIl or, dom entrueBte.!te theis' cure. Teeth inaerted ou Gol.!, Siv' tves'rVsiceniced Teeth fille. os' extmeeéilu the best peecgiblé Pi.rticuîss'arAttention Pel.!to the regiltilon et Cltildreu's Tetb. Ail work wsa rete.. W, IL CAtit>. - (e. W. lIA WKE. F ELIGthtet M*nu bui requis-cil the Fyt"eti,.soof runesr, i hava ps'ocnesed-it lu thé esr-sn cf Ms'. lbawke. '*Whou1ei tuké picau ro lu utr..ideiig te the mny> frite.!,. who huve hithertn given me their imcppes't. Ms'. Ilewké perience of oui-r seven y èare lu thé pruieelon iu te Ciy ofToronto, and u uisdirg ecossu- te-y. Wstb th.,oiko furs' et lgvom', ami a wleli for thé -colnuaecue oetChie saine in Chue te coma, 1Ibeg to e esi n, Yeu" oowdhutil. w.- il. CARD. Wbitby. Pcb. ý25, 1868, 8 -RUJ& -iAUWDll&L' Beg to announice the arrivai of' a portion -of 'tlicir SPRING IMPORTATIONS 1,!'s Co Zitng fch latcst novelties of the ~esn THE BALANCE WILL BE FORWARD IN -A FEW DAY8. A aulai respcctfully reciuested. E Whlitby, April 15, 1863; R. &J. ÇAvPEL ?erry's Brick Briildings. SPING QODt, PItNGGOODSO Just receîved, a good aý,qrrtmntt oi' RIATS, BONNETS, FLOWERS. RIBliONS, SIIA.WLS AND CAPES, tt vers nice lot of 0f ail shades and qualities.- liTrices low to suit thle times. CJrjPlease give a cal JAS. NICCLUNG &Co Wilkinson's IBlock, BrockSte, WIiitby, Ap)rll, 1863.. Prime Ol-over & 'Timothy Seed WIILEA LE &- R-ET AIL. UL KNDýS 0F IMPORTE» Seedaman , 4l'eng'ulig EX. TEMEII NOIl+iAMERICAN A1N2T1E jO O DR-Y t '0' 4,.isi . ,o veÈ1r s'ilie l igUi k ep oQu' te wet, fil Ladies' iTel -, hu iciît, ci nietrutlpcv Ili b1,cr'40r , utý ii hépiruhll Çt'ti-i'r t an SIWEI> SK. WIL Nuc, I 1t12. MEDICAL lIA T I>.VXVF. Dca:. i 7l c. PBY, tes' it sas u ishaot nerd -ration vu 'te b. pes'- .Was'o a'sumsed a etec pok! ef bic con re, and looeoic upon hie ime perba pa,. bicfeelings ,Harry l' lue sid in a ani! iban tarneil avay s feelings. Ha migbt of hicscuonagile-bis ýo eh ia! meottan look.. ide, nov parting from vas', and with a utai r vhielu îutliog couà l! ýrestées, Ai sel- à r..-.,.t - Autel .1. MUIRPriceg. Thei Brookli, Sept.9,iÃ8-8.r &à « Isu beeuiutr THE ZKm IRON L Sheriff'u Sale of Lands. iA InI) yof Ontario, fN>1<Saturriay, lise 28sdI00 Ir',W; t; 10d4 f May.LD A 15 tic sun ticcwreat w son thenn'snsn le8tfelciu everily pnocset,- in thae ndorme ined lattIs anu teneaineta Ibeon, mcozed1 se, widtes' sud hy virtue of certain write ries'! Facdas, vi :- IentteCouert of Quceu'ls DouaI. The Oiitcio hisnic, Plalilm,. Daendant. Ie the Court orc Cémon Pieus. The Battit cf Montrce, George Wïà laco. -Plantils, ,tauy. dernt«iid irteis that ada. Cou- - liberl.- DCA$ Irs- e tc 3cot- 44.IWhlthy, Âe Agent, WhitIsyI1 su SImeontc M, nI iniL. lu tise Court of Queon'a Ilancit. a Warren, Plaintiff, rg Willueé, ln thec Couirtof Cernl WilliameWarren, ua. George Wlee lé th. Coure of Came Thsa Bank o otoal, -r- - ---g