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Whitby Chronicle, 28 May 1863, p. 3

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day BY PpcVinl rqndît, will returo tn Wfltb)y, ýou, ItONDAY, thé Ist of MUY, erY To ,'alnain for oneweek. in, 20 E. H. CAMERON. SThe Co'nf6sýions & Exporienee fhe A N NVALID. f,,rPb1aIc t!tt-, henufit, sud ai a wnrniing andi A CA JTION 7M YO 1VG MEN man WI, eufi' trnm N %rtan', Dellîlt7, rmenature lterpNîv ' a!t',ec.~ptt. tt, ' inwn tit I 1do t 1n Irovidentt n i Our otyti*Ay ; butl ov th'tnk, if there 11,1 ant al eartlh' rg'buiîda- hi% li'tîlu id efirpg for joy,heý F etall wilh him. QoUMnf tCe plnh he thendt'r cf the ibn skaiesbegin tY rt fais hlm. Che ;along and tyr:9 a upmarrd and as he ,r wohnt a hane, foiinitions of the evrry tbinz in gin;- -tutdmatu, who aîk!a- ing aniwhie;ting, iili the faulndatiaus cmtt up ? *hy he -mw~thp.ra aas any 1ethinka ofthe to thte traci tf the -, 100, if h ll h bt Aid ttes tof gru's TUE MEA-ý43 0P SELF CURE,?- c:Aps i od'atc h t ape n y lCh ai. Xc r tîiçn. au unl bth 7t till% eili- ii"Gozld . nd djain 1't 1~t't i eupn:,Tl je ehc u tivi- rîîîî. 011 J cii-dîtwîZ heavy Altert ritrun lo. '"i'ni, for 13w -nuit ithrnoafinn ij,, -hat hit ilt îi'uv of r, id convtc'iii th ttclîilct. e[Pply ta* STRATE]) OR STOLEN. 4 at~-e I bof ta etthcr'bcr, n-, Y tirid tl' 4th M. y, A- Thr3c-ygar old Colt,~ Ac 1v rre'tirling uiteitin t alle r e Wh I.îît t ii. iiutîi ", wt l liruic te, iz' cîîrîti,îwit,, laiau. het re. -Wle tare R IOIERT IIRÂSTI, anythîng happrns i,ùt 24,.ttoi î. wlthy. vo thinllz i ais 'a-o tT.O.Nuht i -t ¶t-Aiiiy XRI.;,"N WVo01) "V AIR î,.,i'vi lere, girSI L lt rates i whiî'ht 1l iro itt porti.1n1 Wodnosday, Juno 3rd, 1863. , Floitr. 100I)O T'lIl; fll , r tint ,zflýir'eP, " e< Fai'r in ri Jter ntrI" u, ie unpuiî"i tiiO . anui per pair ;Galîcto, 1i:peîii -tt iteitîtiti ta 1tri ii -2 b, <nltiirtng, r.' -in ta d itît ete- r, Witt givi rrest oierit D~in»er aerred ai .Serlin.-'t Holei. ti .veaaer> To tht' JUJDITHI STERLING. c t!n touintm ' - i eltlti. în i - THE ROBSON HOUSE, ta lieîbitn tita uîot.Na hookî DhJÇDA'4s srREPT,-wiVkTity, c. W. tfi) t, d. This G FOt11v; f'thi1ý(hN. troprieior. <cIl. lin%îo o it T tin h irri i l it'e' i -uata ' îaie ltthil -11a Ic u , idNototttt ttti irtct, kI-ontt a -tI l'l tdi'l att'litecii rtit'iof gf1011t .iEORtri- i titi 'Uuiitî l!IM. tloer o ii-iimieu uitjt.Ittri$ e uý torî th ie Mex' ofti th Frc-eit ajt nrotutatotable tliinga - 'z ttrally glod fur lving-Melci voll be- to his conscience. - T1i l nta b r t,, lunoainacathe amli- l't iroc be TYr e .-alfSw G ifi. Biglit iaud Gairet ah 'ind hie -batd. Gold EarRings, Finger Rings, ,lm Fzt id ta thie muan Broches, &c. S vn.JE"GTODt."0ud uit A titu m niiteti. y forca ChAsils1 -n., -tti aa u-qical 0014 iNDSIL VER WA7THES. ta itua owvn sAft me]- tuiit eLAItï cula Gaifti hidr. 1- aq aucaa by the Rtugliph 1'iateil GL0 JBROCHIES etj aith-,mosse; tha irckotl prepared for, Of extra qtiatty. ÂA)iuainnm andi Sic.el Brochi. île varcilt proinc alpapr iIalusntc thut lie ba>'tîtioradiled to .histûck f rever, or longear if Batirofltrs & l3rewers' Thermomcters, - Wurraart -il corret. it,,l tiictli iowcr hin~o - o't6' ad,:cpIOîlîn hieretot re tharged. i1 aii wh, for this JAMES JINTN to neglct his paper aîhtkranlhoait, daY ater, the foi- tere tinabie to i.c' hirai er-, tty Beg to announce the arrivai of their SPRING'ANID SUJMMER STOCK, Which will be foijnd unusually large and weIl assorted, and which they are determinefi ta seit at a. small advance on the sterling for Cash, cons'isting li the latest styles in Silk, I'oplin, (Jhenie, J3arege, Delaine and Barathea Dresses, Shawls, Nfanties, Straw Bonnets and ilots, Ribbons, Parasols, Hosiery and. Gloves, F'actory Cot- tons, Tickings, Derims, Striped Shirtings, Gai-pets, Ijameks, Window Nets, Muslins, Codion.Warp, &c. Mill bc foiin4 n largze assortment of Broad Cloths, silk.niixed Coatings, Tweeds, Fancy Vestings. Cotton -Prîlis, Shirts, Collars, They wonfld direct special attention to their large stock of Being iXde uip on the premises, the fit and workmanship can, be dependet il. TiiE AITOIING DEARTRENT, as USUal, is under the superiÉùtend- once of a first-eclass Cutter, and gentlemen -favoring us with their orders, may relY on having their garments made up on the 1 atcst tleof fsin A. fresh stock oeGI.OOE1ElSjiLst reetived. Wanted-500 firkins Farmers packed Butter, suitable for the Liverpool IIarct. - Wivî ,Miy 19. 186-1. CouuIty Counei1, Co, Ontario, T iii-: IUN 7ESI, uN i'f'Ilitle tyfin Te i if 0(ttirin, ,111nti i-iien ai. the cui lliucoin tee'1'nwn oii hv, an 7'UESDAY, .TUNE 21td, 1863.. Atitîle iaour of o2 o'cliîik, P. til. luuitihoit',iît tir 'haan In. flOUSE TO 'LET. i T i *wnili t - ,tr 'iO,ýi1izlutîtu tit i.4 tti, t'îtîîi. <'ou tra. lin 'ttc~ ~ ~~i c':lor 7u iluit Cîleia tît 111ntt !0 lld t te MAtît hnildîiZ. (Ilî ht'prmic t i cl ' ii! ici'-l. '11,11 e inocit'i'ii c l (t'lin( i, rpe' t-lm tnivle iw tl'tinr 'f Byr tiiaetwuî'ir tiwtuia tret, nd 1" lui tt ctr utrI f thiî l'r it î-fXI i.tt lth i It- anit utaia'ii loy luha 5tîIiir, Fm,1" t .Je.lthN tio rLOjI'. tri)hW iiN DIVISION COURT %S- FOU i'1711E. ,t'tclt'............ ... ,, %%'itahv, April 140, $41.14 JIJST RECBIYEP, At)d for Sale ftt Prie bacc titan affera-b Yet, FRr'H TOBACOOSOI 'h Per "-s Bick Bildin,. STRA-Y E>. n AX E on tfie p ,.."th. i',rtr a ýJ1,,I »M I.i n tt C tn on. of Ilictcerinoe, in )cnber, 1$62, n twi' voir MAobi cier. fTe ow:ter 4 'reqntie taý1t en'ne frrw:îart, prtivo) prc perty, pay cxpwime-ý, autidtk lir uwit.. 114a'. .AIMS LONG. W. HIENJIY LAV, 1B. A. M. D., J) IIYSICLAX, SUI«4EON, &c., TYRO1NE. t>tflt.-At :Vide if nm. Arm- ètrong, Btick.mith, ~aieSwnne T rwitu's ~GRASS' GRASS!$P 2 0A ri t No. 1 TIt 0.4c, NWitty.- Quobee -Goernment &gency CROWlviN LA.ND 'and othr PUBLIC DEPARTMýE'NTS. zittv.ndedt. -AlFe S"cnre.1 by the . nhrt"r,. AIMtce> prepuiil BUOWN'S STOViE ANI) TINWAR FSTABLTSHNiÉN1!, 1 8-t f. Loyal 1iman- BAT of Great Barg'ainsinDyGos Cash for Butter.... TAXIO Co. liODGE altai mctliztt'tllo tht ahae ýe heid nt l5roc. o.1<xiiP- YNE CORNERS, wn*liup tor Brock, on the 30t& MAY NEX7¶ At thOli<trfiV) of t'hm cietac. il. 1r,, aholi 1'ngiiem% o4< rrat ha partne.ta lte Orîler, ardu. lue brntuckthcflire tto LOgc. A fnlti ftim :îeil. apee SAVE TflQU EW Apri, I63. 17 4w EVERGREEN TRES p ART1IES w'tuah'tato EMBFLLIF-Ti' their r" hýgIAVe tit aln. orrrtnnty At nup-ilvlncr tIsaei'ea ewi h any of til,. ailnw- ing Evûrir1en Treu--t -ut mach Less thatnhalf the Usuai Prices 10,000 5Prco utad flln, 5 t<o98fiest; 100 lor $10, 1,000o for $80. ISO,000 fi.procat mautatBiqlme, 2 to 4 feet; 100 far $5. 1,00') (or $25. 20,000 Arbor Vitmt, or Wyhit e Cedar, very Uinc for lfrtige'a or qerteeng, 2 ta 3 fect ; 100 for $4, 1.000 for trlcnîptttd front thei f,,reat wli'nfrico n1U)t, Iretca ih. Ttvhave.. thrrefar,. nanbaun,-' dauuýeaof fliairýot% at, ui oilli Arditnary cire fi thngae.. 'V sira décideltv the 5lietInt. c>f FverL-reetiTre"ct.caer etTre 1 for mlainlCa- AMI orle-raudrraato 0ie nnl-iieuel taiti D. FISýHER. EFRESII ARRIVA LS! T11111 tnlerýigneadl4qimt roteeeived fa feeh, eupptv of Teas, Coffees, Suga, Rieo, &c., whleiu. fer eatpictn d quty, mauot t'O nautotlils the. Connty. CIIARLTON'8 Faqvorite ':VfNEG.AIi3. BeTitIlWs ,XXX Hony yrp. ,::flt L0 r.u utau' ta ~'iaii i Ortueit 414e Grent Bargains- in Clothiiig! CRCtru1b8 terri. 8iiw atit hIC CAiSH FOR BU-TTER!IAIle. lSIbs. Good Suga', *$C! rm oi& hsi" uedacI Thot pe) LOWES & OWELL, 1. hu: Are ix reeept oftheerNew Cookto SPRIN J&MSTSXIMRGOODSII Whic is ell esevingearl at ention.- From theî np. ye Arc wold inite seialtoftei Nwtockhirof tmin tof Laies is sl es a i Chuidrlten tins'm thi lSrpS e ofteqiremenets Fi csoers, e Fcpepardb elos a ou Godfr.BomS aradOwLS,-,sorAWLsock L, atc lo Iny DRes otsaguinODS the ha oice elecion f Brfinr adTherno i n-it peia ttnto t ter 11rinto Iti¶t W, Bonnets, Fvlmao ririn RonlFlthseres andl first- Wlt'tity Mm: lî thetllargcaýtllnl nltut ca)mplete in tleC onnty af Ottarta.0 Evar v articl, anti eVCIY var(ttarticle 'tui thueDel, lina eu sii1eet - %e Qaia1 cub aiti l't 'proftta ovem ltae Ille price%. - 5 ba lo e MAoY 2e, 1041h 2c. - wi Proclamation! Suuuth lidiua uuftha e 5,-~Narc ,0 a , n't f 'tario IL hereolot' givea 10thet 1 -, Ta Wit t b licto n athm- Soth - ne r- s' ,IL. rem 1 uNf

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