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Whitby Chronicle, 11 Jun 1863, p. 1

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I - lino, eùcli rtImasaby ents inuo% KONTREÂL, j1OXIAS4 DOW, illanagen. :0 GLAss woRKs., W. I8tLLOCK, Ys-mat ouurStreet, Tcyrruto. M4 & MACDONEXI.L, 8 ~ATONY AT LAW, bite ('nai,' (v iousilttai.-ý iCoust irluae-Sauiith Wilug. E ffi. DARTNELrL, ATTORNEY.(;>gEA &P. tiisO o smce .s ' J. V. il AIS1, AT-L.AW. t>FFICE-TIROCK tb,', C. W. 1 AlND) A'POILNE-AT-I-AW. MSON & A II40 i JON 1 ., SýAMP5»1. :GISTSIAII. MA STEIt EXTRA- usi exauiu lýllîu,-ts(ýhtiosr , for la-l, roek-,t., WhIst 47 IL TIIJ'IAYNE dO3 (T ' CIhWN ATTOp. I.ba.renuoreniltstIu isssî 18650. - 40 Rit! J. IWILSON. & T'Q(E AT LAW, 'e le&.-'sV, oLILI'tliitb, 111 Over the Clranicle ,tfiscu, fiih. l' i 1 4 lu tis vliaofîtestrer- of TrluOtfitu, iii Coasit,'uTOn- i TTqiINEY,%'rLAw, $o- seaeces-v, Nss'nv I 0111cs. ir- 42 Elt C.REENIVOO»), AT..LAW. SOI5IITOII UN gnatsv lPuislic.<aueys-r o~Ee.n Bs-cz Irst. SA ,T LAW. C. W.- i t iib,' l&athOW Teef,' thlai.ho k lerost upc Loise.. lue panai Wt&calai Printesi woris, preat tisoughts andi natirinc Indus VOL. VILe VA»8 & PErEEusoNq, R ACTICATDanlal,Oiýhawa., Mmt -ent&] Roma%, directIer oppo. site the Poattlo,- %nlmnco.eu Simoe strept, thlird door nartis of theo ntarip W. H. rEQEAR. rTIEAC'IIRI f.ibe FP.rll IILA-;ÇWýNçi, ,I (sscctirmd on teent.outnst or Eurupe,) will1 viait W iithv on Mionda,'. nutl 'iueuayfor tihe rtoseuf giving instruetiouh lai the above T IIF aimne tuît knawss, nid eaalllatseil 11uSld alprelsea have.hren joirefiuoij hy tise auhaîniher, visero hociii ll a1sys - so fus, etid %e bud raig,'to sttîutd peronasty t thé vantm of htilt guesta, &o. >,ý Tlhe- îrrîîiiPe at heauoti uvcuseutlv and cousftrtithIv ful ttstf- painted, papiceel, &e. ytîcimter' of soit is'atertr ti wash. qisu rer' moitera implrovî"nt ta usalte tise Travelern hîote d.rurthiet atV, and thTisesbho untlfih-ý ]y auppllrd ut ait tinag. Notice to Farmers and Gthers wb nWtrl4.Nàsln sud Rotait,Mrosaat- IV Proo)f. ,'gallon or barotl; MeNauohstorP (fleutevii, dît. d., 1hlaapter' ExtLra hetlftofa, w]iîm, lo '14)~.; bomi Port, Sherry sud Coizsaek iBrandyii'for sthe ic. vitisà a 'tt of U.quras e id (ira oftheotise bise -tde. Attentive (ttera, ne lianes lu Rire. A. ALEXANDER. llrooltilu, Janu. 21th, 111.4 IIROOKLEN MEDICAL HALL, ,tOIlN 1DWES, D 14 it(G I$T &- poh c .ry,&. e.Brook- poîsulieit. Draga, (>11esud Medicine$ uTeVert DAVID 1118110v, AVCTO-r<NE ElI bers to inform tise intiahi- ý ato u <>ssurio ud nnh'u(otres, that lie ia îîs-asnd tnattend SAS iii sun, psr ofiîer "sîîiio.Ail r.lra kilt uthi' riieuon ir 4No 584, inta tà C81encaiAÎn of D)ariiagtli; 11lhe punictssekv Waded to. ParisgiosIl 1uer36t2. 43 JIALF-WAY 110178E, Jiar to IL P. ClariÇl- ilv iyStagen t tise North. JiiuoWhitby. citand s. 24 S TAGE H OU SE4 ISAAC FENTON, Proprictos-. T)EST Wiueae ud ltiuas-, opetr io u inlattLoti foLrtrave'lerm; gouod otabng undi ALB1014 HO TEL. jAÀMES BLACK, lui lroirictor. EAST WiriiDso"(IOUiE, WHITTîiJ,. r , hiabove tiotel laoillutelia sploeantand rletis-ed part of tihe Town, ou thse front rsl Cond affenosaaltiou for Irarellers. ui Stobliian ad îtesstive ostier,..2 î - é1 -0R 1A HOT--îE L. W 11151Am tScQT, R ITI.(Labo nl>mruhtsrlbfr hsiM iel 11uP te abeve id TI. tatthlecisble t, vititnsv.v.flodn ebver,' aeootnsecsdtlon ta lte travalliepublie. qivo isitisa cali. Oood .etablisng a0.1les-. JOHN MOQOIUT>UOE- ZWIIKE98 IIIlTEILs SL.>501t55'EI- rft suXrbrdele oI fo-nJl en COMM ERO IAL H OTEL? JAM!ES ÇIOCKE11. Preprloten. (1 MXEICAI»TAVELLERS vili Sud lbt con vetsniouV eto1psuicdthItu bl, aselte,' 1a. o foa iereittBte 1ok kopt*aItis Bar, tlip rolte% lFlresb,'tsclir preilocexaura. Tlio 1-rsps-oîêtîiket lýiie camaien îî,tl' 'enk lais muauturonaa lIaIs-nN ud tinnda for tise liber. ai palfanaicg swed On 1b1M 46dus-e tise easit Goosi $ebl.ing, an. Atteire Oitlersé QCEBEC. unemeeiProprietls.>ofIu hv howd TTLberûspetfaliy ta ar>lpritie their fs-lisandsimpas-nag. Itgt tulav bn-l rolisgtîlV tessvated tili 4ah >linlîutdasit the w1ilsr, wviceisenableeis tisensowt luffs-s-ta aise Moutdaar e f the i.etiilatus,, uidt he Trnt vallias- Public eaterlits- ascioafoi.nu. adlditin to thea -l.ste bsviled1ai visi- ter. theylv ae nov Paror.sutedra a s lasrtil 8ss asitnle J.t-it. vlicth5 forn ctsmfart and couvesîleneo,,Pre uvusnsspaeeud ib tiety i,. - Wus. RUJSSELL & SON. Qu'aesrcli 11, 155h. .Xorher 'Ho tel Canningtoni. This;nurosant glies.,,lithlc oboro feues- ali,' kssown lotel, bhs. reuilsred It nocas.rv fer doue ao ta a ao)nidslîrsbte extent. and ind-aie <tis atrîiona llimpnoveusentn, ta ces-us-o atili fairtliir tl i'.nisfart asue Iooatiôu of i.-sast Tisatable m la avprnovidpil vitis tha" hesttrin,st,ad tnon@ hut i th euh-u of -wiis-ssid l.tquiors cttnoi t theremuigém. ~I'avss-n Itpene a-.ppied vlolemlate. (lire a Blob h tise rauuiveil Ostr. sîtucys. l-1 ttend- sue.,%esisuei by Dick. ta t-os-c-char"-e ofteonus. ý 1 z JoIIN WATT), Cýanulas-ton. Oct. 2îrî, Pii1tlor411 REVERE 1IOTJSE,, rTir 4 .uteiher Ts-'"to lu unsurata -th4 pI uie. iud partiiitlar ttutr-ivliisr ontsîniry, 1h-.: lie tha".peurl utsaie tenu,-lire nmiseamaas asi eu-ufistWpei. Tb-htse ut nrouuasoltiou, and eer tes-' tss-us tl ad l the t-ifoýrt uT goet.. Mimulleut Stiublins- sud W iîe$ and l<'ga-s. * Wua. PAIMTN. 49-y Propriotor. To the, Travelling Public. T rHF aul:cribor bovinz-e ed lte romi- I.soe, clti' serb,' T. Eurisih, lu tise Villagre 0 1F"".utn1 inî baviig iSt-ted hetues > un truisi-o,ia aisps-parted ta aiccousundato aIlttuaijse visa0riv'e inn a tit lHe inteuil,-o TUE DEST OPLIQUORa kà,CIGARS Am1sit ts 'ila ill isefurnniliod vit' il It ilciestees sT tia m aai. An tientiv, Osîlerj alwiv ioi i isud, Tisuiusc v i cvos- lm vitit a rail uuiys-i on heisse cunfoTuell,' co - anastd u eitteliied ts-., Epa , Ms-, ~Prpietor. wOO NI'Is HO0T EL,' 1VOON & INROT HER. .WILLIAM 1KAUFFMIANN MALT VINEGAR. uALT VINEGAR eau nov b. haIsflas-ge ii. arasaàllquantitJogea sue W lV1tbv T3rewrerv. - Now lq'rite TIME.. * <IT OUE l.IKENITA8AT WHIITBY>l C. W., l ~~d's orcnrer. Tise LastHeur Bisent.,wiih Tkee. ou ' sppy e yhabess M y lot upont L a eth, Antnmàass sserry' moment, vlw Avayon vlsitiR fmirth;. But nosne of ail tise leeful train 90ohasP-1y eeuted tatue, Aa tlitI taIfond and joyeuxs Iour. I speat, ns,' love, wth tbe 1 Swoet suonaeoit before hait tent B1er aul-iuempit iîg chgrus, And ofit lefore, benesth htsr #avy, Onr hearta have beau #% Vami; But ù', more msitistsly divine The murc c eomed lobe, In that, the desrestrladdstot iu., ,lapeut, n'y Love, with liste 1 l'vc bora where fhavers have swaoer ahed Tteir perftnou. on the ai eh And wheu the pale mlpr5ssg Iysdnth1a hlave heasigos broriîtiy fair;, But nova' titeir bewtcbing bresti, 11Jad haf the jo,'tn oie. Thut, came tîp-ît ny lartthit hotfr, Th u e peul with tise We kuzet.' wu vers about tw part, We kiiew tisit u'cr egnià% Woutd muonta ofeis ihsppinesa Be giren uasem theil ; And ao w'î, tiaiîod Lthe vcsy dregg Ofpleâsurooap, in gîca, Anud sosute the denreat hoar on entli Thnt hQur, thuisapout vidtire! And oh 1 hom ifossy a t onoly &Ya (If disili-dleta.st Timo, Wjttthîît hosr brijnhtea w-th lu nsy, And iladdon vîî ti ictime hlot often wl1l1nMy bhoart expau,. As plei~ant snasnory tIrligsbaek ssgrisî itutstsîs-tlstjoy- Tise last hour aptt ith le THE J1XSJEE. A tale or mlltary hie. (ùfAifEl.tir1. -A ia-nattIf EXtmotIO. Tise life o tise Spaniissoldier is 4àIne-ý lated 10 barden tise sesrt ansi tiese mesiili- lies of ono'm nature, b. tise,'oves- gs>rs-ined; but JuanPores. Sud not seem t o b. so macl a fl'ecesi. Tise feel vas,,ha lied ou. greal insiucing motlie tuitake him5 visat he vas- -s uisered manis ail tisinge. Tise pamionate love tisat bus-noS in isa breast.aaumesi more lise phsase of devotioa5 tissu simple afection. sars-oundesi b,' Ach scenes as vo have dpseribod, participating ofton Wu lie fesu-fal militaes-'eesuîis>us tisai vos-eg secommon, stiui his -entlenena of disposition,' bis nobiînesa oT cisanactes-, r.. mainesi ihe mrn.hilustratiug tise lire of a iôidies i tise West Indie sausi t 'ad, ansi almo as-boviuag tise pari. tisaiJauaPores. vas fs-ced Io set, ev ellaes leepisig oas- promse aItishe otet to gi7. tise rester sosie p'setises sudS ismor,' of militas-, life in Cube, vo vil give -yomi sscone ltai foi. loveS close on #bal ai th iseIgItiai ithe cock. 1 ý 0 , , , ý liretberheeda etriww aavecsso Fease1 Prog Tea, s<u PSDAY4 JUNE wi ILbaii-eo tisaI eséis migisihope 1litacet bib.thebaud destineS toay Is,'hIlste cig Oeo . Tise, ver. vanned 10 tahie at RO iii, tisat tise victisu migisi nol suifer ti fs-o slcnged agon,', but sile st once Mc ahi vas &fier tise usuai custom. Peresiétse tise bills teglar ata'ion, aid thse sEullas lo saithvilaquick, e, aein- heurte, ahe lieord of command, li os-sen vas ,givon I Tise brigisi ne morI sun shoue hike livng &i a lonK tise Iliedbarisaof th., guns;ý, és-tise tb fataIlM ait alrangeS lu polint aft i bea-I lte cotidemui. 90 li 1,saisi Pesez.tIl Aýr ausdia clouS of -#moktefolloves!,- ,isicis breozey500u dispersei, sisovisig tise sts prfgttfoui ,of tisevictim.s OrI3so1g4e d beous voanled in uman,' places, j vital part vasu toucised. This vas uiual-indeed..:emankable; and to Perexie wuvas ais Sut, ucstisau instan-a ce, tp es tiseusketees,, vise baS not linis, »Ied<vth eatigle dis- tf chargee sisbreins over tise ren avs-. e bod,'fol is aIls- I,, constise trench ta receive it. I vaswu son pigac-Pl cd in t brt. lacis of--bis former coin- rades t a limait quantil,' ef earlh upon et Tse vr4er. bis formes fitcom-. paties tbaud aIstack np s livet,' ais-, aussi thsug -& hiaan iseing latucises inm eternity. Tiséi olt au overdravn picture,,for so latel, ' t perpetireted,tisaItishe vs-uer of tise. ev Wil vwilshbis owneyes duniug as ut reidenee onbise islid. Sus ssayliTe iu Cuba, aisuacistisee dai'ie tisaiJune Pores. vWas forceti 10 partiel le in.,*à have spoltea vi ti sa degree.f oostjre, persape, bouchiug tise exts-emne àont,y -of tise militan,' laof e Cuba ; b' *hen ilta sremreubered tisai.the, enîdier3 eal lfrosu olsi Spain. oftea fresish front sceut of mus-der rohutes-,,iluwhich perbaps lita fe>.' of îiem have participa- f tedl, tise tisstrict discipline t. visicla tise ,' eu-e subieWe in tise West Indues4 f ia ,omilet eg concedesi tobe neceasa-,' Yîp>irpistS vould argue, sud vils suih muis ee of propriet,', tâisa more f _lentco 0 leawsvotisi piosice more ý s-cash,' #Iired object. ý Fusture 4!Îmed to hanter vitis thelihoart of Itenànt-Juan Per-ou, b,'soving 1 ii tise 1s4 hé worsisipped jusi oflen en. - oegis tafil blis isesgissatisa, and asîil keep, hi m vitliu oopportunit,- of ezcbengiug even e wor' villo ber.fit vas bis iiigist fou- guard 4$, its ecntssrjust ,oulside of ci1valli in bise Paseo.hI. ile a gay' ,-tis simmense house WhIL ligistei, ands EleS villatise beauty ,andi fshiet of - an.Tise- bouse is 'roman. kehi,' opaci~o ontaiuriug ive tiens of boxe<; and a1arg.eundwell-furuisied pli. -__echsmeat Jitted upmasana-halr. Tise evesiegagefel-td id vau a fine eue,9 tise Ravel troupe perfortuesi, aud tise boue. N.22 time outil simyligisi bid sireasi, begon te appear ln the eaa. Uns.fr.sbed sudlookt. lng as Iboug hhm sMmore froint auigist's debaucs, ho appuresi ou duty early iu tise morniug, vihout balig ciosesi bis eyes iu sloop for ti.leut twesi,'four bouts- Yet tise utmost do17 vu5 requirei, tbe most trivial point etiqssolte vas. expeoted, aud tb. parade went oef with ;î'e Usua! eckaz, tise mou littie bihiuig ot the spirlit tisI hatied ln tIsait'eCommansder% bieart. ,and Juan Penea wl 'thi thé- test pa,'iug thse ettatomar,' malute lo thé colonel, as ho age' edby in review of the fines. TImmedlateiy sabseqeent 10 the morniug parade ibat day, Lieutenant. Pereze vas sismuones te tise apqptMnnt of hie colonel. ,,Lieutenant ereà I1 "Tyour comunandsittir.' "lDo you kuov tie Isoue number- callea de !gnacior' El About opposite tise quarters of Cap. 41 Tse gmre." 99tfbave notieei ltse houa., sir.' 49I bave a delate piece of vonktihat 1 vaut b get Adoue," IlJf 1 eau serve you, sin, commandi me." I~f bank you, ibankIt on, lieutenant, tbis là sornotbiug quit. asido frosu the lino of your duty.'. sutpanion, from wvbl e i m en took a t îgar, andi Iigbtiug ft, orosseit - sfeet ou neigbboasring chair and paffed âay with I ec utmo't gelf'.com pîacency, awalting the nood of bis friondu.. Stil thse colonel1 nused by hirnuef for 0orn9 timon,tunti ati anthe Baia: '~WiIttilk it vit! do sais e crta.1 nly vTevy banduomte, and veuld tempt eýven0 ne, at timnes," 1 ' he underatotd herself, siner," saisi1 Tellil ber if she viii but seduce hlm,1 go 1at 1 cun but puniah bîm for the ati- wmpt, ah. @hall have a hundresi doubloona -afortune for ber, good Esposan 1a' til vili Ouly b. necesuary (or ber to - gwear; she viii not bave tb permit any iu- gtence?" slsad tise mat. El Xoue at al; jlat h b. eouraged te Malte thse attemnpt-îhat vilii>. gllit mustlkieut for iny psifpose. and 1! Vil see te te rest myseif, i fyou cau accouiplisis "And my sae.inutise bugissess , if we succeed, you &hall b. lberall pa*d.", "t lnow 1 eau depend upon pur gen. eroty, aadtise artful villaiti, muttering oe hr*ngelf, Ilfor you vil! ho in stq povee. Il lustruet tuabella boy eh. tmust set ber p)art," saisi the colonel. 45 fifitbfut"' Tqeis an earnest of my good! viii, VÀperanuts, 'sasi the colonel, at tt sme tme }ant!ing bim a vell ill11.8purs. IlThants, thIn be Wo sis, turning te lepart.having received tisa vicis fie vus e videnttv waiti nitfor. l! Adslio,"said tbe colonel. "'sem- e suber usy inuîrueffons; yobu bave te do vith no- ordinary seau.4 ' I viii rosiomber, AEddio signer." "'Addio ," sais!tise colonel, boviug hita ont - And thus.tise io, pare- Trhe colonel thon st dovu, ans iâisls race in bis ban4a continued-musiuiz at bis table for a lont uie., Atiasi h.b spoke- alousi, thougis oui,' toaIimselt. 'lYea. 1 have Sýuit,' testesi tse ratter, tiser. eau, be no sloub Sigmoretta Lois I'eels a varus -ittereut in Ibis Lieutenant ýPerezo. t saw bis glance of intelligeose te nighl, et thse iheaire, sud ber more tissu ýpolit. recognition of him. Thse rascal, tfe 411ddair.'" "1Ans euntes-stood the girl rief b erfet o. "Perfestionso" No n,r' uestin ciiÈftP met 91Noued, o1!, elathéady, o'puse" Perozo?7 Was not. m, wanlsi' weilf'iiéedr Il 81.. in remarkaisly aLfénueer?,aa lb va s ve l 1 0 , b o- f o r o wa r ad e d . " 'r1 . .'I'Witbont à doubi. i1 ýéèiisougl' '.Onp muai cesigede îbàf, e said liPesëkii alginlg. Was ase Iins ilni attentive t. -YOU',' coisinesa aise gonerali,' accorda 1te, our Juan Feneze gazesi ai. Iis colonel 'sonte- visat ssrprised ai. tisequestions, and for' jUst one msoment of tinte, -ihere hieshesi acrosbis bs-in the saiaosv of a thiought, s hare'suspicion, but thse substance sud no< folio,,asd ho enatuered itsiout réalizing tise ibotigt ~She was ver,' polite, na,', oeua lbn'OW, tise vas attentive." CiYou are ver,' franuito çwn' tbhsf i"' tenant." 1 ashoulsi iards, do no, Étr,- as thsé' feeling se.evisucesi muala." Thse countenance of Colonel Otinens;ý turned seblack as nizt ifor a moment, but ho instautl,' naliied i issueifsund o1u4ýug, saisi "lYou are tiot in earuest l, euâteèüu&ýs Pores., for se is tis th lemie othaf a gar.- nison, suds match for an,' of li.'î Pour blinsi Pereze, nu to1 see lhprough' for is , perane, LWs vatehes i3i roont. - "Weil,-" "It l ei "And the "Beyonsi lastisae eau serve the ilNoiiu h veuisi let y 1' saisi Juau Pas-oe, table lma vel rilmionr ln Q. son. G oad il ou tise somt spots tetlese sri . i. MNIE rnoid & tir b r. 44 D. IITY (GAtt, * 4 ,D ACCOU- uodimeses. a :NEER. -AND ET,, URV FYOltS. I'cssavmyancses- mua Ur. -Witd hile lande for JitNET, Boiveston. ELL, EN STREET, 27 usudation. Ev of avotls5]eg SALaS augsrtq. -. --. -7' S. JucCLUIL rer,' atienteti paie w tue noms ut Cé A WT ONx -J-TEB-L, D uFFINS CHEEKI PrCKERiNQ. GO acaî,aimodation for Ts-avelles'su W. OUJTHEERT. ]RAJLUIOAD HOTIEL, FRPONT STREET, ertebak. WM. PO'WER, Puoprietor. Bellevile, (Out. 29, 1861. 4- NfANILLA IROUIE, XXIfLÂ. UMAI Bank M--ly thoritie sukt-b even,' possible ti direct oeec iegsrs uo-o examplo miglit h. Umsde tolinisd Actisng upan tisib pninciple, a ps-q the flfti- sd'as lust been arresi i." IlWeil, 1ih -Ios ta -mnt a yong female fs-iend viso nomMes tisere, vilaib tis purs. (isaudiug bit one); it is for the pus-pose oes cisaril,' vlici aise vili understand. I do uaL visis l ca eon ta etertiseboum, for abc le ver,' heautiful, sud scandai migist rov oui. of il; but viltis ,on 1 tiit i viii bc differént"- 491viiildo ,'our ors-anS vilis pleasure,"1 sais Juan Poreze, voudernug visat bis col- onel coisid semisb, tise bugling apotogy ho baS tisus stammes-eS fitb. Yeî ltte did b. suspect tisetrutis. IlYou mo,' report te me oun,'otr roture, but there is no ecoasis for buts-,, this evenissg vili do. lie caneful of tiss.bledk e,'s lieutenanti, for it le ibose tisai 1 sun afraid of. The,' are mental dimmonde of

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