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Whitby Chronicle, 11 Jun 1863, p. 3

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n iii, J.MU 1IR.' UCINSED AtTI ONEER, OSUIAiVA, c. w .L ttend Stales lcrêver ere- N iteu lieesssgry, dA é snd termse au red e tteoffilce of ft eO0saws V*sdi- Aki eltîd <iproperty riolved on Co%- î, und sold on aomniaion, by auctica rwit;c es dn,4rd. . wu, Jîaies 6. l le lor- Spermatorrhcea can bc Oured. s othe the. de- Till. fland'x SPOciflocoréq 9Pemxâmr- gotatI 1-AaL soe millt 1uu4,nu. llept cy, oi qfPo"e, t&a., sp.dl ad oeàu. 'Ils or- is legs, f'<iet are truly niagios. A trial 0f t th. Srscrrt le 11i111 Ilvl ce vîuoo trot keptlc.l ori fliiotâ4. l 1l.S n box. gent pnstpald to an', addreik g with' , C . Uf'l1Id, 403 Chestnut Strttrt, f'huIla a tiew déldhia. P16 CirolAoi et Cree. Mi nt ers Ruce-oY 3J~~i ow out ANID Tu% reluns i)RIISI REVIEWS. Cert8in towards ii W îliîce of tlîe;ssiren('wril>nPriodi' en gine uinîo fy 8ltscopl. ugglitig IritzLosNONQeÂwRETuMX (Consrýstive). ajck' VîcEycîlîî1virw' (Wiiig).ý ditch, Toc NQîîTîI Bit-is t Rvîew(Frec, Churcli) efreme fo i e E% sTmtîNsTR Ns tviElw(Libtral). by il$ BIACKîNOODS uEDiSSUIüicu MAtiLuziNs (Tory) Pricurreot I e n lcicreasd ! Postage fo <'e redtcccd Vrite frieea tilîl b %li ut îroforâ, vie P>ER ANNUM. F1or m uîa teof tije four ltevieweq ...$ e#.&o4 leur sur twoil t ie four Ilovlew ..... 5 On For ai<v lirero t tivti' foICvicws .....;*1 f Fo "î')lr Mruine I ieEviews .......... .. 8 0 Fo Bîukwoe'-Maizuu... .........8ao Fi'r lllîeiu......i..ue leic . 5 1< For 131u-kwol ciiil ive% oiiewo .... 7 0 <or IU wk <ri fI(0sl lthe four Revien...lno 1.10 4e zeiw.. 9 On 'uoto, lr the %flilu 1147c leriodicats qouly, l ty six ecî'ts n v ' or, TeNARS OTI' & $t., NY '1'WO NIGIITnrlS OXLY. NVechanics' Hall, Whitby, THURSDÂY AND FPDA'V, {'1A~TN'S~HNTIELS ATT li-i: î «r Lu'aunluiceetwn. M Ilueir ta aip it e a ;;iae, c-& Wliutli îoceic-Il fl.i A'i I'.tîiV SAXl 1<. Lu r ISTIIART, ut S Y iFrlUEK C. P.C. IIZAEN, lorfriauueeloieu>iilîeccet uoluct Pui c5iruiner Foi.fo luellfs u gtulieii se- v iuisii n. eT tua elîr i llrie.me(p toii NiiýtIliuo ,l D iee ti 22lir m cr emp1 lolrt ilLriv for l for sud wîris 1114m fr11 i. THE QLD STAND VIR E!ER. Thie proprieton oftho old cAtabliulfîd ONTARIO IIOTEL, D)euireiu to teridor liii, iineorc thatat tau hl i*àn lnmuetfrieuda iel thd pubielo'or tute veut libl ilrafsrireof pnb1jp toilag wýil1h shlilie. ,Moer,- ao ts rieaiing hlm, iing eaturatod; procured soute 3ru@,sud îluced Il relief shouid tr'g inijuries ler being Upa. isinterilin- elyed fromn the condition very mâates that the id f rom ithe cf. l'h ueîud otsî antd NIw1l Iot ekiceperrî, the naigis alidi hie twill foccci îgh Nlisue i's, estsliiisli tîi' riita shkitwiîî lpt. on Io Calcutabfy f cîirs cxicpt t tii of D1)ir aitil tani.c iii ciut tzlilef ftrutck i> îrprisini-tuth ai e to coutipicte the- aîîrsuis v,it c tiautd, M. A. Macloifl, gj~ ca. " th oriofr Reeti. joh"i e Townsihtp i Waker, of ~~'e ~ ~ ;M BPWourci' ~'ROWN. TO ILET. A COTTrAGE sftuated a htfle ftorth cf the Court Hanse. limmediate po»e>,upou giv-- WIýAltty W 8,JOHN BENGOUGflL -IR. The Qonf*ssions, & Experience A, N 1'N VALI ?Publigsbd for tii, boUeit, sud "sa wosrnling aud A CA UTIN 7M YO UNG MEN Wlio silffr ftoin Nervoum Debility, Premature Decay ot mauhood, etc.. supplying st tihe .ame TUE ME4$S 0F SELF CURE? lly onehe%Éono ured bimself 'after being put Logreiýt exppnoe and lnjury throngh inedicil hiuiuigsud quackeryt 'Prepaying po.tage, sinple copies.ni-Y b. bad NATHÂNIEL MAYFAIR, Z%: luVy naori, K:l'. Oouty, TO TREINDDEPENDENT ELEOTORS 0F T IE COUNTY 0F T1CTO11I GENTLM , Ccr.afidtt.e foîr tii0 'Represuatation of the C'uttly It th~e netîcyt lîrlimetit, 1 havé deter- mi ul ueedee to tliat requlest and 40W iieg eureo t) olicit yolir sîîffriigee. titi tiu RA-i' MIgettri[Iou qtailn My 7votes arc trdeed. unrI imi n npViJ lto tlitt as tthe liait evideneeof I n v aua Y Xelii dvoetlo-g a ui.tîtire fo'r Vie setl etict ufour Cousitut ontil I)iîlertiltieiii. 1 strougir idissent freuintheii. tatement <of s letdi tio iinnýr rfuthte preilett Admniitrationu, t1mt ','lli t arînaîttît fr Caffadla s iloan- IuIIItaf.V1 n I rarat el9elet Miliktîs ongtuietiou as of the tion*t Ireixtiig i:î.pûz< 1 regard the Opeini g unu ndl Setticnient of- die. BipleTovnmhil#li an athr gremi. 1oibio Iiprtn.'TiiéAudmiitrationt of wlîiuh I wî, a e tiber iî'cetinaetîdi.4tuthétueLegisutture. io 1 ,42, s Doubhle t;rait tfor thetcctieent of the. 4Ootîiti sud tfhe extenini' tiiose C'loi' zîto'îmuska# whierl' hav'e dlutten an tich go)l. lefrctpoiv, aad, Iv ýIandolitf, iîulicted uc- elcuusiiiuiuarytilpon-théo Province, tsud - v 1[-1 tIv lit 0fle« iiis eOnIIty. lVie Ujupuer CanadIa ineberx cf tfîe presriet oftutir Itîiueenerity that îufurtIt r eoiîfideiieo r -îî l'c plaeelluintheï rol -o;, and ior t0d", und raany olfier reusum1îislitiok tlcy .1 iiild fie defeneeil.1I bleretore. ufleitciif as the tuplieuitIuei a ndidete tîponea tii 2iîer- .'ntivcetut A- far oà*Iin-and l oi<î.îtutîity permit, 1'urlIl Clnu£DI'litr, I"one th~e u.a4 e P«f iiffîîtiu riit von t )îlii'r dîiercî ou 04iif le. anditalte sîch Yunîluer cxp1attioti» asmamy bfie ticefitury. 1 lhave thonor to bc, ( teiuo, TO TIMEnIDEENENT ELEGTORS oF' TuE iNORTII RJDING OIF TIIE EON lY 0 F INTÂ'A l 10. G ENTLEMEN bweincr1uti4iar the Vicè , e f Ii, Exeotîtive OuohdiolelParlisnnt, yon urlifshert Ul u a.xNime yOur alccite. a !uouel oiecf LhiAidissoutoui,I a boetiaullowed lu serve you for two ."sionA, ilistead of four nsaei ooîiempIitsî, wbcn 70w "Il 11 e bonor tcu selecttueieas your repre- M I t tfrherefore feeli_ my doty tû offir -I'AT A. CHOICE LOT OP In, Delaines, Cobourags, Challies, Tm ' iis. Per çent Iess than they eau be had eIsewhere ini Town. AlIsoi 2000 yards Striped:Shrtings, 1.000 yardkTickings, 500 yards Denins, 400 yards Gambýrooes,' ~3000 yard best Prints. Grey, ttnsi , &c.t Ail of which- was pîirchased prior to thc great Udvance- in Cotton, and wîll be sold at least 25 per cent cheaper than peent pice for Caeh,.- T. H. MeMILLAN. WANTED-200 Pirkins good Butter. 22 OP TE Wlfll IJ" M'AGNIFICENT STUT) (W i1ORSZ8, IMMENSE TROUPE OP ARTISTS, BRILLIANT WADOE TRPIGGORGEO S OUTPIT- B. IMILES &Co.........Proprietorut CH AS. E. SIIERWOOD, ..Eqestlrt D"rirector, I ' '/... ,.O.DODGE ...........Maser of the Cirole. &T WVIIT3Y, JUNE 1Mt, 186-3. PzneAIbarti,Tluuirsay, June 18. ADMISSION- *nt#. E theb. IRCUS ROYAL je comprl.qed al that ïrare elegant anvd rofined in EQ1UESTETA. QY1MNASTIC sund ACROBATIC AUT. Pro- minent in inwterandte attracion is the beau- titul dicplsy of TI1RTY 8POTTE1) ARABIAN JIORSES. besides a SudIôf TRAIN E>, TRICK and MANGE HORSES and PONTES. The eantrtuno of the Comîpany into Town pli tho diîy of exhibition *111 b. tii. mont itnpo.L-1 lor cavaleide ofVie kiod evermen. AÀGOLVEN' SCJ«TAL CI ýUIUT, of mont ,uisortive tunurni.- fioauce, eo1talu1ingthe . MWsary tI eneiof the, Cirons iRoyal, eotInotd of twole llitituenls, led by Prof. W. Blt e c f IL B. M. Cornet Baud, wll pug throu th tho, xwnelpal sireeti' lu crnd rooesuion, draua by TEN SU1<EitBLY SPOTTET) AILKIAN ITORSES, sîl)endîdly imutelied an u pritqotsd, drivcn by thê tirai Rdius- uone, inCalada. J'wailywrulit eAhbany rlserica. Tho wwhole en- tirely uc-w, Pt sa ëtok ês0 heing a reoelesa expendittirc IrQie nt ouIleor te pletasO the Publie, sucli es 1î1o othet E1quetrian Truoiliervu ieiI Coptîieat of 4Memm ai ..theresouroe3 to cadnertake. Tiie foliowitity grefit Galaxy ofSTAllS Im itefçlîcîlte tlîis M A X M (YT Il l f1XTltIAN EsxdýlLisil T4S DA SIIFIWOOI3 M R. PENNEY, MI. J. ROBINSON Bîi.CIALES 5L*UW<aO, mitJ . c.%ACI*LDIe MIASTIIICAI,,I1C 00) NIASTEE GE(»IQE, MR. JOIIN LOWLOW, bMRl. J. C, 1I1VEIIS. CLOWNS AND JESTEES, Togtithr with the. C01,1C 1$ULE SAMI PATCH IFAMOUS TICK HOMSE ALI. earvdesaâ 50 c'ait.Ê; Clill&oen to Eegerve cSuls 92-1 22 JUST RECEL VED, od for Sale ai 'ricei lowèrt ihpn ffero'i jet, a lot ot DIRECT IKPORTAflORNS! L'Bu - AEPDUL l3eg to announce the arrivai of their SPRING AND JJMMER STOCK, tWlîich wil be found unusually large ançlwell assorted, and which hey arc determined ta selrit a smal. advance on the sterling, for Cash, cnsi4ingl h atest styles in 511k, Poplin, Ohenie, Baregye, Meaine and Barathea Dresses, Shawls, Mantie-S, Straw Bonnets and H-ats, Ribbons, Parasols, Ilosiery'ànd Gloves, E'atory (Jot- tons,, Tickigs Denimàs, etriped Shirtings, (Ca-pets, Pamasks, eidowv Nets, Muslis, Cotton Warp, &c. ObF ment, cf Ii.esc. PILIES AIND FSUA Eymy brut mi fetars «efolxprtevaýteto siuîufau 110171dlsorders fi#efiraîed hfo1cafl ifîfirt y lyte s.eftliemctli,î; r(miaiîafniîpr~t fts*ppfiealolf. fletîîgf fswft i e feiltb tb<fltuh aninvaraibte. RA 1kthe Oinnent and Pilla hW used *1 h O n ùgý. Illiffnia, lfetmtam te. 'l'bcs D3am.< ttiiwî. %,&rrs of Ct.a¶4 il agdalgi ail, ia¶ien wa f fti, firq" S idifP. J i rilat, Siali I)seasa rttOe, l'itrc, Bora fftails, kbiti Wo1t4"Iwa. Nti. YraeiijLocae,,, ari dsaent-' bolle usa Wcser-plinel iii everylau'l ,nofdire. Iton. aruund esa c.C <'r f 1> ,x sai iny lie plaiflir 'eTf bidigthe nficai tahe5. h<Ii. A filnis t.re-' wsrd wP b kte uru îiiy (ee eterfa iii b hiiiîfuuua. kitîe eughe~ele rving thelua ame, lawffuo theul 4o fia .piarf,là. 4,6W Pu iifl;n e w Y(1: ork .% ampi f<y ai) r 1etute if l m tdlçiliea iliUlitlintnfthe, n c esir i r lifed erj in tuxrA, ai IU e 56rable mruig l'y iukltig theua la every dtimfernare nfihfaiI1, c ý, ux 4 WiIl bc founrd a largo usp~rLment of Broad' Clolihs, siik.mixced <Joatinga, Tweeds, Fancy Yestings. CottoneDrflls, Shirts, Coilars, T' .i.f Ties,,Hats; Braces, and.Under.C1othing, &o. o-B The! woul direct special attention toi- their large stock of- READY-MAPE CLGTJIING, Being. made up on the promises, the fit and workmnuship cari ho - deperided on.- nhs TEiE TAILORizNG DEPARTMENT, as msal, is under the supe.rintend- ence of a Erst-eIass Cutter, and gen'tlemen favoiii-g us with their AilMjnu orders, xnay rely on having tlieir garments made up on tho latest ~0 tnt style of fashion. Bnomstf À *resh stock ofG!DOERES just received. Warrsutted Wanted<-500, firkijns Farniers' packcd Butter, suitable -for the hubr Liverpool MaiVket. -:&1 41PEL Xyitb, M1 1" 4 ' Mhay J2'6, Bil WhibyMay19,186.?erry's Brick Bildings. '2 FRESH TOBACi 0f tbe beât braflda. Aias a Inme jwhitby,, ' ta rcIn ue. ' ,c os ,I utdlo .ite . " - - d jed, ticîdtu the umalibilding. Oit he prcsiuies le i ter,- at.usashed, asgood stable and coiefi hou.4f ibe hoi 0excellent reil, and other coîvnolces, eui- .aotari tj<- table tu.a respectable priva. dw'fi-i. The1"to he abov Operty lA tuated oi, thea st Ride of ilcif Byro . cýAt,'liik<'fiitôTowr. Street, and lu inaie in ILyroen te blokofteTDntioaf Wluîîby. It aci on &R' 2at prement )ccnutied b' John hiler, Esq., P. L. mjeutj Iii, 5. Pssuson e. îad j ue. Insuilte ýh pplcLt1i i tW hp msui ho the. propietor, eile, t] .Oh JOHN III5LOP, -9i 911 - Ohaura. uo imi. Or lii -fle.as hal, AMUCit W. CRON, of a 141 W0. tiel,,-an article fccud'by e] the. beat ever producd iu the Whitby, May a, 18t2. UPFE AS3UB& Colonial Life Aspi Wili roeive TWO yeArs' Boi of Profita% uextycan. W. M.. RAMSAY, bK.nagti RICHARD BULL, lnipect For Ratba ui4 J>ropectuc a S. IPIVISIQN COJRI FOR T"E I aig' aî~, 'le, j il Wbtby, ~BhIIIT~ ~elIi ten dir ey Wei 10 a littlel a tihe ily stt id the of the feu tii aud Dg Off at Cost!l At - CASUI~ Aie two cr epeiialaat a,î BROOWSO BadeLi Csemcf taaq reluludtyel 'oit poweaot the 'anada, Igenie.. k ; lb ý 1

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