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Whitby Chronicle, 11 Jun 1863, p. 4

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'EERt,1 te eCeuil' The1 n. hoc ta genel Miing, I y ilarton th,(bubon- aL by thre sun t wrrraL. 'owers is a rich farmor, do. ?' askvd thev strarger. won de.rit sglN. ld,'1 SCCI oSykncw why prefèeurce, one like rne* sU. u',irsiocenitly, 'I i iillirigLe siare my lot._ riieos as it ooay be-I do ith Von te tire %world's edi 'riently puttirOg hotu Oer a outsrec 1w.! Iands. Afid e set ipon lier fatte,' for rer, for butter, for vorsoe i, ,eing Osuore CI risttors- Wit)îit arrtr on thse ilas, and rappirîg aoitIcracking le a The Wrolow Stone, triidg- uni.! t1at led te Ellerton rspçcuInta ratheruneaily he ssoî1u4reaclr bar d.oti- rk. Florcr wasa arryir.g t fer Olsristrrrss pies to tho 1Elertin lil. pisce,' soliloqaized the es sire sut downoret rher- boulder on thse way-side, nk Nr. EHerton bas lino.! Lbis tifa3.- 1dcn't setc evhat ilrufftil nice. letraeu.liie my. llovdver, NfsPeck. I lady sheirsii, an.! uears .aps-sire layseh's comir' r wilihis Yeou îfe. It'a thir billesnetd J. ST04 ACRUINCTURE AF Isrihe pre7srione (or Dj-rsia& l aor Appt iirv. Agun r-r. CEUTIFICATE S. Fropm Proj~ srCrofrj (tJr CIsmiel AttYrie>) 111 berrby Certir>' ueo i exaeloed the recerltiu«i wvouldut e sTeui" aasc8onacbcs. 1lhae fe Irp cepscciiy exs5ined the PMqîa Tlurieure, am Mmo ipsaf,"Iiortmuilts,110delelilce Fep Dr. 1icLU«, Ifreste. Mr. tVrward CVrere, bvirir ft-irnabed mse -lh oh fosrrluscsObvniii thse rnssfaumrcefre5aomuncbl TurOen. i bave ne besailue se aaoiirç abatilawi aroe sarrefrrtTaninLi temarry caeg aof L>yppi are allier affleosofte bdigesti re erraiia EDWARU bLM DSFRM. D- .5R.. Fi Prexideneoof the e*rl Board, C. %W.l &c., kc Prom D. Bomdi. 2rxsé. 1 bave examritied Mr. ttrwaisl C)rke't Stouracbi Trecrirre. adciilriltta ira comppsed .fraccsirlzed ain mieful aegni. vr),beeutflly comne iirs oaooch- harmen ut eneicilsomayc&etoflulsired dtgn tie, 'and cerWally sirperior OLa thelororig slchollc bit tte rncommun use. JALMES BOM TiL~I . R. C. P.. Rrrg, Oecturer se listitsocs of.Nlediciee, T rtente- Preer Dr. soit, Toronto. ToaIriL. oRiçua: r-tlvrsgeen sbkcsllr,.yo amlee tIreprepeeore. Iobusrk jr welI adapord tir ti, purliuTse iaeiteinded.r <Sgei>JOUIN SCOTT, Ni. D., hl. R. C. S. Ragkan. Tgierll hes(mme Dr. Ifillowgy, Dr. Zkora lem, Dr. O'Dna, Dr. Es:, Dr. Lezwsie Dr. JIeo" suM eson Ath rIr cga z tembers or tire iriclca pmofouson. rparcd ciii>' iiy J. VV %wlLSox At the Depo. l'7 CoIborne Si, Tisteelo Asoal.! ysiRU te principial rorgiatni O Caia. PIRST PRIZE or brSEWING MACHINES il lis. - up the~ e more Lb.i 000veflj*flof the tavCtIlg pthlîîc. or s"s and! vobiloes cft ln cîrengitat tire Iloe twill Srtrperlv eae-d or,swelatitW tise arrivis cf utowuclg Or>'thers. ~a1p t orWest. (ce.! atalilng, ead 'n't stsrlui. Wliltby, Apnîl 27, 1861. JM FARM FOR SALE. T UEE ssîlif f lAti?, len tise l4tlr Con. Brook, ccrtnriritlg 150acres, 85 acres clcv,'., and! ln an geod Brte of c,,ltvatl<rn. Good Boildi vawel ittere.!, titîr ar] excellent %oun rohr(lbeini cillesfrens Csnning - tdh,and 2X iles fro6nit verton. Ter me ver>' libenal an.! cris>. Appi>', (if h>' ltter, pot-pai.!,) te, TIIOS. ?sIJCAIiY, -- o.rhue, C. W. Wcekly Oleùr côp>'1IDn six wvarsasait!Bsued accoutt'O anove sidrees. Talon, Shoemakers, Carrnage Bniflders, Dress Nakors, and Headla of Families Generally. Cail t WAIZZA.R & Co"%. F;ewlsrsrMach1ine- <OieS, Wbtby, aed see tise large assortonctit of Fairril>'and! Mantfactuiirg M'lt st aprmpent i.und et loirprie". JAMES H. GERRTE,' Agernt fer Conty Ontario. liercIr2s', 1862. il liphcd lnedu i'r Br" pukàdp4slmc, R ÇclctOf tbêsc College% 1a te lmlat te TFoungimon andI Ladies. tborcaogband pr&cil- cal instruction in Bcbok-'kccping, CoimmeWca 1ev, CommnercialArlthmetlo, pcarin'Bu- sineai Pcnm.nshlp, Corrcspondcoec. &o., sud te fit tbem for any departont of busginess tbey mav éoos. Sohiol"rlitps lstcd le Canada.ý wil1emaitle tbe st.usen o C omot~ce bis corle in sny Colleï ot tihe Chainand cibo vgene, lhoditlonal chairge. 'TheCoblifge la open Day and! EVoning.- JA1MSFE DAY, Resident Principal. COLLEGE TEIT BOOKS* Bryhnt & strattônna Cosemer cieil Law 550 octavO maea. Book- laeelng 216"Il ciel Ar- Alex. Murray, Esq., Arthu r 1R. UMUter, F.q., Thos. C. eefer, f' - E.. TRie Lewis, Esq., John MoDofald, Esq ..Honbis J-.. arneron, Adam Crookls, ES<h, 2Ssnot-;lune, Dchanae. FjqýM. P, . Adanonro w,, TOq., Irichard Jnsont Esq., ,àauoe For furtirer Informationl, pleeoel eat the Colgor send for catalogue and circuler, in. clsrgletter r-1teinp.Addrcss 1iRyMN'T, STRATT0N & DAY. TrorOoLo, Mnrcb, 1963. DOCTOR DAVIS% continues te-treat d ieea Of a Privaite NatileL Y OI ser ou"r, vrin wtOx5T- i D 6USt.<speda 'SA id; a0Ie e w B'L. Ie baus devnted yearrs to th. 'reai sientcf Ltse varions formas of the Venercal rllases, sand by bis pe- culler pr-ce-9 of hgaliegz, jas wOrt t ges arm subucdain fr t'O56îdayecne- by gfcondan> gsyispnil, prnlS4 mssoy phvaclaflS aa i ne-1bî5, enubce ffetUai- ly ourcdtsy bis lefillible ressedies. 1Patients ai e distance trertcd by lctter, aed Mnedicine sent tet '7 part of thi~e euft5ry on re- o;,Orâotm i5liIflg toe onsut tic Doctot ose do se sitlr thtoe atgtgerm0t, sas is office la so arrasge.! thaL iL liknp<rsslle for pi.!leeos to soeh o other. onlusa ly coinsent. Advcee tree wviben o4taincd et the offic-if by'niail, SI ]Dr. »avis' Feritale.qntJaly Pilla. A safe and rellablcirotrdY forSWpvcsSlofand Pemaeo Diseses. Frice, $1. Scnd t0 eny ad!- dre-s 'tfrcc, Noletteifl il beanavereci unlees tlscy coitainI ai'ettâiie or postage Ali>etters mest be'»d<ireasc4, pot-paiti,) &. Devis, M. 1>, Toronto, C. W.. sud ecotein * postage stase k5a arigeentrequire.. Office hours rom 8 a. M., to 9SP. Mi. Toronto, Minc B 815, lis". 121>' 11YK EASSURANE scoTTISH PRIOVINCIAL ASSURANCE CO~MPANY ESTABUBIEED 1825. incorporated by Act of Parlament. V. E. E.B KAE. OsaI&A, April 2, 1868. lî2m P MIONS rcqulrlngP ws ittinga lit st. W. p Androw's Ch.nrob, Whbltby, vii fpîcaso apply te .undecsgeed e MIt-T. H. MeMILLAN. ro. b JOHN KmTII, MON Treanurer. ,,ý Wib,&i...4l. l18U. 14 LADIES 1HEELED JUST EECEIVED AN P455ORTTENT of33 dietP3aKR- WITII1 ILELS FoR DANCING. AT BAIN'S. Wlrit-lby, Pcb. eth, 186L. 21n-4 40 GNTSPER,-GALLON!I GOOD ]ROCK OIL et thre above. pricoe t GEO. YULE, Ja. Io Barrels Frirat-Clasa Juat rocel...., Wholcarie sud Rettil, Chcsp et -- GRO. YULE'S whitby, Manoir 5, 1862. 8 MESSIS. CAMD & HAWKE, DUNDAS ST., W-HITBY. BM E to iem tihe inhabitata f this Town oan sundiug conry, that thcy hâve cotered Into co-.psrteailp lenLthe Dental Pro. fession, and vili be hrappy to attend te ail or ders entrUstcdto their care. Rabiser Buae. Teeth 1111e. or extrae nth eLe beat possible- mi en e'r . W. E. CARI. G. W. IIAWKE.ý F ££ING that ny busiesraeqeire thse eaaistaero f another, 1 have procure.! it In thse per o f Mr. Hawke, vIrose 1tek. picranure lin letrudncieg te the many friends whosbave hltberts givensmc tiseir support. Mn..Ilawke cornet wel 1 recuomender!, àsud his ha. aus ex- rr noe cf oven seven Yom kljethe profession nthe City cf Toronto, aseaurroontg oune- try' Wth theeka for pat lavor%, and- e wixi for thse conitlnuanueacf tIree sae le timo te comne, 1 beg te rerain.l Yonra obediputiv. - W. 1É. CARI). Whitby, Pcb. 25, 1808, 8 Capital One Million.Sterling. N EYH I uoLvsted ini Canada $400,000. NGRE AT MT CANADA: hoe Store etthe UEA1) OFFICE --MONTREAL. reit'r an.! et ail A. Davidsoa Parker, SecfflaiT. a T>AT OF' pREM]Ubi v.er>' uipderaean.! wl ifl bear favorable eempasnOlitIrtith etsr~l vanities:-adoptd e.>other cempla lus i, rada. LCen- ditioins and! RegubltionauSfioOllv 1Uberai.- Asunanota affete.! aed!otirnbnkltrcstrans- I MIrS EOVE» TO FOED'& OU $TAND, M, BROCK STREET, WHITBY.~ AS on band, andi eonstaoitly imnfaturing Cutters, Steiglîs,'BUggies, !e..&o., of the Jatcst style, and most approved pattern, frormthe be t-onsterl- ais, and ehoicest workonen; audaiaopes byP strict attention to business to menit a share of public patronage. <Oj.. few good second baud Cutters on hand. SPRJNG, GOODIS, SP11NG GOOD)SO HATS9 Bo NNETS, FLJOWERS. -RIBBOINS, SIiAWýLS AND) CAPES, avëe nicie lot of 0 f ail shades and qualities. Hrices- lowv to suit the imes. Ox3'-Please give acai -JAS. MCCLUNG & Wilkinsons Block, Broek Street, Whithy, Aprili 1863. CO. ýSools! Suds!. Prime Olover & Timothy Seed V IIOLESALE & RETAIL- ALL KINDS 0F IMPQRTED %rîth 1,0adieswlrur vcetilre eout ini lig kleop aot tire wel bris pros.Odi B00 i T. rît nlusosuily 1,cw Tire vonk la prit owii sterirriernle Ose liigzl'Iyreentre A eftrl will 4e>11 %eliro Llrey cr00 li CA! Seedsman, No.- 4, Lain~g's Buildingrs. E1 PER EX». STEAMER NORITHI AHELIUAN," ANOTIIER LOT OP EligishBlacli Tca,5 RECEIVED B'13Yt~, PFAEIY GROCE. WHTITBY, April 8, 1863. 13 ruS.i T YEiglt q 1 t., sec. sec THE UNIVERSAL i I j52 CAL Ia ý Il l LI 1 JUI - 1 ý

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