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Whitby Chronicle, 25 Jun 1863, p. 3

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wuauocl.sted vith Mr. pecillottinisioii@r for oustam Houuées, bas héén e of Canal Commission- uaig, depoiéd.*"9 tgovmrment, if the13 rpeoféaions, would bave bta t réduction cf ex. ,artmentat reform la con- 1Ca",. Mr. Brunél'saup. udispénoed wvuswbere s mo.d. TLe daties of ail ccamissioti aie of ýt the work mtght be on-~ A car principal CUStcM~ triment to the service or lectar an whose sbaald. t. fuîlt." n at Moatreal on Friduy ddiers af thé l6th Regi. Lo a party who vere ut t. len's Islad, leit un théy vere bétweea it and adjacent, kaown au )oui vus euught by thse here rani arongy-and et. Tvmý aortemec, nd Mackwéell, ware drowa- t Lold oi thé bout und ýb it ta Longueuil - thé d by au artillerytnan on tLe accident sud put off EMrxitr.-The followlng, as ,hort and curious suni- .al empire of Oiýeat Bel-ý unies of Greuit Ijit:#in ethet0 8,359,000 )Square or theé managemnlt 28, iu, or just about a pauna ave usggregate revenue andt ove amaong themn just tu-o yars a nd a haïr, MiPOrtgoods Io the amc- ý00 eary -lalffrorniour- Ironi althe mttoaithe rpart produce to the value ut which tbree-flfths conte 1 and ail thiIs l done by s ,h in t..,Aa.ê iOn <0<i tii< le o £71, Irat aitite ftidrth of siir mider probable, n ictotfa A. m Jarrived t iily, reporta t he,«4g been. boarded on May Sth, latitude ta 4 nortb,, longltude 30 wst, by a bout. froitn te Contberate steamer i0l WBra'e at and Wiàeu t. t&ke puaeogee, bût decliued. TW i Gqorgl&"la anronsurv teaerpi brigllggd1 anid corresponds w tb hee Dleavy arItvalê of Cotan at Liverpool, oc lncluding uearly 800 bales frein N4asa,T by the steamer IlRm lwhich waa s cbased and boaxded by the gunbout IlHo-.h ga," but alloved ta proeeed after exumi. nation. It ia tated that te IlMiriâm" Lad on bourd a beuarer of desputchea from Richmnond to the Confederate agents in Europe. g The question of thé legalty of couyey-,a ing neutre] vesae, ithont infringing bel. ligerent rightas iepected to, be debated itk the Hanse of Lords-onà the',25th, upun a Motion for a copy of the intructiona that t bave Leen given ta British uipa in theé Weut ladies on theé àbject. Thé Alexaudria cae, lu fixd for Jane f 22nd. The Attorney Géneral and Solî. citar Ã"eneral apper for the cra, u Md1, Sir Uugh Cairns for the defeace. The Ruuiua veply to the Âmeritan d»spuýcb on Poland eXpreaue the Czar'# sentimuents af affection and gratitude at the attittidi of the FederaI Goverament nader thée grave circums tances in wlich Rui i plicad1 Earl, Russel, ia the lianse ~of Lords explaineti the lutest, diplomatie iiction ré. garding Poland. %isiu buving pointed out thut the tbree Powers Lad no suggeu- tion t malte. Englad and Frane Lad de- cideti upon makitir suitable - suggestions, and were only awata uti' cquies cénce thereto. lie believéd an armistice mut be the - Sirst step ta negotiationu.1 B-ogland being a pirty to, thé treaty af Vienueninut propose terma in accordancé wtbthtut reaty. Official returna relatiîng ta diatresa la the manufucturing diatricts, show a.g decrease. Thé civic hull, in London, ta the Prince and Princnsa ai Wales, wus moat brillant apd oucceuaÇul. France uends istraag réinfortements ta México, 10,-00 men and large quntities, af war material forthwitI. The bourse in beav y ut 69.30, TheI Prnssian Municipal Caunicils Lave been warned ugainut political diacasioas und petitjous to thé King. The acceptane of thé (.reelc Crown by Prince William Gleorge af Deamark, bas heen formally coauummated ut Copeaha. bua. Engagements ia Palund continue active ba vti na perceptible resuits. tion, jet, aveu sbe vasu noer, ia trutit, the abipluté"IlMistresa of tho Vorld." Yét Lbere ia a aprolés cf Universal em- pirê i ~blbau beau attained. It la inj empire tot ove tbe toultsud bodies 0o1 aunlcindt but ôver their diseaéu. The unî'At 18 Doctor Hiollovay, of London; il léasi, weea tugbt to believe that ho tas don. no. by voeera <rom &al parts of hé dbhristianuad Leathen vorld, vbich leeinS tu hé irrefuitable, and which, ln fact, 10 u. we ltTow "bave noeai- Watt ballén- ged. Ais Pis gand Cliament are "auj. verual retse-e~t' in a kouble menue. They ara diuéaainatad throaghaut the hbbItablé 910oe and they are (su 14tcrowda of vit. teesa ast ires) auivrsalyuoas l la1 tiis cotntry ik lu quita certain that the Pilla ai-e uuéd vith théelmore beueficial eflrect ie disi"q of tLPeutotnach, liveri and bovels, and , ht sororula. aand aIl thie fasnily aofaijiptivP diqeues &nd ditcharin #ares, givé ;'Wty ta thé healng operutian of the Olimtîent. Suely 911 nuto!aI niveraal éem- pires la thut wlhicb atretche its bealing sceptre ove malaies or MI ailutlota1- ".aypBoo.!, WHITBY KAIXBT8. Jmo~e u n e 24 1gs. c There are a feu- loads of lVLeat ofler. ing duily. 'Pull 85 ta 92c. Spring175 ta 18c. O cataarce ù tti 50. lPeau -none. Uuay lu freely OfFered, $91f> $10 per tan. Wool is in remurkable ,npply ta daY -a -16c 'ha tecline in price -muy check de. liverieil. The, quantity, aold ta date is nat o large aslat Besson, there being a con. uiderablc falllng off.- MÂl1RlED. BODE-ViRRIL-At, Whitbj, un 28rd, by the Rev. J. T. Byrne. George Biie, t a rriet Verril, both of W bitby. NEW ADVERTISEXENTS. No.!, Whitby gifle Company. T ilIS Compuny. In their nev Uniform, vill Ite Pnhlicly îngected on FRIDAY lEVi, (tn-tuorruw,) ut 7X o 'clocik, b JMnt. Ooloitel Duniiile, on the. uîaret-greuna t the Tt.wn INNE'811 , ATHERL1IYo .,,STEEL, Proprietor. G- aOD net-otntnôdtiott for travallere Tîtig Lxbt.t114 helittituflly $il wted on the i,,wr- giu oif LteKmoneur the Nerrowaimbriige eoiuultu,ýtg il..plondid view of the Lakre undl eqiirretuiidiizp!ctiiret4ue ecenéry. Exi-artion- 1uit-,a, e >.!ui heprvîiid willi olti biuf. JAMEC GounoIr BKXNrr SCEra rua sud tiiiîg tieklt!. c andth tIL1iug sang tri LtatL.Twa~rtitée uy ug th IeraW blite tii sainrrau-a l4of tué bot <lacriltioli. 24 published a ltte tramMrs. hele-n Kitu- Taveru Stand for Sale, bll, vidow of thé late CllMm ait n N fttc Villagie nI Attieriîy, noe thé Narroau vhlch, vith a ingulur ditegurd for t e ni 1Latté Binette, a gond toti, liqumo vitti lnemtory ai ber déceused Luthund, se a-lroaeahîdtoat re ee oflanat. WétClut4 miag. rid.Appiy ta piairéd that uit is property, and panera, J. TItIL1, aven his prit'ate létters ta, ber, togéther Ou thé tî-réntieret. with cheaibed houéhold reliluka, ere in 24 Ahri .O thé pouéssioti ai a dissoluta voman, from j W'.NTEDI vhom tLs oould nat jireure tisent She m ~nîîii.(aok, tiioranirli Servant. further sataidthat thia persn an ueamie f A. ga to fît ai htieoperso. thé patronap one.protection ofa M1r. t AJppiy t thé Moore, agent nliih. Central Railroud." 24-t' Office ai ttis paper. Thé gftleita e.thre reierred ta is M. Dissolution Of Pa&tner&hiP.' John H. lteare, thé Générai Agent t New Yor of t- e a iew Y fa, ork fili-iRailwav. iS11 ,rieyhtbrtfe éltrehtéi Itis per Iy noeucéss utestaté th utl ifty his réputation la wholi) [royal seved. lie ltisovàtne Otites, amr tht o ir o ue taai noir'ui s wLd-l t àalus" ta k -de tîve vbich coui bave1 lion of uc groa alibél - s Au on as thé Wlater culleai Upa JAS. MeULUNt4 & Co. -At Reduced Pricesfroin tbis date. At JAS. MCU~£ o At JAS. McCLUNG& Co. Wilkidoon' Block, Br ock Streeti Whîtby, June,,J.863. tOfÉ" ta ou0 ,a.ua= us ecity ut inca tlta'lebtvesuaund MyUlyîfu Li.deautéestes of Interést. ': Mary Ara ,Bravan, other*e 1,Paitiftk, hi' W. il. BILLIN ,iatas i ecraset; andti tafter thts date 1 vili 12 - Slett 0, 0. tnthéreupanuble or e ay det vhich the uaîl arAn nycalitrt itl MO THE 0380 HOUE, ~ 'isIhy, aleyI Me.. I8Q 21w. (Lrrz scawrsl yliztRéYx,> OÙUNDÀO STifÊTI WIIITB;É, c. W. GEORGE ROUSON, Proprlétor. T l*dtebobai dbig torniéil kuown a% refuenisthedti ite up theaiighi'tt, la thé béat aofttyle. The premise% are iouslantli it- tiateti, oppnsIté tht rout 011ee, tsnd tanthé eau- tre ni the Totra. The latleay 4i)maibn% catipt tthe Ratai anti (lIe gtsges for Uxlirgéand IkBereton Ifev the tirrat Bcaatg oard SI pei dur.- WhitiýY4 may, leu1. 2 "]o IOtthé pfeIéteofthemunlaurtbér, o4u £-'rhnudal', thé 141h May, A. Tbrol-e'ye.rld Colti Ahoat 15 htoia h*igis, lgit bav éciar, bluetr moendnitaI. Na marieu. A nv peraon eietannt hlm to the traderaipn- éd, wa&tt bé tib-.tWraiimwrdeantisune anlàt Zwhoae Iooia a y 1"m 'hfohnai, after bétlig advMf thIu naticé,Irli hé proaeotted abt -*IiGnERo t'à lx*. Lot 26, Sth on.Wtt 21P. O. Ashnrn1. C>'A. Gold 'Watch aid Chain. The ,thl capd éttl jenélk, lafl hanala, teél tttaîlia,aaImalter, ltobtnaaa- ivrol. 1h,. huta vus a héévyAlbhet Glid Chuta. Thé aboyé roraritiwIl leo pndta n ot ne nrtutrailg lté us"me.,ne for icadi hinfrmntinon , alîuîl m loutitahédluoovary of, suid eanviotion hlttsof. Apply*eOtluaI Whitny say, 1.68. - 2 T anst atalr1, Abt hé jar Titrée afflm ,aà ofBd thé premtuou caornesA OtPfee0 vwheré balsx prepureto tikte i arjA~. &c, ana f1127 uInpl oaiata the upitols;teyfillePl md ta.j Wbtby, MurehS 04 158, TO IETo A orAEttutd a&lttis north -cf thé an. Apply te ONDKUIG u~ Wiltitty ,utaé S,1(os. 2 1 The Confessions & Experienôs AN INVALIO. I'atiheti for the Iééiatts a a n A CAU7701VN 7V YOUNG MEYV Who attfer frons NeevoutDéhititty, 'eintitte Déoct Manhooti, etc.. *uttpplyinigAut hg ,amo< t'ie, TiTM MIÂ]tg"0F'SELF, CURe lly one vho hua cored hiliséeli after tiet ep ut ta greast aupena ad tujcery tîtrou nugléia hubu ati qcacireey. Prepaying poatoge, %u le lécopies taay hé hati cf thse uthtte. NÂTRA?4IFL MTA T1kfoilawring suirnts! ,ia-A <(ra Mae aboti 3Yéites aid, vultisa vi tteinfot, th',t oter hitifoot partwhite, with ra white sspot oaa lier rorehlcs, lu tiporund atiutLt No. 20j lan te fnd Uo.ai thé Towtahlp tof lioker- iag, ant i viiithere ho' aola by Pib ie Aune tien, on thée 20th da. uly, 1"-$,8Suthe iLs Lot31 o'oIock P. ii., i nt KSloer elit 1)ated t l'ickerln titis lSth duy of Jane, 1858. SIIItRWOOI) PALMER, 23 Founti-ieepér. TH{E GRÈA2ýAMJ3ASSI3DOR 0OF HBALT.I TO ÂlL jKNX2IiND. A CHOICE LOT 0 F iFRESII AR] M neýge a u In De1laines, Cobourgg1 ChaIIiés, Tissues and Muslins. Per cent 1ess than they can ho had elsewh ore-in ýTawif,: 2000 yards Striped Shittings1' , 1000 yards Tickingsi flOO yards Denixni' g,. 400 yards Gambro'oes, -: Ie 3000 yards best Prits, VPptA r.t.qLO Ia.,ka. Ait f wkh Ws prchaed YIn thi the great advance in Cotton~, and will be 8olki at least 25 per cent cheaper thanprp"nt pHëies for Cash. bc --- --- - - Brook Street. WANTED-200 Firkins good Butter. Tee andI *WAREIIOUSE, No@ 4, Laig's Buildings Per Ex. Steinuship Jntra, a lot of Young Hyson & Black Teas. Choice Young [lyson, 4s. per lb. (Jhoice -Blaeck Teas, 4s. anid 5s. per lb. [Lute of Hatttlltoïs & Roberts,] 1laniily Grocer, Wine and Spirit Merchant, Whitby. lune 17, 1861e* ..23 LàTB DUOVAlqi WALZ.r &00 -GOLD .ANV,0.9LVERý Lijlléî anal ttUGold Euglio!sWPlatéd (40L1 (YU extra qoilit AU imin nand i Bleui r Jalso mntitliet-boim vow ad - Bromstet & Biewers' Ti tihan heretotore ehsrgoti. JiMES JO1INSTO14, Wittchftltker und Jeva - Brook Street, V May 24I,18e8. re- lus KEOV)E gU'A few good second hand Cutters on bond. 'lût A onttage, en,irood puis gurdeta. A; Or ta tii IL McXILLAX 1 Tonextlr. 1

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