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Whitby Chronicle, 25 Jun 1863, p. 4

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uguegsaof the ýtand by thoir sw the Ceufed- ti uccasa 15 Dopa being mc. the atrengtb lrnent of thei dop. with all umoîr native viger. 'lho Ito coreIS cantuiet le deubtful. ' ie force which Gem. Granmt le ncw 'ing S.-aiim. tis ~Place le cýtiin4ted ua, sudrédid-Iteentyfive thesntl.': ng in view the vast extent cf eut lUne ifonces, and the prcbubility tht non Ift viii be mftde ftlonc iN te w hngth e an SAfnen, we con eîîsilv compre. tit he %Will need overy uai cf theiu. 'Ssi PitE'ÂtîiNu olt EtuescÂN \IV.ti ie Emperor Alexander, as well as the d Duke Coustautine, belevea thut Rus- ill probably ho involed lu a Etirpeîîu anid gremit and hcrrid prepuatiens fer bqing mode, The recruitmeiit whjcl, pice ut theocpbniug cf tliea year yield. ûut 100,080 me, and ou erder lus iunedid Ivately, and without as8er- a the pilper-for repetition of the ire abeut the begiuuuîag ef J,ýme.. On the Czar prevlcusly, had a force of a. 00,000, really a beut 560ff0001 >au that, g the reoruita Di the îwc levies Ibis he -would have lu the courst cf rwe s sforce of 760, 000 treopa. '-Deduct- om thiuatotal 100,000 tuen for .s.be lcm f~paland Anauier 100,000 8ao. in th1e Coimeains, 50, 000 fer Lithuania e Poiuah provinces, 14,000 for Fin. 20,000 fer Siberla, rodd 15, 000 for the l' arma>, teg-ether with the large num- equlred te garrisen the principla, fort.. and to preserve the peace in Muga- t iawstiaetaLt tuusia wcnld have nsabIe force cf about. 200,000 men- ut a foreigu luovoion. :scky Wotnau's Loyauty. et (Ky.) correspoudent et& the 701nîmmerial toila the following )YUl Kentucky wcman t innu the rebel ivernice, wlmo 1 à lady' love ncl mon>'miles' et> nas Lieapprocbed lihe Cn. leoked cut lu the direction of tLe one wISQ hai beau ithe end felt the> old fiaine rcîaewed, id te %Irite hoer o ltter, au Le ycre, and, if possible, have it eut linos. 11e occcrdingiy hoe fuinesa of his eart, Blisting gatheued bis preperîy together facteryeape, and is feel. lier had imt ehomsied, 116t. lime choîm5es choî had tlken -country, ansd aaking for a eir correspondence. But tihe ly gmuld net ses itinutisai e repied : 5You have oee et uadI a.uot >t. Thoesprinici- «calestie te each allier. A gpendonce ou the aubject is un- COUJNTY 0F ONTARIO# No. ~ m~>........818 5,M.rbse.......... . i9 .' . .U.bridg... . . . . 4< U, ( TImisî .u............J y i, ' . .tvrtî ............i 2 " Z. BJJRglIAM, WlibAprit 1421î. '8631. 14 CORKERIS CELEURATED ST OMACIIIC TINCTITRE li1% lI lipremîrmi ftor Dy"pepWa.Lou irtripp tlF 'eaknes of u cI Scai, teiîeral Di lit>', A"ie &c- CERTIPICATES. roProjeusarCrefa, (seitACheosIo* Âneysis.) "1 iereimy cemfry lia, 1 emmoîaed tie recelpt 4 use b' Mr. iitlwirdCiàer,,u minakiïghla.Tmemir e ie n 9 rrtIelsame au cf. mrfemrlyh rmlsa cimmter, air *luPi aa C reiraid Sleuartices, i haru i urmr cieel&e» ll&y esîûmtleeth ie pr5pare Tîiîrwre, adi eu tfy "it nt fi eais aumdeeeriaue sutaaice wilalever.n (tlîgled) IiÈJRY GROFT, Puî'fCoeaôref Cheaistry, U. e PoDr. Éadr.lino. . 1 Mr. d71 Corxer býýAr 1a11011me wm ii t Imnd ie r imi he is ueothWi)tnaehi ITitl(îrre. I bave e nqhcoitullu;msling liai il wl poi-re a m mun',îîrWti îfrase, cff »yspepaaa, t! cliaeraf.mirclweusfr-time digtovîire cigais. uDWAItD m. H DE Tr . 1>.. F njeF I hae exaiied tIr. Edwaed Cuelu4d oSioiinb Tiarmtre, antuaiidl Ioi hicouiovgiaersecamfed as iae ýiol g,îîs, ver>' bea 1ifully rombilid. il* s not 'nam tioîi. ai11 cenailiy supe:uer I&the amrog alooholue ter# iarommu us. JAME ui~.r~tD_». U R. C. P.. Boa.. Leurer oci Intniîme, îîtMedicine, Tereimmo. Plrimiti. Dr.Scuboàte.. l imehepreaiibon Ii< iblhweL nie tth purpuse iielsld. i JINSCOTT, NM D. 31ged O . iR. C. S. I1iglacd 'togetmerwimim clhmrfrein Dr. Holoor D,. her tors, Dr.('Dt Dr. King, Dr. Lzr, Dr. Romeeil am ian ioclim te rt,,ltI liner, cs f tlime aciical WANX ER & fýO1 FIRST PRIZE SEWNG ACHINES WANZEli'S8COMINÇTION & PrmtmSetlomg Machines -o- rIlEONLI' PMU'E woifor Pamily> $ crîi lilio Imv ieJ,îreig t ie Qn&al~atIô 12ht pruflie govern h T HFsttubscriberhas fittcd pp the obove -011 kiiown premis<e with thov,ê e cf' ûhIsi the en veiljonc(,<of the t ravell i nizpt ic. unIr. iis and vo1solcm Ieft in ehar«at the iIotel wl' Ib prope$r*toue fo'r, awaîtiug tho arlilivale io1 the ewn41nhy th e Curs EoiLe or Wogt, Gocti St~lln, bd~oreulJ AMES PRINGLE.6i %Vliiby, April 27, 1863. 1?ARM FOR SALE. ]OC nees, 815 ocr.e cernd, anin 1 Dai iw'mcwell waternd, svth oun eellent ton, ind 21< mUe4 frnilcovorton. Teing e * vrliherii ni md eay. Apvpli,(if by letter, l'ont-Iairl,) te WeekIlv 6o15e coý for six weelrs, sud isend. accout inteafove aB res 44-- Tailors, Shoemakers, Carrnage fluilders, Dross Makers,- and Heads of Familios : Generally. 1ei nt NANZAlý * &-'s.Oew*rR Mmelilme <Sfllee, '<V itb ' . a091 ,ýtit large itasortint cf Famil>' sud M~NIF-%fatlritig Wl iatstmprovenmrnits8.1(1nt low piC5. Agent for Cdlnýy fJetaric, 2er~ ý28,16. T TIF LAXGiP,4T STOCK ANI) QREATVST 1a hoi 1500n t th;leStore 0 IIë EAD. "Vrylt>yo aidquauli$d lt> A lar ,i, aie ~e ~ AT The. Toronto (Colegé, C. W. & CO'8. Chaof cmmriaoll1eeesm, eMoItn. l e ot ofthe ocli!gea Is te impartt r-nnl Me ndLdis tboroegbmi1prâcti-j oliittroct cl uBck.epfhiiim J..'., Commercial Arithoietie, Spencorlan Bo- sine" Pemnau"ip, Correqpendlenco. <&o., anrd te ftlxem for ny depiartsuoulof businest% le. * xmw eonp so. 8ol«lotlîî eýRia In lultuasdL *Ri i mlethe «stidenlt 10 cComplote bis 0<1110. in Any cellege e the .ehanlu, ana îd vea,- witb uit ld1Uol hage.- , The Collego le COULEGE TEXT BOOJCS. kespîgi r216" <liAr- ilibretie. 12A 1 l Aiex%. Mîltrritv, F(. 'A tti R. htelamer, Filktq, Thosý . C. eefbr , C. E., Rîce Lcwis, Esq., jAhn Mo1looît, ýEsq_ 1Ileuble .1 I. Camera,,,, Arain qCrookmE , V_- Trte)-I-i i lillati. nqM. P. P., Ac'1M im rc,,'fl, Eeg., ichlgrd Jw0ýou, Eeg., B.Mt-niin For forther ipfornnafJen, pieasse oeil at thie C<leq r ivend fur eataleo Ildai iirelar, lI- BRelîm I r , STRhlTrON & 1DAY. DOTOR DAVISI 0faPrivate Nature te DomU i=rmt, WlTll '1, I AIAU d QSs ersr qf Ray. andZ AddaîideSte,fevp sitirs.) ,kntroeeson .dai i Ife bas la ti. yset te rcatit oflt1w 2,evariçmîs 4 forms of thie veeefllos ieee.sd bv bis pe. cohoar prrersa cf lhealniz, iîle wor sl igOs art ailb h dli i lf'royn B'tt aye. fl yjndr yîptnîns, prioU11iît1 y matiy pllytillinnss i1clmrx1eatb êfetol Pgtienti i adttî trvrtpilby letter, andd mtiruet n 5V .trftltmelllitry on re- Pro'ilîtn to eîmm1ir t e DmtrC.1 seM rogr thîlt it'i ipîsfo fr pitelîts te sc ealch 1er, uu111lmseb 'Y oousnt Advic tree when c4'tiinedalit thebc tce-if bynmii1, S Ur. DaVis' Femmlsx !cMînhlY Fait,. Female Piseaseq. -<rito, 511. scull commy ad drsa î'orel frro. Nu luV Oms9111 ha snmveroti ntilegs the>' entaiti a renaitttiice, or poi.tage ,Allettetsinu>t leadrho ol pitpb. 4» Davis, ML . .,Toronto, C. W.,. md cemmin apQbtpsre stalmmp ifunai miwer t, requiired. lifceoimîiril 8 a»b loS10in. iriimti, Mb l ia'It18f;3. » ly 1X EA SSUR AN SCOTTIfuif PROVINCIAL ASSURANCE CO£UPANY- ESTABUISfED 1825. Jdwat Âprh 2,'1863.-S 1ÉOTICE! AU85regiureiWiBty,7a iii fit apply te the Ulidlermigned tbwIpas T. Il. MeMILLAN. 7 Secretary, JOHIN KFETTI, - Tremarer, ýJTST RECEIVED AN 48MORTTENT fLdisBlack WITI~I TEESIS ýFor.1DANCING, 01 It l lu il 'J Ji - u I IIJLuJ-ki Vi Which 'will be found unumally large and Weil assorted,. and whi they aredeteri1ned to- sel at a small a&Vancé -on'the sterling fi Cash, conisting in the lateat tyIes in Silk,,1>op1iD,,Chenie6 !areg, i'DlaWne ând larothea DEresses,, Shawls, Manties,'trwBin and Hats, Ribbans, iParasols, Hosiery and 'Gloves, E'actôry Cà. toqsý: Tjiikings; Denims, Striped Shirtings, Çar'petýq,.Daia Wîrîdow Nets, M aslins, <Cotton Warp, &c. ,Will be founri a large assomtment of. Broad C'loths, silk-unixE iJainsTweeds, Fane y Yestiimgs, Cotton Drills, Shirts,, Çollar Ties, IBatà, Braces, and IJnder.Clotliing, &c. - NI bAIN ' They would direct SPepial attention t te- lrg tO wiîithy, ?eh. lthb 1$63. . 2j4 -DDY MA 1)E (C L-O T 'Il1 N GP 40 CE.NTS FER GALLON! Being made up on- the premises, the fit anîd workmanishi -can bc G OOD RO,(YK-I~ Lu denedToR. DEPARTMENT, aý uS ufal, is under the superiutend- at the abovo priec at oneohafjtdasOtead gentlemen favoring us with their CEO. YÙLE, JRi. orders, ifay rely on having b r gaîîentq made up on the Iatest 10BresFîs-la style of fhshion. A fresh stock of G7LOCERIES just receîved. ~ ~~I8~< Wanted-5OO firkins-Farmers' packcd Butter, suitable iur the Jusl roeiaed, Wbrlearle and Ramii, Clmep At Liverpool akt Wliitisy; Mareb 5, 1.se2. - 8 MESSRS, CA1UD & HÂWKE, I>ENTKSTJ4, DUNOAS ýST., 'WHITBY. BFY i«t lai lritu iuinbuitt ot iis Townm oiýmt aroqiiitig couftre, thaithe>' bave euteréd lt tubcr-prtuerstaipb in h ete] iliPro- feoslon, sud wl il ho bmppy te attend te ail oir dors entrmasto<t t ilîrr cre. Xîcthi insîrted psql< ivîirý,V.laued habiter BRtse. Terth bSio r exîriectoî in thbé ast possible. msilietr, Paticmlr einlî ti ttttirgmaine CIitîdren'ia Teý-tii. AiU wurk wa rtîîteiî. -W. 1 JIL ;%t. f.W [W iEELÎN(e thal m 'ensinîi, o iroîl theo 1 haucbrI ove 1proceured i11il tii pereou rf Mr. lewlce, wlirnn 1totke pÇessuro br lotlrcaling le tht.mioa i Iludm w îc haro Iiiiertiiiven nme choir support. Mr, Jlawke cues ive Wll rcîcmnmmemdetl, Attîl11:1A bld au ax. periomice cf o vmen ycarx lii tiemîrcfesiol iii ilie Ciiv cf orootti, aîmd rurreiîîd le..'coun- try. Witt, tl.îilks lfer pteo *vir, mîr owiîlî for the coiffthuner oftthet saite iii Lime lu Commle, ihi.' tii romnaini, (hthfe JWhitby, NMay 19,1.863.ý R. & J. CAMPBELL. Perry'e Brick Bildiugs.' w1LLUGIVE SIbls. ut B»utter! dehiverecl at Iiis Store, ~DRY viitnte II oli lifgli lmuetc, wL keep out th~e w.et, sur rttiii, blaw preî ide I tile c'ily s'fi et hi.e5À3ete-liiie Emt, 1 lîi,41mencn t, be ôlat.'cs t esmo Shbet yet cpeîicd !IWh i , Ladies', Mens', bpi lîbil WIÎLTL SIIEEP S MIEDWCAL1 FFICE - MN1EL %vîdmoit ParIc¶r, Secrelary. !J { Wbitlay, Âuti YÂN, Ti 0 Whllby. R e enta, l ki adk et w fLa The reiedmy 444 and cattle sul . D. efumios f tl GAIÎADA iithvebe - ý artifled tl eculs, saad ou l.Ohawa. qaiyet best styie Ta A. Krccwm 47, Pickoeriug, «lu juice public, 1i iix &O <O.osehraitod('G __verelv t;¶sLdè JAMES il. GEB Ageut- THE UNIVERSAL 1

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