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Whitby Chronicle, 2 Jul 1863, p. 1

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t J andl )LVIIL S DOW, Manager. Yonug Street, Torcxmitq. MTRrNEYS AT LAW, iltty Couil Otarlo- flnt" nt i'#L . flAN, ATTORNEY-ÂT-tÂW. IJ. A.RAbMP8oIi. 41, 28 ILA~ll MASTflR rXTRA- cainmer, n Chaneery fl'r Brock-at., Whltby. _47 REN A! NE ýNTY CRLfWN ATTOR A temoiveti to tlh rnonîs '% SLorut,Nlemr. 4c'hcr- 'k-St. 10. 40 J. WiLSONq. !roPiLEY AT LÀWr, fr'. ike. WltiLby, C. W. C. KELLER, L&W, SOLICTOR I1i ve ' van le. .Oflc-in nri the cârootkf oto., '111 til, villaze cf Boaver- lori, mudculity cf On- 401 reluebll,mc.- Iling, Du-icdm 42 WOOD, 1,léITOR IN iCouvoyancor. Victoria hloek. ýk et-i.- VAlU & PICTRON9 Do int.] Rootmu, iIv.oty po lte LthePott OIlo.-F.nL u(8 nos Bîtuco SLre., third door north of the Olitarto Blank. 47 W. .TE E . erRACHR of thi:?PUNCII LANGUAGE, 1<uOo pjýired on the continent-or Europe,) wlIl %,lait Wh Itby on Mondayx and Thnrxgday.t. for the, ptlrposeo f gvir.g lntruton ii lu aiabovc M-For terms upply ntt Liii Office, or at the. %lcysI BotA!. 18 GLOBE ILOTEL. fc'îid ,on holi romly W sttenîd poruonaily t, tii, W&iitn of blii.gtîe;tf,&o The protîluxus litu liconc oientuly andi çcxufoyrLbl%?' ittraIup; puint6il, Urxperod, &ct. 'wIth istrri'u cf uoft water toý'wmue, nti eûVery fiioeemimprc'tment to uiak. Lthe Travoflr % home dnrtng Ili% .toy, sud teTaba bontiM.i 3lt Bxlpli¶ci4t al tiue. Niotice tu Yamers an& Othors Utq 'tors 1lerand Rtai, Moron'B F&unl- IV prmof, y gualon or bal'ar; Mci itîlhLtI'm 1 onovt, îl. 4d-.: llimplev'a Excta B.ctifiucx W'i1=7v'BI 0-tt.; bc.L port. Sherry sud calxokBrndv for the. suk, wlth sx'iit of Lt c, rniflitarm of lthe .et bratidm. At entive Uxtlerm,, and forin, te Ritre. . 1ALEXANDER. Brookldn, Ibm .27i, 1868. 4 -DROOKLIS MEDICA]6 HALL, .1 I)SWES, ýllU(4G1ST & potheear, &c.&c.. Brookc- poundod. -)rxgi, (Jus and Modiines of'everv] tirarinhot.46-t! A DAVI» BiL4iGPs, UCINEboas tc imform Lb. ieinhabi- A tuî1tti'of Onthriôlo aod Pon n Couitie%, thàt liu Is prepiircti te attend tiAIFKS in amny p#rt cf thmomé c-c<ilteie Al irde" ilofe thua rouidesc, on Lt No. 84, an the 5th oneiei cf Durinetcrt, 'it! b.pumitnair ttendeti te. flmnliutot,?4u umer 1l. 48 IALF-WJAY flOUSE, -J fer to I. 1.Cimk.huilv ttacea te the Nort.liilsix,. Whttby, anîd 4alxaws. 24 S TA G 9IOUSF~ ISAAC FENTONl - Propriotor. B MT Wlites alîd Iltort,*utperlioiuicomt B mo>daiic,î f or tauqri g» tabling illd attentive linitter. 16 ALB tON iio TEL. it T [t vTttml'T mvT. JAMNES BLACK, 16 Propritor, Irt-ud part (of theTowmn, on tic frontroad. G00-1 umconrnciýlatiî on fer traveflers. çGcod UR &bhma lud ttenitive ostiors. 22 VICTORIA ROTEL. COMMERCIAL, HOTEL9 JAM~ES téZodNuli pr*rie.bv* 0OMMEIIOIAL TEAVELLURS '.411 Iud li uYpvnlelneoiopjrntBL is botl, u theyý mi Iflu fom te gbter Buok kept xas the &xr the routeou haken by their predeemxomi. Tii. propmtor tAkea tiii. o<c@ilon tet thauk i; itimnou* xpatrous andi triesidg forte liber. a pmtronsg bemed on him gilce thie coun- tneîxemfletiof h Wblmnemxlu Whltby. Good Stlugt and Attentive Ol esilél Wlîitby, Jan. 1tg". 1 tf uUSSEL1UJJI'S IHIFEL.ç QUEBEC. tlieirfrlendm and paatrons., thst hey have the- rougbily renovat osýretablilqhmnt dnri, the vinier, 'whiIe iables them uow W o ffm* w the Member% of tâc-.1,woletur, and ithe Tra . vùliung Public moerlor su mei Wos u *dditin to the Bpar8mpts th*bOhullai4 vin- ter. tley JuiVe mwtrlws .iiKedÇvoi l n a WIt. RiJSSELL & SN qum. M arcai I11. ol Northern Kotel Osnnington. Time înereamml uAlaines0, nt th b co .fatt>r ahly k nowmth Itel., hnx rendoredt noemmi'rv for Llmiubmeriber to enlrtthe premioex. flehuan done *otW a eoatrutte extent. mand made Othpmu' nt,ralou i d lmpm.ov.,mnita, ho Beure atill further the. ix*t sLnu aoommnmdgaion cf hi4 cet.Thé Lt al it4y. rovIded with the iie;t in .xeapim%,and tnoue lut the ltthraudm of Wtnles n d Uquor. kept 011 tii euminie., 'Tavertikeor xplidw clae iv~es CaI l AR ou pua«. BA)ob b.rouowted 0.41r. tIiw!aYRu hiattend- timomi, .-txloqed by Dicc, W LixiCuharge ougng. Çanùticintotm. Oet. 2r, legl. -41 - REVERE mou-SE, T Ill mniteritur be.t»' imnmnunee tn thé 1p.iic ,.t'mt>rticlarli lb the trnvellit ccmnnmlt, t~'thoha.opoe4thé .hove ex. et a omn' .l ansd overy attention.poluta mtyletve Qfl,r. The. Ber ampplied witlx ueeB ltxesu id (O'pnr. Tc the. Travelling Public. Tra R ai.l'osrber vinir Leu.ied the. premi- IL % Aply otcmumied hy T. Enizlitmil,!iltheb Yiluecf Epeoi, Sf11 lýaiBVitod therit up in gend utlei. ox ropaLr"i tWnconmoom Inte mli th ôe. hlogive 1;1m f cuxl.llie imîtmndm' keepinir uothifig but TIR ESTI OF LIQUO8S Jà CIGARS A11.1 liU !SA ,aviii h4 firnlalied wlLh ail the. deolnighe mim. An attentveOmtlor c.,11 1mur rel V lpon Teiuz clmmfrtel1y a.eeju- mon4' xtdvll stten-c4d w. JOIHN HAMILTON. 1rstomn, Mitv. 1809.Prpet. WOON'.S IHOTIEL, The Chapu t iage. The Romxans lia Emuaud one@. d t ay, Andt LbUo.atri.t5lel the wsv Andthmy tughd wiihtble lanosi, t an Oveffliirow Ti,ýal y oxlf tietu i, b? Lt.elNormnan bei-, -1e%. bmmnlxmg &Il puther. Boti onu ardth Le otixer, Wem o cf tliem klmgixln thlr ru.. Littl. Wily Ltie Cotiquoror long miId rvelgu, But 13111Y hi.s on, bymu rrow js glii- And Harry teiét mm aoioshxlr brighit But Stcphen i-mis faroed for bi4 crown u L iglt. Y.; bmrrlmg,&o.. ssemiIlfarry Planirem t .luis sedtd lies, A.ul Coeur iL. Liomi w its on mmd Ieir; But Magna Chaula wo gaineml front John, 'W hilh flath e TImrd put bisa sos1 upo:. VaL, Iarrimg, m"e Por Tdy. theFifih uwm kiDed In By bttchering Noir, vueW"*aut kd Thon uiixrythb.Sevoutti, In ine grea And Ilairythe Elix 1a"sIl*fat csaP Te; barriyî Witlm ~ ~ ~ ~ ln Ted i.Sxh ebdtrmnquil Tu 2uttyrK a omy rui ioiitd Yeti, barrii Poor Cburley the. Fiat wB. à tnurtyr.tt But Cliarley, li son, w.xs a comietil blai And Jeitnuy the S4eond, chenfixolly ml Ram iti., do ye meo, frot I ly.ttme T Yut, tiarriti QulieonAmniê wun viotrous ,*bv lmid au AT:jd aougq ie îadi ii it lu iryl Tio8éo~yt~ icoui toI lx>atiover AciEmisxciilu prof miimei t yCt, barialx Butm Geçirgeyl Tiiough lsugý tht Third Thon, Willy the FPourth pasmied i111f 8) Dow, wilvourrlved ttt t e lumim'g teeu fleor e' fmat.h tb or good Bnd glotiouiu Ant Iov m'guuy miie rxigt oer land andd nu InA mité utr e eti-iieâ s Makd himrocahtkg ian Lps,hi ln a cage, Until mévnmig. A th ies, at lenat, diii h. open and - ;eent, watching for Lb, Ltwme he might puthis new plan tt w )rmentos vwu ouly a young i yonng to hold the office ho di Lbh greuiL influmenmce of bis CI me li Spain, had cmaad hium av muk he poaaesad. tTntil now, At s o vith honor to hiuuwelr sud te stervice; but hi. love for û ir evident coldne«xtnwLovrda h' ,med to tr» bmg-wole nature. Lbe. pring et his he*rt, and ci s vevy dispouitlon Andm tetuper. y apyoint.c1 ln the cmtcity of ,overnor, atill the esuien de. governor b.d piaced blun at )f Lbe departinen. Tins b. w noitabuy tike pli i any source W sa f Loise would isi utmiosi ertent ilu Ln 1 have don..' of mîit o be Baecmledr c 1 am c prisoner bere, mie ubi. dnity' sud tue er- nowu andWoed Pereze, Cap~ TUENU&KEgT£ER. A-tale cf mmiitry lie. CHAPEII LAW. n%g t-iioltr u Wiihh u.very monmc tiai liq, bcaesl <o. L sIto wr. ltuxll:.' itituated "il rcBesm eBl It bas Iteeilnomeily CHAS. MoOLUE. T? AST MAEKET SqITARE. tR?40-, JIIJMIT11, Proprieter. Excellent aOooi..11 xuodaiton. Every attention paidto W Lb comfoi!L cf trveller..,il CANTO OE, BaikG D UFFINS CREEK, PICKERING. GOOD- accommnodationi for Traveliers. W. OUTHBERT. - 4A-3ni Proprletor. AI RAILROAD HOTEL, talisi PUON~T STREET, nearthie Market. adG w,%'. POWER, Propietor. Bor]n Belleville, COu. 29,1861. 4-17bomr lion.1 MIANILLA flOUSE, aItd V IB.t<tL5. - Siet.% fathcw Teefy (Fr.mt -- Yestes uLez~' îyed.' 'y., ~dopeu. owiedgs 4im5te: chlld, ianer; ci 7y Wufl eibhemtion S, fitg the colonelt ipemi boiFre Lhe R ftte was seu momenit that stop hc Lu uignoer lu Q. ph 1on, theuimea renltanena iD. -M Arnod & Gil' >y. 44 TNTY GAOL, 4 A N.D ACCOii- )MItýe-UPPO81te to dusuaaos f IINEER, kA" N ET, SiJIVETORS.1 t,Conveysnoer% rawn u p. wilrn xabue lsnde for Woodville. 3UkCNE?, Deavertoli. i...1

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