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Whitby Chronicle, 2 Jul 1863, p. 4

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:unîyl ( FOR TllI.jFî COIJNTY 0F ONTARIO. pli 1,. l, Whlt'oy ..............lune 1,56. 2, 4lri ms. J lii 't, everend s*ioderator by bis iator. : ..-. ....... 1 v~y qrdsissu ly ily.Wad. *, 1eiweion..............., -e thss:-"After ail, lit vus ques. Z. I3URNAM vlbthee Robert Burns vuee not J.iudge, C. 01 t. mn of the tva." (Heur, heur, %Vlltbv, April 14th, *s803. 14i luse.) They vere the concluding a speclur discourue on Flebrewy whilt it4e luef one of s special it discourues on the churacteristies ýw nationlitty, ns couipared wit ORCRh ~L~3AE ,oiiUounietwdmoem aIST031ÂCllIC TINCTURE rly ith ur on -asubjectt o t it- 1 ciaetaIre 'tation (tr g Le<siï. Afppe qr possibiy the reverurd modîru- sitb, PlsSubi1m asessof oma, aglt< Db ution bad zîeer been directed, iY cstlDa ehdcli far too little attention gen. CERTIrICATES, .s bestawed. Thse abject of these Front Pro)it CtfiJ, (ojkchchkl ÂnrJsia) ts as to Show that it vas bath '-I bereby'enîf, 'ha' 1examined the reccipp use and competent for the Almi bhî Y lyMr. EdwtCoeker, li îa Titicare; tein 9 gËediensit are sil fst.perr y ivharmieu characler, au, fasui on out of Grcck Or IUomu, weOtt a 9 J'sict d tmilic han,~~~~~~~ beîuSoc o uhs avee uther e8e5msealIy extninëdtthe jprepsre ilian Gerant Sotchor EnlishTiuîrmue,nd ma auteWotiaht it mitais up4e triln es of bususu nature i s common 1 w s anc wever. us god~antiperaps u sins (Sigîmd> INRY CROFT, 3tter, than uiuu3 that hsd been rD Ho.2bts. ~by him out of llebrew Clay. Mr. ,î.wnr,îCorier havtng fril$W quec wiîthi sot vus thse case-tisai William i ormnlsdauMb t i te inias6.ce ofthi@ sîaactî1 rincnrijhve0ho.neltoaton st 2 S*ing ssi v Imparubly greater men thail Sam- cter *Nttoi0 f the dgestivs1 sen John Kn.,x v asu peut, tand E I~DWAJ,) M 0 M. . 01)K 1 .. P. L.;Et etesmuch greater, than ti iijah; Pestit f t1oii.!lisIC ta a natural muun,in bis gifts in bis 'Frn Dr. Bordt trsaio. â, i lai ff'ections, and ilu bis pa s rntnreand snd lt ta he co ýhOu('h hes Wp'e bt" 8lf'1-11leuLas;benflclllnmiay e"of impaires! dis" it-Robert Bumus, aller &Il, vas don. and tiStnly S7 cepee th*oasI.trossg atcotoSbit etter' than David. (Renewed ""s nr1" ' " se Robert i3urns bimueit, ual ego- JAM ES B~i .BL .C.: P., Eog. but jestingly asie w this ; aud Lectuer isn lssttnes nMedicine, Toiatte. one deuy it ? Could the pev. Promt Dr. Seat; 2breneo. TlO ot. Cousaga *81e-lavlsg icen aeked bl. yo Macleod; or hummun bistomy or te ceeliyasain teStnearbic Tinccte anmhavîiex c iracter, with their eyes optainte h ;efio,1titki eiadiidt _(Appiause.) Not. ta enter too <Eigtd~,) aonI< s't4T, Nt .. ito the details of comp<oi-ison, M.cte vlhetsR.(os > 1osCg. F s id ouly bchepainful, bit mi zut -or" Da1r tigtr. ~I. Rowa. nemliy, tinat Scottih humati rolcuoie t&. Iwdie Il;br e'Se eis tb aIl is aelfishiicss as va- J. IV. Wîutoi not qute 50 s iiisor sa blond. AI te t)CP74. 37 Ce! fui, Ssi. Terentii te Hebrew huimaisnature ; sud 1101qat0eprinelpat ImDn$ "lisCanada.- tta R0obert Burtou lu paricular, '.A nZe~I sfauttbere wau no ressona. oilieve tlsat the mnuwho lhad V U.s d th~e bereavempit of s pOorPR TP IZ would ever have tolen a ewveS WI G AC N S libemately contrived the murder E I G M C I E r., (lleuewed scbers.) e s Ros.T e icy rosi of itôiwiid lIste, wbiclo i. music 'bc uoost fustidious vouid deein eing listeued le, hisruly noag. S&À lus iret note, wheu lbc comms-n .7 lu a 1ev sound emisied (rota - d oostri1s, bs.î ig audible (roui O soce. This isa sapecies of prsie. tis lime hit ius uch ouder sud .. icted, the jswe of the suni be. s rth m îeionîliboîutaigihty WIVr L' àS!14~ lho thiril andI (ourth outlis "'u Ti Col -fat Macese avardeil for Fstnnuly Duv the .jnugei M tinsl uelb Lnouideni, $t4 L vam;gien w IL . -n tlie The Torc - 1 NSTI CIIANICS Tuls LIpt.iiÀgES lM RINGLE.41 ytg, OITe WArsuîomateè, itpenecî-os "u- WhibyApil 7,188.sinois. I>nmvosslsp. Oormsposdeuee. t.ansd WlSlbyAprl 2, 163.te lit îlosuo for sny depflatiof blusstoo's they mu! chois... Sobolarslisp suslid In Uitudu. FARM FOR SALE. i ayColiz f h Oifi ttid re 1 T t EEt lslf of 1. 1 7. Ill thse open Dl)atnd Evening. 14tli Con. Brock., contl.ilngZ JAMES 1H. DANI, ient l'rinîtilil:. 100 nacs, 85 nacre onncd. aluIn COLLEGf TIEIT BOOKS. Iiîdn wrKlttntnfliaion. cslin 3y&.t & qRtrttoem'sComo mrlai éte14tiles NfromCanning- 99 B oo k - SOcsosic ion, and 2% < miles frem I>verteut. - keepitg 21A)" Te1 nus ver).literai andi easy. Âpply, (if by ~" Commer- ile r, Pttpi, ta claliAr- Octawe, C. W.. REFERENCES. seý-IGlNcount 1 [)r six weeoks, and send i.Mrm.Es.Arln1.Meatr mess. - uq, 'lis. (1. Reefer, C.R., Iice Levii, 1, cp ~For lbirtlier iifortuao lun cise eau ll the c/) ~ 5~ ~0 ~Coi1e or e frise ntîti ercqagnud cirs..uiw, lu- ~4 DOCTOR DAVIS, 0f O a prlvate Natmr f In 50?U OVCS. WITIS OIiLftT rgo -à -- It in«eedévned yutrst j! É .~thetfrcottriltif thé,.r(u rz cýo â s A. ferme of the Vunercal dioseses and so y lits c ~ ~ ~ ç~o2.Z c,,linv r îcrso tienlini, tm e vretst re sîin ufroin Ztie06diys. ~ ~~.2Ec o'~ Sei..Inust~i yipteit, brilgitd oo o. ~r~îot ien i 5ntimiitfoire trtiteil loy 1,t d mrdO citi, eijt ot4) àny part ofttuS#OoilUtry Ie ~-' 'cfceipt of .1e lei fc 92 0 U- e 1,owitii.' ,t ro . t tr'y i ulo ' ~.Sormittii tinot ilt s immjonRsitefer i»t 'ailors, Shoomakerg, Carrnage A ivtr acd relii et- iy for Siip) Gen'rlly 4. Davis, Ml. I.. Toront.1, C. W.. aîîîl1 ) 11il t WANZAil & Ce'..so cvinc MROcIllr~ptilvttPIratsn nmweriîn seIqilireld. MIe Wlii!tb-Y. iîlPsecVise large ei'ortitnt flt itce heulrK 1meus Su . nm., ta 9 Ip. in. fa FsnI~'udKEnfctt'i.rIorontlo, %Merclo 54, 18A3. *M c0 IWINJJ mAgUiINESrET-EI ASI OI '11h lateut iosprcmemnte ,und ut Imv prices.è. i JAMES H. GERRIE, F4cOTTISR PRnoviyîCIxL Agent fer Oeuty osltarlri. ~>~OAIS I ESTABLISHE» 1825. "IU ff j IDcorpoTated by Act tof Pauliament.' STOVYIS1 1 Ca~pital One Million Sterling. rnEAM TV N J EYfR.Invested in uCanada *400,000 111R LAREST SfTOCK AND REATMI8 V&rlsty In StevsaStove- Furutate, Tsn- C A NADOA:~ Po .eu5lebd , oteil st theaStore of th EAI) OFFICE oa OZ4TREAL. ;te*,ýf svr tyl ntiitoslî ut ail pet" ile roptlavlsW pattern steve A. Datvidien Parker, ISecretitry. , îrr -s. or esîge enternco autthe sbortestnetoe,17 tisud at red toetrale tlunthamost vuaponaîblo ~/OoawîlirApri2 1888.12-2m ~* IN0'TtCICt Beg, t6 announce the arrival JERSOIS requbriug Pcv. or Sittne isl t. CfD~ W ~ Adr:'sClitrct, %Wtltby, vill pieue a MF- T. 11. IeeLa. Which will lloelme found unusually large and W ,O isJN KETeu, *I¶Lsy are determinecl'- sel1', tnAla wùilW, Aprl 4, 1*03.- 14'Csh, consisting in the latest styles in, Silk, 1 , c>* ~DeIaine and Barathea Dresses, Shawls, -Mi LAt ~~ DIES NELED and Hats, Ribbons, Parasols, Hosiery and '* t tons, Ticki%ýs Denirns, Striped Shirting for K ID ~ ~~R S Will be foun4 a large assortment of Broad Cloths il1 nie SI2 T? i oatings,, Tweeds, Fancy Yestings, Cotton Drilla, Shirts, Collars, 'WITII 1ll9ÉLS Ft()R DANCING. Ties, Hats, Braces, and Under-Clothing, &c.i AT B3AIN'S. ýThey would direct.speciai. attention to. their large stock of lui. cli18l:!2i4 EA D Y-Mn ADE CL O T FIN G, 1 0 ENSPER GALLON f Being' made ap on the premîses,'the fit and workmanship can be depended on. GOOD ]ROCK OIL THE TAILORItNG DEPARTIMENT, as usual, is under the superintend- At the store pricit t ence of a. first-elass CJutter, a.nd gyentlemien favoiing us with their Çhi GEO. YULE, Ji&. orders, may rely on hairing their garments macle up on the. latest- style of,asion.I A fresh stock of GItOCERIES jrsst received. MZMLWi.nted--50Q firkins Uarmers' pîucked Butter,. suitablc for the Just rceeiiirri, W!ioieerle aniT Rot*"i!'Ctîap et Liverpool Market. U EO. X I' Wltltby, Mircho 5, 1502. MESSRS, CAR» &HAWKEt DUNDAS ST., WHITBV. B YG lt ittortu htVibe nibainî, of titi. Towi endsîîirmolitullîg cenoitri, thsttlsey have entlered ltn bco-rartnmbsip bl tseDental Pro- fussion, sud yl thc !ai)[y te attend toa il or niera entrontlsotto their cure. Teeth leserteil on I.odt, Silvar tor Vulseuszd tulshier %ome. TccIlshlloot or extrioltiotInhe est palisible î'eIcier ailcniohi.,p.it4;lIse recilintofe Children't Tertio. All wirkwaoite l,. W. il. iCARI». 0. W. IIAW Kr. F LI\'41 lînt my ieiiierqulni t e h îsu'luou;c tf notoc,1 have prcoed~s Itin toa percentii'fMr. lIiewke, wvsmn1 luke pbcasme in initrudiieirog tW tht ntsy trieoodm wha have liliert-' given me tiocir liippoiri. Mm. Ilevlt nnu iircceinmneondeoi, anod ltus ted otsex- icrieu e f tr e er yeot u hterfeoi ie ni i,,cCi t'v of'Toroooe, adsuit emundIrgcno- rv. Wst ttiliýt t from e tiv(',r.a, saitia'vint ror ttiec cottnulnlceor tie sanie ilt lns -t0 oint, I o eraxinilil Yeotrm tdinl' Wbitby, My 19, 1863. Perry's Brick Buildings. JIAS. BRON- lissu provideT WILL GIVIi I13Ibs of Su'gara. FO 0R 1EVEIZY SIbâs. ut luittereeW!t dd-iveed nt bis Store, JOHN Aq 4.Wilil.t, Asigut818. ri sM t 0m e(d I _ c01«0 i lor lx ,Ieis, batl e AOL ýl .1

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