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Whitby Chronicle, 16 Jul 1863, p. 3

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ae dtstroyiug. 112 W. prttent i enforcing tht e w'14but w. are1 g negroes. That ilatht vayi etaiug Sotpter.' Seiing cunri Dtvil andi taking Lincoln ant i e tn pay We hav tin gren lood. That is tht va> we ar Sonpter.' Ibe Sptakershtbp. ic Dail>' Néxs in pting tht oviii be tht next Speaker of nu Parliainent n'akes the fol- ament in reference te Mr Brown be speaker, ls novasiù. more eartatsines, as tht Sec- liame t a-,prtsacheq. No one a satlifacttt7 avastht lf Mr. Brovn and tht policyo>cf -art flot fuily developati. That ied Macdonald voulti glati>' man he Moit fearm, le resson. tht other voulut acepi a poil- tOnitipartilly neutralisehic iso questiontbltj and, if Mr., Id hold thtoMece, sud. tliite- fiuence oier tht Premier, ho 1>' refiise the Bpeakerahlp; but d,, both, that voniti he tht it reason witit thut Premier why shotild be rejecntd. Wtdouhi, r th~e lItîe etaoltbe ma popular ls intense Party afilnities vagit! Dtrop eut in hie deciooci 1ad lit to att With strict impartiali. n emeount el suerici<un, vouiti adecisioms, incomtpatibe with1 .~ I i3 truc that thELLeMOIt.. tht humer inigbhtppeal siroti-ý Lvarime anti bis vanlty. Stil, h.' reet andi fartsi.hed 'net te ltulle profit wiîtu pôiiticaui ex- Dthe precant andi future poatea 'ower te jwhich the Pr-'n'ler, and of h tinntry must bey. An'- ornetfites-mure powerfuil t !n than nne>' and tht poucet wer la tht atrouageat of ail am- Bt ce-,taint>' wete he Io fili that ho uual perioti cf four yeart6 ai influence veulti ho destroyed. bo tic 'i down by the proprirtiet lainu ý anti theârs, sonte anxiOtil t taluteinntht e to5tf the ne w9pituug tai lietuadars. would ,dettar-outthterlît (hief, and i Plave. fluàt ail thesuehjections aaly trifiing.to Mtr. Brovn. We Pd titat .if hr t!niraês te Mr- J. 2- d hie wisl-t tebecoint!Speaker, eman e-cutl igiait>' grtifY that se tht-eut of Mr- lirovua t tkil) tion te bis %v;ews, voîti thlen bho arnaes bravant), aind thetinister; , 4et4veed fu">ua th turror ta ýunviatinne ani varninge, Utie owered lInt seauien. vhlhout thi atterrpt a repl>., We conctutd Brovt n'ay ho Speaker if li n<1 thtie ppeeiticun permit it. 4'N fret(ons5 frein the l.'rautaer, that i nsa, for titre vUIi e nulle.ýTc r bir. Browný 11led bit 11,Ca u i ho gtadtý weicoeeti ThtPre e hatýe the ave race Independetat lutitIhave trîtheti tnder il aavaigly deat gtebluta andtih thora lust seciion. lie must b unan, or nîibre than Chriatianru rgivu aucb insulta. 111Ilu as psud etice la presi>'1 ei developod tuer wouiti deubttest prefer.t thbis muaster, e-hoviii son seuli tyralit, more hy a setetng kit Ln direct botitity, a tbing Ihoa de vttttre on wluheut- tht risk( Z i. ce-wn position. If the Pr' etfsary w ItMr.lBrownt, andi X 1u tht Premier tietre Wight ble coaition. But Mur. Macdonald aurylte Mr. Brovwn, exteptInle emakea hlm tht insîrtaluent Of b maraying succb nmaure5 eU bis ON usaMiulter voulut be ttkeiy oiet, imbieh, aithougb on thesUfiies P.gu Paliently regarded vithout interest, îsin o NCi M Rf r W)i1ty ooeupying au auch of the publie s M Ol& IB ULýWHTT tendionas dld the matéh bewe.en ToWou Bayer and Ucenièn. The reasn for t1h apathy on the subjeecis e a.eventoai dar TUesday Ev'g, luIY 21, 1MS, laso far o09 that apeculators lare deterrtd To oommenca st hftf-put ueven o'ooek. Ad - hy fear of occident onie tber aide rom i. "ola. tm 15 cont. 2 vesing their monny. eepcially a. there are 10 matay chier oeie, t hpreseot ta thte IR ES WANTE . sporting world demanding aU ibtîr euer* gita Thtapoclatos, lowevr, lough T'tZ I>88antèd In xohange for r» aorte gie. Te secoatos, oweer.1JLof g*ital [and, or 61111 bc exchangeti for fot investing thoir mney. have eviaentIy LeueralTmbr got thoir eyts open, a&nd watch tvery nove 27 A. LOGAN. on the board l'hose who ieiiow the ringaa a aport, front saheer, loue of the, art, boy. I 'WAGON »_OR BÂTE. ever, are bj ne meana ao quiet on tht aubject asethe sporting fraternity, and tht A iret tiaa. Lumbcr Wagon, neariy iaew, tageues th of htA f.or asie Che pfor Cah, or W111i b.tex- vithwbic doige hangeal for Luwber. moen, andi the FbnietY thtexpress tu learu 27 £LG viiether the deposisare doly n'ade, ahow' how the.event hals fixet i itatf in their A uninds, andi w have flot the aightut douhi DO CTOR D ..V I SÃŽ that on the ail eveoutial dal wo ahali have 1 contitnue*ntu t t t o record aueh a mnter sjt'the realiy np. Saphils ar atiher »a* [per CrIat supportera of tht P. IL. au haae aae f riv. t neyer yet bhesnaceea at tht ring aide. zt ao»"sari. wrnx riLw1r- Neyer waa tht love of -the art more, gl a C lt& vaiopt an'ong tht gentlemen of Eagiand 1" 0Lt tatpatia thaiz i i tanov, sud neyer was thora a bot-t. A,r i anÂdaid* ter chance for gooti men to make then'- lie huat devottil -yesLrm to selvs nine andfâms tan a prsen. frrmq01eol tn ureftl <lleaaee, and hy his p.. fI recta entirely with theaseive.,, as, if coller pricc>x of houaing ilu. vorgt stages are tbis great miii, atlô these of aimait e a ,a<uela acnartvlysot ne interata hlchpiecee < eSacndearv Syhilix, prononflocid iy illon tawti T ro for£4, vi, Qom " ý pbjflicittiZ m inenrabit, enu bce fecinat- Dilon cidTraersfor£40, %0«'V4 y eredI)li titifllable renedieg. Mace or £,000 onni inèn*110have fatlin vletluns to ttue ac o£1 ,0t0,anti Gos.and Ryaii for tirudrulefect, oni gnaniatn or soir-Abu"e, con tht Chan'piunchip, are Carrieti unt in the reoulve lanardiete relief b>' applylng tu lDr. true spirit wvith wbich matches eShouiti le Danvis. made, wt thumak we may yet holti ont a patient, ai s disitance treuteti by leIter, unal medicine s<ut t any npart of the coutrty oie Te- hope that tht pitmy daya of tht Rinig, so, cet t oreuasa raauutleft often wisbed for hot ce contantl iy s, st, w .#iîathtonou it te a hctolten l b>' souo miscunduet or other, are yet in 'so arrangeai that îtis 15 tPo**IbI for patient4i te store for us# sud n'a>' fielh for many cee enoh otiier. Iunies.b>' consent. Advita J zs. .Hevng made theve few 'remarka <il w'eut tu1.ttlut thie office.* .11lettera . ann4 tbe addresuêed, (postTald*, by thue way, we have novl onily go fiait &. Dvj.* M. D., Toronto. C. W., anad coaataaa that the £50 a aide vas duil îabled et tht a elit ;tàtnfp ifrait aner t i* eaired. 24, aPpoiateti heur, tht uuai toaste appro. F A R IF R AT t priatel>' reîdered, andi the remainder of FA R M'F R SA [I thae evening devotedti o harmony. Tht OR TO> LET. neom deposit of £50 a @lile fia tu b.satie good un Th uraday .elenlaag, .Iely 25 et Ale lENtfl1TII.lTAtF (F<LOT iNo.*a27, Keene's, tht Three Tuai Por.ttuCçWneeai ot %aiWlltbv-, eontiniuug neitri>' 1 Seveua.diaia, then there wiil, no deuhi, bt erra,15tii hgaine 4i eceatd. a tong mustre of tht Faucy p.esnt.- Algo 12a. ras of taitdwwtd in tht, Ilt con- Béiý«UfeJune 1. el'i<t,<tif WIitlvr. , Belle Xa~e, Juufe 21. *011 prt;vioqauto S1taulte et, il An ignorant fellov, Who e-es about te gtt suarrieti. reslvedteg make Liaumîf pet, fect in realacnt-s cfrit e arriage service, 'but by misiako ha ceannutted tht office of baptin' for those of riper Yeara, se vhen % Witt thou have this scusan go ise tbyweeu. deti vife P' tht DritIegraatm ansieereti in a ver>' coitnn toet, 6I rencunve aitl' Tko aeuouished-wniaistor saai, 11thluak you are a focu.' To vhicli he repliietis1AUl Le 1 stendaail>' bellece.1 NEW ADVERTISEME1'TS. OhaneerySale, Lti se a is ý he i. ie tre bif Me 'tej r Dta ba n -NoFin -Tfi u, eSLTe-Et< TI-.iOMAS RENllit, plait if.> -Abrahamn Tere-ileauar, (by but1) -mgd William Leaing, John B-ar.- lIme Warren, William Miu, enti Davidi Spauliiug, Surviving Urciters ouf Jarneà Laing, de- t-nased, andi the Cia>' Bank, matie puarties lut the Maeter'm olict, 1puirsunc of %ltederec uuca'i n ttlst au tifse, hatttgeta gîte tetleucotatiday [atCa 6.andithé fiarIee frta4 Inst e tut titix s e-I hO rgdetaIbt ent)- ila dat talItatatu 1843,e-ti tutu stultiby MI PAIRBA-14 eJUIR MoELROÃ"Y'8 HOIEl., lx TRit ILLÂGE 0F OSIIWA ursday1 thé Sixth day or Augulit 3, lat tht Itotir def13otictvk<t iteé sfter-1 ta, in sieparat 1aarcetsthe toili*ingt tai es- > tat. leb Tht qui;tlà Est1.qnrte*r of lati nut , i hteieucd nae ilanof tht >'#nahip of 19»t Whitby, eonutaing b>' aimeasrnti 'IFTI Â4&Cfl1S 0F LAND vwlih thet grater puat i le baftadand' in s xid #tatp or eatlttvatt .1 Thi iot viil h "I Palai n ttlee a ors otha Trust a and !!Pocuvi u. M hll il vil holead -forft t a i l er.ausrn. A13.tyJOHN.NICOL. bFIIB1JRN FAIR. 'T tl E tauati Qasrtrl v FAr ofut Atahurt, V0lt ho tutuld t tht Viiage .u %Ohtltntn, on the ïStb day of JtT, 1863, itttithte thiri Welntsdav li the n'otth.- Ttistior i#roi the ceutrauf poitionntthgîe tn- 441 ity, 4tit- 1 saetuat elîitas for bttyeteand mulit Ngliaal here af buTera !rom' a i.iant, havau ardth ieir juntun t«t lacitr reantt, wid .rar' lado **Iltet abrhug on thuir ut- Diusti t aiMetcýia's Iti ,tdEORGIE METCALY. Amlitharut, Jusiy, tlmS. -26 p ~ luc-4'tod$btuilding, Dandause. ?011- EÂSV-, -COOL Ils~& HO~ 26i OYit stand. 1Harrie's Ext;raordiftary, Light"' ning Gallry. J. C. BARIS U4tel.v frou JOnan, Pari*.'antd sectYrk-, atà«tt, Aooi. ?teantouec tsI ~ ~ o tc kt/tat fwhitby, a4" tel up ticoaetle., patiotsand Mie> suaeciau*rOeIae,otefi!r. afta41Riftsa let'# Dry Goods Store, uc/are ho ài prepared to tke Ll<iKRY8eSSB'-la t/ a et and o se tafeienutjite style of t/t art. A mbraoetipes sud Phtograpics 4 en t e al i tfe, and enlarged te amil reerdsrand tfa%<d or ne, s~e atti ooet poibml* e4agpro. &C. ilAIUIIS. cad étt>trier té 4111/other hoau#&- c f/is dotiaaant, WANTE, A <lmdut Mat inOtt&bd tithoragitServantb tWgeclb5rai lu a suiltabia percon. Apply at thes, W. vouldi whlcb lte celebrated Steel Mot knowlodge laolbe tht Ix elebtatePattersoi Four .difeare -Varying lui a0cefrom $' lsit scaoi<atif Ca snov andi roui crop, liai an 1 with steeilts, for vort factaring a Cuitivator t viii prove an tifectial lot a Cultîvaitor lriek StIret, W hithy w, ville of steel Iý ni for y marki tute> loi f fat ta pesi oowna STIIAW *a-l FEEB Varyng tlie pic <on.tdsx toifi ti oflrx, add veutti ve have sparetiutapainsi; n getlng tuern ut s.titi'pfr gi lup aI gooti tyle te meet thea vaitta oflarge fatmers at acortslderahi eetXptt5t, ucuueded ligetlinglepalt taire a forai Power Strav. Cuttett *luich ina*uclei kinti#e tl<entroieieoth!& lisCidurity, hting atfatgy ton of hiy otciasheave i I n hbr, anai cati be»e ait inch indtaigei. WeMake a 1<avie CORN &POTFATO CM Wcc4der, liait once ati TIIRESHING Gave univeriat satisfaction tht ailt esson,1 lbhey stand foremoat, anti are, witiLut ezeti use. 'Tou viii alsitad utMAWNEX'S CON in'provements, icia ia, vithout exeption, test for tie test 8 y&aua ginal al canpt filtu the CÂYUGA Reaping and Mowingmât Wbich îuok tht BraI prise its thtelitai combintut Reaper anti hlý a prize as à single Muveor. -at Our tit Provincial Exhibaluiote heettl ICn lastý We nei oni>' to s.tua',itis aail iron, viii_' adjustub1e, cit steel. and tioin b>' tvagrounti viettu, Io ver>' durable, easy pu ieume tanrivatoti as a Canadian harveeter. - You vii lu e abte te get front nia&I utif thte-a> of Farnting linpiemtnts, liat ycu tua>' requie. WOaMI Horse Rakes, Land RoUlers, Camoru rskora, FarM nigXilli, Coru Sheflers, Whee1barowsÉý Scrapers, H1arrows, &C., &c.. Ail kintis cf Caisings anti ?arglngz cf ever>' deucrption, suci as- 1t Gris'. and a Miil Castings matie ta aider on abarl notice. Ever>'. tuusinesai attundeti to villa punctuauit', anti an reasenabie ternes, M execttteti. Wo ingendti t keep an assortiment constanl> on hani, vhie ilii eiders imniediatel>', anti as otur motai umnail profita ta gact paying ci conident e-e aa efler superiar gouda ai prices tual viii induece yenu s We tako thiit opportunit>' lu itender tbouT pat.rouni Our ratefulacknc the very liboral f4rors recveti heratefere, vithi adeairel 10 nit yaar1 anti influence.BR W *PÂ Whitby, Jul>', 1868,t TEEOESON 110USEt, THE GREAT AMI (l6tP »ft OaUwRtttE uArutLBALT-1 TO ALL MMIIAS STJIEET, WflltniW, C. W. TEF -nbsrlt'r bacu. o nutounce liat ho bais T l...taiae ulttainxfurnri krtiwn nas L l g BEara. ~Ji in 4 1 .- y 'p ý4 . Froxp alilparts cf the Worid. rDIS TINOI EXHII17710N8. 4 for ONE 81NiGOLE PRION-OF ADMISSION, r the iminedist imeottont or- <Ct * . . ......, . . . . .." ?I X ~Bam AmeS joffNS May,.", 1868. LIOCEI? Â UCTi NEW -beefietl ÂAay oa taes ci ixue 'a~e pe tassre paaeeaaaa<ay s$W m nattai opposte thti>est fýllc it tuale 60tou- 'Te ltailwayt>ranthnstclbe ett hanilotti anti th: stasges fur librilzle aniiBterton Ibave th oorevery lorelaa R~ osrct4ippv dal. 09~ORGE ROIMONa 1101' WititbybMAY. 1s"5. 20 SDPR1tNKE"NPM C~IUED. ni l ro ele04, wetse r[ l Etia-ate n'a> now hit i lempnit the istcam.'ris hupa eV »Ur.,Zaue'a Antidloteo "x-,le loSrt~Drix a aertain cur#f- Drcuk- endttuste ances. iuor,ea diolike for strong, drink, i tvlgrew said luibo adlttetr.tiithout tht knov«- O ledçee of the pure.t.lrleS box. .Beuvttb Aj 51 M ONETY. 0 KF ta Lç4muton Fitrnv seerity ài$imo- rs loi latet. W. Il. BILLING Brookhn3 Drug Stoeo. le d d la 'e P, nt ýi, it and

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