rooef. k tîeWhitby. tD-eer ta the Regigitr Otfice. )LLAR PEu hy1irj,- 1 lc a i utrate of S ci-iti per trton, and 2,.c-tm apet tînqcal llmés-tlen. eci Jocinad with nactleman% i ers I- OF orONTrREAL, IIIOMAS DOW1,MXanngi'.r .9TAINID LAffl WOR99I. W.W UlIIi't'RI. ATOIIN YrIN VAT trcet , t. lilo'. tir t ' r r C.i.(rini J. V. IhAil , tr-un i lî'C . W'. lIItiTfTF,',z AI) TTMiLi-rjc-T-tnAW. r)tt i 2,hl tî f lWllSTt4 Ai, M \sPlIlI XTRZA- W. -.1i !il YNTm &tt'. fil t 1""-AY-N4E rVIZ siATF0IZNrY .AT- LAW, ARifI ESt. K Ff. f.17 1-, iilti v tcor thii -lnnMin t, W 111 C . hip tfTttoîatu, -it 0 il y if (lit- C'OCIRANE, L. L. mI 170 lN V,'YAT J'At' W.- ,jt C L IlrO0 ). C0.111', IK91tbt ltht vs. 35:NEYNIT A1tl~. itt. cuil(:llj-:tuii l)utuuiio,-'au. diceittea cf 26 h. -st'a, r unoit Ai dut '&,-M. D. lit-., O- -- - T, KyoL 41vile COMMERCIAL. HOTEL, ElOfli siliEW. wurmyt, JAIIIM dROCRE, ,tProprietor. C i)ItIRCIA, TtA\ttl.10iî Swiii Ind, it ii.tumirî,.patront.uîttd triontdforîtnJhr rît pcronciti ic-unvc i til- iîne ut ci Goed Stahlng. urnd Attentive 'Omtlqr4., T(MIN WMSLEV, toPîThU(CE- eir titto tR, P. Ctairt;1 Dîlv Sin othe~ in4îo.Whttn, nt( rTawa C4 GLOBE JTL [fîtnh've citltnwn i sI e 'i wni n,\- :i1nt,tîIiteel I-oill -trtq ho -i rtvfittril np :p lotpI-, ppr;,&. wit iriî'O nI' ft wettc-r tù, waol. utid turrv itt-ic oriveni-ntt --ii; c h'i' v- liîr '% Notice to Pârn.ors anid Othors L71v or ai-,Ivg il o re] '.tnr 'niFats!-t CîIL'l;it Ik reittîiyfor tho muclk, witlrI a limi o, oflnirî ttt 0ra -ett,(,-t t- i iis. A.iLEADEr ~~G E HOu S r, s,18 c- oin t < iqi i r -uc--ri--n FASt WINI)SOR 6110115TE, WJTITIIY, u-a.t.n. ror retio . retint-i tt 4,f titli- T iti, )ii tilt rnnt ronai. ,iirtt o-c-i-. i-itt o 1-r travcilen-. C;iîiî VICTOiCJA HcYrEPL. W'2.Ilta-uto)2 - A ýftlLO.. ro U'-E1. T2\ ýim ta -tt lar t<itu-Itm nid u i t-dtai theii ici, ati tîri -ft-'tu flnr liiid oc--ti (lmi trtl cc- nrt-lolithe 1 .Po 1t. 1 . ftl i NtttGCItiiIt UJNIO'ÀtiIJOTEL. MNIETT, IE ttl (tie . AitL'.) * Ç~1XS. CCLUFE. wllY Ooe's Super ,Phosphate of OrOPS. For WBI,,T agitfd 'râl"jCi. is tieitl v ioi.Tit'c' oae ac r(lig .to triioinfroitn i1te)o vftwot or'c rtter thanii wo otî.y 4 lt- .article and For cirefflarK CHIESNTEIt DIt.U>Zft.: 21-3m< 'n1, Wtuitbyý VICTORIA îlOT-EL, ROBE.RT CI)WM<X, t Proprietocr. T TI oiiovttt il-ttt,.,Vari-t- aotdl,,bu prot PI'uorictor. milnd a cool aeettttîîîtîîda' tti1 ' mk. emi ttei. - it 1 V ot. -a ottttri !Il(, C ntont ronu1. oî, ttir o .. ( il a t' ltIq, tct ltd ont pt-t tîtîn hy. .iu li RUSSEL]L'S iHOT1EL, P I 'lE ni idersiguu-1iPr nitrorlita 5I-oit Inanedlt0TFL f, .ir-p'tttn î ntr (h roigitrntlç4 tetpatrns.thtatt llteîît iri. lii Ivitlrr, wlticehaOhre t teni ne:w b offc-rfa tt i-tieiof ttt Loiortr-u nndlte Tri vellinz p[nabie ic emrbor t111tîaaio ntdiîitii tir othe -nthp!-i 4Jlitti-twtt- tr. thon haive nom lj'n-tnrq ttril kd-rAmii-tt, -t ;Larý ht t -ore litir ttq 1lt--hi. ohiffc-lt. fr c-îuîîtrt No rthern roteI (Jannington. ttit uîtit i-trI- i ,-- i Lt'%-i"t t-tii... tlo'i- un n a -"~noui-r t l *--t' -uat itic ottr lc-tiiti ni ttrI1prv-uuto ii.tte To the, Travelling Publie.- T .u îuît--erihc-r i vint -" hir-at ' n. tC-i L% ctual -t- tuiT. fri-l I llei tt Vitit ire tif F4m'tIn, î jit litc- tc- tc-ut1n .4 tui 11miaitio rrpt" rn-! ttn rnni o la tIýs ttcewtto eie titi-i a cai l e I intendar kanupbnc- îtcthtutg but- TUIE OIN F LQUOITgk e CGAITS dttcai-t -ftt eu tii. An ai' rutc .0-tJier -1 la tu i.jid. Ttt t-i -lin fitvar thlm a-tilt n, MIat-lobt-u- se:I l ' -i -t -r Jil 0N t NI OT IIIL<tN, t:514, a-ctee Tron<toc. EpL.TunV IN.GARtb5 IIt. whehrdila No B ittiandWA, ai Altt]NtII'ECTOW 1OLLETION &eommis8ION MIR. B L. .9NOY1', .Ite~ C i 'ILLEI'ONb q n-rda for Puiatort - CANTON IIOTEL, Tfi,Id, 1 UI-'INut traeK, N it1icG. ooct lie t-n-Ina c iz 1t ttri lot . - -)( thc hat k'î lt anir onBkItiNWhee, sa re~ CtYtT1T, iita iltet. 29. 151. k. Atl- __ _ _ - 14t ~ '-- "'li utnrilu ýTE OP F TEMOI iir oft Whitbv, tj il y, 1 Tunl'd Awny andWept.- I îoi liv ;ihnne )f gcorn, A 1'dwtlitiig mY onllf t nt tfrIltue i*cnv't i0 tf*(11 tl, .Ill ,i.'wv falt4, W,,5t 4>111Y ntutiOito Jtur'd awtty tt-td inipt. T nfI wt ru enrt,, S t i n 1 îîdonno' Picmt ttty giaaen o-acorv. :Id oc- îyat i't. t i lj- TI UEt MJIKETJLýL li. A talc of' militar). lire. JUt\'s AttAtLMTtv. Corne 'ith uïn Ov: gentîn reailir, te theoncnat and preuiy dwellibng Oý Cecil B- peranlra.i. Tt hus ail the pecuiarubeus oc n Cohan duv-toing. t is a singie sIory hocu-e, bUt ample inii bs diMetinS -.-ar- t4xhing of a Mixttlireet'f the Stcracenieancsd s;tul tyles. lu is so constr'icted as to * forin ai Open square bu the centre, wiîll 1$ ibe oînly yard attaciheti to uhebe uulding. -The wjndoirs and dots aIl reaehed froat Iihe floor 10th e îl Oinflnarld lereansd tbare -glass la insierted Inth de stoi shutters, te admit lt'hthn, they areclcoseti.> The1 j oails are att neeîly ernaruented Àin freeco, and te fuiritu-el t e! e isiof ihp,' '.gaaye. the Itors ar-e ait ot' white fiiarblej,1 set in squares. For the purpose et' çea*- ite3e, thceirae admirable : andtadarpets- are uarely, if tivet, seen bore. One sL4ci-It' ing rpeculiatity, iq tue care IsIten to tenider1 cacrythlig accore front astais oitheat? Every widc.w tIli3 iactcessile froattb roet'ti, or the atreet, is strongly barmieatlen bj lu-on barst firnity fixed ineIllae ,mason 'tiark ;. whle the stout- tolding doors, -tlitt barricade Ille euly enîrance te te building,' wouild net las nappropriaîe or unrnit -1 gia!that ef a strong fortu-esa. This lq a il fathiul pieture of' the Caihan tovit bouse. Wity titis mnode strictly atlmered to, 1L ana at a esato gay,..x --t Iut the litttc baclc parler eof Ceeil% bce I uet Lnie -.êta aend JaanPf w. - that calai peace and cnet*fclg 1îheir cowiieninaces, that, loin lte behcatter t how truiy lhappy tliey acte, Tley uat J- sidaý by ai ii- e,ýRj nj, rm sat upported -he t wabat of Itel dar one se near lais heart- 1 Aftemili, Loîse, if i leace yaut unec- tien fu-m our lpatent aside, Lamu not se vnrv sorrt- it yeur licîlet laia llus boldu c eiiibnterited yen.' 1 1 &ilecause iplaces uis 0o eqiality, as tntÇ' nerenay aiaieisjsnot îhat ltu, J ?,l p 1Yes, doArest, hat [s mijy thbis sn; là but thon there ara others.' r .-Ii t 1 1Weil, Juan, f ~a quiie ccntent, se fat- Ir a% fortune goes-thougla yotu Mnstaknew w that I love ni>'father Wt edan>', Dot te tl feel mest kecsly the course- he - hasaopc 0 - beheo~2. - i.- I -ht-t'Ii rit e ,~ her sie1yiriz- epon us for of spirit an4,'oneoin dor's her 9) it m/ o tÉ ê», ei To-bc eotiïWui PrtfTiiJuse Cle tand by speftIcinýr at once T con 1 wt; a-nm yoati C. t1rmu thaýrdi> aurait tt-mit f hen e tiien, le Commence, lt(,solt ircr-gencral, Ormentez ' ible, eromin, Iliat is enîireiy ;m- ai Jan. truc that.yon are hi,; fegiimate jr of' is ,noble lieuse8, ai thai 101 Simes ahov,, us. Thi-itr )Utl' and as site spoke she IissecI vhijei evvm-y goocl Spanjsh Caîteo 1>' wearsabout bis person. Stilie gazcd fr a momnent 01- ttefir» maeémotnt- and yet he. full -val!l he 1 novthat rnoue take- t-be oaîlo unless in trIoth. love oi lheaven,' lie Saiti nt m ne heur this cn lbe.' le hli sbefore îhis ieovercd vieitor, Whlindhagoseexcited maiîy b>' visiting the prison, bu ýi1'gijSc, ta b(e thé olid'nurse,- at Sch o avinearesedlitain . w, e Pereatnt. shethrfoe, la ast -outl express her me'n'i- m wlio ibç vas, etfbig moîher's 1of hig being stolen away and IPPiied hY atiothet. ehild liow rihre the adopted 80of! trn' irvads uradenr, unti she ely folund a duer wherebv te inrtsery thit atud eniveloped cinwdedtn lijcsalSo, lier the alait, and tha ise-able led continuallv, sînce te Prut big l0asý. Shnreferred t, her ta te prijt'son, and te the ar- bapîistn thtîShe might di-. Ptrl Upon bisabreasi. FShe Lorn an ti. Th4i thc rtucr J7otbr,9 coil nt lirlslea m plainlyThen A hc 'ttevery 'oeniere scjre mient of yotr çtrange ti*tory, r(vas 3enahiled Juatn. ~ in seme t elagree ta j"stlfy' the stem it iitgj-npiu~ottubl ~fe 1cT tid comaii- said theý ed; wbçec i8 ad atn' explannMionihakein ow il pInrce withcut an a1rrnogemeînt 1 have mnale, tijchij,' 1~ shonild have becti condetnncd- vithou t a ht aring.' . tJeseth " T h e it x fp b n i s su ffi ci t, an d t r n g nr4 h it naao mod fr facit nd sg, Blietiz,' zaid y JO->s, , in reply te heý words ; liut,' con. added thI tinnel bit, 'mlv thait 1think ot'it, tell u3 Tliîs urbo the coior.eI reai y wva? You have up tf ali only biniteti as te hisltidli. Whq vas ie, -plain' t' 'Ây, -Elletz,' joinedin tthe gctvernet. genietal, ttvho wass tIti colonel ? Tell us 'Ves, T did laarct whO he vas,' repl[e<l the nurse, recattbng te ulatter te lier ' WelI. tai utltscie,' saIn the governor. general, 'foru, igid iittime ot' wondrs.' 'I ittue taought onu of miracles,' saicl 'GO 011, Ellet,' qaid thec governor. Yenu t' noid tIhe vole nmys!ery'Oad' t Wlin tece~ o- dn totafatoni tii ao-lideterniiel tc> do So) thorouighiy f rttquir(A .t tile peitetraUi o 1' dover miother, urbo bail tather hor 'euvum sBIOUId le ie paraitecil 'rou ber anti bec th'- osten. ilate son of' unQther, Ilian ni sêit iratiîccto ionOr ami lt.-.' - morest u a UstoF Aretta,1 iacrifiée'L fortune, - 5 in' r<angettandcl'nexpecced. Ji aes, cfo frrontm ma t fiustiîtno Me, seened aut iP=10 phim,,so p£nuyvo'l pon huft in quick satcesicta h' h xd no' tii nnll the dardfd ~Lilse A.l oit h>is' saçe, hIaas everythinz 'as, sue . thou or&' ta*r antasketeer. 4illtiit; eould there hav Lest Of true atlection tha'n ced 'c~udJioà e OrmE igbiessail nndr other elo ,X)o. nQLoii -dcaptes lhe ieat ng theï t? hu-at-and auer cil >e aMcolneul of hiE -is ail air ýc r Ml N S6auIL MARTIN TAHANY, --' Atteriy, r-. 0, -0 Ostti ji t.- il drft ii- lyf stjtigi1 3rtati J aiiai iii bouté' With calm e