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Whitby Chronicle, 13 Aug 1863, p. 3

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rpos- exep MISS CkRROLVLS overn- Selm eet 801001witl re-open ti ý n MONDÂT, the. 24th 4istant, o de. 0 Win For the ?ecptictl of Ilpiplq. si 'g th. uie.AIUTION SALE ld b. etures i the cou- fsa wblob vo ro. he beoe cote. f the I "lestditcl" >p.of.bicodtt men, et' ât raher tlb. ey wi~tll sed tben nd die in the lust me a ridicuiotia le pomaîbbeltaI yen l te tt!> iheard tw binter ont for a moment 'st drop of Ibeir re, samve in thoîr t ioke the idea in n s luiebroas: On thse be neot nw iin <hie al itunreol eme1 eech "test drop'sman, and a. ithen, j(eerd, il is 111 witix uSs td our bira i Coefiation uacl"ever d throngbout eout to. 01 lire 1 te fý3it wM-01 011 1 ;unuyditelitet al. [y hafvo e oeue cent, anîd in the moutnoal a te îhing ief-the pentu oather titan smb. na whaiiever, i% preciaely nd alit la watted Io Confiscation miel forerer ýr ornement 10 the îYen. ; micd te tmrnitcar id or aestined honor cite. tinbhotitheire forerer, ýn Iaw dccreea to be humn ONE UY (obile Adrertisier.J tite tideof Cwar butas nrn %ta bel1evc. doat Grent'a Ad te Virgiebe, in the e belief) lisat Virgin'e if-the Confedcracy, and 'te> beaten and Virginia will b.ie t an end. It w loolo 11h. t, that the tt',e VVIi) rbînan te soit and brave old Dominion, of or sevabie forces re to uteet tegrand- on- ebined rd nies of thte e. oe govesroffieet et Rlcb. t suelita contingene>'. if' a million of Coufeder. i snob leader s mi ee, an mm Ieaunegmrd, &C., muaterlhie setaSeet, eren s. te ravi-ssb e rictory. iv-Iet wvit a be, 0111b of ite future-for oe poicy, cne duty <orn a. ,) iiwtt FIOHT ta xI.Gbbid ti it the inquest, àt 'pllisteti; butI vu îisiîgparticulatls inîcîvl witi thle entire avre coisse o iiblt: las-t A'if(bite teasuer Liftie Ctrtrit ansd y' tetrnir.g,btwii a nsî fouir. 'isls m livrse the bocdy watt lie tlune lIr t. Jisrd bon t. l'lsrc wal; à l.ild o i i s ce (uîo e gne. When pîcks slolst thlie ie n tisa' rigit tempjlei, rer tise nomse. There s et 'violenc ;ulor, Sê as aricetded, is titere 't Mr. (ilbbard watt latstvcfl.cfluite Up' 1fr, Ljiibrd oee un le cimi(ers veto onlte ir deck, ced Mn. lBo- waisl,,litbis 5steo6m , bttwccn the Pisicti w te>'saw or beni flere the euestaatodo i'uvseay, Wedneaiday. V, and lwill tit egaist boiat rem ftheSaal., tttlitOtbas beeif ruiistatice t ccrnt:d 1iîiiinstcc, and e cane- Ale itien cf thse body. ,,of Trestoii, had be ?s0eni h, vatvh thtý i qu"t, .Thec jury cuie- p.lscipcl sîten cf tise ho Lon- ýtal £o, - aper 18 wh e under Bousehold Furntture, &C.&0. MRS.14*.W. WOODWAR, Tuosday, .ugust lSth, 1863, Chairst, 1i Wal-tît, 1 w. litit Cnte Table, 1 Side Board, 1 large Diail<iioîîî [ot1iabe, t2ami de., 2 eeckng Cisairis, 1 Beromoter, IX Uhet'a Drawerso. Be4tonad. Wagtlaîtt $ttondi. Tolet Tablesi, Lookinq G(ustes4, 1 Cooklig Stars', 71 Stoven for wood et col, with othor aricles V»0 nitterottts te me-tiîos. AIsîs ssîic good Mlch ade f0 commence at Ose o'dock, noo. THOMIAS MYERS, 31A titîtineer.. 1863. STEÂM'.IiBOAT NOTICE!! Tlir ew tomi' t? tt S ils i îg Sbits soaLt CÂPTAIN GREENWOOD, vai uttiie Pi ot iotLisdc, sand lssto trait: Port litîope,ist .... ....... 105, K. be'sr.............. ..il .t direct for Rocetber, srnivilisgtiseren ti lise te connect vlth the'Ne-w York C entt'rol îsiroad to;Now York, ihtMlipss.Etîio amss.i- angron crsomgi, Btii-i),ciiicaggît1 andl-ýticr pcîtaEt tand Wesst. Poaaeti>rasfroîsstis e W vinthtUrne) Trunk Rsilruad, wtt) taira'thie biestsr t Cohsutre, ronte ho Es: will t. kt bite Stcstier et Coi- borne. ibetenose , thsatSte'iisor vW11s-atotiee- rer every 'I'eomits, Tisstnssav. mti"s.)uisrstay phiýcei, ststîtctisg wittic G(rand Truk tiwils r i lpi ts>tst5tiot aid Ws- laru t' it t-1#0. For trtiirr Isforosasr s i- siinro uf A. (SAIt- roise. ?eî-t ilOpe ;Cissirlti }1.1ot Cbo sr J. I.L Dewey, Çssihsrlie. por-tt ip.J itiy i18 8;. II Gymina.sum Notioo. A tsitieit or the (il.>'r iii Iestbees iii' tise 5Vhitbî isiisassncisai. witt"be held tat hila-k'o IIeut-1, svi tice Vtsîiog 0 FRIDA Y, the 141h imet., at o' dock. T'O BUJILDERS. MONDÂTO tih. l7th instant, For cerin trat ausa i aiiii'ssost i bus Ifsglsitle BI rot M lsbtbr bte Mlie of the BANK of -MONTIIEÀL., Tue rii-t iur wyulotit smesitsîar'ly ho but lirtussitlisisk of Moutssl s Wtie, .osî let th ise I5dso' f tIUNiIRY &et l,N*LIY, Arciuilto. cimrier o? Kiiig stisJ Jordai rta. tîaer nî,iessdusot l1ionsrir teiir tilberal I)ltreitsz i te i hitteli.. Ai srt1îs-5 isituhteti u.îhisn, artreqst'tosita mottiue sre tise Finit 4L tturitis lir. 'r. W. O.Li-.Gi4; et is. Joit ei S boj,, licols St: et, ti.xt or norhset T Il. MMl i lisa's $.tore, si tise houka vil tueelttsed tfter dle date, iiGN whtsîtty, Aug. Ili %863. 8 R'IE-ITNI( )N PlC-NLC-, tnitittAtJBpiC.sior Tlc Whitby Mechanica'5 Iàstitute, WiIIl ho is80s-1rt Crbe it'casten TBUUSDAY,_AUG. 27, 1863.1 rp h etutifnl Cut' uni', int tie 1oirt yul ho T esrutitl1.styirerl forr .Lei a li sd Aietmmseiiits gtit&I the tii tstes of ai. Ma; fensis 4ti ho jtwsîd for crfi'iti't, Acet tStl. iy. raiîrry, iisittt, s&o., ai-t tittrOur'%p wiii lit otfstrsts.taprizca for csiipotýtion inlia sh astth toisocias aporo -Imisss4 oit Tis- 2itsg, flittibs, Tiirswiiig tise iliier, luttiàg the Stoule, iý'ask ittcissg, BindilIsiRuieg, ais Airater. Aas clntsieo feca et ldfor mec, awi Ust. tor bo)ys, yl he reqmir-l cf oonet titans-. olpMAIILES QUADRILLE BAND WiI1 pro vide HMse fer ])itoinmnc and Tva militer> Bado(vi§ il 60beuts111ite «round. o*nshpwt. nt erick bMoPhllipa of the Tonhpot ka, Inthe Colmty of YOrÃŽ, Ot the tlurd part, for a.oring certain moneya thersin mcntioned the fllowicngproperty WllI b. sold bv Piiblle Miction a& th. AUoIOti- Roomit et LEVI FA EBM4!K13 JR., ln the ON Tu£ PLr8st day of November RiOxt, At Twelve eceknoce, li:-The ?Keth part of Lot Ntmler T'wlv, ln the forrth ilonces slom of thu eeid Tovna$lp of Thlorab, ln the County of Qtarlê, oontastltng hy o toossure- meont efghty.three erre%, moreo ot lu. 1 TRM . One-ty~th of te purch"e . me to bo psid <lovas; for t1ie b&litto, torecrm*wll ho mode kliove at tilt-,sgle. The property as ,iîusîod wthin halfaa mile Of tilt tl.r vilk' linge et Beverton, Ra ti teto gre upwrds eptfftty borus lereil, upoli wiich are kood h,,idinn, ed me, rchard. For Iaiher pattionlum rapp KV.L1to . go Solicitor, Whitby. ~lhs. BUTIL*2R. rx~WINES -AND IBR-AVNDIES CO.UNeTV<OF tONTAIOî, Soreeby tiven Tf Tewtt: t Court UE O f tho' ýbtest Brarîds. : of G 41si tarter si n ttiPi t o at Censsty 'nert vt)h tllble Adal'or lise Lontyu bttstl5 s t t Csort ithe laXtIre fotwnîo f Wiît'sy, On TUPESDAY, Sept. 8, 18o63,îmr s,20.pr oe AT TiltHotteolr 12 s'Oi,str«i, OXFo unmrse20.prdz Of wicit Co('roner«., Jtoitea or thttlene. am o itsîtuils oand ti shers essicerîtîsil t alct '»L89 . London Porter & Faikir" ie WOD N OET.No.1,lig'Bllig Ilyr.ku& trr or j %yuoNotLA t, iITIE ls hrcb Qut&e 241 Jsl'~, t attrf H tont & Roberts. N er Brhtin tiefl#wt Family Grocer, Wine and Spirit Meea Xhitby. iIi 1-0i5't5t th. ".*ý ' i a - çb,. jet ht condition% ttitioîtd eluw, satome- ty- . M ;ters e~y t the LrewnrTltàtal Offie0 fhrtrdas .ivert, oe u ta2th or Attgto Mgeass<sy eurorj,; t Grnd Ba3y, 0!, lise 231h of ~ san text.- aadmos an cd Xadaseesn lls'rOry; et the ('rowitTiniser ihfitets, Rrsr-îL .Frm srvl i, titeMita tahet Soittniibtr ttextt Lev. M't. LmrmS c.7bYirQorY .ant thteLrsîwo Toos$er (>itte, Trois Postue, ciathse Sud et Utolser. ,st4so er Tvs1oirîr-at tige 4rowu rTtiaer [Of- fis.Believille, oi thefieîli f Qelsiher neit.ý ll).er t«ýTe"T.*"r~; ai thet roc T'it,- tutr s tflie", <.tîawsa.on teUit oi ,f stoen ei.- s. eiieeie Tsrüeesy; nIti*dm Crown Titieher tttitsserSt. llyvaeiastiîe,oisite 1i-t ocf totber next. fiorvtoi slStipor amti petilào f Cjnada Wet TerMoryj; nt the Qtsee:i'aý Ilotel, Toroto.e un1 tihe lotettcbrtiX CONDITIONS QOF SALE. Fîrmst-T'Xe Bntths, t thalir tiaeuor, ssu tre rle%* o te iptontiPublic Astetioi, ut siitell siposI Mltiisus la aslsitt.jts ioise r.tissmlry mroasai resit, &as aooy leit.stersnliesi loy Cte c ovli lAsîis t)epast<so<ii. SThe lierthm is.il a îitjl sti tiithtparty bld- VoBse uisos ssd irst êsttsiu it'- rsssî 0 hoi iiiasîsitsit %afts'r tiis rtit la atijiicelt'i ncai i6ron- lil ritiess )irisenll ertiss are adj iii.- st, >'eut tise tsxttsuie c irilsitbitlio ses.1 -wimvîsfsssi-s'i tce ssay lit saccorda IsieOwiftsi forsstiss ;n . isseti 't yîhe tr'ts Lisais. his~.rtusstit.,îltrtoit dbise'st cfmlosi tseRiver] "t, -11riwîtitý 1!rihssitsre . Ite >c s.tsje I t tmai dîs elicire ot tlse iciistfto ! St. àlite- rlsot ttsrsd tasîi, ttht ret(>ofaIFosty doiiarssfor 9ft%ttîqnro smilea sii l ;tsitisus cre ti he I..i is.3ery seas'noiietretliso issueff Leene. F4-jrtlbLic t ie e îlt sstessefsii cttspettiiras wijltltioiintitttth frt i ttAtie of Fstli litil othoerr egaýcth BttBsrtlss teo .sueb,.ct t ttise getieral imbtsîhe litito, sssîv [nuf(rm., or vlolclt-,Iiiay bet lerinarttr iii Th iselrtili hbcofottred for salet con ho as certisu toesunsiaflte PFsfttte-itth proscimo, st tise rttaetti vct trowit Tillsthtr flcets. A Puit suiovir.tse Btstitr Sit on Lake 'lriwl ttio it st vnec tttise Qnets Iltel orontwlion ioti aller t1isaitdate. OÃ"-4w. emosinr The Confessions & Exporience AN INVALID. A CAUTION 710 YOUNG MEN Who suifer trou s crveu' Debutbys PreesatiireI Dçeny 0 a nhlood, etc.. mss l> il.gt thli ie tint, TUlF. MZ&NS OF' SELF CUE, DIy oee whe Jtsm curé isil Iiiecf aer heiug pot t gtepeîtse atdi,,Iîiliry tlieugia mdicatl 1111110,11z And qqlossetttry. Preayitsr e iit1 e b eepiesa mo>'ho iat of iau sther. NATIIANIEL NIAVI?ÂIR, FAstq., 2ly. Bedford, KÊ: 's Cotaty, t. Y. To Consumptives. r 1111P Advertt'sor baviriv hostoreutoreiltn i 5s[i, lt,. afos,.îwts..fr bis ova,, asuine Jly8, 1863. WM.W TILL, b!ANUFAOTURER 0F ALL K[NDS 0F G&BI~NnTmAR IIEJUCIiPRCIES If 1pEPÂRATORYTO MOVING to Mr. LALNG'S NEW STO- ~we wiJl, forth next fire or six weeks, seil ail ki4ds of At prièet uot to be found elseWhere. $TJMÃŽMER CLOTFING AT OSrI TEAS VERT LO'W. COTTON YARNS & YAC.TORY C.OTTON LOWER THAN CITY PRICES, WÂNTED IN EXOII&VNGE FOR GOODS. Otill and examnine our Goods ana Prices. Wilkiùsou's Block, Brock-Street, JAS, McCLUNG 1&Co OF ÂLL KINS, TILT THE CAUIFURNLA MAN7 > C>oIl&.&k A.E - uttne 5es rans, 'ry te W £14Y1SFD ATJOIUON1EEIt, WTLTL atte nd Stes wlherever dc4ti e Wberrngo bcc te e et e r *ani"eaf **r.Allkins OfVrôrYrscuoved 0,cm-on slinment, mod sold on o ïil!ll41t imtcdp orolrvth sesaadefstr-d. Odheva, June, 1868. APPICATION vil) e ade to the o I' cW cllParllaoent, ut its ccxt , Sesion, thi the uneasgnd, for u Divure front bh6 wit's 1'otlaos Psao vos..maien naine vat I.mb. lVlt.1.AM PC>Wr3UX, A PPL WCATION iii bc mdo ta dte 5ru 'rnlnWfitllantetit'. at tt,, neit Sepssion, by te uoderalitâclp jfor aeDivôree rom ubis ie Jnet eithelle <bqom amden 1tiuit tio TEGRIEAT AMIIA8SIIt (y H19ALTIT TU AL£ MANKIID entieiy rte Cis, walir PuaLLcbave1 tata, Thel Cia th yl tevigoatesi AST Rzroli Thegreos a ceue"or l .WhetbwfeLs 4oif Ibis"s "CALIFORMIA MAN" AT OSHAWA. -O- Orockery and Glassware TRY THE AT O$I{AWA. - HOIYEJIADE FRI offr foi male e ver>' large eand excellent asortint SOFA-, BUREAJJ$S, JLO1NGES BI Tubltýs, WardroObebtist of Onevers, Lcoking Giasseg, Bock C& lor andt Drewing Roose Chairs, Ro>cking Chairs, Office Chu Clacirg, Toilet Tabit, Towei Stands,, &c, i n grcal va groati>' redicei prices. Wartnted tsi bc indeocf I islcristi antd wcrkanesbil.lie rspcetfill>' mvi an examinati(sn of hisitëtoc. jvory article la taufacturot uinder bis own superlnton4ence, andti -IPIIOtrUE'FRY IN AU US BR~ ASnt nbn. eerything ln tht Wbitby, c. W.V e ti o b hd ou tihe shorlest notic No. 4, Bî'ock Strect5 andi Ne. 2, WblLby, Jitly M. 1868. THE ILOB8ON KOUSEP (LT£àclpUXIXIOnz.I,) FIllE DUNDA9 STREET, WITBT, C. W. LOMBARLD Il E mznlisoàr hff bo s cinteeolathe ha% lc..'1t1~ tii'ig f«rmerly kuown de E81! 1178e-" 4iEOBGE OBSB8 Z;îCarefsol Ibobler.4 alwaym iu t.iendi Wiiby, May, 1863. TIRE OLD 8ToeYFOREV The preprkttar cf tise iid ostebllgios ON TARIO H OTI .1* of A, R1 FLE MAT IOppn t te Veitnteerss of tîis Cou ÇIblrlàansaoeie ut ICo'i'ck, it wviit,(ts' H i voit WhÃŽtby, Aug., 1863. -'Of, Begt",,Bleondà, Il ýythé llwl,;

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