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Whitby Chronicle, 20 Aug 1863, p. 1

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NMattlîew Te.(y ftciÂOS WN, lai *w to the Reglatl'r omee1è LAR PEURÂNNtM, EITISEXENTS! ifaatnentsmnenlpred lu Noupar- hargad aut t rai Sf 8centt per ien, and 2 .,eia par lino, osêh ertien, b, racta made t avraesb seetilune advertlaameuta hillat OF KONTREALo 'IOMAS DO8W, MUaaer. ED GLASS WORm.* W. BIJLLOCK, orka%,7ii TounneStreet, Tor-no. 07< & iACDOIqELL9 is & ATTORNEYB AT LAWi tie, Coliny Counoul Ontaro.-- oCourt 1ltuîte-Sautth Wlug. HEi. DARTNI&LLt Z, ATTORiNEY, CONVEYA7< &pu. Office over G. C.e(rose's , flroek Street Whitby. tAT-LAW. OFP'hC-199()CK itby, C. W. N. G6.IAi, tAND AT7OlxvY-Aý-I. taite the Registry ffiee, Brook 11507< & SAbIPSON Zq, Attornpy, Solilitortl, &c. *Weter,îAsînrance Bilidingq Toronito, C. W. iT'ION.I . A. RAXPSO)M. il20 DsARTN --28 EGISTRAR, MASTER EXPIIXb'- ndf ettimorunChancery for ritarlo, hroek.tt., Wlitby. 47 IH. TUF.MAY NE . COU NTY CRIIW N ATlOR &c- uisha reiioved to th%. rontÉ p>0w I's stt-nru, MîRfa. mel>ber- k, Brook-St. .9i 0.40 I8J1T J. IVILSON.- S&. ATr'OItNF.Y AT L A V- i htnoeet'v. &~Wlthy. 0. W 'Pt Blockt, Brnck Street, Wlthy ULES C. KELLER, AT LW>SOLICITOR IN lionveyancer. »I. Offie-lu ri[, orer tlie Uronieotite., bilily. i alice in Lie villagre et Boaver- of Thorait, allaCouny eof Ont- 40 ER GRtÉENWOOD, -&T-iAW. d1»T(ITOR 15 Ntevrv Pulýic. <Jonve âtîper, I V. itoouta>ini Vimori t lloe(k. ît-e Aliert, r*0 tuora wea ot ÀLDWOLL BROWN, dri,,Accoottaut, laid ltr ai!ry Publie anti t enaralALot e-KinicStreet, nleariy opposite endedtol. 82 D.uibta x lt' ou the mogtt i, ind promipt rnitue ept. 0, 18tlI. IA14 R8ITO7G HANNAJI, ANDfl ntPWttTfl t -'t,- t i. - ~.lt : -' ~- > Wl lb calte Priateal words, great thougets anda4uatbing ide.try VOL. VIL. COMMERCIAL HOTELtl Coe's Su4eIe Phdèphaýt.of - o1 MR "= . WMTY1, JAMES CROCKER, l'roprldtdî., C UIIERCIAI, TRAVLtEII *lit lnd Ih cownvenlent loplnathia hotelmu hey lan r roim tie- Reglatr Bôok kept at the Bar Lb rote.taen by theit predeeeuora. Thes oprieto ae this oaaion to thank hig tmeronua patrons and f rie7bia for the liber. ai patrona-go hoto*od on hinil ý,iee the ci. Whitby, Jan. 1863, i f, UÀX.V.WAY îtt#SIt ert , IIn se. WliE y , j PRolz aas,( t 48 -GLOBE HOTErPdLe TURE ahoya weil known, nid establilet r ioe and prentotes have beau ptuehaseil hy toulsiber, whore h will !ai*a # bc oq do ndrciy te tttend persabyt-) the~ *IitffI ihik giiestq, &o., The pr iomt>.hfin* eeiln enent1r and oinfortailv fit4td ip; paintod, papere,t &o. wilth disterà'(a of toit wNier to wuan ad very inodçrn huprovemieit te niake the ÏtraVolier1 homoe d irînir'hi. ttay, ani the Table bcnnUfIý Il wopplîed ntalia mes.« Noice tu Farmers and Others Lli 'ot> Whnclrttle aind Retail. Morton'a attii- lv i'roof, bv gallon or barrel; MeNaîutrbton'A Attentivo Omtlera, and Horsea te dite. A. ALEXANDEIt. lirool-cln, Jsn. 210t, .1988. 4 STrAGcE HOUSEl MAiIILLA. ISAAC FPtNTON, B EST, Winetailà Ajjqors -, uprlor aeom nidation for tritvrlers; gaod étabiigand Attentive bostIer. -1 DUND NR 8TREKrT,' WITETrr. JAMNES BLACK, lu Prnprietor. EAST WI ND$OR H-OUSE, WIIITBY, r Eabove 1 jotel im aituated iina plesanatand rUetireet part of the Town, ou the frontroati. îloo]L afomondatlet for travelierti. Go Siabling and attentive ostierg. 2 VICTORIA JIOTEL. Trat ALlit W1l1.LT A N SCOTT, PROPRI ET<11. (Laie ANGLO- AMEKRICNlOTEL* T iiE ,a."riwr ag ftttej inp the itbove old h.alaa ot-el, with the %,iwtlf aff ordreg ~verv .itommd t» t te travelilur puhlic. aiv"e hlm a çil. Ooe %tlabliizg antostlers '16 ZNVICICEY'iN IRTELaè T IT ,î,aertter aa et , iform is frianýde Thadthte travellinig pitblie, tbibî be as uew- ly p peruti, "ptutod nci fwirli8bdlb. te hoya t-tel (lortueri' ,eatipled by Nir. Atlnalonl antd thot tii.lrtveWtit eo'enint,will Sund cota- lortaltie a.onî eaixntt lodrate ratùî. The table i. well g.npplied wsttlîeverythinz lunse& soit. "Gomi 00taliîîg and careful uentiers ou the JOHNIQN IKOTEL MANCIE8~2R, RACU.(laie . ,wswA.'a.) IMInyq btt nkti nteally eltuateil andi poasasiet Jlevery aieotiiodatloti. h ha-basu oewly fittoti up and rettovateti. Boit wineai, ilquote, and elgatrn. 27 1rpitr CANTON EOTEL# UFFIS CiB W. PCKERfIG. G k0riVProprietmr. ItAXILLAjioUIigt irH uinai d eu se oinoin runlithei tred ,rnaufbe trveilltg publIe igb trent; R. batilçt ta ite abilte veli knowmn itetelanId n trei trusts hyaIqtht atteitnute businessý, and hy ueutavenigtoide ail lu blaspower for t e m- fort and ceovetiet feneitftaltg eail a sitar, of pn1meblepatronage. Grto. Llquona tndOigarx. Cai-loitable aooo>dààtlou fer man and it,cse. FORl-ma An .etteuLtte and .'trotul Oèitler alirsys lu ai-F tendane. th.e lit! e s. CO7<WAY, arcere 41 oito* uaiy1 bIaIIIf4 et29t186.- 4tsafenrue1 ( OtiPEI MOtON, 1.ÂTE 0FP'T qiten htîl. andt fernurly ni Ilý ltenue-R Io Iih ie culdsard the pubi basi retedthtei, bove well-ýr,rtvn bc lsuenow 11 t rate orreftafr the- T quastes- Wlue., Liqeruanmi (Iig £Itabllng antiuattetulve 041ter. WILLIAM STRACUN, t A satiird fertilîzer for &ailflMant igardon eropte. Fer W mtaïrsud fer; Tuadh it la par- teulariy valuable. Thae Ptopbate auese rps le inttnre trom tnCentt #uy daya carler tibm tianai. Far',ry iê. l'or a supply o et-titi l1ansd tor circulera. aif Inom tie a i teR 1Ag 2141n bib IFE hove wll-kuuwn oid standlitaibeet IronovrtiO, ant inewly sPrsgged bhy té prttWut prpritr, and m UOtd 0a1itQdî. tirocn îe obtited'aiaieelyhtthit-ugbtî lit- C0btutnv. <4Itod 1iquoira. a Irel *hi piot LatiIN, excellent roontv îitahllng. -GivahMm Oa null, tind dnn't pasluin I>y. Qr É '13FI ., .1 111 nnderglgpti ?roptiotea of the aboya , natilet lTOTZIL, bez rc.poutfelly te auprize their fienda sud Lionq, thaiè they have tho- reughiy renovatedtheir eitablialtment duriW. te wlnittr, whieh enahiosi theta now te offer te iii, Member% of> the lýtialatere, sud the Tra- velling Publie steoritl amiommodation. lu addition te lte Apatrmenltires- hati lat vin. ter, tI:uey Ihale oW Parlera anti Tld-roomis lit a ItrceQ îotme near tao Rotai. vîich, forcemtort nu, dos-utn T.ac unt>o"rptad lunuthe eity. WM. RUSSELL & 8014 Quel-us. Mmrclt 11, 1861. 9 !IorthemRn otel' Cannington.- ally kuowtt InLtel, bhum renmletfd lit nueeet>ary for tbt-.uht.ttr tre 11 rge thePt-emime. lile ha, uone g SOn a£ ona i%~hle citent. and matie otiier altet'attougaUanilm prôvafttute, te soeur, ur111 furtbcr ibe cirîl()tln f .e eoeommndatle4ntn hie. uetel. The tal ym prided with thu iteat itt îeun,,ani cane but tuhe ba idÀ ef Witi.riâ udlAquera kepi ott the raml.... Trerntkeapera a;tpplied vlioloitalc.Cica eauln ai -tposa. Bob tht> ronnwned Oetier. shlwaya lu attend. mitée, aitet by Dick, té také ebatgé eotteanis. JORN %WARD; t'nninlon.ui c. 2$rd, 181. 41rpiooi To the Traveliting Publie. T UE srtrher htavitte Leaad lte Ji4etl- T Fo i. lely Ocenried 1w T. Entrih. lu the villtttce ut EpAtin, tiud haývrg fit tdihem up in rAod style,. e prprmtoacmmd. ail ta,, vh riveirhm a eill Ho utea teupiug nathhug hut THBEB EST OP L IQUORS à CIGARS Antio ttitn lttyl ha ffirltried vitt. al the deileocetes tf the saaan. Ant attentive, Ogtler alwaytîan hattl. Tliitca Who favôr Miii wlit s ea,, inuyr. r uonbelg ortably aecem. mrinntîvi aud veil atediledto. JOIIIN LIIMILTON, Plraprietor. Epnm, M:aY, 8 q t WOON & E OT RER. j WIITBY, C, W., THU openi Th ii. M intera Grave. chant San p Ntti theaang of a shrt"-uot" the aeg of a distul But anoiher aaulomu inqlu si.tt Net ' h. quartola uot the chief, nor the laIT of of the Nor titu death ef a warirr kiu' 1I*â But the ;aîruggloi et these who lu vl4neva with prid o p Tbe world'as rourh tempo4eau brave iu 1 lthLie prend trinuph utf lîroca atide, a chi ufflmt o'er theimilitier'a grave. adopt T 20.9 1863. S'Aht, déat br6ther, 1Tlave been îhînkr. eami t okent froi JaO" Iug mach of yout o-day,' nmd Ioise. çoustant re akpe aio 4,nd -I a@Ey ota eU7, dear aiter 10 lbtheforIorn *nd.unknc W~Plied iLorense. Pfs 'lIotir hmud', my bravéboy,' sad -the 3die Ormiiniifza *ù>8vPl vi e.dor, pressing the boy', band quarterai jut 'sfcee nfigtl ait -tisinw. weuo- It iiever, at pur oddloeaudlmy tIer thrfltistmb b'is 01!q npê tl frleni4' sai4 Lorme,. thepersotn 4i"s a~4 * low lis aur father, tqorenze ?, ashed uqoveteu, u1~1~ bits aisteri *itb a sigh» passed oui1WîihotjIMun û 4 V4II aTtér ; Lh b bétquit. ill îo-day ÇHé had n , atpreeoidal oia 'L, do pyos _ Then 1I get go at il thea su irlêw M DJ-.... harac it tbls WaA t t tite realt te a ltn ncof aigalt, I &Mhl Dau Wheu ptmttîry frowned att -ierweyl 1 the meel Te combat tcnnptatieut. i tatcautti e told; urto SAbdtdspoirl iîaieward Ofthegay 1 Ahl in thlo u ilonebt tnetue vas ofbah« Offia. w t Nor board thbe deep aigietyoiur.ilsve; iato Thou caw io e tftr bafiberiuiet'yatr, ev.an drivei As slw batik tu lher bed and ber grave. di8ers. JQ Not thiné las the care of lte wrotaihed thsai eli I. bauger und %ue and despair. Let thhra work tlliithe otiertisi.broken dowu with ia weigbL, And lite in to bitter to beur; Let hg limtue rea ttthe tuillincr'ii muter Inay thriru>, And grow attd hy deapoiliug 1.1. slave; Leti them work ililexhauaes 'en nature- 1giveaway, l Anud ihey t'et inluheIi. îuinter'a grave. Ah, Judge fnot too harahly the talien 1 for who The grieti f. ttainhve naunit them te stray; Wlho ceau .omid nte dark deptita of their ioul- Wlteu nature and virtineigîve way But angels or glory lier weleonme abal siug 1 Who scarucd te hu pleaaîr%gay élave, And the inatiniond ufimeaven wiihh.rrihnmphs 1 laaîtring. Thougît ah. lepa iu the. umll net'& grave. Not lte hero that buar ail iei braut cf the Kuoweth atrugglu% iike ibouie of the poor; And te waaIthv. ihat blaze itoir gata-bor- rowed igit i Nover &-tel the a harp pauR. tircy endure. Sil o i le w lier ret-to Lihu ýoof etlove. liouvoi bohard the deep ig1ot rhe slave- AndL ,thmailen of bleait fln ow greet lber abova, Wbike the worm a hedas a ltiar oer ber graveî. TUÉE2MUSKETEER. A tle er ntllltaryhlie. lit att-e in lie a voice vite. inciiy above j bade tien to vitbiu lie shadî lîgit ai the M<Y thle wild sceus pe. But tioe fiant, Mrinug th treatet i ke tkt summrarliy exptl we bave -sad. 1'Who lattil toue l' criedai i AY, wbe ce toue Iluked i 1 One af théý voico-i luheb. c 9'Ay, ay, dà $*Id a doSnetl 1' 1The fit m dies l' raid JJe its;scalubard, à left baud -readj . 8eu tt biud piossing fo 'Raid for 3o menteos, 'bava1'y or mut ho' lhàý coturades ilutiii 'Jean Pairew doseu voices.-, ferent afjiir1e Il, il iii ~c1 tII ý3yià4,an-,I YC1e , w~ill- geo adtey' ~d asb; pIm beou ,dWbbrgd eoe lard by' tbdeolz mn4ng ta ouk ber vîi. heas, ta pdal;y wa1n m r id Dnot laie bi&s 'My volante Je ai ithe dadr,' said-Jose, nient but reoyer ing 11hins.f'iwa ed ml;1 hoeappeareti and ai your service.' e t 8doti 1u d , héb Itê e mob, and vii t lày for a mment,, .1er, sea I LÀ.fo<1ndt ab*lthoe> heu> i buhëdi ul1S*hi roséi dia- rIais. '1I1bave f1edlong la your iatber -il was aImcista ait-ua. et had net,,] ma termIoil, b. about yau and, ibisaLairaudt. buas t fatliy wou<îdod,- The ih-ae iti aud alThie lut%. ai tid-tit wu hvs ie -artietwish tlita ernith - -eport, and gave 4natnt? à. calta look of yen sbonid reluru ta tour boan dut bis for 'the lotve; 1but te ne aviIli, 1t ateppeti back arme. 1'1 knov that bis ilnes ariseï $0181Y cuiprht wlio'itatitbdil i ate mpiéd titi 11 il the uncertain oct of troubles of mtina relative fa you and îthe vie6goeorett p : ro b" n~-pou Ibis- nùbappy- *eparation. This.eveniung :_Thereoiao4fL sevI. Se of gait Peip. bdt came 10 dile, and bld me te gd and oek ther father iteig npy cosplote, bi4, ýpr iseti on tlw.têIluyoti,4 a d tdibis Jettor te yen.' coet u U onc -eueo'btainedtaethue 49cer shauldti e Iloise -.ook it eagerly, anti road it-outi ta peseti'union bowéenâ Joàe"rIreiàt b.d been mosi Jose, ase fa luwe> bis diubiter, WLile thke'gircrgen the grende, as 1aMy tier chhd --Yeu wyul net reqetire but tao hibpjpy't-O ausylbiwg ta i amy apoIôgy froni your fatbe-r, ie bert-i a dd Ici the-tappiueus f-JWgave 4W 1er, ns in suchu a ali yowrs, andi your- dear iouglp.ful Le-, conseutty-to o eq44 'dsed filet'. ronzo'sa.,Tbongb ptjdo-may hae led me Sipor, rt,,,eta4itoprnt i s ib tis beilîbuitae r, mauj çlit. vur beit gqed vas - Cil thé r#sîv aver 4 g rqéte ra ive bief off.'- off', drive bittil oa Advanceîgton rue, [ng lis îwordfront 191 a Pistoai t1he amt use.' -,-1-. ni,, saidt tuoiebel- l' sbonted joeeOr. ralIen juan Perei., At- aguinat biacld voùid carry me le tie grave. doute home te My arts. AasrTÂA.' Peur toniese Oteti liii. e chulti ieu site row hii tenthirng epiStle tram iber1 JEU> STATIOI. And tbere stands Hlavena euhl, wbere al Ibes things bave iteen r.is qn.y lavet b, the, Golf of Mexico, and ti i ehoes îu ý by the. soft trade wind. that -aais titucom nierce of every nation te ih. barbar Tb frovuiag batîlements of 14oro CÈsie an tiere ha gloety iaataees, watebiug over tbi aarrow inlet o et iibay ; tLbeislit ci ARCHuITEoT. it& a ltis? o silli are cen z>144., Bay Etreet Toronto. andte i i --Th Ti labiti MALT VIN-EGAR. la participae ~[AlaT V'AmAtheau awbe bai tuin1r% aIuxiitanie, alie hoe large Whitbv Brewer'v. mTh*loynd Niorth Briishi andi Mercantile ii aub Vire & Life Insurance iOon'y. o u secret b THOMAS DOW, tite-CoasL Batk of MonItreal. 4 t ieir living WhiLby, Sept.?7, l8t2. 55-iy itttptity. Cuuniug and COLLECTION& CO>MMSION fes Lite loe ed guardlmt MR. E. L. SNOW, Ufetreai, C. 9 amali bands ( LLEUITIONSuatie tor- Ptllahers, Mer. il ubtjoctios 1ýj chanta, Phyttîclana and ti aibnluManituou athe .plan, Ç4ceeý, tteit,,a -dToronto, sud other place m Cnada' AUcoleioctlouely repoît-aof yor, Joi ëd ad rSeg rmplypadovr : very attenl f fd -i c . raz x U de ai o g t ue & o Iî tre lie b Ia c ander af ad a D ha n s Bgtt ~o er c Di ý!ùfidcý ý ft«om

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