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Whitby Chronicle, 20 Aug 1863, p. 2

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on and M. ikei. cm to pakof& muy 1 M. DoI bee harsd ma" "Won 01u mil ioPms km,.- hy 'Mri boés 44.'UIwn. lUg tbm, bis écurémWu, efair, and [0110ȔY. *tahé liadc os re s o *plaln 01 Ststwo. hMm tia oithé Premier. This vas thé - lest lum,*u ho hai!that bisrsignation ________Wsflocwd sMi!hu reprove!! thé m'a- ber 0or Réehélegéfor tsktng litsjulsée, 4IwriCab~éine etodhm bénover bélon- L AA YZA2 épt ors mWu il. Tbée mre thé fats, Mdsoi!vhé scsre bis clléagues frÃ"m 'Lomor >Ag 20 1s3*M<Iastia wold ber hlmnt iu bis narra- tin of them. Mr. Sicotte metirith sosé r thé Pemier. iateeuptilàsfiraithé Premier$ sud froué - ul~ X. ~Mr. Rota., théenm Miisteraof Finance, »tma of u co irwho bbeig defestétt luobtainiag s mat lu ~ ~. Mostra-a ot-'wlthstadng hie great Mo- 'vll 'e ml eéuv4 nine wuiiobligédt t go ta find ter 0 " éfS" aother' piaée, snd su the lut moment- -r hmol , làat' mue bedoit e ot sa i-found an lu. e 41~m1g ~ sigZolat >ýybsme-.pghto ar-st ory1biteamMises, kr. 17 buisMr. .ic-Otoe.Lthe onte adn, m~Mr e. dem"' tht ho1* ûpl acd Mr, John ,~ afe h oeo Sôi!field. Mr. Foley took bis tuaro, sud iiwmei! bis, (Mr, sai; hé had no connectou with suy af DensusryIluorder te thée iutrIguï referred to. _Aftet th ()»secti élons te dét'at o! the Goverriment hé sttéuded mr members, fcm themeeting of thé Cabinet. ThéeQiity h te g"vrumet- point discusuoi! wu thé question o! dissolti. a meiglt a thé 'l«téétoau. - AIl aimed ta sak thé Premier ta stue~~~~> relainu h st ,thée4Goveraor sud réqnest a disso. ati section, ast co .lution tii. tséüi!ay. There wira oh su! hé onliouc aimeeting oatoe Couséeil for thé purpobe of Pols . ePremier réeivlug an aswr irons the Premier. eteof '~~ Fiac,,r.Hé di not usy diroculy thât s dissolution id himt t w * ouldbeo grasusi!, but intim t in u sch 000%&0 * me e way as th atisty hlm (Mr. Foléy> ,psition. 'Re *ho tshi.would.hé grantéti. Ré roferred ta- Las ans ib ould thé dsmissl of M. poStmaeter, oi St. (lshtlirée <te. Kerit) mioiiha! bée une C& W l argéti%,%!nalhlm. This dismissasivas eôvatnhé ha by u order ou lauvday on thé direct ini- ébon SMd floittée ~s vuuconofo!thé Premier and cautrary to urs.,bi lat(sMr.o. ~< ~)?Cf$ wshs Ou 8atardayr mej«oit ad epe afternooa hé met thé Premier. ReabaW as moe apise i.- ot thea théslilghtest Intention of dismisa. oni timgte l in u; isafircmthé cabinet, on thé contrary, sirie oâ te eerho sp&td atissu hlm sas hua(the sU idntallwisPeir oe clleagué, as hé e or aru frRer atway profosséd to regard him hé. [)r, mode the Position fore. That nlgbu aàinombèr af Pîau te hé ppé CaadHuiment sud friand o! bis (Mr. FolFy*a ®rth wol Cnd ~,a mmour) 14m sud toI! bis for thé 0frdt~ - ~ ~ tr . - ,ll btht a Wben dsmisedtosiiak Il t I I 14 h a 's a t n 'I à re9wnulta dis- ivste convénsa ecéüIégihe gen. 1'arhinmsî noL. pérSOCtiQu-of the Ày1ièta dres.m of thse 4 etie " pied, andi the gain, aira bat., o!f, f s;atcommoner', himself. 'Hlmfrlens-n dreau"iér law"mi Now, Mr. Wallbi¶tpjs Cawa,, and, 1'2 Gorge is left out in theoId, a. éd ,M&n. It U wss 2- t d. Brmn, cousitinat ssfety be ofte Housmo fur asthé ne Jai, .Sassdfiéld Macdoas 1ý Mesure,, oley,.Jonz Walbridge wére mentiont 1W Quarters RéormseConventi ln thé Parliament Ilause, ehi ît, an thé evénug. of the4 this aprésent jear o!f the id1 ta Chrisîlan reckauiuag, ewm sad ilproper persnsta t0 in order. , Toi fetl upCm xrýý..p n annoueeaio~f t, t Pr présent, wvi sthée o! psrliaméntary priviiajé,ÃŽ te carr hastaly.penééd inotes frosc desk, not exéepted, wus madee. t mien, ou Thuraalest, -imuédii thé -ovéréoy baW! urned - is thé Honorable g"amçn'ofr t]t tiv Couneii,,d ge4,esun of, o! -Assembly. -T#eiOppsiiQ deérisveil. Theré urssu a ety ta hlm- (Mr. MGe)thuilgh Un. Holtan, that if hU iould bé a god- bo 'lie, might corne in. for someLhi's9..'Ho vie8 thé canduét o! thé Premier as sasi Io0. No Mass m-h ori!iaary .élf-xés-. pect wha bai! boeaéjuggled ihl at ry could poslbly thlak o! going tht-ugli thé- humiliation of sérving agalu under a Chiei Who bai! shomu 'imsef o ingea4SMI ta ail that éi-iciýte regular scrupuloaeuso! ce'n. dueL irbicis shacld exist betéeén man *and man. Theréforà hé dec1înedýoffloe. Mr. Fohéy sai! hécaltef d n N.'Moir- at on Sénday, irbo iL Dom appearéd bath .beéu isflered a Bat in thé Cabinet on Sat. urday, sud épake ta is about, thé rémois [hé bad béa!. Mn. Mowat thén ssalié wroeld. euiuire o! thé Premier and! $and ~hls wor, alîbougb hé tise knémw ah)about Mr. Mxa tred .tQo ëkpi b ~fat d. And at-our chiistlu péiticians ke emigh, prevarckté, htewod nattelél anipenutrutli. Wa er ing position foa Miaister of-ý thé Croi ta occépy ? A. man-wha, ubrougli acCl. dent bécamé thé heai! of an Admnistratioua ta treat i&i colleagnés, men vastly h14 séperiors; men cof influence tith thé Peo. plé, and o!firéight in thé countryto0bé treatitiso? Anrd by apettyfoggiuglawyer front Cornmall, without abiity, talent, or snythiug lsé tit coul! maire a mansof! usk ta reeommend hlm)1 If ever imparti.' neneéshométi igelf béfore : if greatér, - if ýe heiglit o! assurance, or théc meséér e of insut ecube aséertalée!, surely hère iL il. Our FSng. À lttér froi4 a réspéé-tabié sud authe. tic carréspondent ludicates what me havé béat! froué massy other sources. Thé hoast belong-at leut in name-to Chai.- ter D~raper, of-this tomé, sndi> Chster- iîatbiug surprisisîg ipreada oct thé trs an! stritaés on a vesse) bélanging te 1aa Whitby Port, snd omise! by Biritisht sul- jécta1 Ta it not Suatir ie im ? -He mi-ht-hike'his brother-have g9ne fur.' tpsbr, and dane! thé Quéen, and çalled i 'al se ine i id1utten. We hm e d béfore évéry Yankee ia thé country na verGrtis aYankee. ai Bias.-Tbe "big mm 4'ù 186, iFW YORK, Aégust 17.-Thé, steamer 'j lCty of Washington, from Liverpoat h, Squeentotvn5Lh, haut arrved.. 0"Im tý .he Asia rnached Lil*erlp<4 on$the f the, ornieg of tisé 3rd, and thé Sidon onthe- KýY nlght of the Srd. Tltêahip Cnstitution froni Philadlphîa tOsity hu, r frValpàralsa wu s captured ons the 25tl Meto-Jtne. by thé piraté Géargia and rélezsed la, did not ', givlng bonds. - The créir arrivéd et- Weng Ocit Thé ship City ut Bath, from Calbao for éd cockéd. A.ntwerp, ras- at Pernamnbuco aftefbhaving, F more by beén' captured by ýthé Géorgia and. télés. reréamied séd an ransani for 20,00. ut -,kn, Iféporisaj that thé, Bark- Conradi,..cap.J of téréd by'theéAlabama on thé luth a! Jéhy Olo Brwn*as armedLby her, and flot chtaea. TeshipeÃŽ&eséfromi Liv.rP4ol for ihiappoint. Néir York, mas ant Stérns cpt ured hy thé Ir-,,"rge -Florkda,- and. reléaséd on ransani bond for lé Slpeakier $80,000. east o! Mr. Thé changé o! Luné on thé part, of thé orlon, M.c- London Stu;d;;y Revieio, hithertoaoailéfo! od* , id t'lé adyocates of thée Secessionistg in Eig. Whadland, excitesiv -uch comiet. IThat ji' naé l ns qaka tpon thé récent Féderid -icto' Vhc 'e ies as décisive, aitd in a mmeaure gives np- wîhmttisée ame o! thé South as hiopeless. sé, or near 1%hé Liverpool tihamber he!d a bal!- fAalt, ini jéarly meeting on tisé ird inIt., thé speak- ,aceording er éxpreased& opinion that thé Amnerican jo1r tltting war was net fur froin its close, including gesouge Jas Spenço thé notoriaus sécession adva.cLe Publie ardered a forced loan o! 2 1,000,090 florins. oCt:jlI 'A proclamutiion froni thé %sourcé ré- R e. Pal jci vr umpromnise not bemd upue augé p Who the thdependence o! Palan! vitis thé reat 7a- desk to of tise nations o!fLise boundaries o! 1772. )y't4e Pré. Sevéral, insurgent leaders aré living ai- fir Thé 'funkisis army is i-é hc raised fros' back tuon 85,000 Lu 100,000 mné, aed twa camips io! hg, egîîla- observation, are ta ha establisbed iBoa- thes Rouge i'ia and on tise Danube. t, çlýeeed -AÂdvice~stre ain-to have, reacbéd Parij% 01. ý&ithé 1ffom New Yori, tisat thi-i Gbvcrnment haS.' fi 1~~> defiuitely renouuecéd coesoiption, and ilim .-For ~ feét is nttributed ioth of rau !pncifle M ~~ des in tisé North. l i 1* Thé Pulishbqutsionî ta uncisaege&' as ton-gue, ' Parlé jounals charge Eeglaed mu-h . Tércotté holding bawc trou) ithe ideticel ncté, nîow tIc o! thé tisai- iL.s a question a!-oftakin; s dccided patleman, stép, snd4 îmhe unsponsibility o! solu. nosr. 4"The ion an Engttd. A .1oruey A Yi ou or-nal l ChU ésrts tIs4uino ced(erstaluhg 0nu ,ta ils ta Russia b mesay vrr- yet amrved ut. ééuéwbst Tise Lonidonr llerald a.-serts i-liai- Eeg- g inéshérs landi and Austria are completely in accord, coul! noL sud mil slinply dézocîsîlfor Poland) ihase hé dl! treaty igis awliçis Iltssia insbtac Mrt. Brome '-acknowlédges éne) shows a ,dvsý&itiýao La .11 .moad cocédé. Rumona o! an inténdétltrsê at )have ip. Wansaw on thé th arc carrnt.-Th na- las doué- LoatGve %%nuttssar tëd'e piel e ha! cana- igainât M'ovIL-"iin eréthé signaýl. r-e id hissel! Vhé Bomnbay « mail has arrived' and coni b confésséd firme thé arré-si of Néira Saib. ;peakeishije Thé coi-io» alîipioeeis froué Bombay anrs ýr cousider- heavy, ont, deni- Thé City. o!fVeiig reports, .bug.ý i- UI, lat.'50 long. '38, passe! thé Africa "arrive! sé nU. S. gunbçIt t crà ruit ing. a ha! con- Thé LondoneTiiexeinlean éditorial upoe Wootld have tAsanican -affire asedepicteil by i-licadvî- tofaae,cal ceés by i-lie Crcit Eastern and Asin, regards echon. and i-hé Védéral 'sucée&,;s éhncked,-am4Ah, ,àge A, Confederates as having rallié! and off ened 4 s. meimrsîgo!ftiré utdéterinn! resist- wa 6àdro 'aIsne M in <lepoint of'ict that s fan st 8ié. uceésful Pedéerats are f.r thé-. moment 'dicative o! e-hedkéd, théir vietbries larvé bée cnsid- en as Mr.- érable, bat tbeyildu 110t' séUIn.ta aco i-be eaker.- mil. waytta o iUow,' tieInU p. Sncb- a difficull.y * ~-~--- M ~ - --.- ______________________-~ ~ A,,mrIn..flayén.. road. ~Ué aléa; confinas thé storiés o! thé Allé givé. a prapé~ direction ta thé ércellént dmilzatioa 'f theý Northt Carolinfi, Ten:e, aud,ý,labéats rops.Thoie no0 longer. Théeitems $rom thé front ti morning iâ cheering inasmucli as it points ta thé tertéination o! aur term, o! éon-actiou. ' Héavy fiing ibsbeen distinetly - heard, siîice titiee o'cfnek tis inrning in &soéýhb easterlj tt té~apparenLtYy nthé neigh. borhuod o! Banks' U. S. fard, or possihly .u fiar,*a Frddricksberg. Firing la rapid sudconstant. A battlé is, evidénîly going ouQ. Large -bodies of. troops mere maving yeëstérclay, niarching by rail, and! that aur advancé bhas cameup witb thé enéwy may safely hé inferred from thé- noise this morniag. -Newr YORK, Auguat 18.-A fortresa Monroe letter te the Hea.d say$; -'I am asséred that Sumter la un la bah phiglit.- Our hoavyanfi long rangé gêna are Play- ing havocaen its malts, and iL las sated- tipit thé aidé éxposed ta aur batteries is alréadv breachéd. A WVasitiîsgton- spécial ýta thé Herd saya. Thisa morni4g 'thé enémny made a dé.moustrationpu thé left -o! our army, and héavy casioeading enséed, for sanie tume. No intelligence o! thé reanîl béa réachéd Washingtoan toýday, but it is be, lieved thée novement mas inatbing more than a reconnaissance la farca for, thé pérpose cf feeling aur position. WMséHrVON usîÂg. 17.-lt mas asüer- talned ta.day'ou iéquiry at thé bureau o! thé Comniissiitaary ýGénéral of thé p)risoný -ers abat it is proposéd ta éxchangé 18,000 o! thé n)arohéd priseors for thé éqîsal nuni-7 ber thé Sontht las in is possession belong-, zing ta our antaes. Il lut net et keDomi mhthér thé arranigenment la per !ected, IBELymm , Me,, Aug. 17.-Thé érection, ofLmo batteries for deféniding a ur barb,ýon, irAsCOmmeicet t-day by thé Goven-i ment. - They are ta coasi-it o! eartheonks mauning ,rit éd 12-pocndcms.- ÂînsAugnît, 17,-.Govérior Sy-_ maur bas prépared é,proclanaliol i tré-* 4ingl aI citizens against any disorderly con' 'duétirbén thé draft is made iin;ev-yf rk and firouistyn. ihEWBEiz!, 1;.C., Aég. 13--A con script just froué Wiliuaington, N.C.. re- ports i-batmiîhth lt tfew day&a sevél- téén large steamers bavé arrived t a thist port baviîiig run thé blockade, loaded mitis stores for thé Confederate army, mhlch are 9C),000 Eighih rifles, 16,000 armj blauik. éts, 131,000 réad,'-madé uniforas, 23,00,0, casés of réady.ésadé army shoee, Ilt locom- otives, six rifle cannon o! héeavy calibre, Olve cargoes o! railroad iran, andtl silfél muen asirompanylng thens.- 'WàaSri<UTOI, Augusu 1.-A despatch iras9 réeivéd this monéling by thé Govérn ment, dated thé 17 instant, froni a dis.; Stingsishéd rmilitany qfllcér lu Tennessée, statiég thut theé lhattanooga &Wbrof the 14th announceed that thé bomnbandméoat o! 1Charleitite auntthe1311s, and that thé fir. -ing froua githssa' lansd batteries onisr rig 1shànd, and from thli monitors, mas 1chiepli dicéctéd -igaiust Fort Sunpter. 1 rbe combineà land and naval forces of théý Féçlerals éefni1o hé éngagéti. Thé infor-, 1mation publishéd in thé RebtJ mas recelvéd at Chattanauga by télégrapis from Charles. ton,, andýtlè f!iltWas going on when thé spirit by which thepepople are animnated, suid'to yoiùt îiberality ta sýupphY thé méana -b,.whieh p1ractica adrintitges may bcé- oh- tainéd frm it. ç&$ilI for thé cquitable î4stwent of4hêsin betiréen débtor and credîtor, aýd t.éffom'd relief ta ia).l vent debtarq, wlte li4bfore yoil. Cér. tain altérations bin he laws regulating tho administration o! justice il hé submiîttéd f or yôij,<app~robation, Thé existing lairs aétngthé registration of tiLlé ta réa) Preperty in Upper and Lowér Canada, and concérning patents for inventions, as mell ab thé lama rélatitig te. the encouragemenat of agrir.ultuére,w'll also claim your attention. Génilçeen Of the Legislaii'é Assentbly Thé éstimates for thé current year for~ which provision was not made hy thé laté Parliamént, tagether witli such afiditianal estimates as niay hé néeaarj ant ithépré. sent timé, will hé laid héf are yon mithont . délay. Thé last session of Parliamént having ibruptly terminatéd - mithoeut thé grant 0a' thé usés! suppliés for~ carrying on thé Govérntmént, 1 havé bée oblig- éd la émdrtake thé responsibility of autli Qrizing ýadvancéa ont of tho publie cheat ta. e4fray certain indlispenr,-iblé cliarges. State. inents i! i &ïsubmnitteâ ta you frai» mhich, jais tvléciethat-thèse advnnéie.s have be en'Striqtly imitéd ta thé énavoidablé réquirénëits of thé public service. Undér thèsc circéinstancés, I confiulentally rély épon pqur readinesa ta sanction thé anlay which bas béén thug inlurred, as wel asý it provide for th n écessa .ry e 1 nses a! HonwraUle Genileeaen oad Gentlemn: I urgé upon jour early attention thé atLite- ut' thé financés of thé province, andi thé relation mhich its éxpondituré bers te its itii<omé. and resources. Yon %will nuL fâil ta cuncur ih me in the expreýssioi of rergret that for sanie jears past the publie eXpénditnre has éxcééded thé atinnal income ;aiid 1 cannot doibt thiat joli mi)) agrée with me, tliat thé ime hias arrived whn treuuous eflfrt shoculd hé madéý taW avert thé conitinuanýe of this5 deficiency. 1 havé received a despatcli frai» thé SecretrY Of State for thé Coliiiies, enclos. ing copies af a correspondence betwéén ber llljestyls Guvernment and the agé,nt of thé Atlantic & Pacifie Transit and Télé- 1 rapli Oomparky, in] référencé ta a propo- s ai made by thait Company. for thé esta- blishment o! a télegraphic and postal corn- iliinication bétireen Lake Saperior itnd Néw Westmieistér, le BLMi~ishColumblia. Thé importance of suait an undertahcing . ta thé Brith ";or-tiiÂmeg ican Provînés, bothiril a commercial and in a mi$tarj point of view, induces me ta commqlnd thé sébjéét. ta jour considération. Copýiés o! thé carresponideucé shaîl bé. ld beforé You, and 1 fée) assuréd that, should an, 1ProPiOsal Catlcul'ié-d ta effect. thé Psisablish- <ment or Sucli coinmmnicat ion on1 teis ad valit8m"ecue ti tise province bc submîiited ta von, ut wmît recéivé énCour.iýP'meii tn joirleuds. fcannot refraia from econgnatulatine 1You at thiLs seNSois of thé jéar upon tht. .prospect whicli everywvhe.ro prevaîls of an abendant hiarveat. 'I sincérely trust that 1 =rôpéity with. wbich it appéaatll-ci~ Irvdnéwill tîis Vyear blsathi grjun Thé. blantreal GBaê(té -th.s comnmendi oil the filnding of thé coûri of investi gqf tion at Liverpool Y *Runnin«r 12 knots an hoeur, lài a fo- on adangteroas Coast, with such a steamer ajsT thé Anglo-Saxon, with hundred8 of lives ci on board, is an offience of the' gravestL -magnitude; i sj a crime and ought to bu 0c severýely punishable, even in eussin whic, ;-G owing to the mercy of Providence, it does ti not lead to dasaster. The Norvegiau wu ti 1run on an Island at thé entrance of tue Gulf by such recklesaness. . Tis i8 the point on which thé publie opinion ehould, be centreda danger whichithol t allow ta bu run, éién if, thé lama wronglyD do.' Thé s-rngof a few houru is not to ho set against dangerously insperilling lle As ta the -Moutréal Océan Steamship <fi Conspàtny it le proi'éd tliat thoir regulaflâpar weré quite si tisfatr otéCé~ f Captain Burgéss did not use thé lead. if ha did ruit at 12 knots an hour in a~ fog, that- was isot in obedienre tatete*instructions lhé reccived frai» the Comnpany, but in open and flagrant deflance of thé x . For the reît itlibas héén uroved that thé Angla'o- Siinwas .well iippointéd. 'Thé anly- rer:ftiiting question iis, wu8 aptinf fur. gce>is a man ini ali respectg fit for hli posi- tion ? WC belléve hé held a first-raté cérti- ficae é-and hé 'as popular with pssame Sucb, as briéfly as wé are able ta stato them, are thé facts on svhich this. casée méast forévér reL. Our rcadeas will mé, that they coiifirmi the vici' which wé, afteer pains talking examination of thé circum- stances as îhey tratnspjréd, havé steadily taken, and which wé feit it ta bc onr dnîy tu také iii the face of muais passion andt preiiidîcp. We fe) that it is unneéssary to say to any réadér of thesé columns ýhat we bavé hiad no intéréat' iu this at, wvhich is not common ta thé publie, and i is nul cumntnonly thé interest or a journa. ls ta rnnw counter ta papular feeling, but iL. iz alwéys a public duty to do justice ta men wbo taréunopular, as the. agents of thisi .coinpiany iu this City happén ta 6e, wbethier righthy or wrongly-whether frais their jseing tua néar, not sufflciéntly gêner. oas, cr from ai-lier c'se hidi re shall nul discusa.. 4<hevé idione ater point mmi ia warthy etf notice, whiah happened ta camne t<> >ur donald bécumé 51gb)l ,moment hé cesse!l spei barrasse!; but, au aneére! st thé illihérsl sud othens, and! vémt msuy vis «o! thése mhom,,~ ~s eei motion wm çQôGaîbu Général aft, Dorion, tués cf 1Mr. WalIbrid ptstiul.y alléded to by t of tbcw Opposition. M bel- sëyere Ipoa M.' Dot îsrsn Mn. Brown ben, aiséséd for t scarpat, ha"é béen co keapmqre bittérjy oaib Yét Mr. Brown désén ed ai ,the;'gru"tsb.l.9 out for thé Speakeea c tissu hé ionld havé tal if it houl! hae vbeén éd rsessary, by1 lis p éd that hé huai of am im >thé Spuokeruutii ý 1 m bj COU

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