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Whitby Chronicle, 20 Aug 1863, p. 3

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ima Y àjL JkJýoj»mf-len erMajesty e4 as beau thse saine vary gracions- . APUBICO HOLIDAY. elous Soverign,ý--We, al gabjects, George Au,-. hn, Duka of Atisota, K. alvilla, Esq., of Besimu. siIni, Francis Robart, b, for oursalves aud tha s and mesuhers of thea 7-() IS IWORSII l'HFMA FOR. Ieotland, as Wall as in klIe fraternity af Scat.- beg leave to apesoavi c Ets udcsgîi eiai ia i o ce witis Ã"ur dutiful ansd yW ?rdnuiteewitim theiutn, et titis Bougon 'asmaions on tisa marri of tilt year, yeu will bd il uosssd tu procolir lliýhe#a tise Prince of a publie 1 miiJsv Ami a i'uici lviisg beaun neasa Alexandra of Den. aPPOiuteàl\fur-Thusrxîd:y, the 271ls isis., tinctise oursalvas of this very the, auW~ies of tise !teelie,lc'sssttte, take le ea nvey aur express. leouv e m usssciîed iliat cse a s.ultahie day. d attachinant ta yanr J. Rlam PIerrv, Jauiie4Ilfowe, Wm. Donad- armonant d tsmiiy witls $011, R. & J iiipIi atnc«,us iiu-s, ÉO&A joilimeu . r.il. mc!itilan, t'% Dawes, Masthew le, paterual and asintara Colline, U%,e" & Pioweil,t J. V. llasn, Ci s, ua ressîssoswel. Nourie, J. IL Goirrie, Tiseusiati 'blol, IR. aihcodcs ats Frsaser, B. Arnsstresîg, N. ltiy, A. Verriie, J. whih cndcesta heFer srîsous , G. ,,Pueiiey, WI. .lisgitis, G T. callent and exemplary a&iilidJus. Draper B. Fraicii. J. A. 5iayerisef- it may please Hini im fur, J. St4tstwî, J.-eiei l J. Bryu u G.Flasîs lîrgl, ltilisMIascii, .1iex. Ctsîereu. i,. G.- to shower downu upon Hans, W. 0. Esutweivd, M. D, Join- Arnali, yotr Royal bouse RIle.. 0. ilorîstis, Daild Courtise>, LC. Sctt. Joltn id continue to prasper Lynis Ira B. Carpeister, t). Kunît, R. IL.Cro-%byt S Jôls Shaiw, Franicis Bottii, obt. E. l'ersy, tise Msoaaic Crait, as _U, Il. lltbi,,C'. Ciirk iic, Mven,. (illis le nation id (unr humble Yc 'To& .. .ii (rk, ILbYle %Jrx. Giveti ut 1]'dinurgheIs, >sietâ J. $. Sprîîwle, E. M. Cldell, ;&ssM. HuiîsiFeiliîz,.is, . Bi'-î.I. 1863 à 5. 863- Hiekie 'litinilteii & c,., t;. .Gl, i mte r. Wt. A. Lanie, Cruss, .JO"" atIOn, 'Vms, 'r111, M'ln- Illele, ' John ileles . .I. IPlî îp, J. .i.roekcr, sd Lodge ut 'cotlassd %iu. palisser, Johîn IiJolisi Bel], Audrow Lîîudgy, .iulîii hryaiîs, ~,s riJ. B ltrîu t thse Torontto Police A. K. iop C. Lytidle, Tliîi.. llebitisoiu G.C. Grom.Alx.-l'itLlt .. L risutiephs orning a rorusutie fil odluth Win. 'tZY' <I, . Il. l>srtîll, 1B. J. ffor investigation. Dr. îwilt ,ii.J. IL. eii IL, w, il il!Lggs, IL. ialsan, preferred a charge - î l.fcduii!l, C. 0. Relier, IL. Siîw. Dr. Darwin, saîd ta hae lu. The reau abject <-: i coitspîbiice viths tlîe a uîbonetiiitloas, 1 r, seesued ta ha ta e ta. îîrîyliricliis, 9mAand Iud tiiiduceplora r af tise former gemtle- Thursday, 27th Auguaet, inst., lie home. I an 'r ,Tn emLred axaisPuili lidmsy withiiu the rrived 1lut Moudayat tise iiii utCniiuin K1 in Ibis Ciiy, wsth i1s a (O*b oprain he allezed ta ba bis wife. MW!.of lAiltb, r. Jlotci1isa, . j.P. a aorerWîib lie yoing lay', srrived,Aiii'1 'lP8< th islundiorel- thssuthlie - ______ ped vith is bsniee froua LABERT SEED ,WHEÂT. it tise vsing lady isua pld watch belanging ta WEEVIL PROOF! a he it aifvisicis Dr. se Thse yug lady de- rrîls wilitir-whit Couti iîs a pecceltas pro, self toak tisa watch, tisai .pnu,«i ia ine seikssvst ieseaaia, mmiiiisa ie artlkod b> wee'ul. ILt uis rowlit, 1aie IîY OsMe2io, an th 8 ie ,wtlii 'tiser fai wleat, wiisilx"lî« i,csu t- 0 tise gentleman. altisa' tackd is>tle distytmct'uvc liieet, and sesiaimsed sl lm hau ixty and mise nmtOUIished. eený_ad ele ddsiha ,TIiirrain ls< <trv lisrit, essly aOi peodue seu»~nd ase eels isattir-, amiii1m40Astsmialm.ri eetd i, ('In eli lmnte, n ssii ov'er tise vorlel if F<îniier, amc iuvlted te cail!, sud itsepeut sassa- rise gentleman psatie«li Ionte Fîir sic, fur ,ecd eîly, bu' -em iss intentian of mar-A tOI-S itg that hia i eli aIff Lot «40, lro!sciiiFront, Pickeris. tie a portion ons her. Aimt-~l<8 21 !fusas In go bacle andi an presesit, IL vas peut.j N 0 rt-I C Eu r'H thy, on tise 16 imfst, iA yprs of a son. tise exception tif a bhiahis isesllug 5 met itis at iL wili Nisat 75e te 85e.- .2w Gais affired st, .800W. 'L OCEAN aun Stearusaiip )REWq NIÂNDEit. rom QUEIEC i ALJQUST, IRECT. SAGE; tr'o.00 40-00 2m.00 nr are 8ttppli. aud cther îrc. el at Reduced sus Streae T lE Clvrks <of dise flvisimi Cesrtswithý T itti Cnuntv of ni(stario, andti hei (ierk- of iii, 'AiiîtV ('euirt, ru, ierphiy reqnes<t- s*i et ctliyr tei Ille tiicit rempetive accounts ,i reine,,,lt muliî titri, as îy tire requirel -1: 1aw; unîdd ln t<i cetint -for, asud psi nver t i l le.<iits fe, îîd lnis uso eivsiil in% tfiem issu >I !r,&,a Provil&d by t1m sStii .tt 2i0 Vie.. Cali. M. And ail Mizi.rites i titi,,maedMtCousîiv sarc ilst ber v eîioîlt, elirer> 1 U lîsii ,1r. 1 iîsiiqîî. Rcî îlaees, iuîictiîîsr, asId otil, Pr liiip is c.o,îccd witli erimiissl obýrgs iîoruofureu il ctc tihe OnuieAtto)reci. 12 ~~~Conity teîy,.. SE E;) WIIEAT.' mâlse, igtà on sew lasnd. 1I)ANIËL IOLDY lB.imrklili, Aiog. 17, 1863. ;2 8w Mi SS CARROlflL L ' Sllcct Sciieul wiil re-0peu n MONDAY, the 24th instant, for thse riseeptios of psspill< 8 1 ,'t<)t"TY CRO<WN ATTOMNEY FOR ON lu}îiirio, tel4re ud Atrse-î- Sil.S iitri C'iîccry, Niviry I'iti'e, &c.- iiilce-ms Biceiow's New Bhnihg, l)nuîldo Street. l« litiîi. RE-ITNI< )N PIC"NIC, UDltttTUFit&rsýicgsieS 53 f5 Whitby Meohanica' Institute, Willi b, isld at Corbtts'a 1iilit, oms TIIJRSDI.QêY& AUG. 27, 1863. tenis will Leu provided fur Croqu(et, Auut Sul- ivili licofifeod na pnieus fur competitiomi lu eseli ofi the foliîiisi ipeit:-.Junipinpr, Foot R,. 44o. îuQits, 'Viirowiiig lihe Hliiuuier, Pisttimig thu Srou, bSau t aiug, RliîiRaeiisg,, sud Aeii.Auisitraileuse e f I <tgt. jforu a«id biàt. lut'luie, wlll bc t'equired oc omnpa- titois. C:!r-M46LE'S QVADRILUI B4VD Wili provîdu s Mtile fr tue niig, sfD lTwo Military Bauds will aise be on tise grousid. A RIFLE MATCH, Oîie u te seVolanteer re et thiaCountr wilii eisneuL t 10atlOonk, iut wbliîtise ( loxiig 1îiewill be itwarded- lit, àa$sler cup, vii- $40, 2ild ailver Casp, NYlued ut ti- coliietitr4 wWbcyflu foried o.f the egii. lat us undùr whieis " ii, u b i dites, Oen aplieniotlu their Camadlug (Imiter, of thse uueroum l"2>1on, At. NOTICE@- ibseriber, ln retlriusg front itimslnas, satui respectrlsIy 1tossinali in u- ieids avds eo.,ton or lttitrlb a wille nbumlie. lins isidebtuit t3 hlm are TOtet*d la ore tis lut of aOtber, wlth Idr. T. tlG, at Me. John Fergsaon'a 8S > tisai, sixt door nrti of.11. MWl re, as tise boo# will b. losed alLer Whltby, Ansg, i, tes. a IIAMS AMP) BACON, A prime lot fersalie by thes ubscrlbor. JOHN HoWELL. A lot of isist brandi for sale Cbeap, hy the substriher. .--- -+ 1 181. -- JOIIN HQWXEL,,,1 Gs'oer rovitlnDai it. Ioek stt, Whb. MARA AND RIMA 4RANCI AGRIOULTURAL BOUlET?5 ÀNULFArR ANI)SIIOWOF dallyt ' li, Wlitby asd Huron Roadi, Mars, ou, Thursday, Oôber lut, 1863, Fer kloseExitit(')f Ilorsesà. Cattie, sbeep, Fur li.et of Pl'euies, p\oste m. Aths rcy, Atgetit 12, 1863. 31 1863. STEA RBO AT N OTICE!!' TiceXciewsind Fast tiuiling Steanibogt ROUCH ESTrEitÀ CAPTAIN GREENWOOD, W ILI. im'ae thomuemetem list t'beiuiiiiwimsg tstslo, ere>'M udiy, Wed- nesdsîy,:eid Preday ueesrss't, aften tise arn'.- val of tise l'Ott .lipm Lîssdsy, and i'ettrlsro' P>ort Iiiope, u.'.. . 1, M. C.obourg,.......... ...... 11, A.11. direet for Roclister, îrrjv«t-l iera lu tlsm te coumcct swith tIi, New York Censtral Raleoad to!New Yok 'iialipma iettsre, Wasls- sigte<s,$tyrîàu»os«, Busffalo, Clilcsg,andiotther îs'is1i s Ret sud M'est. f>ueimrr ronstishe Wesut via Gian(i Tnuuk Rauletuel, w'ml takét- ii',SteaMer. ut Cobourgr, irptlîe laEut wvu taeftiseStuear at Col. Retueuing, thîe Staimner wi!1 leavo RuI a-s- ter ever>' Tseadv, Tiserwtuv, and Situecta> lit 8% e'ulck, A.S&., for tis *aiue meistoued silicesu, caunuectlssg ithlstise QeessitTrussk lishýwa fI*rerintîsFastan sd Wtest. ëýt'ea nB1uffào.iS8 For funtiser luformnatunesiquira tof A, Cccih- relie, Port Iucpa; Clirlcmt tlieott, Coiionyg, P<ort lhopc. Jet>' 24, t6..31 MORTGAGE SALE., V irtsme etf a Power of Silo cont.siied in su 1lsidetureeer Morisnsge, iseariusg date the, 2iLvd day îof* Marcil, 18652e mrade Ibetwtan lioni- atl csdmrssnd hasblla McCallivis, of the Towoship of Ti u t is e iiunty ef Oits.rio, o h.iepat, Cathierimne Msotallumi, orthéi aeesil t, alsd Puirick- MePlsillips, of tise TowtîlisNltasrkhtnp, i lu iCoutity of* Yorke tthe 1iluir prt. for Itt-ectinin certasin l' vay tlics'eissn titussulli f i, îiki ssrly il bce sîiod [)%l's,11e lic ition, it tii. 4ettou Rtoosus et LYVI PA! RBA2Jà RJf., iu tise Fîirs day of Novenmber next, AtTrie1Quisýk, nsties, viz:-Tlue No'flu pat of Lot Nass0,iitesTwL1ve, isi ils, forrtis cosseei% «loti1 or t'se said Townshiip et Thouh, ilitise Cotitily 0,On mtario, aontiusiiiug iy aisoeusre m5ent eigltt-tlirgura sces, morts of lis. OIie-ten)tls Mftisa putiaxàèe sîseir tôchasld dowu; furrltse balance, lei'shs will ha imade keowi nt thaesae, 'f'Isc )puiry < luitdwiti lîf a msila of sieupad -',lt ers teasel. iiposswlsiei I5c urlur prteetrsappi>' te C. c. itE2LIPIl 80 ~ îýf ÃŽiielo, W1lby. The Oonfess$»,o & riperience 1AN INVALID. Publisiued Ifor tisa3 beuefit, sud las a warping and A4 CAUTI7ON 7V iYOUNG, MEN Who sufer frem Nerveets.Deh)ilit>', 1Preatura Deca>'elMsismedetC.. soplying at tisa orne temie, THE MR.&1S IOP SXL# CtM E, lIy nue wv itehm i red Iiinself after tselnir put te grot expeuse iud i;ijeur> thronglsisudicsi Isneibug asse t imkey. l'Yt'e;ayiniz postage, sisi<4e copie& nsay 1*ha, of tiestisor. ' * NATIIArIEL MAYFÂ1R5 )É*q., To Consunmptives, WIINE ANID One pipe of superiôr OLDI ?flP One IIhd. of Ulennessy's PA&LE BRANDY,' A large aasortment of ail kJn1 of WI1SÀND LIQUORS, ALE41 ND I>OIffER AT N 4. ,Laing's t4ýiWo-gs Augtist 8, 1863. 32 sui I M Sli~s. UTTER MANUFACTURER 0P ÂtL K[ýNDS 0F 11011E* .4 SOFAS. fl'UREi Tablee, Wardro1sas, Chstsof] > er and Drawiig JRomanC Cliairmt., Toilet Table, Vgm atl dued material an, CLOTH1N iIcO0à. TEAS VERY LOW. ýsr' f~T'~YARNS &- AFýÀmTORY O' tx i LOWBIL TEAN CITY PRICE f WANTED IN EXCIIANGE, FOit GOçÙe Cail and Oxamine Our Goods and Pîqlces. s Wilkinsoz9s Block, Brock, &reet,JA.MÇUN Whitby, -Aug., -18Ua. iV~ ~fitsmI~s a. 1' - ~<>*I;. 'usa .aest,~ I OF ALEKEMS, TRY THE'R (3ALJFORNIÀ MAN'r ruaTO~ Of the Iedt. grands, Try theI 'CAILIFORNI. AT1OSAA I t: I tc VI Crockexy, n I 'p M v "GAi~ A1~ 4s~ 4,l.~. D~ eà% ver, late and et, F'?rawers .ook!ng C f, Towel Stands, &cý, ipsrsem. Warranted idorkniasihip. He au Lxalin>ation of h 3Ve rticle is rianfsotuved usider i IJPHOLSTRY1 And everyths'inlethe Udertkimg Une teobe imsd on h constantly on basssL WARE ROOMS, No. 4, lBroeic 8te Whitby, Ç. W. Whitby, Joiy 8, 1863. THE ROBSON.HOUSE, UUDA TREET, WHITIIY, C .LOMB"D GEORGE ROBSQN, Prepeletor. gu)8 be o aisueice tiat he bhu 9-. oss pp<mssse eue reit UlDea, ant ins tùest ohe tiaTovs. tie m4gestour dbgeiand Buverlc WCaRetssi lo(stieri siaays lu atte, Wliltby, ]&&y, 18U8. 17RE0LD $TANDipaR X me.20 32v, ~,, [ji L.

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