IUNCtea iron te the Osborne, thé Qneen wife et Poeinea va ditiot.' Her majea. pleeseti etthé pros- New Zéaland chill untry, endrequesteti lIé évent wuvea ér, a, propér attention ldy ou thé octenion; o hiid provetoe ho rouid be p1éeedto. i, or, if auiale, Ai. à o. siguifieti ber wish te the Bdi*h hem e anti on thé Ottawaaet ad- laving the market lu bathb cofltraOts have aise béen re delîvry whicli viii etn- for soeémouitha te coule. ,cni\r.-The Sherbrooke Dus e colision où thé rail ioxville, t e curie, destrey. eue englué and injuring but there van ire le.oet oue man la aéverly énil calde&,' Thé train freux proeooing vitb ceution, in~ r belpg eut oet ime,.b7 wait. ille'for a detaiued traln ta, won is bot, 'eho, 7 eu one abragging ýgnd tht hé hum. te feet iigir, He )rthers, ea1oîmea- ýt onuodrum, net )et lu print an foibeva : - Il Why la î thé Le eveus?" The anaver o iis in the iitaofetbliaaye d aIl the ohese are lu purge-i idl arrarîgeti betveen Vis- e, qîdeai non ofirbe r! sud wley, anti M-*ia (*vdofi.ue ihter of Col. , P. Williane, Pennition, -Whoremurderedi tbi St,.,John's Laue, Londoen, a.gne~ bua, ft la béllévet, heem hitbiuaimhsoli12ly 1!~MFOR SALE.: or cul agd etStable, Oroharà , &éý., oun théerol4 .ety. l1 t W itîtîn halte milse t tbé Vi lege cf U ~ lin, ud ix miles frein tho Tovu e0 tit W1lîthy. e Fer farthér partieulare apply te1 THOMAS LUMSDEN, ne 1-t!. On1 thé préîpisen. 1 COItIER'8 VCELE1»tATED STOHiACIIC TINCT1IRE, A 13eciebeli prdo o rw pèa.l iés cOaf lIlych Agita, &c CEUTIFICÂTES. Frm m vfésséCrofi, (toità Chesstel Analytà .) 11 lia YCOtt?. tair exininéd théecpoue ledlée aéféovbnte ehausoila, an. would &cl a.éi, a nd toi8tnnahica 1 have lu4 ceééucally éxamiéd the répara Tiéereré. sd teo(y taà i h conis nu ndeteléreout PrmDr. !fsdr, lbnuUe. NIr. R0dwanl Co 1rhaIgtu tcd me wlbth o fornmélaus ned by him inthé- mnfuré1 orlas tontahi Tiétctére. 1 have no heoltatlon un'atatinq ioht It vi prhyc a éséfut Tae i nié ty a cases of D Ãapepra, o o t affectioncfItaé digestive organe. EDWARO 1,. WÇOt)& M. T) . ilr.8. lng, Prééldérti othe Médical Béan, C. W., "cc, & c. Prffm Dr. BondL lté'tas. 1 hara éxamined Mr.' Edward Corlier', S'omachi Téscire, and it tilinhé composéd of rmielzd an harmmle but benellile many caesc o(lmpairéd dlges ltin, ad croilalitépcrinr tate trong lcohlie bit 1e iu communae. JAqES BO"U kDD, L. R. C. P, Flng, Léctuirron Inntitutes o(Mediclic, Torentoe, Peomr Dr. SM, Ibrééle. 'o Ma. Cut»s t Sir,-Harlng hen ased bfy o îtuuilfy aa "inthé Semachlc Tincturé and hIaving ex amhied th raion, I think t veli sitapied tut thé (Sneti) JOHN SCOTTr, AI. D.. etM. 1.C. S. En.glai Tégether ith thhar fen omDr. Hqdlmmcy Dr. 11é« bore, Dr. O&Dès, D>. KiagDr. Uséril,. Dr. Ré%ef andmff ofoSthé réýcogéitod membéra or tht seadîçal pnduwonuu. Préparcd only hy J. W. wilqON At the Depot, 37 Coibonie St., Tocronlo A,é&sà uTd by ail thé principal D>runrginté in Caîadsa. IMT PRIZE SEWINGJ MACHINES ne sel tri 4. SI rhe Toronto foeuetttt ifltO haveman tms. e u zsdtuteffecU of OnaunIm or-SélD.-Ahtiaé, cu eloimmediate relief l'Y e1plyln g te Dr. patienta aIta dintance -treutai by letter, and eadié eut te an7yen t fîheocountry ou ra- ,t Of .éaausbrlé W ~eraong wigliiig te éoninit thé DoCor Sau D 6 mith the unoinOsi ecoecy, an hie offiee la arrattge4 0ha0 it iuepc.albefor pétlentate e wwch other. ïlqllR Y ont, OAdnîce8 ce, wtîeu eb:siuied at ltheoffice AU lottérsmuai t,be sadréaaédo pogt-paldi) DeÃVIS, M. D., Toul, 0t W.', and coulain- test tattnp if an énavér la desired. 2 STOVE AND TINWARE ESTA.BLISUMEWN, C> s A WA., la 1&hés aruaimoat complète ln thé CounuY of (Otarie. % Evawy article, andi ae!vrety article lu the lUne su~pb qtieekeles n îlî rSe o othe prbmes. 16 Grand Trounk Rallwiay Hétii. <sma M f ai WaReety Depot, Port Waiby.) rn aariherhs iget i éP thé aboya vl ..keuproi thth ve t auiting thé convenieuce et thitrgvelling pr.1iC. Bon- mea anti vhicelen léfi lu chirge at the letl 'bé -pMerlY caréd tot, avatng thé art als cf; thouneby téean art t or t. God stabloug, eo aretl.atenliou. JAMLES FRINGLE.611 Whli tby, Apnill;T, 1868. -FAR1M FOR SALE. TRErA!sthelf o tet 17, lu thé 14th Con. Brook, containing loo acspa85 acres clearoetiSudanti BaildnseWll witema' , wlhan-excellent tu and < i e,, les fromBeaéittt. i Técst vnyIlbr5 andcY_ Apply. (if >y 1.0er PoIa -ilit,) te io 1TIIOS. MULCAI!!, Qaheas, C. W. Weékly GlaU e oyrI or ix wééka, asdt aeccont te aboe é dilis. TaiI~, Oh. ,Opiige and Headis of Flamilies Generally. Celij et WAI(ZAR & Cos, -Seving >Leebtne 1 iflOq. W hltby, sud cee tte lamge asoment et Ftiiysud bnroutacturotog SWith lekastPO mp entitthi stitisi evpricée. JAMES H. QERRIE, Agent for Oounty Ooitarl). 2L~JST PRi DAry. inarq-hoea. SoolarehEPa 11;isa.Dl n sua.i ili »titlléthe tudént Ite mPleté liegoourae lu auy Collège et thée hein, ant i éce Verga, wlthittintlte1charge. Thre Collège se 1-COI1LEGE TEIT BOCOI<8 BryfoUl & Strettott'a couinioer v . ieall bey 5octare jpages. keping 216. il it iemmer- Aiea. 1Morrer. Eq, Artîtur ~I Mebfantol-, Esq., Ilous. C. 2Cefr C, Nb*'LeWFsq . Jeotn MoDoue1d 41 ..ý gnl .ILhnrn Adam Cranis, f> Tosvctf, sse Odclii Juenq, M.P. ., -Ausdeee Fer ltthéri ifotfrntien, plemascol i t'lié Collèe or Bond for catalogute ttd circular, in- elosiig Iler cOup. Addreéeq BRY i é. 1.TRATTtON & I)AÃ. ToroLte, Marcli, 1963. T I Ji uhacili or ligtig li nuounco thé arni. et l f ew, Good J &ghi and Colbred Go14X air Ring,9inger Rings, :Brooche4s, &0. JET GOOD(>ld ansi Allunriumitnounteol. OOLD .4ND SIL VER WAMMJHS. EiiglilsttPlated (bOLD io> i's Of extra qnaitfl: Aliutiunisud Steel B~oi- li %Onid alec soste tt hé hL îîîîw addéd te lis stock Jkomters-& Brewers' Thermometers, Warranited cerret, and moch lever In pricé thani heretotore chergeot. JAMES JOHINSTON, Wstohok reewllér, )1y28, 1848. 20 .SCOTTIIMPR04NCIAL ESTABLIS 3>1825. Ineorported by Âzt- -ýPrUanîent KÃ"O USE TO LET. ~stonew Brêk Dwellifg hene 28:8 ua8Ox4owzth goo CellarsD. The oilingasve-7 tt 61,:lOin t'l - ~I11t sair li tlcht. Thera 1% an ontaide kitoiheu at- 4s.ehed to tise maii bnlldýne, <hi the rem1sés, ther.. are a shed, itgood sable 1 o oach boué%e tabl eate prif »d dweIng~T~ fablo a rpcrt l îtatd r tho et Ie o a07erqn St-st a D6d o r te et, ad l i Byr on te bl-e of thé TStuetaditb. tln .a aproaeut eruiad bJ2,on$hier,&q,,?. L., &pp4a é m-U ède à ôtu thé preprietor, a, JoihN 11SLOP, Or to~' C té W>8 sw C' O BÀRTLWUTT'S ESTÂTE FOR SALE', COMPOSING thet EtuiéToîr dl 'Lnuth (ohw.Alan à e BAITLÈTT UOMEýSTEMYD béogj the north halt of lot 15, ln the Tht con. of FAnat Wliibv, 99 aore-4, 600 torts cleored, and eonly one mile Woest IXlawn, tîtero té n iorrnI two %tory frae buillding 47>45, well liih ed ,ritbe ut buildingos thé ?aurmik4léwotill,étîtte 1 for gznzinoe, bcbg weli wati-resl, &c'. Aisel thé north hall of lut No, 18, lInlte 4th con. ctut -WhibY 100 aces, 40 C!etrod, EQAjéýoiutder wefl wooded. Aleo Weot X lot 24,lu tît con, Voerala100UO mw. AIse Brick b0useo Sti1lot in "ée f Colotmiut. For trhrtat*%*~4l by latter, poNtpaid> 1il W.il. IBS Lxecutor, Oshawa, and .JAC0B BRYAN, 4t ~Admn uNtrator, Whitby, MES8SRS. CARD & HÂWXE9 DENTISTS, DUNDAS ST., WHITBY B EG te ifortn the lultoLiltat ef tOhm gTown auidautronnding üouiitr, Ihu'tlthey have éutaved lotoceo-partuormhlp i l tuécritlPro- fesion, sud yl h 1'ppy te attend tu téWP r dets entrualedto Ihnir ertro. Teeth inaerted on Uol, Silvér or Vulcatiud Rabher Béée. Trééth Ouled or extrteitc in thé béat possible ulauner. l'articular attention paid te the toguhition of Childron'a Tcethi. Alwork wa rautédl. WIL CARÊD. G. W. HÂWKE. F EEU NO h ueintée requIreld tbé aesstnrarce of atoier, 1ibave preeiored itin» thé poreou efutliféwke. whom 1 tae. pléeuro In Intrudinciiig te thée n.-ty f riotids who havé hithervb olvecunme their muppoit. Mr. Iiowké cotnée véeli recomuîuil, anl liés had sot ex- perlénce of cireur neveu yictrs iii tlhofrofenniou iu thée(it y ufTorouo.antd iurrouu îi cun try. Wth thakiks for-lpeu: (accru4, tnsw for, thé. cuntintiauce o e! o umin lutne le ce, 1 hek to emtin, Y6ura ebedléntlv-. W. Il CARD. Wlitby, lob. et20,18 [nvested inuCi C AN 4e. j WhIthy, Autres I - 00~1~ j~ii I INC(>R:PRATED udertuAct of theThird ISéxsonte lvent Previnelal Paille mént oruppérceoaada. C APITAL £100,0. BROIN & PATTEý-ýRSONS' 9~QI~ ÂGRICTLT3 AL W ORKS.j BR:TIRiIEW< 'NT gw esofthese'ereilîe oinod- TÃDCflT QT1?t' INetacommence July, 1S6-3, ohey comprisie BIOKSR EW 11.1BY. ffiniLONON oQULIOTERO.Y (Gonservative). ~Wa oult repecbnll caî yor atentin t bai la~6 atiTa BoitirattOFit RsVmIEW(Whtig), 'Wawoldresecfulycal yuratentontotKir'aré,ili* el ove ertd lstock W T ff m Tait owtBaIInseoRFVIuuW (Free <Jiurchi) Ta WarxusHINSoA RxIVsaw (Libérai>. A CTrCITELTITR AI' plMFI F i ENTSBLACXC , lif Mt-,iM AaizNE (Tory) mkhich ve are constantly mauufacturing. Wo sao it ablo te offer, durncg oh. cetiitg sesuen, thé lergest sud-béesaertmonto f any mantaetory lunlte Ooumty, et"pricos which w>e ft confident viii menit your cousideration. We shah psy particuler atten- tien te O3f ail grades. aýtylesansd piees, sncluding B rown's Canadien, vhich- la vell kuovu tbrougheo théeOouty, Guney's Patent frein Western Canada, Yankco Subsoil, sund thé ce-lebrateti Steel Meuid Board Plbw, of Runirigoon., Markharn & Co., vhiclo la ac- knowledged te be the béat Steel Meould Board Plow lu the Unitedi States, sud talo the cciébrrtcd,Pattersoii Trou boom Plew, with 'Steel board. WNe are aise îuakig Four different kirids of- WV-heel Cultvators! Varying lu price frein$15, te $85. Oui Steel'Teetir Cultietor blis, been improvod -the lust 8eson, and jenovx thé béat inîpicîent fMr vorking feu plougiied land, W1crng aud root croip, that can, hé procuréti in any market. (lui Wrtught Standard Cultivator,1 with steel tees, lot vorlelng rough sud stoncy, landi launnirnled. '%Vusicae lso -manu- tacturnig a Culti'tor te 011 the demand etf famera, for cutlîug Canateian Thiatieî, which il prove su eff ectuai remedy agaînot Ibis poat, ase b cula evcrythlng clean, sud asaers fer a Gultivator as wcll, We aire ýcnmstnctly mamutoéturing a vtrioty et STA AID rFEEO CVTTERSY Vevyiog iu prîce from six te fi[t, dollars, ani would just soty lu regard to-thcuo, thýat vwe have apared no patua irit getti n g thein as near porfection a.4tau) -lu the country, andt got up iu gond style te, meét the vants'et largt fots-nciestond stock grevweré. WC have at a c?osiderahle eitçeuic, succcedcd lu gotoing tohe patteruis, sud th e right te m-anuttie- tiîle a, > roPoe trwCLtrVbich ila oo*uowlcolged tu ho tho bost machine of the kinti éeér itroducetitt this 0ouînty, being strougly hutît, tond capabîle of cuttîng à n ton of hay ci esteshs'eaves-lu au heur, aome eau be se orrangoil to eut Iroîn a quarter 00) ant loch lu lengoli. W. mako a.varicty of kiudis of> CORN & PTÂOCtLTIVATOR.S, Both fer veeding aud hilling, sud amoong the vanieties, woe arc making a TUP44IP Wccder, thet once scen, ne fiarmer vrould tltînk hoe cu1d dean a ci'op 9f tururput, carnets, or auy neet crop withouit il. (Oui THRESHING iIAC;IINES! Gavannliversél Satisfaction thé last se.gon,,an(ti oviloor rocent icuproeientus tii year they t4tnud torémost, sud arc, vitut ezt-eplion. tii. béot4t Thborehr ando- Ilortoe lewer lu use. Yeti vil! al" ffou MANNEY'S COILBINRI) US) RA PER & MOW0%ER, witL rood imprevemeénts, which Ilé, vittout exception, the. le't machinin it ino, andl fîs - st(>d thon test for the fout 8 years,. égainoit ail rcoiiîpetitioii, nti tanu tnrinolee. You Viii aise finutithe CAYIjG.ý ClILF COMBINSU Reaping and IVlwinp; Machines, Which teeok thé final prize an th., beco ceinucd WRoaper anti Mowor, tond aise the first pnIze as-a single Mower, aI or Isét Pioviucial Exhibition, luielit Toronto tu Septunober iast. I.vetie nly te sot), that it lsa l iron, with adjustablo cutting box made ot iteel, sud lé ion by tO greunel vhiecîs, le very durabl-, eiisy put iu motion, sud stands unniratletiasea Canadien harrester. You wili bu sble to got frein us aliucet eo'er-yhing lu oh. wa>y et Farmîng mmplemonts, that yen may~ requiro. Vc have on hanèl, Horse. Rakes, Land Rollors, Corn Orackers,'Farm Mils, Fan- ning Mile, Corn Shellers, Wheg1barrowo,, Road kits t - Scrapers, Harrows,.&e., &c., > Alil ki fCastings eud torgifmgî ef every description,, such as Stové, Plowya, &c. Griat sud Sav Mill Castings matie te eider onu hert notice.. Erory thimg lu the ahove business aîtended te vith punctualîty, aud on ruasonablo borins. UReparilug oioatiy Wé lnteu4 toe oep auassortment eonostiy on lbaud, vhich itiienable< us teu fMI ordersimmediafely, aud an ou meotte le -,mail profits tegond paying cuétoînere, we tee! confident voe au effer suý,erior goods at pnices Ihat will i otelucyen te tradp vith us. W. tek-e this opportuuity te tender teont'r patrons ;ootr gratetul acknewiedgcnte t on tihe very liherel favors recéiveel heretotorc, with a dogire tae mont your future patronage anti influence. BROWN & PATTERSONS. Whitby, JoIy. 1803. -27 BÂRGAINS Postage to be redudi Thé pricos wvillbhoase hérétotore, via: For any oneof the four Rviews ... 8 800 iFor aniy tOve eo the four RénvaL .... 5 0 Fo iny thirecof thé foor Eevieva T ..... For aii four oftthe Reviews ........ ..8 For Bluckwe)ol', Ma«nzine, ...... ....S3 00 Fer Blvekwooýd iud ne Review .... ... For iarkwood nud two lieviewa. - 310 For laeokwoed gui1 Oblrée levléwit.... 900 For Blatkwod and the four Revieo- ... 10 00 2 'omtao fer ttiewhlé d flc Friedicals oitly ciiyil otm a yr,r LÉONAoRD SCOTT CO.,, P1ublishérs, 99 Walker St., N.Y. RICHIARD SNOW, J3ÂKER, CONFECTIONEII, &c. 'fo ioouK Streel, South ef Black'e Ilotel. WihJuly 1 uh, 1M8. > DRY FEET» à Týj W AT con bhé more eéaaéntinl ta licitltl,, t anthé kecpintr the feet (ue-hlit"thé bile thot flésh We 1oéi toto>." léý hroooizht ou tiir mngh coil récelved by ricoef oté fooýt.. Thi-4 iq cspecbnliy th.ecage with Ladies vuie lu litmp éminlt wesul Pr, vîlîîonet Iluillftines, whiclly i'nBuitcd ta koelî on, thé mvet, ,nd ééiaiin thé héait !n thon litts prùvn Jeolthé only café rmondy.lie han Es~ ~ ~ ~ ~~o lliinettio1 t tkcfBoots aud Ladies', & Ohidrens', at tll!uilly 14W I'ricefé. Thé viork iia priucipslly înada' up mer hipt ev u il ednc mi t hée roisuld an bc ligtl. recoommeîîciîl iii évery reapet. A ccl il] besatncienr.te tlet'jAy cnlstomérg vieétiltey cat ienù.t serve Obéeir ove intereets mtie itéprclisse 'iA13<ttii sud shoéé. W 1L L fAM B U RNS, Whiltby, Nov. Is Sil EEP kç . 186. INeJ. 1à "5; A88 thani they - ~-- I j EST', M. JD. HAWA, CANADA 1?t st. Gahai le bea-te &e. d