SGav-1 t8 tresnui eto speahu tiilIday- maln tisreatenr'd. if a divliays ledîo he.foteed, titatishovould motstidioug ýpeeCls bu aer kc eutnlidthe votes eunlise ma. urrampnt. lle announneut yens (Opposition cieers.] $l thse 4ebate vas rasumari c4frat'adeci-ng tisai sy thse At ailier docum'ents, it appea-- Ilutuidu lid a majority ni' iaat etion for tisa Coussîy tedivitet i vu tise foliovini' an6:Nays 63. Tiis heinZ te Speakqer vateti againsî tise nZ tisaitIsle question respectine inipally in dispute, vas onu"ai' inahl8 hy aunElettian Cafn- le motion vîms accortinghy mn- ;e then ipsocetied vitb tise fer- ration ofi'tise Atireas la va. ,peeoh fros tise Thi-osseTise arme~iapha wleue agreAsi ta vitis- ss iSon tisa foartis, relatissg i. -a iebte arose. ee nquuidviseies tise Mihi- mieuin tise Speech vas a raleced lest esine or a nev , Macdo nad saHid il as lest sçeshat motiifieas. ef- rendl puis-ions ni'tise article avmo-ie o nIsle invasion of n0 tieniet i hisu ot informa- ie invasion of Canada lsy tise thousand mi-ei fsissumimr-Val- Bie saidth ie GIo5sus cisas-ge ifai- attack an a st-anges- isylus atamongrat us. Tt vas ltb the clias-actes- ai'tissPro- leitosijuepress lib iscounti-y, he opinsions ofai' cieau Party', in renard staleesuss respuuaing riici niigzht bu iieti unatise f thse ine as veapans put lut-ej ,en' ha nnulpriusnt ta de. '.ITe refrmredti th ie fehinsi- iroused in lu nglanti vien an svatiý, ta jnts-otisietia statute e&ci the çuauspirattoai sagaillsi e au- saia ion et ta bua ao li tise admirable rematai' ofMi-. MuGee tase1 thse ideas ai' Lii. liravu anti Mr. Ribi tsat tisera vas na chance ai' var, end tissat1 vu uiglit sest an aur oas-s. A'ter iub<ý recasa, i-. G(lt. suetithe Premier to state 3f% vfvi i'ftise Goyrieut. on the. dekine question. Atty. Gen. MaCtA0nail saiti bu vas hep- py nue ta !, liUebulion bi-bths vu vere et peace vitis ailtishe nations ai' the eartli-(Iaughta'r).-andt tsat tise prospect of annuxetian vas very rumote. (liaugister.> Ilu caRtnitnu to receive tise Most pacifie a5UQrFMseifrusa all quaitAes. Tise Ga..I *rnweetin a5eaie11 country, vautti 4eçyhat tises entry ex. pecteti, but tisey,*voisid nat bu led iuta excessive outlay for tise puransu ai' greti.- fyingeapl vh htd'ate th-ssubjeut theirvitale capital sti stock-lu tratie Tise fans-tis para-gra'ph ai'thé Atitirsa vas carrieti. On thetfirths paagrapb, relaive o-ta he voiluatrer force. Mi-. Beihurosesoen rai. ueu deavauredt taestablifis tise efficiencY ni' a snSi-u voluniteer systens. Mr. Ra)se issk-uti for fui-tiser explenations1 abaut tise militiat. >1, - 1 At.Gn.Mactionalti sai t ts uestion as ta fnily a-gassiug and equippin; a aier volutteer force tisais -V5,000 men, ý vus in tise saine position as -shea thse Flouse lest mept, the Goreraimunt not bey. inu, becu autharWed ta expeud -mare tian seonld orgassisetisat force. IlnuXPresied lis caneirunce to somne exiin bMr. flllrojsu"s visses. lHe sait tise axpeudi-I ture aof $60,000 on dirill instrucikonsas ta a age extent ibrovu avlsy. Mr-. Rose procesitieti t n ai< a speech on tise efencu question. lHe itacisist somýe importanceta Ms-. McGee's stas-Y. ebout Mr. Sevwaré1dsr emark ta Theodoref Hart, anti mentionei as un historical par- ellel an aftertinnertrm-k of tise Emnper- or Nichiolis ta Sir iamnilton iSeymour about this "ick man."ý -Ai'ler some rMaýrks frasuMi-f. Dosikin au tise samne enljeut,lte' paragiapisvas cars-led as vert. also tlise itis anti 7th.ý On tise Stis, - Mr. Dirnna, in seply ta Mr. Sicotte, trai tise ntended debtar antie- ditor av v <as 1eubsteutiahly tise same as; tise Gavemususunt o ai'le ssin The Sth-clause then pasAst, on tise Osb. Ms-. Mo'çat, lans-ephy ta MNr.C Fah' ey, statut tisaItthe proranuu'tBill for tise rugisti-atian Vtiitle vas tubtatially tise tise'same ras ies t session. Tise 9th, i0uhandti its lauses- then On tise l2tli buîug rea d. ta visicis Mr. Siecttiesuamusstmeiit, applicti, tisefBouse atdjooi-ned at a quarter paitun. On Fritiay, tise tebate was re2umed& Mi-. Conger urgedth ie ueuessity aof open- in& up colouizatiaur roads, aud securiof, ise.seîtlemeut ai' tishe k .countr-y. He ragi-ettedti tht ntbing bail ben sai ia tise 'Speechs from tise Thi-ane, ons ite ubject, andi bapet it woulti engage the attention ai' tisa Goveraimeut. - genai-al administration ai'tise att'air i'ftise department. b, . Mr. MeGe us jglad K.r. Côtger lied 9 brougst tise matterisefume lthe attentioa 'c of Emigration, andi regs1retteti tisaitvaw or titrée.srrangements mate by tise Mactiant aid 2mcotte Atriisistration wéerept carriet o subject lie flVt 'la p1caoure, aà lie owed it ta the People tfo impart it ta them, and neyer felt happier <lien hen contributingz gent,-aad more incl;ne4 ta dwevL11in peace,ý and ca~pable oa? icivancing in prosp4ës1ty to.~ getlhqr [Gl*eçs] Ile sýke of th.e ex terne measures adoptoti towasds certains 2,r. 1Sicatte4 seconded , by MLr. _Foley moved thse following,,,mepdrnuseit in roëply ta thse twelf th paragrapls when after a de- bate, which lasted svnt;l near midnight, he Bouse adjnurned'tait Md'y ty represéntlta Bis a xeeIencu tbatthe essesu- tial change in the Administration after the vote of tise Canmons a nd tr'afier isalu- lion bad been granteti hy the, rown,1 on the adice fthse: Ministry as it wu then ronstituteti, inu;olving. tts the. change diti, tise witbdrawà l aof two.hirdu aof the îuem- bers of:the Governif .ent s4nd «t1ise forma ti on aof an entirely' new MiniistrY -for Lower Canada, lbusprevunteti tise-people froas exercîsing, ia the 'manier îiitettid y thse constitution, thu important rigit ni' giving tlieir final deceision- betweea their represn - tatives anth~tie resl"onsible adlviËers ai' tie Crowan, andi hm duprived tise peopie ai' that ~just contraI aver bath wbich is essentiel ta tise eorking ai' a free Governmeat. That this Bouse fett il thuir duty ta represent ta Rio Excellenc-y thatlan'their opiaina thse Administratin'was organized la a manaur contrai-y ta the Èpiil aof the coistiitîUa andt ta sages whrcls have go oagand sa beneficially prevailed ina Canada; subver- sive of thse barnsony whicls muet >eist bu- tweea the twa sections ,of; the Province,, sat that the :Cour.-Se aIlle advimer$ or Bis Esrcellency va lim 1 preju<licaI ta, thie' public affars as tri tie seul- fare of tise pupte.' Note Lost-Joh'n Lpïy. Cabinet Orgnn3 -Muwýn ILM i D. Morigage Sl-.B., Fairbanks8. HXorse stalen or rtrayed- Edscaioa -Bryant &Stratton. Boots andi Shoes-Jsies Bian. $40 for, Travelling Agents. GrasndConcert. $20 lewarti-Jolb Culbert. ONLY ONE DOLLAR A YEA.R WibTlîurs4-av, Au.gust '27, 1863. Thsetiehate on the etitisesas tili con- tnces, anti viti mai-re, vLluumenic2anti t s-ariat tian uve'r. 'tise Grandt Ti-usu bnmlnes is now being ventisutes ta tise, grat uhinsfitureoai' Missîns. - Iu aujý elianttise Mactona!slDorm(3i as-.rangrement,, is doameti. To crst OsmAss-s-suBsssims..-LWe 0we aisapologyita a unaber ai' one-snb- ers st Os ges, whi I vraie ardf enst- rectl. afuer f bat seca LMr. e>ns t vs as foloaes "MOSTRAtiL, jueé-i1863. "C. J. Buivunas, Detsoi . 5 ý Sautifielti quesf me n q invausl fâVoysof XtlgvWho-.. e at Ils request, aisd sait, ail h0î ex 'p et tuf lis wat nuuitrahîty. ~'a i su 4 vilslmut meut iite ,an( ilDaois -'tilis evenin, ota e, nit tisat tlsey vere preparetIota a lib a'clouk lu thue Veibinsi-, Ir, LMas donald's,, Issinzi, bims h antiLis-.Dor o n« wviun w qI pro- mîised ithet tise:'matter s-iso1 settle( Jiiri t va veksa fter'- t. 0lcint irssvr uth ie Miaiitsti didate resus-netfor mantreal, isst t siitini vas ta be, sisat.tise'Grasnti Com pany stss.iîsed Mi-. Yoasîg ig Ir. Me 'Support ise M iisry 'iueti. ih thi Gi-auit Tank ase uget It viii bu eît tri "ive a a lia - e- rt varda oW my telegram ItaN rijdgu's viittea dirusutly sfses- liil htervies itnd whIsat tise wvrai satter sret fresîs on miy mind. Tt wase as f'slavs "ilNVENTICFSTATION, I J1111 ERYGE. J.Bunassi, !roit' f ~'Suiilisent fr e tltDjs tant Hi atan --tbuy have sol' rW41 "e bmule ta se'ttie tise, ta q timsusilatwu 'eeeafter ciectios- 1î-slîoaithiey 1l;- re turne-d J st-C andtiuiesy t-claetisat r-s4 ember u0 "ieCabiluet ias a's-uedt -sgtm in 1ltîtsdandti flfytli tsyc " ecet msii Amânscu lus bois 4 sng. us mesr for West Waird . inps ý5 he ta s y 'bat tise re s ýi 1 tise elC ,inse ili 1;4.P euru' sis yor 1e- eera Sgit, ss r im sa- ta s-puat th promism v. aensusly rle that sis shauli bu' Seliu-d sun tr;() weeksa sfîs--ùectiauSý TlissuL1 ssi hs-r-eatise-.g'sss1 nasurs urgit ime Ivrsuin tasec se (1iasis Tssiîi uiiius.lafavor i Youltu; w voirutid sunpottise Go lit an 111 puls- iq listi dAci trmime are(1gard5 the Settiense-su ai'tise Pas 1las,-, n lbat o- m ms ai tyiný Ita%'Iion tissut1 uusulu' tootlu lie d promis" part sis lute instsnmutl ayiag mlhç se1lied, "erdunl, ha rmed là "sip-ta scttîsment ta 0Xtent ol Titis uns u t etOfai'the tisers visa ba, asil !laMs-. Bryties' Isti-sareesly 4ed totahes rate ai' $150 aasîi IC 1k7vitis the distinct uindereîassding tbe a mlis vas the surnu htse C v onld set ÃŽle the pasisîl maliter ai an le Cetcîsns weru ovur, ii dy is-re in, NMon- treui anst if tisa Grand auln suppartet Mi-. Yonn. 1 Id t a t 1 ai ;f;, consplnt toa si sy - seaisiti agal t!regrpl iufari lLium If n C cidedtio chng-e <lie 1) ' -,Il viiis ball b ,un deterusie on musîjicased Mr-. Brylipeâl M dasLi. Mr. Brytigvs, aller., 'II t h tine tis a niistanltion hil Q' d lest ru- eseion,,s. ei le le at ou thse SOth May, whIst 1 vas Mt fai-nia, Mi-. Macudonaldti tlegrap>heti mu fi-ail King- Aton ta kaov vissa bu caulti seu. 1 replieti that I should ual ha -bacie for soya-. rat dusys. Ssîbseqncntly, 1 recuivedth tiselogymsis fraîn yen dated lst Jun, visichit i l, Ius. dus-stand, yoesr intantion te publisis. MY rupiy ta titose tulugi-ais vas ta tise effeuýt, te umuet la no a vey lterferu lus tis MorntrmaWest élection -tsat wei> at beèu ~ ~ tf hnbgsd 0lng-an t tis under auy circumnstances -vu casolti nst dupai-t fi-os .aur î,ositUon ai' neuti-ality., À day or'tva afterývards i ry tsuà to .40 Uttrlanl, t str.atotl~ auhie.ý Club an tise th Junew>ien buie- xpi-cs9ed surprise at -thue,,terin~s ai'sy tèlegram ta yas. yen- lsving ÃŽeut biuia cojsy. We hatisomu discussion about the ulectians, webta 1 aaîen tait hlm that ve lied deter minutita bu neutral, anti aftur'r -feting os-es Oui- conversation I determissed tai write Mi-. Mac-donald à lutter, ta shase hlm buse much wie liatita campuss i' ofin -.ise vay in visicli tee bat heen trestet. Accordingly, ais tise Suis onc, I wrate ta Mir.iUaëdoneld tise iollaving etter. You wiii remember it teag vritless svhilst tihe huard iras iîlu-ti-at ypu i-eadit - learer proof aof the charges madie coailt svot bu supplied. Tlsis is the o loted pu- sity o a i forný-Ãfrenchment Âlminils. tration ? Ã>on)kat:1e tmacbry hc-re ta-J yards Mr. MeGee- lu al ibtis ?I'The t1o. ove!ftinient offering ta piayý$l5O per milet ta the Grand Truuk Comspany in ordr ta obtain tîseir support7 for , Mr. Young, eatn ' 'adefeat M'r.' MeGue 1 Wus uver basenitsas cari-ed faest ther tisan- that exhihi. ted bere by ise Premiei tovardq a frienti add late collegue ? But tbseu are cet ail the bati features aof the casé. EBure is ï~s&i~b4 ~tem~ted corruption provuti agaiuî.t Mistiiî rz; bure isa malfussance of' office establishedi-againsî thesra. White tisey. vere proclaiffing a bankrupL ustuheý quer, and crying out tise Province'sens mmcnd tliroug thse iuses oa-i'isfuiîd, hure ai-e thuy ruady ta srjander hundretis of. tbousassds, nay milliens aof tise peuple$' money in order ta obîin support ta kectp ther n la aic P! Talk ot.corruptioti,,iWho ai-e theu nadultcraled -atiser thueadut tratuti, ssaw ? Coulti v oves- aussiesiscur-usi lu lts ucantenusi. It saythitisg lu tiseseorst day-ai'Walpole ly S-as asfoîhaus as-rpais tise s-orrupjt tttiravil> ai'f thesu Gusss lxsrk tuutous a- tANOt IMisisters?1 If es-cm a aiminal Mi nister Dasi-eti's hsue, 6- desci-ut ta le impesuliel suruly lire 1are Ma- DesAwtMi' aua- vas mois-b acustionas ial; anti clargea eesi'blislss-d n surîssseilby ise essa ai'yau s-csai-it os oielita arrssl;ua Johi, Saurifiels lMac- Isaturtà , ia> suîtcuruust lot tise mialter I id tbsplatrtIgna settisaut vritia yaos a fuirhns. à Suint , auue 1 Tais abjucteul, ;as 1inusderstot, ta tse Ts Iý Icri-sitai'ns>' tui sssta 'Mr.Fus-ris-r, sen-t TePremier andS Mr. lcts-n.. in repli ta lul it is silcsl h i iui's-run-isie thit sous, Ms-. Porion, anduîl Mi-.liîloa, liii 'fle Prei-e accsusd Mr-. McGee, vitis le ureuela ici-Y sts-anig duiethtiu %-v ums u s.ssîsd ite urisflsruculueMotsss-h s--t ait igrant to Canadas. Wbat a sinl fi'nv<ii-tf Yrniusg, aisslifts li hors-id crime 7 Lie Premier alitacacueS-t to r o-ruejectd for tisa ather DivitsiaflIs Mi-. ueai'oftise crime aof telis-eria; -C- -i' ust-si su ssstt-s-sîusicue sttr-ti 1 tsurcs tsrougl tise count-y-. Bat miaM-. tsy Mr. Pariailatise prescrien ofaI'ri. 11>1- lMuGfes-, for lisborin- Ioia intruet tIse pub, and you'ss-lt' bcing $IiT) tasmile, Ilic. Bot -. MuGu>u ruIpliedtheitsugi-as-e e Ms- utu-e wstu tiese -fsct tisi rt - ~ austlieeusircy n-s tra latis ~ -~ciscs--es la bus ovu hippy mnsser, anti huit 5. hcutions, sand l a-t sso a nay s--asi.Lr.Sauili !ul-aedoaîltlu n tise poweur- p-icvus-y CiitilIstiy I,.1, lu-s liscnii fol i.'rip ai' hile ebaqutisce, a lautrhing-stock bi-okea, ire conil le saur-lied noie s-lista ; idel a'tsDwsishne. M- *nsishingshsort o a ,i' so-- 'sltîte costs-sst. -h'rdcl-o tewoêIos r 1 Iua sur-ie l-the the s.-4-,ry ilfs-haes- sg,ý- Muteoila as nBitî-utjct ie tiettidon - hd aluupas aliitisi subecîsiris pl nttPssiisU- îe-sru dilnat isppeu ta bu saive-barus Canetilsns pss-sibiity aofuuuisir- ausy osiser rer-y. Wliat "'i-e the cfa-s?;t' il vas U3s ilîy assit vas cosnsjptihle.,Cain- 1 The Postal qîssiis)-n s r-esarisuis-l ls 'rsmun >' sber persçïn tisais tise ii-st r-tça veasi-s sgsi, ntati tse nettrlis bInus'tu- rs-s i aadts Ssiuice tise Govei-susjeiu. efesru r tse.) -h i- 1 e f h-Covi l anf h tu-stisu Tie îiuts-i-avnt n ai-aus-riitatnt mighit buallavedti ta$a$ unustis-t i.sionsthss, viilîtu stco e hesus;tal--,n ilit, I'but utterut b> hlm tisure ves n depuis ifbîtis thlIe Govemasunt orlicissPîuu-.a'mase sipsyr a jisît tise ai-itrssiion, usndby tIne 0' ofucs-s--cd3laîng asieiieu I t_ fos-sietby yuui-ssI' ausi Mr. Sico.teý. be excusable-. But if tise attausk mass The-îî latter 0( ii i 'li Loitn ujsififable cnut meau;-apiriîe-d , tuatiin' e bs-ileup is thé ss o r-,ositise gi-fansi titr-t theîoerassmsnti l' .isîld es-suscouiti xcee thtie vigaur ai' -Ms-. MGee'a tise queustian. aiud ssitIi li : inu'iic jTe;ursssiýse effective epI>'. With a (di;aiiy antiduf thaut as sttlemcnt 'stsoatd l e a - re, otaalti vhuif"îs lsl 2mastils paFse-iaira>' ithsattltiat r-coto, l i- n h l- Ctd i-ise bsiag t ulfstlut, and- at lest tise Gdy- uxcarsation misicismacLe Lihe premier seitise. ernmi-amnt saii tise>' caul<l nat sottie tise -t Mr. Sisutficit, bumal ias a mua mîsa1 ter, bat moîuhtpisea Bill toaistlsarise mut re everytiisg y a Parisistsaiaid nacrbuitritiin . huit Bil, 4s-ra ila 1mesaret r id-spraveti iata ts aue if ss WLSIt aof intellect;i re vas a man,!lie sait, mita lung'I ts-asue.itistsng ca ifor nssitr by tuuinling others vith bcia4 aliesss spri veha aon tis c ofstha' ie Day %itfisout b-ls'-pr ee-ic siits, nd stlenîtsitupan tise 'rave ai' bis fomefathiers ! Sucis snun-uthat ih coslsi not bu cari--vus-re saneai' tise itting ters ai'r tise cdl. WCewcru' tica t5i-sss-i ti 11ti iseau- snuîiing -esiy wis-hi sili bue fount in autr r- ' l st oer uitdis-qbg ei-hur b>' tihe - ov-iissn iis-iss-o asd suuoe- Parliamnto-> iîlîi'n _ , reater tit-c t asi-stausrIsc, o oirsa* your soup Jlength, 'ant]i h Ws iia-p sdtta tise port-s-~sOs--tyss Ii-ssutst Cbîîstt -atI Mbr.-MeGlie mýit bas-ci aid'oai itupiisl -s'ssttls-sentt a ss _Mi-. Salsidietd thse pai-alh.s l a'cliaraçtur sa) meht luse iuiutie4 l>y Dryden, ansi iicis, (as tiss holnaw-khim bue- ttamt)s seull Il t tý;Llgf es - 1 , *s1 Il ~ tuicu i- u ie-to tise man a t )sId htluiiCný n 1i4[ t sir t<stat Aot nl"y, a nti lut tise tancillorS ci tse Centre .Ward thoen figlit it ont ttninget tisernelves, andtihie -oaity Weho bis incui-ied any illegal expeuduitusre bu bield permonially for it. Su wý gay. Ai'ser tiseauin;r the report- until seutriy ailt- niglit tise conucil arljourned - vitisaut doiusg aaytlsing, anthte remaiider ai'tise repart is posiponed forý further discussiotn. ,We Itrust thst soe goodi nlus nay aris anti 1saesus f-rmthe inflîctin. At, I events vu sisaîl spare gur reatier tise' perusal of a "1repart" ai' thse pYocein-aafthis Cesitru 0ses fo od"ileffeutoai'the vôntiliasionu vîicis vu gave tise malter, through tisessu calusans, a i'artnià ht aiga, is tisat tise taxeýs are Ilikuly ta, bu kept wsure îisey are, --at tweive cents lu tise dllar, andti Uat thPucrois.ptsrposLs ai' tUé Centre yard people are îlot lllasy toadat the tvoadaiditional cents apon tisertpy ers of tIse visle tavus. Mm. DssAs'stt's FLAa. Wue lufret thast Mr-. Dçaper, ofuenIh a'tise dis- plylic0attse Stars %ausStripes an tise Lady Manitou at Pusrt Wbisiy onsSantiay ires-kz, The master oafictie vssel calleti uspan ug to aysRDS, and tiataes that lie sim- piy i-an ais tise Amutrican fllag "-iis osder ta give it an ais-ing.t.' - Tise couiclusian exjpression îla lest seusek a Ch/ronicye, la coanection vitis tîsispara- grapis va seautiehly la refureîuci ta men ai' tue Chser Draper lsitney. - Tu "ise in;," of tise fia; une considus-et a pi-reusi: ta tut ansd griutsuious insult ta the peoplep ofl ths loyal taira. If NIr. Di-eler*s seuti- messe mre nat seul ,kiuois-at'y bis sutu!ordi- susSes îthey seoulti not have daredtta liaot su foreigis fiag fi-au a Bîi-iiîvesse], coseu- h i a lritii4h ubject lunusahisitimls psrî, We, setmsl aur Amuerican fri-ents stussi stigisors visa have takuan p thejir- ahadu in tîsis country, asutiaurespeýct their national sympautsies -a nti eelngs Bt far thase L)raptr stripe, -sha seisthout pafe, lusoai ia ahîy luattacismurt ta Bntuîiaill ti 6 -i uc-crut>' sysele tu ebtala 'the support ai' ýesserous .eutdisatriatiu Amer'#camstsiraugls vos-hîie; upon t ueur symnpathies me have no psience. Sncb triches-ty ati hlypceri.iy, la susd'-r ta btaiti a petty villa- e!pupsiluai-y, la au insult ta tise intelligeilce ai' us en isuliiging tu bath coaiaries. Tise express- hlaue y Mi-. Drape. t'a broyther, viule emloyet b y-nsim cant :t totiiht lsuga at Wliit)y bai-bar as-e vonehet for by a trmst- vas-t liy correspondest visasse lett er vu Sssp- Nuews arrivet ait' Cohlinc--voaid an ThnrsdILsY morIi-sun' lest É Iai' a Pta tise bo,"dsutattendant hase af i'rie Tite sceanlbat LAfiSautieSu.IL nAmsen, about asie P. ta.Uri lioustus, inat. Wlien oui about Il isoeïi, anf Ptri ah- tlsi latisechaîsuel ofi' Hueron, lber chisimy gave y. Theise usie suc>nuenrod braise, ani ti l 1!-e pistais rodt- <rans-b tthd -eiitier1 -ï itrasnumbeêroai'theunames set up destro>'. 8 en.e. The ssiselief vas nat di8éovered n tit4vountil Lfà nday last, ivien ibis proper mectifi- -cation wus made, -ant precsatlapa >have mira w.avbeen takier ta pseveut e epiitosu pi' -e iluc udan usioyinig occurrence lu -futu. S'he Àllwà ne ilhue madie fart hié uississg vt utomitbers.- itii-ot SsaksesWhoâ tanaot muteve thiai '. e~zpapei-5 uegularly vili Cs'nfer a à orb us -'s-ss'si s ment vui4 ita settle ut aonce aun MY Chu tieA- Bsatsus1il he Lite Hausu cbroke ujp-A . 7jodlne. tJ1 Vai tison putamisud your Musustr> ris' ce, A cstios T hiepuit si ai tuu prmas ues. ut' - ovyon antisoaine r. Ciss i buenof se reen L -To 77 Z -. - -Wa-. lNews. Nt ase Yoe, Âng. 22nd.-I<er4td'irspe. ciel. WVashington, 21st.-.nfa-mation is W cutieut huere»tliat Lee's ai-my lhm been o- vin, ofF fi-rn oui- front npo.n the Virginia Central railroadti t Richsmondi, but offcers arriving hure to-aiglit, wissup"ilonin tise ermy ~ entlîles ihuns ta kniow vat i going on, aaserý <bat no smchli lie1llgence ii in the possession ai' ais-comaffidiug Genrals. Lue is undutsbtedly upas thse Rapitian and Rappaisannock, Hrs pickets are-extendeti fi-rn LtheU ppei- Rappahanis. ock alaag Itie river îq .Frueerick4burg, and thse region about. Éotomac Creuk islin. fesîed witili rebel cavalIiy. Tihe Ilerald lias thse following :-EUeaÂ. quartei-s As-nsy .ai'tlsQ Potomac, 21st.-L bave information frian tli-ec differeut sour- ces, vbich luatis mu ta iselieve Ihat tise r-ebels bave lei't. aur fi-ont anff ganelto Richimond,. Dessi-ters visa came across tte R'sppahannack say the. moveuiew'af irneepq lavaris Fee-csiagadCulpep. pur vas oaly a ruse to caver Lee's ruai abject. andti ta nable him tue move bis troopq sonîbvard by way aof Grionsville. Day bforu yesgterdty large bodies ai' rebel citvalry d.ashed domu tova-d.qtise Rappa- Isauacie-et thse saverel fards, driving in asur pick-ets5. Tbey cause., battu7 ont lu siglit of oui- hues, andti dptaved In afiue Une ai' baille arti-r. The vigor with sehicis tise limbai-dment of'Chari-eton hbaben crsoe n the,pssst g fuw vuelçg, leaufs ta tise uxpeciation afi'lis capture at as' early day. The Americani i-on-clati fluet af Monitors is daiiy ponring ln ils storm aririon bail, batteriag la thse duvated wsalîs ai' Fort Susupter, and gia- dnally rentiering tiat fftmaýou3 str"gisoldi uneal.Batteries on Morirs ishanti, for-mut] of guns whicls tbiow shrt ai' 200 pounds weiglit, hourliy dischai-ge tisei- tusa. pest of shot an tise semc fort, andth ie ac- cauns nov reacis us that the Confeduratsu siluncud. anti that tise place la almost, a muin. g o daubit vas asceriainuti by thse Pudural. commantiers that Sunsitur must soorn suirrunder, a c<snclusioa wviiicI thse- Cunfeduratu jotii!-i are eveni specuietinug upon. Fart Wagnur a nConFuderute -s'ai-t lsî. aied on Marri. r ivis wicli, up ta thse pi-esesIt, usil'issodthti-mai tertifie hombartiment ai' the PedLieh lfluet, anti tva asus4'u'lîsfi-rn tis o Ihldq o3nt; but chulatest iatelligencit ea4ti lai ducatle thet tise F!etirel shai-psho:ur-s vere piclting off ils guranej..Lt thiue appes- titat tise pi-adigaus force of iran-clatis ufn4 heavy guns bi-onglt tn heur agaissst the ufreuscea ai' Chasreston, mugt ere long, jîravu too suusi for thse Caufrederatels. Ta lasuch a stranghold matbe a st- ,e-, blow ta thu Sossîbhera cause, for, ubaegýh the, Confederates wmill still bave Savaninai anti Wilmissgî,on lei'î as parts of eut y', yu tise moaaefFect. abroad -of the lis ai' Charlrstoil will effitctually pet tise climax au tise interv~entiaon pçiects ai' fa- reiga paves4, vhile, onc- ciptured, the- fleet vili bu available for aperaticns iç e- t vseru. Thse nubli ile, watch-,,..,,b 4.. s.r .d