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Whitby Chronicle, 27 Aug 1863, p. 3

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[Ion. Mr. Justice 29th Soptember. .121h October, 15th ' 2Aud November. ..Jlth i iitb!, hronirle. g before the pub- o 1ne ocçurrencek red in t-bis neigli- 10 inoclas being .1 weeks a-o, for bunoî osste ýr! the pretntses ulrnose of zimuiý. BIUTH. HAR-At Frenclnnan's Bay, ina the Township of Pickering,-on the 1I&h ibat, the wife of Mr. Edward Hart., of a son. MARRIED. NOLAN-RQBINS ON.-On the flth ingt., by the Rev. Joýhn Gray, at the resi.' dence of the brde's father, Williaîninassec- ond danghter of Dr. Robînsont of Orillie, and neice of Colonel W. Robinson, Royal Engineerue, to Henry Nolan, Euaq.,' Mer.' chant of Atberly., Wifteby lmarkets. AeUGUS, 2G, 16. TPhe mrarket is quite bare cf teamsts the exceptio ai appearanceocf a few loaifs of Barley, 5Oc03, in the figure patid for brigbt _ sanipleg. Wl 1h a few days fine ýUrluikThLe Ul'>.L [wai hur the rnajority or the harveat viiili e chicre ;thyen ed sicuret! and then vWBMay expeet bUsy. 1tn; he e tatlimes, prices no deubt wiIl be low thicli ntlaciùîle across ai n secircitnS evra iaY beek daliversis for a time, hbat, lut to remnder -e look! for a lange fi!! business, Fa!! rinIg trou. Net 'yut wheat 80 to DOris. Spring 73 tu 7flcts. oceed flin i f Il- Omuts 40cts. Barley, liOoR ay $7 tu *a* 's Itouse, entetd $Io per ton. 1 theiu loibrer-1 s ________________________ lt n;ittiit! tli'nî;" l(leoi vvurs eruidal-NEW ADVERTISEbIENTS. Ilie thet- tatter, tlle d(ltcled], uit i wc Congregational Ohurch,' îiuiutorly rutrit.-ll r Ina yiun inn i -E IE'. J. . Jal3t M-t11 prtuaclîi i) ZL d ild Jnati f ti'i9,cr'stu iulCtireti . tSdb lî foruuîttr titilit!euîand ut-u Mîwîrîyii- NOTE LOSL1 f', This nins lo-t eitl'qtitttsMcw r~Il E litilhîhie cre 1ieby rcotinul agaillînt lag oi tiIlnscît iI ýlirlil>uiLg tr iiîrgiucianuoillrutiiiît lot n lii tu Iitlle dtlit-ffl italle Iby Wiliatnt BI(Xtrr, ta fuvoret' Wil! e-treuurciug. -~ li:ti îîîiîv for £.-iii ur tiiencabouts, und re liut>silil iîi l>crct ucn uit lUiIîlLflCs, întla-JOHEN LlI'S!IY1L gt i'ty tiing uextut lickîîîîgA ig ut -ISl.6 t' 1, hlie Iilin. of tn. lnc guih il f tu.I MASON & HÂMLIn'S iing iii is- liait11! a' CABINET OIIG-ANSI ible Jri, of itt :h riîinittiy.\i'uîîl,, JYtttnted Oct. 21, 1862.* I crcusof uis itat>! l ,i lniet Orutune are lro hctr- i r- of Ille isititlt, w i 'i...'îîti, e st0 ifîii id in ti wli aisC tl ier Grun> c ii' vîliui uuitir Lied> rivatu cand Off a fuir d'îys iogo, i -Ilt- (tue ti itlîoî tu'tiîuoîiyI rQun io flia let MMu-lu-iv ni". 't ilul)," liuiirt-ý ' tC i oui-C entt diuetilndnt Ola i:ii ln]trd rhn~ îus c t i ~i -it ii tul t .oru. .M. ~'irtliv utiail, lW4ilby ('km-aide 't'ilA E SA E g a sorions Tluuiid- 1!L13suîLI hi sîta pluure 1 inoon, src h - At MeEIre.'àiWe, J , t h-ue of liii chil'rtîne co'tlf and hli.-; i r 1TLLA OFOSHAWA, lglad lu oi ":" -urathe 19(1î day ot fSept., 18631 r'cu tia-e. fote IllAe5»îuîuc >,t ,,l - >i ri Ile i f iinni L.urniuiu l :ult ut t> utluuuui t:l-n.çe n t tid1i'uutu' - Il Ii S tiiicî t>u'J f n IAeu,. Lhu i 'on -rt Il I t ale hiloi I>u~ t)t iuu,. ýi u b of ' teeui i iiîLîelt n E îulu >îi i r, h lIir apoe ehuiaýt afeti t Mut> tic,'->.cfe nt te tii,,uin uo ut-r t erytIilig I;iittsL S. BiFAiR ANKS Lm d tt tn o T e hori ý L>, e îurui-torïo u t uiu it eoî. - - îu>uni uiJoaeu, necueceu omii. duoliitti-xy lun $40eS. uuiutnlAgents>-i r1u0 Th v -ei' u un I iLcu tr-uL.,!W N- E Dle .lis euiBi 'Vilhirî-u >in-are n'a &c. CA NADA. arc able to dîLc-tt ledi instrunments ttoitcd totuies, 1ivilI it in heir r-iticht - une, whicuh froruî and t-xîreasioîî, re ainonginnîtct ne vii a h oite, cs attendlng tlie ai). noigtLhe I the Cabinlet Or- î5C poiniint la wh!eh eablte, witti perifet cs id sîîude, frein mn re ut afull chorus ig thut of a lîirgu g testimnonial tai instrments, Che cd of the niait usicians in the to hir suppot, est in the wer!d4 tthers iiierestet!ý ewent of Messrs. lier olî;rpn. EtnploYmeat ut ut Liberuui l4alitry. l'LiFralikii> Wi1 itetg >uuîl>ue Cuuriluuuiliy wan tuti imiuti'il iritutr ci uietvc CtAlajte 1trat-euutttetficit tnlenut fer àMaehiiueuit a e.4O t6,1$150 per matit/ and èxPenses 1 lunu enluiployutent gi-enti Catlîo ight l-lui-f Agu'uits. bocal Aguits cltowe-d a ver>- L~toeuineu litexmlted b>' iy tt>Y"iinL thie utirLtPc, i-,td Nwumnuuutet-t ton (oeaer. lit" tir,"uluuru, Tern, Ciunuiti4uuuut, lik 'f UndrreLoî mu p nc'ti N uilittie, rddt eso, m itLi Oiu»p Itr rcturu ltotîule. $-0REWTARI)! Q,'OLEN (Rifll HY El> fro t huapretitrusg kC) feftic -iucnLlot 16, 4111uC.oI W Niti- - llluuinuri-.luit BrtivU INlurai-, (i yïarus ui.t, cite tift iaito luicut tîock, eely t GC itellder 1 I tutti,1i411uwili îie pîituhu011uniper [Jitp U, uuu luili, nacuui tyiiig titileft nîduu1 white atur -it -,iutrio mwîîo tii] gi-ý e ncb iforunamtton c.wL. ad te the cenvictietu cffflue lutef, -tilt rU"eaîv i irdnt] t*20). J t)utNCALEEIIT. I b - - W EtInsunjeoian-lraquent tiat iii Sourdance witlî îtîLe utstont, trClo mes of teo vear, yen wi]! ho plosed to, prou]> a publie holidoy. And a Pie-niea hsving lu appointed fer Tbureday, Vie 27th inst., inn thi anompîcce (Jehé ooa ln Intitnt, tw lennie ta etoiemien t hute1 ms siible day- n îlot Iet .Ili J um erry. Janm. 1owe, Win,.Donald- son,1 R. & J»*Caniphnul>, JaMes EIM, Esas Jelînst;jn. T. 17. MeMillan, C. Dawcs, Mathew' Ijolinis , we& oeol~, J. V. Hamn, f. l6eer>u', J. îiL Gerrie, Thomnasm Neiiýy, H. Yru,,r, F. Ânintronsz, N. Rlhy, A. Purn, J. Fetranseni, G. G,. Pnury, W. IL lliggins, G T. lluhl Jâs. flnpor R. F"ranlc!,. J.- A. yrh- fr .statoi, J. BOI)UlgunlbJ. Bryan6.ý Fitill- lirg iitgh hSt-ni.nAlox- aurn.1 1line, W. t>. In> oï,M. D., Jobie Arnahi1, J. o. fermi, D;t%,iddeunitncy, 0. Suait, Jîîlîn knek%, L-c 1B. CarLponter, 1). Konit, ILf.Ctrontsy, Jo111 hn Sbn, FrnîjtuMla Hostile, Relit. K1 0crry, G;,J Itohieen, W .Tilinphol, Jam3es lLer M. IL. ith, C. Clark var.ol & Rk W. esaeti M. P, sen Caldlwell, ThesA. Lavvtr, &~uYolIe, jr. C IûijJ. S. Spjroivic,E, M. Caldwdl, '1Vii. (cldwell Joili» 'tg(e . GA Bantslr, Iu lliwrl,1lgh Ia-iti Jnc@t Johaon .. luitu, loniltoil & ('o., (;. MGl~AloW. Cru, *îîîîîWnuîniWvn. Tiil, V%;n- liii e, Wuiu. 1ctJoyliu Kliju. .JTolinlieil. Aiuow A. R isitiv' . b>li icW1T1i, . n t). t. VanuitL WIVr. hum,,, tii-t. Il. !iri,!.li 0 Wjlsen.i J. -11. (ie.îwui.V..11 Biliuia, IL. c ROBETS WINE ANID SIi 11Cl Ortw pipe of. sUperior1fe~' POR -T. One I-lhd. oftIle nnessyYPs 4 BIRANDIl A. large 'asgortment of A WJNEdS AND LIQUORS, AIF AT Nos 41 Liing's I AügusV8, 1863. P9RTEI rtding~ * 32 N WXL.L. ~- Thursday, 27th August, inst., Tii4 ho nl-ojrmuýd w ialc luin>uday wtluu La Ausi.iuit19, 186-. O Direct Steam Communication BETWEEN AND GLASGOW. THIE MONTI{EAL OCEAN Nov Clyde-butlt Iron Steaotshi1, ST. AN D REW ,sûoTT, COMMANDER. WILI. le DESPATCIIED froun QUEBEC, WEDN\ESOAY the 26,h AUG1JsT, FOR (4LASGOW1 RATES 0F PA STEEIAG, - MANUFACLTURER Or ALU KINE GJi - tIlers fatsoi ar la rge uiInt ri ISSAGE: S()F AS.BUfi1REAfS1 LOuN c - $60-00 Talob!, W-mn<rolues, Che t f 'vO n ig('1 - 40 oo tonn!dra ngtoi tirns, hh 'hR. lîjn 2500 UChains, Tettut Talihas 'T7wet Siutaniii. &c., uli .~. ....-~k t-uer iat t] otiru n'iltàp. lOic u r'aEPAATO.U O flV('-Gr t fr. LAING'S NEW STORE ie wil, for the nent five or six weeuis, -seli ail kinds of~ At Pricesnfot tobe found lelsewhere. ~'SIMME R LO'HiIlNCIG AT C '! TEAS VBRY LOWý., 0OT TON 'YA RNîqSI&., A, C O~RTy COTToW IOWER 1IIAN CITY PtICfl WANTED IN jý,MfIAN«GE FOIR GÇo- Qfl. Cail and &'x-amine our Cioods and Prices. JAS. McCLUNG & CIo. Wilkinisoni's Block, Brock Street, Whitby, Mg-, 1863. I u Faiiy Erocclrc, N Sth ne DSeit tta. ,Pr OF AIL XMDS, TRY THE ~CALIFORNIA MIN" o- ofte '- nI ( ftir Llî tiri litr t, for Mset e---i Mslt b> ' ]ibli-' Af, 1!.4>. CRaoîîs cf L.FVI F.%lli rirst-cîay of N( At 'ru-elvte , flu or, otLuIOvNiiiiil-erTwiSvi STEIIjA1BOÂT INOTICE ! Tise Now ou und içt $:tilit stesulogt' CAPTADýfttg"ÈWt uomt!ay<f 'id iêudensnu il a iees valeot 04pliiit-ft >fiu,-nddiy, ati~talt Port JIOO, lit._ 10, &.M.- -oW, ......A.M. direct for ciit',u.si Mfw tliere in timo tW t4j*'N.w XnYrkei !>U p :ell iý lr4 ah vria'î nsti L-kC eM t1lê 6iettrer ntCoi- 'borne.-" .,tereer4 lienytndW4~>~ m9%écL-, 'îîA$31,frh; htfin( Fo fttohî ilfii iat aitenqlitre nt r Ai '2nJ. 111L î1tpey C a rl Poti.pu .îuj 2,1~ t» 'lTui OA tiWC SieA LE.ti~k Of the test Brands, Try the ÇALIFOIiNIA. MAN" AT OSHAWA. FOR Crockery "and Glas- warFý TRY TI-IF AT OSHAWA. STue lîrupurt &Ie upnî1 lire geeil 1hu it( Frrifrtliei r4 For the, Best an titi wtth lIeds. Bcdding ansi other t-e- 1 - q~mîutites. :qverym 9'cRettirl Tiket.-qgrântet! nt Reihee For Paissage apply to &-l A. AL-LAIN, LAMBERT, SEMD WHEAT, WEEVIL P1RO.OF-! T pertv', uilait nover çi o îontà bu .iîik yweeYil. It linis Lrowu, Ane , y iide, witlî itfler fat!ývloit, wliiei l I; A b -vin ut- tekvd bh%- thedistrucie ijelîtaet' ind roîninued * The grain i;vory Ilnrdy, -srly sad prortue, tirt, n'! in oet.ii ilu ote LCI id ia, In l LI" te*. ruiaers arueiîvited te cal!, aud ispeiît ii:îfll- Fer sâlo, for "euil onilYv, b Koî; Luit 2n, Brokten Front, Pickuring. A S86682-23% NO TICE. and relur bv lev tnu meIt-I euof' viin(ootvta t>'uf iîhno n! lt nty Cen.Oa rui un.vroie Gtrand Concert ~ AT vinE ALL OP THE Whitby Mechanics' Institft'e, Calil and comip-tre. tIan e satisIIil bo re FUNERLLS FUL-LY SUI And cevrtling in the iJdtert %kinr -'ine îo bu had on th cnneýtintlv on hand. VR OM4No4,rokS Welitby, C. -1 R r THE ROBSON HOUSE, (L&TO r 11U0'5 n 41 Fi IiIEj,, DttJDAS STREET, WIIUTJIV, Ci. L AI 4EORG EIOIO, rpitr rrIi l~ outîserib r ,ta tnl'îxneetIc licra"w o hta j. lu. ii uillibig f ri;lv l i n e bAf te.Tho preiniims ait O t>1 î-a.u.tlyv ,i*t.-C IlL. 1 i 0oc, <tppiiite 4t it flo, anid üiCi eeun- tri utlie Teowil tike stuüsfor lxtridge and Reuiertea jeave ~lîdeoe~eyinrni~. o~rS1 er4v4 NSV 'UI!, GEORGE ROJ3SON. Ls1 rCltCrefti 1 ie> idway» in attoudellnc'e. in Leil.spp blayu~ M~. I . '19 Jny 1 8 THFeOLD STAND FAIR EVER. The pr,)prieter of tho ! cid Jh ONTARIO HOT-EL,. attue. Coffluuakept >tu"e aenszun I io :ca-e reqoiretl Ilbn and pv over bi' tne St.- oio d ehtmse tctt C-1-iYar kis Th * n. s-> - -7 1- ý nr"12VT- i 13>-]P- IL 'l Ca il c: it

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