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Whitby Chronicle, 3 Sep 1863, p. 3

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NEW A VE FARM TO LET S OUTUpapont cf Lot îno. ? l te tb 01ccu u tPicker- 11 inng, shoout i 100 ACRES CLEA-R UROORLIN HOUS2E; EDWAR», IIOYNTON,.... Propriotor. 13 XCULENT acoommodatlonu, wood Stab. £24 lin and Shed roon, and àttentive Ostiers. Thoo roiss av bennewly renovtc thiringhout, andtitre now in thoelst of order for thereoeptionofeugosta. &good Table, et- perior Liquor and Cigars. 84 UNRESERVED CREDIT 8SALE! WILL 1BE SOLI) BY PUBLIC AUfCYION Oit Lot No, 4, ini the 6th Con l'îckeriug. et SNE LLIS HOTEL, Tuesday, Septemùber 29,1'63. rîîo iclloiviin4l ppuîtrty balonziiug to e v ivd upon 'a barbarie Atnd lenter ciitio,l), GtOood Prouin louse K osie ail part>' aspects, atone0llu'er;FPruinc e m', Sýtaule Und Shedal- man, nature in the lOti "Z0faPodOUrrîîud. pttoeat.aon lat Oc- e.- In aniother editorial, JOIIN MAT-,ON tl thle intrôduction o f ficMetuît ]mm.Port WliftnY. Noîitheri artulo ni a cot.e8 nid sampl% hie war as V " D Oppressive. N .%>huistoi eîtqueiI0Pplruceriiti se hut n aricl onthe CetLitLvi4t ut« uit'enrr Street Shti.Sa-l andi virtoali>' admita thaV îy37 ir niuii.ApiIy no te Illo PeterhofJ, in theoIL FRASER?, ;a], justifies the doc;aion of Wl uk'tbv ,ep 34 21ua1868 d u.irhink if tl4at deelîjote Ftheo Suprenie Court t à 1forth British wnutîh, t in favoter of the g;reat r runiu i h1rettniu ubai ITSllol iekring, ltIrnu-ectned eblishes a let ter from Mr t'le <htireti of iiotîleid wilIlli e artîiree for p)rogpects of 1 Cnfd uelctei i hSlooî, Wit iîle ii.vet 4id. îtl-r tfshrts that thoey more î1blrerlgattrr- ;Ind poHints ouit that theI Thursday, Septenibor 10, 1863t for cuîîqoestu, menti iku- P!flu dh treutr of t"tlile ur('filurvli, oint the ille iutl is iAltlli, l 1t it i t ri iZ ri cet3 on the deferia ivc. :î -- I u tki iu.Wle fore vivillt ýto iulJ u iur lc I x. %1"ft rt Vra kloe I 'uî i i -i(-:îkr, ln., 'Cen itîttheuîtolit-to, Mr. (lo i aît lrk- Olri- rirnztio1can- i lut Utt. u.'euîuî Uuîig t.Mr. y forro orf-arme. riLb NIittîtWtl> ir tr ekr anîd 1u-ffller plirty fan s-i,v r-.iol .r c7uu~rt ikr~1 It fîulomut, It nt, tb t 'Tý1u >- i 41if- tt-I it-- iilii t ,e n e. lt1t17k > u te tond. It rifLe et-veil ut oîîe ' î~-- it'huetm cci te.34 îîsýt hob t lci b in- play 2in lcte îuopln I~:Boa1t & Boat ÉouÉe for Sale. urriler ulues by eay. bfensiive ,onid waîrh Iheir î wau l u iJ. t e u'i l uumîer. ttutÏ h i% perfect le tehcutever tierce e ut rI-rt, c tlarI --ut M -cs Jitue il >ut ooul~~ ~~ Coke i.~i1 Aplit( Nord, olh St. lt-tlemetiurg,; -rnu tue tili ho. nue lîtirup.1, ut that urrr toi ili ut L arlnt u nene with ) t aîtton ndtheo pro . - hS util dccinutanl fet lour - t¶rl lr tul- t !utnurl , * 13it-tu f irttte tu ixoi iiiu, v , ruuus Itit,-m alf-ltlen cîtuizuthetu C5 ýt ut>cttl itîter htu a l wntîchtthe- Uî-uwnt lic iitttirtirn1tleI eii. it ittt, wae(leunn --~ t- r tuf tucedlo ILt tufinof moît tre un-t5-nu u Fla. ----- Ti un' Nowu-in. m. hf tii hiugh l le itat i dt iti- ai»u'rted.l. hatde. iv. hundlre:d tota 1 arne, it i» uati t erve tnt its fturniniatitur. ce- inud ffi> yacres of ltîutl. iln-,. Stetes are tcaid fthe nuerueurue. lt de» -itens fn niethue wero »oeneevtd i(,) ho Ordor No. 48 1 more le 11uadqartera ef the lioitu Suurduîy last. iutol Jit1. Floyd, dioti hinglon, Virginia, ont ton a1 101r- liînebut e Cumberland enosseti r, wîtb infante>' tnd tir- t, ou the 3Oth eOt Au- Kenutuecky r avalry Cap. iota opposite Setl-iranut. itipturoti a lange foirce Swhem iî» thm tuefori- ati il tue neel Tentue-. Cannon. The rehels -P et Reone and Clove- (leongia tato railroed. lu in thue regien of andl iniendut t tîc- bal goncrai bais infarme- tut that creuit wilt tuet art to an v of the, fowns iuies hyMay' havre nemanuthal genienii heu allow urodit for volute. e Il th cf Junte lut iun liraft bas ta'luon place. le dreiwlug uas net yot tili bo givenu fer re- lente in the fieldi and n tbompnies antinues. ,of ef hUnited Statts .oti dates. anal gunnoats and a heeti eiz.-d by flue enlannock, and a Riclu- 1-t~ 314 IM NEW ADVE1ISEMENTB. I T' 'uvi~ IàIu'%lm maà- I - ,- ________à_______ i Mare, 4 veut,- uulh ii fou,, 1 lieri-. 4 tur-di I ep -u tliocree-. I liiiti,lit'v 4t 2i, jtuiuit, -. tmeifltitit louy i t irfuiti ii hiieh tuuitniruAit ittautt oft HOUSEEOLD FURNITURE r if-ti, u u, 4 Ttfue-. tiift Piress, nes, 1 ff ~ ~ S 1 , ~ttikt1 f'ii ttfi iuuIjiu( ittove > a. cuit-h 1utfîC-, ,7 ltitett..jt B idig tri t tutîttitheiji ýa io t c-. $lîhiu It fui- tr fot t ra u c'iui! autii Aicîtiti> - Tavernt Sand and Two Acres of Land. ccO ýD z The ft-rei suut-iis lu ce tf tiuc iut- iiil)t;> iiiii It Ititu iCrue-i;ut::2 'ut14, zail etiut, &o ur tu-r. i, wu!] u lie eeIlittril oh,,i -~ ff- tut iec t-r~ i t t ii ti t --st f oluuuttutt tat5e-I, Z . c j niuo--untii 3tl iiluipc a eIt* slulcttul.tu vu - OF' nAL zîttît1wt12 ltttll --'dt -i vli e guru-ut. -y tftr t tu-uit..' upun-utlj,-ituut otes. i1tetreuMt t-u be turjir ,îîu cic ifi-i if tt)t i %i i cedite. - 'L.it-r -- ,r na i týe eru vifî h e hiwiul tu hi- ,ry luluer t uut Otfliti titutie kiuitwti 4i day (di - - tulut ntu luilslciti di ri t pffr, utI t ~ ~ l wd lii-,e 100.. tleatuli rui.tt. IÇute .,eonnnnnO tel 10 ee Ie arsst aordinarYESLSinh' ce urlli, tru f u reniMrfetui 1 art r lit utile, utf t/uc lottuet po&ible liing prý. NOTICE. f 1 tu-tur-- itn uftthei. itiutulof tituriu-ý %Nib h : lii tth 'ltrItolit o eý.,eue the Ti)si 01Wtilf,1u Thursday, September 3, 1863. Af flue huer tif Two ii'elîuclt p, uit,,f--r lite tur- thtî ti ,\einutnt uhe ooitttîîttf Otatriti lu ,l-etou te tWiitltîluranud hifîu I tîiptt>- uru forà;3su t e l s îuil1, si l ziceuuuy )tir ttan tnu ielurelurtueclit befuttt.e the ttur. ly turuler tuf lthe Wutruet, <ferk --)f ttferltw MONJYY TO LEND. ED PPlut F AIllIPJftPERTY. IN 0 suicli tu 3410atI uttties AiIt iit ltter. pti>UtidI to WILLIAMIt ttT11, 'rorouitti. Attit i», ]821k, 4 2w. TRE MAJOR BRASS BAN!) WINDSORS DQuadrille Band, irhoo l) entaid. seprateor oroe ther,) P jireiuplînetvl to <turticîn letesie afor Pue-nie$, Sr trpc,1jjmý('ouerte', bllI, &c., oe u aso eible terutus. Tîuolr coflueticte et Music ile hotît vRrioti sud eetieut)sire- tit-the latstpt tned m100sf futaionshlo enernted by LtioQuadrille Btid. For turmttsanîdtl gagemnittiaddroïm flue Se- JOHN D li !PIIEE, Auget ii, 1 . -34-6m. Whit7uy? Jîuip, , 1SA . AR . Y B--Aea/rttypes tfur kericcerplic and superior te rruy ot/ter louguî on t/tis fwttluttrit. 2 NOTICE. LI paturtic i ittiehtuute)t their iuhci iher, cre i > iqtiro tie et a se, iIlt eliît of thoîlr àuectuutt w. tlîi, and all persutaste) wluonn lie tuît i nvluiizî, arc reqpiested to sond bue J tei c otte orî. JOHN SNELL 34 Lot iNoe 4, tth C'mti. tieluerbuug. NOTE LOST. J IE pot-lie are lereby -ceutionted uginet i ptrctttueng ttr uefqocitttnernftin note of Itiil ututîloby 1'. îllîti Bxftr, bue fieor of Wil- Hauni lutihetunt. for £:t0 or fluertahoutut, aued payabile o year-after date' Pickeriig, August 22, 1863. . 33 CW Princess Alexandra Boôts. JT IbIF lieu cf Wlittty are reqteeý,tvd te c,4l - Alexaueîruia OWe stylo of CONGRESS & BALMORAL BOOTS. Ilunluttuebefre heyare ail diftposàed of. Quebec Goyernment &oeencv C teOin eith thes .A -kT n abLZt "1i 1JMvrwL'IATIdN! Be- to announce -the arrivai of a portionof their ExStamship ST. ANDREWV,costigf New Drcss Goods, New Wool Sliawls, - New -Paisleyv Sha wls, Ne w GoLIir<d Tpil!!lili ngs, New Flmîgary Yarns, &C. I'erry's Brick JBuildings~ Whîitby, Septeniber 1,! 1863. C.- ROBERIT$,~ WT1LNE AND10 SPIRITIRCAT Olîe Ilh.of.,uî!iîîessy' 1PALIE FINýDY. A large aeSortnîerit of ail kiîîds of WVINESA NI1) LIQUORlS, ALEt-ND I')ORTER,ý August 8, 1863. j s.3.2e-_ - 0ffeiýs fo, sale a very iMre andi elcellenÉ asotutenorc SOA IUREAIJLOIJNGESý BEDSTBADS, Tablte, Wsîrbt;Ctstof tDrà*Ï'enLe kinlg C'lasse-, Bock 4cujei -Mattrassect uer lotendDraingRoon Ca ileking Chnirsý, Office Chairs, Caleeoated j ChairsToilet 1%bleC, Totul Stands, e.&. iiu greet varicty, and at gro t]Yy e1-ed iti piels. Wnrranted to e houde of élue hest nuatolial antiwrknînensb)ip. lic respatitfuly invites ait exalneaiu>n of hic stocuk. Svcry articlo is inanufactunet unàdur lbis owa-ueprintendeetie, ahil utanlbho tepended upon UPHOLSISERY iN AL ITS-BRANCllES Call andi compare, and bho uatuuitit-d bofore yai go olsewhore ? PUNERALMS FULLY SUFFLIE»D, And everyihing in the Un(lertnkid-g line te beltati on the 4lortest notice. Corfnus kepli constantlv on baud. IVARE ROOMS, Ne. 4, Ilrock Street, andi No. 2, <llbote Street, W!hitby, C. W. Il 1 WNLLIAM TILL Whitly, Jtely-8, 1863. DREPARATORYTO -MOVING ta Mr. LAINGTS NEW STORE I we-will, for the next five or ix -weeks, seil all kinda of At Prie not ta bc found elsewhêi'e. SUM MER CLOTH1NG ATr COST ! TEAS VERY tOW._ COTTONSIYAIoeS &, ACTORy fCOTTON LOW7,, THAN CITY 1>RICES. 1 E 341 j <Jailind eXanîjne our Gôodls ad Prices. Wlk tou'ilockL, Bîock 3trect, 0P ALL KTNDS, TRY TUE 44'CALIFO NÂ A JAS& McCLUJNG '& Co. Cf the Best Brands, Try the CALI:FORJIIA MAN" A-OSQHAWA. FOR (Jokery and Glassware For the test aànd the ~~~ f TRY TIllE fAiRI L'eapest arrived at F~atbgr lie airat lnst. brings eubeoux huard or 1lut roportad off' h Ult. empatifiting on the mn war, Baa iti15 0] -z (lokof flu antd rottirms by luacvin For ail kinds of Goods of the bes '25 Per Cent-OCHE t Than -iny other flouse in the Co un W "CALIWOIINA1 MAN -~AT O» awa luy, 1863. jWîthiu a Fow DUNDAS I GEOII SrIE -biptci -L Ieaîed lt. 'NE-DUCEI) 'PRI 1 1% 1 - - 1 - ., '. - - - \A %/ \j Ij 0. 'AT OSHAWAO 1 Ç. W. 1 1 e TMOITGMflÉ SALE.. At MIElraylm liotel, 1v tllb SE-V(ILLAGE OF OSÉÀ aj ON Saturday i hel9th-day orf &»$., iJ863j At Tex o'olook 1infihe ibrnot. rlirmiit to eTonna or a Power of Sale oontnitied ltfa certain lntderiure of MortMae hirinj doiýtL-o tje ltl oh<ea cfDe"tber, IleÉ voer Otoh JeÀ<r <, 1891, n lii e twiri 'ew, Ltigiizofthe frat part, Clatherine wié ftlie'eeood pait, and mignlent tbere,>f froint te aziîdWillan Olen- fley to VW lliajo louîy iluh The Vîat hi.-lt oflutit itnlhor 5, in the iitie coîîoouionn of 1h. Tcuw.t.4ip oiSciigg, ilithé4 CoInty of ( eturo onitea'iing ly radmensure- menot 100 acteA of ttthl hothoe tne :ot6 or le. Tiie.; promnises, of wliich a coiimider- abIe portion 14 eleredi are iitwned on th6 midln IcI end rotf.- Theru ared, ic llia,u m ousand flar leponi the.preutuiîxii. Fur parficoura ne itî Torms cdtSule,Jt&., sP.: ply to, Wjlllin, eu>- Et,ht, qulre, A@-' xlizees of Morirngege, or fo t1o unfdoruigsuod aet $oiituu or Igi;lgiige-3 ofMortgagee. 1863. ST E A BAT N OTIC E! CAPTýAIN GREEXWOOD, *XV th«ulu imhîevery Mp'fanday:#d- niaufnîv, an4 F 11,10 tûroin Ais, sr thotri. vol 1) t tueorOt l[qvumi u..'b r traint in idtrsdPtro P or jf f,,, a .. . . ... l1 , A .».( riz . ..... il, A . &hro........... ... t .f direct ftir Roclitser, err,i! lu ière u inmife t14 cotlyjiýet itil) îh, Nùýv York 3eutrgîl ltailroaufd to,'Ntw York- , lluteîephelrtàie ~oWaab.- f ngt4 )1l raScrt, Buuîtulo oho E&I ýittt coul Wcsî. cîêg,~oh, Peonesfront Ili('!'Wevt via O rgni runk Ifilroad, will takeo titi $tcf#uter A Co'àôrg., Àfroili tue( Ed't vawll Ltuke thetituuier iet Col- borné: , - Retitriuiri, tliv Sto-.inner %îl~fl ie Il:a- ter orofi'Toî TJiiorgduuv nti Saturday, et $X foôuk A), 5r the «ilovc ene'tlon.4 plaet, entI.etug tit tIoG<rnd Ttùnko lfiWav ýfor ail poîi ls t ami tWest For fuitlier iiîriimt (1 e q ie fA r.1. B. Duiele'y, GJli, 'f ', 0. port Ilupu;. Jidy 21,18e-.t8 NOTI Et ý 1

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