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Whitby Chronicle, 17 Sep 1863, p. 4

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-VOrer status that Mr. Justice Slcotté wil reside at St. Hyacinthe, wbers h. t will>'»plae Judge XMord, wbo la transý tferred, k l s Rad, te qrein lupace of *Judgc Bruneau,. The Municipal Council oltite 4Gouty of Hochelaga, bite aeopted a resolution te. flecliasg in severe terme on the appointenent oflêr. Sicte te a fu¶dgehlp, and blamning Mr. Dorien, as Attorney Geàêm4 for reon. tmcnding the appointment. Mr. Doriou represents the County. BIRT R: lBr.ACK-At WVhiiby, on the Oth inet., the m-ife o< litJames black eofLb. Aibien' B otel,SVhitby, of a daughtcr. MICHAEL-In Oshawa, on Friday, 4th iL., the wife of Mr. Win. D. Michael, of a son. g. town baby oýccas-on- MRID Yourtruy :1 1 LINDSAY-WILSON.-Iu Toronto, Y'i' ta),.yon Thursdsy, 1lOîlSept. et the churçit of , P. the HfoIy Truiiy, by the Bey. lMr. Darling,' 'eponelent uppears b Mr. Audrew Lindsay 'of Whitby, te Mita bout all the f.own bah- Jane Wilson' of Toronto. erLfain, und elw ay unîty orcuslonaîly ýg MI!II 1 IILAttherc-sideiicc uroledgc toP our rea- of the briils father, by bb the . W. E. Normanur, on Atsnday, 14ih mast, NMm. d- Iwari Muorris, NlerelhRnt, Oshawa, Le Miss leit in Ilock. IIbobrulu Anur Teri-ili, dtiîghtcr of Esli: Teni, E;q., of Brighton, C. W. _btîstan loquest i, DIED, W'yatt Esq., Corosner, FliNLLY-Ii bbcCanadea t'resb'rter- i oltvier, wtuo met hîs ian Manise, Waterdown on -the rd iust., ýiig liseratîci-. lTs inak- uîu Findlay student of Medicinie. Eldest al f4llintug i-, lits foot eon of lte Pevd. James Fîndlay. on a briwchl of a deadl___________________ lay in bis waly the hbyMrc. svîgî h~,slaip,- tely enterell tiue Imer Wcdneaday September In- flictýjd a fearfpl wound,Baey nc 011) wcuess andl nobTh'Ietdeliveries cf alysic mcfor three hoim-a port,lie eutri-hn nra nj sconsielerable, that ticipatcd. The pruce has been weil suis- afler belng carrl taineil. lue bighest paid to-day wus 85c, illarîiv , liiveveur elinîîi nti80cR F a ----'as-..- Wlel t i -tl Bupply et' 80e a 85e.- WarNîtts.Sirtiîig tVheat-not'much-coning ibu-ào- - iti i,72Ce Hsy $7 to t8. 1d saya: Advlees froîn te ,I--lu - Potoras are impr-otant. ilhIe NEW UDVERTISEIM S. aiicctliued, lhave partitl'. if _____________ batsdiins'il Uic une tof the Rapi ns! have faîlen liaclton Gor-1 A~ f ;îd ilt ii dtsgl t j hat tiotîîig wgiI lfri ofite rebel ct-)l-y pici et îeniailied 1lhbifrt utes t l]I tinte Ili noite yeens, clurisag wlueh perieud Il o! the Rapide, W'hat the 1lilivii i>-i î iiesre te suicîy yeu r rînder- :ates is not kno-m.bott ileî-eI tiiihîc i tiî ItLs cutI Ithu hav e bee tiieetht! tit tclu tîing huIler pre.iîsreaacd tciyîsWsieittetI u u litlvauinof nçîrdu-r-ii 1 rire"clît. Itus stock lu rinîtnd a-ivvaj ut Richnîied 1QUAN77TY, QVALITY e PRIOE, ni 1,îtc*s itritiv guvetsrisc b ; iin, arî oleantilie tastf i u eiî.ito *D -la- sU ris Isius!- ICOIJNTY 0F. ONTARIO! ri sidcorrespoudenr ris of bilie ricge of Clîtrlesîuio y ;mI I W-iit'ner Stock cusiete cf %Mpjse' itlîiîîîars. Os Motdo efBoym and Toutlsu leet eetniseil th bb et-tii I P A.ND OOWHIDE BOOTS, -ýoilris-nd, ont iitieidl I I. Oni tue day !olowuing, hie liut.~Iuse' ad Childrena' ilsv cottiîuedmauiil sitee %att fi (X)TS .N ) i'ti'j t A )iti. [ring bue nîor-nîiug l111îii tvarlel, is! ai uifl Ciei fvoie igasrsi;ii ForttNliiutlri( -.%ait w.t -t liih ivc eu ct-ai detthie same fine e shei frot til Wtîcîae k i g ood i vuhuelan ýeur sncsiey, Cali Iin goo ai-lil1ous bb iu l îîiib-Uie 8et the, tilt tiret adiartiîily conssînu <C . E MLod. Bitc>ze, i ofniig thue sainîe ciuy a ltiýtu cortiser, ate îourage v c-as oi-g:uîizcd iîy Adttiiul (lie îîrrîîose ofsurjirieîîgi l I E, 11 ANUFA CTUREL ru-r.etillitecintsiaîlid of JAMES BAIN. us t lire Piulpcî,strted Wlîtttv, Sýelebc)r,ltr.3 A plutiola of hem laf1ltell1-- - 1lul Io htîrîî nl cît wilh thiett[ l? I1îj s'Ç~r jj>p - epîlci 'iba lrsetfrntf > J.LNI N1CU ERT i I A Ei;nict Mtriu «li hile h te csrcu.itdoii tif rîtît îtltl te t1le pessibjili- a-utit n ILeisc 1)criltios inirb iesier ruttiipîo lhe sainée cceumni.ttî îles $£YdCpling1 Bs!rnside, iw ausane cf East d1ir p ays ftli ( N. C.) Sla îy Georgiant fthit piper r£ office o! tbc iv'eu ai WVaîll toi, at thieju Tenuice lb îe andI Virginit le imupertanit, cie, West Vinl parte ofitorth ,pe is incagi-. àthbe Americi 1 against thbc] I says that the the Seuth itedt cebinet, snd ravor cf sncbl -cas bail adjoi berations i-ici- tria, Chsarleston. OF' THFB5 TE cof Baltimore, rivas!. 8h. t aiidsY r, conU tue re. islng t bre State ington netioni FIc-1inovcntle Clases Tarîglît by 1INI. G. -G. PURSEY, %Vil give ilteNliîiii lý iiii iîr îndîr Itus Friday, Ev g, Sept. l8th, 1863, - 'N FIIiL -W rl[eK MECLANOS'INSTITlJTE! tt l le î aieeut% nlne-reslitrr lei(>c iera l b. iiitttIneed -icil Svei-iii AMl TEUWIS saillI attend tmi M eing a a t r fappruipr-îl iatrgC, e The Whitby BRASS BAND WPil be itnatrulrcantI peform scaivera, Ticketsrni Adraiasioti 1 erie.oqre open nt 7, cotwert b onametice et 8 o'ctick. EXTENiSIVE rgi , BY AUCTION. Thsce uibicrilber wiil adI by Agittiou, cri rrday 2ad of Ot ober, 1863, The 09, '&,ot No. 1, ",rdt'eon. lîtceriÎig, tae follow- Emper. T. P. LEONA RD, ESQ. eqqses;- 1ilosce i Mare, t9lrlre, 4see nd, 1 ilMene, i bcîr~.etr llii, Coi, Vean uîÙ, 7good 0cors lu a tai- c î lCew, calues 4N>oetzibr, 1 horeîîgh- o o luhi, 4 ittermu. 2 ycers ol1, 2 Hoifr, 2ycano ('jul1 lisifer, 8 yearà old,8il lIcen», 1 yeter nid, unrad, , eprirîg rCeiveA 4 meliiux lgs, 12 lEwc Latuba csll24 EIiwca, nmocf tiutn rasiîbiSounth! eitwi, ti, 1 i1Wuggoit2rra , i t 1puiisr -dotibls.Urrowel, itera -, P loeg 1 temibintd Reetper, 1 CuICIcaàtos',1I ecb douhie 1 ftriiesm,,1Ietit irgtel !ariîes, 1 Ray Rackl, 1 st1-w Wleearrow, 1 Ciiruig Box-i Fannirag SMiii, i sec' ill 1 1 iSeeLie 1 SceelBox, f us- les, Svythea, Re>' Knile, lRekes, Fork% , Ber- frett in eet -u rutune, 1 Box Stove5 i0 Clsira, 2 Lonngcs reports evStIam (,odtraTbleb, 'ILootu, I Wluse prt adI McclTubs Pele, Cr-uiks, (-hurite, s&t., Lgoig àe %vac si1 ecînutetuce .puaietuuelly zet i2 Lttciee o'eîosk. Luneli wiil b. reedy at Il. ed iot 'ERMSOP SAL&ËX ry fe W. 'ts the Ail aurais of $8ansdpunder, Cashi over biset sîreounit 12 muultba coredkh, h y fuuushiueg RP~ pi-caiciljoint notes, interusi frona dayofi sale if ne ' id wbel due. thecr T E NbITIC-In a fan dieys cfter tUi and i!amie, the prOPrictor Ievet, sur ite Wesl, coai- regard ,siqu,,ntly' great bids, or littIe bide,4 or. ne bide ut ailever>tliig &aebiln d Imuet ne ois plaIce siittuut ra-ses-ae. ining'. THOMAS MYER$S ,teie ieing, Septeier, lm. Âcioe. )ustrie, IÇOU)T'NT1FEITLSuSme tile sandiars àman ntSitie beau ualtulfa,os#,,,,.n te r àita Lt « a. t 31, 1843, OCT. =and and 23rd, 1888. FIRST DAY. Ladmest Purqe of 040, l'or four yeiar old l.ud tîîder, owned t-iit date of lie ilJl, lu., tte couliiof Onitaro. Northurnherland îrnd Diflii, ',te:boriu', Victoria. aiid lic Towit- xhip of Markhain, mile heat.%, T. C. W. t.VIrf tcrc are fourCrArrniuire entriei for the. abov ptir-e,1 lite (:liib wil) give a piece of $Mf, tui bu e n for tflic1rt day of flie nmciti'iC, hi- 1irs u , niî,uvi.i aly>veruue, (euoî.r ex- iltoÎlemileehats, lhaindliapweigits. P'rovince Pur@* of 4100, for il Prorluice bruit iors.o, iilt: haate, lhandicap %viglii,.' ilerclauta'41 Parme of $50, fur all trnt- tiîg loroea owuel ini theC oiiiitlei% îneîiîioued lu the flruf rc,-i îmile, Sin lu5. silver Cup valued at #20f for aulli loriipi regiiliir',,cîiicJ as. lî.ckoi, dmli of eue mîile, SECOND DAY. Clab'Purse c01 $100, cOPV i 0al trittieig lorsei, 1ituile,' ailu .. Whitby Parie of $100, wit) un lnîilde .4take of$rL3, for .4tfllictisInlyt Llluttravelled tid mtis sacoin c7<itada, and tuooked ovar 20 munres, miile 1hmatso, T. c. li. Iuulucepers Purneo oL$7t3. for al mce- end cIass r irui lorc estiin lever ltint 2.50, 2 tulle heut%. Trotnng Purse oî $25, fur MIl green lioiueaît hiý'û veriipaurse tor take lefitre thîr date, i uile, Il ii 5. RULES A1ND REGULATIONS: two lu ttant. Eîutriuhce ten per cein.-Tfhe siaoveu rces tebulieru dordilîîic ote le iatf the Clubi A Il autriesita be rüne ia ui wnitlîg, tmil lilicer etitl, witlheSctrvieîe o'teiuek on ftheevcunir préviom l Co Cl"fiday'm races,. Ail ridiern will lie ru,1e;ired liteiires;inl JX-ikey btyle aiceordleug to - tie rtiîes. Every p14raou i.elens.îza hire will e reqiîireîl to 11111e lis coicrs. ThlitJ&1dgeu' ecf-iiiîi liibe lhuai ii .11 casil.m.Aoimeg tion liceîîntenuu at thue pliai b v m(sgdobe iîrunî'îuoîy.* J,1011YliAMtl'iEýRicy, JAMES JtOW'EI l'remi ent. Wlitoy, Sert. 16, 1863. ZYLOBALSAMUM, ThegrTeat lanquafled Proparaio~ns for Reostorins, Inv1ftor63kng, Beautify- 1 ng, and Drcissing the Hir, ?.eailriiig Ih eet. sit>, saud li.>, sud duapualag Il te reloalinsn>MYdaetreii puation; qualy ce"nu -am "P acs eeting the faO.i 4i upaeting a hosltb' aud calerai ruiler tu lte 11.r It NEEM F.IILS ta restore GRAY HAIE te its Original YouthflCeler. IT 15 'NOTI A DVE.. neat scelerri ~h.roeloftfhe 9 iviet, meoiqâtiya nYntI a Ret. M. TRHOK, cf iW TarIt, lna letter Msy$* My age a'a t>' . oe - isu-Y ir wmst-Y> #Msy, sMd f.illug. I1 "dM is. . AIle'W nds nlitr lesloroe seording to e nction% sud nw ml hali, la restered t t.Il& estual celer, am'u am.ed ,lie ZylobalamaeI lise.feaci lb.best smd mont agrmeeshle lrdramcng 1bhavemi nsu&' POIL LADIÉS &ND CIULDEENMI -WloseM lit equires fioqumnt drsslsg, the Zylobslssmaam ise tequsL No ladym tellat lu complot e wlllwnl lb scia by glstetiro host tb.W ahd. aRMItuotAu ALU 077208, 198 &1 200 Greeuwtek 8troe New brk CIty. BROWN & PATTERSONSl'ý I Agricultural Workst -&T VRE OLD WIiTBY POCNDILY, BRIOCK ST., WIHBY. GRYICLLTURAL, IEPLUMEN1's, WHZE BWILL uBE rOUND TIRRESHING MACHINE~S Comtbied Reapers ald Moe*erÉ, Four differeut kitiýIRor Two-hors, Whee1 Outivators POR uiDiIFJUNiTc STRAW A&ND FEEDcUr TEILS, GIÂNT GRAIN 'CJUSKffl Scotch Amercan anAlan Pioughs, of vroes nake gvd styles; -> isio t2t4 P4 > r Z bue sa C 0u *- i~ P .0 Quebe Govrnmet%0.onCD 0,5: "0xina cneee wt2ts CROWN LANI Lue eiud nderment Agent, * tàlnt, no.c,Àed trt'h and ucber. eetedbte str ilet8ribnr8. A d s rËiý EXTIENSIE CREDiT**SALIâ Farni took,-implements, W TI bcse tlbv Publie Auattioit l MONDAYý, SEPT. 28h,1 Onli Liii No , 611e lCon. Piekprtîîtr ai uug lalle Vi LLrnipclPtý1) 1 i, ,12 îturuj4old. - i ut-St vasnd. 1 ie...,. 7 v..mual, ;n alLu . 1 Hlors. Colt, 3 yeirsolil., 1 Mmse olt, Aeià'olel. 1.cii-me Cot, s.lrcd b>' yoting Britui.- 4 Cows lu cadi, icell brd. 1 Diirlisin (oW, lu eatflto J. Mllera. Bull. i C1 iîwvltaluf iyhs4r*!de. 2 iteiferte, 9ysrs eduL. 2 Sîcere, S yeura olel. 8 8teurs, 2 yesr oldî 1 Stc-er, 1i ycer oli. 1t oSu lireeluramBul,3years olel. S teoe, 1 yel rod. 1 brood Aow, e Xun. i eart cuit Ilanuema. 1 spietteielBuggy. 2 W odci Flougis. 1 Yaukee PiongieelmotlorI 2 mesé fdubet aea itro-horsa ituller; i lor*e Malte. 1 pair of Bob Sleigita. l Wood JleIglî. 1 Fannt 1Mill. 2 sets o!flouple iennesq. 1 litey Rack. 2 turnîp Siterm. 2 ' eck Tokea. 2 ,aleWitleeis a iogîieuGCh ns, ans! 1 dozena ebclile.q 1 Giindgtoîie. Beetis ihr, We ges tendAxes. (ItAlIesand lSc OItitSie mowiug Seyihea andI Fcrke, Balies, Iloeeand bey iale 2 leotupa, îîearly nov, one 86 feec; sud 80 feet. 15 tous uf pi4me lUa> in ztmalitac-Lu 4 acres of Toenlua hitacreof Con kill b.sold by t.rv-v Sealf su acre of ýote10ce. 1 Vi1der MiIIlIanPess. 0 '139 w DSI CHANT. o! sUpet aI targe wmî~rtmnt i a i8 NB IQUOLtS, Ati XII 32 wc~ J K K ams erseura, e ais, sud--e-floe . prleer & aa l> brse eand, ,efîlm t ae rpM urpaesais ruycflI.e rameuuiesjwg her teilgi u*ali- gm tit uee d su$ aflsud othç rdlnfigstre. PILES AND> PIqTULA. ICtet>' l,,nià Oc lbcprevaientaud iei aseol'lblmeIletfln.e n uiibcr.,bhoudpy.e.te Rmm hqmwp-la. soretemu Ont. L SsEdiu tLle iaim Se e - V.uersof m'il $'le ore iNeSda hn ZJ iAU'f yfl t4q e. gsasge ui" Wer MNUQM~wY, lai. Yr a5Lmdossde itn. îliagnud eaçi, potborbox ; the sane -Y -eplï'If he l.D A , Absda.aere..eC Woard m43 Ire greiillf idy onercaderiag sucb inrms-. l lon mrea tbth-d.iemn ta,, Mnrparies aoulerfcj bbc sii edicues o e qig h «r ki ibid.aL.a, e.a. 'lent. b A] sm, in lmite NewVurk andby aremcpecraicle urtggfss tdDwelr& is Aldiclti ibrecgbooî thbc Ulnited State sud M IIIvMiIed aterItIin butes ait 25 ecîb.Ue 1bmmupiacii. I U3TarÙ1 lineieablc e suig iy îakintuahe Wa àN. B.-Drcciioua fer te jouidse orpasicuis seu e'very dIsOrer &ened .cdUa ci box. $40 Traveling Agents *15 WANTED. ti Ernptovmeaeaga a Liberal Salary. th] ttravel sus! aulucit urilte bf achinces, et a galsey or $40 tu $150 per mang~ and- &pense1 ale rocsinsfont eueploymezst egitan te nlgbt s kiud ý cf ont$. leclceAents aloweel n Ver>' mi CAF ne d"Mle itrricat, ,l Ncck ioktî1 .1 magt Wg 1 pair Dtsigs; hcw, A tuniy qf Ctlrpantea'eoi~ IOtilLe~u " a'î i O i enunehoum,,ii $lsit - t SCytaes tikati Dow, 3 cd 3etor ac. iesitlD fiC& <snl ov, 5 en so (iha. ,o .ter 4Tble. I(iiie ,..,s esus oft1 s1moii nite BROTUYfIiS sale tu coi. luctosa1,7mass t38 ýfILE, -- wl leti ~ iWtstnreaaers, tflowbhow tbey get on.. I ioiw, but do tell us, me of No, 8 ûu. in il r c lait1 r, leý unIe , ili Adfrc zs1511 w aS lira

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