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Whitby Chronicle, 17 Sep 1863, p. 6

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-VUrtUee stâtOs tht1 wmli resido at St. Ry ,bout irlIlreplace Judge Mc( ýbnt ferred, it is gad, to tod.Jtge Bruneau. r 1 mules, ant 80 i 1el-ir me- know hem they geL on. bfat 1 knpw. but do fell usl coeueof No. 3 e11 y ou, -i confidence, saine., e< big tcwn baby occasion- Your truly correspoîllî uppeaci tot ore about ail tite town bah. t ascerttîln, and wa nta yportunity o oasionall cof hî~nwledgpe to ccc reti- hie 50it.lîsît.,an inqîîcst fred Wy.ýat Es.Coronter, Loui!; Cuvier, M-1o0met. hîs Ilowwiiîg enan:îeitiý In îîîak- fro il fd1iîig troc, lits font t feul on a braîîch of a dt.ad huit Iav iin hie way ; the Slcaviig'z Short- sarîp, tunittely entored the lmiter ,Il, itiflictati a ft-ful %rountl, ýd frontin ecakncss Zadntt isistance for threeurm; d waý's suConsiderable, that outrs aftey being carried.îo .ol The Municipal Conccil Orthe Oouni lie Hochelaga, have sdoptod a u'esol&tion ý00 fiecting in severe terma on the appointa 'If Mr. Sicotte to, a J¶idgeuhlp, and blan Mr. Dorion, asaAttorney General, for rec n ucnding the appointinent. Mr. Do Srepresents the County. Br.ACK-At %Wbutbv, on te Oth imat., the wif"-f >Mr. James llack of the Albion Hôtel, lVhitbyr, cf a -daugitter. MIHELm Oshawat on 1Fciidaye 4ib inst, the wife cf Mr. Win. D. Michael, of a son. LINDSAY--WILSON.-In Toronto, on Thursday, iOrh Sept. at the churcit cf the Holy Triniîy, by the Rer. Mr. Darling, Mr. Andrew Lindsay of Whitby, tý Miss Jane Wilson of Tloronto. jMORRIIS -TERPJLL-At therrcsideiîcc of the hri il's fatiier, by the Uler, W. E. Nortivin, on Mionday, l4th iîîst., blc. Bd. ward Morris, Mercliant, ththava, tu bies Dcîburnh îAnti Terrill, daughter of -Esli 'Terril, Est1, of Brighton, -C W. DIED. FIDA -nthe Caa lresbyter- Ian Marise, Wnterdriwn on the $rd ist, Jîîiics intiay studçnt of Medicine. Eldett son of thteJierd James Findlay. Wlullby Mlarkets. -Wetlnesday September ¶16. 'l'ho deliverles of BarlcyM in e. r r/rti hatve bén targer than genera X kn ticýpited. The price hubasume w Wsus. taineo. .J'le highest paid to-d&y iras 85c, ma'nriîî lonsnhwe,.rr.liu,,,t Sr(iu 11 %lteat i , mal supply rat Oc, a 85c.- Wac Nema. j intg Whet-not niccf-ct'ming îm-no. - ttîIîtîi ~2cHay $7 te$10. Ud sav s: Adices firnthie Potomanc are- iortantt. 'Ihi>NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. tîaFcertiied, haro ptirtialiv, if>________________ îhiulini ttlins nf the Boit nrd haive faien back on Gor- lT 4N T (1? resterday aur forceï ncctputîl1M J S'îAND SA/iHOESt/.t îuld it ile thouglît. >that îiotltiîu, repbel -cavoilrv pieket ttimiial f 'ATitts- litoI ofvrîiyou ttatist of tho Rýda uîu te otiruie lu îîîtîe yeara, ditrting whlch peiot Ir, apian. Wlututitse , > tri>vpleama e teMuppiy )-Ou r under. laose is net known. but tîigro i tîttllî. % iti Itootki tnd ZOcAues 1 te'.u eritIoncotî tat; to tic tt tittg itier lînetureti t) tncet yonr vautte tat tFc s anottterituvaslon of rortliterti tire"etit. 'itîte ok in ntîm o r-Iît1tichlwîtd QAN.4yJ yQUÂLJ7'V * PRICE, n e-o!' urniygires rixe tb ti0[on, antI soute atîiety ttci 1, 18 tNEQUALi.tn IlTont COUT.NTY OFýOTRO ris Islannd cor.iýeîipnndetîit , O TRvO ns or t1I> uiegc. OfIciarittni l'y M and 'tier ittocitcontxts etJNfptt,41 .tilt inistant. ton Mlioii uî f 'Boas and Youthï, eet comnuict-tld the honitti iii KIP A&ND COWHWDE BOOTS, Moîttrie, antieoutiînud t1 I. (ln tbe thiy uîtttotrtg file E 1.iu i8mîies4'aanti Childtns tiuîunetd, tatditire 'teaîi-îjA 'as toifinuite. mtail sh lii> aitAN)o'H ES 't Af. tint ing lte tîo-ning l I toi i-iv tnirt, uait t rleem. If o .ge.iîcsituFot Meulni oa >w;iit it h e Ir e ' t-ausd setntesanirne t shit rott tto Welut~u t>n .'et ro in ole for yeuc taionay, catîtin goud trîtwwotsthe tiof-tiut otîtru-- ltt ont ire anîd îartitilty corsutri. C>ICd. led. Stc>m*o, uetuliet u 1tc sainie da),a tii fli Cornr, altti ItCO-unsge y Wus 0orgiiredl y Aditîrîtl Cie- p~urpse oi s.riwiin,îHONTEUMII ANUFACTURE. ilewdi ýcC"lntt f JAMES BAIN. oflit tittî n hi uunuirut r11) lutpipti cituttLît> ithi the )r t ~I4 >T -. ceîiil'ittua ist ut rouse lV uNi [J IOýi VVE d t Ii orcieusMutircegit t îsutd tîs tinhé slW Voitch etsier raouietf telilnesa Keptiig lte re tuierai ibarrustele, 'misi g ilt cenîmnand of East Ten. 1 Fiqircr Ra s ~ti)tat ic leigh ( N. V.) Standardu~ 'ed by Gecrgtan tops, t4s cf that phpec retilat. ; ihe. office of the Sfate' ireceiecti ut Waurlington Bristol, ut thte jutîicticît andt Tennesee Rail roted nesaece ad Virgittia Rail. tion is imspectant, coin- nnc.saee, West Vîcgitnite, nous parts OfNochh Cane- )M Europe. iEurcetis tneagre. The !that tise Amr~ictiî gor. tested [againttt the Etnîtr- fera1,4i Say$ (bat tht qus- )iuofthe South lied beetu 'tiueh cabinet, anti a niîa- t in faror of swch neecog. o g ceas lhad audjourned, detiberatitons mce taiti ti A ustria. tdof Charletston. ORaaSIS 1.ohnf--rtIIE Fcm- MON5 OF TIE BATTERIES. City of Baltimuore, frein as acclred.' She reports ner tend Suter atili gaing Iis' andi laàd batteries- ,Wagner, whiîeb had flot lys. Casuaities veu-y fea'. &t-ttirer, contaitis the was evacuateti yeaterdn.3 Tl Ç,uîeul>Cases Tat iutly MR. G.GPURSEY., il; gil M> uical, J Liti rtiitttto1ni nder Iitii tUmt ers o ntt Friday Ev'g, Sept. lBth, 18m', UN TI (WHA.l ie fIs .MEStANCS' INSTITUTE1 ntlîu ulit t inierestitir 'uewill. iri,it-eîl 'Svecit Ail ITlEt7S witi uttend ult>h sttug te t tieti oi uppnopcixte stttgs, &it, The Whatby BRASS BAND Witt hi> lit stteltltc,' s*uadpenfarnu t.eer t-tittice selceltîns. S'r7iek: t.,t 1Adutiîston 15 cent«t. fluoropene utI 7,, enouiect fitconumontcelt 8 oicek. EXTENSIVE A ý BT MICTION. Friday, 2ud of October, 1863, (11lt 'aN. 1, '1H Cot.itckering, Ile, fultuw. -Ing Fartntut tii -k eni mleîiîntts le g- T. P. LEONAI1lD.ýESQ. i hote Mar, tMare., 4 ysettolad, 1Mare, 1 Neu~s lu~ ICot,1 yeor tA4,~ 7 gfoad'e2ews lia cItI cîî uleesîa roii r- itltoruîîgh. nreî tglatuflt.l, ayo-re olI, 1i Steer, 8 y0aca Uld -4 4:kteen. 2 yeara oila, 2 llieffera, 2 yeutr <-1à, 1 it'ryears eut. 3 hititera, 1 yetrotli, A .rtsCie4 aîîrisp. luIns12 Ei- tai iibs, >4lic,tmn oîf thein iitotglî-hnerl Sotuthu- uluteti, I Iliîg' 1 i tgglatu, 2I loiglîs, i pair doubule Itarrowa, 1i tarte Roke, 1 Stcigtui1 eimtnett lieuper, i Cultivtouî, i set douLle " "is,1 - Iefavis,1IL akýe lîeeluuruow, 1iCutiîug Box. 1 Facaing Mtill, 1 6eed Dri, i Saciie, I ScedlBox, (ITa- -ies, scytlie%, ils» Knife, Raires, Funk.u, r- noM 'iiifflehr est &c., I Cilaton (J-Ir Stosi;t alîui 1'ucnituts,, i Box Stot-ci ô Chars, 2 Louýgeès Y Stands, 1 Bdotieada, Tahiet,1 Looin, 1 Wlueet and Zld Tubs, Pulls; Crocka, <'hartîs tir. t--f m ii comiattuce punetually ut 12 liotk. L cu liil e ntudi»at Il. 2'ERM.S 0F SALÈ :, Ahi Rîti 10Li prevet, uot pcý suIlnî of $g anti neden, Calî - ce Lat it 112 mistiha redit, hy fnmnhisg Sp ',- ci joint notes, lutotast (rom day et sale if tid -ihieti due <E NoTXlC.-In a fuita iys aftec lte tue' pro priotor jeuves ter tIse Wesî, col,- nlly gceat bids.I.or lîttie htda, or no bits cverytlabng sh&I ah, m uii anti ntSe solti ut reena've. 'gOMA8 MYERb8> ing, ~ ¶96. Auctouee- Ira£ PÂLiÏ KIETUIG OP TIt TONTARIO TURF 'CLTJI3 WiII coin, off cvrctihe Whttby Course on THIU#t1A'Y "!D FRIMÂY, OCT. 22nd and 23rd, 1603. FIRST DAY., Ladies' Puraeof $40, 'li four yen ot mud îtder, owîiet at ite tinte of tii4 ili inl. tit otiti. 3îîties of Onîtario, Noriîntnhoriaîiit înd Dititaîîu, l'oie: haro', Victoria, anth ie Towni- sthip ai Mirklîain, tmile tisaIs, Tý . IV . t,?rlf tire aiir rtun reno tries for titi shr aRu, li-,the (Ilth will gi a plirme of $'tt0, lu ho niil for tl hIngt day ofutthiei'tifii, h% Province Purqe of $100, tor lil Provitnce brhnttores, tmile liuentA>, Iilul estitllit Xechutte Pura' cf $50, four iii trot- tilliz lorieut uwne-l in theu iîitiea iîîýtouîîel ki i t ir.-tIravcxieoic tin u5. M ila'er Cap vaiued at $20, for ail horsos roglîclviie as tiiki, diî-.tiofun ie ille, catelh weîoi ýt m. 1 SECOND DAY. Club Purse nf $100, upi t t ail tcî)tutig borate, ' lu '5. lVhieby Punie of $100, vrit'e au inide stakte of$TI, furc stotticîte oiîly, tiWat travelled ttia' mstît ut('ii" îa îîîîîlhaed i cr n20 iiuret4,tlltiiT .Ni Inukccperyq Furie of $75. for ait sec- oad cgosa lrtttikiglitorec.- tutu icreer tîe:ît 2.0» l ite ht-atm. Tcotîiing Pursc of $25-,-for ail green [toi ms>t tit-t iwetr wnCi Troc tir otakze lJure titis date, t1uile 3 ini 5. RULES AND REGULATIONS. Tuîcee lînres te iaJcel Z fld, nltt l îti tire te srt. RttutbOe ten i)er cenît. Thei sthove caes to e ho cW séoerdliiLy 10the rmie. of the Cnl) A Il entriestn be tu,îde iu writiîg, anti uider sui, wii ) he. Secrctarjy hefore lQ o'clock on tbee « - xprovio etuci day's races. Ail ridera mil irrîcctltdresa ini Joýckey sbtyle iaccordiug to, tic ries. Evcry perrn eieteriîîg a lionce wili t>crequkire-1t t nafnè lita ýolOra. Thet Jiidce" 3ie-îon lu lie hast i ilail cases. )Aeiises .î,v e eitered et thui pet t y payiîg .touble etîtranc i)le re. $e'vetd Tt-euè. JAÂMES IIOWX1 llituy, Sept. If#, 1863. ZYLOBALSAMUM, The great ianoquned Preparationie for Restorina, Invfgorati=f, -Beatft- iug, and Dressing the Hair, Beederîng t fi îf silky-. ad geay, te disllepe.lit te reoain tn sny dt*eainut îaileli; qulekly' e.sstg tii. coup, arreat h te tati, and lmpsaegSbsisby ad nsturai culot tute iii. îlt ILt IEVEZ EFALS le restore GRA! HAME te i1'soigine1 YOUthUl Color. IT 18 NOT A DYE. Blut " iti, toctv epone leta of thOAa lai. giving ttemn1b tue l W otirsi.et quirec prmUîthe "tîsme Vitaltty andi lux urtiie8iiuaculu la yetk -)ev. M. TXACOBEctNew York. lnealettocsays: - >4 up ltuiiy. One. yoer speMIey iar wu "o rsr, s andmile. Iuma m5ILA. Aiiee»a orits 11,1> Iletcepegbqectbtea te tàwmi1oam steW eMy hait taereturet te lits cateral coler, sud tisa causeS Tiia ZylobslusimmI1haoefoundet .best snd mcla a"elte bsi-drmuiag 1 have over aaedY FORt LAMIES AND» CIULDIIEM Whoa. flair requins ftuqesu drsudeg, lte Zylobaoasiaembas noe qeaL > go ladyty'a 1.0.lasceipiste wiihonl h. Scia by Drngglts tbroiigbot the rld > 'ýuIcu4u SALIs. Oi!15 los It200 4lreairkàSUiOO, Nebr k %Clty, BROWN & PATTE1USONS". AgiUltuial,,WOrkst AT TRE OLD WIJlTBY eOUNDIIY, IROCK ST, WIIITBY. Miinufuutiicecs ead ulers iha su kintis of ÂGRICLÏLTUR&L )EPLflMENIS, muxate WMeL aUtw0175h THRESHINIG âMACHIINES Combined R&apers an! Mm"er, Four différent ilmný1a of Two-horse Whoel Oultivat'ors FORTeoc vwaaR" FStRAW AND )FEED CM~EtLSe GIANT GRAIN Cjt!IiiijM# Scotc,Amrcn&(aaanPug, cf vurious maires and tytes; ~Steel Plows and- ,Ste.éf PoPnis. J-J.l mi 3, 1963 > ~NýD-SPIRIT pipe of superior O 0 of'He nnessy's -A large âÏsorttnent of al xNtLQUOît,ý, AÈi t AT EROHANT. BR2 pg lu ionte di"a et qulr(se c Omtieeîtei lnt antd aloi inlircly by il soulti pire, te reendtol Bot& &rra 0(.' iutas uit Gagdýto iurtnedroui l? Sorae e , voterew JSorel, mira, ý lW»oeduem ail' K?- CAtITiOrit-..f<me " 'ar etut tiles. 10 --E titlJ * >~~,yNoe'YrL-asdLzm.t,,arc doacera.1 bote ua a W.esai*k h verlesJor tb.he<â(irec- COnststlng of ite nausil açhP>Oaclbox; lteMme.May ttc plaiuly i1tsofa, iiew', ftenbý'AUiftmikai lù UgAe, Aitauthe e Cooktug ît:)v utrea oUeaorndclngltse st» qan't o knww ktueedU&Am Uthe s'c scaostriatpeH s~ ide ha hi ulrugglsis sd Deft c in edîi in t eu teh Ueîcdgale su li cvtlzadword, itboxesx ai 25 ccitt. eilens, sud 1 tcci. Telvsi aree acoasbleete mtug tig tiheaW N. -Dieeciotts fOr te.juldance of pmilents'ite3 bi'29«,Di: cvery disorder careh*agjte tesch boX. Cellai i - ~and eirth $40 Tra-veling Agents t1O repalot, 1 A good bits Ensploymnent at a Llberal Saljary. ttimâ ittitun T H Pmlinèëý'ig mchie olnpiny AI wlcaimtdnun6 ot selIstgent nishing appr $40 Io $1M0 per molÏth and aemen 1 0cbirgei'uw Trnis for1 Permacoiint omployune--t giron te the rigit rery Juberal, li kind cAgtt.LalAgents nI oed a ver» sale îsud, il& ~ys.. 32 fil Quebec Government >gny Business reonnecteàti mlithe CROWN LANJJI PUBLIC DEPARTMEN'TS. - atttndeti to. AIse I7arivTg 7v2l T~S fiieiired by titi>stiicribir. Atidresa$ prctai dj y. J. CliESLEI, 4. Land audttfeeecol4et Nc2,AnnieStreet. EXTENSIVE CREDIT S AL4 Farm8ýook, Implements, '9111 botsld liy l'obUs Aisctioiutt on MONDÂYj, SEPT. 28th, il, Ou iLt Nît. 9 ti îCon. Pickocur, î1 .ca'i wîil; ie feplltwiîigit tltali»1jr~icrtlie lag u,.t ILA >t'$, l'me ti3i,1 yeie c- ld. 1 Mare, tJ>etarâ old. i tat. 7 y.tuts4ttttlaitca >Lu 1 Hoeecolt, 8 Y"srsotd. 1 Mare Colt, AZears aId.'- 1 spniBz Cot, sret hy youug Brit-Cin. 4 Cown nstn , ~wolI hred.. 1 Dqtrltam (Iot, in calf te. J. Milie'.a Bull 1 Cita' ith caif hy bec #!de,. 2 IOlfera, Syeirsold. 2 siers, a yeara it l. 8 sefra, 2 yatu rA.' Sineifers l-yearold. Iîtpclng ëla'es%. 1 tlîocaugh-lined Durnham Bull, 3 yeara olti. 2OSimwe miibred. 1-bnee w xtra. 1 cuc tînt larneas. 1 Uloîdit Buggy. 1 Yanke-e Ploughu teel imouhihoard. 2 sets of donble filarcov. 1 Iron Seulfier. 1 tmo-hom s e lhr. 1 itonte Itake. I pair cf, Bob sleigtiui. 1 Cutter, 1 Faànnng Mtll. 2 uelti f douple <tannes,4. 1iiay iRackr. 2 tacnlp slers. 2 Neek Yokes. * arWtffletres r lgiag Ciinanti'. dozen tom liqut. t BteRigWedge'ti andi Axem. C ole. ad Sytaeu,.i nowiuag, Seytleeansd Furka, Rakes, IHotmsatd bey keife, 2 Pnîinps, iexrtccir, ane 86 (oct, and s 8 0 feet. - - 15 toisns f pt'lme.iLuy la siottitsWk4ýl 4 acres f Ttriint oceres of Coctywill ha e 1Jby tl e 1 Cider Mill sad Preals. A nantity olbètCi m 1 woe~ Ie TIILý, 1 Mac., sr 4 4 rp1. j. 1Neek iVî i 1 iet W tlt 15 iliglîl Wa 1O Ipire Dc Box- yeer i l f>l 1l 4ri le tr' To l#tlone etl uti1 t i i u iti yeMOf Calontit' To~- Sale ta ce MANUWAOTÜRIEI 1JR a ver>' lct' TT.Z Ir-i 1

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