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Whitby Chronicle, 17 Sep 1863, p. 8

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Z ~i$Vik ~) ~ Y L~ O ~ ~ -~ TO LET. ieeirable flrot-ebas tro rw-Briék Dr'ollng-butec, %vitlrurd Cellars" -D- irrýingî.rnmPerler, lboccirr<Pantric,. 4.- u-umitC ,.ad 11ft Sin lb.i DOW porforneean operation on the Ki'ir of a,,BO&= , receiW à fa fo f 820,- 0, arad the Cross cf C ommander of 'ul inre lSth rogiment st Quuhue, ir 'il *!thirnlouding ta, shoot the Sur. ant-Ifajor, ha% been sontenaued to reoivu Ile8- ad t-o Jeara' - mprisonment. 3 wau publicly-floggord in thresquare cf r Jenuits' Barracks on Wodnecdrry. 1. Liouis NapIonflbuasbeen discovererl le nove hic bat with bis left band wben ting, andth Ie ileganta of Victy andi kidi viles of Parie have already sdoplod thre torn. rhat wcs a féarful lest of Lord Norbrrry's cortoning to desth a thiof ao bati Ion a watcrh. Il You ruelle a gmpat te, my lad, but yo cilîrtehed eerniiy 1V T'ho first swallor.tail coar. tInt old go ur.ý got go diploca-etihimetirat ho slarchtiû' -l and then uned ih for a- bout.] ct contutmnt lano tIre Irerid every lad!.ý h'y sa-ioflet wth bis Bor.-Talke a barrai watur, prtinluone pair nf lat Fals cbbago, large onion, a sprijç ued cat, -antiaa tile of suow givo w mach milk in tnirnlpq ?- air o! theo'eoa"a -t lty- a turnip, -l-suni will-be iidugly 'l a Yorung verc cnly a lUtIle 7-9 Ilors, eatër, I cai't eut any. is kuifo 1 Houat lir, but au nover )r tire 'sipennay Irue o brn, remi-. ho should 4'<start' ow, Deoa oleele,î' t route la tIra-tsir ? RW.w1a" cf 1rovb- ne fir~5t Tii; ayK (1reai ti mr-, 4er relt, (irnio ta tlhe i)-eri4er 17hldz* I NCE CO. WN 1782. CO., Agente fer ;s by FillE are -aho lerere, àud -lie o th ie lkurt! NLD ) & cmi, Agoutm, WIib tripoc, g c, 358 t;- - 1863. TEAXBOAT NOTICE! Tiea ~ ew ai4 'irct $' l àig)nrat "ROCKIlEST E ," OA.PTAIN GREENWOODO W pav le retihe rniimaiîoIed ces at t le lurtlmeevary MuiidrryWed- uoe4day, cunI FrilovurrrralLer tie- arn- raI ci1tic Port lbipo, Lirdur'Y, mand Pterboro' trainn Port Hope, ut.... ....... 9 .30 A.M.. direct for Ronhictur, errir'i ihave lnine le- Caeret vitîr lireNaw 'a tral RMlîroad te iu ',To orlsI (, Waeîrý- rnccu S rarrerrr, d rastheotr penre sit oan Wi-'t. l'oorem (o ire "Wpmel a- Granid Trunk' Rrilroad, clli trrkrthlirendmer et Vobonrg, frore the Eaut wîfl tiue resIeiruer at Col- borne. bctritnu, tire toi m'oar a IZOCIteet-- ter every Tues,iîry. Tliiley. a-rn S%urtly,ý rit6~t o'lutkA.t.~forthri',toibeenentilunuil plaec eîrtr'eirg iti tire GraindTrnrk. Rala forr &Il poinrts Ecttord Wçctt- Pacto ueIjrî tlu8. : l'r urthor Infietatun ritr ire of- A. <bel- 6, ort lIopé - Chtem otea hi uû o J. B. Dewey, Colhrrna. ~ g Part fRep. J aiy 2-e, 18621. - MO'RTG ÂGE SALIE. WiLL 'BE SOLD BY PBýtEý AUC. TOYAt MoIlroy'aHuitel, ir. the SaturdaY, the l9th 4aY Of Sept., 1A03,I At Titi 'ck lok le forrenocir. Purerant tb the 'l'urieof-a Il'cicr of lSale çobi ndlna aeclirm dn liree ortor b" ledàto'thoe ¶VhterVr4 <I ù,%f Dclerr lt >the aruforunr Lort, ]161, :iid miade 1ho1 twe trLarrging f the tiret 1ýirt, Ca'therine U4n ing, hic t0fe, of thre ceciýnd part, unti Wvillim lnney of thu Ithird pl t and an ai;- ORiuot thrcf fruer thre cthWillism Glon- nov ioWîllisrn.Wem-y Gibbm,. Thu Weat h2fif o)tlt umlrer 5,it. tht ilth 0oneccioôn of the Tpraskirp tif elrgog, ir thre Cýouutv Of Oetnrio,ioorriWqrinr, bt dmoaceure- mient 100 aprei cf Liantd, ho the came more or bacs. Tle prrprisen, of wliicl a conBidor- abie urturr.ý Ie iaret,jare itrraaedon tire TIiore âa W'iD,4Ulru. ouge ced Bu npoh the premieW. -For pr cusa s o Tnrrof Scbo,itze.e cp- tO. wWilliam llenryGibbse,EqirA- etmgee of' M-Wesgo, or lao hendorcignecti t S. B. F.4IBANKS, $Utolioftor for A4.signee of kortgge., flREAT WESTERN R.ILWÂY OF CAfrNADA. -. týMP-ROVED FREIGHT LINE MONTRE,£L A N D IIJTE11MEtDI&TE PORTS - ON LKE<lIITAEIu TI> - 4u sttriors cn aIt!, al imIeVcaf arc Rc4wq, Bmfhlaeand Laea- îlronRiltay, - Ditrott and mUhlieie, .1-2in çe ieetrnZ-Mfýcki pen , cuVierr1an lVNlre I&dýica eRilrae. ArIslrgemr %Mha)ve bi efreà rl ltto le- t-ween the G(REAT W&STEUN RAILWAY COMPANY tanti tihefollowlrrg Firmt-ciLgge<and' ROYAL MAIL TI{ROJJGH uLNE.- J AQUFS, TRA4CY & (-,0.' LIN E, BLACK, FERRY & C.S LINE, HOLOO"W&OÇWAN'S LIN,-- GFORGE CIIAFEY &Cii.'S tLixE, t For , DIAILY COMtUNIOATi4iN lretween MONTREAL eut! GREAT W P7STItN RAIL- WAY WIIARE et IHAMILTON, toaneud fruer &I Cataraaee, Niagancs Fui!, Bu~fWo1 (i<m, t-GudpA, Paoii, Stra#fiird, Grdericli, Lcnnrde, GWlato r~Widdar, StarnaIDdOit, Milroac- kee, (7ietjr, S. LuL." CicOaianai f'Ratac 'of Froîgbit as Lrôea-n Time quloker tban by airy other Renta. ' For partlenlars appiy at the Olliees of any of Uira aboya LineeOfut teamert, or ta tYL'ES l1ENN1l4GTroN. -GenernI iAzent Great Wocterrr Rail% ey. Office, corner of Celc-tm Hoccoe Squrare andi -Cotncnnlceonr's Street Moutreai. TIIOS. SWI YAR1D. GcmerriUMaigek~ Hamilton, Arigert 13, 1863 82, MORTAGJ~SALE etia-r pr -o f*i mubduicd 1 iii om iiecoudArf ,Syl ilrntpIvIýeCiai).ý4i 'y erdlry lila ici inruerri- neir wli R~ Saves Time, l'abor, 1 lothes & Money T ih1 tire irri irî-l«iit i îîl n rjrtirltll- Wrilizo-r pie. mmeorrrre rrîi I'arietc i ta distanceq tril rneoicire ceçnt Io a-ny par ti ctipt I rrcrn nllc.- do au %vilîrthe n tr.it .menraneir l thrti e rfr scesc eetothlc rierbt fruc wi'cir1 ottîriie e t I01t. of AilIt r-11r iiutt Mari I.li-i, hM. 1D., T'r1i îii apust etrtiiiif i ii îînswerl6* ctrengtli cf friture, erictity forr reià&t.re, andr. ive dn or t ionr, lirjainr. ter unetrcaroo Ti wtlb Wrear ter yeais wllhobutrepair. No Survînt eau bireak il. ,A eMti eilîi lears o Id!ciuoperaîr' it. I Ra-veits Cot ln Cl1otlring eve ry ninae or twlwovu unl Every $Wrlqgerr witl, Uog-Ilràeclxs Wmrinîed lu every' partienlaR.t Theirenre u Wriiiite r took tira FlILSiT The Toronto PrEtmiu.N, a Sibrer MNlt miri iriiti. et lir.e w ïqrk *-tteI Feir. 1 812,Mrsi -oc itsï. nirmnread merioreto cli <,ýin; rautt "' ' --ns (-rr Ftalir-a tLondon, 1862. Ie--e- f-i AllZ'îN VfihivoscCr% Wmnrin e i-cy Town i l rtxýen 11che-I tw Canada. C . tîirif appoinleti, bit rrîîiittiîrg tire pneu t" nam- Aciirli cii - mufi rt 'irve tire lkrir.er l'y E't1r*e., pe. ý ý W. 1H. UILL1S r&tCe., iaîlon FARM FV--ikLïW of tfW iilrhit'. .ilA" T !-'. 'f -l-dt u frc n rooiitiintS ritIlî lr &cçrt e on th erotp~ 1>1,rty. Jr. lewitlrin tIf tjhi eV"llt-{ Fer f arorecapt to - THOMAS LTJMSPEN; U-adertaking and Upholstery, j Tlircet-4onri ea-ot ùcf }iir'cSlitte Store,- thre îrenitc eorrf p errv alirrt DIridtes. lireo ihtigprtpýrsdt c0alc nl ornlarfoir fir- tÏ41 S. ,liill4 - i pd trl> lI e m-.AIl or!derc iri Cieupi%olry Ibinle prnetcily attuie ed to. - - A. K. IICE.. Mtirthy, Mtrelir3j, ISSIr 12 1', Tailors, Shoomakers, C arriage Builders, Dress Makers, and Heads of Pamiies î<Generally. <l-l att-WANIZ.t & Un',.-ewiqloe Moricoil Ilffice, Whitby. anti scecthrire trrueolnriit -Wltlr l ttiinprocrreiitrr nndtt be- pricei. Agentfor Co, rutr Ontar1 MUtei, 921, 1862,.i BABAi~M lu j6ee~4i5 .iU at the Store' et th0e urnd.oers L'iled Sto.eA ,f everyatëtyle and 1 ' t al ric.. -. qlopttlr icw patternqe THE' ING OF. 70YE 8, MRON DUKE~, GRAND TRUNK, PRINCE 'ALBERT, PjIOÃ"*ÈC7fONIS.T, ie. CatI and Seoc. Oshawâ dertisements. K NýG T, O SHIA W ACA NAD4 X Weat. 1 m'~~1~ade tïoordër ir oc .1' 1 Alec cntv -t Arhiin Esq, it-e. oi Krueri J. AdLuriÇ Oîîkru u.,7îti-;t P Adirir »rl'ye For furthre informaition, p1 College or cnrilfrrtulgi cbociiig ltter c :i1.AtdTescï 'rorct.te, Marei, cS68- in le 11ee sl (i ct*ide kîtchen et.- Stuelhed teo the maili hirIld!in ýOn te.proisesp bteroraeaed.rrgod stale eîair<l erac ouco un cxeollorrt reell, ond obhreoercf %n, i!, t"ailrto'ne VOpDZidle r'rte dwelling. 'The hy l 1.4 e pro, o w Chu e 5 id<rof mpor > reet, af ri iin ttByonSeir MclofthdiTcrw f WJlthy'. l-la hy cl", S, 011 in onta! EcqP..X etiarl- & 4.Pbaie<m 10 o e arltýý1ùû proprictor,' ,tir trire tJhrtwi ~liuii (r to 19 A tr t'rt, Wllhy. 1BARtT I'TSýES.TATE or cari P OR SALE! c vair lix r lrr,< rrnd r ii-'situirteinh A' 11Oîît l t i r . .lo lie BA.RTLETT TIOMESTEAD, ElicWiv,9 v! .4, atn-rit t'lelrrd, at-il foir grîrringr, irg w(eiý- wîtorî , &-'. A'lei tife A- irtC di o lii\.î13 Ire tii 4ti cott. ciet \t'hi1 liv 1n-' t,-rc,4. 4d1Icored, cifidrcrtîaitider AIn uî î.îîit,i lot iin the Villice, f r"iîht. i- rlu rthurpa' t- iw1tpîy (if tu -yW. il. Ç';1 BS, JACT;liIITN Anri rtor, 'iù )Yth. MES "',;ARD & HÂWKE, P in ilto o !iiIqmiraiti-if hicTowit ; rvim-I ,rîrrtitdiez îi tî -Ih-t I lier' icie piv ntc0outi-tcii lt t i tc t'-rtt.tltPro- 1ffcseboL. h9ro1 "- 11; ùppy le vae-i r r '1'eetilAs-c- tti h iFuue-ï'rîîiîîîî T(r- P ii e r.e l(I vr ,r%,i Trtîfio1or oxîr -ct-il i in tulie bt poeMile t- Prrei tir rt4 iiî' pi-I t'ki ,'rir1ýilütlIio ! o Ci.Il. CAR!)>. (k W. IIAWKE. tiersamîi .1n. fbîwiu.kir, uît tire Ipitrini Li'iitrt, eivlt rire tI t-ir siiiîi)rt 'NT. 11lwkcvi t'nrawgiii recoinîis-, c'iiî-ili-ltitd oirrc f t. o--npuriiCe-vert f 'Mîioe i tuùt i r f'i'iinrnte. irrib 'îiîruiiiiîjiire- il î- Iry,. iVil t tih tiifr pat 1a.vî,rs, liil ii tein 1 for tlut coiiiii:tcof thetrît ii tintie-ci Wo.ni lrdiui. CARI). iliiii , h. 25, tjl v Gooeinr<t 60OD AND SIL VER fi Eriglicir T'latcîd, (0L1 tif i'entrrt qilitit a-lao etâte thiar fie cd Baromiters & BrewWTt Warrinten' cýorrct, auJml ntc thlriberctirlore'aobvgd..- -ruMIs JoËNSI Watcliiiicker amc -May 24, 1863. 1*e ColebTatedm »nand-U 4lkitid8 Blritish Amerien Aràu'anrr<o mpai', NCUIt1'(RATlEJ) ider cii Act uf thre Third Ie.4soji i'îdift ewei.cnth Provînrial Perlia liretrsinto cttecttî i 01 alIdieigieiand tlîiî enuiterî.s. EBrninfortnatioiiupid i p lcatîcri to the iroidersigneti. Marine Riski. for the Seccon or forPuarts. JOHN AGNEW, . Travellingl Agent, Byroîr Street, 'Wiit)y< GEORGE CORMACK, L UNIBfERt MERCIIANT, Cerpenter, andi ..L.Joiner.,Grcecu St. W Il «1ý. A. btoge qu~- fty of*dikirrd ()e lirirer conatuntly on Laùd.. TJND E R TAKIN G. F Tnd. ]. 'fyrrplidreat~dda airait noice,. l ifn tpbe cfartl u 1i~RIÏ BAJIAINS o -~lep A'ÀCliOICE4J-.OT OF -- 1w Delaines, Cobourir, Cal~ ise and Muslins. Per Cent leis than thcy cati ho bli iiotzhe.i-o in Tcdwîî. 2000 vrs StriTrodSIhtî-i 1000 'ds 'iCkiigs. 500 yards Dentli, 400 yardts Gatmirocrus, 3000 yýud cs ~'it Aiso, Ail of which wvas itrla~ priort l' )1iî(gic taîlvalice iiCtoi aiîd will Uti sold at liuast 2ÃŽ per cuclîl. ehoiir tili present pries for Cash. l . Il cMILLAN. 'WANTED-200 Fikus~uy iLir22 XiiI find cl <(lent and md t ICiufit tft , obtion Withiu a -Fo'w Yards of the Publie Hall. Privatc P-arlorsi I NO If IGLIER THAN TEOTHER IIOTZLS IN W&ITBY. - - JÂACOL> BRYAN, B3RITISH LREVIEWSp" N% EWVolam"ocof the" rieuowr..4 Porlodl- ) Uacomme,~rnnce ely, 1 t4 heY odÈdhd Y ]rffl Loîocnw QSJAFiTzRty (Gnservative). DIE PDiI411unIH REIErw (Whig)., Tac Norr'rc i lurSi Rîiraw (FroeC Obireh) Ti WEiSTMIN<STER RîVz.W (Liberal). BLAdxWOODs EuiINBURiioii AZiL> 1<0,) Prices not Io e inereaaed P'ostage ta bc reduced 1 Thue pries %#IllT ho ax horetofore, via: J'EH ANNuMe For ully oru le jfth ( or r evie ......1 3 00< F,.r imv tw.e,s'o fh fr Iiwoj'l ,...50 For env thrïv ýf tljn four ~7 00 For All'foior f the ReviewA ..... 8 00 For BIrrckwerod........... 8 00 Fdr wo fte%îcom: ...... 7 For lfuqwo d thrvc Rviewc.90 r ail'wo d rr-j four leiw.. 10 001 I'orýtaLoc itr the o hý1e lite1'trivdicale only LEONARD SCOTT &CO,, RI1CHARID SN",OW,, BAKEI, i'( ofEIO I,&c Jul_ DRYilEET l tui, uciiççtire feet iîqhall' trn ýiii, thtrt Ul ic s bah' tu"( i'î-iton tlrriugïh utuiel reccivoi l y nî--iKi- ' itt"f tt. lii i',ictîpei tl hu carre iý,rr *i !§n iIi ilrt -<hô i olly r'rrsouitd to l'î t fiti tre e-t, rire! ratae tci(-li-,tiin Chu LIr Z Ladies',- Mens',' & Chidrens', nt romrrnlyly 'res 'rire w4rnk it priiieipaliy ;jmrtd(ýu n nîrer IIrç ito liiîrldr' ~ i t'rietrryeiI e yrYri.-îPeCt. ic'irri-tier'o-ir ie cevothi -owm n Irrxet CSIO t NOyr, 1Pý,184ý2. Gm'cAtx (LE4 NfiAL WiII -commjelîce o teli te Ist , , off at -greltly Reduced - pi th-'Prées; tfe al ue ïtf t iî e t 4j sik of iJ nd -Cloth- Matls. 1ats, S hawIs, ' Ribborts, Pa ras ols, - I Ho Ners, a lrir-e - assôrLrt - o 0 ile'- (lothing. -Just to Ilaid<at i'lot- 61 VJERY OiEAP. - N-. B--Jlýhighýst Pr-iCI o1 a ' nd 2, Tall'a ulhrgr Il Roy(d Ina-ire i-80, C S29,t'7 LM f il IÉY t)y à 1 ÃŽ' ý i Jý UTTER.

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